HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-01-06, Page 2IT 11, I �,_,1-4111'�i�vlh, T-mollIpw- I . .4 �, t, , , 11 ­ ,, s " I. "I. , . - 4 ', ­ I I � . .. , ��'.., I � � .1. � . I .., -0� � I P�,; � � V,,� . , , 11' I e7:1, I � . I � "I'' . : 40,�� I v 4!, - ­ "I ------ F- ---"r --7-7 - 1: � -1 -7-7- - 1— I 11 __ I - --WR- _-1 -_ ' .�- ' , —,. , = � __-, " . ............ i .......... �_Wlrfw_­ ­Wq,� !to " - , ,7' . 17 I - .7_� ., I ,� I � I I � ��'- 7 �'� � . F i 11 . . , � -7,11 -, . I , . t a - - _____ ___ -11-11 � . �0 . I I . %^O*-101� I 196, , I I., ''. . 1,,101M I � I . I - ----. ­ -_11� Iliv ".1 0 __M__9_11 I � Ing , Advance 1r,'.. � I � I The W ham � a " BU-t4IN .THE PROfflABL�, FLQq. 14 Public -Headth,T41k.9 , I . , , . . I �., I , I * , 1 ;6. " 1­�, CUR!ENT COMMENT � , " I . i ' I I I (Sy PK 11 - J. Middleton) ' Publishod at I -1111- I . ',, . , � . - I I I- .11" N - - � I � At ­­_ . - - 1, � � "I" I _ IR * I gy W. 0. OM ITH, . Provinc4al 10"rd of Hooft. L WINGHAM, ONTARIO, k. W" . QU400o"', PartAIMIA9 to Medic,'At 44bjoaft Will So AnrwarO In 'This Every Thursday MornlN. I , . I I � %m. puwn= Wan are arriving lit AlighvIl. to take Mring the latter Part Of March Hoppers ars,uot expeuslV,0. Ally . Paper If Letters �ra Sent to Or.,J. J. -Middlelon, PAMIRmont, A. O.'MUTS, Publishor. �.. � ., - as -nQA,.T*ro"to. 't , �, , their so" home and thus save them and the month Of hot will thO , 0'�� Sold, . I rt of a box I protect � I . I . . . ,am . . I I . from being 4rawit into turtlier follies f olift. I I Subscription ro,tes.--One year, I . Informed my Inquiries that this was feed, allow the chicks free a"ess * , � -0~^0V11" � Y,ftAo�,�%_-^ six months, 41,00 44 Advance. k��,. : .Mr. Gutoillus v", like. ,the lady III . . . . The tua of tiltilig against the wrongtime of the Year to do cull., and Prevent any considerable wastage * 42,00; , Thelight against -tuberculosis is be- oats was making remarkable progreak AdYersising rates on application. r 11amlet who p"tbeted too much. ,110 .tile (,lovernment bas ,captured the Ini- Ili$, becaueo almost any old bell or will answer the purpose, but It Is a lug won. lt Is now necessary for An all civilized countries. 'In Rug.; Advertisements witi,jout .specific 61- , �. nyould Uve tleem more convincing ,mature Winds ,of the youngsters who, pullet should be layinir at this mistake to*belleve, that whole grains everyone, whatever big ,fralk In life, laAd at that time, ,the death rate ,had rections will be Inserted until Turbid. ,� . time, I bad his blas not been go obvious. lie lurioeeut of the ruin, involved in Mr. but file malority, of those who vAmo alone will serve, even. If hopper ted. ,to 0"perate with ,the health art- declined. so consistently that Dr. and ollarlred accordingly,. -to me. persisted that they were get" , 1; bad ,vo use for publicly owned radials Gandbr,a, Subtle proposals, only These itullets, need Wash. and meat In thorldes, Ili their efforts -to complete- C*rbbett, of Cambridge, the ,sulluont Q,Iiaugea for contract advertise - I . see ting no eggs and said t1ley wanted .some form. The range rarely fur- IV destroy this terrible scourge. lFvr authority on taberqulosis, confidently Monts be In tile office by noor,, � 11. oind, *ould 4;oe sotbing for .them tut tile aide attractive to all high-spirited -their flocks culled out �regardlew ,of n , ishes. a sufficient supply. of Insects. it is the little, everyday olroumstan- stated that in, -ten yeam at the then Idonday. , Tain and Wlnr4 from any point of youth% of baling the Government season. and bugs to supply .this animal food ces and habits that count so much in rpLte of ,decrease, thoutimber of,cases . , I ___.� .. view. Rh stlAtude before the ,(,,4'om- This same -cruel use of youths ,,vas In most of the flocks I visited, some and either milk or commercial meat controllin � ' --- ­­,"' "'� I � , C the disease in any com- of tuberoulosia would be prfwtically ---- �=Mt - inission. appoftied to investigate 010 m-,lde, in Bengalagalust the ill-advisod two dozen, I found the, preyale4t. ,.ocrap In some form should be used � inunity. - I 0 neglible. But along ,came the war . . . I : trouble to be the immaturity and -tile -as s. supplement to that gathered on. All promiscuous spitting must be and blasted all these hopes. Cold, 11 Trydro YCUW proposals was Identical ftrtition. and resulted in the Iliteru- Improper feeding methods of the atocR the range, I Used Vad,TeCOM1110114 A BUSINESS CARDS � wet, exposure, food restrictions, all , With tlMtr Of 00 Critics Of the 'Hydro" , Went Of thousands of students, with kept. In practically ,every one of dry Wash. developed from the small stopped, for many people who ex- took theii, heavy tolloot human life, ,,— -.4 Pectorats In trains, street cars, on ` . 311ectric Proposals fifteen yeam, ago. tile result that,Deug4l. is now In .the those flocks the egg yield wai be- grain grown oil the farms when we sidewalks, sto,i have consumption, . '" — I � and, -poison gas used elu the at waa Impw'lbio for tht, plan to 5ue- —a mixture of $round corn, but do not realize What a danger illeY stages Of 'the 9TOAt conflict, brought , background, void of energy 14 the Do- Ing made at a, loss and ,could be ac- havatheni latter WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE" . ted for either by ,the lategeas of 11 I .they said.. The estimates. would litical 11eld. coull oats, to whic)i have been added whe4t are to everybody round about them. on the Inevitable attermath,of asthma, � 11NSURANOE CO. ,ceed, Ths, generation that the batainMr ,season of the year be- bran And scraps. However,poone, best These gering of tuberculosis let loose and tuberculosis of the lungs, The I Established 194Q. ' I ba fabulously overstepped, Tile debts would have been, leading Bengal In fore or by fil-Ilure to keep the pulleta mash -can be recommended and com- In this way, dry In th air, and P,re death rate from consumption; during Head Office, Guielph, , -would ba,ukr4pt,the municipalities and tile van of the propaganda for free- grotring toward a .-normal maturity. ., mercial mashes cau often be Used to ' 0 -tile war rose tremendously in all coni- $�6kon all Classes of JUSUr- easily ,,carried about In dust and Risks ta � liestroy the credit of Ontario. There doin, is broken and dispirited, and 'N"otwithstauding thq erfort that. has an advantage wlie-re the, grain Is. not, breathed In by,others. batsvit countries but since the cessa- able property blj,�Qe cash or Premium nevor would be more than 1Q,000 borse there is a gap between the,older poll- been. made to give publicity -to and. on lia, given to tion of hostilities and the' ' ',�.C��,, . I _... Ad on the farm ,or grin4lug is Rvory chance must be r0tura -Of note system, I . 1. '. I .show the necessity of an ,early hatch- an expensive procedure, the people to more or less ,normal . . . ­ � power used by the SYStelll- NxDert 1 ticlans and �the coralug Politicians children to. - escape, the disease by ARN1,111 OOSBNS� Agetito , ,� , I ,, Ing season, I find -very few March- red the keeping ,the intilt supply absolutely methods of living, the mortality is wingbao. -engineers ware hired to write ,to the that these, should have filled." ' Mrs. hatched chicks in my. work of culling. culling will -eliminate -those which axe tree from tuberculous germs, ,and again decreasing. This happy cou- . papers and make these statements Besant declares that this non -cooper- 'The great maJority -of farm flooks— m . ost hpt to -prove unprofitable, and Pastenriz%tion—filat is subjecting the dMoh. ef affaArs Is Ili no small �----­__ � — I #Over th-oir own names and these state, ation, movement is not one of party I am speaking of general farms -and It should by 411 means be done in the milk to a temperature of -65 or 70 de� iueaauro due to -the autirtuberculoits not of poultry farms—batch their -early fall. Hens, too, should be.cull- . campaigns which are resuming ac- I 111fifs I I . inouts were flung ut every advocate Politics, but has passed into a phase chicks 1], April, May an J n , wi grees 10 for five minutes—should be tivities after being side, tracked- -dur . DUDLEY HO I . (I U or tb. ed at .ihio time and the'droliev and resorted to In every instance where I . LM, .. . . �ot publia ownership of electric power in -LvhIch It menaces the Tery exi$- the greater part ,of the aecond mouth. boarders ,gold. As Culling tOr egg' there Is the slightest possibility of lug the war, . I . . I . and distribution. Had a commIsSi011. tence 02 India, her spiritual life, and Whether or not this is true In all laying ability Is done by e%t6=84 coutamination. ef the milk supply, BY Ia ,Ontario practically all the cost BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,. F -Tib. been appoillted then and alstened t0 her ,spiritual mission to humanity. sectionq I do not know. characteristics, especially ,the cttpac- this, nleans,kall dangerous germs will of th-e effort dgainst tabercUloalil with* Office, ,Mayoi Slook, Wl"ham. I the'expert feattinolly, ,there would India, as say% 11the*coutemporary bf Now these.1,mllets -hatched in M b � k led off, and the exception. of an annual grala .ay l0r. and pelvic bone tests, -these can e 11 .any .likelihood of 't of 7_____'�____ I _. _ and June, especially, must have very be more naturally Judged at this -time conveying tube]Zoulosls. or, Other dis- 410,000 ,from the Pomillion, Govern- I . , I ihave been no gerteral distribution ,of Babylon 0he Great, of ancient F,gypt'. tavorable growing conditions. They -than at Any other. It is the low -ebb ea0ea removed. . .� meat to the Canadian -Association for . 2 � . power, ,tile $35,00000 .saved in the of GT�eece and of Rome in the days ,Of should be kept growing and every of egg produotloqi -and,. as the body A I large percentAge of gland and the Prevention of Tuberculosis has R. VANSTONE � � . Ust ton, -years to power users would their glory. India,. sleeping fornigh precaution taken that they suffer no characteristics of a hen cllangecQn- joint tuberculosis In ,children can. be been bo=6 by -the proVince'but much . � . I ba,ve been Ili the pockets of -the Power twocenturles, but now awake and on oetbacks. The same Is true of all siderably a* -egg production Increases r C . 4848ta=ei bAs been received from 43ARRISTER AN0 SOLICITOR. I t a,ed directly to tuberculous milk, . I pullets whenever they are lifftched, Jt is poor policy to wait Until $,Us is voluntary societies and from the ef- lmonopoly, oulT%lit would have been her feet; this India is now the inark , and t1le public health departments Ili , 1MO,neY to lqan 41.4owe4t ra,%4. I . ll'ut the earlier ones may come producing or about -to do so before � I forts ,of thoCalladian Society for the I . Pui. � city and proyl�ee 4 are -now adopting WINQHAIM. . . collected fr�6 a fraction ,of tile pres- of all tile ,powers of Darkness of this through and suffer -some limitations attsmbtfug to cull -the flock. rigorous measures to segregate, , make Prevention of Tuberculosis. . But this . . . �' � , . eut.coua4tiers at enormously greater world,1 driven back In the West -by In regard to their care slid still ma� lets cau,, of course, be culled at any tests for tuberculosis at,4 even de- , is not enough. The prevention of — . � ` . . .. 1. . . . . prIce0,,-A'Mr. Glitelius Is, well ,tratn- ,the downfall -of autocracy in Ger� ture in time to begin laying In the flute before they begin laying but stroy or Isolate, all cattle ,condemned, Sberculoods is 4 natlon,xl problem . It . I fall eiw early winter. The late pul, the best time is when th . ey are just and should be Undertaken In -the � I This also, does away I Is .. 1�. edAi tba corporation methods and he many, and'llow turning their defeated , lets ,will do Ahis. They , must I or suspected. of ,carrying -disease., . broadest a by. the Qovernment o�. ART e' I at maturitr. During school, hours well-voutilated 014t , NOR J. 110114, I . . . . . I z es things with a corporation. eye. but still tremendous cuefgy on India, -have the care necessary for good and with -boarding the linprotitable fe- class. Tooma must be provided, �wn .tile Dominion with the co-operation . �­ . I f .,Fifteen Years ago ,be believed that by whose undoing and hurling into 1 oozs1stent.growth', for InAlie Wador- males through A 10ager period than, intervals foi deep -breathing 14 tte And .earnest support- of tile entire ' 0,0A., L.jD.& � .. , � Sir A I dam Back -could make a success chaos the onward march of the world ity of cases the heavier breeds will is liecessArY. open'sir allowed regularly during the country. . . Dootor of Dept;a 'Surgery 'of the- . I *of Hydro -power distribution and lie may yet be checked for centuries to not come into laying even with good If 'females are carried over untU school dgy, A sohe=6. of .physical, Bven. - under present cirdunistazoes Pennsylvania Collegqpand I.Aoeitt;latep I I to suit arto is -being of DeAtal Surgetry ol, Ontario. , - � ./ cars, in less than about seven months, spring before being culled the loss culture graded - school chil- , thq. campaign in Ont. , . I , changed his Wind. He be- oome,,, ' Tlles4l) evil powers, she Pro- The best way to bring these May sustained is readily L recoglifted, dren of every age should also be The num- Closed' ' � I . I . . I � , - has not , ,carried on energetically. 3Dvery Wednesday Afternooli.' � lieved then as It was asserted that ceeds, ihave caught hold of flits move- and late April pullets to the- proper More than -that, unless the late, April, made compulsory, And by this meeis bar of Sapitoria, in the province V%s Office In Macdonald Block,, . . . . any -reduction Ili the price 4ot power Went of T-,Ton-cooperatton, because It maturity to make profitable layers Is KayanFilmehatched pulletr? are -gIv-. encourage cheat development and ade- 'increased from- ten.iA -1910 to tweniy- , 1 1 1--------t_ I .1 and light would brankrupt ,the com- Is A. channel of hatred, their favorite by the hopper method of feeding, On -advantages that tend, to promote qua,te -expansion. of. the � lung$..- � five In the present year, and all — . . I 11 of -flits opinion., weapon, and are pushing its leaders Given a variety of both whole and growth, and, It they come Into the -laY- - At home the welt -are Of t4e chil- I amount of ,44,000 Is provided by the � DR. G. H. ROSS . . 1, 1. panies, and he Is all d grains in -hoppers, plenty of lug house in 4 state of Immaturity, dran, sho�ald be fostered .by Medical 06vernment to*arda the cost of buil& I I . . gmull � I I ,Xr. Gutellus Is a steam -railroad man, onward, step by step, into wilder and shade, house room and some atten- th&e Is -little chance of any method inspection of the houses as to poor lug a sariltorlum, and the, sum of $3,50. . Gmduato RRyal College%cf pental . I . . I . e h angig wilder methods. The gospel of tion, the late hatches will surprise, of g1ling being able to SaYo los'sthat sanitation, ventilation; over -crowding, weekly has bo�.n, donated towards the � Surgeons. I . . . � I , . . . . roads all ,his life. The last five years, Tolotol, so fskscingating in Its be- the owner who has been strul inig t .have, been: avoided it 'these, dampness, Inloifficielit suillight And -cost of each patient. As & result 01 Oraduate University Of Toronto . . I 1. . ; I tie said, had been the most unsatistac- in its Inevitab, Along with the old met -hod of ___ I things had,been more ,Closely Ind In- any objectionable features 'that would this ,policy the anainal grants for . .Faculty of -Dentistry. . 1, . . . .. I glunings, but so fatal e feeding grain. felligently watched, tepd to develop ,tuberculosis in, the maintenalice have Increased Year by ' I I I ever experienced. On. tale other rending of anarchy., the dragging of all I � � to 4270,-, O'FFICEOVER H. E� ISARW6 STORZ , I tory. . I � yowng. I I 11 year trom 426,073 in 1910 . I 1. I ' ' . . . Und the last tiVer Years of Publicly dowa to the sordid level to which so- I . I - ' - . U-ealthy , 1 home - a - urro.undings, ,491,22 lu.1019. I I . I I I 11 I'.--- I ­ I . . , owned electric service have been the ,clety had cruelly reduced its pr,odue- I I coupleCivith rigid inspectio As, ,compared with. ton years ago ,' L . u of fac- . . . " . I tories', workshops and 'Pailias as to I when the accommodation for patients - � 'best, and five Years, of radial ,Opera- lug classp was one of the causes of GOWNS I NJ, No . . , ventilation and exaltation, as well as in Sanitoria, An Ontario was SiM huu- W. - IR. HAMBIT ... . . I . Con between 1,ondon and ,Port Stan- ,Bolaheyism An Russia. That infee- " *,4 . pTotective.measures for t1ie individual dred and fifteen, it Is now about two B -Sc., -M.D�, C.1M, I I , - '* . . . I . ley -have shown constantly Increasing tion bas been brought over here by . m nus occupations thousmud.. and In additfou -the. Gov- Special attention Paid to dlseases, I .1 I I . bu.slixesp, I � workplace Is ent,bas givenduring ,that period . P 1. s. And profits. Tolstol!s disciple, ,M, K. Gaiidbi, with . SPREAD _FA__ - SHI 0 NS where the -3ir of flip efram of Women and Children, having - . I . I I . I I I . 'or Taporst, -, .. hilosophical . I I � filled with unhealthy uust , the sum �of $30,000, towards the es . all the fascination of its p I � I I taken- Postgraduate work in Sur- I . . I . . I � on � I � . . ANARCHIC DEVELOPMNTS side� and the deadly implications coy- 11 I are doing MU01i to reduce the toll of tablishm, � t of ,there institutions. , , gery,- -Bacteriology and Solentiffe, . 11 . I I . ' I I deb,th from consumption W --every Let every Individ'hal. give the Gov- 1. I . IN INDIA. I I . Medicine. . . ., ered by that pliflosophy, while the ' civilized land,, -and It a' government ernment all -the help and, . THE'SCREEN IS FAST SUPPLANTING THF- , STAG E -1 N. DISPLAYING � eucourage-, Office in the 1Korr,res1d666e-,'ba*e*n:-, � I � There is probably no Suropeanalive masses have uot yet become ,obedient . I . . ,scheme of compulsory physiciii. cul- Went pooalble.'. Learn to. prot�ot'. thi Queenls,Hotel. knd thd saptist . l who, so fully understands the situa- to the Inner Ruler Immortal, thelfid- , STYLES, AND BIG COMPAN1153,PAY ATTENTION TO COSTUMES. ,ture for youths and young adults can yourself from tubercutogia-and teach . . I I ­ . . I - , t ­ I be Inaugurated, the bsneflts� fr6m a every tub6roulosis Person You know . C h u rcjh. ,,,, I - � kr . tiou In. India as Mrs, Annie Besai.it den God in man. The profound truth A modern Cinderella certalnV. For this Photographic reason mell� health point of view willbe onormflus. to protect ,himself .tud others. The 'All business given careful attention. . I I does, a I nd her analysis of the altua- hidden In,every Man me.kes the great could revel In the wardrobe depart" weir, Pale.. blue or Yellow evening .,Before the outbreak ,of the world fight against "The WA -lite Plague!"Is Phone 64, r5l .P. 0�.'foox lie. , . ., . . I tion. is One that should be widely fovee of the movement; the ignoring ulent of, the motion picture studio of shirts and table -clothe are, usually war the pampaigii, -against ,tubercul- beIng won. I.., . � . . I .. - I . I . I I � � . . . . I -studied. She has had In ,tile last of the truth tha't God manifest In His . today. She might, be A' bit dazzled YeIZW- - ,Most of -the gowns are of '_ . _:. �_ I- , I . - , outy years more world. 1york . I - . . I I 1. I . I . . KIRONI)f I . ­ I . I I . . I . . I before i�hewe�,Oo,4 t)je falry land of frockraild gpott dresse,s.,are made .. I . .. - I Wall F. . . . I . . -�. . 11 the kind eye ,of thd wardrobe mis- . Lon.- linel, with the conspicuous , . , . - A RL E, '. I � I , I . . . - - DR. ROBT. C. REDIR . . . I., ---' .. 11 I tw influence vith the . S by ,evolution to prepare by the Powerful Cobper-Hewltt lights solid colors, althouill afternoon I . . .. . . � . . ' ' . -native races than Any oth4v RdrOpe4n, for such inanifestatiall in them- ga*iia, but le� her once come. under 6f"checkA and'6trlpes. . % 1. And her ,advice on the Home Rule for selves, in the deadly errorVU1011 leads - T HE, - "ROUND T. - . , ... . _ . . 1MAt44'i'.(r_n#). ,:,.,.. . � I . . . . , , India, problem was largely followed to ,anarchy. Men not -yet Self -ruled tress, the fatTy-god-mother of tilt .absence of waist line, are usually . . . �4 1 � . . __ . — .... . I 1� . . I I L.R.,C,;P, (Lona). . . . . . ,by �the aritish. clovernment. Gandhi trom Arith4n, and thus determined to MoVleg, and happiness Is herls.'. - seen in the dresses designed for use I . . ... I KE FRIENDS OP (30,OKS.11. . I. I I I I I . PHY-510tAN AND OURG1:0N. � I � I I I I Just -a peek into the spaclous,ward- in pictures. They give the appear- I I . I I I . .- . . ' . .11 (Dr. Chisholm?s,ald stand). I I . . I .1 and bla following who -have luggagur- righteousness, must be ruled by I IAAV* robe room of the Paramount studla ance of tallness and, ,create the now Dear Eninor Murray: and grippluo. Fighting vien, trait- I � ­ A. I ! . ated -a new ,reyollitlonurr MOVAnent from without." Mrs, Besant oil 8 on in xe.%, York would cause theL he%i,t! slim silhouette , ikftect, which is ad I ,think the Idea of a round table ors and piLtriote vie with each other 1) � —_ 11 I I 11 L �� in India axe- opposed to everything all ivho follow -fter to -range thAlfi-, Of the most sophisticated society wo- . fashionable this smsou. , , I I and the in prowess .and sacrifice in order that ! .. 1 � I!, I I I . I man to,flutter, In the spaelolis-closets Gowns are inever .worn in more -talk on books a very good one - .1 t-,Tlejj� owu ,partidular ca,U66-� may , I I . I ,I that the ,Government proposes 'and selves uuder -the banner of ordered . I I 800 gowns �Vepose , In shimmering, than one, picture by the stars a -ad ..local booksellOrs'in each town- in ght' trluinph. - Tor a, time, �ffio ,80aulards ' � DR',, EW n., .", . I I I . I ­ � ,_�, a 40 Lm at% IT ' A'b'r : � f . 1, their :"AOlL­eo0P6ratIoW1 -or boycott and progressive Freedom, and to op- beauty"luid every day new dresses are principals. After they are once, with advantAge to themselves Put the Uave the upper'hagd� and the &Toll- - I I . . ' I I . I - . . . policy Is opMdlug among the zellools Posethe threatened Anarchy# unknown added to the collection., . used they are turned Into the ward- . traitor of the let't�Neatens .to carry ;Graduate of Un&eralty of Torouia', � idea Into work, I Eke �V%cftlty of Medicine; Licentiate of the I I and colleges recalving Government Ili India until brought there by the An hour with Mrs. Lila, Baker, who robe department where they are ' ft the Znglishman's bride and tt , I .1 I Watched over the gowns in the ward- kept for use -by'.1'extra?l people who The average Canadian Is not 'a -read- 0 His own. brother- Ontario College of Physicians And .�, grants. They emptied Aligarh col- disciplek of a western, anarchist. The I I her for himself. I , . lege and were likely to succeed else- west also must learn.4he lesson of robe departntent �of the Famous -Play- appear ln� ballroom scenes.and at af- er of books And it is to ,their disad- in4aw, turned .trattor, partially blinds Surgeons. I I I I � . ere -revealed the reason why the silks tornoon tea Parties, . vantag I e a I t =1 . ssirig the true cOMP911- the bridegroom by the aid ot'a secret � 017IOM MTRANC9-. . , I I I Mm Oesant saYs: '*The the danger of anarchy, and to under- . 'Y ,falls � Second' Door -Nort . h ,of lurbriggIts ,,, I , I *e1re. and satin$ the chiffon and charmeuse "Motion pictures &TO rapidly $UP- loushipoft-Teal good book by.a good Spirilgh Powder, and Sir Pere I ­ . par,enta are -naturally terribly upset stand that every man is a -potential And broad'ef�th must be.of the finest Planking the stage dn the creatIO11 'of Author. - into the hands of the tnvadors who' : % Photo Studio. , - . I � I : I fashions," Mrs. Baker went on to say. Ing he! Anything- to encourage read th-reat-en, to bang' him. AY using 'his JOSEPHINE iSTREET. I . by thi§ loss of all they have done for anarchist who does -not govern him- QUORY. Dr. immensely in uplifting the PHONE ,29.,' . "You cannot tool the -c "More women see the gowns worn In I � - ta, and with the -loyal, support and . . � I . . I ., and nuinberoself and practice the Golden ,Rule. . Amera," Mrs. people� wt As I I . 1. - . I their son$' education, blaker explained. "The texture of the pictures than oil the stage. These who r, itty years ago tile booksellerws I obedience of his two companion," . 1; . I I . I ; . . . . . I cloth used In gowns show stage productions can be counta? stQre was ,the recognized meeting I well as, the loyalty Of his bride, Sir . ' I ,� I ­ " I . ­ __ - - -.-- — - I clearly before the lens than before In the thousands, while teaose -%vho on- place for the .Mite of the.Town and'. Percy triumphs at last, the . traitors. . I SELL., I ' I �. 1. the eye so we have the best Of ma- Joy; the movies must be counted in the d . revive the are Punished and thw Prince of Town, and - Farm properticii. Call . � I I terials for all dresses worn in our millions, Women all over Canada and sanie, it is for the reading publie'to Orange Emd the Notherla'aft ,deliver- and - . � . PRICE OF COAL OIL AN INEXPENSIVE pletures." � ed from tile $Danish yoke. see -my list and get my prices., I - . . : I . the *U.?S. see the ,same picture all"Ost come forward and render service to have some exeelleht values. � lGreat care lg� exercised in the selec- simultaneously and the gowns worn meat ,And encourage t1lose who llith� ,rh3 story Is gripplilfg. and equally ; . I SHOWS A DECLINE I CAME SHELTER tion. of gowns to be worn by theact- are always of the latest models, while erto -have neglected the reading habit. I as ,entertaining as "The Scarlet Pim- .� ) � resses in pictures. Not Only must tile it is sometimes necessary for people . 13. ST-EWAT, I I I think that:' probably specimen - pernel," and will bo as popular. The . I , I . camera be served, but the dresses to walt seasatis before they -see a volumes. ot now books would be given ! historIORI na7r.ttiveg are complete, WINOHAM. .. MATERIALS CONTINUE by the publishers to such reading ell - d tory I WASTE, To beeffective, a shelter mu,st pro- muststrike the eye of the ever criti- stage sUccess.11 r- ; aad co­rec�, an ,altogether the 'a Phone 1K Officaln Town., Ham, , i vide comfoT�t for the cattle and as. cal directo: slid suit the p�rticular The average cost,of the gowns used ales. Reviews Of the same could ba its one that every lover of advienture - . I . I To Ae"DE IN PRIZE BUT such must be warm, dry,' clean and tipeof beauty of the actress wearing In the Famous Play.ers pictures is published by the local newspapers and I Lbould read. .. I I . I e_ J--__-__-_-__---- ­­ ­­­ ., stAASONAF3,LE GOODS ARE Wry, ,Ofo these ,ohara;cterlatles the. them and blend with tile scene in $0000, although many special creationz thus a,wW circle of re,%ders. would be 't - . VIF least essential Is that 1; be warm. If Were. T'h6 formed afid, no 10 e ivi b- PHYSICIAN which they are worn. Pale past�elle cost og high as $1,000 wild doubt "The ROUnd i e ViH in V it L Ir A � . INDSMAND. I hades, brown. And lFrefich blue Are 800 dreiie�s which 8- W'hen two peop! DRUG" ESS " 1. , � 1 -the ,-.better be dry and of such a. na- 8 mak':� UP thO Pre Table Talk" about boolm would.bene- Pach oth-2r they do not usually sit . . � . Iture as to protect the Animals from the colors =ro often used for they ent. collection hi.theetudlo are valued fit by new members. - id3wn and figure out whether their 't.,lo",­x,��.'A' ; �_L' , X,t I I .� - autlor have a soft. appeaiance on the film. at $240,000, #1 ,re-!.,,�,, "Z� �� . I ,.i,� W."K ,.�, . lwind and storm they do not WiEhing You every success. liove Will last. Nelthar -do they de- . �, �-!-*!Z,zp-riC"h� , . � . . , I �! . . 't 4 *4-4,,� ,.n . , � . , � -1 I F. ,lw . W, , . A doelina bas taken DlacG in the Imuch fmnx low temperatures. � ths I f, �Z. , , - e, 1. � . Yours faithfully, j eldo to lot things stand for six Won . zrnk . L � I �;!!,,�'y . , or a year in ,cri '� - - cu-�, e�l w,lijoh I=s been sij- SUCII'La �"helter may Consist of as W. A. GALRDNER. ler to seB whetherthO. . � P' -1ra 88 80 fee POWER PLANT AT VICTO-RIA WORLD'S LARGEST RELIEF MAP I will meet solneo'le jC L , , tjl(4�C�A y .�,_ a ,;,r tb3 N.%,,t f!- , as corral 40 f t by t -.010 * appeals to, C1311MOPRACTI - . . ,o W And eight feet 11 I I'S OVER PORTY -FEET LONG. 'Om 11 I .,utb,,sy but I little FALLS, . Few ,of us have not TOad th:� 0 � 19amilue pril-ci TIC11111in unchs-uged. It Aga with 20 feet one To. them inore than tile 0110 with wh I end -cover-ad over �Ath straw. It the Irlip project to erect a power plant Made entirely of aluminum Alloy, mantle story of "The Scarlet PIWP0r- trl6y-are In love at tka moment Yet Practice is confined exclusively to, . vzaotor oil prio" abow & allot MOD� ,,Iqcation is among the trees the walls I at Victoria Fails. on tile Zalubest enameled, in colors, with a , length ot nel" and for those Of US ,eSPeCiallY, 111"t la WbMt 'two uot-too-young lavers Chiropractle, the only and original I I ay be made ,I Penman, 113pe's novel. System of Spinal AdJustin.olit, M(_ dut4ion. Of wire or poles but Itiver, In South Africa, has b.,�en re- and A width of 15, ft., a new re- -and all others as, well, there is a dls.�'dld In ZtliO mg otherwise. it is better made� N, 111met. The 9yes of the IAW," and In so do- feCtIve In 95 per -cent. of all tasos. ' - I .i- lmwar price chg. .as ave noted this lu -of board -s. vived and it is Paceedingly likely that I of -ap Of The world now boing, "- thict and interesting connection "1)?-' wook and Mo8i; (A illO -11'-0-atiOlis "to Along one side buld a ftame of .0 x 4 a 250j(100 horse -power plant will soon hibited about the country by the U. S. .tween that famous story iand "Tile 119 they Staxted; something,that they "Chiropractic Locates 'alid Reinovel., J I I � ,on Itur-3 jauck aig bar Iron and 0W1, inches two feet apart and two And a be Under way at. that place. It has .Shipping ,Board I&Y-s claim to the title First �Slr Percy," by tile same author. Imost couldn't finish. I the Cause of Disease; ;4atura Ileals.11 �. *1i",!s and platm and Ingot Metals* 1half feet from the wall to SOM as tt been underdiscassion to-,- many Y'e'arSi of the largest ever built. The big -Baroness -Orc2y-which Is A VO- , F/ach went th a southern. summer J. A. FOX, D., D.O. .Nvell ichow sLight reductions. nianger. The feed may be Put Into but th3 one thing %,,Plxtc,h st od In fie map, which Is mountod In A frame of W%Ucoef an a Also fully qualified. graduate, in. I . ReyW=g made in pipe fit-tiliv I 0 ,ocestor of "The SoArlet, esort, to wh6re 'Also went other P0.0 - i this way was the proximity, of cileap coal, heavy Angle Iron, is constructe(I An, 27 pImpernel,,s "The First Sir Perc7t'r , one a young woman suspected . MhOW poqW gfuAll reductions, but PIP0 I , ovel� the fence from a Sleigh or . of 08t6OP&tfi7, Phone 191, Hours 2 tov I , wagon. Along the other eide rw,kO but this, fuel Is now at -such a pric,? sections, 7 1-2 ft. 1,ilgif tind S& in. a Toving" Tomantlei flillting, loving I. tegaing A -pearl necklace, anotherthe 6, and 7 to 8 p.,m. I � '0011011w's -to hold firmly. R" Irou Im tiglit luanger ove toot deep With that ,there is a demand for b ydro. I Wide. The cast metal 'Of each section Englishman who left his. natIV6 land !to of aNew York busludes man,who �--------------­ . . a1L easier ton. slid Xe- . 1, I "d sW1 linve bottom two feet wide. This 'Vill electric power. Current will prob- is 5-16 in. thick, and the flanged edges I bought he wj;s untruet to her, and . .� , duotio"havo b4eit made In the Vrice to take Dart In the strenuous wam a dot t w t rn d ut 1serve for feeding thoP, which MAY ably bo tonveyed to the Itand mines, Are machined to an accuracy of .01 in., between Spain (and file. N,ethoflands In nother ec Ive, ho U t 0 . DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN I of sheets gild platee. some lUot I be carried theve, in a sack. 4690 miles away. .1 I making sillooth joints in flits finish- the early seventeenth eentury. d1d,not o be mot so clov,qr as, he thought him- I I L , mi,talit, In<,luding tilt, bave deeliuO, . Cno essential for $Ueeos,sful feed- ­ ____­__­­__'_ m-_tt ed assembly. travel under bla own name; but took I elf NVhen the New York wife reg- OSTEO and lower 4W)t0tiozol are mada on lIng is to h%vo available water, and a . ____ "' . � � . 1. I..". . 1. 1. - . � ... I I . 1111 with two tompanions and wag I eis undel all assunied &me, whien soldo". Waate materWis tOnti.11110 vough ,ehould be provided with 0. I I �D;ONIT -MONKEY WITH A GOLP lcuowa to them as Diogeneq. . appens to be the ftme 114 that Of DR. F. A. PARKER . . to lr�,csM in pr.loo. The v(Aume Of constant ,m.,pply of water and a tank . . BALL. . The Mo I ry openAVIth the a 10 young wo ltw,gm coidontal man who Is susDoct3d I � bus � in souonable Files tonflulleR ll,�steLr. it will b? found that in ,cold I The Irtm-loi- or a golf bW.1 Is filltl C,Iscovery, by Dlogones. of a plot by z theft, and poor detective Is tip 0�t,eopAthic Physician, only quallfletv ' � . . � good and inAny linon such " 61tates 1weather the oattlo will drink Oftem ropositloll. osteopath In North Huron. COUNTER f with a liquid under presslirn which Is which two traitors to the PrinC(k of f%ill-t a pretty togigh D ctel;& in ,:n,l .0 vtill owe'e. but not much at ono time. If thoY oftprl 11olsono"u." and (..1a alv;ay.s, be ri- tlla Netlker,,alld,,,, hopo to kill tllL' . 11".0 tIlki princi al chara AdJustment of the spine Is more. , or aw, p � Na,o, WITHOUT CHOPS. nre watered oiv�o 4jr twice dally th'PY are -,xImont forgotten; but 01ekly -secured and with fewer treat - FARM LA , . C*, t of li(-d upon to m4ke troublf- if A gctiJ In Prince And conqu�r his fertile lands le stor; � Abl-mr n.14! fift;1 A,' , ft Nfli9n u -t 1,141orgo themsseLrt,q and -suffe: lilueh the ,Pve,j, nose, cir any break lit, t116 for the Spaniard.%. biogenes had fall- lf,,y do get mixed up in things pretty mclits than by any other mot'llod. . � ibe. _,1vt­ 1-,.,,1d a -.j -ti,i,idlanu 'r, uni,purature. I � 4,�,yt I "I , f"01 I I!, � H t U ft skin, ell, and f;Ually assist In straithten- blood pressure and other.examina- tile 1,111ted 9 1. :lr('.l I , , ­­­ .. .... ____­_ ell in love Witli thle danghttir of t1l0- , . . t,ttos might b,-, ,cle A child recently died In T�taud� 'CUrg0m1gt1%r of puo ,cf the Iniportant, 1 ig out tile tanglo. Tile story In aim- 00119 made. . I - , lro�?iiioved fo th't , � froul 0'N effmts ,all thO Ox 014,911 Netherland eltl0s, nnd wam nn 1115 1 le: but IntnrestIlig and makes a good , All diseaset; treated, I up or. -A theN r.101"tp., I '010 1�)- . 1_ I AMCRICAN BREAKFASTO FOR L ,� 41 . ' - . the I&nd woul(l b" avai", pr:1 DOUGM30YS- which occurred wImn tho IRV. '011A way ta inary her. I -Mr brMlu?r N one ight's reading. I 0,PFI.CrL OVER ,014RIST11914 STORS. (, , P. I � I durttvm fariniln%. Tr all Chi,,4 al�,rl 'al- I . d never Pit 000 S llad e'ateft it's way Intnt''Itlif -At� of Of Ute traitors who Is plotting 99aAll"t --,-- ­_ !!-*-"'�­t!!,i=-!!%_-'.! '%!�!='!!, r! !!e L tars.11y !,111tilliq tsw#"t and 'CUL -over 0, 'I'll- PI-rell voAv4 coll. tile I,V%are. Some year.4 ,�J if, I e. � — - �'. , ',' , r , a g )If- hts own father's And his prince's'life. I "Tile Firpt! Sir PpreY," by tte Bar- 1�� - jimw rovid !)e uride biv) farm.%� ayer- 1, i'l I'liv. wi-a fiio AvIcnIc-111 breakfi. ,- JVr� ,tr(, I ,onts f,),.- thol Apple- idn - fl wli,fl -4 .d(:*r-tndf!4 !,y th" Anierl- 4 fr waslnjured In '(� bf I P 'Its- The marriage Is perforined, and Sir 6ileag iOrezy: published by Tindder & �rhe United igtatpa recently reltitzed - �,� I., I , 1, h w.1, ' ' 10&, ford W*ounter VIleel, IW)k Co. - �nhle 'fb� ('y %� - Perey and hi,4 m9liton, Toronto; price $1.75. '��1�1111t,lllf on nales of sarphis wa? "I ,� airakv 196 a4rm4 it wou'irl prov* . * , *0,#60 forms. �n Inon-3-o of tLbout I t -in f-,��dl(-�s a,,111 ol,7w.­4 frani ,�4(­t our maniplp,% and krut chargt 1i tent, pla(,e , , whit - bride aro pfop0bg to I — ' , th t tl.(%d hj�-, way Into th�� 61 It 901f lexYe for Mgland, wilpre the bride- arltinfL117 cost $1,2M. - x# pp? epnt, nvAr 'rho p"mAnt, numbtr. � emirtry wbo vrc­ (3 tallod to Frane! prl(es before ordering. "Ill' f � 1 durinx thp ball, GolMillm arp Imli, or golf. It ft W-Ilevod ualikely that mnr* t?Mn % , wa.,-. The r-ench hreak- THE WINGrHAM ADVANCE, I . groom vrould fight. lie more. when "The Iffyins Of the lAw�* by UbAl 91 H&K I . GA.*nn,c(v(i neres, or onoulth for W- I last cou**tR of x roll and cofff-e. Wingh*m, *nt. _____ word to brought Of thn Spanish I In- ninsla Hope; Dublltb*d by MoM410 "I r1bany is PcWvAfte & -1-lowl- � � gaps .11�p,onn gov.- whDo 43norlexro demandud ('ge an4 M37c 'iramen and gle. do farm vaslan of the Netherlands. V . f3rvn will b,,� the .... 'L ­­ ..... - - .1 "" " 4" 8 _�_ ' "' *r — nd " 0 , 6 1 - , h 0 4 , � 0 ' � ' ' L � il S ' ' . I . . t � 1 3 , I I : i i 1 i I I � I I I 11, I I I I I 6 I , � ! I � I IF I 'I. � J � i � � I ; ! ; .1 : I I I I I I I I - ' I I - 11.` "I.�(-' '01'al 11".1 � 0 ! ."� prli(,s bef"' WINI Will 10 MTH we 000 , 11 � Wark In vorthern Japan th n men. I I �nd & stawart, Tormto. , latity (A h ftwI � bacm its well. - __ I p rmm tkax on its action to spwy MWOR IdulIMAY, . I of I . rerponsiblittr. . . I . 0* , N . I �_ . . I 1. � �.�.- - - I I '. 1 4 4 � I �, . �, I ., ,,e, ,-+, '_ L i . � I , . 4 " I . � t , I "I . .., $L q ... '' . L�'��%% 1 , , , I 1 4 . . �11 . -, 'L., " I I . �v L � .!� , �'L 1, �­ ,� . I 1. , . L. �Ii� 1. "'� ' ' , ­ L ., , . I , � I m. I :. .�6 , . , 11 . . I , . I I . ,. ., 1, - � - I . I . "L .. � I � I 1. I ". ,,, I I - ; I �0 I , , , $. ; , .. � . ., 1. � I �' � , " , i _ � '. �- � - , .. I I .1 I .�, d " L , I ": A � �';�'jL �Lf,�� P, C, 'r. � '�P' 't L , .. � 4 , 414 I J I . -1. ;L.. �rir ': L' . . . I � k I ­ �- , 4 , * , I , .. ��L",��4 I � I i... &&,��_ � jiiiL '. !1& . , dK-% .., V, I I I I , � L' . . .. ;... , .11, - — I �� .. - I _', 1,� All � I � . _ 41pi �, I " . fw I I _ � �� _ � . .. i&l ."