HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-30, Page 9burned. The d9vtor was sumnion2d and' twenty-five years you have held the
Were all at flome to�dav; Areinnifthn
_h h A.1 � FalconerrLaidlow Nuptials itinn ham fh� %ni �W' . I ;. +hn lfkf.�
was wxy pain
And hip. Up. hip. burray! and will in all Ilklihood leaveasecir. Tills 1 A very pretty wedding was solemlllzedj� of tb6 vongregEttlon to have b�en in office
i I - UUUU W wish our friends and
is another c3so to remind us bow careful. on Wednesday, Dee. 4212nd, 1920, at the: so long, A e
-Xs has get a rabbon, I
we ohauld 4�a in leaving such deadly acid$ home of Mr. Joseph T. Laidlaw, West, We regret that Increasing years and In-
Fidw�.� got a b:)EIL, i in any Once where children gather. Wawanosb, when his daughter, Maggle finnity have made your retirement nec.
can at
3'ath the girls have (101110s. Agnes, was United in marriage with r. essary and we trust you may live long to customers a Happy and Pros -
And a grawopllun�, An All -Round Mia ames i M est 4 A
:4L -mi and Hain are laughin- 1 flyton. Falconer, .:On of Mr. and enjoy your well earned r - Olver & Beninger's
i Who can saY a newspaper man is not'a! Mrs. John Falconer of East Wawazioedi. And we ask you to accept this small
Van't you huar tile wour., really "all-round,* man? The Forest The officlating clergyman -was Rev. purse of money from the members of the ButeherShop perous.
'n�ere% 4 bon ei marblea Standard bas the follolving story regard. J. S. Scoble of Whitechurch. Precisely congregation. which we beg you to receive
Ivallbling-on tile floor. Always young and cliolce and prices
ine J. J. Hunter, editor and proprietor of at six o'clock the bride entered the parlor not that It fully expresses our appreciation arc reasonable By the pi)und or by the
-zaqUet left a lotter the Kincardim, Reporter and mayor of leaning on the arm of'her father to the, i of your many years of Eervice but as a tarcus prices right:
5-ying on tho bQd — thQt town: "The other day Jack I -loll of strains of Mendelsohn'a wedding march,! sniall token of regard,
-�ach a lovely U-Alwa, Warwick 1,12-hed us if vm Unew Jack Hun. by Mrs. S. Coulter, sister of the bride On behalf of the congregation.
This !$all it". said - ter of Kincardine, and if he was a real and took her place beneath an arch oi Horace W. Snell, Rector Your Vote and Influen.ce is i
"Please, dear Farver Christni,%;, newspaper inan or if he was only Putting evergreens. The bride was prettily at. John Hartnell, Reg. S. Williams, Win. respectf ully solicited to
up a bluff, We informed him th
Stockings n-o �a small 1 at J. H. tired in while silk crepe�de-chine and Moore.
was Proprietor and editor of a newspaper duchess satin we4iring the customary The'choir also presented Mr. Coles with secure the re-clectlion of
,�'hut you can't get in them
1-31ease put by the also that he began his career as, "devil" bridal veil adorned with orango blossoms', a sum of money and tbr,- Sunday, Se.,,00l
ond had worked on the job ever since. and carrying a sheaf of carnations and I sent a box of good things in recognition of TIPLING FOR REEVE
i #01vell," wild Mr. Hall, oyou can take it maiden-bair fern. After receiving, the his long and valued smices.
from me he is willing to work on a farm, congratulations of thon Present the bride,, My experience at tile County Council will
MOWED be valuable inBecuringossistance in laying
'look Q good horse over, teuch a class in and groom. led the way to the dining room i the permanent roads next year.
: Sunday szhool, and generally make him. where about thirty-five guests sat down
C -x -Ambassador. Gerard who
NEr4 %1VLAV,1--0n Dee, .942 at Wisbingyouall 06 comPlimentsofthe
self useful, The other day at Charlie to a sumptuous fowl supper, Thegroom!s
tW' , home 4'f Mr. JUS. Loidlaw, 12 con., �-was, in Germany during most season and thanking You for past support.
W. Waftno-zh, his daug Smiths you should have seen him help i gift to tho bride was a beautiful set of furs, of the -,var has revealed -the
bter, Margaret, fill the silo. When he finished that he and to the organist a doz
IoMr. Jzs, Falcon -a. son of Nir. and en patrician
Mrs. John Falconer of Bast Waivanosh, went home to milk Bannister's cow,�., silver tea-spom evidence against t h e H
rhis is tile story of Kincardine's mayor., The esteem in which the young couple Ruler in ID. E. McD
Rev. Scoble of Whitechurcholpci,t- ONALD We' 1i WILL IS'
He leaves home for a week's holiday and are held was shown by the many beauti- solicits your votes and influence to
-does hard work on a farm, When he ful gifts they received, including a bed- IL �B secure his electi6n 'as SOLE AGE NT F OR LADIES'
bade us good-bye before returning' he did room suit and set of dining-roorn chairs
_)8ll0PWJA—SAlT11—At the home nf the E Reeve
bride's parents, rvir, and Mrs. W. C. not look as if he bad been doing all that from the bride's father. After spending a BEWAA
hard work. They say a change is as go d ter, plea ant n the gue d Served eight years in council. Two
ap 0 yceum Theatr6, on years as reeve. Will. give all a, square
;:st, but Jack's newsp er friends
Smith, Huron tolniship, on Tuesday, as a a a v e wl, ' g, 6'"a ino 8's L
0 ""Up 0 a �
pa n he ng P
DM 28th, Alice G. Smith to Mr. Elmer will nevercredit hi u Mon., Tues. and.Wed, deal and work in best interests of t e
a prosp rous d eg lifei M
Osborne, him �Witb really having nrd e we d an -rRl3Y SUOES FOR MEN
Mr . alconer and will res de on the town.. AND DL
helped on a rhim." oomrf r 1
a a in n Wawarlosh,
I . 01011:11111 SWE Mi
M 'ATr,,w
For Councillor For 1,921.
!4_. A
Your support will be appreciated. If
'T off,
elected I shall endeavor to work for the
i interest of our town.
Y/ 11/p ON 11
i:- "Al. 'V' IM
Your vote and influence is solicited
to elect
;A W. H. H
I _7
Mlln I will not be able, to make a p�.rsonal
canvas but will appreciate your support
and if eleded will eve you service.
I 1Y
Your vote and influence is respectfully
solicited for
lor Counelflor for 1921 AT
THANK 'YOq! piolut'lzation of reldv to
be , S' own of
'Or im.
we He
Public Utilit'
les Comipissionmon',� Tues and I'ved Jan,'3, 4 and...
will be a vote for EFFICIENCY and
Usuil Performances. LsuAl pivices�
Having time and interest as well as
former three year's, -experience in the XXX _XXXXOMMIXXX
vy Mi council I would appreciate your vote and .14
Start Thte Nomw Ye"wr with An Am A"BERU'LA
influence to electing ma for
COV11ISSI'Mer For 1921.
Thomas A. Edison W ant's To Bring MUSIC Into YOUR Home I
If you haven't music in your home—real music, such as only Edison's phono,. T. FELLS
graphscan give --you are * * __. .__-,_
missing one of the. greatest 6nJoyments ill lifel Start
A Progressive Man for a
the new year with a song in yourle a�rt and in your home�—let Edison"s Amberola.
Progressive Town
phonograph sing to you at least 15 minutes evgry day—and 1921 wiU be the ,4 Vote
happiest year Of Your life I
EDMON"O' NEW 1")'1AM%e.%fND For,Comialssioner we h to all
WIS our
And get the water and light you pay for,
S'07HOOL RhPORT Customers and Frl'ends'
Report of S. S. 6, Turnbcrry for H
i hin ehe re'Uh thr-- tin-.,,- nad asrain nublicly deMonstrafted ia Month of December. a
is vilvit
tnt-agis of every f arnfly in lap d. Kdison mvfn-iority 6�etr `talkin,6- ninchines" and or. Sr. IV—Vora Casetnote 92. onliness and 1-ro erfty
U i --Agnu.- MeKague 82, Reila j#,.,,.
T110 Urorld's ge�VLu,2 "machine" phonogrstphs. Thia is the Idus W). Georghua Gov 70. Grace 110mutt,
ha� zeer- to dint. Jr. IV
vontor V)awfs to hrm� music into your 0,' Ito. "Iarvc1ous 100, W1.aJy.(rJ1andlar 07, Hilda McCormick
(10, Aun lZolly (35, Milfor4 Foxt(w in,
wodvrer (n(y Joba Sidun 41K Victor Casemori,- 4(L
emd, your diaily ao hL nnuthr)r2�"CvI �r"."'c an:znle Diamo,"d Poi, -a 1,,ef for the New Year,,
dealr_�i,- we are able to gzvt: %,on an A,.nnh,�:rty!a Chtmre) an"I pi. Sr. 11,1-1-Witli TMeEwen 71, Harold
af;%icrdly h1de.,
Calienlore 63, George Skiank 50', Maitland
on practically 7,ar owa i,_,Yzes! Th'n Ea v, k",er,,i'd5 bave ne�-V-,-r been Portor 54.
an enipty �t%3 a anfl if T'n"li cf,zr�; :i.-- to v_e us tod�,Iw or to- Jr. Ill -1.4justor showers W1, clify,)rd
1' r"I r, - 1) --�, Showers 61, Lillian Aft -Ewen 40,
'vill corne to Our sl�on�� we'I qui—_17b, 41'dkt you"11 stan the Promoted froul Jr. if to Sr. 11,--Cari
1 tp you. f. 110ni"th Cf. 0xi%ter casemore (0). -4,
4.11 A.1111)L.irula
Sr. 1—Gerlinde Koily 82. Rennie ttliy
Ca"oulme 70. Nutli Finley
13011ald 'V(,(%�t lilick
St. I's Mary Skitin 4L, Viewr show-
Wx MOHR Dealer, Winghaill I kilts 85. t. I'll a Nil c(%v 82. VnInla Finley
lblf, Alex Skinu S�t, Abine Portkw
lAt'll-mr,N114 Yv%� n lvi.
NARMAJ K. Mi Dowmv,i.
I h i, s aw, y tee. 30th, 19
SOM OF 4 31- NOAH QIILDREN'� Hufl-F.J. "Xilit 1,Yc How Times Hot* Changed Uosty-110VAftywas'ro' Soxtaa
a 1 4aughter of Sant 183eden, 111011 WsWllic Lodge of Grimsby, On Chditmois eve the members of St.
!Ontado, celebrates its 1211st, anniversary Paul's church remembered their retl ring
in A �on Ri&1Y. Met with a peculiar awident at.
(Correct UP till Wednesday nom)
Arw* a rec:-it col%WtltlLn.,;
ftl4wski is to StA �It to music.
w-Allorrow. The old minutes of the lodge'sextou, who has so faithfully attended to
lt*ppearsthat; record that oil June 04, 1809, his duties for
Wheat No. "n ...... 1 70 to
2 ;211 170 to
2 00
2 00
on't ycu bear u-; singine
arrguge-, the. past twelity-fivo years
I a can. of Ullctt'o Lyc left by the caretaker mQnts were a de
la . with &0. Ilickson to' They presented him with a purse of money
Flour . ........ . .. a 50 to
La'd .................... 36 W
a , SO
Cant you the noise"
was in Eome, provide the rooril candles, and one quart. and tile following address:
Butter .................. 40 to
�31plzeva nowl",
Collating tit) his tors,
WaY ul)Wt ang M�. conterm fell on a neck whi,,1(,y each meeting night, An, Wingliam, Dec. 24th, 1920
Eggs ............ I ...... 70 to
Cattle, in .. butchers.. 9 (X) to
lam is on, the ho4 vail,
scarf hangtpg in thc� clib% room clo�m by earlier nalnutes is to the effect that there, Dear Mr. Coles:—
Cattle butc . choice.,11 00 to
Skew is OL tlh(�� tNor.
Tile scarf har.1 b�en dainp whea phicei bu Paid out of the lodge funds tile price We cannot allow tile ocloasion of your
there of three of whiskey drunk the, from fn
Hogs, liVeweight 15 25 to
flay ............ 60 to
15 5 0
V.W46 madly b.1rhing
and quict-lY absorbed the acid, gallons at XtUring tA
tile position of Sexton to
Witivnt knowledge funeral of Bro. Stephen Cw.n. It is
cream ............... 50 to
;u-toatsI& tiv, door.
any of what had cc. i al- pass without some expression of our ap-
curred the little girl iympped the scarf Most a certainty that times have changed. preciation. of the many years or raithful
labout her neck and her chin was badly �—Rxrllange. 'service you have ren4ered. For over
It 3rou want
burned. The d9vtor was sumnion2d and' twenty-five years you have held the
Were all at flome to�dav; Areinnifthn
_h h A.1 � FalconerrLaidlow Nuptials itinn ham fh� %ni �W' . I ;. +hn lfkf.�
was wxy pain
And hip. Up. hip. burray! and will in all Ilklihood leaveasecir. Tills 1 A very pretty wedding was solemlllzedj� of tb6 vongregEttlon to have b�en in office
i I - UUUU W wish our friends and
is another c3so to remind us bow careful. on Wednesday, Dee. 4212nd, 1920, at the: so long, A e
-Xs has get a rabbon, I
we ohauld 4�a in leaving such deadly acid$ home of Mr. Joseph T. Laidlaw, West, We regret that Increasing years and In-
Fidw�.� got a b:)EIL, i in any Once where children gather. Wawanosb, when his daughter, Maggle finnity have made your retirement nec.
can at
3'ath the girls have (101110s. Agnes, was United in marriage with r. essary and we trust you may live long to customers a Happy and Pros -
And a grawopllun�, An All -Round Mia ames i M est 4 A
:4L -mi and Hain are laughin- 1 flyton. Falconer, .:On of Mr. and enjoy your well earned r - Olver & Beninger's
i Who can saY a newspaper man is not'a! Mrs. John Falconer of East Wawazioedi. And we ask you to accept this small
Van't you huar tile wour., really "all-round,* man? The Forest The officlating clergyman -was Rev. purse of money from the members of the ButeherShop perous.
'n�ere% 4 bon ei marblea Standard bas the follolving story regard. J. S. Scoble of Whitechurch. Precisely congregation. which we beg you to receive
Ivallbling-on tile floor. Always young and cliolce and prices
ine J. J. Hunter, editor and proprietor of at six o'clock the bride entered the parlor not that It fully expresses our appreciation arc reasonable By the pi)und or by the
-zaqUet left a lotter the Kincardim, Reporter and mayor of leaning on the arm of'her father to the, i of your many years of Eervice but as a tarcus prices right:
5-ying on tho bQd — thQt town: "The other day Jack I -loll of strains of Mendelsohn'a wedding march,! sniall token of regard,
-�ach a lovely U-Alwa, Warwick 1,12-hed us if vm Unew Jack Hun. by Mrs. S. Coulter, sister of the bride On behalf of the congregation.
This !$all it". said - ter of Kincardine, and if he was a real and took her place beneath an arch oi Horace W. Snell, Rector Your Vote and Influen.ce is i
"Please, dear Farver Christni,%;, newspaper inan or if he was only Putting evergreens. The bride was prettily at. John Hartnell, Reg. S. Williams, Win. respectf ully solicited to
up a bluff, We informed him th
Stockings n-o �a small 1 at J. H. tired in while silk crepe�de-chine and Moore.
was Proprietor and editor of a newspaper duchess satin we4iring the customary The'choir also presented Mr. Coles with secure the re-clectlion of
,�'hut you can't get in them
1-31ease put by the also that he began his career as, "devil" bridal veil adorned with orango blossoms', a sum of money and tbr,- Sunday, Se.,,00l
ond had worked on the job ever since. and carrying a sheaf of carnations and I sent a box of good things in recognition of TIPLING FOR REEVE
i #01vell," wild Mr. Hall, oyou can take it maiden-bair fern. After receiving, the his long and valued smices.
from me he is willing to work on a farm, congratulations of thon Present the bride,, My experience at tile County Council will
MOWED be valuable inBecuringossistance in laying
'look Q good horse over, teuch a class in and groom. led the way to the dining room i the permanent roads next year.
: Sunday szhool, and generally make him. where about thirty-five guests sat down
C -x -Ambassador. Gerard who
NEr4 %1VLAV,1--0n Dee, .942 at Wisbingyouall 06 comPlimentsofthe
self useful, The other day at Charlie to a sumptuous fowl supper, Thegroom!s
tW' , home 4'f Mr. JUS. Loidlaw, 12 con., �-was, in Germany during most season and thanking You for past support.
W. Waftno-zh, his daug Smiths you should have seen him help i gift to tho bride was a beautiful set of furs, of the -,var has revealed -the
bter, Margaret, fill the silo. When he finished that he and to the organist a doz
IoMr. Jzs, Falcon -a. son of Nir. and en patrician
Mrs. John Falconer of Bast Waivanosh, went home to milk Bannister's cow,�., silver tea-spom evidence against t h e H
rhis is tile story of Kincardine's mayor., The esteem in which the young couple Ruler in ID. E. McD
Rev. Scoble of Whitechurcholpci,t- ONALD We' 1i WILL IS'
He leaves home for a week's holiday and are held was shown by the many beauti- solicits your votes and influence to
-does hard work on a farm, When he ful gifts they received, including a bed- IL �B secure his electi6n 'as SOLE AGE NT F OR LADIES'
bade us good-bye before returning' he did room suit and set of dining-roorn chairs
_)8ll0PWJA—SAlT11—At the home nf the E Reeve
bride's parents, rvir, and Mrs. W. C. not look as if he bad been doing all that from the bride's father. After spending a BEWAA
hard work. They say a change is as go d ter, plea ant n the gue d Served eight years in council. Two
ap 0 yceum Theatr6, on years as reeve. Will. give all a, square
;:st, but Jack's newsp er friends
Smith, Huron tolniship, on Tuesday, as a a a v e wl, ' g, 6'"a ino 8's L
0 ""Up 0 a �
pa n he ng P
DM 28th, Alice G. Smith to Mr. Elmer will nevercredit hi u Mon., Tues. and.Wed, deal and work in best interests of t e
a prosp rous d eg lifei M
Osborne, him �Witb really having nrd e we d an -rRl3Y SUOES FOR MEN
Mr . alconer and will res de on the town.. AND DL
helped on a rhim." oomrf r 1
a a in n Wawarlosh,
I . 01011:11111 SWE Mi
M 'ATr,,w
For Councillor For 1,921.
!4_. A
Your support will be appreciated. If
'T off,
elected I shall endeavor to work for the
i interest of our town.
Y/ 11/p ON 11
i:- "Al. 'V' IM
Your vote and influence is solicited
to elect
;A W. H. H
I _7
Mlln I will not be able, to make a p�.rsonal
canvas but will appreciate your support
and if eleded will eve you service.
I 1Y
Your vote and influence is respectfully
solicited for
lor Counelflor for 1921 AT
THANK 'YOq! piolut'lzation of reldv to
be , S' own of
'Or im.
we He
Public Utilit'
les Comipissionmon',� Tues and I'ved Jan,'3, 4 and...
will be a vote for EFFICIENCY and
Usuil Performances. LsuAl pivices�
Having time and interest as well as
former three year's, -experience in the XXX _XXXXOMMIXXX
vy Mi council I would appreciate your vote and .14
Start Thte Nomw Ye"wr with An Am A"BERU'LA
influence to electing ma for
COV11ISSI'Mer For 1921.
Thomas A. Edison W ant's To Bring MUSIC Into YOUR Home I
If you haven't music in your home—real music, such as only Edison's phono,. T. FELLS
graphscan give --you are * * __. .__-,_
missing one of the. greatest 6nJoyments ill lifel Start
A Progressive Man for a
the new year with a song in yourle a�rt and in your home�—let Edison"s Amberola.
Progressive Town
phonograph sing to you at least 15 minutes evgry day—and 1921 wiU be the ,4 Vote
happiest year Of Your life I
EDMON"O' NEW 1")'1AM%e.%fND For,Comialssioner we h to all
WIS our
And get the water and light you pay for,
S'07HOOL RhPORT Customers and Frl'ends'
Report of S. S. 6, Turnbcrry for H
i hin ehe re'Uh thr-- tin-.,,- nad asrain nublicly deMonstrafted ia Month of December. a
is vilvit
tnt-agis of every f arnfly in lap d. Kdison mvfn-iority 6�etr `talkin,6- ninchines" and or. Sr. IV—Vora Casetnote 92. onliness and 1-ro erfty
U i --Agnu.- MeKague 82, Reila j#,.,,.
T110 Urorld's ge�VLu,2 "machine" phonogrstphs. Thia is the Idus W). Georghua Gov 70. Grace 110mutt,
ha� zeer- to dint. Jr. IV
vontor V)awfs to hrm� music into your 0,' Ito. "Iarvc1ous 100, W1.aJy.(rJ1andlar 07, Hilda McCormick
(10, Aun lZolly (35, Milfor4 Foxt(w in,
wodvrer (n(y Joba Sidun 41K Victor Casemori,- 4(L
emd, your diaily ao hL nnuthr)r2�"CvI �r"."'c an:znle Diamo,"d Poi, -a 1,,ef for the New Year,,
dealr_�i,- we are able to gzvt: %,on an A,.nnh,�:rty!a Chtmre) an"I pi. Sr. 11,1-1-Witli TMeEwen 71, Harold
af;%icrdly h1de.,
Calienlore 63, George Skiank 50', Maitland
on practically 7,ar owa i,_,Yzes! Th'n Ea v, k",er,,i'd5 bave ne�-V-,-r been Portor 54.
an enipty �t%3 a anfl if T'n"li cf,zr�; :i.-- to v_e us tod�,Iw or to- Jr. Ill -1.4justor showers W1, clify,)rd
1' r"I r, - 1) --�, Showers 61, Lillian Aft -Ewen 40,
'vill corne to Our sl�on�� we'I qui—_17b, 41'dkt you"11 stan the Promoted froul Jr. if to Sr. 11,--Cari
1 tp you. f. 110ni"th Cf. 0xi%ter casemore (0). -4,
4.11 A.1111)L.irula
Sr. 1—Gerlinde Koily 82. Rennie ttliy
Ca"oulme 70. Nutli Finley
13011ald 'V(,(%�t lilick
St. I's Mary Skitin 4L, Viewr show-
Wx MOHR Dealer, Winghaill I kilts 85. t. I'll a Nil c(%v 82. VnInla Finley
lblf, Alex Skinu S�t, Abine Portkw
lAt'll-mr,N114 Yv%� n lvi.
NARMAJ K. Mi Dowmv,i.