HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-30, Page 6C]
I I - I I I ___, _ , ,
The Wingham Ad.YaV
rubliOied at .
Every Thursday Mornlnl.
A, 0. SMITH, Publi011Or-
. , I
" . 44 ... ; :.. ti, , .,-- ....". a" . —, I
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i1w- li. .". _,l
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hall , ;.:. n _kk,.._
Tiles'? facts are of more value than . :.X, .", .. A country as large as ,Canada and Red-Pettection, Red Cross, .Red Subscription Tates: -0110 year,
-*11-1. , ... , , "., " "' "", .* , -
.: I % .. ".. .,. . . : -k ..,
. I....., .. -, '..''. ,:, -, .. $2.00; fix months, 41.00 In advance.
JCCXSS- all the contrary J :, :' . ... - , I'll, .. -xl - . ..'.. Fay, Victoria, It DI -I
1jyDR,O RADIAL Sy _ xl . , " .e,7 _- - .. .. ,
Opinions In Ontario. 4 "s. ., , .1. , 1; p 14"., . ., ,. _ _1 I ., I with So many .differences In climate, Grape, r ed Itch. I
;. ..
, ,,, ' -,, . i-: ? ! , -,-,"..." ."i""! ' ::.,L _ "
-; -;,- ..,. ,---`-.,1 '' ' ,:Z` - ,
, "
. -1 ...., ""I'l , 11 : '--. -0't AdverSJSMJ TUteS on application.
-,Vith tile purthaFe Of the rqackenzlo, W>j ! ii` . .:.'-.,' L, ,
And Premier Drury appears to have , , , . - , 'N''. -
W, ,i. , t . , 1, -: ! ,:i7 7,.i -- ", ., :: ::,::! ,', ;
!*% _, . ,.% ... .: White-Gralle. 11
" . , ",
. &
-1 .: .. ;:; . _ i needs fruits and vegetables that
- .
. : "I_.", .. , X :11A Gooseberries: -
I . :
ties by the i ,T.i; : , ";..,;,.. '..,:, ,, : ..- . - ..... .:, k.11i,:.:;.:;%;.W 11- t7m7lf M Advertisements without specific di 1
electric and radial proper a 1j,11olesome respect fOf fucts- P : , - 2;_, ` . , great variety of con- I
..!i X , ,;,:.. f -,.,- be grown under 4
.. . I , 171',k i ,'.,; ; . ` !:i,Z,. ,;, '; - ' American Varletles,Pearl, - a Inn
- , -; ,,, ,"'.,% ` ., .. !1.1 , .1.11 ,Xl ditions. There IS still room for im Down rections will b erted until forbid tl
, , .-,,,s. ,.I ; I.. :;: .4 11. .
, . .
. 1. 1: .
If"P - V
<1 Tonto, a new. Impetus Ila', - ,i " .i'. , -
y I k: t: ,: . ,.: .- ... .. W., , . I ese varieties yet avall- and charged accordingly.
, Ity O,' TO .. -111,11... . : " . i..". provement In tit Ing, Josselya (Red Jacket), and Ore -
KEEPING 039TARIO ORDERL .* I : :W t ,- ' .7.,i '- '.. ."**"""'I .!... 11 1'.`.,% :.1 ,
_ I ; Z! Ch, advertise.-
to the proposal that the . . , .. :, ::. , . """ ..^, .'-, i, A ': able, particularly for the oldest Parts gon Champion especially for British aitiges ter contract
I t ;N- ., " ,, , ,,, - , U_ 11) DO
N. .. .1 , , . " . . ,4- e On,
- ..
jl...%.;, .",. , " .' ` .k'
d acquire Orders have been issued to arrest I . . i.' '."-",,.i :, -i' ' ."; " .., of the Dominion, but efforts are co Columlila, and 'Houghton for t1r5 ments be In tile Offic Y
OUCeR I . % 'ilk - .:.;.: i ,-- .-. ,! I .1 I ... * tinuously being ruadeo by the Horti- Prairie Provinces. Monday. I'll, I
Hydro Radial UniOn -' noilr' led I - :.k:: ..i: %
All men found carrying 0 . - "' . ii.*, i' . -, , ! ..
.., .: '_ '..';,' . 4
", , riginate ,better , .
_ w.
. `,)a'. . - ... Z cultural Division to 0
- f. . , j .:.,., ;' i: ` Ratpberries, .. ==__.__Ie = .
" ! , :i
,;_!" ..: :, ,.M . _'===! 4
by the Can - . - : ", " ,sorts. . ,
tile radials now oporated f,.ii .1
weapons, Sheath knives, bowls knives, ... -1
oual Railways, tho offer O& s ss, 1,nuckle-dusters, * 4k ,., ..., :,,.i: , lii .,'. . Black -Older, Cumberl nd, Greg- A
I "' .17-0. , ". Fruits, -
, T-. ; "i , ', 'S *
adian Nrati 4,
revolver, pistol,. bomb 1. -:.:g ,;: - .n. %*i.' ... - irty Red -Cuthbert Herbert. On the I
which , before, tile life -preservers, , S 1VX I , . .11 1. .1 Apples: There are between tit Prairies Sunbeam Is desirable be- BUSINESS - ARDS 4
'It cost was made * , telf
, :,::: %%1.r.,*
. I v.
0 R, r *tiler fire -arm. Since the war: i ii - ,I: -..!* I. . I and forty varieties Of apples wh I ?
,(Ila, Coramission by o pianting cause of great hardiness. , . I
. -, , , -"
5,que of th a great increase In " k ,-,.'... , :, .Z'4 might be called the - I
. , .._ ..' , Strawberries: I
whictil, offer there -has beoll .'.-, I in Canada, and tit the following list ' L FIRE
the Ontario Government- 0011- ::..., ...Jl :: . ' I
tile number ,of people carrying , i;,;,:-; , ... I ;.. ", they are given in about their rela- (per), 4
- 1, ::;: . Parson (per.), Glen Mary
. _t m, 5 --, INSURANCE CO. .
still holds gOod according to Ottawa` cealed weapons and while the con- , - - . . . . . . _. -1 tive Importance: Senator Dunlap .(per.), Port% (hup.),
-;,, ,. .1, ..
question are n the * : . -1. Established 1840. .
authority. T110 lines in . ditions are not sa bad here as I . 111 V Summer: Duchess -of Oldenburg, Williams (per.). In British Colum- i
.. I
I is feared that evil I .. Red Astrachan, Yellow Transparent, bla NIagoon Is one of the best, and Haft'd ,Office, Guelph.
:i" :
the Toronto Eastern, t United states it -... . -.1 Favorite, Marshall and Paxton do well. , Beder Risks taken on all classes Of Insur' I
good ... *' I . : Crimson Beauty, Williams ,
$ubvgrbanl and tho N agara,, St. ConinialliCatIDIIS may C0rr1XPt I I Charlamott, Blushed -Calville, Low- '
1NN mi,.,m:glvmlkll.k - .- Wood' is one of the best early straw- able property oil the,cash or premium i
= ,
Vatbarines & Toronto railways, all .of manners. in United States cities " , ; I . . . . . . . . ,....; . L. I? land Raspberry, Langford Beauty, berries. note system. I .
conditions have become fairly awful. ; ,-;"`-W: , - .. — 'Of these, Duchess -of Oldenburg, Everbearing 'Strawberries: Pro- Ap, NER COS]D2;% Agent,
_. . __1
,)nally recog- Itlee New year in New York there W,K".-.-:,-0.- ,111 . . N, 3ushed Calville, and Charlamoff are gressive, Americus. Wingliam.
_ "", . _.. ..... -1
. IN E
. k.: i - ,, ... ,;;. 4 ,
::I `
R ,., .7,
- 'N ..... IN — ,
,viijoil had been PrOylsi( ,, pro- JS loo unsolved murders. V I W.... ). I W 11, I __:i, particularly ) hluable where winters 1 1 -
nized as to be included in th have been over X_ . '''': .1 I "Myn . I _____ I
117les, The In Philadelphia loo murders in eleven 1_ . - A!is_ 11 are severe. VEGETABLE-$, __ 1
I . Autumn: Wealthy, Gravelistein, '' .
posed provincial radial rnment .1, a Inontils and fifty hold-ups, in one day I vho thinks he on- Alexander, Blenheim, Dudley, Me- Asiw4gus, Argenteuil, Palmetto, DUDLEY HOLMES . . I I
of 1. Ut.3 tile city of brotherly The Amerlican thoroughbred stock -breeder. v talle a took at Malian, Hibernal, Antonovka, Patten, Iseans.
- ,
.ter of tile federal gove recently p counters trials And adverse conditions, is invited to
- One, lolence. of the South African breeder Gieening. -Round Pod Kidney Wax, _ICITOR, ETC,
love on the Quaker map Of v this picture. : McIntosh, Soria- /
ntage0u% It shows the diflicuttles Dwarf BARRISTER, $01
enable tile Hydro Radial Records of murderin united States in trying to Introduce the shorthorn into Northern Rhodesia, and Early Winter King, Rhode Island Stringless Green Pod, Early Rod Val- Office, Mayor ,Block,. Wi;gftam. - , --
and will to be . adopted ib getting shorthorn bulls from the t4an, Tompkins ton Hub- entine, Refugee or 1,000 to 1, arlet .- I , ,..
wild tile offer be taken UP to (,,ities is Appalling and it Is a plan recently Greening ,ra-mouse, Rlbsi , . Pole -Kentucky Wonder, se __._.___ —,
'Union sh Ubted it Sodom and Gomorrlla .had ,ETnion of South, Africa, through the Tsdtse-fly country. The animals bardstoD'. Wolf River. . '
make a Most auspicious start in the do slaughter. Cleveland are enveloped In a specially constructed khaki mackintosh, leaving I Transcendent,. Vir- Runner. I
exposed. The exposed parts are cov- Crab Apples-, -Detroit, Dark Red, Early
r, ginia, F lorence, i".Alartha, Hyslop, and Beets 4 gyptlan. RAANSTONE
propased radial system. The ,Cent such a Just for . and only the eyes, horn and nose
has had 70 murders this Yea', e herd marches only by night whep Woolel, Crosby D
ered with wagon grease and th gtive cows are then bred to tile for the severest Parts of -the prairles, I Borecole or Kile-Dwa,Tf Green '
purchase of tile Mackenzie ,Interest.% Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Detroit and San the fly is less on the wing- The U I Osman, .Columbia, Jewel, Silvia, Rob- BARRISTER AND 60LICITOR.
. I Curled Scotch, I
-gar.x y ra, . Brussels SproUts-Improved Dwarf.
,19 neisco ackne%viedge similar deprav- Shorthorn. in, and Elsa. Money to toun at lowest rates,
provides a Tight of way troll, N ew yorlc witil less ___ __ - Winter: Baldwin, Northern spy' .Cibbage-Xarly. Jersey Wakefield, WINQHAM. . . ,% .
'4 n Golden Russet, I i 50
to Toronto and this in combinatIOU ity. In 1916 1 -_ , .
o Draprised in the than 6,900,000 people had Six times GTimeS,, Delicious, Stark, RoxbuTY Copenhagen Mar'Ket, Succession, . - A
Danish Ballhead, Drumhead Savoy, , ..,
Ottawa Government, Ottawa COUSti- a - E (Nonpareil) Yellow Newton, Winesap, i . I I ".
-with the three lines oil with its
s many murders as,'Lond Chicago - 1 UND TA ""] 4 Red Dutch.
opulation Of over -,.4DO0,000, 'THE R 0 Bethel, Scoit Winter, ,Milwaukee. ove Cauliflower --Early Snowball, Early . I
tutes the backbone of the new system. P -third the Size Of Of the winter al)llle in the ab - 1. 'IN" .
Dwarf Effurt. ARTHUR 1. ,W . .
ence brought ont, at the the, same Year , one ____ list, Delicious Yellow Newtft, and I . .
The eVid I elve . Carrot-Chantenay, 'Dativers Halt .
Radial 'ComitissiOn sessions to an !ill- % a murders or tV` Winesdp are only Satisfactory !a parts D.DA,, L.P.% ...,
nolon had IV parched Long, Early Scarlet Eloril,
prejudiced mind would warraRt the t, s as many a3 London. In tUree 1 -Captain Macedoine's Dausliter" by his wife, 19with her soul like a i of ,Canada where the seasons are hot- 'Doctor of 'Dental Surgery 46t the
.me homi- pea," And, inconsistently enoug I, Celery-Gold.en .', Self Blanclillig, a
,Dog company to yeaTs, 1916-18 Glasgow had 38 William 'McFee. Published by S. B. the reader cannot help sympathizirig test and longest, and they succeed Winter LQUeon, Evans Triumph, Iler- Pennsylvania '00110gO and' L100ittl to
flotation Of A, $100,000 The peop'e oldes; ia, about -tile Same IGuntly, Toronto. - with their viewpoint, too, I best In Southern British .0,ohimbla. fection Heartwelt' White Plume 4- of Dental Surgery Of Ontario.
carry out the project. Philadellill readers 'Pea*hep in Order of IR4pening: desirable for -the prairies and _C ol ; Closed Every, Wednesday Aftern o6n.
service size, bad 381. Liverpool and St. Any one who reads "Casuals Of the This ability to make his Office In Macdonald 8 .R. .
do not want dividends, but t a size. In 1915 St. like characterff as far apart Ili their St. John, EArly Crawford, Greens-. parts, Baltain is the most - --- .
at cost and the lower t1le cost of Con- Louis are 03'at Of Sea', or "Aliens" needs no further ree- philosophies as tile Poles is one Of' bore -Champion, Mgdon or Garfield, corn--crolden I 4 ! -----4
n times, and in 1916 :1 I Iety, but iAtll earlier 1, L I .,. i,. I
- Louis had eleve ,of their author's latest MdFee Fitzgerald, Reeves, Nlagwra,, rvlberta, popular early va.,r ..X- "
, structiall and the consequent invest oramendation - the most unusual feats Mr. I , I Stewelis Zvergreen, -mud. Country 'DR. G, 14. ROSS 1.11 !, . _,
Pht times as many murders. LOS ,,Capt&in Macedoll'O's Daugh perforing In his -latest -novel. Carman, Beers, Smock. I 11 I ..
ment the more successful will be the el,- I entietli the size of book, i esides that, he Is master -of the I Gentleman are good late sorts. Graduate Royal College of Dental
service. uNO one IvIlo 1,las watched Angeles, one-tw homl- ter," than the statement that this suggestion; Pears, n Order Ripering:, CUOUMber_DaVIS r Perfect, White I I
services London In 1916 had two more ClIffard, Clapp Bartlett, Doussock. I Surgeons. I
tion of the Hydro, novel has thesame durable excellence.' secret of saying things by inaticiii Pine. . I . . I ;
the ape -To, -Cleveland, one-tellth tile size of leaving to -the reader's lmag Flemish, Howelf, Louise, Duchess, I
the success Of cides. the same maturity and depth that just the things that, unwritten, stomp JOgg Plant -New York Improved, 4araduate University *f Toronto I
has any doubt about on & Port of London, had three times as many I Boss, ,Clairgeau, Anjou, Kieffer. Long Purple. Faculty pf Dentistry. . . . . . . . .
the radials. The Loud markea those two previous stories,, an author as an Artist. The Flemish Beauty is .,one of the Iceberg,, OFFICE OVER H_ E. ISARDIS STORE I I
ounded all ki'llin." 111 191-1 and about twi6 as laptain Macedolne's Daughter" is ' hardiest pears, and Dr. Jules Guyot . Lettuce -Grand Rapids, 11
Stanley . . IT 'N -would . Giant Crystal Head, improved Hall- . .
railway has cent it is believed that hu masterful portrayal of ,Ilse LE A. 1H. Brantford: -1 Is a variety Which 'has done paTtiOU- f—.,-- — .
the critics, and a second example of many in 1.918. first of all, a - like to know of a thrilling' 'story of son, ,Salamander, -CxIsp as lee. - _ , , ,
Hydro Radial success is at hand in ma,n life -has n ure two colorful personalities -the 611- adventure on travel to be given to U larly well in British Columblad . Muskiri,elon, gro6 flob, hed'Lonff . .
. I
. ell lines. After in a ,,civilized" country as in the preme illusionist, !Vlacedoirle, who Te- boy of fifteen. I -would prefer that ,plume, iin Or er of Ripening. I Island Beauty, Haokensacx ,Montreal I W. R. HAMBLY . .
tile Windsor & Saudfl tlTes from .tile sea with his bestowed I Imperial Market. .
-ation they have United States at the present time, and 6in " and his richly vital It did not belong to that class labelled European - Bridshaw '
nine In ornicides t Pride, Lombard, Yellow B.Sc,, M.D., Ci,".
.0uthe of ope r the number of murders and It Itle of "capto e llsla, But it is more "boys' books." Gage, Shipper ,salmon ox yellow flesh -Hoodoo, .
otone. what the promoters of the rad, daughter, Art Golden Drop, Ital- Emerald Gem, Paul ,Rose, Surprise,
d all previous records* than that; It is a contrast between "The Flying Bo'sun," by Arthur ian Prune, Graud,,Duke, Shropshire Onions-ye.ilow , Globe Danvers Special attention paid to diseases
is, inquisition said it Nvas impossible in 1919 emcee Early 'pl, of Women And Childron, having " .
to do, and have increased .wages by The &uth-oritips in Ontario cannot be Odeldental and Eastern civilizations Mason, is a sea sto3ry In -Which YOU Damson, Ronaxell. . Early R4 Wethersfield, taken postgraduate work In. Gur- 4
in I . ead of and philiosophlea, a commentary on take one long breath as soon ,as the , Other varieties succeeding ,well le ed. - Prize Taker Is good for trans- gery, Macteriology and SolentifiQ -
cresse too careful to prevent any spr arly an analysis tanting. ' Dutch sets are desirable I
25 per cent. without any inc . ,n nature, patticul action gets under way and let it go Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Is- Medicine, I
III cn,uld not juc,l violenc(, to this province. -Can- humn , 11 -
fares. private owners . P lad to be free ,of -Such of love and an achievement in bea land are Arctic, Field, Quell, slid where.the season. Is short. I Office in the iK&rr residence, between ,
% titill prsse. .More than Ali these, per- on the last page. Dritlih, Colu Pursley-Double, Curled. 11
.4 of Sir .adam Beck ad& may be 9 'It is extremely realistic Swanson Quackenboss, and in mbia the QUeen's ,Hatil and the Soptlat
do this, and critic, . tendencies tile result of system, had haps, Is it Ail artistically restrained is as brutal as any sailor depleted Diamond and Pend. Parsilip-110110V Crown, St .. Churcih. .- .
asserted that te could not do it. Not quarrelsome protest against tile ban!shnient 401 ondon. One-Z7ed Riley Japanese -Red June, Abundance, , Pepper-l-larriet Earlie Early
only have the 25 per dent. increases temper, -variety, and All buslitess given careful attention.
characters combined Romance from the world,,aud a plea by Jack L Neapolitah, -Cayenne, Chili. '
I dging e and Broleen-Nose Pete and other indi- -Surbank,,Chaboti . . 4Phohe 64, P. 0.,BoX 113.
in wages been paid, but for the last undisciplined . for brDadness In Ju people whos -Assiniboine, I .
. our viduals -are as well characterized as American and Nigra peat: I -
four months ten per cent additional. With a too ready access to fire -arms outlook- Upon life differs front the -so in "The Nigger of tile Narcis- Cheney Mammoth, Schley, Brackett. iDarly-Thos. Laxt Gradus,, Gut- Z. w .
. . Own. They tell yarns like the old Hybrid-E,merald, Oniallit, Shiro, on, "I I .. 11 0
— 'We know Captain Macedoine for ex- Bus-" ton Early Giant, English Wonder, '
___ . actly 'what he IS -a pretentious, un- salts Whom W. W. Jacobs describes. Waneta. Gregory Surprtse-is earlier but pods .0 , ,
ietic, in his pose ,Most of i4iem deal with the super- Cherries;, I I are ratlier small. ' I R. ROBT. C. REDMOR ,.
moral old fraud, patl -ad of large stitions of tile sailor, but as sea SOU --Early R,jch n r(,d '110"Amor- Medium to late--Satton Excelsior, ' , ,
as a mail of fine family a -e the book rank, . . . MjR.CA, (Eng) .
affairs, who tries to make his al- stories they mak oncy, English '.Mo"110, O et. MaLean, Advancer, Heroine, Strat-a- il_-!:i-,-C i: ; ,,, Iqond). -._ - -
Cy n 'N CER Y ,
WEEKLY T1 k V - a pawn in his scheme with the beat of Jeak London or ,ivlor-, 11artarlan, 100 rntf I gem I _,;kf
aiight,ei I I I Gweet---Elack I 111 orn, Ta varietles-Telephone, . blkim- . PHY,J&j1C'IAN ANt\ ,ZURatmN. I
luring d e tile, K.a Robertson. 'Wood, Napoleon, vVindsor, Li 11 .
]WARKET REPORTS to swindle sailormen, 'we ' Se particular- pion of 'te Content. (Dr. Chisholm's &I stand). I
daughter in her true Ittlit as an Unre- "The Terriblo Island," by Beatrice Lambert aud,Blug succeed I 't ftgland, QUA ' 1 -7 .
,generate pagall Of not too admirable GrImilhaw, is another absorbing tale. ly well in British Columbia. , -_ Potatoee: ) I —1 I 1, . .- I I
I — conduct. yet Mr. M,c,r,ee Succeeds 1, Grapet*, Or 'Burelm I ' ,
trade, but not nearly as great as last in making us feel affection for Cap- This author is very -popular in Eng - districts where grown conimer- Barly-Irlsh C obbler
TORONTO -The sugar situatiOn is Brokers in close touch Witt' tain Macedoine, and both affection and land and it is easy to understand Fox ripening. Extra B arly. . Gold DR. R. L S ... WART -
year. ,6vhy, for site knows every trick to etally in -order of . I Main -0rop-Green Mountain, __
gradually clearing as depressed stocks the evaporated apple situation state admiration for the daughter, victim keep the reader reading, Biaek-M-oore, Campbell, Worden, I Coin, Wee MacGregor, Carman' Nio.
are fairly -well cleaned up. 'One re- that evaporated apple$ are now of. of an implacable destiny. . and Both these stories are meant for Concord, Wilder. I (all Of the.0reen Mountain Group), Graduate of University of Poroato, .
finery has resumed Operating. -Raw rered at a price below cost -of produc- Coritrasted with this father grown-UP5 as Well as young folks' Red -Delaware, Lindley , Agawam, I Early Ohio Is -a good extra *arly pink Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate Of the . I
I lion, whicli would indicate that there daughter are "good old honest Jack ZrA,N,,:OR MURRAY, Vergennes', ,> sort but Is not 50 productive as'Irish Ontario College of Physicians and I
are again lower but it IS the h sea captain. And ,,Nrlitte-Dianiond Niagara. 11,Cobbler. Rural Group inoluoling surgeons. .
sugar$ is a possibl%ty for firmer prices later Evans," Eft9lis . tuninjers are hottest- , .
,opinton that refined h n , - arleAes where earliness Dooley where f . OFFICE MTIL&N04: , , I
in the sea on. Business on bean., - ------- Additional V '
a stabilizing level, Reduptions -are itag shown Ali improvement, but lip ..1-____- ___-__-____..____ Is the chief con§16ratton: 1 Radlsh-- Scarlet WMWTIpped Tur- Second D04 North of Zurbrigg$d I
announced on practically all ,cereals other lines, orders are confined /to, rly, Daisy, ManitO, A -ter nip, White letele. Photo Studio. . .
in bulk. Wholesalers are buying Small lots. . ac, Peabody. I ,SaIsIfY-"LD%Ac White, Sandwich Is- JOSEPHINE STREET. PHONE 29.
- Wilite-Winchell. (Gr lands. . I
In the produce and provision mar WINTER CARE OF THE FLOCK AND ,l m""i"a een Mountain). I
. --- .—
cereals in small quantities, in t.lzt one Ic3ts, fresh pork cuts. smoked bacoit I Red-BrIghtou, ,Moyer. , sphitich-Victorla. I I .
inillor Stated that wholesalers who and,hams are marked lower. Butter . R 0- . ,Blackberries' . . I I Squssh-L049 'White Bush, Sum-
p-evieu2ij I)orght In one hundi-ed bag 11 cantintes easy Willie eggs show firm- , . 1, mer Crookneck. Late-Deliclotts, I ,r -m-34 EL L
, e., prices. PREPARN N FOOR LAo"IBING A-awam, Snyder, and for warmer Hubbard.
lots are no just buying, five bag! -X,0NTTR1-,1AL- The hog m%rket seeFlong, Stitttinny, and for west coast, TomPtOes-Extra Early: Alacrity, Town and Farm propertles. Call
at one time, Spot stOcit'; Of Shelled I ,_bj-,v,s more strength this week with ___ 'Loganberry, Himalaya, Mammoth and Sparks E-arlialia. Early and Main a.nd see my list and get my prices, I
walnuts and almOiZdS aTO f-'Arly we',l I smaller Offerings 4ou tile market, De- i - Evergreen. . I Crop: Elontly Best, Chalk Early Jewel. have some excellent values, %
d-nitibtful WI-leth- I , ' ite%litis there Is a reduction in many an,? argument advanced for the where the sheep get a chance t.3 get Currants: Late good sorts are MatcholOss,
v,lejac,d up, And it Is P Quotations oil tiv their heads in the lung$ the Whole lot' Blacit-Champion, Victoria, BOB- I Trophy, Livingston Globe, 1PIentiful. 1. G,, STEWART.., I
irit, there Will be 'Sufflelent to meet de- lines of bacon. eping of sheep more generally upon enter their heads I keep Want,, 8111111(lArs, Climax, Mag- ' Swede Turnip-ChamploW Purple' . I
mand,i before the new goods ardvC. i%,,,- marlxot may strengthen the mar- he When sheep nto I WINGHAM. .
Thos that have supplle.q of silelled 'I-,, ,)- haeon, Lird and shortening our farms is that but. little labor Is a rack they Invariably tear the wool nus, Kerry. . Yop.
wal,nutq have not chaaged quotati-InZ I 1-`,r 'T'd " !nrther reduction. Ali a'- Involved In the care of a flock. This along t -heir neck and spoils their ap- __ .Phone 134. Office In Town Hall, .
a .,(!e o c on fre-'.', too aT)t to bP, considered pearance, as well as tile neck wool. ... —_ — . .
altholl "h M. some inzt ,f t1ley have ,t,:k,.I( -, -or - -is quoted I - far I 1--__11 - _ __________.
, of t ,, t., idea lt, - -
h -ad t pv,y 9. higher price ONY1114 tit) 114.3- Therp I., a' continually In'- as equivalent to ,,but little attention I -,Vhether or not some grain 3hould LOW GRADE PLANTVIOODS, . 'A DOG 1HERO.
thpi- jobbers. R,e- pro-ving demand for fowl With a very I re ilu r d. be., fed during November, Decemb( r To are forniz in which plant- I in by DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN
Te_pur(!111,.,.jag from o I t ()f turkeys, T1.1, - . s ,, 1 e " that no stock re- And i-aullary I,; alquesti3n that must The ket in I The following story is SOnt
pc.rtq frain India and,(,' !yloill- state that goo'l supp'y excep It i:j quite true mar Last December when
" e clwr ( : Ina. -hat are lin - e than be decided li th,. sheep owner hiln- food can be put on tile a I a subscriber:
isr, . tom plantat;O118 ha ,d -IIIII , hatter and (Ilic--iie quires less hard labor In its care * it Is or vastly interior value. "I, tile steamer Ethele ran ashore 011 thO .11 1 , 40",7*, ,v .
. '19 ,'k * - -,.) I . Z's It
A— , % ! .
-, Ccialles distaii,sed. The r(-a%ork - _ self. if the hav Is You, -cut, weil which S:11 11%'41 , S;
th ... I C-11 a-n'g,ed. F-1, h I)rAce.,i he'd firra with! dor,j ,.-.1.,.;, ep, but 1111S doco not mean
.!"Pilt <Is,-I1I,q1jG1. an,J dealeri c;tlf, .Ally tru('; cured and with illenty of clover and This fact is recognized In some of tit(', I coast of Newfoundland a new-born In- I& , . _ 11-040;15 y
Aw 2, 6 N
for f,lig, it Is stated. ib lj,, ell!se '40CLA I all (..*,cs . -letq, and this Is, espeel tile South in the matter of tent was Ili inint idlato danger of death , ., . r , 1,t ,
I " !W,_;. . . 1
'thit supp'iob Arriving al.,$% GIUY ',-tl, : Oe quar- tile sheep are in good condition, grain States to 4
Of CGA" --,e teas has accamu'at(4 t5, e t1jr. dpr,1--).-,)d. Tlie r'. qqq- tho 11,)ck 9 .s into winter t of plauttood values in 1, in tile heavy sea, Reuben Decker of . I
in 1,(ntdon t1ue,,'2-i4 to'n), ", fill(IIII(Int J4 unnecessary. Succulent feed tt their treatmell
t-tiell 1w;porlions 'll , t. .4 Nyltll tilL, comparative con, ,above mentioned snould, however, be various, carriers. Under pre-war . nonne Bay palled his dog and, put- CHIROPRACTIC , .
ed dwrm far bIlOw i1.iA,P%f,(q3tIf ,'AIIY g,,),,3d olf.-mand fm I d storill-W0.1ther colldi. 0 ting the end of a rope ill M$ InOntho ..
prices wf.,re for( t1litier Cold an no tur- conditions, for instance, th Purdue , I
eg_,st o? production and tho or.!y Ten.- iirled frult;- and nuth. italMn (-h(--;'- tlou..j. provided. After tops are do rate. Agricultural ENporilliellt Stat'r- III- 1 started hi -Al Off to swim to the wreckm- Practice is ,confined exclusively to
, -
I Va., marlipt. Datcm * ell nips sliould -be fed dally at tile, I I
edy -,,-, bring priceg to a prefitabl, $at., festara thl If Lip, 1).-Piding ewes have been W er head Ile,' diana, valued 1 per cent. pbo, - TIC I ed mhlp. The dog, holding the -rope (.11ropractic, the only and Original n
basis wao t1l, cut &)wn r - I and fig.i c!re a phade elkleaper, auf' the fall nionths a . pha e at $1.40, -, Jie ) fast., plunged Into the heavy so and .5ystent, of Spinal Adjust tit '
I - r_tq ng acid !it acid phos t ,
noduction. Ali , , t.) durl not, of frolil 2 to 4 Pounds P file . Ef-
1)Ted bAw6en day. ' c that
-IltY- t i,ligatlY !CMV MIMS RrP Quote I 011 th(? wl,il(. j.1 Aond cr)-ndition, - , ey valued 1 per cent, Oil the , 'n., 'I aftel* struggling for mor. i all fective Ill 95 per tent. of all i3agas.
othor rop rt oftlt?!i that fully RevO ., Jim rifla prunvs. There Do- As tlio winter PaSKIPS a grain MIX- tb and Refilows
five 1,pr cent. of tile hngo 'Am..'It" of I 1.f!' 'k of Vall?u 111 . 1,,,t!l (.if 0,,qober and t1le 1'*i't Of P.auttood constituent In r; ek , '! -.).-'- i hour reached the steamer. With tile "Chiropractic Locates
to-tt * ,,..Id h.t Dritt.!l'i w3r0holl _-.( ,,j Itavo , - a fgg .Qupph. o2 o .,ar.qt ,j of varl -Ili tuyCA of oati; 8 parts, bran 2 parts and do slag at , 40C. - 1h; i line aboard, the passengero waro sent the -Cause of Disease; Nature Heals,"
.1 (..,,n,b(,r they will giv('. a 9"d "31) of sta" phate, and low gra
. , 'aj-lcpt .'r"th lc -,,,ver priee,. t 9. If oil eake one part Should be. . ted,
flet'n" or2ted with u513 Wid Will, 113", t - 1- 11"ds (ill tl,,p n '11,,11), materl%ls i asli,yre In a breeches buoy, the baby J. A. FOX, D., D.O.
.4 ,,.I.ql 1,,-(), d not nleaU Mat tllc",:
I oI ill(,. rl( xt sprin , ,Ing tile daily allow- di e -1 0
)' purpo.,4, , ,.1;r dt And 11,dfc,atior i On tile prb;(.,r .i wEl 4 t Is at.,corded dui,"lig the gradually InVeas iys, purchased at tll('se I being carried n a mail bag. .N,'O%,', Also fully quallf]. d. gr,duat . In
be so Id for chr zlllf!al "I.!)d treatal"ni cotild be alw
-,,molitiomi It '),% , t-11 1, Vr. 0311ory and purupLiv.; , Ance lip to from one to two pounds 'Phone 1 I. 11 r t%
vtroyod, w q T
Under theri- ( ` ! " , " 1. hit, r AlOtIODS. I , prices, but it did form a, constant baMO I the dog lifts a silver Collar, the gift of osteopathy. b ,ou a 2
I., -e,,;t -au'lilmly that a firiiwr tea mal- 11i:11,qu0.1;,i,! 4_11"Or thi-i vVe.Ac atol tll , 1."-p -..nm, U11,11 the, snlov , c )Inp,.4 Ill I pei' llea(l, and the tUISID, may ba for valuation oil "which comparisans [a number of humano sosietips of Z,, and 7 to 8 pan. -
Uot whl df-vel'al. Thon, 1:; a fair d,,- I 1),-,,,_jt ,) rnai ,& Ii.)1diii firm. Thero -,Ip- tl .. .- I for tll( (!We,i, bkit they I gradually decreased as th-Tre Is a t0n- and was 1110--iPlilladelphia. . . Tr____- __ _________. --I----- __ _
.7 I',! '1103- .; t') J j. a sl'ortaq 02 catilled peat, ""evillY best to dovelop rather have been ,computed I
.1i0' , . . . U out ha hwAvy Talus It lattilis ative value the sta- , ----.
., bW oit p r,
,!! g I . ,1=10 uat Tpulai. Of the 1 "Iley OfL101T tnwp , ation c,ttive of the reR
"Tj" "Ad f,,,r 01tille " , Lrge (I Qk it tile turni
14mm , v., I.. thic.; rp,._.pevt tjj i mar- ; dljx! ,o tli,l Idr, 41rain On the Ilf."W PaCii. n. ,,11%)W,il ,, fA1.4 gi, drenching 'j, I.-, b -in- DRUGLESSTIlys"ICIAN
, It
.*! lot Of14'. tf a p., lo inip'.n." . torills the , ,vy. However, sonic .911opp ' ' I on these forms of PhOs- Cott3n of good ,quality I `J
U01 ;; no flif";'rew t1lan It Irm lle"!tl * , . . ft"Let slalwo I' fi(,eee at this season may leave - . - I,!1' ,',!rIo ),Tt,.vi1dp 11(511cl) it it; evident that ,grown Ili the Belgian Vong.). .
"t qa')i." ttlml'i dr, ? ,Lpfj!,, oti'd daft"pr.4 N,ftto tli tt the -ale.4 'hilled for days. 11ilen qf,elll to liave Olt! bmt of IUCI% he 1, jti l 0
-e t" .1 f. ,Iy wet anti c . q I of the readilleBs With . -_ - - _!.._!r!_ _ ---
illig, bv I 11 hc f
if'; tiow 1,ro 'S"Alled Japan t('3s ,I?(- gottlug w v, .cp Iwith full apaing of four pounds 409 plautfood dls8OIVL1V, Constitutes 1117, "" -:7 ... 1 __ .
o1v pqu., The b -it wl da y. which i
lot'r . . ljjal, v-jl1( li!.;a'(m,, oftPring _ -
-ir, )(J , Pow ,id ) 'l 1 . ,, .i ; , pi)ly atid t,111,.4 ritay . bo4l N a dry location partly open turnips per head pvr -
,erva to . great Value When You are .DR. F,T ARKER
('J I I - l , , - -Juk all Rent I
I "I P"w . w .8 a .1i it arrords amplel kvIl"lo sheep will not pv.rh.q).,1 oll Of ,9. This fact I
prle ,,,,; I wl 1; 14 r'.,?:r!4I_.',1, 0 t"(1t ,1VWr3r- , lrevgt'wti tllu lnavlzet until tho I W toy the .,-1o)JItII. 140 that purchasing fertilizer Us t p
b e I , ad * , ii% havo ,, froe a great deal of water before lambing Pd. oljatllia Physician, only qualified
,,.I 10,(... em aa.' ', f, , . ,; )& firt ould have tllf% (11anadiall pertilizLr law. anitmol
ollr 111w. 04).f.(t i vrd ,, ;; rp jl 'Air and t1m. flock oll,
I., slate that thi." . furth(m r0dactiolis 011 TO. aI,,y,__u,l old it tlivy arv. gottlIM rotlits and there Is osteopath tit North Huron.
pa,t t mado January'l, 192% faltOR Into account I
u4 -.lnf':!: IV f3t ,Ijj ,,rp, lirit.t?s are quoted oil' ranvv., of tile yard tantiIIII snow available, vt It 1,., a better plan I COUNTER Adjustment Of tile SOUP 1% more
v"R".T !111 r.,%own cfm*-Iorable im. 1(Q oat';. . ,11()tti) ig st-ver 60,40 a dOOr Upon that, they have. avevv-,i I() clea-,l v,,,Ilo,!Il it requires 4m 010 taq, or bag a quickly ,secured and with f3wcr treat.
.,,:v(-w -a', ftt baci!re .-j. Ordem, ar( ,;, f ii wit'a 4pf Vanaffi-IL - .. )F1 st%
-,j I)ip, L,uppl,v I Ito see . t(,nlcIIt,0f th(,i nitrogen tile poremit- I
11 .,;,, . . . 11 ; " Alvvp. 0 fo,1 ,.v,utt_,r ratiOlIq water cvVTY day. salt 0alould I I
I " ,).,,t!y It, jbv,_. ,y jot, .d n, -o- Thi -V s1lould 1) .
j !sflkl-1 I,! 111LOY0 f- ,Clv bu . . _prf, , el!a ruling prie ,f avallable-phosphorle, acid and'% metits than by allY Other method,
j.-,( e ? thom va0i 6r- ,'Thoi fhEt :,21)11%' 4) lPreliell ea,AiP! 'At i -w, gruntal frf,czeg, a-.-, groo-111 theld pjae d -,, ll rp aceef,., may be liad to It R,q(l n ld, and tile per. C,H,Ecx r,lood pressure and other exanillia.
TiIL, lndie t(. I . Pleft- I at, all, times. I tot,,Il phosphoric ac
vilmll lolm. 3111 Inal. to? tiono made.
df .-;,% 'A t1i'd T('W"(,": ' 1i , jp tbaf h"4:, 1 emi afer( d for tionlo I )UriBiling p., wer.
, - t116 ,al marloat. hm, but little It( altILPT 11 tit(' f0"In (3f I As tit(, lariblur, qcasoa napproa6ips, (!C.IItag(3 of potash .qolnblo ill water. All diseases treated.
; 1 4 fJU , IgIo, I alititY Of PlautfOOd YOU ;,'t In 1
t tt ,,,,J, ,; art) qj tting, law and lm"I*Xlt;!) lye tr, t,y 01, groen Iced, in, N , The olua
,, L 't)-.12 ,al. Cru-NIII of toliji 0- roots. is rel- al U ,(; ol around file ud&v,
%Allt Ex,tin bcco* An r Opp. 4,1C.,all turnip, a_qoll and only !Bucll Ish(juld be, elippod away and a liumbop ill() to), and the availability of $,%In(," " OFFICE ,OVER, CHRISTIVS STO1,15.
pat In I -,-- ___ ____ -,- IS11pl U I 800",ts .. 6 t ", ,Ww!! _,..!!!!.__!' !"! , ', I ,
tal, za? :Ippk,ars td_ bt tbe VCall S IrAr.. 11,1PORTANCII OF MICA, I at tills qc 'ill sliouldloif Inlividual petis, 4 feet by 6 fW)t Is the, InPas re of tile, fortilizees ill- .
-, m."n'%f"t, jud qlioteitiow. ,aw, up. cle, Sic . 11,011, L.S.A. IS IT PERMANENT?
bo f fttpn , Vallie.—Henty ('T
tho n@l: '1411(f waill 1;-i,r)f,"tafkco of lilt", Ill 11V a" will it fod in III, aize provided. whero- -PaPh ewe Inav trill , - ___ I W4 sire agentIt for the Apple- W( .c.ften wonder In our deWho?
redjec-d. %V1If)"C,Ca1prs mA tailjortclt'l 1 cjll. The, Ilay is bes
, IwQA( rn ivolicAry 146N It, Ill" fact tll,lt, 1) e 'J 1 a b,1 placed botoru or Immediately after
raek,,A. 80111A ,8110piterds I)Wfer . Who <-ver heard of a female deer ford Counter Che(* Ilook Co. I
-, 4fic"I l it I, ' puff( ig. This plan prevent$ the dig 't way, -and we must ank som( Sentle- ,
r(L)art baship" -.4 Wi aCtivO OU j 4,ne ,of tits, -St COnduevOrG of au get Its: lanibin Its, and liorns In vtllvCt thi's See aur xamples and Se I
yluit , 1wt fftat % i pat ,hc,y are wffl 1119 , rack lnt, Which the Sheep e .1 I
at a jt, L,;. a, ,. qny illstap P. ( ( irieliy a!,dth(-:efz,'rn desirable 101' writer owning Of lambs by tile e%'10 and ell- With ItOr man friend who gets around a little .
.4 Ill 1 .4 (, j g%& - .. , , lif.-ad, Others. including thO give thfl ew(l ,timc, of year? yo,,t a correspondent 1 price% lifforo Ordering.
", - tIIs,t job
a ase Or iwulatiqll. it Is al e attondant to more than wo,- do. it tke paint tho
Ftro so'.d bL,I#jw rvlilftreli ent pri(, ,: . I Otte With iglAt.4 plated 1"St f1tr ablor' th al Attention. whelf writes us . R Ward, of OrIllia, v 11HR WM0+4AM ADVANOIK, .7 to ,eolne
'it indl.,-pensall!e M OW 'electrIcAl t enable tile shecl) t O ont., shot a t'A
ii 81)"t anti tio. () 0 putpr and lambs Individu girls put on h" a ton6eltC
Currints .Irt* star " ! 11'k & ,e off On a person, that 11410M11 to TUb
th` p "` 1) 1-1 -1
(;c. 1 fffl ,nou .1 'we ba,4 tv -iuj she is very apt t ro hundred pound doe At I WIrt0*ffi, O"t
rl, . I e g'anpol indufATY. it, , Ith horens, I ,
,4, tl, ,Ap and pull thf) hay out. A lit- lose onf, -mbor 13, W 11 11 - _-1-11-
, of them it ghe 11 % pnu Varling, on NoYe I I I _
p mIry !,I.oclts _rf! f3irlY Wel .L ___--1_-_ III . in thL I __ _ 11 apint3t it, I
.,Jly UnlAins Rtv, jol(ked Up its faSt Ss J, -,%0h year A1nf1rI(an% Ilse V.20,(Iooe F t'e Itar I% Pulled orlt Under food d with the flock. which had VelYet On thtm- 1_0_ 11111111111111111111111111101111110-0-1 I
illey a7rtvp. Fwaporat"'I spillfw, show i till, w.ty-, but ICSIS 1,1 wasted thatior yar
a f -.%Ir MoYeWllt, for thp Wesir.ru MI WOCUL of butteftli. ., -1 . .