HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-30, Page 5Doc. "Jott-i Zo THE %'INGUAM ADVANCE
h the following is the Some Sure will run because they bear
4, s4 _-
In, East Wawartur
results of the nomination. Stern duty's clarion call, X
UOR IMEVE, And some. wouldgain experience dear
W. J. Currio by II. McClanagbark and Wilme pride will have a fall. X
Win. Andereon. And some will run btcauce they thial:
Newton Campbelt by Win. Wakkill They may by chance get in X
and Wal. Howlett. And some will run at whom we wink
all our VOR COUNVILLOUS And some at whom we grin.
Win. Stranghati by Geo. Sned and And some will boldy sally out
Ellsha Walfter. NX
And find the going rough,
John r4ilh!splo by Bert Thompson and And some will ruti, we have no doubt,
f4 -
George Ne.1con. Whose running is a�,bluff.
Cus-totn ers and
Geo. M. Rob6tsork by Robt. Scott
and George Nelson, And Eome will run for whom we'll vote
3rrie and Because we think they'll do,
Robt. Coultice by W, J. Ct
And come on party waver, will float
Aa Geo, Walker. Wishing 'to all Customers an -d
And so be carried through.
Fr"ends X
lgers and
Robt. Buchanan by Win. Ro� With some this running is a vice,
'Win. Walton,
Henry Leishman by J. E. McCallum A habit hard to break. Friends that the New Year wilI
And some will run who have the price,
and J. McCallum.
we wish a In the township of Turnberry there And some for glory's sake.
will be a three cornered light for the And some have found a habit bad
i;e to them a Happy and a
k reeveship. Thosenriminated were: Of running every time,
very mad
_%C 7 r. Olt RENVE Their conduct makes us
'dP Jas. Porter by S. Burchill and Win. And yet may lead to crime.
Happ an ros- Pwospercus One.
x 'y Chandler. And some will run a manly race,
Jas. Moffatt by J. C. Higgins and D, With nothing to regret,
S. McNaughton. And some we fear, to their disgrace,
perjus New Jar. I. Scott by R. C. Muir and H. Have never done so yet,
ome will1run, with courage bold,
And s
Arthur Wheeler by Raymond Elliott and While hostile critics storm,
E. Nichol. And some will run we have been told
Rich. Wilton by W. Breckenridge and
"A Yecti just merely to koey warm.
Melvin Willits.
But' still. no matter whY they run,
If you their course condemn;
d id T K
Win. Austin by E . Jenkins at You know you do not have. my Son,
Powe1 and votelfor them
es and TO 90
Rueben Stoker by Thor. Jam
-M John Gemmill.
Broke His Arm
W. A. Mines by Melvin W
NNA CO illits and W.
HA"' ert, the six year old
A few days ago Rob , K .
1. S. VanStone.
J. J. Moffatt by J. H. Powell and Ben- son of Mr. Ed. Bennett of Salem, had the
son Cruikshanks, misfortune to have one of his arms broken
IN -1. Ivi
I A, I L L S
He and another boy were
Jas, 1. Scott by I Metcalfe and W. in two Places
Breckenridge. playing in the stable and the little fellow X Phofie 89. Winghani, Ont..
J, L. McEwen by D. S. McNaughten ran between two of the cattle and a kick
nd H. Bolt. from one of the animals was the result.
Jae. Porter by D. Holmes and D.
John H. Smith by J. H. Powell and R.
In the agricultural statistics of the
Fordyce tow Enforcement C. Weir Province of Ontario, which has been furn-
Mr. and Mr. James Dow andidaughter, Announcement has been made by the In Howick Mr. P. F. Doig was elected isbed as by County Clerk G. W. Holman,
Mary are spending the Christmas 'week Attorney General's Department at Toron* reeve by acclamation. the County of Huron stands as follows in
IV to e various in ries an pro uc
ion of ustice ohn D ncan,
miss Lulu Chamney of Toronto. is and satisfactory adminigtrat, j , Brussels. Mal Fraser, John D Population .......................... 4th
tpenditiq her Christmas holidays Under the the Attorney General is arranging to George McCall, Sam'l Wilton, . L.
pmatal root. I- a -6-1 constable in the in- - f. A T B B-11-tyne were nomi- Acreage ............................ 5th.
Harvey, Watson who has been in charge-,
,of a section on the railway at Beecliville
spent Xmas at his home here.
Colleg , spen Xmas at the home of b
Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Birney of Exeter,
Miss Margaret Rintoul, is spending a ' 1,1 .11� . . . Spring wheat value ................. 4th
cipal towns of the province under the nated for counc4l. NVe presenf.to our readers to -day the! private and commercial purposes, espec- sp@ot Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hap. -
few days at her home. Barley ............................ 2nd
Mr. Adair is at present busy with his direction of the Crown Attorney, In Morris there was no opposition to Oilts .............................. 2nd - first of a series of Questions and Answers ially by lumber companies for fire -rang- per.
41over threshing machine in this locality It will be the duty of this officer to at- the 1920 council. concerning Canada that will not only ing and exploration. Fred Scandrett of Tor -onto, spent tba -
d, under the direction of the Crown East and West Wdwanosh and Kinloss Beans ......... ............. 2nd provide an unique and interesting mass Answer to Question No. 5 -It is estim- Holiday with his mother, Mrs. J. SCamv -
Mrs. Lev! Havens is at present visiting ter, Flax ...... ;. - , *: , :: �': .............. Ist drett.
ber son, Alexander Haven. Attorney, to police work, in connection councils are returned by acclamation. Marigolds ......... ................. Ist of material regarding the Dominion, but, ated that Canada's annual loss agricult- Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGill of'�Vlbghiuw,
Mrs. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor of Luck- with all parts of the county where there Lucknow, council will have: only one that should stimulate research and mem- 1 urally through parasites is $125,000,000. spent Xmas with the former's sisterp,
mow, spent Christmas at Mr. William is no police force. In cities and towns change Murdig withdrew and R. Mullin Ha5 ................................. 3rd cry in seeking for the answers. The re-, swer to Question No, 6 -The three Misses McGill's.
Taylor's All field crops ...................... 3rd I �-
plies to one week's questions will be!prairie provinces have 36oc, elevators, Cameron Geddes of the Bank of Coat -
Mr. John and Victoria Champion also havingaforce, while of course itis the took his place. )e a run for Pasture .................... : ....... 2nd Filic. spent Xmas with fa�,
Wellington Nixon and Charles Leaver, provincial officer's duty to give what In Ashfield there will I given the following week, except that in; from 40 to 6o feet high, that will hold merce, Walker% Mrs. W. J. Geddes,
ecessary, he will not relieve the council but reeve Jos. Hacking and Orchard and small fruits ............ 2nd this, the first instalment, a few replies I zo,000,000 bushdls of grain at one time, parents, Mr. and
vpftt Christmas week aniong friends assistance is n ac- Horses .......... ................... 1st are given as Samples. (The answers to Questions 7-12 will be Mr. and Mrs. Jim VanCamp of London,
around:Arthur, the local police of their duty or interfere deputy reeve John Jamieson have spent a few da s w' rh Mr. and Mrs. joha�k
Milch cows ......................... 3rd We would suggest that this Department given in next week's instalment, as well. Coultas, sixth ly
Mr. Sta�ley of Seafrarth. spent Christ-! with their activities. It will be his duty clainations. Cattle of all kinds .................. 2nd foe, Wawanosh.
imas week visiting relatives around Fordyce.: to enforce the Criminal Code, the Ontario In Turriberry Mr. Wheeler has been be clipped for future references, When as a set of new quesVions. See how many, Mrs. Ferguson of Bayfield, and Mrs. T,�
. Mrs. Robert Haines has returned home, Temperance Act and any provincial disqualified as he is a school trustee, and Swine ....................... ...... 4th completed. it will constitute an invaluable of the laster you can answer before they iL. Geddes and Miss I.sabell of Waterloo,
after spending a few weeks with her statues but not of course municipal by- thus the running for reeve will be be- Poultry ........................ 3rd volume of Cauadiana. appear in print.) spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F-ar-
daughter, Mrs. James Snowden of Laurel, Total value of live stock sold and I THIS wRUK81 QUESTIONS nest Geddes.
wbo. underwent an operation for al laws, which of necessity wiil be left to the tween Porter and Scott, and for the same ed ........................... 2nd
-Where did the word Rev. and Mrs. Pbters spent mondli�
muncipal authorities, It is hoped that reason there are only three councillors, Implements ........................ 3rd L)nestion No. I Whitecburch f with friends in Aubtan.
the appointment of these officers will re- Messrs Mines, Moffatt and McEwen. Potatoes ............................ 7th "America" come from?
Mixed grains ........................ 3rd 011esti(lin NO. 2 -What is the strength *Nliss Kate Smith of Galt. is visiting at I The Xmas tree in connection with the-
Howi6k Pioneer Passes suit in a greatly improved administration C"rection Sheep ............................ "$th. , . home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fox. I Methodist S. S. on Friday %light last, was
of -justice, especially in the rural districts. of the Great Nyv'ar Vdterau's Association? ill o
Died on. December tile 15th. Martha, ces, of- In reporting the death and burial of An average of 2.75. Mrs. Alex. Mowbray and alba of Dun. a success; the differt!ut numbers Oil tb1_1
McGill, relect of the late Thomas Danes I All complaints of criminal offen It'will be noted our remarkable Show- 1.)uestion No. 3 -What is the extent of spent the past week Willi program was well rendetcd- rbe pro-
nst seccions of the 0. T. A. Mrs. Win. Montgomery of Wroxeter who - . gatiacia, have .
about eight'fences agai - i her Ing Irk horses, flax, stock, orchard and Canada's automobile Industry. relatives bete. ceedg amounted to $60.
Gorrie, who predeceased her offences. against other provincial died Nov. 23rd, 1920, the name o small fruits, and grains. Question No. 4-WIlert, does Canada Miss Xathloerk Terriff returned from!
hing re
years ago. She was born in the County'or
-of Calvan, Ireland, and came to Canada: statues should be made to the Crown half'brother, Mr. Geo. Gallaher, of Wing- NOTICE TO CRE61TORS stand in aviationsince the war? Toronto, Where she has been vist SCHOOL REPUTF
in the spring of 1865 and was united in the: Attorney, who is responsible for the en- ham, was by my oversight. omitted from Question No. 5 -What 4S Canada's Wives for the past three iiiotiti.s.
bonds of matrimony to the late Thomas! lorcement of the law in his county. the list of brothers and sisters. This was in tile e�tate of Naliells. Weir hato of ihe annual agricultural loss through parasites? 'Mr. and Mrs. George Cottle celebrated
brought to my attention by a member of Townslll� of Turnberil. in the 0outtly of their Golden wedding oil Chrktmas Day, The following is the reporl or S. No -
Huron, idow, decease . Question No. 6 -How many elevators Congratulations. os
i�arte in the month, of August 18flfl, and to aC- Notice Iq here given nursuant. to section East wa%van for Navomber anL
went to live on the farm, where they lived the family and I ask all concerned
iapter 121, oth. ti. 0. 1911. that, all verson,, has Western Canada? and how runch. All were plLased to %ce Mrs. Cuylar in Dlcember. The natiles t11V ;it order ul
cept my regrets for the ommission. -Rev. 5601 nas against, the estate of Isabella will they hold? the village on Sunday. merit.
Salem havlo d
till a few years ago when they retired and M. E. Lymburner. W21k1b.111io onoraboutthe twelfth dayof 011 Irwin, Gor�:,111 Mellurrilky'.
November A. D. ION at 06 Township:of Turn- Question NO, 7 -How does Montreal Mrs. and Mrs. Win. Martin and Bruce Sr. 111-Ha2
moved to Gorrie where they lived for ik'A happy New Year to The Advance and be,,y rerequ'red to send to the undersigned sp%?nt Christmas with Mr. Chas. N�iarakinls, Varna Irwin.
Will Tories Unite ox..�ta aK of Januart compare with Other ocean ports?
some time. After her husband's demise its Read�-rs. , in .1 before the Re. & Wingliatil, junction. Jr. Ill-RobLIA yiont,: Jim D�!acow,,.
A. D. 1921. their name., and ad ressea wit ouestion NO. 8 -What is Torouto's Alex. Roberstoll, Fred De3c,"i
her health beginning to fail, she went to X,,, visitors--Mic. George Fralick The Toronto Star has the following full vartioulanA of their claims tit writing and Mr. Alex. Simpson spent Christmas, son, Willie Irwina,-
livewith her daughter where she stayed and Alvin Wray of Toronto. at their res. .Fear. the naturo of the seenrities (it any) held by population? . Sr. II -Agues Robert
I- special dispatch from Winnipeg: them. f2tiestion No. 9 -What is the mileage with Wingliam friends. : Jr. 11-11azel m4rsurn,�y, Margaret
up to the time of her death, when she was pective homes; Mt.. and Mrs. A. E. Ga ing that the Government of Manitoba is And further take notiee that after the said Christmas visitors -Miss Edith Peddle Deacon.
latter and familY at Mr. and Mrs. Robert 6th. dady of Javilary.&, 1). 11P21, the assets of oC Canada's chief railways� and Mrs. IftGavin, Wingbam. at Mrs. Gib- Primer -Mary Robo,t
strikenwith paralysis and only lived a Mrs. John in danger of failing into the hands of the the 8al estate will be dist ribitted by the said I . son, Nlargaret.
Executors among the parties entitled thereto Question No. 10 -How many acres son Gillespie's; Miss Lilian Longman of
lew minutes. She was a kind neighbor, Hartley of Vankleek 11111, with friends Labor -Farmer alliance following the havitigregard only to claims of which they were sown in wheat in Canada in ig2o. Windsor. with Mr. and Mrs. John Camp- Irwin. M. 1. AITIMs. Teacher; -
affectionate mother, and leaves to mourn around here; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bell- failure of the farmers to agree�to a tenta- shall thou have notice and the estate will nor
in nett, walk friends at Orange Hill; Mr. and be liable for any, olaftno not. filed at the time L)uestion No. iT-What is Ontario's bell; Miss Bina Heor, 01 Guelph, at her is the report Lit U. S. S-
ker loss one son. George E., who lives ' tive workitg aareement which spells SeCtIr- of the said dititzibution. home here; Angus N1.1ay of McIntyre, The following -
Mrs War). McKonsie of Go with Mr. Dated at. Wingham this Gbh. day of Doc- annual dairy production value? i 'k and Turnbetiv for tho,
r1io and Mrs. ity for the Norris Government at the call- I at bis home-, Fred Clubb of St. Mary%, at NO. 1:3, Howie
11amilton, and one daughter. Barbara J., and'Mrs. Robert Baker; Mr., ombor A. 1). 1920, Ontario L IcCartnev of Fall terni,
(now Mrs. John Podfield.) who lives on Waldo Weir and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin cus last night, the Conservatives in the JOHN J ROWNSON, Question No. i2 -When was I his home,, Mr. and Mrs. N b., Writ., Ilist.s,
Di,w.F.Y Howsms.. set up as a province? 1 Powasson. and Mrs. McBrien and Mrs.' Exam it, Geog., Arit
the old homestead at Orange Hill and one painter with Mr. and Mrs, John Bush of Legislature, numbering seven. have asked fteoutorR. Jackson of Auburn, at Miss Tena Laid-' Spell., Read., Lit., Comp., and Gram�
eister, Mrs. George Strong of FordwiCht Wroxeter: about twenty-five friends and Premier Meighen to come to Winnipeg Hot). 525. pa.", 420.
;as with Mr. and Mrs. 'Am. A. Answei-s To First Six Questions, As laW's; Misses Sarah and Mary Sbarpe of Total 700.
relath iTeeswater at Mrs. Henderson's; Miss Jr. I't-Eve McMiohacl .)74, Minnic
all of whom have the sympathy of the, (Jathers; Mr. and 'Mrs. Ezra Mark 4L�v andseeif an alliance between the Con W Samples Margaret Gillies of Toronto, at liar home; Weir.' 564. Mary Fitch 485, Al,c�- Meald"I
friends and neighbors in their sadbereave- and family of Winglaam, ith Mr. Tht-s.. servatives and the Norris supporters can' T TE LEAD, OTH- I Mr. . and Mrs. Elgin Wallwood and'. .152, Margaret Newton 413.
mant. Soft and fa-lilly. not be arranged. Isaac Pitblado has the Aus-%ers to question No. T. -The name 1 Richard of Otanetville, at Mr. and Mrs. t Exam in Gang,., Arith., Writ. Hist -7
--- ad. Ifou, 3,T4
ernment. EKS FOLLOW I , -'s Total I.io.
matter in hand for the Gov "America" first appears in Iltolemy's;john Falconet ; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kow'Spell.. and Re.
i and Edith and Willie of Wingliam, at, Pass 20.
G wography, oil a map by IlylacouivIus,
Wise ones are bringing their I Nit- and Mrs. Goo. Cottle's. Ill-Walte
Wit the support of the Conservatives k, WOOC14 88S. 101 ill' BMI�
the Government could carry on in safety. i tile assumed name of Martin Waldren- 0 nett 2g,) Wilfred Matthan 27:1. WilfireO
Mr. and Mrs. Ben MacCleriaghari spent I .1� Fitch.
Cream, Eggs muller of Pribourg, about i5oo. Alfieri- 1 Christmas Willi Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bar- Henry 26S. William Weir:Z7. A1%,
I klev 2211
spucci wrote to tile Duke of Lur 255. George Niel
ur customers and A i cliq Ve, hour, Fortivee. Exam in Geo;,n. Arld... spall.0.
We. wish all o Poultryl raine giving an account of his vtivage,: Tile uiristinw, Trvo in tile Presbyter- Total 3159. H( th 24tt PASS,
and and Read.
i in which Ve,;pnet-i c1nimed Ito had visited ian church. was a great suevoss. Abe �)10
rous x to 1 paria (in the mainland. Lord Dufferin presents (in the Cliarity'I'mo wvr,� valoud It -Tena vitch 2dis. Cat, l'iti-h 2,'.L,;'
n d Prospe r
friends a Happy a -it Slos ud wort- sent to a Rosotw I lome Kontleth I'�';wtt
1011my Willits
THE, HUR RS STII,L cunjectured that tile Duke ShOW01 the id St. V-111-11it0phOU'S 110111C ill 1 0r%1qt0- '-N11, MM % Ilarl N lldl�
n lettel, tt. Wrildsieumuller, who gave tile at
THE HUN- Silve?W0048 Ltd, Who 4 1,; W.4% 1 alten ill at ill(., door. Jacl� 11ti-ris 107.
Nizw Year. I __ Mrs litisk-1110.11 and tbvtta '714ildren of;
I I-- t ". Loth co -1.1t, , sp,mt Chri�ltna4 at Alt's W�*riq. Mina
land ona inal), thu'; depriving thut. - I Paton. Plus.
Ild 51MI aWglift tRae- nAting Cash 3ccurlate I I I : Fitch. Mildred Catht-1-4, Ivi"114, Woo&�,
1 Caliut of their nghts through. -Ins.
and 1,
tests, lionestis-eitAlits and a �tlllafv deal, I M;-, Nott". Cottle pont Mo liki"M.4% at , Blam-be'VIV, h. R %till Vorrl� 11L
dnnmee.k) oprang al pay.4' '�' I , tit. P�ol. .6 t Ueu
_�Nli�ther it is, new laiti tggs I prioritj� 1A (li�,covarY- 11"r hottle 1w Sa. llunwrk E&T15 W
r or Iwulti'vil-11 brIM, th"I'l I'"- We: Ati�%ver W flith:stiolt Xv. 2 G"e3f, I latllt�
Nit, ad llr,. Holit. Ilut'dontu", Dolven,
7ZWORLDIS IT02.0 taLe livill ariv day'. Vvteran% A!�,,uvirkloa cf Canada 11.1d)
� - poin C116 t,wvt-� Willa 111 �;. Paidtill's pal.
1. - ___ I. :,,I
if Vt-'p,Mt aI1l)l`C,%i1IIL1tV Ill and Mr�. Arviiie Aiweo;ov
SVRN'10,� at eml t
Thoso wilikol %0 liati
aml ioorr
Ilip i,f 2t,t i,,,, io in .14' , hiallelw,. via St. liel 11 -
last dav Mihht. . ;0
d a n .0 'r, 0 P. vii:Alberta,i J411_JtJd �rebf ChlTst-:.% v\,, t tlAv.
Frii ay, Dec. I ft he W. tmlft�llg & &'Iule daemnuo ntlone, v.! 110I-hIk'V%VVV0
A Johnson, f�n:nikcr, in Ci,� ztate Af�_ loq. 1-b*, 0, tiv."
")I,; wla�ts "voll tht. K'ittol", Nuauh-i eat reZ
iw Slaughter I To,!snalvr.
0 /1'r� P a ti es r G (o M9, North Carolina. iq a straV��Ti,A allit) 0 1 q.i; Q.,.k '!e Now !,'I
M.r. Stcon - tz ma4'..J. i,� viil" N'i. 9, -
SlIc.flcelt Ifolmkcpand Ito enjove, a laug,%.
F* cn� co F a mi -M
ale. Por -Mme iiiE?Iitq % meark tluof - 113-1 bunl'j�,,
elitcrilre hic" eo%v stable and Imil.41g, tt.Q T11,n -1) 51,1�1 Daual
L st WLnV S4
ardly iv
cow and johwun 11, ot e1w.uvil 111ilk,
opeg catlic" Tov.L)Sbiv �`elw& Va"t,
W, cv(ii for W., breahin qL,. ?:.;I"
vir, I) Iwgaa thinhinc;,. The t to ", Razcul�.),;
�v to 3mirkt qeh i'll au'l vTwwli. 6,
1-c,zzil t!.ao, that -n lt(altli�, �01ed faral k 1 4 1 . N. C. M
%n* plit in tile tovj'�� 41411 0A,00 lit 'Y lx*�,iil_�,I%,v, -1", VI
7,f t
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r s a 11
W t
1;;Ont to twAd- q
N AND 0111 Lon, (caozm, �3 il"
kk'�IiOa bl!,Jlk�k t4l 0ko Trw vat,�! w.-., Itiv tsu+
n -A C�4 wft Mi, h I'LO o)n", f i 6�.,