HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-30, Page 41: 11 1 � _: ��� �, III X1Z 913 71331 �11 , 1 017 EVE 1'.. 1_377, Os7i U31 ow il 07" 1, ��q. g l, q: tT. � =i1_1V1k1 CLEAN 'W EP 0 AND oft a V It K ME LE UUG Cim2A. Im %`% n days* Commencing HUDAY9 rDECEMBER1,31st, and lasti'g for 15- -1 far Lower Prices, ""They are Here". The Greatest Sellang Event In the HIstOFY ot Huron County. No 1,14M %J It. Having decided to Put,OD this saleg there win be no hall 61Rr. p�,- I our Old -Time Sales that will measure up to everything that the word Sale Sjo,-yeduce our sixty Piousand dollar stock before stock taking at the end Of the mont -as will be all the greater when way measuresq 1�1 076� lla'Ve pitched proilts to the winds and are going to run one 0 record for Low prices and the bargall means. Come%eretexpecting big bargains. you win get them. Titis store has always had a - - 1, it win pay you well to buy for Spring. We 4 . d at this Sale at prices they cannot be bought at Three Months from no%v often. isard's Sales are always sales these Prices aTe. Goods will be sol Come early. Come will do our part to Make this One of the greatest merchandising events in tne history of this store. worth while. Men's Odd Pants Dress Goods Dept. ing cor9fort, Gold and 'd, of V10- Good-. Suitings, Coatings, Silk Crepes, Staples at Reduced Prices Package of Soap asportedsompris .... ...... 500 All kill ,Sunlight, 6 Cake& ................... Big choice of plain and fancy stripes. A straight discount Fancy Trimmings, Linings, etc, at 20 per cent off Veg. prices. English Long Cloth. yd wide, 35c, sale See our bargain list at Grocery counter, no room to quote of 20 per cent off. Circular pillow Cotton, 75c value. sale all cut prices here. Wooten's Coats 5 pieces fancy plaid Wash Goods, 35c ....... ..... 251, Shoe Department Men's Suits velour, Silvertone Tweed, Plush, etc all this yeam new Striped Flannelette. very wide. reduced to ................ 29c Boot and, Latest styles made by Canada's beat manufacturers, includ- ar lo. Coats. sale price $17,50. ................ 40c ing bench tailored clothes in all the latest models, plain and special to cle Extra wide White Flannelette, reduced to Big stock of the beat makes of Men's, Women s Misses' =plush Coats guarantted linings, sale price .......... 39.00 Gray Military Flannel. reduced to ................ .. ...00C and Children's Boots and Shoes and Rubbers. Our stock of _Wte and Perfection brands—on Fine weave Factory Cotton. reduced to ............. footwear Innat be reduced by one thousand dollars. Our cut fancy worsted—B%cbelor, Fite ' Alf other coats including Child's and Misses at 20 to 25 per Yard wide Curtain Scrims 35c, reduced to ................ 25c prices will do it. Buy now for spring and you will save money. sale at from 20 to 25 per cent off regular prices cent reductions. One piece Tweed Panting $1.25, reduced to .............. 1-00 Boys' Suits all new styles, Form Pit. alVaizes and patterns Men's Underwear 20 per cent off. 5 pieces striped Flannelette reduced to .................... 25c Women's Sweaters Wide Table Linen. regular $1.50, reduced to .. ... I ........ 1190 g, 3,50 sale ............ $2.50 All new fine quality perfect garments, best triakesand styles 8 pieces white Flannelette. reduced ....................... Stanfield's all wool Red Label. re ..... Men's Caps of $10 value for 66 75. Blue Label, reg. 4.00, clean sweep .......... " ­ 10 coats to clear all woc Fine quall?y Flannelette Blankets .................. i5 and 30c Green Label reg 0- 00. on sale ................. 20 per cent off all lines. Prints, light and dark. reduced to .................. ...... 200 Big range of Men'd and Boys'Winter Caps, new patterns . Feather Ticking. wide, reduced to ........................ 45c Tiger Brand, reg. 2,50. bargain at .................. 20 per cent off. Xurs I Furs 1 Pure linen Roller Toweling, reduced to ......... .. .. 1. . 38C 3 doz. broken lines, reg up to $3.00, sale, ................... "So .Heavy quality dark Shirting. reduced to ....... 1: ...... 40c Overalls and Smochg Overcoats for -Men and Boys Buy yourFurs at this sale and save from 25 to 40 per cent Fancy Lace Curtaining. reduced to ...................... 75C ae good selection of Sets- Muffs and Neck Pieces, Natural Grey Headlight. best quality,, reg 3.50. sale price .............. 2-98 Big stock to choose from, every coat well tailored and tl Wolfe, Brown Wolfe, Brown $able,. Black Sable, Black Fox, Heavy black Denim, reg. 2.50, bargain ................... 1195 very latest models. Sale 20 to 25 per . cent off. Black Wolfe, Brown !Squirrel, Brown Lynx, Golden Fox, Hud - Hosiery Cottonade stripe overalls reg 3.00, bargain .............. 2.50 son Seal$ Opposum. Marmot andWbite Fox and Thibet. 5 doz. plain and ribbed Hose, reg, 1.00, for ................ 75c ys' and YoI Sweaters Bo 13soloo Women's, Heather Cashmere Hose. reg. 2.50, sale ........ 1.75 Men's Soeks olor combinations in One Ladies' Rat Coat. Sale price ................ ......... 1,00 All wool Pullover sweaters, pretty c Blue and Orange One ladies' Brown Marmot Coatt collar and cuffs are Hu& A line of Worsted Ribbed Hose, 75C sale .................. 60c Grey union sox, 35c pair, 3 for ............................. 39c purple and White. Purple and Orange, Royal 00 each, clean son Seal, brocade silk lined, reg. $175, sole price .125,00 Bay$, heavy wool ribbed Hose. 1.25, sale ................ 1-00 Men's heavy ribbed sox, reg. 50c for ............ and plain colors. Regular value .37.00 and S. 5 doz. Women's flnequality silk Hose. 1.50 sale .......... 1.19 Men's all wool black sox, L25 for ....... I ....... swe ep price $5.90 One ladies' Black Conty Coat, Grey Opposum collar and .00 All other lines at reduced price. Boys' Underwear Boys' Pullover Jerseys cuffs, fancy silk lining a stylish coat, reg. $175, sale 125 Fur collared Cloth Coats oil sale at greatly reduced prices. Groceries at Cut Prices Fleece lined good quality 75c, sale ......... Ali wool in grey. navy and wine colors. Regular price Men's fleece line good quality 1%25 to 1.50. sale price ...... 1 00 2.00, sale price ................................ I .... 1.50 Ladles" Waists Good quality Rice, per lb ........................... loc' 20 per cent. off all other lines. Large bar Soap, reg. 20c. sale ....... 15c Coats Corsets Comprising all the new styles in' Silk Crepe, peorgette, Monarch blend Black Tea, reg,75c,*..i.' ....... 60. Men's Sweater Pongee. Fancy Stripes and Wash Silks, your pick at 20 per No. I quality Mixed Tea, reg.75c, sale .... ...... ..*,...Goc e wool, plain and fancy checks at a discol;dt Be;t makes in stock, all sizes, at greatly reduced prices. 5 cent reductions. Polar Bear White Soap, sale 3 for ................ ....35C Beat makes, pur t doz. odd lines to clear, value up to 3,00 pair-, sale 1 - go. Good heavy strong Brooms, sale .................. :::".._75c of 20 per cent. off. it will certainly Pay you well to attend this sale. 'rillirsday, 1), c. 30th, Air ILI L t TAN 11 AVE t t4i' No roon'i to quote rnore reduced pvices here, we could fill every page of the paper with n-lon ey saving values. IMMISMI law& A00I WI'*JLL h'amq Onto 0 WA 0 A Ae to & U *9 9 not tisf actory ref unded if goods are No goods- on approval, mone3 Ternis of Sale Cash or Trade. RNMWIMMMI�M Bar. Roger Okespent ChfistulaS at his brick. baste he had bought from me fir less than Wioxeter muievale home in Listowel. tiAY FS TALKALTIVE forbye they did taki away our drink. A The clerk read out the names av the its value, just by the swate wurds av him. New Xrear to all - Miss Ruby Duff , Toronto, s p e n t: Mr. and Mrs. Irarold Hammond spent I I Christmas at Atwood. a man gets oulder lie shuddint hould Si Mitchell undertook to reply to Jarge A Happy Christmas at her home here. d ni the th of Kitchener, is a Mr. an(l Mrs. Rich, Hogg from the i spoite, and besoides I loike to help the min y�o was nominate , and, fro and surprolsed us by 'the spache Mr. Win. Boo lingth av the list. there must be a lot of I Spotton iss Sarah Orr is at present visiting churches all I kin whin it doesn't cost he made He intinds to continue to be, holiday visitor in town, M West, are visiting old friends around bfisliter Editur, chaps in Wingharn lookin fer wurk. I council. , � Among the holiday visitors in town are I relatives at Hamilton. here, it is 22 years since Mr. Hog Deer Sur, annything. Mishter VanNormen wits cheerman and a thorn in the soide or the B1 Was St. Mesilf �Wd some av the other U. F. 0. Well, whin we got to the hall we found first called on my ould fri-d Jarge Tommy Binnitt also shpoke wid his I isses Grace and Irene Stocks, Miss bliss Vietta Curtis Of Toronto' went We� byes wint into Wingbant on Monday night what me bye, who Was to the wari calls a usual reaily wit. What a big man he Rutherford, bliss Jennie Allen, Vir. home for a few days this week, Mr. aii(I 'Mrs. Win. Thornton spent to beat the spaches at the nominating full house. The pool room and pickture Shpotton to spake. Nobody kin spake wud bellow wid the U. F. 0. byes if he prazy Allen, Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Pardon 0,0 On. . betther than Jarge, but he has some quare hpd onlnytshtayed on the farm. Wid his and son of Detroit, Miss Oral Kitchen Mr. Rich. Johnston shipped a carload Christlilas at the home of e Thornt mating. and sure it was an intertainment sbo%v must have had a poor noight av it ideas. He wanted the Council to spind e iff, o hog o Toronto Tuesday. loife, and didn't cost a tint, ter we 7be good wolves av Wingliam, cud go to the paple's money to build a monnymint his flu Irish tongue and apt illustrat- Miss Sadie White of Toronto, Mr. Cl f a t Belmort., our barses in the Mithodist their could beds alone and in swate con- tiny farmer wud undershtand White of Guelph, bliss I-lopper of Toron: Mrs. Wilson of Toronto, spent Christ� t up, in honor av the brave byes who wint to ions that a was with tier father. Mr. Adam Cleghorn, a day Ods. I have no grudge agin thim. chaps. tintment, with pace av moind and a hot the war and niver came back. In this he wud soon be a mimber av Parliamint. to. in the Miss Eva Duff of Welland, was lionte The village was quiet on XnI way the widdies and mothers av the byes There was a lot av other min shpoke An old and- respected resident holiday. most of the residents spending the dali ex -'but you Will excuse me Mishter Editur onlas blusgrove passed overthe with friends out of town. wud have to pay their share av the 'r of Winglial", pinse, and the profiteering pirates who from writift anny more at prisint as I person of Mr. Th away at the home of his son, Jeff. Of Master John McAlliste The Xmas entertainment given bri asyer. 'Tis a must grace me boots befure going, to bed. days this week with. 111" Wednesday evening was a success financ- V Turnberry, at the ripe old age of e spent a few stayed at home wud git aff a happy and aisy Ne'y eight. The fitheral will be held o Vhl- uncle, Geo. !ally and otherwise the children acted i in it. Wishing y9it a to, it; visit� their part well. quare wurld and wid quare mit Year, I remain. uesday from th 51311, 1 Aliss Ar Thin too Jarge i �Zi e home of his Mabel Couites of Toron nim shpoke av Yours as B. 4. terment atVVroxeter cemetery. jug with her mother. Mrs. Hackney and Miss Eunice are V I The fishes and loaves a delivered q Ispending tbeholiday in Wingham. _�fo ANE ar of coke last Week. TimoTRT HAY. W. I Du That was taken from Groves. ff receive4l at --"'A GUID NEW YEAli Tis a rhyme I made, Misliter Editur, Xmas visitors are Miss Blanche Irwin, A01%k poetieblood 01�� Miss Hazel Dickson, Toronto;, There was a largp turn out to the i Wingham. but I cuddint help it, wid the nnin troo my entertainment ll� t1b abel Ballagh, Guelph. at their AN', A christmas Tree FISS lav mi Irish ancistors ru 1) le He thought that mimbers av a. urday night to. rMespectTive homes here vanes. The Hun Knows Methodist Church 93t f lodge shud shtick together troo thick an .25- Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin. arrived fron: I Ja ITS 'the West Wednesday, to spend the Winter iti . V_:!, ;. - thin, like us Tories used to do whin d A guid New Year to ane an' a'. and monY ceeds amounted to $64 may ye see; Mr. and NO - JOIIII bIOwI)raY of White oul,d John A. led the party. 'Tis a Not His Own Kin Atorsat (1,eo, iklowbray',,. with friends here. goo 7 - to ne -4 '7 1, A, -,vud make, but, An'during a' the Years to come, Oh, church, N�ere vi, U F. 0. mimber Jarge Iliss, Sr., is quite poorly. Mr. McNeil, is home from Wingharft 2 no Jove fer us, and says! Mr. Will. Gar he seems, to hey IIis itially friends hop 'WOW better ajitin. Mrs. Herd Sr. w' Twiluld take a A happy may ye be. e lie will soon be hospital much improved in health, ant to make the gr Iss grow on the lit may ye ne'er hae cause to mourn, to ho has been quite ill i strates av Wingbam. Q-btrong fertilizer to malte annything grow Remembered Th eir Teacher sigh or shed a tear, oltues of Holitlebvill 1W Miss Laura H ith pleurisy, is a;ie to be about again. Miss Lizzie Hackney is in Harriston. t an' stna" a *IT. Harold ll()lllles ()f P and f on the mainstrate at laste. oves On Wednesday afternoon the annual Toane'an'a', baith grea ostoinle Was up Jawn Gr I r the holidays. the guest of Mrs. Jas. Clark. Whin Jarg and entertainment Was hearty guid New Year. home. fo Born- -At Cottage wn def � and tould a Christmas tree u shpoUe in his G mcc 10 se. A Rev. Mr. (' regory front Virginia, is !it Hospital Toronto. junction school h 0 time Mes fast, he winnia wait, my friend present vis '%VIn,'to the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Strachan, pretty straight alitory, anJ the lads Bwl. held in the iting, his sister, Mrs. c xcd him Jawn is a good bye. and the pre- hec plea4ng part of the program was for you or me; Thorontoll lie preached in the bictil' f0tilinrly Ul6s Hantiall Harris, a daughter. ivilces him. though he may bev iverybod� sentation of. the f011Owing address and a day by day, and odist &ureh SundV evening `"'(I gave his faults loike the rist av us. 17 �- �7,' U, fl� it fine sermon. onward still doth flee. A y 7o.-, th,)uQllt bmutiful clock to tile teacher Misti Brock,, Heworks his wonders I Billie Gurney, the late ma! wit I tj1c., %vorlc Viv ttle 1!i,20 c,,uncil v;ud be a prior to her marriage. Two ex-PUPR 6 cat, tell if you ane I oae haPPY; Mr. Oep. llik-1 'T01t 01"I't'llas 0 who Valicaull) at 6 ani in ars to come. , 11 DATAt and wler made .111,4 daughter, 111's. Mr. aild Mrs. A. It. Carr are spenditit?, bznifit to , inph, ve, Harold Moffatt and George F0 here igrave. tho holiday s viit NQo�y thowlit it %,jas goilla to talce that - s. flia preeentation. Will llleL�t ag V 'Ind bfi&;et fil&Alcd. ain and merry 113 anuther *%,fttson of Ilrus,;As, s -i Chatham friend lerg to get the dala, Dear M6�it DrOcl�— guid Nj*ew N'aar*: tile holliv of Will. MI. s" few da" t104 .� VO, it . and Xt.A. E. 11vilklor "'pent chn'tt. 1 that We 111LIS with friend.-; -it Z11% ivh. of rcII ith feelijig, bae buitli b�en huPPY lang. we an Icarayou vAll na lofapv be tha teacher of We twa ,nt, llvs. ja�'. Cl.trko of ';ullsllillo. it' 11;1,1 I)t!Lll flic ou4oill ill tllc- Just, 8,,rutnI and Mo-fris. Dur- about the bract;, 'oil, Harold K)f the lit- t v�t�ek fit tho lc%v 3,03T land MTS. Nvatqoa and F e cot bcneath the trce. live spent (;c)rri(,. spent Chligilita'S At tht' ll(),Iw of a,; ii -%et-1; 4 itraver. 0m, Inval 011114-11o, A- haw ldi�otirvd in yon -c r.A 41Z t112 past di yearz� yt�y Tlig)4, will 111litt In"divill"", 021 Tnt...,' diall our early days. 11:47 .4sit, i" :it Jan. Jill. 'rhi�. w - a attel v�e s , Alf fletl in Viii.1 t,J 10 rail the burifics oide, tllc Q11ot greatiy Yoe, visitiliv lelq present 1_'Rae MaMM a?, aS Ifiaill,,�uL.ikig �ijanuer in which Y011 vVill Bye b�l dear, I at fq�e Wilnfi_g 13'�Ala,. that mA to niect U0 there, w '1 .0 with ber 11,knolt.4 Ilew. 8U")�ofj I't 111v Chill t 'Valma(, i, and, IcAaHao, ed. presient Vi',ffin� %Ala jj11l)J, o1i i�wny a yeor. and %,At Df tjji�., vjk:jw17 ba,,i1no, tu-d ill C'vc;Y v-117 by ond Nlts. T. Aill't d-li,,�-v it 'in !,MMi lu at f, 2 VAIII U(!, and nar k--,I�A t ti -o lr3p�,, ye Ilever rMly ��Ccl tile, W1lIgh1IUl,,;p,,�Ilt Ncw IV ilr.­.. A. Mt4we. 'Mull V.0tv Ail-111IMIt"A ff�lr �;piiI 11w Vie i�. Vii ��47�2v Vrnl -a uj�ly V�v; Iwo to, 'All. f_17� -'t. 11L." V'+.- a ig &d,� -�o a0-0 IM? Late lath. xlor�-, J�oi'k- P"Afl-. E' wt -,,,! -0D d 1pw­,�io Nichol of T': I 8�2, LOLi';'. UV V& 0 dl,�1d �,Jitla r -T ill ainy b�! at) oul fort,�4111, ai , � lit alle kwk-r tile, v;(Ac, C-nd. �Vk " �.4 ". � t - , . , , 1XIwi., e"T L)Oio�al durin" the I'Vildes, , `iot If­�. V;,� i?avc Well. of Tt it,qldo. Zoe Vi 60. it 1.1'�.-�, that a y Ju2i 1w., �ii dw a, t N3,1 i -AV .1 )a JI], U 'j -'-ah fat, X,0 v, Tbe As swl for tile 1�o D�J­ m k 111 t �� I MOscr at the, e'oet,! k i IJ 'ft ,;t V'41 V) on., all' 3% r),)t i enot M. - y Lyc Titentre, Mon.,. !,Ai i-)ki Jolt t A 11,�! '(�Jta t " Tim% aild Wed. A 'y C a z WINGRAMv ONTARIO Olt, kip"'y 111AY -ye b�. f"Al