HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-30, Page 2OUR BOW AND
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Advice to Girls
__ -
I I . � " PA. T EAL
, I
. %XJLJNJ_4a %-�VMN bK AQ AVMV 4; i . 0 11 I I, .."110.-.'", , , i � , ANNV , �_ I RIDDI,oE e4 0
, ESI$110-tr ' I �
BY Aunt June Gl" M M� - . I - " ,,"-� . 'HOLM $TH oeor;*OIER, logo. Flo f
CANADA . zus;." "Oevoralas to,44,, c4p#. _—, 4Q,,U,b,,10",0.*,;�.t--9�, Of Modorit
490*9*4 Aawd*; ft OW OVy#ot A4, I , " 404C A0 __� ,Tlle'best r1doul
� 11 I Mr. Lloyd Harris in tile book In the world. Xore than
. % .
I- n M-W—Ap"WO � . I _____ , . Toronto 11711.0 103rd Annual General ReetIng one thousand Up-to.ditte riddles. �
wo*" . 10 4 . . I � I I V lilancial Post). Of the Sharohalders,,,of the Bauk 0 'Over 50.000 copies 8014 In Can. A 1
1 A""="""" --0-41 t, . M44 Ro4alind wolcot"r, 'I � Rontreal WaS, told 04 Monday, Do t 4da. Be �
PLEM FOR HZLPp4a-$, tile suppv ,� -k I , , . , nd Postpaid for la, �
.. wash the dishes, S, 401, � *Kem frQM comber itli, at the B31kk'� Headquar.. cents In Stamps, r'Gor4p 'J. I
,veep I Y'Ou"V wOn"14" asking for ,Advice on 314uy 'of out* thoughtful citizens t6ra. The Presidelit, Mr Vincent
"Do a -little 'kindness to,so . the flOOP, Milk three -cows and do my � � O%N AN ,Meredith, RUM, MOLOod, LIMIt4d; 260 King. St-
. have realized for some time Past that �%nd presented the annual repo W,00t, TQrQht0i Ont.
day, )�eaue ev8r7 home wOrk- I '.have three brothers. oft I 40Y 444ject. All you ".10 .t,q do Is OCOUPied tile chair,
OUQ,Of them goes to School and the . there WOS danger ahead -#and urged tile Directors, �t *I 11.11
Scatter r to pddr*as YOU'-, letter tQ � I CanadlanS to get dow . I .
way. ,ps Of sUll-,bloo, allalong tite other two ,da, the work, . 1 ,3W Before moving the ad
STIMIA W11.4$OX. I I -(I option of the - _01 �, �
J. 4By this time, ,Ztella, YOU Will have I MI$6 ROMON0, get to real work. The Maj report, Sir Vincent ,; ���l�
I orlty of comprehensive Aloredith gave a
I ot realize the raja ,,,,,,,(,,,, ,review of , the ocono, ISSIVE No, 53,1920
1 Pledge myself in the service of my received Your badge. I think such . I 3"IM W1111011 $`t-, Hamilton, Ont. Imminence - � ]During the year, to M!!!!!!!!!!= � n!! � !!! ,
X1119 and Country to do my beat in good helping deserves a badge. I I . It 4 danger Until they are gold, an, Overwhelming deM
MY daily work, Wherever It may be, to wonder - which of all tit I . I I I I - actually facA to face withfit., credit had taxed res and for RELP W,AXTjg I
things you do like best*of all. C Ap%l Dear,Rosalind. I Ources to the I D-IrEx"s
. utmost. to 10111�11, ,,.,''',
There, had to,'come It bad been difficult , , � l����,�,�111,,,''�,l�,�'ll,�,''��
belp -others wherever possible, and to Splendid 'to ,have three brothers! H I am a young girl Just came Intor a deflation make men who had grown a" I,! 1 1 114 1 1 111ANITZI) To, 1_1*_��
t ustomw W
ed to hJgh p 11FIlt sewing At home, who, � OR � .
endeavor in every way to malts, my- should like to bear more abou, y5J town and 1 have Met recently 4 young Period and It is -here and we .have to rices rftOguige the fact 't me; good pay
School �some day when you have time I e or Spare �
�� self " good citizen, man Whom I admire very much -he eest It, It will be hard for that ecouomj� ,conditions, which no ,; warIx sent ali�r (Us.
to, write again, 1c, � does not come up to my S ' country for a time, but It it .will tile artificial means can altar, alone are to,
I Dear Aunt June- is ta,ndard Dce; Charges paid, Send stamp,
a ... .... ."... ,90 ,900thing and Coaling for that 1% he doesn't seem to be In the' t`jverYbQdY a sense of Prol give the cause of price decline, ,#The do, tOP partiOulars, N,tl,,,, Mfg,
]lave , th social class that I am, Would you Pon- Ins, it will be 'the best , thing malla for interventiqn tbro Montreal. Co.,
t am going to tell yolt what I baby's terlder shin Otter a ba , per propor-
� that Ugh Gtov-
Age .... ,1� '- and What I can do, I have a little with Cuticura Soop, tinue, acquaintartee? Can -happen to.,Can4do, and we will OrAmOAt control is still IUSIE
L soito 25c, Itlent in - ,; I I
0 weather the actual after -the -war Ye, alone Cannot 0 "40anada HELP WANTrz,P-MA .
grey rabbit, it will eat right out f Ointatutg$&Q50c. Taltum29c Sold COtTNTRY LASS. some quarters,,, .be said.
Address .... .... .... .... MY 441141 at any time. ftot3ghouttheDoinintompa dianDepot .)1Y Dear Girl. I adjustment period with great bonefl, ontrol world-wide con. ----__,,
. W, -
tTmA2%&-U1Aifed,344St,P**TStna oAttvaL to our People, and to out, Country, 1, ditions, and It is Idle t* turn to the _ _�, __�_ I -- L r; _^�
I Date .... .... .... I 90 -to School and am In the third L TW':"Cu"4,4r-, smp ihwv�;; W1 - The Only cla-as distinctions recog. 'Canada
book. I did not get to school for - - !t "A�Ulls 11 nized In ,Canada are breeding and _111as a great future with lGovertims"Ut for relief from falling $8 ro,, s 99A
nearly ,two Years because papa was M! ! __ __ . ___ brains, It the young maa PrIDPor"10iiiiershIP at the top and good Prices, This applies to Wheat as 1Z
xpect I$ late"'- common Sense In her people. ')
sick 00 the work is -a little hard. I I ,e 90nt and as well educated as ,his olr� Well as to other Commodities . PER' DAY
My Dear Boys and Oirls: go errands for papa and mom and I h -to have some jolly titnev. cumstances and ambition permit We Must get a proper balance of SuMaIlIg up, he said- "Th' 1___�
, I , ; it e situa-
AvO finished the crochet yoke things. The people must realize that t$012 In Canada ot Present, as I view Alto Tractor Re,,,,,,,, a Vulea ,
'How Many Of YOU -have seen a rub- Can Plow And saw up wood. or most I Was doing for My cousin alld it I,th&t he is well,bred enough to ,rogpectillm- they must work onj
any, ]kind of farm work. I am Oaks Self and his friends-y6u would their own prob- it, is that while th � IzIng. 11
ber Plant? There is a, kind Which thir. very nice. lie lems in agriculture, ore does nor ap- � o e aay , _ ,
teen years. old. 1 help With the house k0ollsh I;iot to benefit by his commerce and ,poor to be any cause. for ApPrehen- Wanted to fill present dent & moll
many people have in their I am Putting in. five friend- Industry and, not ,expect 0 sion. there I automobile; ;6 tpr
, houses cents for o badge 43 1 have not x work' but mOst Of MY time Is taken ship. . . r ask tile I exercise of y a the mechanics, �4rlrj
Q"�hiait grows to 4 9004 height and its$ sts up with MY studies, The schools goveranten th I for tor'operalion At, ttae- I
broad green leaves. MD' I must close ,now. Yours and churches AaVe started practising ROSALIND. t to 40 things they should e utmost meg�sara of tire -vulcanizing, Oxy, I
MY little friend truly, I acetylene, W, I
. for . be-dOlng for themsOlvea, and the gov- caution- 0,94ada Cannot 'disassociate Willing, storage ,battery, I .
Sack was telling me about the one at . Christmas entertainments, So Dearest Rosalind: ernment 1�aiould coutinj itself atrlctl)r ,herself from world con electrical -Work -
his -house and lie asked whether I WILT41E PRBST. when I write again I will tell you to the duties Of government. .Uvii WqrIa ditiOns, and (>Illy a lti'Wwei i -Practical training, �
. ,a - ng about; them, I Will 'close from you, I -have .415 dentlY great statesmen In, the -OVI" 011 this Continent the �Wo years, $Up A t cla , Dair and .
thought they Would be able -to get 'U'Dw You Must love tile Pet rabbit, ' som thl 'Seeing other girls seeking advice I condition$ are not satisfactory, so, ft required
cubber that WiIII10 I I would like to see it, I I It, 0 -taken the ad- _ I Write.1 I
real rubber from It, IIONv, W 9 Ing Aunt June and all Mem, advantage. had problem-, �xe; catalogue.
would make such thing$ as a, bonne ader it You caught him yourself bers I e C I . I similar to &Ose P40 eryetillig UPOU tile Armistice ,have ageZ. Steady
,_ WO f th lub a Merry ,Christmas .. have today, as Lord Mdeaulay, We been molrk�d by Unexamp e . employment. ,
.. and A 'Happy NOW Year as this will youn too Of Vngland% activity and p Tractor ,
Ing -ball, or an. eraser to xub out lead 01' Whether lie Was always tame. I Is R Young girl of seventeen one , led trade $ 111's UtO and Gas
,greatest statesmen, In rosporlty,. 4 air ,163 Xing street we,t
pencil marks. This made me think love tok beer about the Pet& be MY lost letter before Christmas. ; to go to dances With a select 1830, expressed his, opinion. as Gl� Stance common f() , I Call- Toro t ,
Perhaps crowd in Company with �� f R the conclusion Of .
'a .Young mom? low$- 11 great wars, but the reaction has . � I
� ��
Of 4 story I used to read when I jr,ont you will draw a Picture of your rabbit L�k'VRA CLIMRD, Thaniffig You In advance for your a& '�Our rulers will best promote tile ay not Yet b In full I .
to 8,obool about some children wito for Me one day. Thank you for Your -Christmits wish- vice. set In and In P
.father where ,India irlibber so handy on the farm, to be able to Be Laura, It IS Just as Vir I improvement Of tile nation by strict, play' HaPPRY, Canada I X180MLAMOUS I
asked their I am 01414 you are
ell to get a well but- -",,,"- ill, i 111'!,,,,,,,,��,, I - I
came from, and this, is ,what he told, dG almost any kind of work. you them In early, It is not? I shall JUST OTIT. ly cOufIlling themselves to their owA* tressed on Pup,paiF�V0
them. many 'sides, and the exer. ,i L_Pr-HOW, AA
-happy Christ- Oned, if 'tb e girl's mother approves at to find its ving capital Y Should registered Afreda,14 pup
, , I Mus" be a very useful Helper when have time to wish you a If the dances are properly ch4per- legitimate duties, by lea else of prudence and sagaelt a nice HOW, AB
,� can I
r. . V Must lucrative course, enable her to meet the shocf� of fall- ulat boy Of Yours for Cbrl for
Ing Prices, restricted credits and'de, . rare go
The Story of India Rubbe I I hope YOU will like Was a little later, I see that you too the b s d girls who make up tile commodities their fair price, industry have Some stmas. I
"India rubber does mot -come Xrom, )0y 4,
the badge. were looking for anti Wondering Where 1 era d a, U din , the dances are not in a and intelligence flated currency, withoat serious Im. comi 04 ones for s Is
Jack Frost had gone, at -the'time you I , w their ,natural re- 129 three man a I
India only, It you Were to take a; une: wrote this letter. I shall be delight- bli ' la4ce 11,111, a Seventeen-year- I Iva, d idleness ;p�ud folly their natural na,,Ial vltallty.,, best Im tbS old. bred fron,
walk in One of the forests -of South . ed to hear al Da r, , P.1,1171nelit of her commercial and fl- the
d g�
i'l 1, a�
Dear Aunt J ou at too young to Join thel ,P I., It ported Stec
America YOU would see groups of rneii I about tile entertain- party. , Y1111 ldlisr�rl',,n t, by Maintaining peace, -V ura
I wisn to Joia Your Club, but there nleAts at Your school. . .., ling PrOPertY, by diminish- --- - 3'. Blake, Almante, ont,
was llopIedge In, the Paper this week r;Npanslon -Of Business in ,Oaned. __� 63,
going from. tree to tree cutting deep . ROSALIND� lug the price of law� and by obse The I'GeneTal Ivranager, Sir I ----------_�
gashes in Vie bark. As tile gashes so I cannot sign it. I can do ilulte a I — rving erick William$ Taylor� in Fred. '101MORTALITY CERTAIN-ZWMD,,� '111
Notice to New Members, Rosalind, De strict economy ta ,every department of
. few things to ar: reviewing Hell )) t Work on olleavou and ,
are cut Cups are placed beneath Pres- belp, such as washing , .4.11 boys and girls irho are Help , the, State. Let tile government do the operations of the Bank during the jand 4 real wOrld beyond Vey �
Our this, the people Will Year,
her$ I am asktzg for y 4 assuredly 40 ' .0
dishes, taking In wood, setting thd OrS and wish to .join tile League Ot advice: Lit � do said tile payment of a bonus of O'Dages-0111Y 25o Prepaid, j1.L,,.,
futlY the tree begins to bleed (you With at
know how our maple trees drop the table and milk, if necessarv. Service rnu . e rest." 20 per cent, to t 496 Bluclid A
say In winter time?) sent in -the little -pledge Pirstlr-'vVh he Shareholders was Ve-�_ Toronto
at is true love? Zvery- It Would appear to tile that tbi,q not tile 'Outcome Of higher rates at '-7___________ * 40-51
ThO Juice 'which I have a number 'Of -P&ts but I think which ivill She found on this page thing is camouflItged? meets ,our present situation, interest ,on current loans in 00arLada B11 A RA�GZSTURVD -'*
Fornes from these t-,oes is milky,white MY favorite is a, Ift 'white and brown With their name and address and There7 ^ .
In color and very sticky. collie dog. 'Re is the same age as I write a letter to All is -110 Place In Canada for but a reflectl NU,RS,P,_T1jl3;
When. the � Secondly -How can you tell when a On Of the Increase in'cur- `COO�)er,HOSpltal Of Camden N.j,, ot�
nt June giving an b I pessimists
cups underneath are full the men Cal- I all and we are great friends, lNeXt account, of their daily needs of ser- OY oves e YOU Or When be is after as we have the greatest heritage of rent loans and of high interest rates tero a. �Ihree (3) year , � , .
lect them and the thick, white juice 1. there Is a big eat and a dear little Vice, that is tell Your mail y? any nation in
Poured over large -pieces ,at speckled kitten. all about wh3�t you the World and wo. mast 'on call loans in New York, the volume (Theoistica S, training .
Clay I call her Spitfire, do to bel others. '""ITS END, have vision a Of WhIBIX was governed by the Battles I and ,Practical). ,, -
.P nd courage in attacking Young women ,who wish . 1
which are shaped so,newbat Ilke a Then we have a colt called Joek, He �NIY Dear Girl: I and Working Out our problems. requirements in liquid reserves, One nursing te- enter the , �
� . profession. A high sabcol�
bottle or a Jar. To these the juice IS two Years old, and an awful man- Yours lovingly, When It comes, You will know the Our natural resou,;ces the value.of -anomaly which attracted attention education is required, Tit, _. 1. .
stick$ and becomes firm. Tile Mon. ,$ter for his age. Sometimes 'when A"l T JU,jqn. genuine article. I Would not bother which 80 much is talkid about, Are was that with credit restrictions as admits Is Course
then set fire to a heap of palm trees hf� comes UP' to me in the field I ,will -Box 5 .,ta 0 ro t , questilaing myself about' it. It is, Of no value un acute here as Young Women to a
which gives off a thick smoke. arms round his 16, " ti n P,, To n 0. less developed and ex- it Was across the line, Many pasgi ]as of tile , :
The neck and be rather an inexpresSable, indescribable plaited, our hurplus agricultural pr It's demanding the train, . .
Jules covered clay Is Placed In this throw my his head and ralae me away __ sort of thing. ducts a- the P�Iee Of money was materially ' ed nurse of to_d4y, Far further par.
wishe ill- ticulars write- 'The SuPerinten, I
* and changes In color hxercise of ordin- disposal, our Industries must be ex'� bute.to said, Was regarded as a tri- dent ,of 'N'UrSe� C I
smoke -until It gradually -be-comes hard W!"llirt up Well I must close now. Secondly -By tile c Must have Markets for their low. Ill the Dominion� This con
from milky 11A th -bhis t s to the Club, Yours SNUFFS OUr A COLD � arY� everyday common -sense. I Panded 137 finding export markets so tiou"rhe Calladals gpod banking SYS- Camilden, N. J. # - OOPer I Hospital, �
white to a duller shade. bringly, IN A FEW NGNEJvT� ROSAXAXD� as to give them quantity productioir tem, I - I I .
When the Juice has become dry and . MARIGARE-r an thus lessen the cost of produc- Dealing With Ilie growth or tile KINTI 0 rr -1 . .
. stiff -the clay Inside is Softened with _VLE�jf ING, t — d Bank's 10 TTING YARNS -L 11 1)
water and scraped away leaving the Your letter, A111Tgaret, is one of the --- I . Dear Rosalind: . tion, oil- -educational system must be ParAtions, he said: `It Is 0118, pure VMY COL�' �
outer covering which is then called Mosi. interesting in our mail bag this ' CatgXrh . We are three young gjr.;Sand in'Proved 80 that -Our people will noteworthy that the greatest expan, prices, Wool, but Very moderate .
while 'have a broador Outlook and Sample shade$
-he The Picture which You drew -Ozone Works ,Nvondqrs, -our stano: years has been in 9eta`WU Wollen Wills, George: I
bottle rubber, and this is ready to weelc. . out to a garden party last September da,rd Of living must be Maintained. IV WOn bf the Baltic during the past few' Gear free I
We had our fortunes told, is our� own Country. tow
'sent away to be. made into all kinds for in$ of the Chinese woman I -have — I to -believe in them, as some It wise Working out tll,e�se problems, the peo� This ft revealed in Our greatly in. I 11, Ontario. I I
'of useful 'things Such as rubber dolls Paton MY desk. It is good. of tile �
sales Of shoes and balls.,, o on; in tile Corner a true portr's the CleOrs the N things -have ,Come trite? Also. dear P10 bavO much to do and the creased loans and deposits in ,Canada TIM SAIM I I
Your sister? sit of $ttlls, StOPs, Sneezing govern- WAY TO Siblq,D MONp
0 Rosalind, while Out for a Joyride or. Ment has Its full share of responsi- ,and fit the number of branches open- is by Do 'y ,, � '.. ;
UNTany of Yell who go to school to- of hair, I notice: she has plenty Heals the Throat Quickly. walk with a young man iviten is , bility #nd tile two forq,es must pull ad during the period, � Order. Million :nq,xpress Money � � 1.
day will Perhaps have leaTat 9, great the together, ea I � - I ,.
Proper time to come in and &.180 ell doing its full share, . 11
deal more about Indlarubber. since Will YOU look out for the 'ledge In 11 T`ots Of People used to lot, their cold I d Branches -�_ ----_'1__ _.
the ti our corner again and sign. 1P Work off" --they suffered a Whole s Is it alright 'to accept Invitation. ac Ing together in 001"Plete co-oper- Loans Deposits In Mr. GP ____� - �__ - �
t to send a atioli. . ,
has bemee that this was written rubber With Your next Sneezed around tile house, tj1I lot' frOat e'.1lave In 'Canada inCanada Canada 411 it -_ ,
It found useful In many other letter. an? 00,1111't -A vO Gard her, -
way$. Vwomder who could floLve a Ilumb You' certainly whole family finally tile Just one,friend? The big holiday is�ovsr jud we 1914 $128,147,000 $1b8,667jo0o � 173 S0219- She CIrtatzahas the gift of
. I
give -the er of Pets, and I ara sure tion. caught the infec- � must 110w get down to earnest, effort 1920 240,725,000 858,S7S,000 MI .
Tubber Is put, ,IV to lv'Jlich be very happy with them all, Dear Girls: , Rd hard Work, and I ant quite sure . The annual repbrt was Una 302 as 'Chellus-well 1 -hope , that, I
beat -and longest list ,of uses � YOU love every one of thent-and must S Colds are cured by Ca- -VVEE 3. a almo a 1. . - ;
,U ext,time Yon -have to 'OW usly .
"' what it is- I sh � .
wrl o"ay It ma-� not that our Canadian people Will, with adopted and the Ould h6te to think
I ShoAld tarrhozon, before they really g be Wise to be, retiring ,directors she paid a I
to a story school this Would be like t0 "a You -especially With good Sta et a � leve in our ,resourcefulness and ability, meet: I . tiMing, for it. . I
an Interesting St the collie and jibe kitten, rt. This I f.ortunes, but it is lots of fult__6speC_ �were r"Iected, I
Ory to write about. ealing Vapor, fu ly it I The shareholders ,-_______________� .
Are You remembering the little 6heY aria good friends Tbis is just I re essences,. give 11 the fortune told happens to dence and success. __� . A
I wonder it of Pit I 4he Situation With courage, cong. gave approval to the motion by,Lord I
t fills a Instant relief Shaughnessy to increase the nAmber .
birds? 8 a far, the breathing organs -with � be the k of directors from THE EASIEST 16.
t fro Ind YOU Would like to believe . . .
no one thas ,written the kind Of letter I I;ve to gel in healin In. .
me any Ilews of Our friend "oWu qW� my 'Helpers, with Vie g, soothing vapor that relle - ------- I-- 16 to 18 and to the WMr. irw -
I about the things YOU Ii ntY of news e� Ordinary w Positions on the Board were I
- Me ke best. Please are cured In ten BY. .elected Sir Leiner GOUln and General tongue out, doctor, but you Ita
breast. We dre getting near irritation at one ves Ten or half past ten Is late enough, XING% WON-,DER,FU,L RU, two lle PatlOtlt-YOU told me jo put I
write again Some day, ,minutes. `�Absolute. Ions, I Sir Arthur Currie. ' - I
time When everything will be frozen colds for girls to be out on ordinary occaj-' MY
UP, so hard that little feathered f . rionds . IY sure for Catairlill. ,'and In thrfoat Tile history of Ongland,might looked at It- ve not
Will need your &eI -to -find a meal. — , trouble it Works like a charm. Young girls do. not have ,,jast ,one writtenround be At a subsequent meeting of Dlrec�' DOetOr-140. mapam, I MGT . .
p Thfanks Vor Badge, tarrhozone is a permanent ,Ca. friend." They the going that adorn thcr torg, Sir Vincent Meredith, Dart, was ed time to,,write your ely want_ ,
DO not forget them. I shall look out Dear Aunt June. I I cure for I have as many as Do$. royal emblem.. Place of honor in re-elected president, and Sir ' I Prescription, I
for some bird . bronchitis and thr sible, both girls and b the front at the King's I Charles - - ---r .
news from caunt.ry an Citt trouble OYS. Never state Crown Gordon, G.B.D,,, Was re-electe ----------_
I 6XPellmont-but a "Z d. vice- � .
,corners. I � "at accept an Invitation from a boy U Is give" to the great ruby which Ig president, I .
. I received may badge a long cure' that's less you n- � I
I and think It very pretty, alsot'me ago guaranteed, Get "Catarrhozo Y, r M.0thor knows as �arge as a small hen's 6'99 and Is I ,. � _
.- I � I .
. .
Our Mall 'sox. I 1,,ett Paper, and saw MY - --1Q meivare ,of Substitutes. f Your going Out with him the celebrated and historic * Jewel - "--------7- — __________�___ I �
, e I "" Intended dollar outfit is guaranteed, and small 7which first In Its Unglish history be- I , I
Riverview, lijin.,",go,it, but time thas gone so size 50c; trial size 25c, — R0&<lqD,, longed to the Black Prince, tbi�-eld_ . I . I . I
-_ -
Dear Aunt June: quickly. I did not realize how long at all dealers. Letters received from eat son of -V,dwkrd ITT. The ruby �
it ,was since I last wrote. We -have Wondering, lo
I would like to join Your League. had a little winter and I ,have had a VAR Brown ,Eyes, Rickey Sunshine, .Alay Cattle to ,him In knightly fasition in , . IL I
adge. 1 all, twed . ,',- I
Please send me a b KETS AT A GLAX04.6 Liles, Peggy, Cutle, 'Mary, Perplexed the field of battle, being given to the � I
Years old. I go t Is -
Onto at the Week Is the re, in tails Column just as soon 'as I .
. One, Tootles-whicit will be answered Black Prince DY Dan Pedid, 1,..jug of . -
-very- day, bare again, although slelghing and duction made. . Have used MINARDIS LINIMUWT .
C school 0 vs few sleigh rides, but the ground is The feature of Rinar4's Liniment CO,, Limited plowzi
and when I come It n to
VAN" _. In Paint. prices. All sible. pos. 4 I; sicill shown in. a short
-- ------z�� .!ght I get skating - time, will Soon be ,here and lines Of Prepared paints have been e- c"In'81'pla,10411 I 1 Spain. The ruby does tot, Croup, founh k, , I
___ --.----. -1 !L I
.11 I.- - - a"!!r! " ____,______,�� r nothing -equal to it,
' I I . RO SALIN D. 'It appeal' In flistory until it took
. . . . duced following the declines in white 34 '�Ing William Street, Hamilton. - CHAS. E. SHARP, � ,
. lead, turpentine and linseed oil prices � , Palt In tile ,battle Of Aghleourt, when
I and quOtations are back _______� Henry V. went at the head of his, Hawkshaw, X.D., sept� Ist, poti. . . .
- ,go. e ,Drives Astbma Before It. The troops with the ruby glittering on the 26 Years OtAbilard J�r
Of tWelve months 0 to the, prIc ' "*ke Or Vapor from Dr. X. D, ,Xol� front of his cOrOneted helmet. molo T . Mena-'rudulon Sesled T, 014"tl d PatnIful
. Ml� . Other Changes include farth-er do- � ", l3ruarlate or .....- in delta. . all I
0111lea on Ingot metals' Copp 11099's Asthma Remedy gives asthma that' a century later, when Charles It . � . ,�y .1
I * ar, tin and no Chance to linger was beheaded, it was ,ordered 1[ni('k01%00kdr 'A"MuceA: '&,, lit $2.00.
- U. .Ni o I lead are all at iciver levels Black the e It eradicates by Par- . I &Q -to, Can444. t I I I (Q st, �
%� I . OIL has been reduced In price ause. Our experience with the liament that all tile Insignia 0 ,royalty .---------- I
I ------ �� .------,---- 111*�� 4 ,-
. . Tal) metals. It IS the result of long study and ex� tage, ask" Mrs. ' I LUCKy.
Sheets, $older and Be tual and positive I$ 4)he snecor It gives. set therein sold to the beat advan. "Are you the Plumber?,"
I , ms
4asier prices -ire n6ted &� black Ac should be destroyed, and the gems NEeDLES-S ALAR%
,, reltof-givIng rgmedy shows how _ f
- ,,, �� Same lines of cast d% Such as I pe,rI1,w,0n In the -list anpears tile state- Nearme.
% beach screws, go" e fittl gs, h 9 *Uot submitted to ment that the great FRbY WAS sold for
I grindston btlicund ""a "3"esl ma'sIn - I'm the Plumber, mUr' TrOnlueck-.Xan '
stave Pipe'dampem,, etc., have a 'QItI1 its makers know it 44 and Passed to sonle Was made to
I . I advanced in price . 1� - been Would do Ith Work Well. purchaser. unknown I rl�h ' . ourn. �
Xany lines of -----.- , Royalist In disguise 01, lia, may have 'a u ","
"He May have been a I t el "
I oi- Iristmas goods Wcre —it Vell," sh 'eplled, "I Just want to It lqr, BACIleboY-Alit But sometimes
. t -_:t t=!'.t�- I paution you t . 0 manages to
. scarce and stocks of X11'" � . I 0 o:0rclse care when do- remain single!
. I ,li'sh cutlery been a dealcr In 1,tones, at, this may Ing Your work. All my floors are --------- ___� I
!e I � ,are low. TL,e tYade Is quieter though have been u SDUrlous deal to favor it highly Polished and in parts
"I I "I'll, ... I ", I I 88aSonable lilles are in dewaad. RtUff Al LAST Parliamoiltarlan. . , . but what- I tion.11 I at CDnd1 t4ok's cofton P=2 compowi
� � _�_ I Want to help you If you are suffering PWPr IN advetitur,qs during tile Com- I by �1011't Worry about me slippin" , � afe, reyaWleftold.U.,
nion= era. Wo find,the -ruby Batt. Zo ve i� (1� I
Z ,
. . 117 0 Minard's Liniment pop Distemper. from bleeding, Itching, blind or Pro- .nd la It nallfi In me shoe$p, I . -1 t%l
M4 In- -mAdawkes so owto !P ---------- ... 11- wlna. ,
YOU truding Piles, I can tell you how, in Pack In i rown ol, , I 13old ift tbrep de- I
.1 , , Evd 01 strellath-No. 1, 1,�I;
zR Your own homa and without anyo.ne,s .. o. 2, $3; No R M , r b6z.
I /1% I 14E GOT 017P ANOTHr . Charles IT., ? I ', ______ . 11 ( , pe
11 I I --- . OR all &_,�gr I
. Poor mothor, has back "I understand yon g al.;!Aatce, "U can apply tile beat of M Inarld's Liniment Pat, Garqet in Cows sts, of! Amit
I,- ache, dizzy spells, I MWU on r6t.lpb *1 ryri(:e�
t hend-acheand is nervous, Vill-, are all symp. good things Gt Off same very all, Lrv.atuo*,ts. I I 4 1 -�111_1_1 .......... �-� I I i
Loh Occasionally," said _ -_ -_ _2 I 0a vampht, t. Ad4Jre0$p I
�iweet YOU319 thing at tit file I VARIETy IN ,01AMON,0S, Ir"11 COOK Mto�p�jo,lr
0 &well yocall- 'S 01J0$0H001Nr_ �_ T011011TO'Car. (Fat , *
t0111', Of IVOMCII'S troul)le. tion. . 0 . lCo"
11 . �Cly wild:0t.)
PILLES 1PIATE'DAT Bloch of The GreAt EA015h PrepatatiZ, - -- .
140611f. � __
' in 'Ve!l, they Sar I do," repiled the ' ,0 Tones ankivigo;ates the 77'��� ^
.110A NVOMC.11 nogloot their health the five' 111111" owned and
. lilorkcd by tile great De .Bep .illc��
� ' , nd for all With the laollocle." I PrOMiso to send you A 1PREL' trial of pany in t1lo Ximbo ,rs Coln- I � whole
AAiy $' ,rly I I r�ervouss tem. makes new nlood I T141E REAL TRUTH.
this 1'10P,""I�ct t -110Y P --DY thO penalty. the now al;,,iorptloli tr dlOrict pro- � , in old Veint. Used 6r Neel'our
,� Debility, t RxPert says It 'Costs ,more to travel
. wmian who �,,uffers thus will find that 8110 10,13C5 d P'" it tll'('s C011siderable ,tilne to f.c,r,duz, 01tulent, and re. duct -.S dialtionds wit], Well marked ifeftl4i ii�d &414 "If" *ry,
. - o IV, 1� .k�tl lrom Your own locality it You cIlftraetorI.9,tJe,. The Rimberl* r
I ife;�.-,I.if,,I�;t.el-tl�all!%T"ttut,ec*,Int)utiton- Sholvill will Ilut . Write and ask. I . C. 1. I : lot- aner .than formerly.
� I aeaure you tic -Ids I Ininer I e I ,t�vl P4101 a
find th "You U10all I ant Very bose?-, of linilled. a good pereCtIt3go If whit I o i f . r 0 ,3, fu Ile Might add truth. -
"'� 0 1111a uv P. llyl that It 'so costs more iO R toy
!XaCt'Y that, but yon-ve beo , al
'n but to,
- 4a,itention tf;1, I 11 otherO of tills offer. .on � 1`11 gists,or aild(tio aift at home. I -
Cf-"th would brigfate,j up her life , .9. el �
� '1lCr;'10('t (100 not Pay. A littlo "Not f. ,vto reil3f. sord Igo woupy, many yeliow stones. DutolApall Affne 0 q
Moro �ctallfllng Ou tIl6 traill b.' mydrf_�,,,,8 for Addrs,f,,; Is f titiplifirl a
If) 1111111iteic'.11 amed for Its large yo ------- __�
,110w I I ,h _____,.,
� 4% At l3altfontoin sinall WIIIt(j IONV. � I
1101klhbor.4 ,:11,,, 1___.__1-.__ fARslm tit. r-UrM4r.11so sox 11 �1�e'��k*,-.*.�,.
q9d TIMIM 11C. -r worrino kwer. If she asics her moll dia-
, flilds t114 ,Ind (40,4110d St"IM are comalon. ___-_�_ , - "" , - MW .�r�%, �
, at I)r. plerce,,S pavorite 91 -------- 11__�-;44o6�� �-r,, r e, -3-_1%,W,yr,,� �
. - pr6e0pfl(� 'rd's 11-InImOnt, Par 001da, Eta. Front r ' , -4, E I
; . . 'f 'W U�11.&-,O
;.N I A4'""' wl"Osor. Ont. '777---",A*V'-- �.. __ �,-!,rofkp;
I ,
. beau- ., - '19�VMWIN,79 ei, & '
)n 1),"Wfitg 9 wonian'a whole,gyste.,u. __ I �� tit(' W(`��-"elt" Mine Collie many ,_" .
-----__.-______' tiful depli orangel colored diatilonds, -1 I �f �? i-,,Z�; I
I I 1r, not only acto upon J-110 troutqop, alld %veft1c. D )VOT FOUNO WANTI For thirtmon Yea . while the De �G(i�"I't"Ai-g- I -1411- S ZLf; tn t4a .,. a. ,
. TRIED AN �V �111' _-___ %� - I
"'_"�C'; P,`Culiar tO 170men, but is an . saln, ull 0 C,Ovt,tg No 11 rs T.'adolpli Alyers rjercentage .c 'Beers, X1110 shows agoo(I , I , _y,o.07-' ,- ,e "
.Z -t -111-ttround tile bass, wilito ak; DC -41I builullig a Vailrood li,nall jc,t- J ti"ted Yell-ONV 4nd brown �.-,: � _'. - , I - 1, 1Jkz0 Fiwd
t usfl', �Qll If"31 . Killinas, wltitoUt all3r a ptollf?.% Tit(- irroulio L.1.1.111h, � I I - *411,�La, 1�4,�It 'j;!.
-11tire body, t clean ,dem .'4'40tnLuee. .r A ans- . fil:,; rcS&v3t
V(1' ,c"'UblO tG1110 that braces the 0 Dants-"B, vall, 1110110 - 1, - �1',`
� Twelv( If -1 t ;Igi =1114 I -',�
I lldq a largo number Of "art- ,*,- is.Q0,,. "I..
sloo 11,111ta of your*ll," . lit 1ps of grading ]lave bean Vito], y1c -line ,Tr, I _ , 11 ,�, y j" -, -
� 'lievin- n(n,0tfs!lek-.-,, . 1 kmj i I,
rc I 0 a �
ple&mess. head- ��"Oss"llav'3 Y011 triod gasolinc.0" C,oloredll st,)Ile; I- . . It'i '11'.11.
- -,, 4fZzine" c,(`hlP'Vt0d, DUE no rafl,j Ila,,,, j)e I .--,.-. . 11.1�71i,
aelic. IS "',d a run-down condition. 0ftlU---*,1,(,S ,;Uhf.l . PU The vallinan . � � -LI I . 'AV %44- 1 fc
laid, 110 hao, Paid for tho Property ' uvx� i i� I I . 0 "+,4-�� l"I't , "'� r�,)wn-fm I
. . Mond was Of OxcOM1011,11 .1mrity. From I .. I - .. 1,�,, &�z`-2 'W�'l-.1
I!O,4,111 - , 11111"! by 11-d P - roadw. -
Dy- 111(-Tce Put 1110, r%vorito Pre-Seription in ga" 'V'PI) tI'Y InIllillonia 4 I_ the Jagor.,)fontelli Alino Ill the OL'allge 11 NjVnr,iv,,r T ,ITNO, NALLID;ky OOMPAnv, ej,1q,to
the drug storos t,l 181,10. lu---'TGe doll tried lelil' I 1=1"1_11."ft11wl1
day fit,q ttlf� fI;1e.,, I 0 , n. Ntiftl �, r e; ,a--
1. ,�
';t, t1nd thousanda upon thousands --__-____.1.._ fl - 0� found Ill M Jamonds =1�11- -'" UC V "M *'t"�'.mia4'11'4t'k.',V#�'t'*"'., 4� _
(--.--------��----�---...-.�-�-�,-�- T""o 8tate tile fanlf)us bill, . ,a=, . ":1:#A,yv..-144 .---1 w -t*
011, bass, p,ll-white . 1'.,'r. -M tli`ff -.d
F,Qr fif tY years it has and rlMV"1"l1,'0dk 'i'-VIL, , k, I '"11111"I'll,
F'totxl t1le *, I - . �9t0neli arj dorived, The d _1"� .1 I — -.--,- - ____ ., . 7 1 . I �
I. 11 I I .
-4 * I I �
1'..= I. li" 1� � i . .
I I .
I �
I I � 0.
I ii-_ I I . I I
� 11
I .
11 ,
I - I I I I
Of w0inen mr."��hert,, fil -C,anad,_* Can t,,stify that th, & Night slid moealut. arq sulall ,,, �rn'Ril -90uthw(lst Africa 111-6wA1RfN110111r'.1r.1` . I I
114"Al it% wld..izo t� bXo..t1:1 i 1:,'t11kf" Th...)%
Al Is 110n- : "W",*aft tornsara difficult to iDradicatp, VIIA000 etft*, Id Yellowish In,mlor wl-md t'A faz�p �o bw N,j 1"', I A HOT ONE.
c()"()"e tonie 1na(Ill thicin healthw and well. but llixoway�a Rea Iffs -, I Zfljictirx, q th`�
t cents the. Corn A--,'*,,- C, --"-- .1fR*-tl.oW&1A,4,1,%.v�N- j I 14 l-', 14 . Irate Atl,,,,4,,,
U.ft.e.,w,w*� � . �
� 1, B U X4 I . Ssly� MR. C, TY,y .��M SmartorUvrn. if Eore String %vind., *�w.fr--*q1WNm,.-=. ,h,:WAtr(ft1Mtyq I all YOU11W"If a ladyl,4 n1WId.
o Dr. Pieroe's rnvali& 110te &-nd. ten 111 Out painic COVO Will draw P_ - ,"n.", ,;Yet- If theYTIre,itt c __Wh:,tf Do y0j,
. I *�.w AM W"bk, al ("o.k.1 t , # fthol I
af X. Y., lor trial .-.---,.—.- I . dre createa for It .""N". -ftftt1o;*." 0
POCkS60 Of FAV0FR-,e Prm-ription tablet$. T1101111111 11ardy, thit Iv,pitlimh ft0V(,1. YOV�'tjtSyrrltatN, Infignic(i - 11 llf� Uaid--.6t at preSolit, Instdam!
I., Ovi(319 by large 1110tor-drive,t, propo ' Y. Mtll - 0. "oft" 1%o*1ow,"*rw"*1hy.Ahh -
Granulq*i, I 1"s )110nitt.pd oil truck, Q'w.ft,"d — �
Ist, h" Unrine le .4, 'I. _—,
a babit of I Variably wetr. oft". S"Ibso k6kaAft; W U" ft %*%* ,%on tww*"& thft WhArd's Ll,"Imatit
� I 11 I - 11.6,10*- 0 6 for 111fiat TO, drink Wine undilute 2=4=_
- 4i"w" - - Ift tw 4 er Adult. At #A, rd d by water
� .4 0 vnitrostt!�, , I A jW*f* wIS rckgarded by the Or - *�ww For rilphtharlit.
I '"Wi4v 44OW barimm. _ 'THE WALKE9 Ho *
t2ft USF. Thoro #I�-Aft-
Vo""" a
t _"Ift l
I ,1,%%G1,J;* I-- . *., f.w.Z....411AVA ^ 'ITIlited Statex t e
MiltAs In length. I
. �
_____100LW1� - ----- - _ ___ - ___ - — - ___ __ - __ - - - k I