HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-23, Page 91-4(
I i
liowlck cou"C11
Council met in t1le Township Hall,
0 orrip porsuant to 4dJOUTUIllent, All
inembers pmqeut. The Reeve ill titt,
rbair. Minutes of last meethigwer4i
tead and oil motion of Spottoll arid litill.
bard wore ailopted Moved by 'Sipotton
and Inglis that the tax collectois get -tit
extension of time, thev to return tile roll
at the Tanuary meetink of the
.Njoved by Bryansand Inglis that B.'_
law `%'o. 14 app6inting a PiRVe for tionill.
nation be read the third time arid passed.
Moved by Hubbard slid 81�otton that
Bylaw No. As for the year 1920, appoint.
ilig a Returning 0fficer be read the third
litne anilikassed --Carried,
Aloved by Ilryans and Hubbard that
'hig aecounts be paid—Wni.
the follow
1)oig, gravel $39,,30;VftI Shenbein, gravel
.5.,5o, Will. It. Uagleson. gas for Twp.
Hall 8,35', Win. H, Eagleson. gas for
publiesbed So.00; Russel Harr&, putting
in culvert and work on road 3o.00; lien
Ringler. plank and work on bridge, lot
eon. B. 5 6j; R. Htrding. gravel 4 50',
Bert Harris, gravel and damages 18 75;
Bert Cooper, sheep valuation 2o oo; Tlioq.
Vittle, culvert lot 8, con. 12, 8 00, Bell
(I ibson. rep. bridge lot 26, con. 2. 1 . oo;
Thos. Nickle refund roadwork 1919. 7 50;
John Ilyndman. tile 8.io: Henry Schaefer,
rep-tir iailing on bridge, lot 21, con. 4,
3.00; Dudlev Holmes, preparGg By-law
Yo,55:: N, Brantigan, culvert and 'work
oil road 2o.bo; J T. Sbeia, repair to grad.
er f3 25; Fred Mahcod, g, avel 7.20; John
Bell, gravelling lot 25. Con, 13, 88 S5;
Fred Mahood, cutting hill arid making
fill, lot 30 coo?. 15, 140-00; Jitlin Bell,
putting W tile, Dettman award 8.00, C,
Hubbard, 4preading gravel ii.9o; Gev.
Reidt'gravel iS.9o, R. Bennett, gravel
,j.,jo, Isaae Wade, school attendance
officer,2400, StePhells & Ashton, sup-
pliesforTwp. Hall, 2.00; Geo. i2ldrich,
sheep killed by dogs .1o.00; R. Bennett,
.sheep killed by dogs xgoo, Jas. Walkoin,
cutting hill and wire fence, lot 28, con.
4. 175-0044 Elgin Reim, damages to car
and personal injury 5o.00, Wesley San-
derson, building wire fence, lut ig, con.
6, 55.00; Alex Stewart, compensation for
wire fence zo.4o; Wesley Sanderson fill-
ing and railing, lot 15, con. 6; Will.
Spence. sheep killed and injured roo.00;
J. T. Winter, cutting brush, lot �jz, COIL
8, 7.00; Jamieson and Patters,;u, wire
%nd Supplies 3T.05; D. W Dane, repair to
bridge and ditch 3.00: James ArcLeod
rakingstones r.25; i1bilip Wenze,11, shov,
elliag gravel and putting back brush,
7.6o; Wni. Burns. compenvition for wire
fence io.,So; Jas. King, salary as caretaker
of Twit. Hall 4r,.do: latites t)ownev. gray.
el l2.00:'rhrr;. Braillinck, gravel 28-90: N'
I'laillitz, two eulvertq. lotq 2, and 7,
2 and i i0yq; Q .,A, (libsou. balance Oki
bridge. Howivk arid Turnberry boundary
1S."W. Tolln G'owdv, (tog tax refunded
2-oo: If Rullert. tile To.'Ark: Wellard Ivat-
ter'.. wire arld posits for bridge. lot 29,
con. 4. 2t 2P,', C. Simmons. refatid statute
labor, 191% .9.0ofIX. Tvt1derwood. gravel
40.0o'. (I eo, St. 51ario, raking stone i.ofq
Joe Thouips(,)Il, dog ta-K reftInded I.oll:
H. Walker, map. eouniv of Huron,
Catbers. 1%1 1-,. 11, fees io.on; P.
1". Doig, It. It. 11. fee% lo.00., Q. W.
Walker, salary as See. it. of it. 18 ot)-, C.
Sion' mons, britshing on B. Iiiie jo.00- I)r.
Wbitlev, Al. 71, offieer. ioo.00: P, v.
Doig. salary and Com. fee 12,5.4rw; W. J,
Spotton, salary and Com. 'fee ioo.qo;
Tbos. Inglis, salarIrand Com, fee Arm or);
07eo Itubbard, salary and Com. fee
A oo.00; John Rrvaus, salary and Com. fee
loo.00-, (,% R. ' Walker, balative salar * v
ig2o. i:7.s.00; W. J. elipotton, attendance
award drains and telephone 3.4,5: Arthur
Spotton. drawing tile atidgr�vel and put -
ting in same 6.o(,)*, 11. it. DoIg. attendance
award draini and telephone
Hubbard. attendance drain nieeting:;.00;
J. Cattanacb, refund dog tax 2.00; T. Bes-
witherwivit, rent .1 oo-, Norman Clegg,
charitv 7,im-, T. 11. Rogers, grant to Agr.
Societv�;.00,*J. H-vudman, balatice tile
1.80. it. Sanson, liglitiag Public Sbed,
Fordwicb, ' 5o.00. P. A. Edgar, ii;,pection
T. W., Day drain 77.45: P. A. I'Vigar,
certificate on Stinson award cirain 25.00'.
11. Rogers. Twp. Crest 6.no.
Moved by Inglis and Spotton that thk
Council close,—Carried.
C. F. WArA�Ftt, Clerl,
Report of S. S. No. 1. Howtek pt1pils
were examined in all subjects. Honors
75% Pass 60'.�
Jr. IV—Maggie MacStwain. 70-. Gordon
Weir, 60; Harold Barton, 58.
Sr. Ill—Leonard Metcalf, 75.
Jr. 111—Clair Edwards, 83; Robert Mc-
Elwain. 73.
Sr. 11—john Taylor, 9 0, Margaret
Edwards. 70: Edythe Metcalf. 57; Willie
Barton 57; Edwin Detzler, 57.
Jr. TI—Ethel Taylor, 51.
Jr. 1—Clara Delzier, 63.
Jr. Pr.—Verna Montgomery 78, Lily
Edwardf,, 75; Minnie MacElwain, 72,
.NTelvin Tavlor, 60; Margaret Montgomery;
57, Harold Wright, (absent).
"B"—Myrtle Montgomery.
No. on roll 20.
F. McPherson, Teacher.
y2mm The Awakening
HRISTNIAS EVE is the time to settle down and hear
tile story of Scrooge and old Marley's ghost as Dickens
tells it to us, It was in the good old days in the
Nlerrie England of stage -coaches and pantaloons and
-ion like Christmas
big, merry feasts for any occas
Day. Scrooge was an old nian—a grasping, covctous, mean old
sinner, Tito cold in his heart fro7v his old face, nipped his pointed
nose, shriveled his check, stiffened lik %&alk, inade his ey(,s red, his
thin lips blue; the heaviest rain and stiow and hall and sle(t were
better than be, for they often "t-ilme (loixtill handsonit Ivan(] Scrooge
.n(,ver did. Nobody ever stopped him ill tile stret t to sav �ladly,
"iNlytlearScrooge,liow,irt.,yoii? When areyou confingtosve luu?"
No beggars stopped hini oil the str(!(t, no children asked ]Jim the
time, no mail or votuan once in .111 W4 life inquired tilt- wity to
such and such a place. I'Ven the blind men's dogs tlragt'Vd their
masters into doorways. and alleys 'Mien theY caw Scrooge uoluing,
But one Christnvis E.vip Svi.00ge Kid ',I dr(aill in uIlkh he rll�
S it,
Who with her husband lct�v
next week for their new home
in Ridgetown. S lie will be
greatly missed in musical cir-
I �A ("
6rk4,;1`S`T_'A CIO, ��,
Who preaches his farewell
.iermon i Al Wingham Bapti.�t
Church, o Al Sunday evening,
Dec, 20tb.
. —or -
- IS
'furnberry Council An Unpardonable Sin
The regular statuary cotincil meeting "Look at the little—!" Such was tile
was held in gluevale on Wednesday. exclamation, uttered by a busines-3 man
A : U 11 the members
litc. 15, 1 AV, W t a on tile main Street the other uay. UIRL
preisent� inutes of I"t meet li were
re proved and on motion of Jas. drew our attention to a number of small
.ad.,n p
. A 1 7 mv�tt boyswending, theirway home from the
or e. a . .
The report of edical 0 Icer of Health public school each one smoking a cilzar-
was read and accepted on motion Of jag,
of Scrooge In, PT porterand Jas. 1. Scott. ette. To see yolinghters drawitnt MCO-
counttr,�d in turn the ghosts of Ille ( ' 'liristulasys palst, prestmt and
yet to come who showed him pathetic scenes in his own life and
the lives of those lie know.
Thvs;-glinipsos, Scrooge had had of tile past, limsont and futuro
had made hirn very sorry for hims.-If b.,catisv lie hadn't enjoyed
Chr6ttnas, alld when lie woke till he said, "I will live in the past,
tile presmit and the future."
I Iv -,vij, so glowing with Ili,, gootl spirit� that lik- got g
g .1 luite Htiv,
-Intl fri�,kvd around the rooni, sitying, "A in -rry Chris
trua-, to every-
body. A happy New Year to all t1w world. Ifullo here! �Nllooll!
Hullo!" And he 4�allvd out of tilt- window to it boy'
"What"i ttk-dav?"
"E'll?" &-ked tilt' lJoy, wolldt -rill 4".
"What"q to -day, illy 11111t, f0low?"
"Ttk-da-,!" replied the boy. "Why, Chri4tniio Dav!"
"It's Christmas Day!" �saitl Svrootw It, hin',;Af. "I haven't
uu.4-;vd it. The spirits hitvtl (Ion(. it all in otil. night!"
Anti he seut tilt- uotidt,rim, loot if) the poultlivr in tilv 111,Xt
.1. .. .1. ... I .... .. . .... .... � A ". 11.1"..- .1 , 11- .1.-, .1 . - 1.11-1 --1- �, � _1111--l..11- .... .......
The following accoutitp were paid -.—W.
tine from cigarette, who but a few NTAI"�
t �QA.
Rutherford. spikts A. Me-
previous were drawitiL, nourishment front
Phergon. gravel 3.00-, A. McDougal,
stri,et to buy the biggest turkey they had, antl ,it-nt it in a cal) to grave#, 2.00, j. W Xitig. gravel 7 30: S.
abottloand howling fol, Castoria. givei%
Bob Cratchit. Lovel, gravel 9 00, Robt Dickson. gravel-
one the impression that there iqsomethillg
And lie chuckh-d, Scrooge did, a� lie paid the mail for the tur- linK and grAvel 42 13, Jobn GeV, Inspect-
log 7.50; 0. Davidson. rep. to grader$ 50;
Wretchedly wrong with juvonile 11W8 of
this town which needq immediate attOn-
key, and I lie man for the vah, and tipp A tht- bov. jag. Hall, Johain Drain contract SO 00;
And Im .3�-titly he drv,;<it,d and found himstff out on tile streets Dr. Redrno�d, NI. 0. of H. 25 00;1. Moffat,
tion. Where do these rdi"Or-s get tbeir
in a clear, frosty Christ mas air, %% ith p� vple hurrying to an(l fro, chairman B. of ft. 5 00, John Mulvey.
dearettes? We can't believe that any
and lie felt t�o happy that lie 1;z�atnvd (in t-vt-rybodv and went to member B. of H. 5 00; P. Powell, stere'
dealer would he (MiltY Of P994119 Out
church. tary B. of H. 10 00: S gurchill, Inspect-
dope-sticlog to theqe b0dV faccg but what
ing 8 of H. 100; las T Wvl'.e. Error
Antl in tht- aft(,rnnon liv went it) hi, Ill-plu-N-' holi!4 - for dinnvr, in Asnegsement 2 00 P. A. Edgar, fees
wt� do believe, iq that some one with loug
;Intl such I wonderful fluw! Johann Drain 66 IS; I J Abram T, X.
pant(4 and 40mrt braim, is Purchasing tile
But Iliv nt-\t moruiog lie w.t., t,,trly at t1w offit,.� ttl(l uaitvtl for Powell jar Murray and R. Harding,
weed arid supplving the votingster,4i with
Bob Cratchit, who was 0411tveli ininutt". witneota fees Douala appeal, cach 2.00; 9.
late. Doll illust have r shovelling ol gravel 9 00; Mrs. J.
it. Tfsuch iq the Me. tile sooner thiq
land crushed
thou��bt bi, nia.,tt-r had gont' 111,14 "%hell t-1-11TA hi'll On 13rock, rent ofHall 7.50; S Mitchell, tile
viperisfound Out PrOPerlY
of the lAw. the Sat"r it
the kiek Intl told him liv lmd raiA,A bi, Nall"! Account t34.45- JAs Moffatt. mlory state-
bv the minitinq
Anti lit, (IM. Ati-I lie bi-caniv it s,�votvl fatlivy I, tho Cratelilt "I'"t ple, 70 65., T;g. I Sen't. -tary 55 00;
1, ill 1�o for tb�, fleddirliq of file 11011104
Y '11,13 It W. & Nlioctg, q011A.V 5511(); 1 j Moffatt,
family anii to 'rin� 'nin, who tim Nor li... Ilt. b. ean, :Iil� koalary 55.00. Tas. Pvrlar, salary '35,00, 11.
ill(- Ltlt�w,
here, for ally one So row in plillciples as to
qda of this age with tobac
Imill a-., good old vitv �ald A-vt rfl�,,Av All ill liv kut. w CrAlikshankes pt. talary statementlit polit,
MP y yollop
leaViT119 ftif MIMI Oeto t* suck if
how to L-vil Chri'tillil" 1%01. oogo, 7S.SO, P. Powell. pt. aal4try �raia :knd
176.00% A. M
nlcotida When they should be AbWrbing
Viedge, la ag* loathezoni! ill tile qe!k at
e"I iz In tiv, if W1. - Vii-
.1. .. .1. ... I .... .. . .... .... � A ". 11.1"..- .1 , 11- .1.-, .1 . - 1.11-1 --1- �, � _1111--l..11- .... .......