HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-23, Page 8MI.
IDee. 28rd, 19-316
W tj tj a M 1) V X.N 0 FA WIN 100MON 1010110 0
ON Pow "now a
Now - Im! (Correct up till Wedneoda
-imp ReviptS AA4 EXP#AditUr4" Of the W 4 W
heat No. 2 iring ...... 17 to -
Doa, iuion DAY COmmitt— Wheat No. 21all ...... 170 to 4 > 0 0
50 to
&hani, Ontario. Lard ............ 35 to
Win 40 to' 45
0 S Dee. Ist., 192G. Butter .................. : 65 to 70
store 0 Below we give & statement of the
mhe t*"* i a 100 10 1 "ggs -bii6ber;, - 9, 00 to 1000
ra c
receipts and expenditurog of The Domin- LrC_,aatttt1lee',1'!bt Oa" Qlce, .11 00 to 1200
Hogs, v utche . 15 00 to 15 60
Ion Day Sports Committ" for the. season ewcilaht ..
This Store is chuck full of Good Things Hay .................. 21 rQ to 6 00
Of IWO. Cream .............. 50 to 55
Ideal, for Gifts Balance from last year ......... s 143 50
Receipts from Ist. Of July ....... 853 00 LUXURY TAXES 'OFF in the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS
t B seball, M9,tcte3 121471
Admission 0 4
Receipts from Lacrosse Matches, 480 31, Only A F*, A 6,1.- Will Still He let us it, CONFIDENCE
1 1'_;_:-! ;r Xg oin
p .1 39 00
rtvi egea ...................... T
nt of canvas .........
and GOODWILL as we
All oluxury taxesit imposed at the last
$2840 58 session Of parliament have been abolished
EXPENDITURES ifituous cross t h e - thresh
with the excelittion of those on spi
Paid for Lacrosse supplies ...... $ 366 , and alcoholic liqu6rs, medicated winesp
p 'd t Lacrosse Referees and 47270 patentand proprietary preparations cOn- old of another
at 0
team's travelling expenses- - taining alcohol, lime and fruit juiceo,
and strong waters, perfurn,
Lacrosse affiliation ........ fortified spirits
2000 Ions playing cards year.
Baseball affiliation ery and toilet preparat
paid to Baseball Referees and and confectiongrY,
team's travelling expenses.. G$0 05 On and after December 20 no luxury
paid for Baseball supplies - 187 55 taxes are to be collected on goods other I
Expenses for 1st. of July ........ 382 40 than. those mentioned.
printing, advertising and postage 101 20 The order in Council arranging for this
Miscellaneous - ............... 1 132 extraordinary volto face in taxation was
Palmer Morden putting up canvas 104 00 passed on Saturday under authority Of
ic to 25c. Music ......................... 118 00 se'c jjon 92 of the Consolidated Revenue
mous stock of Xmas cards and 11"Idets- t t .............. 15 00 and Audit Act, which empowers the
We have an enor 25C to $1,00 each. Teeswater pro es 1 92 10 ncil to rgrnit any duty or
ock of new boolks Work, police, etc ............... 163 10 Governor in Cou
A large st Lumber and rental I ........ I... toll. from tnanufac-
isticany framed 25c to $2.00 Insurance, interest. war tax - - - - 9 79 The sales tax, collected
Fancy pictures art Rae & Thompson account ....... 22 00 ures, wholesalers and importers. will, how -
and Games, A. J. Row account .......... * , 8 75 ever, remain in full forpe
u St have Toys, Dolls Secretary's salary ............. 25 00 Mr. M, C. Ellis, president of the Cma-
Santa Claus says YO mu service. .. - 1 16 4 than National Jeweller's Association- gaid W .1, L L
he is here at your Telephone account ...... W
the abolition of the luxury. tax will have VV
'and Dresser Scarts4n a big variety - $1 to $5- s2794 74 a stimulating effect on business that can- FOR LADIEW
Fancy Centre Pieces- set. Balance in Bank ............... 6 45 84 not be estimated. Not only will it in- SOLF, AGE14T
Brush and Comifand manicure Sets $1.00 to 5.00 each Assetts on hand including lumber, hase- crease the Christmas trade, but it should
canvas etc., ple to buy
A big shipment of FaUCY BasUef% such as )Fruit, SaudWICh ball and lacrosse supplies, prove an incentive to PeO
and Work Baslketst Ideal for gifts 25C to $2.00-494ch valued $1200. everything they need, but which they
Sincerely submitted. baddelayed doing rather than Pay the
gest-stock In Huron. Amos TiPLING, President, taxes, prices on, practicallY everything Ar4)D DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
We have Fancy China and Cut Glass galore, lar , A. G. SMIT13, secly-Treas. in the je*elry trade wilt go back to Pre -
on must have some Candy,, Nuts and Oranges. The committee have decided to hold war prices, the only difference being the
old Santa says y a banquet for the winning baseball increase caused by cost of labor, Mr -
35c lb . M K is restaurant on the even- n was to be cOn- ==AXXXXX
tearuln c ay Ellis said the Governr ent
Just arrived 500 lbs. xmas mixed Candy 35c lb. ing of Thursday, Dec. 30th. at 10 o'clock. gratulated on the action it had taken, for, W.AmmXX
Tickets will be issued at $1.00 each and at one stroke of the pen, it had gone a
SO lbs. mixe Nulapq 011-Y banquet LinemPloYnIen't
may secure their
anyone wis - . to attend this dnesday. that heatre,
an ulcy 50C, 60c, 75c and 1.4)0 per doz. hing ticket by applying to great Way to solving. the i n b '
--%,,.:ases Orange, nice, large d problem. Retailers bad- bee sultuying yceum
any otthe committee before We from hand to mouth, with the re
On the same evening the annual meet- manufacturers bad to curtail labor. Now,
ingof the Dominion Day Sports Com- with the increased demand that would Saturday (Xmas)
mittee will be held in the council chatuber come for all classes of merchandise, there Thursday,, Friday.
'AAR at s o'clock. Everyone is invited would be no excuse for laying off men,
'ING M At the banquet Mr. Ruebe Harding of but, on the contrary, there was. likely to sel Stilt
H Al'a mr, BAZ X qp she
be a de mand for labor immediately after arantined—With burglars in the hou
of Plent Palmerston will present the ball boys with t' - See
Y_ laughs, and so Will You
The Store
winghairw - Greatest Gift Store. their shields and the Clarke Trophy Christmas.
S ANOL window.
which is now in tur, ADV
nting each play -
The committee are prese Porgery Is Dangerous V.
er with a photo of the team. Photo Of The person who writes. out wedding
Mr. A. Buttery brought us a -ANCE
notices, or any other matter, for the news- CON
the Wingham Baseball club Of 1906, win'
4 that year. The I to sign their own
ners of their group in paper woi&d do wel es,of other people
Q are peter Deans jr. deceased names and not the nam
1,11 rr
pictures In
R Britton, ist. base; J for that is- forgery and is liable to severe
Manager; W. A
Q Hill, 3rd. base; H. punish
Perri ment. The writer of the Edg 01
ort stop; H.
n, 2nd base;. P. Dunlop, pitcher, Campbell wedding signed, "Mrs. Camp- 6,U -
Trout, sh
the- mark in the
IN W. 3 Armour, eatcher and captain; bell" has overstepped ith S
A Cruikstlank, utility, L. Con,,,.,e Edgar and the description p the Road w. ally:
'name 0"*. Ed -
Aitchison, centre field, erm of the brides, attire. Mr. and Mrs little
to field; J. right field; and Charlie Wel i are most highly respected and POP- Z be—St
I 'e' d itL ill, behoves'the writer to try to '4 A regular holidaiy comedy featuring, th
N arscot, deceased. "gar an
ulr people so, much their c6medienne in the business -
k Mt
that we ha vv found out r
T..uapeed,r!0 140out of
chi who it w n -who forged Mrs. Campbell's
Dr. 7,Aontgomery, who has been spend an, played the- joke on th
eeL-8 with friends in Vi e wil no tbl
ing the past 'few w ft on Monday for Eh r newspapers, we
and around town It spend a few dayslover inxmus to receive further news from
here be will 1UT
"N them,. BABE R
-and Zyrov:111:,etwurning lo California. t, which
b er The Christmas tntettainmen
aba was held in the Methodist Church on PRESBYTERY OF RAI I LAND How he lmoelk$ his home r"Vis.
ening was well attended. A
'd - rammewas given the children
'Fr 'Iy v ry of Maitland met on p1lojographed ilt action with the N e w York
bad good r.(: The 11,Aesbyte
he h Rev.
t eir part well, after which lunc Wednesday
in WinglIsm when 1920 games-
4w0a',in.ge rv"' oth of sask., is at pres,: t Robert McCallum of Lucknow, was erect- YankS and Cleveland Indians in actual,
lohn Bo K clear analysis "The
Ar six months. Slow motion camera shows in
linj his mother. 'ed modetator foe the ensuing
Mriayshton Morrison of Clifford. P The call from Green, 101, Mppen and swing that made him famous".
e,,,rx witbhis Parents here. Blake in the Presbytery of Huron, to complete program will bepieseuttd. Prices,
r. sterling of Bayfield, is spending Rev. R. A. Lundy of Walton and Mon. was iviatinve s.3o,
McLoed. Special X Children. toe.
with Dr. and Mrs. McLoed.
a few days ter, was, accepted by him. Mr. Lundy Matinee, AdAts 200,
will sever ble connections with his present Two evening performances 7.30 and 9 O,cjock. Admission mc.
cliarge on the last St3nday of the Year.
Lebanon Chapter Officers Rev. A. J. Mant' Of Brussels, was appoint -
At the Tuesday evening meeting of Le- ed interim moderator of the vacancy.
banon Chapter, Royal Arch Masons the Mr. Lundy, who had been interim modet- Special for Mon., Tues. and Wed.
following officers were elected for 1921 - ator of the vacancy of Belgrave and Cal -
R. Coutts, 1. P Z_ vin, reigned the position, and Rev. James (NP -W Yearos Week) I
rH E-,cCornp-G- L, Bisbee, Z. Scoble of Whitechurch, was appointed
Amberota in You ome "' 'mp A G. Smith, H.
EX Comp- . in his stead -
Ex Comp -Geo 'dered the remits
h this Christ- bon, Treas. The PresbyterY consi
eing without a phonograp Ex Comp -j. W. McKib sent down by the general Assembly, The
The re is no excuse for any f amily b Rt. F of the conirnittee on business was
tor of tile phonograph, has Lt\ x Comp _H, E. W, Tamlyn' S. epo ved. The report on co-ordination
Edison the inven Comp -E. J. Nash, S.N. rappr1ro Ma, M'Ies M"fltgr
ID H. Ross. J.
Let i here' e An
Mas. Because Thornas A. in the land. As a rdsult) Comp __J. M. Stewart. P. S. was approved, but as to the general
Inade it possible to bring. Music to eVery home Cornp-H, J. Jobb. S. S principle the court did not approve the in
to PlaCe in your home right away Com -C. McCauley, J. S. *ntment of a paid secretary, The
we are able The companions presented A. E. COling appol arid terms Of Up -
with an appropriate address and a Mason- third regarding method - A
pointment of church officials was approv
ND bla departure in the e e
NEW 1) AM01 ic ring, prior to d The fourth regarded settlem, nt of
EDISON'S5 course of a couple Ot weeks for Pasadena, ministers, the court approved, with thel one of Green Gables
Cal., where lie and Mrs. Coling will in recommendation that greater attention be il
future reside. paid to seeing that every mplister be frolu the four famous "Anne" books by
MB R LA settled. 1,, M. Montgomery.
A The fifth was regarding t0te"ntiltIOA
41 E of elders in C1117 --h courts. The Prell,
llt king machines" and OrdinaTy 1401 #6 ipprove an elde , bling It -
Edison bas said 1)'efola over XNA bytery did not i Every one Who has read these fatuous books will
to Practically year WA MMI! phonoeftlihs is universally tecOgnized- But presented by Min elder Of anothV to')&" want to see "Anne of Green Gables". Those Who
that nothint must stand in the way Of any Edison's greatness doesn, t stop with inventive PHONE 89 gation. see the
f his wonderful Amberolas, Ues a lifelong sinbition to help r. C-dtrie of Beaverton, having haVen't read them—here is your chance to
zeniut--it embt D imitstble Mary
look horiograph value in the world to- knovfs how music Mon of
the arattit P you can afford his fellow men, Edison I to the C009170 famous Anne characterized by the in
r how littk ives.. He wants accepted a Cal
the i &Y, So no taAtte It #&t and gladden$ and brightens our d4ily I is chrilittlut— 'Blind River, Algoma, the 091 to him Miles Minter.
to W Aawn, come to out store i z in our home th from St. Helena and East 'Ashfield Was
most teason2ble I#u to have tna great opportunity and
Vft omnise to armnge the I and always. Grasp this Groceries dropped., This is a family picture bring them
termli Of P21111c"t you could wish for. __Come to our store jot, vout- Amberola- 0 6 Rev. Dr. Petrie and Rev. N- P- D -
1"M Rem&nber, the supefiority of Edisore. Am- today Provisions Sinclair were appointed to visit the Im along.
lids augmented charge of Dungannon and port
Albert, and Revs. D. A. MeLe", and V. And epimle 6 of "Pirate Gold".
Vin, gham Tea and Coffee c. Ovftl*"d to visit the w1ment6d ch'"e,
of Armow, following instruttiOns of the
hom mission committee. XXMzXXXXXzXXX xxxximilawilmit