HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-23, Page 6OUR BOYS" AND GIRLS' CORNIER By Auat June Re04-od AvouAW9 ; 'N MY Dear Boys and GIrls­- Who has frightened Jack F root awaN I wonder. He is such a funny follow. He comes and he goerr. in, this Dart of the world as I write he, is missing for a little while, 113v- ing run away two days 490, but PrOb- ably by the time you read my letter he will be back again at bis old prauL,s, . painting the. window paue and trimming UP the branches of the trees with beautiful silvery Icicles. ad -this, .Nly'Helpers In Quebec who Te Vill wobalyly say: "Ah! Aunt June, yqn just come down, hero and YOU -would soon, -see where Jack FrOOt Is i know Quebec weil in the -winter time, What a jolly place it is fO4 winter sports, and fun- Many 1% sleigh ride and snow shoo tramp ( have,enjoyed through the lovelYcOun- try of Quebec Province and speaking of Quebec reminds me that we are wel- coming this week 9, new member form this part of Canada. Isn!t it per- fectly splendid to seG the Wair Our 1,League ofServkqe is growing. Rvery' week finds boys and girls wbo are Helpers, and who wiih to pledge themselves to more and better ser- vice. Before we go on to our Wait, Bag, however, I musttell. you of the game which was promised last week. This is called ACTING PROVER -118. This is a game Which can be played by a good lamn-ber. rour, six, or eight players can engage in it. PlaT- ers divide themselves Into two. sides, one half are to go outside the coom end one halt to T'emain Seate( I ' The players who axe outside then choose some well-known Proverb vhich they� are to Illustrate without DEDICATED TO Wray 130y AND CIAL IN CANADA yen are in the Senior Third and to hear about your friend. There Is an envelope already addressed for your badge sG please ;send the letter quick - w I hich will tell me about jour help - AUNT JTTNF,'- Dear, Aunt June: - This is the first time I have Written, I thought I would Join your Club. I am eleven years old. We live On A farm. In the summer I go after the cows. We have eleven cows, Some- time I milk four cows. I go td school every day when I am well, a -ad learn m, y lessons when I come home I am In the senior third class. When I $.;at through school I am going to High School. I -have about a Mile to go to school. It is. not very nice in winter although I love sleigh riding. At school the children were on, tfie Ice. It was about three inches deep on the 15th and 16th of November. I hope to receive a badge. RVA G YOUNG, Yours is a, very interesting letter Eva, and as I read it I can Picture A farm in the summer time and the cows and a little girlhelping to milk them and then I think of yDU In -the winter going the long'wolk to school and sometimes havin . g a Jolly sleigh ride, and then at home in the even - lugs helping and dotug� your lessons.. So you have given me several pic- tures In which to think about You, and some day in t4e future I shall picture, you a clever girl going to High school. How splendid that will be! I am sure that as you hive joined the League of Service you will work so well that mother will be very, proud of You. I hove you will write again some day. er chooses a different Proverb un- I I**—. AV WINGT4" ADVAXOr, Dear Aunt June— one they must go into the room auff I have been a weekly reader of -act -the proverb before the octers. auld the game is or course for those your Boys' qnd Girls? page for some' time and enjoyed it very much. I seated in the room to guess the name would like to join your Helpers of the proverb. For Instance,, One League of Service. I go to school and,� OUR BOYS" AND GIRLS' CORNIER By Auat June Re04-od AvouAW9 ; 'N MY Dear Boys and GIrls­- Who has frightened Jack F root awaN I wonder. He is such a funny follow. He comes and he goerr. in, this Dart of the world as I write he, is missing for a little while, 113v- ing run away two days 490, but PrOb- ably by the time you read my letter he will be back again at bis old prauL,s, . painting the. window paue and trimming UP the branches of the trees with beautiful silvery Icicles. ad -this, .Nly'Helpers In Quebec who Te Vill wobalyly say: "Ah! Aunt June, yqn just come down, hero and YOU -would soon, -see where Jack FrOOt Is i know Quebec weil in the -winter time, What a jolly place it is fO4 winter sports, and fun- Many 1% sleigh ride and snow shoo tramp ( have,enjoyed through the lovelYcOun- try of Quebec Province and speaking of Quebec reminds me that we are wel- coming this week 9, new member form this part of Canada. Isn!t it per- fectly splendid to seG the Wair Our 1,League ofServkqe is growing. Rvery' week finds boys and girls wbo are Helpers, and who wiih to pledge themselves to more and better ser- vice. Before we go on to our Wait, Bag, however, I musttell. you of the game which was promised last week. This is called ACTING PROVER -118. This is a game Which can be played by a good lamn-ber. rour, six, or eight players can engage in it. PlaT- ers divide themselves Into two. sides, one half are to go outside the coom end one halt to T'emain Seate( I ' The players who axe outside then choose some well-known Proverb vhich they� are to Illustrate without DEDICATED TO Wray 130y AND CIAL IN CANADA yen are in the Senior Third and to hear about your friend. There Is an envelope already addressed for your badge sG please ;send the letter quick - w I hich will tell me about jour help - AUNT JTTNF,'- Dear, Aunt June: - This is the first time I have Written, I thought I would Join your Club. I am eleven years old. We live On A farm. In the summer I go after the cows. We have eleven cows, Some- time I milk four cows. I go td school every day when I am well, a -ad learn m, y lessons when I come home I am In the senior third class. When I $.;at through school I am going to High School. I -have about a Mile to go to school. It is. not very nice in winter although I love sleigh riding. At school the children were on, tfie Ice. It was about three inches deep on the 15th and 16th of November. I hope to receive a badge. RVA G YOUNG, Yours is a, very interesting letter Eva, and as I read it I can Picture A farm in the summer time and the cows and a little girlhelping to milk them and then I think of yDU In -the winter going the long'wolk to school and sometimes havin . g a Jolly sleigh ride, and then at home in the even - lugs helping and dotug� your lessons.. So you have given me several pic- tures In which to think about You, and some day in t4e future I shall picture, you a clever girl going to High school. How splendid that will be! I am sure that as you hive joined the League of Service you will work so well that mother will be very, proud of You. I hove you will write again some day. er chooses a different Proverb un- I known to the others. Then one by Dear Aunt June— one they must go into the room auff I have been a weekly reader of -act -the proverb before the octers. auld the game is or course for those your Boys' qnd Girls? page for some' time and enjoyed it very much. I seated in the room to guess the name would like to join your Helpers of the proverb. For Instance,, One League of Service. I go to school and,� player might take a broom Which looks perfectly new -and preteud7 to when I come home I* carry 13 Wood. sweep the floor 'with it. He must wash dishes, milk cows and sweep and on Saturdays I scruband help all -work very hard with the broom and �"A I can. I am enclosing a three -cent this, will illustrate the proverb, new broom rn#eeps cleau." Aubther stamp for my badge which I would�j might take a pebble or a stone, roll like to receive. it over the floor and pick It UP at In- I IMARGARUT DESTARDIN. tervals and look at it closely, This Well Margaret, after reading your Would illustrate, "-A- T011iag stone letter, I feel sure that you haveearn.- ,gathers no mois.", Another proverb ad 'your Helpers' badge and you may which might be illustrated betweelf be prond to weax it for the good ser - two -players is "It's never too late to vice you are giving at home. I am mend." But as the game goes �On' so proud of all th;se�pledges from' you will doubtless think lot many oth- -Helpers from all Parts of Canada. -ers that will create a great deal of The Pussy cat on the top of your let - fun in the acting. ter looks very Interested in the bub- WE,LC,0ME I J bles. I -wonder If you knew I was fond of cats when you sent me this A big w�rm welcome to the follow- pretty paper. Ing new members: AUNT JUNE. Margaret F. Fleining, Harriston, I Out. Dear Aunt June: - Margaret Despardin, Charterls, This is my second letter to you. I Que. am not big enough to write neatly for Willie 0. Prest, Tottenham, Ont. myself. Well 1 have been doing a Eva G, Young, lGlanford, Ont. lot of work since I last wrote. Now Greta Martindale. Yorli� Out. I am going to tell you about it. I vOUR MAIL BOX. hunt the eggs, carry In Wood and do Dear Aunt June:- other things as well. I hope to see my letter In print. Roberta does I have been Teading !n: your corner my writing. Well Aunt June I like for some time so thought I would like my badge but I will have to close this to write. I am a girl ten years old, time as I do not want to take up too I am in the senior third class at much room, but I like to be a Helper, ;school. I go every day. I have a so I will close. Love to Aunt June. girl friend, her name is Miriam Run- 4 GUORGE 40LDY. chey. I thine- she'will write too if 'There are several words George in I tell her about It. I am sending your letter that were not -written three cents for a badge, clearly enough for. me to understand GRr-,TA MARTLNUAIM. them so If there is a mistake In any -My dear Gret&:- of the names you will understand. I I am very glad to have your letter am pleased to know the t you like' Ond to include you in -our list of inem- your badge and that you are keeping bers, but you have forgotten, to tell up with the helping. AUXT JUNM. about your acts of service. One of the rules of the Service League in that all Helpers wishing to -win a Dear Aunt Tuae:- badge must tell about their work I thought I would write a few lines .1 am glad to. know that for my brother. I have been quite 'When a woman is well tdid healthy— there's a sparkle in her eyes, a rose tint in her cheeks, and she has rich red blood. There's elasticity V. in every movement and a Spring- in her step. Love comes to every Woman Who has bounding health, but when she is pallid, dull eyed, languid,?,she has "no magnetism nor does she appeal to any man. bange in feel - Such a c i s and looks! ng. Me uffering pain 1�4 feel ing nervous, ll=zy, nd dragged donn 4". Weak al by weakne'sses, of hersex— sunken, Iblaelt Nvith eyes !ircles and pale cheeks— Gtored to health by tho Favorite Pre.z,,crlption of Dr. Yierco. Changed, too, in looks, for after talking Dr, Pierce's Favorito Pre-scription the skin beconics clear, the eyes brighter, the cheeks plurrip. Druggists sell it in tablets or liquid. It ls a medicino 'ide especially to build up wonien's strength and for that's In -1 k11F women'.s peculiar ailments—an invigorqting, restorativo t.onic, 8004 thing cordial and bracing nervine; purely vege- table, nozk-alcoholie, and perfectly harinless. . FbadDr. Pterm's Isuliclal Hotel, Duffsao� N.Y., 10a for tdalpaekaga.' I 'r?rF1OM, he -was � piper's son, And played from dawn fill: -set of surri From banks and braes of Bormile Doon, Rolled echoes of his merry tune, Over the lakes, across the hills, They heard his airy runs and trills, Find three of his hearers, Lower side down, along back; upper right Co, ner down, along plaid; upper left corner down, alouZ log. )usy. This is What I have been dd- A SEPARATION GRANTED. ng: Washing dishes, sweeping the 10or, getting In the night wood and Not by process of aaW, but by, the be Water, let out the coir and the silent working of "Putuam's" are ,alf, water the horsw, get the meals corns separated from aching toes. Any !eady and go, down town for mother, corn or wart that "Putnam!s1l won't nake the beds and other chors' We cure hasn't bean discovered yet. Iuz iave a lot of nice potatoes th is fall sist on 131itnam's Corn Eitractor only, tbout forty bags and a lot of other ' 20re at all dealers. ,larden things. I go to church and I �unday school oil Sunday, I hwe a I A LEGISLATIVE LINE. Ace teacher. I saw my last letter A South African record is held bv n the P3,Per and I noticed you wanted I Mr. Nfunnick whohas been 406otel� ne to tell you all about my Sunday to the Union parliament for Brakpan. mhool. My brother goes with me lHe represents the fifth generation of laite often. I go to the Methodist his family in direct descent as legis,­ ,hurch. .... lators. ROWRTA GOLDY. Thank you Rob ta for Is second nteresting letter, I am so glad You ike Your teacher. What a lot of lelping You do. That is real serIve I am sure. Do YOU think you can ,at some of the -other girls and boy9 to join our League of Service. I will print one of your riddles. Therd %Te two which are not written plain- ly enough. Riddle sent in by Roberta: RK�­What goes round the house ind leaves a white glove in the win - lbw? Ans,Snow, I think It Is time we had the answef to a riddlc- that was given several weeks ago, which so far no Helper ttas, guessed correctly. This -was the riddle; Rid. -Why are bookkeepers like .hlokens? An&­Becausa they have to scratela .or a living. It your letter Is not In the paper Ibis week do not think you are for- ,otten bat look again next week. Every letter Is very, very carefully Itept because I want to hear from avery Helper in Canada and every letter sent In will be answered some I In ,I a or othev so watch your corner. C have thought, perhaps that some Relpers living In Ontario'might like 'o write +o Rel­rs -1- I -A in Que. tiee or boys -and girls from different �arts might exchange -letters and: Don't you J ,ards with each otlierl. think this would be interesting? Yours lovingly, AUNT JUNE. Box 516, Station V., Toronto, Out. 1;w rHE CANADIAN 10HIROPRAC. TIC COLLEGE, Foriftrly of Hamilton, has now tak- Wheiqcwnthi en up th4ir qua-teft at 757 Dov,,�r­ 41%,!ays in of court Rd, Toronto. Thousinds of TIiEWAL-K citizens are filled with enthusiasm R - ZHU I over the wonderful results accoue pliabed by some of their Janior stu- 1hot4M tdftd to th W.wd it to.g, -Y �-Ud a� , . w. Mo, �h­ dents on patients suffering from all ft ­e. of irl clllllld� "d (b. V0.3 1�wol wlo� 1-42-61 thoy think of T000nto, &!lo, thiA of th. 1, r diseas2a and afilictionF. Students NVALKER ) OUG are enrol -ling every, day to become 11 is the Permnal'&nice ditt Pleases Specialists of Chiropractic, realising ..d 1110 - .�Y 0. WALKER MUSE 41h, R,— a plol') the superiority or Chiropractic com- ill ;­Z."�, thc"'h, of -Am T. ­.W 1. i.,L Pared with the other healing arts. 2 Minard's Uniment For Distemper. Is Licorice OldeAt 0011feetioll? The greater Dart of black lflco�rfce Is derived from Spain, where It tc; mad� from the Juice of the plant and mixed with starch to prevent it from nielthir-1 In hot -wea-ther. Th6 licorico plant is a qhrub that attains a height or three fpot and It Wovm wild where !ts roots reath tft�,% Water. It flour- lshe,g -especially on th(i banks of the Tl.grli and BuDlirates rivers. Since tile valley of tile Unpilrates contained one of the PaWest civiliza- tions in the world, say�i a writer in The Argonaut, Ills 'prol)abilffy Is that llcorlc3 Is about th-3 oldost collifoction In the world aud the taste which the boys and gi,­o of todily like so well was (�njoyed by the youngstorG Ot 3,000 years ago. Minardl's Liniment POP Colds, Etc. "You advertise this as the best ho- tni in town,15 said the man who had stayed over night. ,,It certainly Is," reDlIed the cler'k. -Well, that may be a good boost for the hotel, but It's 4 terrible Xnoek for the town." 7 Qgr. "e-pf. - . A., Lt.: &. 7Lritf, (of rtlt_ I k N). cr, ai�" iial lmtr,) Tho MAL I OOMPANVo, Llmife"d Miss Squalliurp;-Going so soon, Mr. Ilardwit? I've been asked to sing "Till We, Meet Again," 'Mr. flardnut-If you do you'll be a 10ftg tinte at It, ows wtm woot COMP0011i A *�,tdfelfte. &ld in three de - tea of Ntrength-No. I $I- .. 2. $3, No. 8, $5 I*r 160t., 13014 by i%ll druitstistk ot sent Ma on rptelpt of giee. v painphItt. Ad reane IT" COOK fArDICINX CO TWIM0 W. (hm* --- -) THE CARE AND FEWING, OF CHILDREN By 811nor Murray RegilstercO according to COPYright Act I 01 Acute Indigestion. LIIV.1 Pnl Acute Indigestion is common in rlaylrLt) summer among -children Just past the baby stage and older. The . trouble may ba brought on by Irregular babits In terrible rash on face which de ISSUE NO, 52, 1920 - of eating whan not Rapt to regular hours by school attendance. other skin sora and inflamed. Irrlmtaa ted fambly scratching and was 414figurod. Could not ileep, well and made feel MLP WAMD-FENALE causes are eating rich, Indigestible unpleasant. Trouble lasted 3 months .. .... .......... food, overeating of -any one espacially- liked article. eating too fast without before used Cuticure, and after us;ng IJADIES WA''N''T'IDD TO DID MAIN OR chewing the food, or eatill.- too mucu 2 cakespfSoap and I box of Olut. T404t was completely belled. light sewing at home, Whole or s re. Da 'time, good pay; 'work sent any dis.l when very warm and'tired. The symptoms of anattaolk, lot acUtd, From eigatil staternept of Afts Gladys WeAbel, R.R.3,Bruesels,Out, tance; charges Paid. �Sond stamp tor particulars. Indigestion 4ra usually vomiting and Cuticursk Soap, . Ointment and Tal� Nationa Montreal. Xfg� CO,, dlah,boea, either wlllx or without fever. First of all give something to 412ra promote and maint Purity, skin comfort and skin health clear out all uUtligested food that often when all elso fail$. HELP WANTED -MALE may remain la the stomach and In- testines. Castor oil Is safe and the best t1ting to give. From, one tea- 0 20 oint 28 d 50 W4 t=gh�ol%t the, ffm"Intion, Capuncadiane-Npot; Dd, St. Paul St.. Montrcial. $0 TO, $12 PER DAY spoonful to one tablespoonful I houtraua .5"p 4%v*o wit � should be -Ivan according' to the age of Tho child. �.f this Is given first thing In the morning. before -any food Is on the Auto Tr4ctor fting. Mechanics, Vulcan - stomach it will -remain down better $8 to- $12 per day. M" and be more effectual than at other POEMS wanted to till present demeAd for automobile times. Never give It close to a, meal. McChartless driving, trac- tor It Is, not an agreeable medicine to' oper4tion, tire vulcantzing, oxy- take or to administer. It ls� the odor --t yc You ShbluRd Kmw 806tYleng welding, storage battery electri quite as much as the taste,. I 71ffffu k. cal' work-' Practical training. that makes children dislike it so. Only a law weeks require(L Jj)A3r and Holding the child's nose and adminii- , PORTIA% Sp4ECH ON MR ,y I , night classes, wtelte free c4taiggue. Big wages. tering a quick dose Is a. good PIAW for older children. Orangwjuice. or - The of mercy is not -steady epiployMent. Hemphill"s Auto and Gas Tractor school.% 163 King street warm milk make.1helprul mediums gar. givTng the dose to little ones.. strained; It droloPeth as the gentle rain. 'i; om West, Toronto.. The mother's attitude has quite -a heaven bit to. do with her success 'at admill- 'must Upon the place beneath, It is twice MISCELLAftOluis Istering medicine. She never blest: ­%, - . I . pity the child or talk of.,the disagree- It blesseth him that gives Alid him. FOR SALPe-HOW AB0,1jT ablenegs of the dose,.but,take it quitp that takes. a nice registered Airedale Imp tov* as a matter of course that the bil Will ms Mightiest in the mightiest: it that boy -of Your$ for Cllristuiis. be swallowed quickly and'without a becomes -I have some rare good onds for sale struggle., � A child will .,Rabu take ad- 'The throned monara better than ;his coming three Months old, bred fro vantage of a mother who thinks crCwn; the best Impofted stock proeUrable. castor oil is a very bad dos�. His sceptre shows the force of'tem- -F.' J. Blake, Almontle, Ont, G3. Castor oil Is one of, tbe-m0st poral power, Eicient aperieuts for -.children, * b.at - it The attrIbute to awe and majesty, IMMORTALITY CE19TAIN-31 4as the disadvantage of being some- Wherein dath sit the dread and fear eliborg's great work on 4,11eaven and what constipating afterwards. There- of Icings; Hell," and a real world beyond, Over tore it should never be given for con- Alpation, but this'very feature makes But mercy is above the sceptred sways, ' 00,PaZes, 4only 26c, repaid, jrjAw 496 Nucild P jve., Toronto, It the best medicine possible, to clear it Is euthroned In the heartgot kin , 46-51 out the bowels at the -beginning of an of diarrhoea, P It Is an attribute -of God himself , DD, A RUaISTMUM rittach Olive ' oil may be us�d,. -with' some And earthly power doth then ;wow likest God's 'Cooper H0304I Of Camden, N,J., of - Cars a three (2) ,hildren quite as effectively as the When mercy seasons justice. Years' training (Theoretical and Practical) to� )ther, -William Shakespeare, Young woman who *1 , sh to enter the Aursing profession, A high school Facts About Canada The area of Saskatchewan is 1251,- 7bO square miles. Of this .9,929 square miles are covered with water, leaving 243,381 square.miles of land. !Saskatbliewaft to ' at present, a lit- tle more than six times.as large ag Austria, as reduced by the Treaty *9 Versailles. Austria, however, has a population of 9,500,000. The P0PU- lation. of Saskatchewan Is about 700,- 000, Saskatchewan Is more than do'lable the combined area of Ragland ' NVAles, Scotland and Ireland, and more than twenty times the size of, Belgium, The mean temperature of Saskat- chewan Is 36 degrees Farenheit. Dur- ing the growing season It Is about 6.7 degrees. The mean, annual preelpi- tation is 1.6.75 inches. This is near- ly all rain, the snowfa,11 being light. In Saskatchewan, as in other parts of the West, the Crown lands belong to the Dominion Covernment, and are administered by the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. The AtIlabaska, River, the most southerly of -the three great tributar- ies of the Mackenzie Rive-, rises In the Rocky Mountains at an altitude of 5,700 feet above sea level. A large part of the valley of thQ Athabaska Is in the Province of Al- berta. It is a land of great promise. The water Power possibilities on the Athabaska River are -very great. It Is predicted that within a relatively short time, they will be utilized. In this Dart of the Northland still ex-'st he"ds of Wood buffalo, which are & sole remnant, living In a hatural state, of the millions of bison which ;existed when tale North-West was first Opened up. Tre Grand Vralri6, ill the heaTt of the Peace River country, Is about 77f miles across. Another prairie fol- lows the course of the rive,- for 25 miles. Vegetation in the Peace River countr.v is very luxuriant. The grass is more like that of Wanitoba than that of Saskatchewan. -A railway extending from Rdmon- tOn to tho north-wost, is built into the Peace River country, and a, branch reachea south to (,Iran,'. Prairie, Prom WinUille.0 to the PAP,, where counectlons fi� made With the Hudsorf Bay Railway, the distance is 439 1111les], vio, the Canadian Nortliern. Railway. The Pas Is a thriving northern town with a cousid,,rable trade In fum and fish, with a large lumbering industry. The town is provided with schools, rhutche,,,, and a hospital., In the eaVes i)f the Tripoli nioun- tains there 1.5 maid to be a, tribe ot, Women that has never vtntured out- side. The Insittle of London, In tile ft-, toentheentury, used to be beaten With* whips and clubs allid bilrned with hot Irons. 0 BY THEIR DESKS- KNOW THEN The professlt;nal character sharp$, who can detect a wife -beater from the way lie crosses his "t's," ind.who see a predisposition for cornbeet hash In .one who parts his hAir uj the back ,of his neck, have Overlooked one -curi- ous human trait which shoula reveal many no5w Ins and outs of the great -human complex. What kind of a desk do you wear? What sort of a man is It who pre- fers a huge 'glass -topped desk like a. pool table? What manner of man Is it who bankelrs for a desk with a sliding top, Into"which he c9h borrow his head at the sight"15f the unwelcome guest? What sqrt of a mind is indicated b one who covers his desk with myriad basIdets., putgoing, laeomlng� side.; stepping and dictated, but not 'writ- ten? 4 Why do certain ca -plains of indus- try regale their Idle moments. in play - Ing tunes of their push-button key- boards. These -are matters for deep reflec- tion. Perhaps man in the future will know these, things -and will marvel because we never thought about Oh, well -who cares? M inard'a lUrdment For Garget In Cows HOW TALL-33VILDINGS CAUSF WINDS. How you may learn many interest - Ing things about air currents and the way stornis develop by watching -the %Ovemeut of pieces of paper, or per- h(ps your liat, as It Is whirled about the street to explained by, a writer in Boys' Life, A variety of miniature wind storms are developed by the high bihildings of ourcitles or the forms of streets, which well repay careful study.. On a hot day even when the air Is per- fectly quiet the atmosphere, as it be- comes heated teifds -to rise against the sides of rocks or buildings, and 11; it travels far enough will develop in a atrong wind, Which descends qti the opposite side and plays queer pranks. A small whirlwind Is often Produced by the action of wind against a, corner formed by somoral buildings. As the wind travels down a street again, especially a narrow one, it rapidly Increases In velocity. A little. will g1p6ll into the side stre2ts, but the main stream will flow on gathering momentum. Watch the wind strike against the aide of a high building and notice how It mushrooms out on all sj4e3, splitting Into many air currents and trace these -till they come to �-iBst, Irt be sare to hold tight to your hat In th, mean time. MinardPa Liniment For Diplitheria. 1310 DROP IN MEAT EXPORTS, BxParts Of Meat from .0anada, to." tile year ending Octobor show a de- crease compared With lalst year of the large total of 1.27,829,600 lbs, The de- crease represents a value'of 'Over $48,� 010,000 on the ycafs trade. The ex- port figures for two years, reported by the Dominion Bureau of .1"tatistics, are given below: 11pacon and ham. 1911-209,906,038 lbs 1920.. .. .0 .. .. . .14,9,GT4,000 lbe: Pork, 1919 ... .. .. .. 18.002=3 lbs. ...... ... .. .. 4,851,200 lbs. Beef, 1910 .. .. .... . 129,944,411 lbs. 1920 ... ... ... ': 85,916jol"' lbs: Canned meats, '11,399,31,113 The 1920.. ... ... .. .. 980,458 lbs, There wits an Offset of rather kis than a million dollars fix the Increase of "other mestis" oxported, & classitiq CAtiOn that includes game and poul. try. education,is rOqUired. This course admits y6u'Eg worden to one of tho many 00sitions demanding the train- ed 111111se of to -day. For further Dar- ti,001ur$ 'write, The, Supsa-Inten- dent ol Nurses Cooper -Hospital, Oampden, N, J, 'KNITTING YAFNS­LOvMy COL - ors, pure'wool bat very moderate, prices. - Sadpie shades tree. Georgetown Wolien Mil)5, George- town, Ontario. TUS SAVE vN,,Ay To WM�AIONEIII is by Dominion Express Mone3r Order- =7- I ===­— AIr, Goodarto-vAh- You've heard her, then 9 She c0taluly has the gift or song: Miss -Chellus-Well, I hope that!s. owhat It Is, I should hate to think she paid anything for It. r, Wholesome. cleansi4fif, Refreshing ago fleeling Lofl=�Murine for Red. F 6weness, Granuiz.Z. of the Uyes or riyelideq; 012 I)ropz" After the movice. MotpeAq at rpolf VnI1 win your confidence. . Ask J70y Dfarj*,2L% for24uy1neWhen!vourEYe9Wdad ar . Doctor (aftsr careful aiAmination) -Some, foreign substance% Is lodged ill yout eye. '- Denuis-Ol knowed ut! Thot's what 01 git for wurruklW ivid thank Dago�sl AS rears standard fcr 13cityed and p,-�,ajut MongAlanticn tot -led Tin pr'ca.-o only -11 DruggiOta Or direet b3r flaii POoc Iculakabocher forcrtto, Canadn. "So you have decided to marry again." "Yes. You don't know bow lone - Some it 14 going home nights and llav- ing nobody there to find fault with 4lawk--!r----Any old'rags today. sir? 41onP(-,ekPd -No. No; any * wjj�,,*g away lit the country. 11awhrr (rubbing his ha!I&I �All! A -:y epilify bitCes? W on's Plaiosp"00111NM OAK41% The re(l, 1.�il,qlish ,r� Ilk 4ri; �,40.Tovics and uivi&ornle% the w1jol.. Mood it) plain -A7 )01 �