HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-23, Page 49
emsists chiefly of Assam teas, the richest and strong-
est in the world—is full flavored and very ecortomical.
Never sold in Wk.
Blyth Mr. Jas. Cutt, Jr., of Liacknow, was in
I town on business, Monday.
Jle White Gift Service held ftecial Christmas music wev; rendered
thodist church Stiliday evening, jp�;t,. on Sunday in the different churches,
�; success. The service was In ilivie, Mrs. (Rey,)Clysdale of Fordwich, visit�
:tke Sunday School, thescholars from ed herlibrothers, John and Win. Mills of
c beginners' class up showed a deq.jx. Mullett, during the week,
AW The singing of the ChrkV=
rols and the telling of the. Christmas
-Istories were greatly appreciated by all Gorrie
pesent. The gifts as -1111, ., the de(or-
ations were in white. The white gifts Mr. and Mrs. John King and daughter,
wbich were presented by the different
r1asses were sent to the Children's Shel- of Winnipeg. are Christmas visitors with
the former's parents,
ler, Goderich; Queen Mary Hospital for
Zonsumptive Children, Toronto; The Wilfred Irwin, Son of Postmaster Irwin
Soldiers' Home, Toronto and the Chinese spent a few days at his father's home
Tamine Fund, here, before leaving for Winnipeg branch
of Dominion Bank.
Nomination Day, Dec. 27th. it is ram' R, A. Spotton was down street on Mon-
ored that we are to have lots of materlEll day last after several mouths illness of
,.t.o select arg2i Council from. a severe nature confining him to bed
The Amity Class of the Methodist Sab- most of the time. We hope he is now on
bath Class donated a gift of $to to tne the way to complete recovery.
Nuron County Shelter, Goderich. Miss Janet Murray is visiting friends at
Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs. John Jack Kippen.
Aud Mrs. Sarah Mills are leaving this Mr. Jardine, of Tugaske, Sask., is visit -
week for a trip to Los Angeles, Cal., they, ing with friends in this vicinity.
rxpect to be at the big flower show the Mrs. Al. Hammond of Toronto, is
'beginning of the year, which is a yearly I
,spending the holiday season with her
rvieut at Pasadena. i
i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steinmillar.
Mr. Will Mains- of Toronto University, Rev. Ben $pence, conducted temper-
-in spending the holidays with his parents, ance services at the Methodist church
Xr. and Mrs, John Mains. liere and Orange Hill on Sunday. At -
ho sows no seed, no harvest reaps"
T_ —h e JIB E S T C H R I S TIN, I A S G 1. UILIL
—An Independent Future
A small monthly payrnc4 or a lump sum, paid in advance, will
-=ws te yQung and old a Cowdian Govemment Annuity of from
$50 to $5,000
a year for ffe payable monthly or quarterly. May be purchased
on a single life, or on two lives jointly. Employers may purchasc
for thair Lmployces.
Apply to your 1,ostmaster, or write, postage fret,, to S. T. Bastedo,
Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new tooklet and othe-
in7oi-mcition required. TvIention age last birthday and sex.
The gum w9th the
laVing fiavor—wrap-
Ped in the hygienic
seale'd Package.
n- goody mars good
for You. Aids appe-
Me and digestion.
Kews teel clean
and breWh SWA eet.
A Won to smokewsp
wM Us coMing,
vi'v',A"-Affia",� a n
woa�d aud vuh"�,3@,L
teudance was very limitcd, owtnv�11,0
doubt to the Ueavv fall of snow oil r
day night about t�vo fei�t dcep.
I Vartners were able to get their hogs to
market on Monday morning. llowevQr
plive was $15 to $15 �50.
We are having rather a cool time try-
" to burn a Ict of bad Qoal which arriv-
"I ately. it "Amply will not keel) going
I d it,,. to be'abonL b o.It Ai ale Our
deal I , i Ilueston is having consider.
able worry trying to have things rectified.
Rnaway Accident
Lnst Saturday evening while Gordon
McKee was driving home his horse - be,
came frightened and threw him out at the
corner of the 80., Concession, and ran
I on home, Mr. McKee co.ming out of the
house and finding the rig in a battered
condi ion hitched the horse to another
rig and sat out in search for Gordon and
found him in a dazed condition near the
corner walking home. After getting
home and laying down he became uncon-
scious and later- on Sunday he relapsed
again into an unconscious condition His
leg is badly bruised and from the marks
on his face and head it is thought that he
was thrown against the telephone pole at
the corner- Teeswater News.
Pansies, Butterflies And Plies
Bruce County seems to be a warm place
in December, flowers keep on blooming
and flies crawling around and the latest is
a butterfly. Last Sunday, Miss Stead in
Walkerton picked pansies in her garden.
flies were seen on the sidewalks and but-
terflies were seen in Rev. Robinson's gar-
den also in a store in Teeswater, straw-
berries were picked from under the snow
in Owen Sound and a butterfly was seen
in a store. " Other places have reported
that robins were laying eggs again and the
first thing we know somebody will be com-
ing down street with a straw bat on -
Teeswater News.
We can also add to this that before the
middle of the same month the snow was
piled a couple of feet deep on these flow-
TbeBoyle Brothersbave purchased a
Sawyer and Massey Thrashing outrit for
next season.
Mrs. McVettie, who was visiting at
Mr. Willia m' Taylor's has returned home
Now is the time for
Phone 1.12. 1 Wingham, Ont.
i (It
Hospital for oick chlNron
Great Provi�olal Charity Makes
Christmas Appeal to Friends
of Childhood.
Dear Mr. Editor -
The most vital fact in public
health service throughout thc. pro-
vince is, as You know, the tremen.
dous trides made in child wellare
worl. Modern science is harking
back ',o the anoient proverb that "An
ounce of prevention is worth a
Pound of cure." It has been the
privilege of the Hospital for Sick
ChIldren-the greatest institution of
I its kind upon the continent -to find
J that ounce of prevention.
In bygone days dependence was
Put more largely in medicines. Now.
adays there is a closer partnership
hetweau the pediatriciaa and Dame
Since the erection of our
i Baby's Ward and the establishment
I of well babies' chutes the Infant
I mortality In Toronto alone has been
reduced from 155 to 82 per thousand.
Mirther stadsaoa Which might be
given would merely corrobomto the
actual life-savirig value of the Hos.
Pital's work. And It Is unnecessary
to explain to you that the informa-
tion as to the researches which make
such a record possible is at once
communicated to the Hexlth Offi.
cers and practising physicians
throughout OntaTlo.
Consequently the HoePdtal has
snrely a claim upon the Christmas-
time generosity of every friend of lit.
tle children, An institution which is
securing the new-born. child twice
the chance, not merely of good
health, but of life Itself, Is entitled to
the abundant support of the public.
i During the past financial year,
revenue from all sources fell one
hundred dollaxt; a day behind neces-
sary exponditures.
It has always been the ambition of
Hospital for Sick Children to
,Xt only tho ruppoTt but tho
sympathy Of the People of Toronto,
said so to4vy, with a debt exceeding
$150,001 It,M)PeNOG to Your readiera to
help al�ng, with 3ome gift, whether
It be great or small. A contribution
of $2,000 ft.m an Individual or a
Moiety 91YM the privilege of naming
a cot for all time; a donation of 25
'cOntg will run, tho -011,010 1r0ZpIW for
half a Minute. Between these two
amounts thoro Is surely soine suln.
which can be zent by everybody to
the speretary-treasurer at 69 Collego
street, Toronto, as a token of Interest
In a ebarity whose field is as large,
as this province. The ITOLpItal for
Sick Children is one of the large,,g
and woA highly tegardp in the
World, It t an fri,,,titution in which
the D001)10 of Ontario ni�y talKo,
legitimate D1716,I), for it Is through
their genero.,Ity thq-t pircep.Cs ha.,4
bcon po,,;uih1e.
Two 11pliolved and fifty chilcIrr-In,
P00 0? ehr_�ol: Or with twistod Illubs,
wIll be Hio bon0fle;-arlep,
of tho yul(Allle ronlorAbranena of your
rm6(,rf1. jkjr,,1�0 t"!11,6u,,hont
+616 c(irolsig ycar will boncfit by t1acir
02CIII'V111 of AD Cal Omwltte%
A Couple Pf Weeks Spent in Now
Mr. Editor—
Just a few lines regarding conditions in
New Ontario where I have been for the
past three weeks. The person who goes!
by C. P. R. from Toronto to Western
Canada is almost sure to fee) that he
would not take the whole or any part of
Muskoka, Parry Sound, or Algoma free of
incumbrance and be forced to live there.
From the railway one sees a great quant-
ity of rock and small timber, great for
scenery but poor for agriculture, Now
while it is not to be compared to our fer-
tile Western Ontario. there are plenty of
very comfortable homes with schools and
churclibs about as conveniently located as
down here. Most of the Methodist and
Presbyterian congregations are united
and the arrangement works out very sat-
isfactorily, For the energy and capital
invested returns from farming are as en�
couraging as here. Wood sells for a good
price. Pulp wood, 4 feet long, bringing $2
per cord standing and from.'seven to fifteen
per cord delivered on creek or water ac-
cording to quality, Spruce being most
valuable. nearly all other woods being
taken however. I am told that a cord
makes a ton of pulp and is then worth
$160, This looks like quite a margin for
the company but the expense of operating
a mill is very heavy.
I saw more sheep in a day's drive in
New Ontario than I would see in a month
in Western Ontario, Lambs are butcher-
ed on the farm and shipped to the Soo at
'IS cents per pound, Sheep at 10 cents.
Hogs are also killed by the old fashioned
method of a bee of the neighbors.
Hay is one of the best crops in the
north, Timothy growing as high as a man.
Alsike seeds itself and makes splendid
mixed hay. Potatoes will yield a splendid
crop. Apple trees do not do well on the
north shore where no beech trees grow
but there are nice orchards on St. Joseph's
island, where I spent a week. Fruit trees
and strawberries do well there.' One man
told me he sold $500 worth of strawberries
from .1 acre.
The island is a great summer resort
having a large number of coitages along
the shore, It is only a few hours run to
Sault Ste. Marie by boat. At the Soo the
principal industry is the Algoma Steel
Plant which gives emyloyment to several
thousand employees.
At every place I stopped enquiries were
made by everyone I met regarding friends
and relatives in Huron and Bruce until
you would think as the Indian did who
said Ontario not much place Huron and
Bruce heap big, many people come from
there. At Webbwood I called on Frank
VanNorman a brother of our own Vans,
and at Bruce Mines I met J. A. Horricks
who is married to a sister of Wesley and
Jonathan Pattison of this town. At Dean
Lake, Win. Beharriel, formerly of James.
town has a splendid general store business,
In conclusion I would say wood is plent- 1
iful for fuel, water is plentiful and good,
the lake water blue and clear and good to
drink. I might just say that one drop of
foul matter in your well would mean more
pollution than all the sewerage of the north
in Lake Superior. People up there may
not have modern improvements the same
as here but they are comfortable and
happy and know how to make you feel at
home. For real hospitality and that
fellow -feeling they have us beaten.
T. R. Bennett.
The Late Mrs. Jane Helena Brandon
From the Brandon Daily Sun we take
the following which has reference to a
former resident of Belgrave and one who
will be kindly remembered by many of
our older readers. t
"A happy release from paiti was granted
Mrs. Jane Helena Brandon aged 70 years,
w 0 pasqe away on Saturday at the
homeofherson, Mr. R. J. Brandon of The attendance at endeavor on Sunday offering 71.00, Bale 56.74), making a total with a large circle of friends. They left
Regina, Sask. The late Mrs. Brandon evening was not so large owing to the � Of $178.42. Having twelve meetings oil Tuesday asorning for a trip to Florida,
te of the roads. The topic was taken during the year and an auerage attend- on their reiurnwill reside in the station
came to this city with her husband, Mr. sta 'ance of S.
by Walter Ballagh. Miss Helen Mulvey Waster's house neat- the station.
Thomas Brandon about thirty-seven years acting as president. . A splendid paper was then 'given by
ago from Belgrave, Ont., and after resid- he Mrs. J, DarAing on "Africa and the A very prettv wedding was soleanlized
Miss Emma Mulvey returned to r i Promise of the Future". at the Methodj.-a church, Burlington, when
ing here for several months they moved home in Wingham after spending some, �Nhss Nlabel Maria, only daughter of Nir.
to the Kenton district where they home. time wfth her sister, Mrs. Jos. Elall, The meeting was closed by ?inging and Mrs. J. 11. Webster was united in
Hymn 557 followed bV all repeating the I
steaded and lived for a number of years. Miss Mary Sutherland, Toronto, is the Lord's Prayer. narriage to Mr. Peycv it Fairbanks
They then returned to Brandon and guest of Miss Agnes Darling. Of' Grinibsy. Rev. (;, W Barker
' Mission Band to meet in the church at Perforined i1w ceremony while
he death Ple Margaret Dalton. played the wedding,
resided on Fourth Street until t Miss Minnie Jeffray visited in WV0Xe three o'clock on January V). The to "
ter on Wednesdav : for that day being India to he taken by 11jusic. The young couple, left on 1
of Mr. Brandon, February 7th, 1012, A Miss Edna Lincoln is on the sick list. � Irene Mundell, Annie DougIss and Eva W(ciding trio to 13tiffiflo and Jamestown,
few monthi afterwards Mrs. Brandon The monthly also annual meLting of Stokes- Ladles of McIntosh congreg. I N., Y. , On their rettim they will residk� in,
mr,ved to Hartney to reside and latterly the Women's Missionary Society met at. ation are expected to visit our 13anh that' - -
i Grimsby, The bride. was a former re -
had been living with her son in Regina. the home of Mrs. Jeffray's Friday after- gay Lunch to be served after the meet-, Sicictit ofthk town, and is well know hem.
While living in this city she was a very noon with nine in attendance, ing. Tho best wishes
of a lqrg-e circle df
earnest member of the First Methodist The meeting was opwned by singing fri-Idl follow her to hvr new 'home.
hymn 164, after which Mrs. Sinclair read
Church, and had a great many friends Lmknow i NlaVv ill this vie'DWk wero saddened to
a chapter then led in prayer. beal, oftht ,
both in city and district who will regret The minuten of last meeting were read' Before another )ssilo o4 tllis IMI)(T I " . deth In lictroit on Dec. 14th,
ave I'Mrs. Dug,11il Nicl<ionon.
tier death. Those left to mourn her loss and adopted. cbristinas will it, coink, and golle, it) her 05til.
are three daughters, Mrs. E. Thomas, The secretary, Agnes Ruillentord then wO t�11"! this opportunity of %�i, 11 � vvar. Decea�od maidon name was Jano
if,ing, tht� S, Mvl�onviaand iler 1111, and pre(]L�eoas-
r,,dacardfrom Mrs. Mann. and family atidail A),
Cc li�enor "lilol, h1s %vift! rvaders I d her several year,4 mto, Silo. sold
py ;it)
Calgary, Alta.; Mrs. J. E. Hanam, Bar of *c Forward Movement Committee a v"'y Christ 111U, -'Lnd �' 11ap d
ons, Alta., Mivg Isabel Brandon, Regina ielcing that each member of the W. M.S. prwiperow, 1921 , During th,. v(,.Ir' now fat") ()n thO 401. Von., Kinloss, but, a %hort
d f3ithful I 1'"wi timedf-oan't 1VOnt to M1111it to LIndCl%10,
Sask., and a e I 11.tlo' 411111111-vul m Opucklion i(Ir tb,�
. 11 oil, Mr. R, J, Brandon o' also Mission Band may be foun
Regina: two sisters, Mrs. J. Pearen, in attending all f got ro"
the meetings, and that we littl"
concecrate ourrielver, anew to the emphasio littlo part to nialtuTile di'l llot woovt'l.
Advauvo ;j 1)rigbt b,)(IV �,v, , affel. tile oporation The
a�qbrtljj_ botne of hor son.
3I-1-Soventh Street'. Brandon; and Mrs. "l), ti) tll(,
ai ncW11, papm, and allhough IN,. all 11-wo i".1aw
� d upon Ilk, services for each individual �
G. Embury of Lenore, Man.;and one A letter from Mr4u. L Lirldator mating ')or illiperfoct amis. and J)aV(- tjj�lde )avid Andrew, 120. con. Ash -
11011 to
brother, Mr. W. J, Miller of Sault Ste, that our nociety nre espec led to fill in fliz wiqakv� it Wk, i1tV %6M wt. "1111 vrolit by
Marie. bale for the comint� year. All pvc,,milt tho"t, n1i"t, " it M11104.4 %-vnIeferv, She i.
.d. , mjd avoid lll,tl�illg tbvl�l, I
decided to go on with it. in hiturvand . i , t thk �,ea.sotl f1)1g(.1 L,� Otill �1, 011v dalighter and thlct! S011.1i. , "urvivod
The remaing will arrive in thin city from It was also decided to have Mrs. (Rev.) oo.;ghborsandlol PL'aVL' ;%nd Go -]d Will %Loly ulll h,, '101TY tO 110M' th;Jt NJj1,11
e irly Tuesday and tilt, fulle mczo of Wro=tcr address out, society 10IR'n UP"t"110. "'it, BoW i, 'erion!'] ill. �Jr.
Regina, a I Harl 8 V
will be h2ld from Macpherwri & Bedford Is in the church carl7in January. Acollect-, Nt- ra Claistinti,, womildl, wbo hai bo'en very �jiclt to, -
ion to be talten tip during, the meetinr Nover 11tv &I �ar "Olo'linw v� licit ialpwvitlf,
undeirtatthig parlors to Brandon cernatery , to A
R, ev. J. W. go totvardo tho bale, The lad.et; cervillg! 11111 Mr. I,. I.. , val 1.wh aud""DAvi'i llalriett
at 11.30 Tucalay wornitir. (Ad ()1d tiuw!�, ()Il J�j,.JjLl', WWiam" of I it, llaln "pont a f(,W
lunch after t1u, mccti%ig.
Churellffl vAll 4"fliciate." The officen for the conling yc"'Ir wel C t I kildt"t vLoddillg' W,J� U1. �110 Alo�, tchi"412i.
110111inatcd:- Yttjl�. AlrFl. J. al IhV 111A11". ON llmalov
ol t , hiHx hotile, obiop
0 ltonw L go
L'allar'll; Pre-., r4v;,. N. 1". 1). sjllclAr� 1,11% Vr"Ji'l, V. 4 Iiin"', :wd , 114.1,
2n(l Nina � 1'� -
IL4T Vice Prer'., M ty D t"It" a" ""tio Ind Ili -t- NI'lly Ck ImAl, jmw�,, McDO�3-
Pren., Mrn. J. Hall; Trc=.. ilirn. 12, CA la � III(A � V
�L('Ilklill tho;Zdd. M"lly
"'herc will be lipecl..11 cal in'tinaf; sCL-Vice Vice
f1w Vtcobytegiun C;mm;� Jeffray; Sec., Mrs. W. 11. mullidl; Prom'
.,hcmcon. A coHertiora in aal LN laiui I �icc_ rvli��o rvli�lnlc JCffrw1. 111:11.Wr 11kit: for Ztnd
UhIcUe, 1'1'araiMll Pund VAII I't ul ca up i� T��e Tmocover t1teu rsad t1w LvIma-, for' Wood 4 ml" a le;lulwE, in 6w kOtMliuialt; ol2ela vloq
a., ,I -,e clopt cI the nerviec ' !.,e year 1-920. 0 oll lection050.721, Thatt.. � �,L) �Iiat Let% '11AI ;&;Lt
Thtirsday, Dtc. 23rd. 1.1 0
I Uhrist-m--as Merchandi*se
Y YOUR XMAS GIFTS EARLY and buy them at this store
where you. have the largest selection of useful and Inexpen-
sive Merchandise, bought with a view of giving our custom-
ers the "'Best Value" obtainable.
Two Stores—Womeii's We-ar and Men's Wear Stores crowded with all hinds o f
wearables suitable for ever), memtw of the family.
A store full of useful Xmas Gifts for the Men and
and Boys. Our display is large in all the novelties of
the season and at normal prices.
MP_JV*_V HA JV7)K-E 'A CHIP -r -V -C h o I cc
selections of inexpensive handkerchiefs, makes a gift
anyman or boy will appreciate. See our range of
initialed handkerchiefs, also fancy borders. Xmas
does not appreciate a pretty necktie for an Xmas gift
Big selection bereat bargain prices. see our specials
at 75c, 3100 $1.50
GLOVE -T -Are bere in all the best makes, Choose
your glove gift from our stock and you will be satis-
fied. Special values for Christmas trade.
COLZAIZ B0A',V1J'-Are useful and make a
suitable gift for men, see our variety.
H0_VF_-A choice range of men's and boys silk,
lisle, wool or cashmere socks, big value at 50c, 75c,
and $1.00.
2)7tACZ_V-You will find a complete stock here.
Best makes at bargain prices.
CAP.S-Latest styles in cloth:caps in the beat
cloths. Reduced prices.
M117,FPL.E�MV-Make a seasonable gift, choice
colors in brushed wool, Prices range from $1.75 to
SMOK-.r,?VG JACK_F_TSA.7V2) 21 A r H
IRO 2WES- At snecial prices for Xmas presents.
PA.)VCY SL1V2:'F_'R_V-Men's cosy felt and
leather slippers, now in stock foi- Xmas presents.
Prices eavy.
Other useful Christmas gifts in Nlen's Wear store,
Armbands, garters, cuff links, collar b,iftons silk
collars, silk shirts sweaters, pullovers, fur caps, fur
coats, overcoats. suits, hockey boots for men and
boys. rubber boots, umbrellas, in fact everything for
men and boy's wear specially priced for quick selling.
"Gift shopping has begun"pwe are ready for it and
at your service,
NAW7)X_Z'RCH1ZP_V-In large variety sold
separately or in Boxes, fancy embroidered or attract-
ively initialed also pretty ones for the children, See
our specials in Boxes at 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c.
-VILK- 21LOU-SES-A nice silk or Georgetto
blouse makes an ideal Xmas gift. Youwillfind a big
selectfonhere specially bought for presents and at
veryeasyprices. See our leaders at $4.75, $5.75 and
�R1211210JVS-In greatvarlety at reduced prices,
largest stock to choose from, specials at 25c, 35c, 50c.
_V_yLK__V-Wbat about a dress length of s0k for an
Xmas gift. We have a big choice here at reduced
prices for Christmas bargains. A line ot fancy silks
on sale at $1.69.
H0S1F_'R.V-At tractive hose appeals to most girls
and women, we have the best kinds here. Good as-
sortment of dependable hose in plain and fancy silk;
Cashmere, Lisle and Heather. Bargains in Freather
Cashmere. Your choice of various colorings. 'Xmas
bargains $1.89.
.FU'R_V-Big,,stock of all kinds in sets, muffs, stoles,
coats, etc. Xmas sale at wholesale prices.
,VWEA TERS-Your choice of the best makes of
sweaters ana ppIlovers at reduced prices.
11A.X7) BAGS A./V2) VIV�RVESAre here
in great variety, Make useful gifts.
Other useful presents in Women's wear store, isilk
carnigoles, whitewear, wool sets, wool coats, Ladies
plush coats, gloves, table linen, towels, dress goods,
bed spreads, silk skirts, beads, lace collars, Boudoir
caps, fancy felt slippers.
. 0 0 0 STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT . . . .
0 1
A A, )e
W11 I
-i FU'J y"
teudance was very limitcd, owtnv�11,0
doubt to the Ueavv fall of snow oil r
day night about t�vo fei�t dcep.
I Vartners were able to get their hogs to
market on Monday morning. llowevQr
plive was $15 to $15 �50.
We are having rather a cool time try-
" to burn a Ict of bad Qoal which arriv-
"I ately. it "Amply will not keel) going
I d it,,. to be'abonL b o.It Ai ale Our
deal I , i Ilueston is having consider.
able worry trying to have things rectified.
Rnaway Accident
Lnst Saturday evening while Gordon
McKee was driving home his horse - be,
came frightened and threw him out at the
corner of the 80., Concession, and ran
I on home, Mr. McKee co.ming out of the
house and finding the rig in a battered
condi ion hitched the horse to another
rig and sat out in search for Gordon and
found him in a dazed condition near the
corner walking home. After getting
home and laying down he became uncon-
scious and later- on Sunday he relapsed
again into an unconscious condition His
leg is badly bruised and from the marks
on his face and head it is thought that he
was thrown against the telephone pole at
the corner- Teeswater News.
Pansies, Butterflies And Plies
Bruce County seems to be a warm place
in December, flowers keep on blooming
and flies crawling around and the latest is
a butterfly. Last Sunday, Miss Stead in
Walkerton picked pansies in her garden.
flies were seen on the sidewalks and but-
terflies were seen in Rev. Robinson's gar-
den also in a store in Teeswater, straw-
berries were picked from under the snow
in Owen Sound and a butterfly was seen
in a store. " Other places have reported
that robins were laying eggs again and the
first thing we know somebody will be com-
ing down street with a straw bat on -
Teeswater News.
We can also add to this that before the
middle of the same month the snow was
piled a couple of feet deep on these flow-
TbeBoyle Brothersbave purchased a
Sawyer and Massey Thrashing outrit for
next season.
Mrs. McVettie, who was visiting at
Mr. Willia m' Taylor's has returned home
Now is the time for
Phone 1.12. 1 Wingham, Ont.
i (It
Hospital for oick chlNron
Great Provi�olal Charity Makes
Christmas Appeal to Friends
of Childhood.
Dear Mr. Editor -
The most vital fact in public
health service throughout thc. pro-
vince is, as You know, the tremen.
dous trides made in child wellare
worl. Modern science is harking
back ',o the anoient proverb that "An
ounce of prevention is worth a
Pound of cure." It has been the
privilege of the Hospital for Sick
ChIldren-the greatest institution of
I its kind upon the continent -to find
J that ounce of prevention.
In bygone days dependence was
Put more largely in medicines. Now.
adays there is a closer partnership
hetweau the pediatriciaa and Dame
Since the erection of our
i Baby's Ward and the establishment
I of well babies' chutes the Infant
I mortality In Toronto alone has been
reduced from 155 to 82 per thousand.
Mirther stadsaoa Which might be
given would merely corrobomto the
actual life-savirig value of the Hos.
Pital's work. And It Is unnecessary
to explain to you that the informa-
tion as to the researches which make
such a record possible is at once
communicated to the Hexlth Offi.
cers and practising physicians
throughout OntaTlo.
Consequently the HoePdtal has
snrely a claim upon the Christmas-
time generosity of every friend of lit.
tle children, An institution which is
securing the new-born. child twice
the chance, not merely of good
health, but of life Itself, Is entitled to
the abundant support of the public.
i During the past financial year,
revenue from all sources fell one
hundred dollaxt; a day behind neces-
sary exponditures.
It has always been the ambition of
Hospital for Sick Children to
,Xt only tho ruppoTt but tho
sympathy Of the People of Toronto,
said so to4vy, with a debt exceeding
$150,001 It,M)PeNOG to Your readiera to
help al�ng, with 3ome gift, whether
It be great or small. A contribution
of $2,000 ft.m an Individual or a
Moiety 91YM the privilege of naming
a cot for all time; a donation of 25
'cOntg will run, tho -011,010 1r0ZpIW for
half a Minute. Between these two
amounts thoro Is surely soine suln.
which can be zent by everybody to
the speretary-treasurer at 69 Collego
street, Toronto, as a token of Interest
In a ebarity whose field is as large,
as this province. The ITOLpItal for
Sick Children is one of the large,,g
and woA highly tegardp in the
World, It t an fri,,,titution in which
the D001)10 of Ontario ni�y talKo,
legitimate D1716,I), for it Is through
their genero.,Ity thq-t pircep.Cs ha.,4
bcon po,,;uih1e.
Two 11pliolved and fifty chilcIrr-In,
P00 0? ehr_�ol: Or with twistod Illubs,
wIll be Hio bon0fle;-arlep,
of tho yul(Allle ronlorAbranena of your
rm6(,rf1. jkjr,,1�0 t"!11,6u,,hont
+616 c(irolsig ycar will boncfit by t1acir
02CIII'V111 of AD Cal Omwltte%
A Couple Pf Weeks Spent in Now
Mr. Editor—
Just a few lines regarding conditions in
New Ontario where I have been for the
past three weeks. The person who goes!
by C. P. R. from Toronto to Western
Canada is almost sure to fee) that he
would not take the whole or any part of
Muskoka, Parry Sound, or Algoma free of
incumbrance and be forced to live there.
From the railway one sees a great quant-
ity of rock and small timber, great for
scenery but poor for agriculture, Now
while it is not to be compared to our fer-
tile Western Ontario. there are plenty of
very comfortable homes with schools and
churclibs about as conveniently located as
down here. Most of the Methodist and
Presbyterian congregations are united
and the arrangement works out very sat-
isfactorily, For the energy and capital
invested returns from farming are as en�
couraging as here. Wood sells for a good
price. Pulp wood, 4 feet long, bringing $2
per cord standing and from.'seven to fifteen
per cord delivered on creek or water ac-
cording to quality, Spruce being most
valuable. nearly all other woods being
taken however. I am told that a cord
makes a ton of pulp and is then worth
$160, This looks like quite a margin for
the company but the expense of operating
a mill is very heavy.
I saw more sheep in a day's drive in
New Ontario than I would see in a month
in Western Ontario, Lambs are butcher-
ed on the farm and shipped to the Soo at
'IS cents per pound, Sheep at 10 cents.
Hogs are also killed by the old fashioned
method of a bee of the neighbors.
Hay is one of the best crops in the
north, Timothy growing as high as a man.
Alsike seeds itself and makes splendid
mixed hay. Potatoes will yield a splendid
crop. Apple trees do not do well on the
north shore where no beech trees grow
but there are nice orchards on St. Joseph's
island, where I spent a week. Fruit trees
and strawberries do well there.' One man
told me he sold $500 worth of strawberries
from .1 acre.
The island is a great summer resort
having a large number of coitages along
the shore, It is only a few hours run to
Sault Ste. Marie by boat. At the Soo the
principal industry is the Algoma Steel
Plant which gives emyloyment to several
thousand employees.
At every place I stopped enquiries were
made by everyone I met regarding friends
and relatives in Huron and Bruce until
you would think as the Indian did who
said Ontario not much place Huron and
Bruce heap big, many people come from
there. At Webbwood I called on Frank
VanNorman a brother of our own Vans,
and at Bruce Mines I met J. A. Horricks
who is married to a sister of Wesley and
Jonathan Pattison of this town. At Dean
Lake, Win. Beharriel, formerly of James.
town has a splendid general store business,
In conclusion I would say wood is plent- 1
iful for fuel, water is plentiful and good,
the lake water blue and clear and good to
drink. I might just say that one drop of
foul matter in your well would mean more
pollution than all the sewerage of the north
in Lake Superior. People up there may
not have modern improvements the same
as here but they are comfortable and
happy and know how to make you feel at
home. For real hospitality and that
fellow -feeling they have us beaten.
T. R. Bennett.
The Late Mrs. Jane Helena Brandon
From the Brandon Daily Sun we take
the following which has reference to a
former resident of Belgrave and one who
will be kindly remembered by many of
our older readers. t
"A happy release from paiti was granted
Mrs. Jane Helena Brandon aged 70 years,
w 0 pasqe away on Saturday at the
homeofherson, Mr. R. J. Brandon of The attendance at endeavor on Sunday offering 71.00, Bale 56.74), making a total with a large circle of friends. They left
Regina, Sask. The late Mrs. Brandon evening was not so large owing to the � Of $178.42. Having twelve meetings oil Tuesday asorning for a trip to Florida,
te of the roads. The topic was taken during the year and an auerage attend- on their reiurnwill reside in the station
came to this city with her husband, Mr. sta 'ance of S.
by Walter Ballagh. Miss Helen Mulvey Waster's house neat- the station.
Thomas Brandon about thirty-seven years acting as president. . A splendid paper was then 'given by
ago from Belgrave, Ont., and after resid- he Mrs. J, DarAing on "Africa and the A very prettv wedding was soleanlized
Miss Emma Mulvey returned to r i Promise of the Future". at the Methodj.-a church, Burlington, when
ing here for several months they moved home in Wingham after spending some, �Nhss Nlabel Maria, only daughter of Nir.
to the Kenton district where they home. time wfth her sister, Mrs. Jos. Elall, The meeting was closed by ?inging and Mrs. J. 11. Webster was united in
Hymn 557 followed bV all repeating the I
steaded and lived for a number of years. Miss Mary Sutherland, Toronto, is the Lord's Prayer. narriage to Mr. Peycv it Fairbanks
They then returned to Brandon and guest of Miss Agnes Darling. Of' Grinibsy. Rev. (;, W Barker
' Mission Band to meet in the church at Perforined i1w ceremony while
he death Ple Margaret Dalton. played the wedding,
resided on Fourth Street until t Miss Minnie Jeffray visited in WV0Xe three o'clock on January V). The to "
ter on Wednesdav : for that day being India to he taken by 11jusic. The young couple, left on 1
of Mr. Brandon, February 7th, 1012, A Miss Edna Lincoln is on the sick list. � Irene Mundell, Annie DougIss and Eva W(ciding trio to 13tiffiflo and Jamestown,
few monthi afterwards Mrs. Brandon The monthly also annual meLting of Stokes- Ladles of McIntosh congreg. I N., Y. , On their rettim they will residk� in,
mr,ved to Hartney to reside and latterly the Women's Missionary Society met at. ation are expected to visit our 13anh that' - -
i Grimsby, The bride. was a former re -
had been living with her son in Regina. the home of Mrs. Jeffray's Friday after- gay Lunch to be served after the meet-, Sicictit ofthk town, and is well know hem.
While living in this city she was a very noon with nine in attendance, ing. Tho best wishes
of a lqrg-e circle df
earnest member of the First Methodist The meeting was opwned by singing fri-Idl follow her to hvr new 'home.
hymn 164, after which Mrs. Sinclair read
Church, and had a great many friends Lmknow i NlaVv ill this vie'DWk wero saddened to
a chapter then led in prayer. beal, oftht ,
both in city and district who will regret The minuten of last meeting were read' Before another )ssilo o4 tllis IMI)(T I " . deth In lictroit on Dec. 14th,
ave I'Mrs. Dug,11il Nicl<ionon.
tier death. Those left to mourn her loss and adopted. cbristinas will it, coink, and golle, it) her 05til.
are three daughters, Mrs. E. Thomas, The secretary, Agnes Ruillentord then wO t�11"! this opportunity of %�i, 11 � vvar. Decea�od maidon name was Jano
if,ing, tht� S, Mvl�onviaand iler 1111, and pre(]L�eoas-
r,,dacardfrom Mrs. Mann. and family atidail A),
Cc li�enor "lilol, h1s %vift! rvaders I d her several year,4 mto, Silo. sold
py ;it)
Calgary, Alta.; Mrs. J. E. Hanam, Bar of *c Forward Movement Committee a v"'y Christ 111U, -'Lnd �' 11ap d
ons, Alta., Mivg Isabel Brandon, Regina ielcing that each member of the W. M.S. prwiperow, 1921 , During th,. v(,.Ir' now fat") ()n thO 401. Von., Kinloss, but, a %hort
d f3ithful I 1'"wi timedf-oan't 1VOnt to M1111it to LIndCl%10,
Sask., and a e I 11.tlo' 411111111-vul m Opucklion i(Ir tb,�
. 11 oil, Mr. R, J, Brandon o' also Mission Band may be foun
Regina: two sisters, Mrs. J. Pearen, in attending all f got ro"
the meetings, and that we littl"
concecrate ourrielver, anew to the emphasio littlo part to nialtuTile di'l llot woovt'l.
Advauvo ;j 1)rigbt b,)(IV �,v, , affel. tile oporation The
a�qbrtljj_ botne of hor son.
3I-1-Soventh Street'. Brandon; and Mrs. "l), ti) tll(,
ai ncW11, papm, and allhough IN,. all 11-wo i".1aw
� d upon Ilk, services for each individual �
G. Embury of Lenore, Man.;and one A letter from Mr4u. L Lirldator mating ')or illiperfoct amis. and J)aV(- tjj�lde )avid Andrew, 120. con. Ash -
11011 to
brother, Mr. W. J, Miller of Sault Ste, that our nociety nre espec led to fill in fliz wiqakv� it Wk, i1tV %6M wt. "1111 vrolit by
Marie. bale for the comint� year. All pvc,,milt tho"t, n1i"t, " it M11104.4 %-vnIeferv, She i.
.d. , mjd avoid lll,tl�illg tbvl�l, I
decided to go on with it. in hiturvand . i , t thk �,ea.sotl f1)1g(.1 L,� Otill �1, 011v dalighter and thlct! S011.1i. , "urvivod
The remaing will arrive in thin city from It was also decided to have Mrs. (Rev.) oo.;ghborsandlol PL'aVL' ;%nd Go -]d Will %Loly ulll h,, '101TY tO 110M' th;Jt NJj1,11
e irly Tuesday and tilt, fulle mczo of Wro=tcr address out, society 10IR'n UP"t"110. "'it, BoW i, 'erion!'] ill. �Jr.
Regina, a I Harl 8 V
will be h2ld from Macpherwri & Bedford Is in the church carl7in January. Acollect-, Nt- ra Claistinti,, womildl, wbo hai bo'en very �jiclt to, -
ion to be talten tip during, the meetinr Nover 11tv &I �ar "Olo'linw v� licit ialpwvitlf,
undeirtatthig parlors to Brandon cernatery , to A
R, ev. J. W. go totvardo tho bale, The lad.et; cervillg! 11111 Mr. I,. I.. , val 1.wh aud""DAvi'i llalriett
at 11.30 Tucalay wornitir. (Ad ()1d tiuw!�, ()Il J�j,.JjLl', WWiam" of I it, llaln "pont a f(,W
lunch after t1u, mccti%ig.
Churellffl vAll 4"fliciate." The officen for the conling yc"'Ir wel C t I kildt"t vLoddillg' W,J� U1. �110 Alo�, tchi"412i.
110111inatcd:- Yttjl�. AlrFl. J. al IhV 111A11". ON llmalov
ol t , hiHx hotile, obiop
0 ltonw L go
L'allar'll; Pre-., r4v;,. N. 1". 1). sjllclAr� 1,11% Vr"Ji'l, V. 4 Iiin"', :wd , 114.1,
2n(l Nina � 1'� -
IL4T Vice Prer'., M ty D t"It" a" ""tio Ind Ili -t- NI'lly Ck ImAl, jmw�,, McDO�3-
Pren., Mrn. J. Hall; Trc=.. ilirn. 12, CA la � III(A � V
�L('Ilklill tho;Zdd. M"lly
"'herc will be lipecl..11 cal in'tinaf; sCL-Vice Vice
f1w Vtcobytegiun C;mm;� Jeffray; Sec., Mrs. W. 11. mullidl; Prom'
.,hcmcon. A coHertiora in aal LN laiui I �icc_ rvli��o rvli�lnlc JCffrw1. 111:11.Wr 11kit: for Ztnd
UhIcUe, 1'1'araiMll Pund VAII I't ul ca up i� T��e Tmocover t1teu rsad t1w LvIma-, for' Wood 4 ml" a le;lulwE, in 6w kOtMliuialt; ol2ela vloq
a., ,I -,e clopt cI the nerviec ' !.,e year 1-920. 0 oll lection050.721, Thatt.. � �,L) �Iiat Let% '11AI ;&;Lt
Thtirsday, Dtc. 23rd. 1.1 0
I Uhrist-m--as Merchandi*se
Y YOUR XMAS GIFTS EARLY and buy them at this store
where you. have the largest selection of useful and Inexpen-
sive Merchandise, bought with a view of giving our custom-
ers the "'Best Value" obtainable.
Two Stores—Womeii's We-ar and Men's Wear Stores crowded with all hinds o f
wearables suitable for ever), memtw of the family.
A store full of useful Xmas Gifts for the Men and
and Boys. Our display is large in all the novelties of
the season and at normal prices.
MP_JV*_V HA JV7)K-E 'A CHIP -r -V -C h o I cc
selections of inexpensive handkerchiefs, makes a gift
anyman or boy will appreciate. See our range of
initialed handkerchiefs, also fancy borders. Xmas
does not appreciate a pretty necktie for an Xmas gift
Big selection bereat bargain prices. see our specials
at 75c, 3100 $1.50
GLOVE -T -Are bere in all the best makes, Choose
your glove gift from our stock and you will be satis-
fied. Special values for Christmas trade.
COLZAIZ B0A',V1J'-Are useful and make a
suitable gift for men, see our variety.
H0_VF_-A choice range of men's and boys silk,
lisle, wool or cashmere socks, big value at 50c, 75c,
and $1.00.
2)7tACZ_V-You will find a complete stock here.
Best makes at bargain prices.
CAP.S-Latest styles in cloth:caps in the beat
cloths. Reduced prices.
M117,FPL.E�MV-Make a seasonable gift, choice
colors in brushed wool, Prices range from $1.75 to
SMOK-.r,?VG JACK_F_TSA.7V2) 21 A r H
IRO 2WES- At snecial prices for Xmas presents.
PA.)VCY SL1V2:'F_'R_V-Men's cosy felt and
leather slippers, now in stock foi- Xmas presents.
Prices eavy.
Other useful Christmas gifts in Nlen's Wear store,
Armbands, garters, cuff links, collar b,iftons silk
collars, silk shirts sweaters, pullovers, fur caps, fur
coats, overcoats. suits, hockey boots for men and
boys. rubber boots, umbrellas, in fact everything for
men and boy's wear specially priced for quick selling.
"Gift shopping has begun"pwe are ready for it and
at your service,
NAW7)X_Z'RCH1ZP_V-In large variety sold
separately or in Boxes, fancy embroidered or attract-
ively initialed also pretty ones for the children, See
our specials in Boxes at 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c.
-VILK- 21LOU-SES-A nice silk or Georgetto
blouse makes an ideal Xmas gift. Youwillfind a big
selectfonhere specially bought for presents and at
veryeasyprices. See our leaders at $4.75, $5.75 and
�R1211210JVS-In greatvarlety at reduced prices,
largest stock to choose from, specials at 25c, 35c, 50c.
_V_yLK__V-Wbat about a dress length of s0k for an
Xmas gift. We have a big choice here at reduced
prices for Christmas bargains. A line ot fancy silks
on sale at $1.69.
H0S1F_'R.V-At tractive hose appeals to most girls
and women, we have the best kinds here. Good as-
sortment of dependable hose in plain and fancy silk;
Cashmere, Lisle and Heather. Bargains in Freather
Cashmere. Your choice of various colorings. 'Xmas
bargains $1.89.
.FU'R_V-Big,,stock of all kinds in sets, muffs, stoles,
coats, etc. Xmas sale at wholesale prices.
,VWEA TERS-Your choice of the best makes of
sweaters ana ppIlovers at reduced prices.
11A.X7) BAGS A./V2) VIV�RVESAre here
in great variety, Make useful gifts.
Other useful presents in Women's wear store, isilk
carnigoles, whitewear, wool sets, wool coats, Ladies
plush coats, gloves, table linen, towels, dress goods,
bed spreads, silk skirts, beads, lace collars, Boudoir
caps, fancy felt slippers.
. 0 0 0 STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT . . . .
0 1