HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-23, Page 1mom
'Wbit awn tumble or apprv-1*
gift could you sent to that
absent relative than a receipt
for a year,s, subscription to THE
ADVANCE, Saves letter writ-
ing $ad givie0all the home news
mnrle Conles - Four Cetits
&-Asd I)ISPISV Of Choice **to
This Christmas time we am exhibiting
some of the finest quality heifer beef we T
have handled for some time,-TI'T.0s. hol
VIULD & Co. C.
IF, p
CIMUtwols Entertainment Ing
St. Andrews *Presbyterian Sabbath ren
-Scbool Christmas entertainment will be zra
Liven Tuesday evening, Dec. 28tb, corn- oith
mencing at $ o'clock. The program will are
be unusual in character,, consist ng prin-
cipalty of an operetta entitled "The Fairy lec
Shoemaker", and coupied with "A view -
of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus' Show jo
Room. This promises to be one Of the
'.best programme.the Sabbath Sellool has In
prepared. Do not miss it, in
The 20th Century
Methodist Church in
it a, in. Subject
"'An Expanding EMPire"
2.30 P. in, Sunday School.
7 p, in, Siibject C
_t Chu]
'CE rch
L"A VMP-re"
EX hoal
P.M '
e iSt Ap
The Call of the May
The choir Of 36 voices will reader
. b ":
s "I aias
pecial Xmas Music. u
come a adworsbip with us- YOU
"Jo i'.
vill receive a hearty welcome.
I We wish to all
A VerY
erry Christmas*
Stationery, Patent Medicines,
nooksl School Supplies, wall Paper,
Ftinev Goods, Toyss etc.
Here For The Holidaye pitauce pio* ta aft
EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Mr. George Howson, Toronto.
Mr. Ernest Linidater, Toronto.
miss R Stratfordo
------- Imp -Y-- ebecca Armstrong,
A-UCTION SAL10-FOX111 Stock, Is nents,
I s.po aria Bennett, Stratford.
Etc,, at LoL I Con. 5, MOrd Vn Thurs, Miss M
lr I'loo No reserve rythlug
ty , se old. P,
bills Miss Grace Tucker, Stratford.
ANDREW PROCTER, Pro Miss Myrtle Bennett, Stratford. Peru Aerrm
r,1ClJAJt1) PROCTER. Clerk.
J As, TAYLOR. Auctioneer- Miss Mary H,augb. Stratford.
,VRHAp Fop quick Sale— 1 ,dison Phono- Mr. Hardy Geddes, London,
1%, gra,ph wich IL nitulber oE T,W'.da. Also 36 Mr. Kent Smith, London.
r. corING. Mr, H. A. Mutton, Toronto.
COAIA FOR sAluju_'Vear lead of No. It- Mr. John Hutton, Toronto
ilard Coal, Apply W KE" PA wingbaw flockevists
lllbi 'Lpl _ specta for hockey at Wingliam this
SALE--WeHwood PrOPLrty, corner rro
Patrick an year are not. as bright as they at first Qv-
jr, 11 0 or a 'on 084, t 0
jLt n ea. peared, asthe NorthernLeague rules state
)in 0 !r
-a 0 1;0, pply to. no team can draw from
non, or distinctly that
J.'s G. stewart;4 another town if a nearer town has a team R. B. P. Election Coining To Winghalu
Bilfra,lo r I obe. and rug, botk now, entered. Wingharn and Lucknow organized At the regular meeting of the Royal i on Tuesday the 29th. Benzie & Wood
regso.ilably. APPIT to- eawater, which is Tuesday with a company of clever artists Will PT
win be sold - TEM ADVANCE, a twin team, but Te only Black PrecePtOry he I d on
pe4 -re elected
nine miles away from Wingbarn, step sent the People Of Wingham with t
orkshires. Five evening, the following officers.-wi
How- The Wolf". T1
Volt SALrL_ us for arch farrow. choice into the ring and stopped the fun famous play entitled
yourg so large territory to for 192L Canadi
bs,voh tYPO ana"sired by Mesdo1v 13r,iok Sandy ever, Wingbarn have a W. p, -J. A. McDonald. is a wonderful play of the
u T water f Ir IM who
wo w prize hog at ees B 50 la Pi'lZO draw from to the south, and may yet put -W. A. Campbell. North west dramatic, gripping and
was;ired by Pine Grove Gy
w6aplon tl Toronio E'-lillbition's up a pretty stiff argument. A good num- D. P intense interest, and whatever You
'o' Chap,- -Win. Guest.
y k'1'11'ages and pairs triOl
.Uug. . ,
P 1'. to do not
O'Slol 0 uniora are signing up, fail to see it or you miss the pril
tiot kin 1-1,0 JOHANN, ber of seniors and j Registrar -Jos. Guest.
It. R. 1. .. The passing of Dr, Wellwood Dep. Reg. -Wm. Breckenridge. ege and treat of the Season,
Treas.-J. F. Groves.
FALU FOR RAVE -200 acres (if land being The sad news was received in Wing- Contest For Bruce Wilrde"$*
41 - 42 On the gravel road. between W J. Deyell and J. W, Dodd.
,,a 11elgi,ave. Good buddlngs. ham on Monday that Dr. John WellwOOd Sensovs,- -
Winglian, 0 der ollltiVALiOn, For further Lecturers -A. Bell and J. Wilkinson. The contest for the Wardenstilp
Ulid neoxlY all un badpassed away in Calgary early that
pwacuis"'Apply to. Committee -Arch. Brydges, T h o s . Bruce is likely to, be staged betw
morning. Dr. Wellwood is a Wingharn [gee, Abe Brydges, Reeve Rowand of Brant, Reeve Josi
boy and a son of Mrs. C. Wellwood of Stewart, Jerry Bryd
V08T_&parceLtontalniu 860ouploofinusic Johnston% John Met- Grant of Tara and Reeve Hunter of V
9-1 bookg Finder will kln,%IY lcavealr- Wingham. Thelate Mr Wellwood left Wm. Thornton, Ed that
TIM ADVANCE, ve overseas calfe. I cardine Tp., provided of course
his Western practice to ser - Standard Bearers -Thos. Brydges and' trio are all returned at the coming mi
MAZON&RISCII 0,AHINN'!-Phorograph and did some valued work in the hospi i
sale will be sold cheaP Oil emy terals, &_ cIpal elections, Reeve Robt. John$
YAW. -zone where fie performed Henry BratidOn- le
10vocords Included. APPI tais in the war ccess. I of Lucknow, who is one of the cliev
MWE Bultup, many surgical operations most Sul ary Society Organizes men at the Board. was also urged by
TEN'D; -;For V. S- S-- No- 8- fully; Whil6 in his service he contracted Mission
CH2R WANTP, Junctron. )aties issionary Society of friends to enter the field, but has de(
Turnborry, Win Yanuari and later blood The Women's M e veteran James D
Ist ofha r. APPI103tions trench fever pol 9 ch met on d as
14 Met 1111,0111 d up till Doe. 2IL11 by. St. Andrews Presbyterian chur has also th
'All I = 0 ERSON1 After returning to this Western home he c '
Box. 4$. HENI) ff but never re- i Wednesday, Dec, 15th, A splendid paper las of Hepworth, who is the nestor of
wilightial. took treatments at Ball gone to I entitled "The Land of Covered Faces" Bruce council, so the fight is likeb
ale or fib ale. gained his health and has since was given by Mrs. Alf. Carr. The elec- narrow down to the above three- A
T lesuat be sTrionced, fo I t win "a Deceased is survived
to heel Just , tq 's cOr' Calgary hospital r the ensuring year re. erton Times,
talgr . u llct 1 us ill by his wife and one son, who together tion of officers to
Bob" * "8
0 On
!b 1-hotl-soerct Hydro at Wingham
with hit sister, Miss Caroline Wellwood suited as follows:
0.kV1Zr. WILSON seer tary of New York are accompanying the body Honary President -Mrs. Perrie. The much worked question "When
Box MI. Winglia to Wingbam and are expected to arrive President -Mrs, Gowam. I
i Wingham get Hydro?" is now out Of(
let. Vice -President -Miss Clow- e o'clock on Tues
AXTZD 81111 d'soutter here on Christmas Eve- Sho ti after on
W iA good condition. A)) ly At. ot-Miss Lewis.
Tile funeral of the late Mr. WellWood 2nd Vice Preside hydrroyjuice was extended to W
will be held from the residence of his Treasurer -Mrs. Fry. from Eugenia Falls, Supt. Brooks hai
mother, Mrs. Wellwood, Patrick St., on Secretary -Mrs. Williamson. great honor of throwing in "the sWi
E VIRED Sunday afternoon, Interment Will take Home Helpers Secretary -Mrs, Link- and it was indeed fitting that he sh
IS YOUR HOUS place in Wingbarn ettnetittYl, litter. orl
Besides big mother, wife and son, he is Messenger SeCtttarY-Mrs. McGavin. for be has worked hard in his eff
survived by seven titters and two -brothers Strangers -Miss M. Holiday. keep Wingham With power sod ligh
fOR HYDRO P vix: Mrs. Kent of Alberta, Mrs- George presg-Mrs. Nitbl some years. The new light is much
Webb of St. Helens, mrs Tigert of Ham- pianist -Mrs, Robinson. I steady and the power is now Within I
ers" Mission Band niet O(any, who wishes to buy.
Get our prices. It nleAnS ilton; M to. McKenzie, Bloomfield, Mon., "Happy Glean On Monday evening the lights we'
Mrs. F. A. Howson, Wingbalm. Miss Car- on the Some daV and elected their officers and stayed off for a short time be
big sOving to YOU- zlizabeth of oil! follows: Many thought I
aline of Shantu, China ; Mies L i
1*ol_t of Brandon, Man,, Presldent-,Mrs. Perrie of a broken wire.
p- - ra Carr , u ,A- was being connected t
NOW 4 ) Ist.. V Ice -8 L114
1rhe Elfttrlic'.Shop nd Wilbert of Wingham To them is tx, 20d Vice Pres. -Mrs. Rintoul. bavo, Was sirnply the old Service in one
tended the sympathy Of R large circle of j& --Forward" Mission Band
Phone 280. friends. chosen Mi" 11alliday as their president. last death kickt,
'Nersonals n coun
W The statuary meeting of the tow
he members Of Trinity Church intend ell was held on Wednesday evening of
ding a Xmas entertainment In the Mrs. Kenneth Howard of Toronto, Is, last week with all the members present
o. F. Hall on the 23rd. As Christmas M' R S, Mc -'except Coun, Bennett, mayor Gurney e'
articularily children's time, the even- visiting with her sister, Mrs. I 1presided. Minutesof Previous meetings
will be devoted to amusing the child- Gee,
Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Parker will be away were read and approved, Fr
ofthe Sunday school. A short pro- om 31st visiting relatives I
from the 24th to the Thereport of Dr. R. L. Stewart, Medi -
m will be given by the Pupils and in Toronto, cal Officer of Health was read and showed Bi
ers. All the members of the church Mr. and Mr,-. E. J. Nash are spending the town had been quite free of disease
requested to be present and bring a. a couple of weeks at the latter's home, during the year, On motion of Conn.
aktt of good things for lunch. A col- gi
tion will be taken to defray expenses. of at Amberley. Currie and Reeve Tipling the report was
zes for pupils and the Hall, -Henry Mrs. IvIcDonald and son, Thomas, re- adopted'
flagon, Sec'y., Belgrave. turned to their home in Seattle after Wni, Gannett claimed he had been
spending a week with Miss M. A. Mc- wrongly charged $1.76 for sanitary tax, a
The Belgrave Methodist C11urch Christ- Lean and attending the funeral of her on motion of Count. Mitchell and Cun- 21
as Tree and Entertainment will be held A. V. McDonald, ningham, a refund was ordered.
the Foresters Hall on Friday bvening, husband, the late . ion was read from Water- ti
me consisting miss Florence M. Blvd and Dr. Ads B. A cormounic
ec. 24th. A good program r. and Mrs, Robt. Van- loo council asking the council to endorse a
outside tall Speers, guests of M nto Wednesday, resolution fOrnled, asking the Ontario
Norman returned to Toro Legislature to allow''a Portion Of auto &
St, pants, Sunday School entertainment Miss Bird has ittst returned from JaPan, license fees to revert to local municipall-
the Wingliam, town hall on New Year's where she has been engaged in Education- ties for the upkeep of road$. On motion
ght. al Work at Shizreoka, under the direction of Couns. Cunningham and Mitchell, the,
See "The Fairy Shoemaker" at St of the Canadian Methodist Church. Dr. scheme was most heartily endorsed by the
ndrews entertainment. $*rs, a Medical Missionary also under cil.
the C nadian Methodist Church, is now Coun for a rebate of
Mr, Flanigan applied , 2
The Shepherds and Fairies will prdiorin pursuing Medical studies in Toronto and 1 t * nt traderS license fee. On motion,
'uesday evening next at St. Andrews New York before returning to Szechwan, cr=n. Elliott and Reeve Tipling, Mr.
hurch. West China. Flanigan was refunded tax less 1920 taxes I
The boys part of the enterWrlment, I— 4. 1 - W M 9 0 M * The Finance Committee recommenQ I
)ec. 28th, will surprise all those fortunate Oraduation Exercises the payment of a number of accounts and I
,nough to secure seats at St. Andrews On Monday evening a pleasant time on motion of Coung, Fells and Mitchell,
*ricert. was spent at the Wingham General Hos- the report was adopted. for
St. Paul's Church, Sunday iSchool will pital, the occasion being the graduation of By-law No. 844, to provide money .
hold their annual concert in the town hall Nurse Bosman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. waterworks capital expenditure was given
on New Year's - night. Watch for Par- Henry Bosman, Bluelvale and Nurse Fox, three readings and on motion of Reeve
t , iculars next week, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Andrew Fox. Tipling and Conn. Currie war, formed as
Whitechurch. Mr. J. A. MacLean, chair- read.
man of the board of directors, presided in By-law No. 843, confirming the aP-
a very able mrnner and a good program 1, pointment of W, A. Galbraith as Town
Saving, 00 Choice t4eato was enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Snell offered the " Clerk and Treasurer was read three times
Parties contemplating buying beef or opening prayer. Addresses were given by and was passed on motion of Count. Fells
pork by the chunk or quarter will save Dr. R C. Redmond and Rev. Mr. Scobie and Cunningham.
money by calling at Field & Co. Is Butcher of Whitechurch. Rev. Dr. Perrie admini. On motion of Codas, Currie and Fells
shop. We carry only the best obtainable stered the Nightingale Pledge to the grad- the uncertified accounts were ordered to
and will not be undersold by parties uating'nurses and Dr. Calder presented be paid when properly certified and re -
peddling around town - if you ivant the the diplomas. Vocal Selections were commended for Payment -
best at the lowest possible price come in beautifully rendered by Miss Sarah Mac- ' he Wingham Salt works complained
and see us,-Ti-ios. FIELD & CO- Lean and Mrs Dingman. After the pro- of an error in taxes and on motion of
gram, the guests numbering about fifty U
uncheon by Miss Co ns. Currie and Fells the matter was
gave you A Storage Battery? were entertained at I cutive Committee.
It will pay you to see to it, that it is Matthew& and her staff referred to the Exe
taluen good care of during the winti
season, Call in and get us explain the
advantage of dry storage if it has been
'use over eighteen months, -E. MERKLXY
& SoNs, agents for Gray Dort and Col
umbla Cars,
Don't love off until it is to*
l%te to, order your F*401W
Greeting Christmas Car(k, c8d
examine the sanlPI". Ck*"
are being fie nt a w a Y daily.
0 to) An viogir
e I ,U u &Oro
locat 11tellillS
luy Diamonds now at P4ttersOns' Big
veiry Saleo
vIcKay , s Headquarters for Xmas C! lolls
cl,eft SuLmyeot'joL
dits and Nuts. 1
Fresh Oysters, tastily served at the
ills Burke Cafe. We have the largest arld best selected stock of articles suit -
Don't miss your chance to buy Xmas able for Christmas Gifts we have ever shown.
'to at Pattorso ne Big Jewelery Sale.
;Ifts that last.) Articles Useful and Suitable for EVervOue-
Postmaster George D.. Morrison of Kin-
rdine died at his home on Monday, Dec. Our Prices are Wight. We Invite Comparison.
Ith after a long illness,
Oysters sold in bulk 80 cents a pint at
ke Billie Burke Cafe, FRENCH IVORy AND EBoNY_singlt articles and sets At
For a nice box of Xmas candy try Nel. 25c to $17.50.
)n's or Lowney's, sold only at McKay'$. S7,A 7*10JVF,%y-High grade, white or tints, boxed complete at 25c
"Little Cbange in Women's suits" says to $8.50.
fashion journal. That will be a re- cHOCOLATES A)VV 130JV 21ojVS_Every box filled with
ef to the married, men who have little fresh, pure, delicious sweets, made by Part & Shaw, Willards, Lig-
hange in theirs. getts.
No other Ice Cream but Neilson's sold PUS AND ItECO It J)S-All the latest records
I the Billie Burke Cafe. rHO)VOG RA
song, dance, special Ckvistmas and children's records-PhonogrAPh's
A Yule -tide Datice is to be held in the sold on easy payments.
dill'r. Memorial i -fall Christmas night. 1pes, Cigars in boxes of 10 and
i,verybody is cordially invited. Dancing SMOXEIRS, *REQU1XJrrZS_P`
'rom 8 to 11.30. Tickets 1.00 each. 25, Ash Trays, Match Holders, Cigar Casts and etc.
-point line
McKay s for Xmas candies the largest ZLECrItICAL AVPZ.1AjVCFS-The famous Hot
issortment in town. Try our special of Grille, irons, Toasters, Percolators and etc.
nixture at 35c per lb. X01)AJLSA./VV 211toW)VIES-Always make an acceptable gift
An informal dance will be held in the priced $3.10 to S37-50.
Forester's Hall, Bielgrave, on Tuesday rB1tFUMA;SAJV21` TOILM71GOODS-Fragrant perfumes in
avening, Dec. 28th, from 0 O'clock till 3
dainty boxes 10c to $5.00.
O'clock, Every ody welcome.
New Alver enamelled Ladies' SILVp-%WA JJE- Rogers 1881 at bargain prices.
Wrist Watches, octagon, Tonneau. Rec- SAFFITY 'RA.ZOItS-Autostrop or Gilcat in plain, metal or ivory
tangular styles. Regular price $25.001 cases.
sold at Pattersons' Jewelry Sale for
$20.00. FOUJVTAIJV pEJNSThe famous Swan or Watermans $2.50 and
We have accepted the sole agency for up. Also "The Wilbro" an English Pen at $1.75 guaranteed. -
Neilson's Ice Cream in Wingham. 'fake 1JVGF_-RS0LL WATcHFS_$3.25 and up, No luxury tax oni
a brick home with you. -Billie Burke Watches bought here.
Cafe. mUSICAL 1JVAT1tUMF_JVTSViolins, Harmonicas, Guitars,
Mrs.E. A. Brock, announcesthe en- Ukuleles, Mandolins, etc.
gagement of her daughter, Catherine eep Hot and Xcep Cold bottle
Jeanette to Mr. George T. Thompson, THE!RMOS-A complete line of this K
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Thompson, also Lunch Kits. 9 c, $1.19, $3. 15
Wingham. The marriage to take place HO T WA TZ R 230 at 8
late in December, and $4.00. CARDS -Folders, Seals and
The bazaar held in the Council Cham CHRISTMAS G RFZTING
ber onThursday last by the Women's etc.
Missionary Society of the Methodist CAAVY spZCIALS-Cream mix 47c per lb, Chocolate Mix 57c,l
Church was very successful. The pro. Horehound Drops 49c, Boston Baked Beants 59c, Jordan Almonds
coeds amounted to over S380.00, 69c, Marshmallows 47c.
At the last regular meeting of the W.
C. T. U. held at the kome of Mrs. Bos-
man, Francis St. Mrs. (Rev.) Dingman, MoKIBBON'S DRUG STORE
was presented with a gold pin and a life
membership, prior to her departure for Drugs and Stationery
their new home in Ridgetown. Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
Wilbert Fralick of S. S. No. 9. Tur.n-
berry, is to be congratulated. on (obtam-
Ing) the certificate of honors awardeci by
the Department of Agriculture to the
public having the highest nnmbLr of
points at the School Fair House at Blue -
vale on Oct. 8, 1020.
Al. Hewitt of London was arrested for OF*
robbing a freight car at St. Thomas.
A couple of companions got away in an
v auto. Hewitt will be remembered by
many as the chap who had several booths
Reurion .......
in Wingham during the Old Boys
e. ......
We wonder if Les. i'oung, was just try
le us that the curling season
,I, ing to remind
n would soon be here or was he actually
of practising the rearin' game in the gravel
to, pit by the Salt Works. He was seen MIA CHRISTMAS
,il. carrying a broom with all the old time X
pomp of lturney" days on Saturday --- BUYUSEFUL GIFTS
music for Christmas Day at St. Paul's Z OSEYS
of church -Organ Prelude, Processional WOMEN'S FELT C
en Hymn, Adeste Fideles 72, Carol 70, Car- (High or low cuts) Suede and Kid Leather Boudoirs, colors
to match any ldrnon p; Felt C,,)seys and Juliets in all ro I lot's
'ph ol8weetlYCarol 738; Benedictusin G., An endless variety .................... $1.00 to V.7,
Kyrie Eluison.
An- Rembault; .14
the Hymn, "Christians Awake7' 74; Carol, CHILI)REN'S FELT SLIPPERS . . .
elt Slippers, inbrown,
"Holy Night" 742; Anthem, "While Shep- An unusal assortment in Children's F
im, herds watched their flocks by night!', red and rose ........................... ..... $3,_,. to $1.25
ton Swast; Hymn Recessional, "Hark the V1 0111
hi Herald Angels Snig" 73.. MEN'S COSEYS AND BOUD
8 Coqey and Boudoir Styles in black. bvown and grey with
lin- Gray Dort Cars are increasing in sales buck soles, nothing woula please him better ... $1.50 to 82-00
iug. every day. There's a reason. Call in and
the get a specification Booklet, and compare BOYS' SLIPPERS
convinced. We In vatterns Just like Dad". a large choice. to select from
to with other makes and be ....... ... $1.00 to3l.50
alk- have three new 1921 models in stock ' also ......... .. .............. I ......
a Columbia Six. Something new here, ERS AND SP
but a very popular car and stands Pre- WOMEN'S OVERGAIT, aupe, fawn. beaver
eininent in its dass, being a high classed car In the Tweedie and underslung styles. in t
grey, brown and black colors, make lovely Christmas Gifts
will at a very reasonable price. E,M9RXLUV ................. $2.50 to $1.51)
late, & SON, agent for Gray Dort and COlum-
day. bia Cars flo 'K"E*"Y"'*S"H"O*FS"'-"*-
ham In all sizesl, Automdbilt Sk4tes to fit 311 Shoes'
I the
:ch." St. paulg' Church Notes Make Your Selections EarlY0
)uld, Christmas Day, 8.30 a. m-HolY Com -
LB to murtion, 10.30 a. ni.--Holy Communion Glance at the many fines ditplayed ill Otir
t for and Sermon. Come and spend an hour in ill help v0tt
more religious worship Of Him in memory Of Ivindows and tables. It %V
each Whose birth this day is kept as a hOlY choose.
day. Special Inusic. Sunday after
it off Christmas. 11 a. M-Mattiris- Christ-
'au5e mas, anthem repeated. 2.30 P. m. -Sun
P.M. -Evensong, Christmas
was day School, J. Greer
ut it anthem, Behold I bring you Good Tid
)f its ings"_-Simper. sp,tn.-Ashott Christ-