HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-09, Page 10THE WIP
THREE BI -G --DAVO"k 3 'M'
positively the final days of Hanna's Fall and Winter Sale.
Everything including new goods on sale.
13uy X_m__as,G1*fts Earl
What more appropriate gift for Sets of Braces and Armbands, WEAR
him than a new suit or overcoat? Garters, etc. on sale. Give mother and sister a n ew
Weare offering � hand tailored English'Wool Cashmere H o s e, dress for Christmas serge and silk
Suit t)r Overcoat at the reduc- reg. 1.50, sale .............. 98c Dresses at 25.75 and 33. 75,
od price .................. $36.75 C
Ladies' fur trimmed ats at
Get th,; bay a new suit for Xmas. 36.75 and, 44.95. Oppossurn and
50 b(Nys' up - to - date Tweed Less 20 per cent, Hudson Seal trimmed.
Suits on sale at ........... $11.75 Neckwear and Brushed W o o I Blouses
Men's all wool, Listowel make, Mufflers. B e Its, Hosiery, Shirts, ,
Sweater Coate, reg. $15. §ale. 0.95 ) Collars, Gloves, etc. New stock of Blouses, Silk Un-
, derwear, Camisoles and N i g h t
ss.50 V neck Pullovers ........ 0.50 Gowns less 20 per cent.
"A Useful Gifts
�hr $12.5(l3orsalino Hate ........ 8.00 Initialed Handkerchiefs i n silk
'IVA 7,00 K;ng Hats .............. 3.95 Men's Overalls, Shirts, Gloves, and linens less 20 per cent.
Socks, etc.,
Silk Shirts Peabody and Carhartts guaran- Cashmere Hosiery
A useful gift for any
A� beautiful gift for Dad or broth- teed Overalls .............. 2.75 the family. member of
er. $10 pure silk shirts 6.98. 2 50 Work Shirts ............ 1.89
Silk Hose —Individual boxes, $3
Fine print Shirts, reg. $3, sale .2. 19 Initial Handkerchiefs, 3 for .... 1.25 hose, �sale $1.95. R a d i urn and
500 boxes of ladies' fancy Hand- Holeproof.
Underwear kerchiefs, all new Christmas stock Sweater Coats
$4 Stanfield's Blue Label, sale 2. 90 on sale, Women's. Missses and Children's
1.75 Penman's fleece lined Un-- Men's $16.50 Lounging Robes,
"21. derwear.... .... I — � ... 1.19 all wool sXveaters. a useful gift.
li;y's' fleece lined at ........................ 1276
75c Penman's
Underwear .................. 59c A Dress Suit or Tuxedo is a very
acceptable gift for. a young man. 20 per cent. off
'Neckties, Neelctles Silks—New colours In waists and
dress lengths
Hundreds of new Christmas Silk 1;
Ties 1.75 and 1-�O Ties in boxes Rugs, Rugs Children's Robes, Baby's Blan
wle ...... ............ T. 19 A new Rug, large stock of Wil- kets, Heather Hose a n d all dry
Leather Collar Bags, Tie Cases, tons, Axminsters, Tapestrys on sale. goods,
Key Holders, etc., at sale prices,
MINT 9) rltllf
fQ( (,Z�)
"K Pi,
F �F,111 D1 RR
r '0 U
The World's Gireatest
rhonograph Value
T1-11 NK of the vast difference between Edison's
Amberola and ordinary photiographs or
"talkina machines". The Amberola is the prod-
uct of matchless inventive genius—of inspiration.
Other phonographs are' plain,'factory-inade ma -
devoid of inspiration.
Tho-mas A. EAison's master mind conceived
the Awhorola to entertam mankiaid. Commer-
cial phon�ograpbs are put together vith just one
objeet, in -, iew—to srll at so nimAi profit.
No �.vov.,�der the Ainberola has &-inonstrated
hs sulle'Ei0rity time and zqqain ill Public compara-
'S nciiines" and canimer-
tive -Ll� ts with "tialking rn.
dal phonograpbs.
Tbe Rnarvelous fone of the Ainbe?ola—the per-
mianent, r�;enuine Dkwond Point Zecprodurer (vo
o )--tlhe pyactically unbreakable,
Awberol Record�—all reveal Ithe aen-
ius of Edison. And the surpri,.�ing, low ecist ofthe
Arnberok, puts hig
,h-prieed "talking mochines"
and colamercial pho2lographs to Alame.
J,et us 411ow you how cap?) it is for an"one to
own all Aniberola. Call v.t our store or write
to us in A.- vext few da?)s. 17,W. -en if you zro con-
vineed yott cannot vffbya� an Amber�t% put it vp
to v, , to rnaka it possible. So re rneinber—mall or
a iml M W
I W h el'hl
MJIAM ADVA..NCE Thlirsdq Dec. qtb, tq2o
(Continued from page 1) son (Correct up till Wednesday noon) --
Burgess 407, xF. Saint 352, xG. R&�rt Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 1 50 to 2 00
292, xL. Wild 286. xL Broome 180. Wheat No. 2 Fall ...... 1 60 to 2 001
Jn. CLASS Flour ......... ..... .... 5 50 to 6 So
Total 580. Honourq 435, Laid .................... 35 to 38
M. Bisbee 541, H. Groves 565. S. mit- Butter .............. ... 40 to 451
cliell 477, 1 Cruikshank 404, 13. Wright'Ll ggs ................... 60 to 65
450, M. Ludwig 447, C. Fry 41.1, xA. Cattle, med., butchers., 9 00 to 10()o
Scott 427, J. Cloakey 424. S. Campbell: Cattle, butchers choice. - 11 00 to 12 00
378, 1. Wagner 376, H. Templeman 358, 1 Hogs, liveweight ..., . 13 75 tq 14 00
W. Lediett 304, xV. Mellor 207, xK. Lott � Hay .................. 24 50 to 26 00
131. 1 Cream ....... 50 to 55
Pititfxfty DrolARTMENT
Those marked x were absent forat least:
one week. Aodersoti-Wheeler Nioptlals
Total 387. Honors 200. A quietbut pretty wedding was solemn-,
CLASS A. !zed on Thursday afternoon Nov. 25tb,
A. Louttit 371, G Smith 366, D. at 2 o'clock, at the Methodist Parsonage,
Kargus 361, A. Atkinson 358, J. Copeland ingbam, when Myrtle A., youngest
i W1
357, E. Homuth 348, B. Blomfleld 347,' daughter of Mrs. Chas, Wheeler, Morris,
G. Beattie 341, 0. Tiffin 340, E, Rae 338, was united in the holy b8nds of matrim-
M. Dobie 337, E. Zurbrigg 327, B. Walker, ony with John Anderson, son of Jas, and
320, J. Milligan 318, D, Fixter 316, A.
Zurbrigg Z109, E. Stoakley 307, F. Page Mrs Anderson, Oth line Morris. Rev.
Mr. Armstrong, pastor of the - Methodist
205, xrvL Cantelon 293, B. Burke 293. Church Wingbam, officiating. The Wde
CLASS B. looked handsome in a dress of taupe silk
M. Fitt 286, J. Mitchell 286, G Lediet, with,silk georgette blouse. The happy
272, F. Howson 260, A. Green 259, xB, couple left on the 3 o'clock C. P. R. train
Small 256, xl. Nortrop 255, L. Durnin for Toronto and other points East, bride
253. N. Lediet 251, C. Vansickle 244, B, travelling in a navy blue dress with taupe
Campbell 243, A. Reid 229, W Dow 228, coat and hat to match. On their return
xS. Roberson 227, xE. Gray 220, xH. Mr. and Mrs, Anderson will take W their
Fry 209, xR. Hastle 201. xE. Reid 191, residence on the groom's'fine farm, 6th
A. Dow 100, xL. Williams 129, xN. line, Morris Township, Mr. and Mrs.
Shropshall 128,,xE. Campbell 50.
CLASS C, Anderson's many friends extend hearty
congratulations and best wishes for a long
Total 240, and happy wedded life.
P. Clarke 212, R. Forsythe 203, H.
Fitt 197, xW, Hurren 192, xW. Henders6n
A. McLean 173, H. Agnew, 169, R. Saint DIED
140, xA. Aldington 12S, S. Carter 123
xB. Cloakey 114. Mmki-iAN—In Turnberry. on Tuesday,
Nov. 31st, IWO, Bridget Micknight,
Calls Walton Pastor relict of the late Patrick Meahan, in
. . St. Andrew's church, Kippen, has ex- her 101st year. The funeral from the
tended a call to Rev. Rd' A. Lundy, of home of Mr. Anthony Meahan, on
Walton, and will support it befoVe a spec- Friday, Dec. 3rd, at 8.00 a. m. for St.
ial seWion of Huron Presbytery in Clinton Patrick's church, Teeswater, for Mass
on November 30th. A call to Rev. G. at 10.30. thence to Teeswater cemetery
Telford of Blyth is also to be considered. for interment.
-sy Sav*np_l P
Lverything Sold a", 10� Mone I rlces*
V -01r, Men.
,$2.00to2.iO Ties for,
(no tax) ............... 1$ 1. 4 9
3.00 Ties foi ............. 1 89
3.50 Gloves for, (no
tax) 7 .................. - ' 2.19
4.50 and 5.00 Gloves
(no tax) ........................ 2.69
3.00 Silk Scarf for ........ 2.19
5.00 silk scarfs for ......... 1.69
7.50 to 8.50 silk shiets
for........... 1! ..................... 5,49
2.00 silks socks for .... 1.49
oR- Ladies
Georgette Blouses
Crepe de Chene Blouses
Crepe de Chene Smocks
Voile Blouses
Silk Dresses.,
Silk Hosiery
Silk Underwear
Silk Gloves
Kid Gloves
CHILDRENS.WEAR REDUCED.— Mitts, Gloves, Scarfs, Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Wool Suits, Toque's
and Caps and Scarfs to match,, Fur Sets, etc.'
U I - nd F -ups
mat uhm`stmas. ale of Clolh'no- Un
Men's Ovelyceats Women"s, Coats and Dresses
,865.00 Coat,; R,,�duccd to ........... $47,50 Grk eaally Reduced
i0.00 to 5i.00 Ileducedto .......... 33.50 ( Salts, Plushes, Velour, Tweeds with,
35 00 to 45,00 Reduced to ......... 20'.50 Sell` or Fur Collars.
P, 6 e !-m 1, S ou t 2
AH wool ser -'e. All,%vool tweeds. All Wool Serge, Tricatine, Silk and
AIt N-vool worstcds. etc. Reduced 20 to 301,�,,
Fur.Tlna 17UB128 17,K(Duo (Z F UT IL" n2skaqngs
Sable. Hu&on, Seal, Opposun), Fox, Wiiton Rug,-,, All Wool Blankets, -4,
-cls 1) o iv n Comforters,
\NVolf, I'pix, HuLN011 Seal Coats I rm,;s
Muskrot Coats, Alarmot. Coat.,, Mell's J,irioleutns. JL�cr Wool Blankets, Oil
FUV Coat,,, Bufl'alo 1�obes and etc. boths, Fhtnrielett.c Blankets.
GROCERY DEPT. --Pure F004S at 410.0e -Y Saving Values,
Best Quality Raisins, ,ceded or seedless per Ili 29c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per package ..............
k' ........ 10C
Best (*Iualit� cuel'ants, per 1b ............. . . . ............ '20c Shredded Wheat, 9, packages for .......................... 25e
Best Quality Shelled Almond-, or Walnuts, per Ili 69c, Guaranteed Red Salmon, PCP till ............................. 45c
43c,A ttality mixed Peel, Lemon, Citron, Orawfc 59c Best Quality Extracts, all ffiavour.4, peto boitle ...... 10C
Rice, 2 lbs f,)r ................................................ 25c Laundry Soap, all makes, a bar ............................ 100
Tkapioca, 2 lbs fol: .................... I ...... I ................. 25c 1 Lux, 2 packages for .................................... 25c
VP Ito "I'AL V, #0
4W. iD 2,( v, v v in gham
A M& N _0 WVi6 I