HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-09, Page 6,
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1051683,108 1
3 V IN U
Ask Ottawa to Enforcej
Anti-Du:mping Clause
'To Protect Against Cheap. (
U. S. sugar.
f.,otwwa, Out., Oct. --rorseelus: that
tU sharp, broalE In sugar pri"a in me I
United States may be followed by a :
similar dreip la ftnada. a-ortain Cana- i
dUn VVIUVR Are V.ppeAlI11g to the �
I. Govarament to tuko action to protect . ,
%Ut* market and so to guard them ,
against loss. Yestorday'a tall in the �
-talt4d SUM* refiners' price to 11
cents a pound might naturally result
in corislatrable, exportatious to Cana -
44, where the refiners! price was 1914
dents a pound, with a five per cent.
discount to purchasc,ro of carwad lots.
s, provides t.)r
the Taluation of goode for duty at the
X"Yaldn% wholosailo prica In the coun-
try when Uxey were exported. It �
I Taalceg no exceptions for Isolated cases
of Imloo-cuttIng. Similarly the anti-
dumpin$ clauge of the Customs Act .
provides that e-3mmoditles shall not
be sold In Coneda at less than four-
flUbs of the,pre-vaillng market price
In the coautry when they were export -
04 ,
*A110 provision has been applied in
the past to prevent Unitad States ship,
vors from flooJing tile Canadian mar-
kot with cheap. sugar. The Canadian
refiners,, it Is said, ars Seeking- some
further action to Meet their present
Situation. I
They would, It Is said, suffer consid-
arable loss from a break In Prices In-
asmuch as much of their present siock
cost more than tile ,new price In the
'United States, I
A delegation. representing tlia lead -
Ing Eastern refineries, -and accOmPall-
led by W. 7. O'Connor, K. C., fOrMerl's
a nw.mber of the, Board of Commerce
waited on PrPmler Melghen to -day to
discuss the situation. The result of
tbejr� Interview was not disclosed, At
Ito equeluslon,liowever, Mr. O'Connor
left for lqew yorlt for the purpose, it
,was reprirted, of caninrrirg with the
heada of refineries 111 the. Tiulted
States. � .
,ato of Increase in Past
Ton yean 10 P. 0. 0
f %red With 21 P. 0. bi y
Preceding Decade. t
_. �
Waollinstou, Oct. . - The popula- t
ton of contine-Atal United States Is I
06,683,108, it was announced at the i
,ensua Durein to -day. The figures 4-
Lre subjeat to correction but any rell V
,taloa Will leave them substantially
;he same, possibly a little highor, ad.
,ordina to Sam L. Itogms, direstor ,
A the bureau.
The, occafilsa visa marked with eon-
ii4erable "roacr.z. Dlzi0or Rogers,
0alutant Director WIlliama X. Sleust,
C:hlet Clerk Thom,Rz �. VItzaeralzi and
Ohle! StatioUclan. NV`M. C. Hnat P06041. 1
* .
tor the moy'lo IR the act of announc- 0
Ing the fluare% hundr9do of Oelksu,s �
Bureau employees TooltIng on. I
Although It was generally belleyod
several mouths ago tb#t Uncle Sam I
boasted of 110,000,000 nieces and AQ-
phews, It becarne apparent with the
tabulation of the first figures I%Mt
this e,qttmate ,%yas some 6,000,000 too .
Durlftg the past ten years tUe rate
of Increase, it wat stat4 ha* b0n
14.9 per cent. as compared t0 21 per '
cent, during tho preceding decade.
$#The large falling Oil Ila this rate Of
Increast- Is due r,,AtW to an Mlmost
camplete cessation U immigTatio;
during the past five yeaV6" rmid Mr.
Rogers to -day. In some dearea It is
due also to Via IrifIvenza eRideualc
and casualties In the World War."
� The substantial oceuracY Of tbB :
enumeration Is"borne out by comPar-
loon with yu-sa statistics and immi-
gration figures. Mr. Rogeria ,pointed
out The aAnual 1 per cent. excess Of
wrins oyer deatils alone ,%ould,bring
the figures to 101,760,000.
The excess of Immigration over am,
Igration was 3.739.000. Made the bulk
of immigrants arrived during the first
. four yeaxa of the demde) It is estlul-
ated that the increase due to excess of
births over deaths ta their families
!4 4 0. , d— was tea per cwt. Thus, according to
"r. Rodgers. th
. robgratiou i*vold be about 4100-000,
birlueng. the total to 105-800-000, 8110,)-
� GERMANY IN stantlaily the Ban* an the figures ar- ,
n.r ,11vod al by enumerf-tiOn.
I Vor the first ttim 51.9 rer cent,
� IPARrtll � MARKET more than balf Me population of Ara-
: . . I erim, roddee In Urbsn territory. The
. . . I . 11 I . . rural "ulatlOft lo 5(�866,h9g, or 481
. . . . I per cent. T�'A 1910 venstis sbo*ed 53.1
.. .. Contracta to, Deliver 70,000 T)px co, - tl .tire population ra-
. . %t. of me ej
. .
I � . . . . . . Ton$ in U. S. r.NI, Thtp r * epreseuts, a 1095 Of -5.6 T)P,r
. . I .. cmt. ja the tropertion for tbe ponula-
. . - .. I . tion lIvIng Va Mral territory. 'hime
. Caniftot Do: Much Harm to figures do nnt reveal. bowever, the
I real Tpag"linde Of the exoAns from
Our Industry. tbe farm's. Mr. Rntvf,r.q pointed otit,
� . .
. � I 0 -0
I � — , ,,I. -
I .
I �,., I L 1jew 'rork,, Oct, t,--Cauadlau paper
thc R
wti4s ]lava a now competitor In
U"W States newsprint Market, it is
rePorted tbAt contracts with QW111all
=*ufaetUers for, some 70,060 tons of STILL BOOMING
� paper 41ttya been made by, United
� , 'or deliv
tKw,es valilisha%. This to i -
. %7 In the future,' running well late
r IWI, The tint �ohipmeat Of thiii POPO Chief Factor Inland Rev-
� *A " t& ha,ye aiready been received
W al Sw York daRY enue Increases.
The report of the arrival of Ger- .
I a*a paper fbUows, closely upon the ;
I announowleut that a numberof Can-
adi" producers ke.re, notified cugtO1A Total Net. Debt,X0W UP -
an JIL the United States that In 1921 2761516J63.
1 aporoidmately 10,00 tons Of '-%ewsPrint
ftom, the mills In the Dominion would
I . be diverted to, British colonial passes- Ottawa, Oct. ' ' -(By Canadiju
� 0ions, Should the 70.000 tons Of Gar- Press), --Bounding reyenues again
I man paplot develop Ps being actually I
ayatlable for the ,neeft of the United ina:k the. monthly statement of the
I States publishers, lt�'-Wlll just balance Finance DePaptraeut. 1: Heavy in-
� the loss from the Dominion. creases, in Inthud revenue Are the
ohief �Aotor And, under this head.
46d 044ZOt now do MO." e Inaludad'rocelpts from the luxury
� I - a.
� - K "P and saleg taxes IMPOSOd In thQ last
DurIng the Seven months of the
FIND -COAL,, Al financial year ending of SetC 80, in -
I � laud revenue oollectlow totalled $29."
SHELBURNE U $4S1,813. In the eorreoporldina
, n NTw months of last year, hiland ravenue
I eolledt-ions were only $7,065,238.
During the same porlods alone In-
come tax receipts showed a 4151�ilfzrll
Seems Hard Coal in Mine- heavy inersaae. DUrin ' g the flevet
months, a this year tbeir were 46,685.
able Quantities. 418 during the seven months 01 tall
I year, they were $1472,628.
Re,tenue from bustria,4s profits tW
25 -Toot Seaux at Depth of sbmvs a slight decline, For the t*4
seven mionths' periods, ft was- 1019-
� 100 Peet. $15,884,M; 1920-$16,180.479,
� Total Ordinary reY6nue during th
month, of September wag $37'17'"a"
Shc1burne, Oat., Oct. .--Great 1x- as compared with $24,698,1840, the to
, cituRICA- Weva4-6 here f0l,"w1119 ul)')'l tal ordinary re'reflue In September
tile dise.,ery (it wilat �.Qpcais to be 1919 During the JlevOn montho
,autillacito cuaL in ruxileame quanutiej periods ending Sept. 30. tOtAl Ordin
in tuv =uiediatu �.Ciwty ,i4 the vul- ary ravAtue W%8: 1910-4169,086,656
. . AA
..90. - 192�-$219,905,911.
� u. 2% Lyons, a farmer, whose place Public .d6bt in0re.260d by $22,QU
Is Ultust" "uut ix Mile north Or Tau 729 last MOatIL The total not dob
village, hius rccent;,y beclA 8111AMN all no credit baing t,1ken for non-Activ
"rtt�Alzn Wall. It_i,erday, at a Q01JUX stant 0 $2,276,516,163.
ot &()out 1Uo Let, tile bo,O ran Into a Omz`bn � ..-
bait! waci6 sub&tante, pronounced by I -
til%)ao wilo have $eea it iw tie truo coal, %2rn as
and provauAY 90�4 gradO allthi"cito. TO BE FRIEnLy
'190 .catil stiucA ;�j)pmaed to w I y
la felt t4lox. .
hoeve �uiown, of Shelburne, vald Ito I A
kad ateii out ot t1w Lyon farat and
ba(i Wft tile 4ejaj. 110 1L.80 �;ala tilat 0 0 N'T M E 0 0" L
the idea of finding caai lu thAS (115- —
tr,ct wag A.ot n,w. �ur awne time, it
had been known that Indications of
L03L weto, to ba found cisewhere Ill Leading American's Idea o
tag -vicinity. At it larm about four glo-U. S. Oordiality.
miles troat th6 VA -age, caal had ocea Ang
picked up in tha gk,,,aad, but nothing .-
is tag way of a systematic Folentific canit Dismember tmpi
search had bees made. lJo had no
,d,osut but that the coal wit-, there, and for Ireland.
goasraI opinion In the district strong-
ly, agreed with h, .
.M. Although 010.20 '
interested were Inclined to Xeep the %New Torit. Z'0. -AngIn-tineMe
inatter a secret, It was said t'.12t the fneling c,m be kv,pt cardial If the pe
bmt ludications of the pree�net of coal pIc% of both c,,)untrl�t4 "attend Strict
yet di"overed were to he found with-
in tk,o limits of the villaso, tt,olf, to their own hic.41ness p.nd not m*dd
Tk* roportad Pad and Its probabli with thoso dell(1,00 diffIC111004
I *%410 has yot to 'no YorIfIed by min- which elther mtky 0 Any Moment b
' bW vagixo*rs, but thoA, dwellers In and tomo Involyed,11 drelared Martin I
� ormd 11helblarAe are confiftnt, that Littl(,ton, form(r mrmber of Corgrci
�'4 is of tremendous lm- itt It lunellpon ten4k,re,d rf-previontaill
47 , *4 di"orwy
�, act la"ns groat thinp for of the spsoclation of nritish ChetrAbe
I - I - ore to -day by the M,
�� ,w *V Property valnes fmye *I Of v,nmmores h
-1 ,l he bosgilt at ally r1lanto, AWWWW1011.
- , . " 1. I p1lool
.. I , Ii. l'.N, , Of $11fibarm* so It mr- Mr. Littlet-i told thn ftitIsh bV
" '
I., r,,
1. I 0" as the own 9=" non mitn, wba came h4l". Aft" 4
— 9,_F._r_, ~-ft'-w-1-Iffis t,041*g thp Im,p"Jol WMI't"P(le
- a in a V_00WM r,**~ of (,#mwa@ft M Toro%
- "'..,
-1 I � r I I I I 1. � .. . , � I ..
I .
� I � ��� I
� I
I I I � �
I �
zem. Brouslit, Unto Ill --atre wis
avidorloo at doalre for relief and of
faith IA the W*M *Ad power 01
Christ 41yero-varloua Xinds. Tor- ,
raeats-Dimm that were 4ocomPan-
led by Igtouse palu and suffering. 1
1 �
Poxgouod with 4emons (R.V.)-Th&t
this dadition. vxo something differ-
3AWA 111. Oct. 17, 930. .' A _
Jesus .Beging His ATIalstry. �
oat trom raero b WRY 41800se 16 Oyl-
110, froo the fact th4t in the 116t Ot
X01low 4:12-25.
Maladies here giveu It has a Plaft
09mmentary.-I , ProPhecY fulfilled ,
by Itself. it may have existed in con
41, 12�17). 12. When Jesus bad heard,
nectiou, with bodily disease, but from
40440 Xnew vitb6ut having heard,
the various reterellpes to to the
9t this record is r aade to present the
,,eara that demons, or
Sorlotures, it app
�%Wht as It would be formulated with
evil pirits, took Such full control of
atereuce to % man. John was cast
the :fflicted one that his own Will
ito prison -John bad preached ,about
was overcome and could not assert it.
wo, years, but was new al prisoner In
Sell, LunatIck-oEptleptic." -, R. V.
Ierod'A castle at D,1401140ru% Out Of
VAloy-PI'LrAlysio, Realed them - No
4a Jordan. The reason, for JQ4.a's
mpriaorimeut is given JA Matt 14,, St
case , was too obstinate for the great
F hysician. 25. Decapolls-Ten cities.
Departed Into GAItle"Aliloo was
ho. northern- of the three dIVIatatis Of
. L ..
A region In the northeastern part of
palpstino containing ten cities.
ale4tIne. It, Jay South of Mount
,ebauon And between the XedIterrAu-
. Questions - Where and for ,what
reason W as John in prison? Where Is
. the weat and t,be, Jordan
an Sea on
6nd tile Sea at Galilee On the out.
Galileo? What city did Jesus make
Ills dwelling-pl9ce after leaving Na,
)hriot's principal labors now we] I$,
Ila southern portion at Oaltle%
z4reth? What sea to, referred to In
� . saying NAzareth-Josua went to HIS
lame-_ In the 0114901tut At
the lesson v4kd by What
names is it known? In what senael
quaroth and was rejeets4 (Luko 4-,
as people of Galilee sit in dark-
did tl
was the subjectof leauW
.6-30). Dwelt fix 11 L asm-'i-A city
in the West side t Meru
of t a Re& at Gatile%
. �ess 7 What, . ,
preachJU4 ;7 Whom di o
what did Jesus say he
to location and Importance made an
specially fitting cei,itro gar our
follow him?
wood n , 2ake of them?
�Ord'a Activities. Upon the sea rzoast,
-The See, ofGAIllee. It, 10 aloq call-
L ToPle-JOsus enters upon his MIS*
A the Lake of Gennosaret, the Sea Of
Viberlas and the Set,, of -Chluaqrotb.
t to about thirteen miles long aA4 six
I.__Chrigt% early ministry -
Christ calling his first 0601-
nilewwlde In its broadest part,'aad its
waters are remarkably clear. . It lies
, ClITIst,s early ministry. That
jesus should
a deep depression, much lower
the Meditertinean Sea, and through It
the public ministry of
at Jerusalem Was equally In
flawsjhe JordaA River. Zabulou and
Neplithalim-The aneii&At. tri'04 at
Xe6lng with the fitness of things and
Rwaltened by prophe-
Israel, Zabulua and Naplitall, bott.bor-
dered the Sea of Galilee. 14. Nsalas-
the expectations
tie declarations. His first revelation
Messl�Lli was most ap-
Igalab. See Ism. 0:, :L. 2. 15. Beyond
Re the PrOM mple. His
made tn.th18 te,
Jord-im-The, phrase usually- ,means
gat. of the Jordan, but sometimes, as
%irst public ministry in Judea lasted
The effed of his
t earls west"OX that
# this instande,L it M
9wer.- Gsl . ties of the Geutlleg�-Gall
Cl 11_�i-lrse
About eight Im exceeded
personality, and preaching
+i,.# of the Baptist (John 4: 1)
4es 01 0 nations. 0 M - � . [ It I is Intense antagonIsIn
this region, has been ocoupied,bY. %)so- . gh4 awakened -
pies of various nations. . of the eceleatastleal authorld0s. Pal
10. Sat in darkness -The prophet wag lowing the imprisonment Of John, he LAWYER
portraylUg the condition of the P6606 returned to the. retired district around
when Christ obould appear. It - was the Lake of Galilee. When his spe-
deplorable indee4. It is -bad enough �141 offer.g of grace bed been rePeCted A
to be In darkness and struggling, for ata Jerusalem, he -turned from Elle -
light, but decidedly worse to oft in and opened his Ministry among the
darkness with no effort to escape. Saw -mixed race at the,Ualileans. The routO ,
great'light-The prophecy was re"iv, O
Ing Itseomplete fultilment. The &44' from Judea Is particular inistrY
. . John, who Alone records Ills In
Via were In the darkness of Ignora,300, at t3yehow. -Reaching Galilee, Jesus
superstition and sin, but a ligh$,, arises, ,
t Region glad� performs his second miracle at Coah,
his Light at the world. courtier's son.
shadow of death -The pase4ge to cli- In the healing of the,
matic. The expression, "Region and *the word was,dpoken at Cans, and the Fj
shadow of death" is much' Stronger eqeat folipwed, at Capernaum. In the
than the one "In darkness," 'A state ' ' same Instant. 'His first discourse At
h t forth, and a ,Nuzareth and his rejection by his own
state of spiritual death borders closely city Mark the beginnings Of the Quit -
upon eternal death. LtghtL,JEi.SprUng lean..miniatry. The time had come for f
up—Ohrlst appears. not brought by him to make a plaIn and full declara- 736
their will or act, but he comes to the tIon of his Messlahship, which he did ri
uk - y
fulness of time; according to prophecy, atL r4aZaretil (L e 4. 21). Prophee B,
to enlighten and save the world. 17. had marked the place which should VO
From that time -From th-0 time Of become the dfilf9f scene Of his ministry ht
JohWs Imprisonment and Jesio!. entry Use. 9: 1) z". Matt. 4: 13-16). From 00
into Galilee. Repent-ThO W,6rd hag henceforth Calproaurn became the can- p
a deep significance. It involves the t6r of ilia ministry, the witness Of his ti
confession of Sin and turning, ,,,Wsly miracles, and listened to his gospel.
from it utterly. It, implies restitu- IRgalted to heaven in Its privileges,. to
tion in cases where others 'have been tbb city failed to Improve them. ti,
defrauded or otherwisawronged. The 11. Christ calling his first disciples. w
kingdom of heaven Is at Iiind-ThO Tile. whole narrative moves naturally if
spiritual kingdom which Chrlq.dame tO"Itsditmax In the -calling at the dis- tb
to establish. Christ would. reign In at be. Might more readily $1
the hearts of Mon. He would z6lco - CIPles- Th
known abroad the principles Of the reach the great multitudes which as- d
new kIngdom, Its laws, its bepptlts, s6mbled to hear the word, Jesus enter. 0
the conditions of citizenship And, its pd-Stroon,s fishing -boat and addressed T
nearness, The King had come,and the people from the lake itself, The B
His hearers were to be citizens. , miraculous draugAt of fishes after a
11. Calling discipleE; (vs. 1842.) .18, night of fruitless -toll repaid the loan , $
walking by the sea-Jesits.had for a� and afforded ansugance concerning the
time carried on his Galilean Ministry higher call w-blelt followed. "Fear
alone. He had labored much near this Bat; from henceforth thou shalt catch 9
body of water, and from, thlo and rien." Jesus Inteirpreted the figure I
other parts of Galflea, were to bel�ath_ *b0A .it compared the kingdom of hea- P
ered big twelve disciples. Saw two Ven to a net cast Unto the sea. The a
brethren -These were Simon And An- lesson was repeated In the last inter-
drow. They had become his follow- view of Jesus wItb,bls disciples at the
ers more than a year before, this. time, .Ijak,e �bf Galilee. Following the call P
bad accompanied him for 4 Season Aisdr4.,W and Piter "left all", fish, nets
and then rlq�urned to their -former oc- ijid sfilp, to become the -constant tot-
OuPation. fishers -A legitfthate and '9wd"" a' Christ. Their partners, t
. worthy calling. 19. follow MG -Jesus bsisy mending the broken nets, recetv- 6
had need of them and they had need ed -and ,Obeyed the same call at the it
of him. The time bad now corner for same cost. Mark Added the fine to,uch t'
them to be permanently with' him; as tbat filial duties were not neglected
follow workerst hence tbq. authority -($1ark 1: 16-20). A sort at nominal
with which he spoke. I will malte YOU' oteolpleship had previously existed a
fishers of men -The expresilon-Veaus with these me,i, who bad also been the a
to take alive. The fish Were Caught dtoclpl�s of Sohn. The , time bad q
Pdid; men were to be eaukhVto live. . . ,
. came for constant assOclatilDn. instrue-
We these men had attained Akill In t1op, definite Service andthe toil at e
catching fish, so they ,Were to be coalworkers. There I domes essentially . I
taught to win me rifor the UA* kttlg- Such a qall into every 146. It to the
dam. 20. stralghtway-At 0000, Ila- firgt to personal discipleship. "Fol-
m6diately. left their nets-Luke,=70- The dall is to sacrifice.
"They forsook all" (6:11). Their nAtS 'olt me'"
Lopking back, Peter said "Lo, we
formed their means of galAITIC'm live- hav a calris always
Ithood. 91. other two brethren- , 0 left Ali.', Christ'
t6 -higher servicei f�ora fishermen to
There were two, sets Of -*Othdyff .,
umong the disciples. These else ba4 fibbers of M6,11," Success Is Godwgiv-
. " ,
been his followers, And we,re promth- et, q will make you." The call exw
I James And pressed a claim. All else must give
5 Sohn were the sons of Zebedee stud $Is- Way before it at Irreparable lose will
lame (compare Matt. 27- 60 And, Mark o#ae. � W. H. o.
15,40). mending their nets-Thft was l. -
a humble yet necessary calling, All ' ', ,___--64-&---
necessary Work is honorable. 22. loft : Wotnon and Asthma. Women Are
the Iffilp and their latiler-Tho,sacri- numbered among the sufferers train
41 flee an expressed here to greater than Jothms, by the countless thougands.
thlit Mentioned In the case of Peter ItL'every climate they will be found,
- and Andrew. . I lielpless in tile grip of this. relentless
. III, Preaching and healing (vs, disegLad unless they haveavalled them-
, gg-25). 2a, all Galtlee--Thla was 6,31yes of the proper remedy. Dr. X.
I Christ"s first tour of this 00111AM'This D. KgUoggis Asthma nemetty has
. denote$ great activity And an VffOVt vv�ught now hope and life to many
.1 to bring the truth% of the now .king- Such. Testimonials, seat 01*1ioly
. dom, to the knowledge Of All, teaching *Itboat solielts,tion, show 'the enor
t- in their synagogaes-The Word usyn- mous benstit it has wrought among
a everywhere.
e , agoguW, from its derivation means v1pinell I , - 0 1
place of assembly. It wile- Allowable -. CRUSHED.
to eredt a BY0090gue whersver tea re-
spondble men could be founil. This al stppose you know, Urber," Still
was the place for reading arid ex- .lit ma in the
: t:�er(j, with 0, �vtllk at t a I
Polluding the Seripturea at tho Old other tbgir, quat the hoir on it wark'S
Testament. preaching tits 905POI Of he
Q grew$ at the rate of thtee-WIlionths
Etba kingdout-This exi)l1ifik' the ft- of it rard !'a A gadond," .
I turd- of the teaching In the preeedIng rNo I never be&ta th%� before," 6*14
011juse. Tho, gospel, good riewis, for ibb birbert beating & tattoo 00 the
such is the meaning, brougut a "View �ttrop with his razor, "t-ut I knew
of what Jetus came to bsttow uPOh tbttj�g A spot on tlie bewle of lybut, heid
'. . Mankind. Repentance stood At the t,Vb,,re tlto balir.wouldil't grow As Inuch
^ entrance Into the kingdom, Vid doli't-. *a tbaf, in n 'WTS 11
- -
. erands from sin and JoYfut **MOO 01
Chrlst Were a part of the good 116*0- LOUIS XVI. MODES, �
beating all manner of sickneo-Thid . the French love the modes of the
to - was in connection with bit t0t6ing, tirne of Lauls XVI., gilcl anniog the tol-
Slekness here means mavarO and 440- lette6 jeat here from several Of 'the
Stro" illness. dis(Aze,-Deb-IlItir, Paris houses and Wert by the
24. VXrft#__The reputation gained 901,41t, exeJUSIVe WoMeft mftny feitUreS
by h*tfh6 had done. All $7TI%-A' V the go,wnlug of thitt ,period Ara to -
I regl� 0 somewhat Indefinite, ,extent tkkd.
In rot Ing to the ModiterrAltean On the -44-&_
0. West and far to the north and out. � Ali 1% yelZrfuge there It tkothtfit 06
y Ler Gravul Worm III-
fe The marts of Stick mirad" *1 hati. "Out as 900
if, Ing wWd spreoA rapidly from W44 to %$11MI111tor, and it Awt be given to
,3. tiftotlist and ftin town to t&", bobg - *6 Moot 4011fttO thI14 withOtt fftr
***.A" .I.W *%^" **~" ; 10 O&M- Of � ftflity to the *0"titatift
is: =====_-_-- - A.—. ---
F's the dismeml*rment Of the Sritish
res Empire in the name of Irish free-
r- dom." bet t*ld. "Self-detern-antian DUMONT
cannot be made tbo wedre . *bkh
0, opilts *part that union, noQwftyY to
It- all liberty. it emxgot be pav*TW
Of into Wf4ttermination." I ON THE
to, T2. WAINWMIS9 t1A Drith$1101ft �'"ftl'
T 01
^ It
- .4--a ,,#1 .*W* ........ 00W
- - 4-1 I . . � � 1. I I., 11 I .
GOT . 1�
. ''
a .
'' ~ 4
U IN' `E '
I �
ff I - 11 �
I .
11 . I . � , I �
. I ,
, ,
� :li I;
I � 0 1 S �
rAR3gwAs, UARX= I I �
Dairy Producl- 11
Butter. oboloo dalw ......... ta;ss
I Do,, prograery #... ,*,:..::: 8206. I i It. 11
Ptargaritio. lb . ....... . I 'If
I fig, new teld, 444.
, "No. lb. ..4- -, ... - - 0 ..
C1 I ..:::::: 4.2
j>resaad Po Itry- z
chickens, opriov, lb. .., o.. 046 6,
j?oWl, lb. ...,, . ........ ...... 046 6, ,
f0hickens, sprma. 10, .., 46 0 �
rowl, lb . ....... ..... ....... � 038 14,
twokens. roa4tl 01
. 4
Turkeps, M ... I :::::*.":*:,: 101 06iq
, I Live Voultry.- -0 Of, a
Chtokons, brOK,ero. �: ,.:::: 0 I -A
Ro4starp, 10. lj
11,0w), 1b. ... ..o...'...:11.'. fAk QJ R
Dtiolta. Vprfi1% * .*, -1h,V �
VVW0*- .
Agvtq, barrel .o ... o.-000-* 17S i� �
ttax, b"Uot .. .. 4o ** *A op 0 Al -
"an-taloupes, Wt. , 0 0 . 0.
41 0
rapes ..:::::�... ,--t"..: , �
4111143, I *- , 0 1
91AM1=1 lu" , , " 066
,90 ,.�
� Peaches, Mo., il-qt, .,� ...... , la
Peaclies, 0 -Vo. .._. .1. IV- # 0 54 ; 4
VIVOMA ;01 *OAU% vo Vv .6 V 00 11�, I I
, kv I ,
� 91 I 717.
Boans, *Eat .. .. .. . 1. *-ago 0,71
41 I
I ", I.%. 0 , ,
Qkrl:014L. u1swo U-0 a 4
, 0 6; 0. 0
i.,. .. g _
I , :
lq2�rn, doo. .. .. _ 4w o.
040MA 01A* '.* .... 1o�#17 I ,
cAull we% 44 �..
'W'. m , �-
, , POW&PAo. 04 V I if
, ,--1 #0 � ----,o
Celery. bon .. .�. �:::::
Cueumber�,ffay .., ,,, , �,,., 0 25 , �
Gfie1*1not " - # I io _7
.qt� 1�1�1z&,o .0, � F, * .
ft 44- OAX7, ., '... '0 0 J
LeIVIVInell ." ..*., ., 3
i:-ORU4, 1.9a, U, - ....i.,. of$
Lgr-..�O'. 4444, 044b ..,,.�,.. C
. .
I , wlk� t.4-4.4pyo. 0i - N
Potia-COW, ..., .. .o I 6% I Iris M
. -
PQ vftk.. tb sk �; '. 1 ". Iii __Ai�t I
- 4 %
pa;;4071 bqrAb .. iN... 4-, � A , ,
� 0,
- 4 Vs, 074414 ON §� .. ... I I 1
#4* .. W
EVOSS"Ir. Xr.t.:... ' .;#.#* "t�-.#:: '*I, l ;s
To slods. peak ..., .,..� ...a ::�-'10
-4 a 6 -1�44irtp +- 4. .6', ot
. Gazli .. .. .. 14 .4 0 , :: !0 '-'4
WWWOUIV MiMO'* .. A, .. .. f
. SUOAA 1EA1tXVz . �4.
Atlantio vlmouiatat% wo,o), bas -i.. sai
DO., V, yv!= 004b I
t I 0'�lfd %%;. .. I
B.O:: wo. 3 ,1-140=., to. 0 .... ..
1002.� ba .. .. ...
neQ41 ara4w t , ".:: "I'm''
M,� a. I � 3., " .
vi lb.tb 11* .
Do., lia. 3 13V1Ww.1W _ap ..." 940
_'__ ," 1p:g,g:T4,��V
� ,,�- - Doo N9., a yof , , %% I I
I X4 I PuNof t Tel
. V4111 =., WX 1=4 *:. ".. is
. St. N00=6 M0, 1. is I
E' Money Ponzi Oxvo to . I 'Do.. No. A itlitow'. lmbt dri: ..,.:.. is) . .
1� ': W . I -
Settle Suit. .. . I E.u:: M a, =W11. '23 I - ,; ::
. i Aea4ia, W*441 d, V I 19= .1. .. . . I
— ,e I "�;* I Dq., No, I, y=11W, . . b*.T. " ,::
' I I ; , 1, . 0
I .�I . ]DO., XV. g wlow. - b.
. . 4 ..! � . - :: 'i, a
Xpected to Get a Hallf _ Nv; DD X* -M- i
0&610T� 8 Y4110W, 190
orapulated, 1004b!,6%rw....-34,_
. Million. �9. . � I . 1. -%1E,kT,-,_V%01xSALP, :. ,.". .
� -
� , I I -
. ;. a ...., I i Beef. forequarters, cWt. 11. -
. .. . ,
. ..;! Do,, do., medtuW ...;.. .J3 llti�.'J
Ob I
Boston. Oct. .-Joseph Daniels, a � po,, hindquarters ..-. .,... , .
ralture dealer, who vlainied a part- � Va., MedIUM -k. i. O.;
rshlD with Charles Ponzi, the ,get- . � Carpasses, dholet, owt, .. , 450 P31"A'
I `_
. I &,",poololon .... ... Z . I'm I40
ch -quick financier, told Referee In . I . V# ,.t.. , i,.yf :1: 14 1090 11,61"
, I 11 d "Dolme"
nkruptcy Olmstead to-duy what dis- " ve� 'a"Mroa, owt, ,."ri
Sidon he had made of $50,000 PAId 1. Pa.), I odkina ..... � . x..�. I
m by Ponzi in settlement r , I I to,, prime .... .. � .1 ,
'-1111 .. llekvy kews. 'Cwt. �, . ... - . 20 V 4,01
. ,
0,000 suit Which he brought against - ... ��� I , f4ba
onzi last August for alleged vial&- , . n��t!hs 40go, cWt . ... ... 27 00 '0 ��,
pring. lb. .. , ". * 6 :! .�
. �
I . . ."uttom, cwt . ...... :-11'.1.1 ..: 10 I is � q
on of contraet. - 11
. I -
After repeated objections by his at- , DISTINGQ16,HED BRITISH WOMEN IN CANADA. . . ; I
11 I I -0 9 0 1.i
ruey, Isaac Harris, and the asser� . S. A. Barnett, ..well. I known writer, social servite worker, and hduo, , U&nflt -
n of Referee Almatead that, he M.rs, Ing exper� and Or' Helen ,Boyle, sP001allet in mental and nervous ONER, IRRIMIETS, 1111"I*�,
ould cite him for centeMDt Of Court diseases, who are now In �Canadsk to study conditions tinder Which the I . . , ,,
. ..,.,
he refused to answer, Daniels said , work In wlitch eaob of then! 10 interested Is carried on In this country. , WINNIPW QUOTATIONS. 4,
, ,
at he gave Harris $9j500 of the , .1111 I I .. .. ; I 0 I -- . - I open, H14h. LOW'. , 0164
0,000, whIch was paid in cash, wuA - I : ___ -------7 Wheaf- � . . 11 f .
epoetted the rest, drawn In the form ft ft - Nt, -,-._. 21" 9.25 2,43% 2.4,14
Deo. .. 2 �.� 12 4
f a certified cheque on the Hanover � Zlijv. _ -244 Ito . -
SURE CHE ,FO ' .....Asoz A -L I 1'%9i " 41'L'
rust Company, In the First National K"E � Oats- . *
aftk. I �.., .... 0161% 0814 ,. % 0.0
Tie added that "there was About . 82 F 92 �, .
61 31i
q 60" *1 -11 I 0. ', 011% .12
f 11,
6,000 there now." . . I . TUBERCULOIL IS 431rioir— . . . t.-
Ponzi, who took the Stand during I , � . GREAT ESTATES I
. Oat. .." 1102 1.01 1.01t 1.
. ,
., ected to D,60 . .. ...... 02k O&I 0.061. 11 'I, I
ie day said that Harris exlk . . ; 31M .. -14 010 . V.%. V , .n.
et $500,000 of the $1,000,000 involved I , la � .
n the stilt, Daniels later said th;tt New York, Oct. .7 -Countess Del I I , 0
.. too M , 3,03 9.03,�,
. 0 .
- I , '!most EU -1 r':: 3.05 - k
onzi had given ilarris $5,000 more.. Garcia, reputed one - of,the most bill- I Sicilians Seize 31 ,eog - la.10 L 3,10
, I 3
-11 6nO Ilant women An Suropp, arrivea here '0�. ::: ,.::,.,2A% &Iq 9.00 0AR
statement which agreed wit ' tire Island. I � : �:..
2ade t1aree weeks aglD by Ponzi to to -day aboard the Iijiperator,. and , . . 34INNSAPOLIS. - �,4.
tie receivers of his bankrupt COM- stated that she brougUi with her 'a, . - . �Tinneapolftr, lour.. 46 to 140 IeWO�.,. Ift
most positive cure for tuberculosis. . . carloat lots. faroliv ton qlAptew gA, ,
any. - Led, b Monk With.. Cruel - I V0,00 to $11.09 a harreNn 41gotind colt -L.
.. ------- e-;;�-_ . The Countess holds a pbysicjirl.�s de- I y ,.'i� ,ion sach Shl mento. 43, b traUff
Small but potent-Parmeles's Vege- gree, and is t , he widovt . of th4 late . fix. . 1, . . I Bran. $U% to .00, wheatz4i, vs*;' I
Belgian Minister to Rds$ta- SIAO said I 11 I Worthern, #1 , Narth, t1.0314.', orn-i-q
able Pills ard smill, .'but they Are I N . 3 yeHbWs QW54t I" 0qa, Olt$ -No. � MIA ,
frective in action. Their fine quall-. that the cure was .the discovery Of a
tea as a corrector of stomach famous French doctor, who is prepar- Palermo, SIC117, oct.� �-Thousands 40% to OU0, r%X-No, Of a 41,
. C11*WZ MAtt,XNTS. , .,,.,I
oubles are known to.thousands and to follow her to the United States. of armed men have Invaded the . " ,
Ing . 1�t. ps§d11#,l, Quo. -At tbe regulot fteL,t
She would not discuss the details at large estates of almost the entire Is-. �ocna-1 wry uball 10
'"_ O' t"I 8" Ple '
the discovery. . 19,nd, which Is still held In practically ,moka ,,, of b Ite A*noo.
'bo� I
at ��
7here by those who know what a safe I __�. i 01104sp,
hey are In constant demand every-
d 11 I ot .
ad simple reviodi they are. ThAY .1.1 g,56� . ,
to those ac- If MilleFs Worm� Powders �sedfd! feudal condition by the barons. n1hese, � , , It
eed no introduction of tiWtInionials they could 46a � :,�_
ualuted with them, but to those who the suPpbrt absentee landlords, whose properties,
. I
nay not know them they are present, be got by the thouss,110 from moth- though not well cultivated, usually . . .Z.
d as -the best preparation on the mar- ers who know the great vIrtuo Qf this y1old immense profits, spend most Of I . .� . ��,�'
et for disorders of the OtOluach- excellent medletne.' Blit.the powders I
. spes,k tor, themselves and In such their time Aftd money In , Narles, cannea poo.ohes are a Standby ; . I
- ---*.*-*— will Rome, Paris and Madrld,� ' eyery household. Peach Jam 14 a d-4 4,
First Cop -Sorry to bear that yowve a way that there .dan be no quostion Picturelsqae seenes were, enactedo w,
been transferred, Sam. Second COP- of them. 'I'lieY act opeedlly�. And especially at Alcotuno, Where peas� ba4y pothaps not so well�-kaowuj, but"
You ought to be sorry you're not with tharloughly, and ,the child to VhO.M, marched, waving the national equally teiavtmg. " . "
only three breweries on they ore administered Will ,show int- ants and )". I CANNEM " ll��."!,'
me, Tommy. flag, bearing religious standards , , AC1108. "
my new beat! -Buffalo Exprobs. prDVIOM61it fTOra the first. dose, singing popular 'Songs. There were (Alow eotaei' .10heet.; thin dyri*
� . � .---. -1- leaders trom all parties Socialists, 1place peftehea lit wiro baskat arid
- I � - I ,
___� - � . . 4 "pAn at 15011-inir *&04"
I __ - -�,4,(
I., '. , . f... Cathoildr, and former onibatarlts* lower into a soul -
,�W-.', �nxrgg,e __ , �,�".' t40 Braileatelli from I to,% MmUtes; dip tiltd, cold , `
W. - �N"'fl M eveYA MOnk fSther, -
�- ME,.— -- I I
1% ?. - �. '1,�* � ;&.1�1. who preceded the crowd on horse- t the skin oft wV111M., �
l_.-1.'..11,� � I ,� or and dfain. Pull
. 3' -R' -..1R x... ..v43-;.�k,x� . back, crucifix In hand, !mrrourlded Uy the fk*aro, So U to kicep th,a shap0:61,
., I
, -
., ..' �1�12,1`.-.A :� .. - Cut peadhos int4,
. lrw...�,i;�� .1 - -r ��,�- !�10*-
I R .. 's- � 1, . , .. I 1� a
� ,,, .. IV .. tart composed of Catholics and el thb fruit, Verteot.
..... '�. ,�
.. �
.. -3�! - . , I ,, I
,;. �% I!, , ... . combatants, symbolizirig the now at- ,,olives. rMoving the oton"', PeAlt 100
?-' :.
�3.F;;rz_,.q .
_ I
. !&q- � N . � �, 7".."'!, d. hot sterAllsed jars u1til full. Add 00:
. I'll .2yqr0,g-.. liante of the cross and swor
;��PQR`,k'.. . � , , ilk.. I,.-
�.,..,;�7 ..�.. ... . III cries of pejoicing and spray-
"..�. I'll; � "', Am or two blanched peUb. Pit% tO 9, $6*-
-.,.%� � a , �". ... z :::: . . . . . . . _
.,g!.g�fv� - ; �Y, :% . . . . . . .... �
_ . .ers of thanksolvilig, the strallgo 'pro- r, fill ja�h
. �, ; of the jars to Tall the fIRVO V
,-.�;.:�.g:7'v,' . .. .:1 -1 � eA �� � -9 estate Of to top with boiling hO,ti a sy"p,
.. e
-I.. �e � "r tim
. 11 �
'1.,-_.". I � � . -1- , cession occupied the lar. k
AWN.:J;�,W.-, : ., the D
AN, W` - I I � I uko of'Corlglano. No resist- ,plate rubber And cover on each Jgr si4
-, ,.:.�g- � 4 - "I I...."; __
- N141" ande, was .6ftered, despite ths'presil
'� "',_
I. 1111. V_ A hoill cover Ott, W
411111 1�, "" goal Sufficiently to
=.r4...--,.., , e � �, !,� � ., - ",
IM'," 1. , 'l, I I ence of 'poilde and carabineets, Whose not to be tightly sealed.
'..", � , '�__, ��
."Al., �ii: 1;1 . �f�_!�� Instrnetlofts wore rot to oppose do-
.",:, '.. "...'WI -1. viado Jars on Wird rack U i
.A.:. ,: !11�1: I situo6pa
.. �
. 4 I
4�..�,�: , ,; 9 .. ': 'Xi,',.V,� , " ; .cupation of estates Insuffielantly cut- -Sep eftoug '
. -
. :;,� - . .". 7 I .��
.:.'�.���. :: g
r ��., , ., _ _V� of boiling Water d I
,4'R�`-';"��L'14.?.�%' `�%! .. ." . ". .
, , .1111" 1. �7,',, N(,:Z�,,,�, . tivated. top of t,4110st jar to a dept- - - ?-,�.
- , Similarly the peasant$ occupied, '..
,:-,7�� -11:.% U� :�.,�- ; .
- -."..,. 11-1. ��. . 4,-� .1. � .71r. ..zc.;-
, i 'T :�" __ ,; .. inches. �
. �V , ...
:1 ..".1"N I ,A � � . the .estate of Baron Camarats. and Cover ogueepan and stefilized fa'ri
,.,, .5 t .�: 11 -
. 11 ,7171N";L: " Baron Florlstella and many others
-, ,J , The prefect of Cate- Tor is raktut4a f0t,quArt KIM, c61lUtI#t
.d: . , -�.N Z ii". ,.."
. . '. -
. ,!,. ' .1114 i".. � '�,%Af441;�: 4,t i�'-..� ... -
.f .T
, X . g_. �
- . _ of the gentry.
. �.;�,.r :�Wq-i��. 1 ., At expire.,
I �.,T.5. A— I
*,"", 4f. time when ,boiling start*,
I I.. .. , , % k�l
, -, '%�.�.?f V1, ,.� ,� .....q., ". ...... applaud%,d by the
` -*: -.'e."'.. -.'�',�-��.:,�.-,, .-,.� � . .i . nia, was warmly tion of tIVId remove Jars from watV
:!'� ... .V�0.'%�'A .,;..,:
. jt�. I's �0. , 'a'A;N'. I I N."t ,��;.,.. o people for hooving issued a decree
., .
, - ..�;:iV , - ,
- - ., I �,% .. Store In dark 41014�.
'. - � ..... . . I 6.�f 13 1%- F.-- 1, ,v � and Simi tigWy.
. "O�" V.1 --i", 114.11".... �,��. legally permitting the occupation Of
.t - 11 ,�
1 14 pounds PolebtS. I
.1 71k,,-;11�411 1.4.�.*�. 1; IN
, "r,;-: t&."7. . '�;. vz�l estates and their divIslon Into small '. ;
.;,,,o -to peasants Who ..
. F','� q . . , 0 amo:ftg t1 I pinospow.
.N.. -MR71 ., ",w libldbAg an"litted oligar , �
T;-;.r1--;X4W_i- llf'�2 10% pooft" P
. 04, I . ,'W'-�' 01+'
ykitU, , - fought in the war.
- `�,��!>.,.il;! iWA0. Ve Incident oe- 'Scald pes4beg Ith mL11vtes in botto
I .. 'a,, �-:i�-. .. " , only one deplora to- � �
. ,� :1 i�it,ll A� -dip, 0a and all .
,..... .. ".. , "ee hundred horsemen Ing wdttr*, cold .
. , ,;,.., - curfed. Th,
�1 '.�L� � I.' .
, 'i .;,.-.-.. 1N, *Iliv.',Ii 1�11 :-,4 . -,-4 J:�,X 14*
, ..,, '.. _. I .. i froal the Village Of Sant Angelo Illur. psre and remov4 eyes from 0110
, �', � 4'. , I . , e -
I., � -�W*- _ , ., A . ple, grtte: add With NICe to Pe$chft�
I , .w. $�V�.,t,,� �,,,,o ,,,�,� . ara I d by their Mayor, where. roturtl
L- ; 1. ,,, t t $*gar In t1tornato
!". , I , ,aving occupied Millar. Plato fruit and
,�, ,��.��A, - �., � Ing after b
� ..... . ,e��., �*.� , the
� "..." , �.; 7I T�., : kett1s, fithIld ft
. , � rr .g;0_.7,"wV. V�, �4 0110 estate, escorted by ten 01-rabt- layers In PrOWV11"
. .. �;�,:.VE , e�$,'.. 11��A-.�,i,� 7:4.. �,' �
�"',* 1 �4
. I
. r�il �- 111N �. �(. _ �, We hou" to draw Out 1010a. P1*04
11 I . ��% , �� '. �� �,',i� , - X ters and two sergeants. when Without t
: . , _11 11 . , � , - I 11,; "', Ickly (tatil 0II&
1� - ,��-� 11 .�. 7,A , 4'... m8auts from ilia uelgh- over fl a1ft bail 0
, . , .1 , v-arnlag, 100 P re
- , �,."., , ,
I I i V-o I ,
. � �41 - . 7'. A; �, Cl ,..� - :7 _ - boring village of Sanbtnglo, hliden -36 to 45 inlnute*
.. - , " m 11* "I . . 1 � I � � , e � ,,-:, � *�,, 7n " w, behiad tmes tired, killing one and Fil
I 1, , . , .. ".., . , " �V' I I llyto sterilized Jar$. .�
, , " . . "
, " I , . 1. I , " " � �,�, I
. .r . . " A , , " WK �
. � �# _. I 11 ,;r . .. . .. .1 Lf P" . , Wounding Several others And then . - -^44.. —
,. ;, � . ,�, �i � " ��, .
I I . . - I reaking, their etcaDt. por Irrost Otto$ and chitblains.-',
. HOL0 WOH CIVIL SERVICE POST. The attack by the peasants Is at- ChilblaJA6 came from UnduO exootur6
' I'lobt, -hold* tha h1phostL'OlVil sorvics pooltlort tributed to tha fact that the people to slupth sma ct)jd and fr6ot-bito filoyli
or. Janet eampballp 6" the at Sanbiaglo. considered Muxarello ill# tey w)nda of wGier. In the ftea�,,
, . that has yot been fillod by any wommor In-Athal&nd, that of chief Of the within their Province, and, therefore, ment of elthOr tbtre Is no btttey
Wornonts 0opti,thi6nit of the Ministry of H01ill, With Or- ""'IN the Sant Angelo ptasants as u�urpsr, p"pgrition. than Dr. Thomas' lftlec�
-.–-#-6-*-._ , counteract$ the 16.
, aff, ,%he has been sent by the British ' tric Oft. so It
. SaMotd, a r,jombar of bar tt No one ritcd endure the agony of flildimatift and reliayeii the oilt. Tbs
. . a0vor"relont to study Publio, h*AIJh mothods In 'Congo* And tha corns with Holloway � 8 'Corn cure at
o a tion 4 t1lo Olt Is InstantanoftlK g1k.4
. � . L
I , � 'hand to remove them. 1 sadm"Wol I extremely aboolo.,
Wilted StAtAs. � . : ", ____ - 4,
. 11 11 1-1... :!�_. -!-!! !*- =17_77 � 7 - 7 7 � - . , ---. - ___ - ___ ,�, , I I= , '_'*-"=� 0
---.—��..�---.,Ii-.,-.---".,---".-�- ___1___.,__.1� _ � . - .. - I 11
the murder of one so lacking In morals. IntelliteMO I =.prey would be forwa:dod to the Set, the United StAtst Yet," dt,cliarsd tha
victed by a Jury of to V.rs. . rf tory of state. Tho ,crime was judge. "TUt Is tho Ualtdft Atatoi
Cyril Itaymond, at StUtStOn MIS, an and character," refettlux � ,*particularly llejcou�," in tht, opinion law. but it & %at the law at C10%d1f,'-*
)Aerie Raymond, prilicip!d Nv!*na4s for 'of the judge. while cass"I tot the detonea was,
April 29, tolo. The sentence Of tbg -nil ir,,.1Jow r.. ,i ,'utirdered stddreftigs Us J,M7 this sy6ning �ko
eaurt to b(, carriod out on :sautry thO ("i" ' " i ' Nvhll(, th6 J,ary was being selpe0d, rofe"Od 10 tho Vblical story ct thq
IS, ls2l. Ovils, Lab#rigor, (blo, afen- M436 , ,%r. 13ull, cotingel for the deforlefr. ex- woman taft% to a4ultery. and t)�F
Dumont rev- - . file vlonteuee i haueted his right to challongs. by
Ing declared Culitl of boltig Ark 40082- lip dons not iand.arttsa-d turning down twpive, mot.s., but ho chrlet's " re ft tbA,t 10410140t WkNU
stoically. L4 Sa, am e, = it
&M wbrlk*d to It4d monin. athersto his re- Mr t1* L*t Ot A fr t 0
, seltr the flat, wall sitstsuctd to Vagliak yory w*11. tad did b4t I*ftT hej,eb. -.n%1Y4 boatter tiat ask *a
e I*". list "to'.- Paul*."
, " =' "'M
I � hip, .wb4t
M"km vftr* ts AtbobeL is W% to. nft _ d ��� kft LVr6 in
.,4,1"sd its tal I
,�, .1 'L xize__ a,,-# ire his
I 11 I - 11 1-11-11-1- . A^-TAtelem 1 - TV-Plist- eltuser'-suts - . � bm acta Vb"