HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-09, Page 1V I . ,X' 0 M Buy Your Xmas Preseiits at St. Paul's Guild BAZAAR, Sat., Dec. 11, Afte rnoon and Evening, Business Men's Supper 5.30 to 7, 35 ceats. -Single Copies - Four Cents WINUHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 1920' Subscriptions: $2,00 per'year IPmetising Law At Goderich COUNCIL MEFTINU PUBLIC SWOOL REPORT ,,-Mr. Dudley E. Holmes, son of Mr. � , Plersonals 'Local Itenis sto. A 9 Dudley Holmes, K. C., of Whigham, and Hydro Will Be Connected To Wingbarn Sit. IV WMIM - ` " 41-,Z grandson of the late Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, on December 15th Report for month of November. Total _717 treasurer of the county of Huron, has Mayor Glurney is on a business trip to 400. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen would joined the Goderich law firm of which Toronto, The regular December meeting of the Ada Corbett 360, Viola Fyfe 336, make an Ideal Gift. -Geo. Mason & Son Senator Proudfoot is the head an4 which town council was held on Monday evening. Irene Hunter 332, Gertrude Robertson GIFT SUGGESTIOr%f'z will now be styled Proudfoot,,, Killoran & . Reeve Tipling is attending county coun- All the councillors were present but Coun- 329, Eva Green 826, Irene Ellacoft 321, Miss Greta 0. Robinson has accepted a I if" Holmeb. Mr. Holmes has recently grad- cil at Goderich. cillor Bennett H. B. Elliott acted as Jessie Taylor 312, Chas. VanNorman $14, position in Cobalt at a salary of 1,000 a ""FRENCH IVORY" or EBONY year. ,uated from the Law School at Toronto. Mr. George Shrigley has returned to town clerk, reading the minutes, recording Marjorie Gurney 313, Alberta Walker His connection with the Goderich firin 1 Wingham from.Wilkie, Sask. motionE, etc. 299, Norma Fixter 297, Beatrice Dobie Buy your Christmas Gifts at the Meth- Clor stock in these beautiful goods is complete. dates from December Ist. He is a native Mrs. (Dr,) Ross spent a few days with The council chamber was well filled with 293, Harold Boyce 291, Corson Boyce odist Bazaar in the Council Chamber on Z.� We are showing French. Ivory in single articles of Goderich and has many personal her sister, Mrs. Arthur Sailsbury. ratepayers, and it would appear that they 290, Charlie Mason 285, Ralph Carr 263, Thursday. Dec. 16th. Lunch served. Zl> kiends in Wiugbam where the family have are at last taking aln interest in the town's Laura Hartnell 262, Dorothy Lloyd 261 Cottage prayer meeting will be held this and sets at resided for a number of years. Lieut. R. & N. Bilrren of London re- business. Gertrude Anderson 259, William Mann week on Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the 50c to $17.50 . . . newed acquaintances in Wingham this 255, Edward Forgie 253, Edna Carr 252, home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stokes on Vic - Mr. M. R. Beckwith asked if those who and ourgoods are marked at almost pre war prices. week. pay the sanitary tax could expect to Vida Bell 252, Douglas Armstrong. 245, toria street. You. are cordially invited. Lt a %W]�; - 9 a I, re Hend rson F VI -V UM THEATRE Mr. and Mrs. George Holl�r of Preston, derive any benefit from same He wa Ele nor McLean 238, ve tt e The regular monthly meeting of the "The Biggest Little Show" are visiting.with the latter's father, Mr. assured by the Mayor that Mr. Thomp. 237, Edward Williams 232, Clayton Lott Women's Institute will be held in the CIGARS . . . W. M. Bradley. son, the town scavenger, hoped to be able 224, Cecil Cooke 223, Clyde Louttit 209, Council Chamber on Friday, Dec. 17th. at Sturdy 206, Margaret Vansickle 3 O'clock, Directors: Mrs. Hambly, and Thursday, Priday and Saturday Mr. Richard Proctor accomp to attend to his work in a couple of Willie "Tuckett's Cigars, in gift boxes week's time, 198, Mabel Angus 196, Cora Dickson 195, Miss Anderson. of 10 or 25 Cigars,. priced from his wife, attended the Tblephon=ti'ny NORMA TALMADGE FredBell173, Hattie Sutton 171, Mor- in Toronto on Wednesday and the Con- A largely signed petition was presented The Veterans will hold a Euchre Party ris Swanson 153. $1.00'up. servative Convention on Thursday, to the council requesting the granting of in the Armouries on Friday evening at with JR. IV a pool and billiard license for W. A. Mil- 8,30 sharp, Ticket 50cents. Refreshments Mr. Alvin' Groves and Mr. Chas. Smith smokers' Requisites A This was the cause of a great deal Total 481. will be se;ved. Prizes given. ler. Senior Class -M. Christie 439, D. classy line of Ash Trays, Humi- 'incardine, Listowel, and Walkerton are EUGENE O'BRIEN are home from Kitchener. The latter is of discussion. E back at his old job of driving the delivery, - A deputation headed by W. H. 'Willis MacEwen 430, T. Robertson 413, W. in talking of having an Old Boys' Reunion in I dors, Match Stands, etc. in brush - and he is q a * very obliging man on the job. was granted permission to address the McKibbon 407, M. Snell 387, J. Fidid their respective towns next year. Thise ed and oxidized brass. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rossof Brussels, council requesting that no license be 375, M. Mitchell 371. E. Chettleburghl gatherings proved a financial failure in ""By Righl of Pur- were guests of thier son. Dr. Geo. Ross for grantie for a pool room. Those speaking 368, J. Young 351, N. Williamsin 346 several towns in 1920. Prices $2.25 to $12.50. chase" a couple of days last week prior to their de- for the deputation were W H. Willis; A. McLean 330, G. Mitcgell 335, G Come to the Methodist big Christmas parture for Fort William, where they will Dr. Irwin, Rev. Dingman and Rev. Arm. Angus 328, A. Laundy 317, E. Hartnell Bazaar in the Council Chamber on Thurs. And a 2 reel Capitol Comedy spend the winter. strong. The speakers all opposed the 316, J. McGee 315, W. Hunter 306, 1W. FREE --GOLD FISH --While they last. We are granong of a second pool room license. Hill 302, A. Irwin 298. J. Cowell 281. day afternoon and evening, Dec. 16th. giving to each customer making a purchase of $2.00 Mr. Alex Carson has returned to his Councillors Cunningham and 14'ells sup- Junior Class --M. Cowell 276, B. Christmas Gifts at fair prices. Lunch I home on Victoria St. where he will spend served, I or over, a complete aquarium of Gold Fish. ported the granting of a license to Mr. Browne 274, M. Thurlow 267, M. Hend- thewinter. Mr. and Mrs. Judson have re- 53 Mr. R. A. Spotton, Gorrie, who has COMING SOON turned to the Brunswick after occupying Miller. Mr. Cunningham stated that erson 265, C. Fry 256, N. -Beattie 2 , under the 0. T. A. standard hotels were M. Sanderson 236, E. Swanson 224 C. been suffering from a severe illness for MnKingoN,S an his home for the summer. privileged to put in as many pool tables- Hingston 207, W. Scott 205, J. Brooks some time, is, we are pleased to state im- Rn proving. He has the very best wishes of I It Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGregor of Toron- as they wished to and if they refused him 202, F Angus 186. A. Mitchell 171 ' G - U D DRUG STORE TOM MUU to, are renewing acquaintances in town. a license he could rent one of the hotels Ledeitt 153, A. Ludwig 152, W. Taylor all for a speedy recovery, Dru-S and Stationery � They are former esteemed residents of and open up and the coun(O would not 141, G. Rintoul 134, H. Wilde 79. For that Xmas Candy -try a box of Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets in the comedy4iit of the year Wingbam. We understand that Mr. Mc- even derive the benefit of the license fee. SR. III Willards' or Pattersons'chocolates. Fresh Gregor assisted in the erection of the Mc- He thought it was too small a matter to Total 445. stock at Mitchell's Drug Store. 1 _7 �Flw 7 6 "Stoii Thiel" Donald block and the Bank of Hamilton. have a bylaw prepared for and ask the Senior Division. -N. Homuth 397, E. Business men would do well to be I ar in people to vote on. Councillor Elliott said Tamblyn 386, W. Johnston 381, G. Fry pind that Tn H Ai)VAITUH is positively do - A The Coban and Harris �notable I he felt that no motion was necessary ap 376, P. Stokes 376, G. Robertson 370, Ing the best and latest kinds of job printing stage success. TIPPERARY there was a bylaw at the present time and M. I%ard 369, D. Haney 302, Y. Mc- at pr' es as low as you can get the work Ic it did not mention the number of licenses Pherson 346, A. Swanson 316, D. Scott done in any out-of-town office. Satisfac- Your money will go f urther-5, to be issued. Mr. Cunningham thoug 14, F. tion is our aim. Ask those who use o it's a long ways fo Tippery, ' lit 345. ivi. Seli 330, C. McKibbon 3. ur M6, YOUR HOUSE T IRED the matter should never have come up be. Field 332, E. boardman 330, W. Tiffin printing. 'Tis a. long road to go. if vou.do all your EVERYBODY'S COLUMN It's a long ways to Tipperary. fore the council.but that the clerk could 320, J. Blatchford 326, D. Preston 300, Ivory iind E, bony manicure pieces and FOR HYDRO lip AW1 I'm glad that's so! have issued the license when it was asked G Dobie 297, If. Groves 281. Toilet articles, Xmas Booklets.and Cards, ! PPLICATION8 �V�NTED- 1) cat on �1 A An for the po-ftion of. Oteric Und Trvasure'r of Sure me heart's not gay, for. Total 350. Perfumes etc. At lowest prices, at Mit- Ati'me so%v.1 is scary. �.J, 'the Town of Wingimm witl be received by the Mr. Miller said he came to Wingbarn Junior Division -M. Tennant 250, F. chel s Corner Drug Store. Gret our pt%ces. It means 0 viadersigned. up tu 6 p. in. on Deconber 14th, I r seven years ago and bad ask no favors, Ford 2.17. N. Carr 243, M. Hill 24 1, J. Throth! I'll stay away Z?-, �k Owing to a drop in the prices of a few ofl a big saving to v(,u. rtlaularsa4toduties,ele.may be Wain- From Tipperary! nor would he asked, for a i ool ro-)m license McAllister 221, J. Roth 216, L. Groves Z,3 from the undersinied. the groceries we use, we are giving the CO) P �Tp R n g�, W. 1. GunNsy. Mavor had he not been maimed by accident last 180, M. Cloakey 150, R. Wagner 1077, G. 'Tis a rocky road to Dublin, spring. He thought that if it was legiti- Spotton 101, C. Wirth 233, M. Musgrove public the benefit'and will in future charge CHARCOAL FOR SALN-Owing to the fact. only 5 cent for tea, coffee, milk, etc. Reg- The Uednk Shop 1 that wewhiti to move a cat, of No. 1. (,bar- A bard road to go. mate for one man to conduct a pool room 256, M. Simpson 2,56, M. Mitchell . :144, ular full course dinner 75 cents. We also With our stock you can please any 03s). we are offering it for quick iiale at the fol- 'Tis said its fairly bubblin' that it should be for two. One of the C. Tennant 209. Phone 280. lowing reduced price. 20centsperbagor!D000 V I per dozen, cheaperand Witter thma cedar. Wid deviltry an' woe. menwhohadspoken against his license JR. III quote prices on weekly or monthly board. member of the family. .T. A. VACIAPAN, I'm a wild young Irish lad had told himthat he would like to have a Total 570. Honors 434. Billie Burke Cafe' in the Que,:n4' Hotel. Come in and took around. lut still a wee bit w` I ary, private tablein his own home and he, Class A-V. Campbell 339, M. Weir Save your money. Buy Christmas Folt SALE -large sl."o 00A Aove. base How Would It Work Here? burner. double heat er. oven attaehed for Dublin's quite as bad Miller, thought the man who could not 510 V. Fox 508, L. Thompson 505, W. Gifts at fair prices at the Methodist A Virginia editor threatened to publish -;alecheap. Applyto. H. W. TAMLYN. As Tipperarr. afford such, a luxury should not be depriv. Agne�r 605, L. Peterman 504, 1 McLean Bazaar in the Council Chamber, Thurs. the name of a certain man who was seen IGED. MASON & SON ed of playing pool in a pool room. 501, M. Robertson 500, M. Saint 4198 E day afternoon and evening, Dec. 16th. V hugging and kissing a girl in the park un- pRIVATE SAIA, Rug 3A, Edison Phone- I i ight try 1,ondonderry, '47,1* funch served. less his subscription to the paper was paid Stationery, Patent Medicines, n Councillor Mitchell, Reeve Tipling and 1 Lott 485, F. Fells 485, K. Somer graph and a number of reco- d", riorenct: long ways to go; up week. Fifty-nine men called and Books, School Supplies Wall Paper, A"It atic Oil Steve 3 tourner.4 ;&-4 oveii, �tvp Mayor Gurney thought the matter of R. Armstr�ng 471, C. Carr 465, B. Arm-' The Cross Fertilizer Co., Manufacturers m a OT 1%dder. tub siand.511-fec%gardeu ho,;e und reel. But the folks would all make merry, paid up the next day, while ten even paid Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. 5 gallon pota oil can, 2 porch chairs, i rocking granting a license sh,)uld be given to the strqng 462, M. Carr 458, G. McDonald of Sydney Basic Stag, have decided t .0 a year in advance. onmr, *%vindow screent;, t bAler, I lantern, I When they d bury me, I know. gial cuttle.- 0MI evollinas. I'd ride up in.v�y hearse people to vote or) in January, now that 457, C. Pendleton 456, J. Green 425, W. build a $2.50 000 building at Welland in A. N. 001.1sa, o the ratepayers seemed to be taking such Seddon 425, P. Blomfield 4-21, H. Field the Spring. This new company will be vioLoria $t. To Belfash town contrairy- an. interest in the matter. Councillor 419, P. Gibson 418, S. Bennett 3:33. known as "The Scottish *Canadian Fert- Bedad, I think she's worse UMMIXXXXXXX FOR SAL10-Maple Ledge Yorkshires. Vive Nor Tipperary, Cunningham and Fells moved that a pool Class B. Honors 405. flizer Limited..' Their local Sales Agent, ii ouiag eowt�, due for 11apoh farrow, choice room license be granted to Mr. Miller. 0. Homuth 424, A. Hartnell 416, M Mit. Mr. 0 G.Anderson, will be able to handle bucon type and sired by Meadow Brook 8ardy rlze hog at Tee9wa er - r 'IV 0 A plisant jot) Vin offered, Reeve Tipling and C o u rr. Mitchell chell 415, E. Lepard 405, K. Reid 397. R. both Chemical and Basic Slag in any was Ar . by Piue rovo oy - 2 prize mad 0. Plo 1 0 a[. Oren H_ i R1011, Where the aigle scraiches, moved in amendment that the matter of Rae 384, N. Taylor 382.'L. Smith 373, quantity. IB15 Iti. Ott stockall ges pa rx trio)s Hearin' Linsey Crawford granting second pool license for the town L. Bennett 364, K. Pilon 360, F. Carter Give your little girl a chance to win a zuobaldn. Pric to sell. TTO Jolt of Wingham be submitted to the electors 360, M. Mitchell 357. J, Clarke 330, G. prize -for Xmas at Copeland's Grocery. Makin' spaiches. Alrox="Nk it. I. -.4 X at the next municipal election. -Carried. Page 325, W. Tennant 320, L. Hutton One vote will be given with each 25c. Froin that land away fil stay, Of the banshee an' the fairy. Conn. Curinth-hani commented that 207, M. Coutts 294, J. Sturdy 291, 1,. Cash p,,1rchase between now and Xmas . . . . . . . Folt SALE-6ideboard, oll.,wva a quantft,,v of stove pipe-, rug, wood heater, bed and c4prings, set 01' scales and 41nantity of other Ve cripes, I'll stay awav now was no time to show the white Stoakley 222. 1. Wirth 109, 11. Toter 176. eve. Thegirl Letting the highest nuinber N't , aetiel". Apply to From Tipperary oL'v,)tes will get a handsome dressed Dall, feather. SR. 11 The chairman of the Electric Light Report for November. Those marked Secund bighest will get a Lodket and 'Tis a long ways to Tipperary, s Committee reported that hydro would be by x have missed one or m.are examina C a �iiird higliest will get a Signet h in and FARM FOR 81LE-200 -GIVS cI lawl btwig I A long road to go. turned on at Wingham, on Wednesday. tion. Him. 1.14 lots 111-142 on the gravel road. betweett t I I Witighan-, and Belgrave. (,ocd boddings, I Tis a long ways to Tipperary December 15tb. The committee hope to Total 380 It you like candy you will. appreciate 0 land nearly all under oult!V,dlon F01- in', bor i 11, 6M giaruiauiar,j apply to. ST An .. glad that's so! have enough coal to run the present plant B. McGee 377, K.'King 36s, F. Rober the delicious wholesomeness of I Annie J, G. So front Tip-er-rip-er-rary, X Eta until that tirrie. Those' in arrears for son 357, E. McKay 3)6. M. Curriz 354, Laurie" creimy home-made Chocollates. P4, From Tip-pip-per-rar�v M, FO" Choice, purc bred Alaintnoth i powei- will be cut off if accounts are not k. SuLV)n 362, G. Burke 341i), C. Coutts e better. 8,)1d only at Mitehed*i Brouzo ttwkeyh, hen ,!;k%V,crs $8, Ap- I sing hey! I'll stay away. '31-7. L. Carter 343, G. Sn3l'. 3:113, 11. non VV 71-17 wit, I r, FroilIT R\_ ipperitry. paid before the Ilth of Dec-mber. Drug Store. 'Ruu,V Q31w, 11, icknow Rev, Aint.-ftiong a�,lwd if the eouncil in- l3towne 3" 1, C. 3,21s, A Ifutton.3211, A --wi, tended to donate to or have a collection M. Hartnell 323, C. Blawlifoid 317. M. k very enjoyable , at evening was FAUAt FOE. 1.41.1,; -10 aere.i well watered ent in t",�v 0­_Ing,� Hall, nit Nov. 2ii-th, I My anct Nice'% 10f 11410 from , Belgrave, good made fur the Chinese famine fund. Coun- RvIniond:314, A. Coutts 313, T. Hend- P entei tained F­Ptnvar 1)i,�14.tv vi �,v-L 11 �'v -n f "n lmlldiugte, Lot 41, Cut,. V, EL �t w;&%vtu1uh;-, Uiurco Atiendmice 4*,ampaign cillot, Elliott hiforined hial. that it `wa� etson R. Cciieland .31,21, M. Zurbrigir, wht . �ntho Lsyal Tate 131!ivo .&Yply it mery ()nlooker� and '10. th W"T. DuvIlAtt, In Wingliam M!tliodist Church. Sun- not on their shite of buAnL�;s, but that a 310, G. Allen W. Gurn�, 3 ,a, Tac,,t *104, W. F;tt 20!, J. Boattie ptm�ralnm,! wore nistruawlital sel(etions! s� NVA M G11"L -wrim ..for jpI.-eral hou-soworx, dily, 11�c. 1,.th, �aervices Al a. in. Public conlertiun had been tak,,:u up in the Pres. J. E , d VV 0 6M4 Good waive,;. ApplFaITHE by MiQFeo. W'iiliamt�on nod Mitchvil ' I Woislnp, ViNe Snvie,�, Subject, I -The byvrian church ut both ik-.-vievs on 'Sun !A, 11. Barrett 201. J. Ati,.,,u�- 2 11. %J. F 073) v d d e n Word", 2.30 p, in. Sunday 'day for thisfund. Mci-OV)on *224, x1f. Ponrllploz) 191, xxxv, franuldwollingett � Ili AbL 't, *-da Cvlmt. �,.hia 1�";y m,. Q ViCtOrM 6LI'V41- 4,7011Y LOU�G� W11h -411 lz�ad. W.C.41 .:eeuons oy I Al)ply Mt. School. 7 1). in - I Iome Service, Subject, the water Miller 0.,M). Walncr 16J. AmE. Rlov�, i C,o Tim-tv me han&-ni, m 1 R)-,.- lto aa - Taw ltovAlivi,, aihw Wa'_ I' e Abell, "The Guoo of Happiness". You t1ilt be collaniuck. that st-wers vc_n-e almost all 1.13, X.,%XW. 1,3'140,)111'. A- c- ill il.d;ny S!I :,url F2 Camp, X1 reiie D�vv. I ADY TI-MOUNR . WAN rhi) ror Luewww mad(.- welmnle at these services. Q)mti coin.�.ewd. A byla%v iviii h�.- 3;?. 11 M& Public:01001 w1l, expvra,w�xl ul 3i�t cia- Rvaflni,'!�y A t*-ijl)1_- Toral. lnitiw to ou Jainiury :;ru. and britif, a It iend with you. to ;he to litva an-,)ther resurvoir Total 18 1. 1 31. A colupc�tent applica at twd a goou dt- I "plondid �n I W)111f.1,!1-:, al�2 built, and aixotlwx weh � jnl� in order it) 1.). Miller 17-,. M. Canipbli J. TFOR H a�vllnarion will q1ceivo an initial Aiatt`Y kle The lxle Angus A1006"ald rdiuve the wat,,.r situation Thh, to coa ]JI,ish-V 1"'). N. R1, ifoul, I if. *PW per annum. Appl W Nlit.h;.41 �,jnd Rob,_,rtzia��. 'We 11aVt.,.P,Wt1g3id Slick- ival', 1w nk%% .80CF.Trcx�. ighhorh,)vd (d 8t,000. The pre- lAittioll 165, L. llaydon 133. P., IS"orop. Angus V. MacDonald. who hao -,zpent in t4e tic �1. '�,. �-;a the past couple of years in Wingliain died stentm8crvoir had co,,L about 82100. Ile shall li;3, M. Toraphinan 158, G. Chettle. Smith acted it�� �hairman, and Avift ad- whteh za-,- it �Z. velp'Nob's FOR SALB-111111LOT aild TMp dro,�.es by V Or,!E-r and W. T. pera. jApply 10. ljon Wedn&Aay, D,�c- 14t., after an illness S'Aid that tile yea-soll they lial liat suas a burg M)71, N. J. L�,pard 163 Gv�*. 1111ti'mw, extending for over a year. Deceased -,veil tbir, year vias li,eaube they could not M. Hings-t(,,n 13% R. Agnew 1"33. 1. sut., AncIr the tiv Zadies lullell. MSMUNUM Volt 13A1,14-4,110 bctwifu wa�, bom in Scotland sivty-two years 290 1 FORK BOYS A �,`4,0 H032123­ hoinoon lnuw0.owneil bsrl V-i. 0-1 SWUM I)il)O. For tll(, 1V,;J3_vy committce ton Lo.%NA. lla,��)ii 8J, %�%. Stul%-N IN ftt,hamino � dfor�.. e. Thig tis om, o��, ilie and carne with his parents to Culross I Ile rcl,ora.,A that thoccule-3 and to,%,n pro. uX, Caniplyall ')0. filnest 41,11 111041, d eabla proricnies it, kv 1119- 1 when a child, When quite a young man perty -,vE:10 b DA It modern comempneca. Voinbin. 111,emallki In,', U1,01*- bo water ind hot air bealit;,,- 8y8teja, 'lie vient to Welland where ho inarried" property re1wrtghowed that two pair of rhuse who t6! ­d warli�_,kl ot Q ft. by 05 it. nuum i to. 'ast Waiv ...... . H I za Dodridge who wi th four sons and boots weic inissing. Th,,8e, had been used Irotill og;. Il,) In 1, V'its WANTBID­Tonders for oai-o- two daughters �urvive, him. He later on work U the iiuw dain and Wd been Sa. cl� %.�s alw-h. 0-11, V1V,e,d4,q- I Y. 1KC sth.. H,ivd: TM n Can't WR you hQaW haira, taking or st Amlt`W�' llrv�MYWPICUI t 1� -43 Church will bi. rectived tip till Oatarday. Poe. went to &attlo and was in the employ of los�. No ono kamv "flao had givell N'. coutts 51.11, 1 Swith "N7, M. King M dau,"'11tor 0� Mr. dil4f Mizz.. T11011139 Roblim5.). to Mr. jo-'u"It C. C -%Ana and Ske theGreatNorthern Railroad with J. J. nut1lority, ftje tjjc�,e IjLjt)t.� t ) , , , N WyKellliag. 2nd- da., tim. and all 4 k iso us,"i on isl, 4.,. snot 11. Ditk��)ll ollo. W DMCM;�;elltlal diltic,,i for I lit) up1wel)(ag of5ho Hill an(I aft(jrWards Nivent into tile real twide of tile church, or fop all kill; iiq C0,11(ined. thil woil, Ar, ;,,47� 13. Fox -'� ki� J. Caa,534. A. ';oil 60dr. aal %U,; Win. Tiioiu�,w.on _Iq cGtate bwliiwos, amassing a consideraW . 14 1 Mayor Gumey rt,13�ltoel do rco(guation �Ihntolfl Tiffia 11. 1 of Anlot-itm. tSc&V,. Uorua oT Alanager. I f, ��d afilount of 1110acy. of 11r. Gowans Q'i town Cloth. Oil I). 'A"), G. cilwevi, loniv k4t 1�11� . 11is wile and One Carl Came froill Seattle nioliozi of WevoTiWhns?, L�-Id Coull. mit- 'I "Ung "Ato. M. Cl,trli uu,l Al ite espolieliccil, fox. lAiwer wilit'NAlix W,I'AiOn. Sta'-0 t alaUy. Appli, Mlon,i Ivilt bo Z to celimal JuA out,.,ido enr- to at&ad the fulloril, the former areiving ellell 111�s aul 4tos-, L. 11� dem-a 297. J. 1VAi V. (Vgiv�, Lin. 71�vy r �% V . 6 Q Mr. m9elivol by tho cwv:EVSr up Ml wo eveallar in town a couple of wo&s bofom hi� doalh.' trwwl,�,- wwA 4,0-crrol t.0 th-* C'MIC.11 a, kT_ 0 v-, 0. '03) r � 1. like remaino were interm;l in MOTC�n- a colailliaw of thu %bli'Ie G. DaVE'Ean 114, H. VZYMU", 0','& CAVA WIVMN. 01%votary plow 101. water conxtery on Tuealay aftQt owa)!i. va 4 u; i po' 'C V. V. 61