HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 1011 11E �v I,,
h AY W%Efl 11 14
N Is positively the last day of the Fall and Winter Sale.
0 t %e j4k 30 Per-& ce"101t. 'A-0
off everything in the store
X On account of mild weather we are offering still lower X
W prices in all lines, including, new Christmas stock.
WIN, IN nldw W R I I E I I U
Open Your Eyes and Look at these ffig Values
Suits, men's and young
nteu!.s models, hand tailored
efolflih,ig $31.75, 36.75, 40.00.
Mues, Grays and Fancy.
Th,flo,�weeRi a w1ndow RuIR eg
menl'.o suRts Einu good quaUlty and
serviceable cRolhm, an'zes 36 to
44. PrRce 1020.00 per suff.
0ve,-?coa1g-.-20flk Centm?y and
Socleqiy Bui'and heavy Ulster ow-
2hese comUca 2ange �Fom
$40.0,`� and 75.00, Browns, Gya-ye,
blacl;53. SaRe p r R e e s
Undp.2iwea E.., 16var Prices--
Staw'ReRds Red Label, 25 doz.
gn::;naents at . . 2.50
Pen-n,-,al.,a-n_&heavy fleece lined 1.19
LOOK --- 2 doz. Carhartt over-
all slightly disce 'loped, one size
only $2.00, per pair.
Xzi!hartt guaranteed overalls
black and blue stripe $2.75 pr.
Work mitts, horsehide 98c
Boys' Mitts, leather . . . 39c
Iniffal HandkeFchiets, n e w
stoctr- of Sherspun linen, reg. 65c
3 for �_ 2
I$7.00 Hing ha�s, sale S,95
. W �No Tax
25 doz,. brusheJ wool Scai?ls 3.29
Bayp" heavy u _,AR Wool swen�-
ers 0.03, 9.
Vm"ag mel,111c, V neck ZmUover,
rea. 11.50V sa�e 0.05. Fancy COX-
A tAndow sale of sh1rts, 8.00
shirls on sale at 2.19.
ChTistmas Neckwear in gill
boxes,, reg. 1.75, sa!e 1.10.
Drc_�,cAmnq Gowns, S m o k i n a
Jackets, new stoek 20 p.c. off,
A 1090 silk ties and silk scarls
ork S.Ule.
Furs, Mulls and Sets --Extra
special reductions in our fur de-
partment, Black Fox and Mink
Mulls and Stoles, Well or Beav-
Se�s, I
ludson Seat Capes, Muffs
nad scaAs.
Holepiroog SU]k Hosleyy,'Navys
Browns and Zlaclks, s p e c lal
It.% a pair.
110 doz. ladAesil cashmere hose
Macks, birowns, sahe 69c, 98c.
Monarch Swetter Wool Floss
and Down less 20 p. c.
Babies" C a p s and Scarfs,
white crochel wool $1.19.
100 yds heavy twill Sheeting
at 95c� a yd.
400 yds Flannelette 35c yd.
2 tables full of trimming and
Suits, Coats and Dresses to
clear at bargain prices.
Large stoeR ef new Christmas
blouses, vofies, ewepes, silks
at sale prices.
Chrlotmas GERls-Ladles" Silk
Uade:,7,wear, GRoves, Hosiery,
CTepe Gowns, Para-
sals, Purses and Handkepchiets
at sale prices.
Dress Coodst, S � lks" Serges,
Fancy S I I k s, Colared Silks,,
crelles and Georgettes 20'1'v� off.
Sweaters ati-id sweatal� Coats,
Women% Misses', and Child-
rexes, 150 coats to ehoose from
20 1). e. off.
House Furnishiags-Linoleum,
heavy Scotch printed linolening
4 yds wides a bargain at 4.98.
curtain materials, Rugs, oft -
cloths and BlInds less 20 p.e.
o J1 4 An V A -N GIE I h Dee 2nd, ig2o 89
AJU Wool and Union
(Correct up Ull Wednesday noon)
This High Cut Leather Topped Rubber for
Wheat No. 9.5pring ...... 1 50 to, ,) 0o
Wheat No. 2 Fall 150
sinall Boys Fills a Long Felt Want. 'JV,
...... to 2 001
Flour ......... . .. ... 5 50 to 6 50
All wool suiting serges, all wool dress serge,
all wool tweed suitings, all wool worsted suit -
Lard .................... 85 to 88
Butter .................. 4o to 45
Reg. 4.00 reduced to ......... 2.89
Reg. 7.5o reduced to ............. 4.95
They have beat S t u b -
Proontedman bottoms and
HggEi ............ 57 to 601
high leather tops. T h e y
keep the feet both warm and
Cattle, med., butchers.. 9 00 to io oo
etc. All colors, special reduced prices,
d7jre just as cheap as
Cattle,butchers choice. 11 00 to 1200
eat erboots.and are about
twice as high in the length of
Hogs, fivOwdight .... . 18 60 to 18 75
Women's Coats
Hay ........ o .......... 24 50 to 26 001
Cream ............... to 55,
Sizes 11, 12 and 13..
Price $4.00 per
The Blyth Choral'Society,
the Cantata *The Message Et,enjak uy,
Truman Wolcott, D. Al. in the Methodia:
vhurch on F riday evening, Dec. 10th.
This line Is exactly as above but are longer
Proceeds to go towards Memorial Hall
In tops and bigger In sizes.
Mr. JLhu S. Scott of East Ulawanosh,
,has purchased the property of the late!
Being I'll" inches high
Arthur Cantelon, St. North. and.
and in sizes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
intends to build a on the slime.
for ............... ............. 1.00
IX2%, pure linen cloths reg 16.5o for ..... ro.ss
At the last congregational meeting of
St. Andrews
Price $5.25 per
church, the pastor Rev.
Gebrge Telford received a substantial in-
crease in his salary which was raised from'
$1500 to $2000,
Mailed to your address
The regular monthly meeting of the:
Women's Institute will be held at the
"post paid" no matter where
you live, or sold At our store
home of Mrs. S. H. Gidleys Wednesday,
in Wingbam.
Dec. 19t.
can make anything you want
in leather top rubbers in an
hour's time -If for instance
Mr. John Hookeridge has
after spending three months in the west.
t a e I
ou h V a high or
y ( r for any other orewason
The December meeting of the Women's
na apl� to want a
'YOU7 y 1 11
Institute will be held at the home of A$ t s
kind we hav not got in
Chas. Garniss on Thursdav, Dec. Oth,
2.30 p. in.. subjects are "True Hospil
itv" by Mrs -Ed. Johnstone; "Putting the
Reinuants of Towelling.,, vidunelette.13, Prints
Best Into Life" by Mrs. P, D. King,
%011 call.
W 1i W I L L IS
Mr. and Mrs. Will Xing, Jamestown,
Cottons, Shirtitiggs, Flannels on Bargain Table
at big qavings.
spent Sunday at Mr. Bert McCall's,
40C Vactory cotton ...................... .29
Mr. Thyne has just finished a very suc.
cessful years threshing.
Mrs. Brooks of lilyth, is spending a few
Pleated Skitts, Plaid Skirts, UndersUirts,
e blouqes,, Crepe -de Clieue Blou.�eq,
days with Mrs. Morris Bosman,
Aluffs and Stoles that do not match values up
to S15,00, Saturday only $8.6o, Come cat-ly.
Illousi�,q, Voile Bloimes, reduced zi to
I Thefarmers are verygrateful for the
i mild weather which has enabled them to
Give "The Advance" your I save an exceptional crop of turn�ps. AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN
. Mrs. Jas. Clegborn is spending a few
tiext order foil Printing.' day.,; with her brother, Mr. R. Aitcheson. L
ri,.v A
1'remendous PMce'Cutting Sale Continue�.
The greatest money saving event ever offered, all goods at savings that are positively start-
ling. --Men's Suits, Overcoats, Sweater Coats, Maelkinaws, Underwear, Socks, Odd Pants,
Hats, Caps, Ties, Scarfs, Fur Coats, Ladies' and Childrens' Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses,
Furs, Hosiery, Gloves, House Furnishings, Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. . 6 0 0 0
Men's Underwear
AJU Wool and Union
Buffalo Robes
Shirts, Sweaters. Furnishings etc.
Dress Goods
Vur mitts, Caps, etc, Black Goat Robes, $as -
Reg. $1.50 reduced to .............. .... 98C
Reg 2..50 to 3.00 reduced to. $r.89
All wool suiting serges, all wool dress serge,
all wool tweed suitings, all wool worsted suit -
katchewan Robes, Dog Skin Mitts, greatly re -
Reg. 4.00 reduced to ......... 2.89
Reg. 7.5o reduced to ............. 4.95
ings, all wool plaids, union plaids, union serges
Reg. io.00 reduced to ............. 6.95
etc. All colors, special reduced prices,
Reg. 12.00 reduced to ................ 8.95
Men!s Fur Coats, Sheep lined
Wool gloves 69c, 89c, $x.rq,
Women's Coats
Smockso Overalls. etc
Velour, Silverton, Salts, Plushes etc,
Reg $6S.00 reduced to .................. $47 -SO
$3.5o vests and drawerq for .............. 32.19
Reg. $4,5.00 coats for .................... $23-49
Reg 55.00 to 65.00 coats for ...... ...... 49-75
Reg 48.00 reduced to .................. 39-50
Reg 22.5o reduced to .................. i6.9s
2-oo vest and drawers ............ 129
4.00 combinations for._ , ....... :::::::: 2:99
Reg 14.5o reduced to ................. io.95
Silk and Serge Dresses
Hosiery, Silk, Cashmere
Satin damask tapkins large size each .49
Special Sale at greatly reduced prices. See
and Wool
Plain linen handkerchiefi, narrow hem 3
winclow display.
36 in, Chiffon Taffetas, 36 in. Duch2sq '.Vlouse-
$3.00 silk hose ........................ $L.98
2oq silk hose
for ............... ............. 1.00
IX2%, pure linen cloths reg 16.5o for ..... ro.ss
line, 36 in. Fancy sillz skirtings, 36 in. charm-
euse, special quality Habitan, special quality
.................... I.
, , , * -
2.50 cashmere hose ..................... I
Pure sets, cloths and napkints beautiful
patterns, all sizes greatly reduced,
Pongee, Crepe fle chene, Georgette crepe, Vel-
2.00 cashmere hose ..................... 1.39
2.00 18tigHsh wool hose .............
Sateen Bed Spreads, Down Comforters, Jaeger
vets etc. All shades. Special reducea prices.
x.6,s worsted liose ......
Wool Steamer Rugs, All Wool Blankets, Flatt
Men's Stilts and Overcoatr�o
Cottons, Sheetings, Nain.
ellete Blankets, at special reduced prices.
WomensAll Wool Pullovers.
Reg. $6o,00 reduced to ................. 847-50
Sooks, etc
Latest style Salurday only .............. $3 89
Reg� 5o oo reduced to .................. 33.5o
Reg. 315 00 to 42.5o reduced tt .......... 29.5o
85c 141uglish Long Cloth ................. 1 -59
Best Canadian yarn per 11) ........... _ t.6c)
Large Cotton Bats, 3 for ................
Reg. 3o.ou to 35.00 reduced to .......... :13-49
Boys' suits and overecyats all sizes vin latest
65c Naiusook ............................ .47
I Madapalin 42 inch wide... . ....... 9
Reinuants of Towelling.,, vidunelette.13, Prints
stylv�'greatfy reduced.
1!30s_1 : :.1
Bleeched sheeting 8/4 ............ .. 98
Cottons, Shirtitiggs, Flannels on Bargain Table
at big qavings.
40C Vactory cotton ...................... .29
skirt�and Blouses
,5oc Pactory cotton ...................... .3,�
85c to x.00 Utiglisli Circular Pillow Cotton
. 25 odd furs on Sale Saturday.
Pleated Skitts, Plaid Skirts, UndersUirts,
e blouqes,, Crepe -de Clieue Blou.�eq,
all widths ...................... .69
Aluffs and Stoles that do not match values up
to S15,00, Saturday only $8.6o, Come cat-ly.
Illousi�,q, Voile Bloimes, reduced zi to
Children Is, Boys` or Girls I Sweater Coats aud
Men Is wint(Ir caps with ear covers, all si/,es,
so P. C.
pullovers, Sale 'Saturday Only $2.79.,
Saturday $z.69,
lungs' Grocery Dept. --Pure Foods at Money Saving Values --Cut the High Cost of Living.
Best Q)uality Raisins, tieeded or seedless per lb 29c
Rice, 2 lbs for ............................................................ 26C
BestQuality Currants, per 1b .1, 20c
Tapioca, 2 lbs for
....................................................... 25C
......... ...
Shredded Wlieat,
2 paelcages for 25C
Bc.,4t ijuality Slielled Walnuts, per lb
.................... 69c
Kellogg's Corn Flaltes, per package ....................... 10C
Best Quality E Ixtracts, all flavours, per liottle ...... 10c
Best Quality Brootns
reg, $1.25 for ....................... 98c
Best Quality niixed Peel, Letwii, Citron, Orange 59c
Best Quality Tea, per 11; 63c, ,tnd,5, 1b,,; for ........ 3.15
3 Rolls Toilet Paper ................................................
Guar,��nteed Red Saltnon, per tin ......... I ...... 45c