HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 8OUR BOYS" AND
By Aunt June
Re&tered Mcordin., to the C9migIll Act
'NOW wrap up your little gifts; can-
aie� or nZ or whatever you wish 0
put inside, place in the centra and
'wrap the colored craelter cover round
It and fasten with a dab of paste,
Irv"here you have fastened -the cracker
% scrap picture should be pasted dowu
to finish it off. You can make your
own scraps by cutting out pretty
heads or little, colored pictures from
ma.azines. Now take some colored
thread. Choose the same color as
your crinkled Paper, If possible. Bind
up the cracker about 1�_! Inches from
each end and tie.
You can spend a very pleasant even -
Ing making a whole box -full of these
and when filled just with candies, such
as stuffed dates or sugared almonds,
they make a nice surprise box to open
on Christmas pay to hand round.'
These have been made most success-
fully by 3ome of our members in past
.-My Dear Boy", and Girl -s*
Nb! this Aunt has not forgotten all
about her boys and girls, but like the
little pig whom you will remember
went to market, Aunt June has beeil
across the sea visitingLondon and -all
kinds, of pretty spots in old England.
But like tbc,. little pig who had to come
obtaina agairi. home again" because his
m--irkettrig was done, Aunt June was
busy last week coming home again
across the sea and this Is the reason,
ray brave Helpers all. that you did not
bear from me last week. '
I am glad, however, to find that I
was not forgotten as there are still
sonio letters in the mail bag for me.
You would have been go amusod
,had you. seen your Aunt June get off
the ship a week ago, all wrapped up ex-
pecting to be met by a snow fall at
least, it not a blizzard. It was so
,chilly on the ship coming up the St.
p",, " � 111 1 W-45
Lawrence and there was even a little
flurry of snow before we reached Que-
N ews of the
bee so that most people hurried be-
Aheaxty and loving welcome to the
low. to geI; out their fur coats. and
following new members,
�sald� I to myself, "Now Aunt June you
Gladys L%neaster, Brocket, Alta,
-,had hater puton some warmer,things
Nellie Hodgson, Bow island, Alta.
for you, are *back in dear old Canada
Viola, McDonald, Ceylon, Out.
and Jack Frost is -probably waiting
Mls& Jennie �MacNeilj, O'kiotas, Alta.
round the corner to nip your nose."
I am delighted to read all about
But what a surprise when. *1 stepped
your acts of service, what a. splendid
ashors in Montreal. It was a beauti-
band of helpers we have, yet there is
ful day, every one wearing their or-
still room for many more.
dinary suite and not muffled up, and
from Woodstock; eleven thousand,
by afternoon I was very glad to take
off some of my warm things you may
Ceylon, Ontario.
be sure.
Dear Aunt June: -
However, mild as the weather is
I am signing the pledge and enclos-
here some of yon, who live In. other
Ing a three -cent stamp, as I would
parts of Canada, axe probably enjoy-
like to become a "Helper" in the
Ing the first little touches of Jack
League of Service. Now I am. golug,
Frost. Whatever the weather no one
to tell you what I have -been doing
can doubt what the;C-alander tells us,
this week. Getting the cows, wash -
that it is only a few weeks to Christ-
ing the dishes, sweeping the floors,
mis and -thoughts of Christmas re-
carrying waterand minding the baby
mind us about those Christmas pres�
for mother, and helping father.. Hop -
Ing to receive my badge, I will close.
You remember in my last letter I
So you have a baby at your house
ipromised to tell you how to make
to help look after Viola, and you did
something for Christmas. Well, the
not tell me if it is a baby sister or a
first thing I shall tell you will be how
little brother? I am sure mother Is
to,make bon�boa packages or cracker
glad. to have a Helper in her home,
covers. You may call them which
thank you for your letter.
3ibu like. They are really crackers
on , the subj-ct. Thanking you in
*without the bang, and in them you may
Nellie Hodgson is another 'Helper
put all kinds, of things. Little gifts
who can milk cows, Well done Nellie.
such as a thimble -for mother; candies
T.W.1 us more about -your -farm home
wrapped in silver or tissue paper: a,
next time.
needle book: wee pincushion; tape
Dow Island, Alberta.
measure. Or it for daddy or uncle
Dear Aunt Jane; -
or brother Jack, such things as a pen-
11 wish to join your Helpers' Leagu6
cil sharpener; key ritig; a box of pen
of Service.
nibs, tie pin, cuff links or collar studs.
I have signed the pledge and fint.
You will require tissue paper.
Choose pretty colors, pink, blue and
sending a thrpe-cent stamp. I wash
green, would do to start with. Rolls
the separator and -the dishes ff milk
of this paper can be bought at the 5,
two cows In the morning some -
times at night. I go after the horses
10 and 15c stores. Thf,� crinkly kind
ds best though the be
in the morning. I am 13 y!, -ars Dlo.
crackers can
made with smooth. Cut your paper
I wish to Teceive my badge.
tinto strips about 4 inches wide and
8 or 9 Inches in leingth. Now -take one
strip and fold it long ways Into four.
Gladys Lancaster, lives upon an
Take a. pair of scissors and cut very
-ndlan Reseffe.
narrow slits In each end. That is,
Brocket, Alberta.
out the paper so that it will fall like
-Dear Aunt June: -
a fringe or tassled end. Now take a
blunt paper knife, a thin piece of flat
il have been reading your Boys� and
wood or the back of your scissors,
Girls' Corher for some. -time, and wisil
when they are closed, and gently
to Join, your League. T am sending
stroke out each separate fringe of the
the pledge with a three -cent stamp. I
paper holding it across your -thumb. 1
14ye, on the Peigan Reserve among all
ihope you can follow this. Let me ex-
the India -us. I ain 120 years old, and
plain it a little more clearly,
have four sisters and one brother. I
Hold your fringed -paper in your
will t1ose now, hoping to see my letter
let t hand, Take the paper knife,
in Print. 'Yours lovingly,
scissors or other instrument in your
right hand and ae.if you were going to
You. havei -forgotten to tell us about
.I)eel I potato pick up the fringe of the
your Service work, Gladys, Write
paper across your thumb and the
again and give a little account of the
knife. You will find this stroking will
people you try to help each day, then
cause the paper to curl -tip. The
'you shall have 9, badge.
13rettiest effect will be obtained by
curling some of the fringe forward and
The rules for joining this League
some of it backward.
of Service are contain.i7d in our little
You now have the outside of . your
cracker For the inside
pledge, but lietbreany helper can hdv 0
a badge he or she must send in an
cover. you will
r eqaire a piece of fine white or col
account of the good deeds or sets of
I kindness
ored -tissue piper. Now -you will want
i done every day.
a alotto. This you may make your-
self by writing out either a riddle.
Verse or poem or anything that suits
Sil letters this week are from girl
your faney.
Helpers. Where are the boys 'Ayho
Kleesping" Fit
It is because of the war that
the perfect physical man has all
at once become the idol of the
world. You can make of yourself, even
rather late in life, almost anything you
like. You are not going to get fit in one
day, one month, or, perhaps, a year'
unless you take enough outdoor exercise
to keep the circulation going and practise
the athlete's first principle—to keep the
system clea He does tot give his body
a chance to absorb poisons, He not
only takes his cold shower, after.exercise,
but he knows a cleansing of the intestines
is important, and he takes occasionally a
good regulator and liver cleanser, such
as a dose. of castor oil, or, what is much
better, a tiny pill made up of, May -apple,
d jalap, and sold by almost all
61oln _n
druggisits in the land as Dr. Plercela
ple-asant Pellets.
Keep the Iddneys in good oriler -also.
Avoid too mil -ah. meat, alcohol or tea. Drink plenty of pure water,
prefferabty hot water, before meals, and drive the uric acid out of the
ay -item by takirg "Arittric" (nnti-uric-acid). This Can be obtained
at alwo8t any drugstore.
a boltle of wata, to Q -to Phemi,3t, at Dr. Plercos Invalids"
flotil, Buffalo, X. Y., and you will rpeeive free medical advice, as to
-whether the kidneys are af'iected. When your kidneys got nluggish
and clog, you GuRer from backaolie, ei&-headanches, dizzy opells, or
twingre.; anel pains of lumbago, rhoutnatism or gout; or eleep is dis-
turbeil two or three times a night. Take heed, before too letel Get
Anurlu (anti.uric-acld), for it Vill put now life into, your kidneys and
your enfire sy6t�=. Ask your warcst for it or send Dr.
rieroc- ton cents for trial pwkage of "Anurie
H, my kitten, my kitten,
And oh, my puppy, my de4rie,
I could play with you all day !ong,
And not be the least bit weary.
My parasol keeps off the sun,
The flowers are sweet on the air,
There's no other child in Japan,
So happy and free from care.
Fisd three other J -A, .13 'Upper side down siong kimono.
Uppor terl cor4er zw n the flowem Upper side do -P is the fir -Cm
ielp? Please send me some news of
rour work too.
NFIXT W.EM1. Advice to- Girls 'i
If your letter"Is not In to -,day look
u our corner next week. By Miss Rosalind
There will also be an account of
iow to maAe more things for k'Mrist-l-j Aegistered accordino to the COP07
nas, so do not miss It. right Act
Look out also next week for Aunt
rune's new address� where Helpers
nay send letters. Yours lovingly,' DEAR MISS RtOSAUN.D:
AUNT JUNE. I am writing you a few#ines to get
34 King William St., Hamilton. some advice. I have b6en reading
your answers in different letters, iii
papers. So I have made uys my mind
bo write you a letter. And; . would
WOULD NOf BE WITHOUT like your opinion. on what I aan going
I am a girl of nineteen
and was going with a fellow .1 ireajlly-
love; and I kZow hie cared for me, but
I at last got sore at him and haveWt
Once a mother has 6sed ' Baby's
Dwn Tablets'for 'her little'Zines she
ivould . not be,�wltllout them. They
ire the ideal home remedy for the
�aby; being guaranteed to be absb-
lutelY free from opiates or other
larmful drugs. They are a gentle
but thorough laxat've and have been
proved of the greitest aid In cases of
,onstipation, Indigestion, colic, colds
3.nd simple fevers. Conceridug thein
NIrs—'Ernest Gagne, 33eausejouT, Que.,
writes: -I -have used �Baby's Own
rablets for constipation and colic
ind have found them so successful
that I would -not be without them. I
would strongly recommend every
mother to keii-'D a boy. in the house."
rhe Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents *a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brock�ille, Ont,
Cashed a,Bartknote 'He Ate!
Not every Australian so' Idler can de-
scribe himself as a 920 ($100) com-
monwealth bank note and present
kimself to the Commonwealth treas-
ury for cashing, but this currency
transaction actually happened recent-
ly, writes a correspondent. A young
South Wales "Digger" was lying on
the bottel field of Fleurbaix when -lie
saw A German Red Cross collecting
pirty aproaching him. Remember-
ing that he had a L20 note ht,, his
pocket which would almost certainly
diasapear, lie pulled it out, memorized
the number, and chewed it up. When
re!eased at the end of the war lie re-
turned to Australia and told the story
at the Commonwea!th treasury In
Melbourne. At first his tale was re-
garded as a god joke, but finally the
fficial reported the incident. Care-
ful Investigation was made, end it
was found that on August 4, 1914, a
420 Commonwealth bank note had
been Issued bearing the figures mem-
crized by the s-oldier. It was the
only note of the series which -had not
been returned to the bank authorities,
The defense authorities were then
asked to look up the soldier's record,
and It was found that he had no blacli
mark against him, so the money was
Parls.-Thet biggest family In
Yrance Is living in an American house
now. An American. J. Davis, gave
the French ambassador In Washlng�
ton $3.01)0 with the request th*, a
house be built for the largest family
left homelloss by war. M. and Mme,
Duborepere and their 10 children won
the house.
Minard'a Liniment For date(jet It% Cow&
.11anchester, England. - Williarr
WAlkes, ey-soldior, wheeled his baln
to the soa-ahore. Five minutes, latei
he stopped a pedestrian and told thiv
lie had tossed the baby In the t�ea
Asked why, ho vaid* 1,1-11vt thousantl
of thinu went and only 50 Teturne&
Shell shock is the alleged exDlana,
Minard't Unlindint For Diphtheria,
japoken for quite awhile. - Different
times- I know he has started to follow
me home, but has not come yet, and I
know he thinks I will turn himdown
if he asks me. And that he wants
me to speak first. I would. -love to,
and yet ff can't. I want him -to. I
would love to bave his company ugain.
DIffeTent girl friends, of inifis -axe aux-
tons we should, make up. Please
write anditell me, what Is, the proper
way to come around thlan. Thinking
If you were, in the wrong when you
quarrelled, then it is most surely your
place to make up. You might write
a note telling the boy that you are
sorry you were hasty and sald what
you -did; and that you miss his friend-
-ship. Say you will be at hom:e on a
certain evening and that you will be
glad to bave him call.
If the fault is not yourt; atall; and
the quarrel was th6 result of the young
nimi offending you, then, he must write
and apologlse. One of your friends
will let him know that you will listen
to him.
If -I may ask a few questions and
Live your ad -vice I will appreciate it
,ery much. Is it not -the girl's place
fRemoved by Lydia E. Pink-
ham"sYegetable Compound.
Ont.—"I took Lydia E.
le o ound for
bae ache, and I also
had a fe ale eak.
ness. I felt dizzy
and nervous, and
was without energy.
I had to force myself
to do my work, and
was always tired.
Saw a Pinkliam, ad-
vertisement which
induced me to take
the Vegetable Corn.
pound, and my back
ing and I felt ightor in' Wri
am recommending the Velleta 1.
nound with lleasure to al I meet who
complain as did."—MILDurm Brocia,
Neaford, Ont.
Wometn!s Precious; Gift' .9
The one %Vhich she should Most zeal-
011111� guard is her health, but she, ofte-n
neg ects to do so in season until some
ailment Peculiar to her sex has fastened
itself upon her. MAton so 'Affected
women may rely upon Lydia H. Pink.
lialft'P Vegetable Comnound. a renit,,tiv
1�11 00
r &.& AAIA�&
quired, This course admits young
Myrtle Reed's story wieh has been women
to one of the many positions demand*
coinpleted. It was made under the Ing the trained nurse of to -day. F.�
direction of Lloyd Ingraham with W 'further particulars write: The Super-
intendent of Nursest Cooper Hospital,'
cast Including such notables as Seena ainden, Xj.
to Owen, Ijouis Betaulson, Victor Potel �air
speak first to the boys when they
meet out in company, or at her home? and others. SEND A VOMNION DXPRES24
It ", how are the boys -to makla the Money Order. They are payablo
first advances, or to take -the lead In D, W. Griffith's version of "Way everywhere.
getting better acquainted with girls? Down Earit" has made a good start .
Why do the bolder boys appear to toward capturing the box ottioe hon- kNITTINO YARNS—IjOVELY COLORS, 1,
Itsave inore favor with the girle than ors from that, producers own master- I purp wool, W very Tbodarate prices.
the shyer or more backward. boys piece, "The 'Birth of a Nation." The Stinvoto ehades� free, C.'"viretowri W_ol-
when they meet In company or at th� latter picture to date has cleaned lip ;on 'Nrills, (lectraetown, Ortarso.
parties? I have a lady friend that I nearly $3,00�,000 An Prpfts� — ------
think a good deal of, a couple of years
ago she had the misfortune idjet thai Lying 141ps" will be th6 perman-
v -A
dreaded diseas% the white plague, Is ent title of Thomas H. Ince',p second
it better for her and I to go, no furth- big special for Aesoclated Producers I I W4
er? We w , ill always be friends, and Co., stArring House Peters tind Flor- 14"N
I will. always think a lot of her, but it ence Y.idor, The plbture was made ",
it better not to marry? under the guidance of John Griffith
NOMIWIKAU. Wray,, director of "Homespun Folks
the first of the Ince A. F. Special$.
The briginal story was May Mding� Willis I h—, .1 Nk'C".
I have used your town name, be- toWs novel, "The Magic Life." .-t a- lik, A b.,
w 1-6d fml�
=L t
cause you did not give me a pea- 14, : -W rt 04 hk. .4
It is ii, girl's,,place to. s7eak The famouh David Belasco play, .11,&L,111 "O.0 T.
first,to 9, boy when she meets him on
"The Heart of Maryland," will sodh W& -4 'Wl -Ih
the street or In a, ehuich ar'store or reach the pieta.re theatres. Vita- Th. W.1k, .4,
house. - But her advances end there graph Is maicing. It, and Catherine- TIMWALKER HOUSE rrhe'
If a bay wishes to be friends with � Calvert Is the, star who will prevent 9.
b. It;, t"h.yt jh�,C,. 04
girl, he should ask her if he may call the -curfew from "ringing tonight." V
at her home. If she cares to know "Z-0.4
, !r ( tb, b "'L
him better, she allows him to call and More thaA ordinary. interest attach- THE WALKER ROUS
then she will, probably go out w1th E.
es to the work of Carter De Haven
him, or let him bring her home from because of his recent acquisition of TORONT .0 . . . . . ..........
church. You see what I meam? A Charlie -Chaplin studios In ffollyv�ood,
man must ask for these favors. . and his plans for picture Production
admit, It seems, as If -those W1110
-an a large scale. "Twin Beds," his OVIN &D00j2S
make the most noise, gk the most M- first, is heingtollowed by "TheGirl in
tention. tPerbsps the kind *of boy you the Taxi." C,'1ZC3.-0 Wit Your
refer to Is really good fun; and everv- 'panirzi. Fitta
body likes -to have him in the party 0 'Athilan. Safe de.
Miss Paullu:� Prederlbk has return -
But when'& girl is looking for a gZ-, northern ifU-r-n:C.1
nine friend, she considers character ed her studio after a trial to Write for Price Ut
California where exterlo �C]-' CO, down tuel
before -lively spirits aidd integrity be- t r scenes
were filmed for her nex productl �-,p 441—
fore noise. on, . ;ei W-4-- IIS4 lasur') wi-i
a film version of ri lorence Barclay's comfort, .
QNly dear boy, yourlist question I Tlie., 14ALUVAY COMP4ANIVy Lirmnitect
ve ver serious at proper, book-, "The blistreze of Shenistione." WILTON � rAcrony i)1$T1n"dTQFt2 . .1
remedies ars adopted in time, a tu-
N ews of the
the direction: of Henry King and the
is by
uar wum—nmax
unless the cure is certain, a
T.Al, On
U,& -
Including Roy ;Stewart, who has star-
* -JU NX.
unusual circumstances,
light NowIng at r1rie. wholo or
Metz, Garmany.-The town council
spare tible. good pay" 'ro.14f Sent Any
distance, charges stamp for
Co., goo.
4 010#0
The casting done by director Lloyd
Par4oulara. Natf(,"Ti Afg.
Ingraham lor "the Girl In �the Tax!,"
for Mr. and Mrs. Carter -Do ilia -van
will make this production much near�
aw-, �' ��.
er the classification of all-star than
class land and buildings, 5 miles
In ordinarily the case when such
from Woodstock; eleven thousand,
claims are made. King Baggot, otis
five hijudred dollars, 50 acres
Harlan ankl Grace Cuilard, all stirs
first-class land, extra good build.
In their own right, head A support-
ings; seven tbousanil. dollars. Budd
Ing company which Includes Tom Me.
Irving, Woodstock.
Gaire, Zella, Ingraham and others
of high rank.
After makinFr a couple more ple-
tures, Elliot Dexter will take a -trip
A enbt)rg's great work on ,Heaven, and
abroad In the hope of comj�,Wto re-
HOW' and a real world! beyond, Over
cov6ry from the -collapse ,which last
400 pages, only 25o prepaid, H.. Law,
winter torced him to witlidraw from
48q.Buclid Ave., Toronto 40-51,
work. He may appear in a picture
as to best plan to work on, -the pur-
chase of lars, cans, etc., along with
oopor Hospital of. Carnglen� NJ., ot.
Readers of that delightful book
t'Ort" o. three (3) years trairting (Tho.
oretleal and Pratitical) to
"Lavender and Old 4ce" -are eagerly.,
young women
who w1sh to enter the nursing profeo
looking for the picture verk1j)n of
son, A high school education Is re -
quired, This course admits young
Myrtle Reed's story wieh has been women
to one of the many positions demand*
coinpleted. It was made under the Ing the trained nurse of to -day. F.�
direction of Lloyd Ingraham with W 'further particulars write: The Super-
intendent of Nursest Cooper Hospital,'
cast Including such notables as Seena ainden, Xj.
to Owen, Ijouis Betaulson, Victor Potel �air
speak first to the boys when they
meet out in company, or at her home? and others. SEND A VOMNION DXPRES24
It ", how are the boys -to makla the Money Order. They are payablo
first advances, or to take -the lead In D, W. Griffith's version of "Way everywhere.
getting better acquainted with girls? Down Earit" has made a good start .
Why do the bolder boys appear to toward capturing the box ottioe hon- kNITTINO YARNS—IjOVELY COLORS, 1,
Itsave inore favor with the girle than ors from that, producers own master- I purp wool, W very Tbodarate prices.
the shyer or more backward. boys piece, "The 'Birth of a Nation." The Stinvoto ehades� free, C.'"viretowri W_ol-
when they meet In company or at th� latter picture to date has cleaned lip ;on 'Nrills, (lectraetown, Ortarso.
parties? I have a lady friend that I nearly $3,00�,000 An Prpfts� — ------
think a good deal of, a couple of years
ago she had the misfortune idjet thai Lying 141ps" will be th6 perman-
v -A
dreaded diseas% the white plague, Is ent title of Thomas H. Ince',p second
it better for her and I to go, no furth- big special for Aesoclated Producers I I W4
er? We w , ill always be friends, and Co., stArring House Peters tind Flor- 14"N
I will. always think a lot of her, but it ence Y.idor, The plbture was made ",
it better not to marry? under the guidance of John Griffith
NOMIWIKAU. Wray,, director of "Homespun Folks
the first of the Ince A. F. Special$.
The briginal story was May Mding� Willis I h—, .1 Nk'C".
I have used your town name, be- toWs novel, "The Magic Life." .-t a- lik, A b.,
w 1-6d fml�
=L t
cause you did not give me a pea- 14, : -W rt 04 hk. .4
It is ii, girl's,,place to. s7eak The famouh David Belasco play, .11,&L,111 "O.0 T.
first,to 9, boy when she meets him on
"The Heart of Maryland," will sodh W& -4 'Wl -Ih
the street or In a, ehuich ar'store or reach the pieta.re theatres. Vita- Th. W.1k, .4,
house. - But her advances end there graph Is maicing. It, and Catherine- TIMWALKER HOUSE rrhe'
If a bay wishes to be friends with � Calvert Is the, star who will prevent 9.
b. It;, t"h.yt jh�,C,. 04
girl, he should ask her if he may call the -curfew from "ringing tonight." V
at her home. If she cares to know "Z-0.4
, !r ( tb, b "'L
him better, she allows him to call and More thaA ordinary. interest attach- THE WALKER ROUS
then she will, probably go out w1th E.
es to the work of Carter De Haven
him, or let him bring her home from because of his recent acquisition of TORONT .0 . . . . . ..........
church. You see what I meam? A Charlie -Chaplin studios In ffollyv�ood,
man must ask for these favors. . and his plans for picture Production
admit, It seems, as If -those W1110
-an a large scale. "Twin Beds," his OVIN &D00j2S
make the most noise, gk the most M- first, is heingtollowed by "TheGirl in
tention. tPerbsps the kind *of boy you the Taxi." C,'1ZC3.-0 Wit Your
refer to Is really good fun; and everv- 'panirzi. Fitta
body likes -to have him in the party 0 'Athilan. Safe de.
Miss Paullu:� Prederlbk has return -
But when'& girl is looking for a gZ-, northern ifU-r-n:C.1
nine friend, she considers character ed her studio after a trial to Write for Price Ut
California where exterlo �C]-' CO, down tuel
before -lively spirits aidd integrity be- t r scenes
were filmed for her nex productl �-,p 441—
fore noise. on, . ;ei W-4-- IIS4 lasur') wi-i
a film version of ri lorence Barclay's comfort, .
QNly dear boy, yourlist question I Tlie., 14ALUVAY COMP4ANIVy Lirmnitect
ve ver serious at proper, book-, "The blistreze of Shenistione." WILTON � rAcrony i)1$T1n"dTQFt2 . .1
remedies ars adopted in time, a tu-
The production is
' being made un
bercular patient may be cured But
the direction: of Henry King and the
is by
unless the cure is certain, a
star SUPI)iorted a notable cast
so afflicted should marry only under
Including Roy ;Stewart, who has star-
* -JU NX.
unusual circumstances,
red in, many pictures.
Metz, Garmany.-The town council
1, too, like good . o�j Ontarlo best.
Th, first film company togo abroad
here had -peddled the statute of the
The West has charm all right, but I
was glad to come back, just as you
for now atmosphere is about to be
ex-kalser as old bronze and with tile
$16,000 raised, built two statues for
are. Write again.
taken overseas by the Speciql Pie-
tures corporation. Neely Edwards,
the town square, One is of the
former vaudeville star, will make the
French soldier and the other of the
French patriot, Paul Deroulede.
films In England and France from
old English and French farces.
11 haye -been thinking of the possi-
bility of going Into the Jam business
in a small way as soon as sugar finds
a lower level -and would be glad If you
cofild favor me with some information
'Every effort Is being made to 9up-
as to best plan to work on, -the pur-
chase of lars, cans, etc., along with
Ply the retail dealers with Brown
Label 11SALADA"
any other suggestions, or perhaps you,
at thexeduced. Price
Of 65 -cents -per pound. However, it
could -supply me with information ILZI
to where I might purchase a good book
will take 'some little time before all
on , the subj-ct. Thanking you in
have it in stock, in spite of every ex-
auticipatiot- Yours -truly,
ertion on thet -part of the company,
as they have. tens of thousands of
customers th iiiihout teannii from
ff was awfully pleased -to get your
letter. How on earth did you bear
of us in Vancoweer? We had no Idea
our column was so popular. And, be-
sides we like your question. H6re's
my suggestion: P Ind out from agents
in your city who is the purchasing
agent for the railway and steamship
lines coming Into Vancouver. From
him, get an, idea of the quantities of
Janis and jellies used In the dining
cars on trains and dialng-rooms, on
boats. A tiny Jir of Jaw In the din -
Ing car -costs the consumer 25 or 30
cents. 1i The Jars are used again and
again. det busy!
Dear Bloise W. and Beatrice F., you,
Will hear from aie soon..
Minaed's Unim,--it For Distemper.
Lr'T awarrian ease yoursureiing, Twana
you to write, and let ine tell you ti
mylimple rnethod of home treattoent.
send you ton dayg' free trio', poEt.
naid,awiptityottint-ich Ith
wown in Canada who w
eadlytellwhattayrn,thod 60
bw done for thei.
If you are trouble
'd hen
%ith weak, t1red 00,)na, b1"aud'-'
(eelittep, b ca d. der weaknest.
ache. b a c k. %:% cowth)atian,ca-
ache bear. 5�p tarrhal eon(111;1�ons,
0 'Paillitt tile 8ide.q, ga.
lariy oil i r r e 9 u I a r I Y,
blotting, sense If fallinaor
mistijacament of "Iten.41 er.
gam, rtervourmm, desh,2 to err,
palpitat-fort, hot flwqiies, dark riAga
tinder the eyes, or a lon of interest
in life, svelto to me tr'..y for free trial
fittl pit. M. Summers, Cox 8. Windsor, Ont.
—New Manitoba, north of latitude 63,
,last year produced front natural re -
sour es �
c V.500,000 jworth of commodl-
ties, including copper and gold ores,
fish, furs, timber and agricultural
Me Great 9figiish Preparation.
,oA Tonesaint invigorates the *bolt
Rlpervous- �Xsttfn,rnakes tew Blood
sit 9*
the Afl—de to 4-1, b- 444
A short string of real pearls, im-
Perfectly graduited, can be bought
perhaps for $1,000, but a string of the
same length In the finest pearls, per-
fectly graduated, will Cost from 150,-
000 UP, and In the longer strings the
Price. w -II run to $1,60,000 at least.
Artificial, pearls are very skillfully
made, -and they are not Ineiqmnsive,
the pricr� i being a Ywhere from $25 -to
$I$D00. �-this wllnl include the cost of
the clasp.
There are different ivays of making
the artificial pearl. They range from
the cheap little pearl that the children
wear, which used to be 50 to 10c a
string, to the finest made pearl, knGwil
as' "the Indestructible." 'The chil.
dren's Pearls are of blawn-glass, with
a pearl offset Irl a coating on the in-
side, and very fragil(�. *
Regular Commercial - pearls are
known as -the half filled, the full
filled and the Indestructible, Th e
first two are hollow beads, Into whJ441
IS InSertted the nacre or fish silver,
nilde from f1sh scales, a product com-
Ing chiefly from, Russlan sources. This
was unobtainable during the' war, but
is now again on the market. The In-
destructible Pearl lifts for a foutida-
tion usually a composition -of -opaque
glass or crushed mother of Pearl, on
the surface of which Is blown the fish
silver in various layers, from three to
twenty. the finer pearls having the
greatest number of coatings.
Franco makes the finest Indestme.
tible pearls. Excellent ones are -also
made In Germany, and Japan in re-
cent years has been producing in in-
ferior grade of -hollow, coated Pearls,
and during the last two years has
made some advance In the manufat.
tare of the Indestructible -pearl.
They say a bore corn interforet!
with his sped. Always apply -putilam's
Corn Extractor. 1.101, fifty years it has
been tt1(rIn&- corns And warts, I -rut.
uam's%' never falls. U6ce no other,
25c at all dealers,
Londone-4t Is a popular SuDmitt.
flon that grocers mix $and Wlth,their
ougar, but M. It. Wilson, public chem�'
Ist of Paddington, says that lie. nover
found a Single ease In 40 yeam' isearch
Until this year. This,year" he folmid
two cases of sand adulteration.
A Years standard for Daaycd and PgInful
Menstruation Bealed 911% facharo only*0 all
Druggiats Or direct by tail Price "..00.
Knickerbocker Rern,:tdy Co., qjj ];. Pront St..
I!oronto. Canada.
Pashion decrees that the nawest
hair -dressing styles must.show the
lobes of the ears. Beauty experts
advise Tonging the tip of the ear very
Ine(slewe. SoM in tLrec do.
V1.08 of Atrengfth-'N 1
q, 2. 63; No. 3. 65 kr ux.
Sold dw all
d,on, r,(Opt Lf Trjr,.-.
Dr.11pri Address.
Tononto, ON7. (Famtril widdror.)
Lond-an.-This may be the silent
city of the world It experiments by B.
D. Porritt of the Research Assixtia-
tion of BrItIsh, rubber -and tire manti-
facturers are sueeewful. , Porritt
D'ans rubber pavements for London.
A rubber paved street in Glasgow has
-stood much hard wear,
401d%JDRO S
Q%7 aw
Reports from 'the Arctic slope as to
the quantities or fish avallable In
those waters have been so vueourag-
ing -%Aat the Mackenzie Basin Fisher-
i0s Co. Is Installing a 4700,000 caa-
nory plant at Black I),Ay lake, Atha-
Latin-Murlimi for Red -
n sorouo* Granula.
oft a to or Eyelids,.
it ..0
% U at Golf
"ur cort a. our rosaut
a when ymi " 1,
lus Eye Iton="s himsorm