HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 7T4­j.;M,i, Dec. 2ud, am THE WINGRAN ADVANCE NORTHERN HOCKEY LEAQUE XXWWWW3[W%#WWWXX%&W ov, I XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX Officers Are 6111" Br Acel6mation SPECIAL GROCERY BARGAINS 1 0 R 1 Ids Secretary 13. L. M. Bamford of the ILWA A tA ox is 0 0 0 FOR Northern Hockey League issued the list Sale Ex txxv%dedmwBig eduAft i h SATURDAY, DEC, 4th zo lbs. Granulated Sugar for $ 1. 00, with one dollnr's worth of other sale goods. Ayltper Tomato Soup 2 for ...................................... Ise Wax Beans. 2 tins for I. 1 1. 1 ... I ........................ I ....... 25c Pudding Powders, 3 for ................ I .... .... ................ 250 Holbrogles Custard Powder, 3 for ................................ 2$c Malt Vinegar, bottled, reg, 25c, for ........... .............. Isc Pickle Butter, I for.... * ,, *, , _ _ *, * , _ _ * ................ ,c Mustard Cream 3 for ...... I ... I ..................... I ... I .... 25C Special Bulk Tea, reg. 70c, 3 lb for .............................. 1,50 Swallow Brand Salmon, reg 25c for .............................. Ise Kitchen Cream Baking Powder, (lb. tins) 2 for .................... 30c Lemons, per dozen, ............ * ..... 9c Oranges, per dozen .............................................. Grape Fruit, 3 for ................ ........... I ........... 1. 69c 25c Also a full up-to-date stock of Groceries and Confectionery at pop- ular prices. Mghest price (either cash or trade) paid for Butter and Eggs.. COPELAND'S, GROCERY Wihitechurch Be) morc Miss Merne Gilles of Lucknow, visited There will be no service in the Presby ,on Sunday at Mr, A. E. Purdon's. i terian church Sunday afternoon owing to Mrs. Bezmraft Sr,, returned last week the Lord's Supper being observed at Mc - after a four month's visit with friends In, Intosh church. the West. I I Miss. lsal�el Fox visited over Sunday, A quiet wedding was solemnizea on with Mrs. Al�x Mowbray of Dungannon, Wednesday, Nov. 24th at the Manse, Mrs. H.'D, Henderson is on the sick when Mrs Win. Aitken, Turnberry list at prosent.' Her many friends, hope boundary, was united in marriage to J0 ,Jh n for a speedy recovery. Darling of Carrick A reception being held in the evening at the home of Chas. Miss,Ltila: Conn spent Sunday at her Aitken only the immediate friends being home here. Present. Mr. Ken Paterson, Scott and Helen, visited Lucknow friends on Sunday Miss Mary Aitken retu�ned to Toronto on Tuesday to continue her work at Cot - Miss Flora Ross of Wingham, is visit- tage Hospital. ing at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hutchison and Mrs. George Fisher and little son, of Dorothy of Wingham, visited friends here Homewood, Manitoba, are visiting her on Sunday. mother, Mrs. Jae. Ballstgh. Mr. and Mrs. Andre Mr. George Edwards is doing black - w Wilson and son, ames of Zetland, spent Sunday with smithing in Mr. McNeil's old stand. A Mr. and Mrs Eli Jacques. On Thursday evening of last week, Mrs. J. D. Beecreft is visiting with her Mr. Jas. Nichol gave a party to his young sister. Mrs, Creighton ofMooretown. Mr. friends, a most enjoyable time was spent. Creighton has been laid up for some time On Friday afternoon. Foresters and with blood poison. other friends of Mr. McNeil had a most Miss Nettie Cottle is visiting at her s�ccessful wood bee in sawing up the bo,me here, winter's supply of wood. Pi ix J IRS of High Quality Jewelry to be Sale Starts Dune. 4', Ends Dec. 30 We need the �money and the goods must be sold. Now is you'iII chance to buy Y�mas Gifts that last, at slaughter prices, We have a wonderful stock to choose from. Pattcrson'A are always what be re- commends thern to be -30 years in business has piloved it. so up - to- date 13 o y s' Watches, 24 beautiful solid (�old Brooebes, regular price $5.00, each, to be sold set with real pearls, regular price at Patterson's B i g Jewelry Sale $io each, to be sold at Patterson's for .................... 83.5o each. sale at ................ $6,5o each. x2 solid Gorld Brooclies, regular too Ladies"Wrist Watche.q of the Price $5.00 each, going at Patter- newest design,,; to �be slaughtered .qon',q Sale for .......... $1,35 each, at Patterson's Jewelry Sale. A lavgc stoclK of Diamonds mounted in the newest �;tyles to be sold at Patterson's Big Jewelry Sale. Keep your eye on the windows and count- ers for goods ticketed at sale prices. vresh bargaiu,,, brought forward every dav in Dianionds, Watches' Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, 11,bouy, I'vory, Jewelry, Leather Goods' vlovelties, etc. No Goods Given Without the 5100t Cash W. G.,. Patterson Tlll� GRIjAT WATCR 1)0(�Toll AND OPTOMI,'TRIST W, %tOt'. T. 11. Watch 111,1,PC X1XZX XMXXX V� ;IV of nominations and what few amendments there are to be voted upon at the 20th annual meeting to be hold at Palmerston on Tuesday, December 7th at 2 P. in. President W, H. Rhodes of London, wae re-elected by acclamation ;iR was also Secretary Bamford, while J. Gordon Burt, former secretary was elected treasurer by acclamation, replacing Mr. Kerwood of Palmerston. The only election will be that for vice-president and executive committee, R. Horning and Stanley Burns both of Palmerston have been nominated for vice-presidency. Arthur L. Blackburn of the London Free Press, donor of the two trophies was elected honorary president, succeed- ing his brother, W. J. Blackburn who died early in the year. Among the amendments is a change to allow two substitutes instead of one and changing the number of men for travelling expenses to ten instead of eight. Amendment to regulations: Players however, residing in towns or villages from which no team is entered in the N. H. L. can play with the town near- est to them, The past president to become an active member of the executive. Players are to be numbered to correspond with the name on playing certificates. Rinks must in- stall round corners, where square corners have never been changed. The list of officers: Honorary president, A. S., Black- burn, London; past president, R.- A. Cur- rie, Wingham; president, W. H. Rhodes, London; vice-president, R. Horning, Pal- merston; 2nd vice-presidefit, S. Burns. Palmerston; secretary, B. L. M. Bam- ford, Listowel; trezlsurer, J. G. Burt, Listowel; executive committee, k�. A. Mair, Ripley; C. Washburn, Harris - ton; W. Lustig, Chesley; A. Ashley, Wiarton; Dr. H. B. Coleman, Palmers- ton; Dr. L. Robertson, Stratford. 1Z. zl_ PITC L=AV_J Buy from t h e stores t h a t invite your trade through the columns of '"THE ADVANCE". TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES B warrant issued under the haa�lvirtue of a Is of tho'Mayoii and Clork of the town of Winabani and haN, ng the 8epI of the said Cor- pora"on a t t a ci h c d thereto, bearing date the 91 h day of Augu6,,. A, D. 1920. Commanding me to levy upon the lari(18 enumeraled here. under for the arrear-; of taxeiq reipeotively due ther"0111 together with costs, notice Is, hereby given in accordance with the lLsHesAment Act, th, 'It' I shall proceed to .4ell by public auction the gaid lands or so much thereof a,; may be sufficient. for the payment of the taxes and 004t8 thereon, unles- I he �amo be sooner paid, Tile sale will commeDw at the Town Hall in the said Town of Winghain on Monday the 133th day of December A, D. 1920, at the hour ol two o'clock in the afternoon. Lot No. 5. Centro ` )traot, Taxes $135.S9, CoA, $16, Total,5150.89, Pat,phted. JouN F. a ROVE8. Treasurer of the Towwof Winah,;�n F irst C I a ss Farm, FOR SALE lot) acres, good buildings and fence,; close to market, school and ehurrh. All cleared and free of stumps. Price $7500,83500 may remain oil mortgage at 5 per cent. ABNER COSENS Insurance and Real Estate Wingliam, Ontario Voter's. Lists, 1921 The 1921 voters' lists will be twice W large as ill previous years as they wil contain the names of all women ovei twenty-one years of age, as they are noii entitled to vote at elections to the Legis. lative Assembly. Some years ago th( voters' list was made in three parts, bul in recent years there have been onl� parts one and two. Tile voters' list nom goes back to the old form of three parts. Part one contains the names of all persom entitled to vote at both municipal elec. tions and elections to the Legislative As. sembly; part two, of all peroons entitle6 to vote at municipal elections only; and part three, of persons entitled to vote at elections to Legislative Assembly only. The names of the women are not included in the 1020 lists because of the early datc upon which the a8us8ora do their work. At the time the law, which only came in. to force on July 20th, did not inake pro- vision for the Dlacing of the women's names upon the votero' lists for Leglisla- tivo franchise, and the towa2hip and town list-, therefore only contain the two parts at formcrly. As, the twwriobil) liGta do not contnin the women's natries for tizeir LefyLolative fraucWe provision will have to he made for the making tip of licts early next rDriog, CLOTHING FOR MEN I. - AND BOYS.. Our entire stock of Men's and Boy's high class suits, coats, odd pants and knickers. men's stock, meWs style and patterns, big reductions, 20% discount. 40 men's all wool suits in worsteds and tweeds best makes andstyles. Regular 55.00. to 40.00. Reduced to $43,95. Underwear, Standfield's, heavy all wool (Blue Label) shirts and drawers, reduced to ......... ............... $2.09. Heavy elastic ribbed wool underwear. Reg. 2.25 for $1.69. 10 doz, Heavy all wo,)l work socks. Reg. 80 to ........ 69c. 5 doz. F ine all wool black and heather socks. Reg. 75 for 59c. Overalls Extra quality black and blue stripes, Special $2 75. 107. Reduction, On Men's'Wear a Sweater Coats, Underwear, Shirts, Hose, Gloves, Mitts, Hats, Caps Ties, and everything that men wear, a special discount of 10 per. cent. GROCERIES, buy here, save money Red Rose and Lipton's Tea, - 7 lb. packages. Reg. 70 for 59c. Raisins, fine loose muscats, reg 35c for .................. 26c Brooms, extra quality, reg $1.25 for .................... 89c Salmon, Unicorn and Empress Brand, reg 45c for ........ 39c Pink Salmon, good quality, reg 26c for .................. 19c Pork and Beans, in Chili sauce 2 lb. tins, reg 25c for ..... 18c Oatmeal, Purity Brand. 4 lbs. for ...................... 25c Best Rice, 2 lbs for .................................... 25c Sugar............................................. $13.00 Light Yellow Sugar, 7 lbs. for ........................ $1.00 Dress Goods Dress Goods, Coating and Silks. All lines of dress, coatingo and silks at special reduction of .... ............... 15% Special all wool Forges, 54 inches wide. Regular 4.00 for......................................... $2.98 a yd. 500 yds. of beDt quality prints in light and dark pattr.rn, special...................................... 0C a yd, Cottons, extra heavy bleached and factory cotton. N.,st quality. full yd. wide, Reg. 50 for .............. 89C. 400 yds. flannelette in light and dark patterns full yard wide, splendid quality special .................... 35 yd. Curtains Nets, Voiles and Marquisettes. Reg. 1. 25 ) for 98c. Reg. 75 for 59c. Reg. 60 for ............. ........ 43c, Linen Huck towels Fancy borders fine quality. Reg. 2.00 for $1.31 k a pair. Wash Satins in purple, rey, brown and black 36. inches wide. Reg, 2.75iogr ................... $2 00 a yd. Black Taffetta, splendid quality for dresses. Reg. 3.25 for.............................................1 $2.69 Green Silk Poplin, 36 inches wide, a bargain at .. 81 - 39 a yd. Underskirts. navy, purple, paddy, rose, light blue and black and moire 3.25 at .......................... $2.69 Shoes and Rubbers Our full range of Ladies', Children's and Men's Shoes and Rubbers 10 per cent reduction. 107. Reduction Flettes shirtings, towellings, Cottons, linens, satins, cretons, hosiery, underwear, corsets and buttonnes etc. Rugs, linoleums and oil cloth wonderful assortment all lines 10% reduction. Sale Ends Saturday, December 4th. Buy Here and SaveMoney. Big Bargains in many other lines not listed. I AID M I L L S V4111-0 vim x2v V411 XXXXXX XXXX VEX XXXX ZXXX vix lvir% vix vix MI vix V411 XX VIMIMERN ZV% Xr% Small But Mighty East N�awnjaosh Council I The "St. Thomas Times Journal" in a I �, recent issue gives the story of an amusing Council met on Nov� 22nd with the and unprecedented occurrence which took members all present. Minutes (if last ago, Communiratioti from A. W. Robinson, E A C ', t! 5 place near Blenheim, Ontario a few days meeting were read and passed. REx ND A Pere Marqpette freight train, east- Blyth, asking the council for a donation ward bound, stAed for lack of water in in aid of the Memorial Hall in that the locomotive, within three hundred feet village, received and ordered filed. TRiundering Doama ot Alaska, that of the life saving tank. The crew of the A By -Law was read and passed appoint - train are reported to have tried every ing place of Nomination, places of far flung port of ahventure-ok Fighting known means of moving the sturbborn election, D. R. 0. and poll clerks. steed the few coveted feet to the precious The following accounts were paid. -R. FiStS and MghtY Men liquid, and were just giving up in desp,�ir Chamney, gravel $3,00; C. Carter, rep. and preparing to despatch an S. 0. S. culvert $x.5o; Tbos. Taylor, putting in' 9 NOR% call to this city, when down the road came rattling an energetic little gasoline culvert, Con. 6 alld 7 817.00; 331will tractor, the make of a widely known -1-aylor, furnishing lights and building Detroit man, who answers to the nick- temporary bridge, Con. 6 and 7 $17-00; T11L SILVER H HmuFt Alex. McGowan, township share on I name "Hank". award drab3 $34,54; R. Vint, payment on! The tractor caused the despairing engineer to foster a mighty inspiration. bridge contracts $250. 00; Chas. Campbell, j inspecting building of Taylor and Pother-, No man can better picture life in the frozen He was of the pragmatical Missourian I f type believe that in addition to being. gill bridge $r40.00. Is silences of the great north than shown there is no harm in trying anything Next meeting will be held according to t once. He communicated his big idea to I statute on Dec. i5th. ill REX B3EACIVII the other members of his crew, who were A. P0RT1-,Rl,'lH1,D, clerk. not averse to assisting in the experiment. Throu(�h the storv, packed with electric thrills The driver of the tractor was hailed i and asked if he would please draw the DIED dormant engine to water. The train I run,,; a golden thread of beautiful romance. crew expected a pointblank refusal from M, NTM)"I Fity--fri Turnberry, on 'rues-, the tractor owner. They waited for him day, Nov. 23rd. 1920, Susanna C., to tell them that they were asking a: Gallaher, beloved wife of the late Win. A Most unusim-A AH Star RU,K@1-11st physical impossiblity, And then came Montgomery. Aged 60 yearsi 8 months I the wonderful surprise and 17 days. The tractor driver looked at his little! MYRTIE STEDMAM-As Cherry Mallorte machine and then carefully sized up the locomotive. the most fan-ious of all Rex Bealch's char - "Sure! I'll pull y o u to the water T acters. tower", he replied after a moment's de- liberation. "Easiest thing in the world". nOBERT MCHIM of motion picture Nonchalantly the driver steered his "heavies" inakes a sinister and convincimf tractor up to the crossing and placed it between the tracks, then leisurely backed' U7 ;f' 11 Marsh 6xv ALI, up to the locomotive. A chain was procured and. the tractor Other members of the cast include Betty attached to the locomotive. The driver Blythe, R. D. McLean, IN1. B. Clylln and of the tractor quietly looked over the situation. arno. M Hector S. -All right! Get out of the way!" he ordered. The train crew complied and: lo! and behold! the little tractor proceed- ..... . . . . . THE SILVER HORM moq MR11 OFORR11- ed to pull the big locomotive to the water - tower and pulled it there, where it drank aj?y Rex Beneiiu Pactuze, noq an oydgn- to its heart's content, and then consented to proceed on its way, while the little ary SpeeflaU, 1buq A BRG SMASUHNG tractor did likewise. There's a motto in this story whether it V'If roxetea- be true or otherwise: "Never judge a! Mr. Jobli Muore of Flint, Mich" is, IREZ_1�1 B, E A C "' H S P E I A L fellows hitting power by his size," 'Or! Visiting ill towil and looking lip tho fe-%& 4� perhaps an old saying might be modified ten;aiving friciiew of old days. Sorlic to read thus: "You can lead a horse to fifty years "Igo Mr. 'Moore'wu� tine of the water, but it takes a F ord tractor to pull, leading busines�; nieu of Wrox�tm lie I i I rs. i av U er], ciy a P. M. engine". !did a flurWilug, bla,,ksmitb. liusiness ot the stand now occupied bv N. White awlson. lie %vas also a leadtr in December 2, 3 a n d, 40 Fordyce I sportand wag one of the bovs that made i John Turner w weavitmo a broad smilo, Wro"eter faillotis Oil the ba!,elmll flia- these days. A baby boy. John. niond in those tl,�ys. Ile still hulds the Mr. aud Mrs. Cliampion also Mr. und�clialnpiolu'illip of Callada for 14ili %a�jd avens, visited at Luchnow on'raec. THE L_Yt,[UM T 1-1 "L"AT R, E Sutiday last. Mr. John 'Mcli'arleU, Who t1t,ow, time Mr. Jolin Martin ilas been laid I'll With carried oil a foundry bw�,inu�(; hcre, Nit a ;~ back, but iq improving- nicely. who i�; now livilir near NNOW q1. No advaneo over ret, t.ilav p;iees, �)uite,4 large. numbor spont an enjoyable I, .1 in to.,vu visitill,, old f1i(Illdq AdnR&,�; 12,13 ChUdnen 13 cents. it Mr. Tboma,; lzobhlsoo�, 01), I'Golvs -0. if tho nottli agrcvd uith him. Mr. jvq. M'llv, oup 'of the 161NI ltoy:;, Usuai "Ind Feidn, eddin,4 bells are 1-inging iti t1li" lecal- who trailled lieve, but i�; uom livi,�Ig i'll ity. Vielligan, ULIq in to%% 11 la�A �% Col., loo The famiel­, in t1fis, loeality havo allout 7 1�in� � F'ir.qi (4miv QSJ�za,,(Ly st.'Irdng a'c 7-80. 02o,":oml 3'd fitlishcd talting out VOON and bave 1�vmml- Ji `0 loolo� wo if T'uc�e 00 the plough agaid, 6am's climu'a, �Itmlvtl %Ml him.