The Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 6s POWA OLDCOUNTRYNEWS alth. FOOLISH The riots which followed the arrival or two German By C ships for colie at hamagate have Cost the t0NVn over,1:1,- Von Clere was busy making Rtissian the Frankle flushed again. She wanted Councillor John Henry Johnston, leader of the Bootle Labor Pafty, is to I- L For the beneytt of many our be the first Labor Mayor of the bor- readers, we are continuin, the story whicA encted vit) ough. Chapter XVX. in our issue 0 Previously Dishop ot Ossory, the October 21st� Right Rev. John Fitzgerald Allan room he bent forward quite deliber- Gregg, D.D., has been euthroued,Arca- CHAPTER XVIIL bishop of Dublin, London County Council traraway rc� Count Lcons Decision 0IT110 cheap platitude which as Ceipts increased to zel.09,668 In the old castle at Newcastle�on-Tyne weie that love comes only once in a h being's life Is proved, as generally 1,200 copper coins. type of cheap remark has to be Lon(lows net debt on March 31, 191S. ed, by some. single outstaltdiug e says the latest L.C,O. financial report, tion -some 6athless love which 'Was 9106,311,247�, and the introst pay- Ivives ignominy, anguish, or dea able ;e6,491,300, Still lives supreme. From seeds brought from Palestine, "Afany-women would loudly .Air. A, E. Thixton, of Swavesey, claim that their love for their Cambs, has grown gourds in his gar- bands was of the deathless var den, the largest weighing 20 lb. but since that love is often mer Unab.e to pull into his boat a giant question of frictional companion skate lie iiad caught, a Fortessie after the first roses and rapture (Bauffshlre) fisherman secured it to ever, their assertion IS hardly o the craft and towed it to the beach, count. where it was found to. weigh ever 3 "In history s6me fanious and cWt. happy lovers stand out as an illu Mrs. Gray, of Basingstoke, who has ating radlance to light the path of Just cedebrated her 101st birthday, has and show by that railiance the pi a wonderful memory, and still discuss- and the thorns upon the way." es plays site saw at the Adelphi and Francesca, curled up In a big c Haymarket Theatres in London eighty her feet tucked beneath her, hot years ago. bows planted on the arm of the c John Nolan, who in 1900 was sent- and her face bent over the book, enced. to penal servitude for life ' for the last sentence aloud, It wa taking part !it an attempt to blow UP French book, and, though she a look at the Welland Canal, has thought in French, she unconsclo died at his house in Dublin. He was was translating the quotation to released after serving 16 years of his self. sentence. She frowned until her thin, pe Burglars who broke into a house at ed eyebrows met, in a straight Surbiton forced open a side door, help- above her eyes. ed themselves to whiskey and biscuits, "I suppose," she said aloud, and, getting through a window into means that the only sort of love w the office of the Survey War Pensioup lasts is the kind that will endure Committee, forced a padlock chest and thing, give up anything and all t took 935. 1 suppose that's it." It is stated that the Department She stared before her, still third Committee recommend the rernovaLof her face propped on her hands. Billingsgate Fish Market to some The stove glowed redly behind Point between Holborn and Easton- screen; the room was very still road. Among the suggested sites is faint ucent came from the pots of e that of the Foundling Hospital, Guil- White lilac, ford -street, Rusaell-square, NY.C. Francesca rose; she looked no A conference at Manchester de(fled ger, but infinitely better someho to estabLish a National Building Guild, She was still very tender, but Mr. S, G. Robson, the secretary for slenderness was no longer pain the movement, pointing out that c6n- see, and her face was delicately wl tracts for 9666,000 and tenders for with that whiteness which comes zS3,000,000 offered , by the various a beautiful skin and perfect he guilds had been accepted. She went to the piano, and, striki The second Earl of Dartrey, of Dar- note, held it with her voice. troy, County Monaghan, formerly of It was high F, and,the sound In the Coldstream Guards, M.P., for room was exactly as though a Monaghan, and a former III Sheriff 911 clear silver bell had chimed once of the country, who died on June 14, .10h well," she said, leaving I aged 78, left personal estate in the Un- P, ano, "to -morrow -will see," ited Kingdom valued at 261,G27 9s. She sat down on the big fur lld.� (the duty is assessed at the rate and took up the black cat 'in her ar of 22 per cent., whIch would indicate "To -morrow off we go, Balzac," that the total value of the property Is said, rubbing her face against his between E300,000 and 2350,000). smooth head; "off we go to glory The only office fix England entirely so we hope. Carmen, mon aml; n run by disabled ex -Service men is the Ing less if You please for your Employment Exchange in Catherine- Frankie. Carmen, and with lots street, Aldwych, London. Of the 15 devil in it, too. persons employed all are disabled, but "Heaven send I don't get an att their efficiency is perfect. or the Jim -jams, Balzac; Carmen By the end of the year the London tacked by fear would be a pr underground railways, it Is estimated, sight! But I won't be; I mean to will have carried in twelve months I,- a success. I won't be beaten." 406,000,000 passengers, "equal to the She hugged Balzae till he breat population of the earth," as an of- quite stertorously. ficial said. DuTing the first half of "Oh, Balzac," she said, springing the present year the number of pas- and letting him bump jerkily onto sengers carried was 601,000,000. The rug, "I want to live -I do so Waal upward tendency in fares has been live, and the gates of life are be responsible for an increase of 57 per ning to open! After to -morrow, cent. in the number of season ticket soon as I know if I'm a success, t holders thingp will begin to happen. C Four runner ducks, belonging to Mr. sima (a name invented for Mine. So G, W. -Powell, of West Wycombe, bert Rain) during the last month Bucks, have laid 1,118 eggs in a, year. been a diva fifteen years now, Speaking at West Kirby (Cheshire), she's lived! Mon Dieu, I should th Mr. G. Stewart, M. P., described the so! " minimum wage as "the loafer's para- The door opened and Mine. K dise." came in, resplendent in an immacul Dr. William Murray, for 45 years a suit of sables. She wore a small bl physician at Newcastle, where -he velvet hat with a huge white osp founded the Y. M. C. A.; has diea at In it, Behind her,-Iike,a train of c Carlisle, aged 81. ' Iters, three men followed. Prosecuted at Barnsley, �Yorks for Frankle,linew them all: little Clere from the embassy, M, de Sour non-payment of 946 income t�x, a miner was stated to have earned ze442 the'amateur pianist, and Raoul Valo in tire quarter ended January 1. the musical critic on the Figaro. "All alone, Bebe?" Mine. Kaln a operatives' delegates on the Build- ed. "Dreaming of to -morrow?" ing Resettlement Committee have "Wanting It to come?" Valous agreed to a scale of payment by which ed, his blue eyes very wide open, time lost through wet weather will be face alert, alive. paid for at half rates up to 22 hours Frankle nodded, "Yes, longing." a week, and tit three-quarter rates "The English are a brave rac at)ove 22 hours, and employers re- Von Clere said. "And a new Carm presentatives are understood to be Think of beginning to create such reacly to agree to its application to housing schemes. General Sir William Dirdwood has A' Woman Lik left London for India, where lie Is to take over the Northern Command. A 12th century window has been No Matter HoU aiscovered during the restoration of the Cecil Chapel at Wimbledon Parish Church. High prices were paid for pure-bred Scottish shorthorns at Penrith, when John Thornborrows and Co. sold 43 head for 914,243. uharies Coic, a prominent member of the Renton Glen Albion football team, was killed while attempting to board a moving train at Renton Sta- non. Vor many years superintendent and sceretary or the London Diocesan Home Mission, the Rev. C. D. Russell has died at Aden while on his way to Australia. rhe of the Standing CoullitIttee on the Investigation of prices finds no evidence of profiteer- ing, or of trusts, rings, or price -con- trolling Combines, in the furniture trade. Of 12 applicants for the post of elerk to the Merionethshire County Council and clerk of the peace, Mr. Hugh John Oweri, from the staff of the London atid her beauty them is the County Council, was appointed at a salary of ZI,M a year. good-looking Woman -who is High Wycombe Town Council has fidgety and nervotm Readad r"tllvpd a �C,55.000 bequest under the will of the late Sir John Thomas, of troubles of that sort are a Woo -burn, Ducks, together with a cdl- Admire Sickness. lettion of Pictures, Prints, and statu- Ary to form the nucleus of ft MUsculn It III; within the reach of And art gallery for the borough. Wrong if she will take Doctor Progress Is being made by the post off!�e telephone department towards the safwt woman's toWe becal the provision of 1,000,000 new tele- herbd, Without alcohol. (Ingred phones for London. Negotlations have been completed through Mtnsrs. Lurie, And Its 2ge te"es to its UVod Saville & Co., of Davies istreet, W., for Wohitri Well for balf a eentm-y bitIlding for nn exchange In South �Veiry VMt of Canada tw* to Andley er"t, W. It will help to re- lieve the preent strain an '14ayfftlr," I P-,ezd t4n owto to Doew and its name will probably his "Perk- (lev, Ow a " pfickso -WW amlodin C I +* 4? 4 4 +4_+ -"+***1 *+*++-++++ FRANCESCA live Wadsley if role, and to attempt it at the oliening of a career," "Ach, doubter," Mme, Xgla $aid lauglingly. "Regard the child; look well! Is. she not Carmen, I ask it? That smallness, these big, dark eyem, 0� T - that queer hair? Wait, my friend, till you hear her sing the 'Chanson Bo- serts heme'; then You can voice your oplu� unan lon, and not' till then—" that "I saw Leon Savinge in the Capu- prov- clues to-da�y," Valous cut in. xeep- Alme. Kain glanced for a second at isur. Prankie and saw the scarlet color and flame up her face, "So? and why is he back?" pro- "He said for the premiere to -morrow hus- night." lety; "He's a wonderful creature, your ely a friend Savinge," Von Clere said; "like ship, a half -tamed panther, or one of his s are own native bears perhaps, But fas- ne to cinating, I hear. They say the Prin- cess Lavonska would have given any- j. un- thing to marry him." min- "Leon's not the marrying sort," Va- IOVO lous chuckled; "not much men ami. owe trails He's wedded, too, already io his aero. plane and his wander yacht and his hair, shooting lodge." 0C h el - hair, "The woman who marries him will read have a lover in a thousand," Mine. 0 a Rain said with startling suddenness. often "And no soul to call her own," Va- Usly lous amended as he turned around. her- "Have you ever seen Leon, Mile. Frankie?" nell- Frankie could have laughed at the line notion! FrTLE Been Leon, indeed! She had greater Had a ,,it knowledge -of him than that! His last bich frantic Interview with her four -o-4-1, any- ago wasn't the sort of affl-r to be for - hat; gotten easily! And he knew he ought to go to the dentist; "I have �met Count Savinge," she ing, said icily. But hcw could he ever dare, "Ali, so you do know Leon, Mlle. its Frankie," De Sourne broke in, in his A cool voice. "What do you think of Tell he'd nibbled at the ware arly him?" He watched her closely. He was Of the candy man to whom he was apprenticed. big- Leon's friend, and he had heard of W. Frankle. Find the dentist and the candy mitri. Upper right corner down. in snwk the "I think he Is like the bear of M. riltht side down. on trousers. I to Valous's description," Frankle said. its 11� I Tommy Grace pain in the face, �rOnl e s a bear who might be taught to dance to certain music," De S6urne D6 Sourne and Valous were at the alth. drawled on. "Perhaps Carmen would door; holding It open. ng a enchain him!" Von Clere was busy making Rtissian the Frankle flushed again. She wanted tea; only Mine. Rain saw Frankle's to forget Savings, for he had huralli. deliberate cut direct "d Savinge's ver"' ated and enraged her each of the two twisted smile. When 13hd had'Ieft the the times they had met. room he bent forward quite deliber- "So he is coming to hear the real ately and laid his hand on Mine. .Carmen to -morrow?" Mme. Rain ask. Kaill's. rug ed. She broke In deliberately. She, "I -shall either marry that girl with - ms. too, had heard of Leon from F rankle In a month or go out to the Balkans," she I and she did not wisfi for any outside he said. "I have a chance offered me Oft, linterference In that affair. Her own there." or mind was made up on the subject, and oth- she did not mean to have Frankie's (To be qontinued) pal tranquility disturbed that evening. St. —Cuticura, Soup chaves,444laoat cjuc, Of! "All the world Is coming to the opera THE BEST MEDICINE house to -morrow night," De Sourne in the care og a ijauy cuusej� to ack at- answered; "and Leon is, even though he is a bear, rather a lion in his world FOR LITTLE oretical and Practical) to young women who NvI.9h. to enter the nursing profes- ONES ettY as well, after all." )o much or too little food Will quired. This course admits yotuig women cause a baby to be wakeful and rest- WE,,— to one of the many positions denianif- in� tlie trained nurse of to -clay. For be 41He's a whole menagerie of unpleaq- r - ut tb particulars write, The SuDer- antness," Frankle flashed uncontrol- hed Thousands of mothers state pos'l- �im and yourself for years of sleep- ably. Then she turned stiffly from the tively that Baby's Own Tablets are up tea table, and, addressing Valous over the best medicine they know of for the her shoulder. asked him to come to little ones. Their experience ha 1- 1 '%:TTTXTNG YAnNS—LOVIrLY coroRs, IQ the piano and listen to a certain note taught them that the Tablets alwa rs, -to in her voice. He followed her and do just what is'claimed for them anyd as they stood together, ignoring the others, at the piano. that they can be given with perfect hen ROWS Q)002S safety to children of all ages. Con - rlii- The door openeo� and Savinge came cerning them Mrs. Joseph Therrien, hu- in with his swft, hthe tread. He bent St. Gabriel de Brandon, Que., writes: has over Mine. Rain's hand and kissed it, "Baby's Own Tablets are the best and greeted de Sourne and Von Clore, and medicine I know Of for little ones. I Ink flung himself into a chair. thought I would -lose my baby before HIS face, despite his extreme good trying the Tablets but they soon aln looks, appeared tired and worn; his made him healthy and happy and now ate eyes had the hard, rather shiiiing ap- I would not be without them." The ack pearance that comes from sleepless Tablets are sold by medicine dealers rey nights. He intist have seen Francesca or by mail at 25 cents a box from The .va. as he came in, but pretended he did Dr. Wililain's' Uedicine Co., Brockville, not. Oat Von He twisted half round in his chale ne, I and surveyed her leisurely with his us, Ilanguld. almost insolent, stare. He did not rise to greet her even sk- when she turned and, with an obvious Start, noticed his appearance for the Lsk- first time. his Neither of them -spoke; each looked hard at one another. It was Francesca who turned away and, with some tri - e! " vial remark, -walked down the room en! I to the door. She was obliged to pass a I near Leon's sofa. T a Be Admired, Old She May B6 Nature undoubtedly, made woman to be ad- mired, and man to ad. mire her. No woman ever gets so old that she doesn?t want admira- tion, and no man ever gets beyond admiring her. Good loolcs in woman do.not depend upon age, but upon health. A, woman's he,alth depends more upon the distinctly fem- inine organism than upon anything else. Be- tween that organism losest connection. You never see a, ak, run-down, irritable, out of sorto, backaches, dragging -down and dwtroyers of beauty. Men do not every woman to be well, healthy and Pierce's Favorite Prescription., it is it is made entirely of roots and ients on label.) It is My years old, kew. A medicine that has made sick IN amAY good to take. Women from Its merits. WW'S XUV44� HOW in BUffAL16, X. Y., medical xdviea. DUCK CALLING NEEDS $KILL Whether You shoot ducks over the decoys or the pass, jumping or wading, the call is very essential. Yet of the great number of men who shoot few are able to call well or with judgment. It Is not necessary to cultivate many different calls. Two or three are enough. For the Inland water fowl, mallard widgeon, teal, grayduck, spoon -bill, wood duck-, black duck, and all non. diving ducks, the mallard and teal call is sufficient. In fact, the -inallard call alone is usually enough for all non -diving ducks. For diving or deep -water ducks, the blue -bill call will answer, although It One also has at command'the purring. call of the red head, It will greatly help In the day's sport. In shooting over ordinary waters where sport is to be had at red heads and the others respond readily to the blue -bill or broad -bill call, Sound travels a long way In a still marsh. When the call Is loud the mal. lard, black duck and widgeon detect easily the fraud in calls; therefore, moderate your voice In a marsh. or. tentimes these wary birdsi after com- Ing into a marsh in regbonse to your Call, will settle among your decoys; or they may alight outside of gun range and Study the decoys to satisfy them. selves of their being all right, If not disturbed they will then slowly move towards the decoys, feeding and chuck. ling as they swim. M Inard's Lintment For Garget In Cows. DETECTION By HEAT RADIATION During the War an att6mpt was made to detect men moving In No man's Land by recording the licat radiated from their bodies, The re. ociver for this purpose was a thermo. PIIO at the focus of a 14 -Inch pftrabo lic mirror, and connected to a IYAr: sotival balvanometer. It was found that with this sensitive apparatus the 'Presence of a man could be dete6ted $it a distance of 400 feet, and the de. vice appears to have proved very use. ful for detecting hostile raiding par- ties creeping towards the trenches by night. It is also suggested that the method might be made the basis of A, XbOrt-I'Allge form of secret xignalitg. MInard's I.Iniment For Diphthatim. THE CARE AND FEEDING 011"r CHILDREN By EUnor Murray Registered according to CoPyright Act SLEEPLESSNESS The nurse who Is in charge has 4 in her power to make life easy or ml: erable for both mother and baby. Frox the first the baby shoul dbe taught t sleep in his own basket without roe] Ing, walking 6r patting. He Shoal be left alone sleeping In a quiet roor except at his regular meal times, whe he Is wakened and kept,awake Ion enough to finish his meal, then he 1 changed and made comfortable an put back again in his bed. There are several causes. of sleel lessness. One Is bad training, as have already hinted. The baby is WE turbed for the benefit of every visito or for the return of any member o the family. When he opens his mout] to cry for the purpose of exercising hi hings somebody rushes to him aw takes him up and walks around wit] him, showing him "pretty thing*" o else sits down and rocks him until hi feels seasick. The consequence is hi becomes excited, the blood rushes t4 his head, and it is impossible Sor, hin t6 sleep again for some time. 'Bable who i0re to sleep well and be,freefron nerwittiress must be handled as littl as possible; but what handling Is don 1 , 11 . +ell 4 h Q WO r I d Dabys Ow. n *5 0 ap rMe fragrant creamy latlier of "Baby's Own Soap" and ita absOlota purity have won a great popularity. It's benjor Baby and beitfot You. ALBERT SOAPS 1.1111TED, r4anotacture", R.7.20 MONTPEAL. �.. . am� Wheii you thin ne 0�sl THEWALKER rn-10 -� " 1w, k, C—.d. d -r "I, d T..A., 0, W4466 XLR Muss It is & Persml Sovice t6t Maw I A—w- �hy - wALxtilt Nousimm ito� arrkiw k M *-ftht -(*%-o T—M. *h- buy 0� L e t t t e V 11 i - mon e eats the more he cries, Proper regulation of this baby's food will make him sleep well. Older children are wakeful often be- cause of too much supper, Improperly masticated and digested. , 6,000 OUT OF WORK Not men, but corns that -were put out of business last week by Putnam's. It Is safe, painless and sure. Use OnlY Putnam's, 25c -at all dealers. GrETTING COAL FROM CHINA Indications that China will soon be� gin to realize some of the benefits of its large deposits of coal are contained in the statement that the Danish State Railways have just ordered 10,001 tons of coal from that country. Only a short time ago a�nnoancemerit was made of the forthcoming delivery of 100,000 tons of Chinese coal to Mar. seilles. China's coal deposits are known to be very great, and with prac- tically all of Europe In need of sup- plies It would not be surprising if a considerable trade was developed with - In the next few years. One of the greatest needs of the industralized countries of the world to -day Is an ' Yeirs standard for Delwed and Painful adequate Supply of fuel, and 'while Idenstruntion sealed Tin rckdwe onw. all 'a England and the United Statep. inay Druggists or direct 1,y &I Knickerbo,ekor Rem4dy ca., 711 Prl'a $2'00, be able to meet this demand for a roronto. Cana". E. Front St" short time to come It Is only a ques- tion of time before China's resoULtXz will be called upon. -1 as U UP an CXLensive in. dustry 'Of making artificial ivory, tor. toise 18hell and celluloid from casein extracted from milk. � ft - - at ng to the behavior of structural steel at the high tefterature of ordinary fires have been given by the United States Bureau of Standards. Naturally the strength of steel at high temperatures has a very Importafit bearing ubon the stability of a structure which may be ;30, cour subjected to fire. Without any pro- DROPS 374n tective covering, steel columns fall STS"COUGHS after only ten or fifteen minutes of exposure to temperatures such as are reached in ordinary fires. Resistence Invented by a Virginian, a now hand can be greatly increased by the use of Plow can be turned over and the han. coverings of brick, concrete plaster, dles fitted With a body to make it tile, etc., to such all extent that col. serve as a, wheelbarrow. umns so protected are unaffected after --------- several hours' exposure to intense heat. c6kls tattoll Root Compoun4t Tests have been made to determine A a c, rdiable requineing the compression strength of specimens 9nj!dJc%ne, Of structural stebl when heated in an Sold in thrto di; Wooe" of strength—No. 1, si-, electric furnace to temperatures cor- . 2. 33; No. 3, $5 ptr box. responding to dull -red heat (1,000 deg. Sold by all drugitigta. or sert prepaid on recupt of.rrioe. P.) and loaded up to 2,0,000 pounds per I'M Jarnphlet. Ad(ress. uquare inch, It Was found that struc. TIRE COOK MEDIcIlit Co, tural steel loaded to 10,000 Pounds TORONTO, CRT. (Forpmr.ty M.11tAr,) per square Inch falls at About 1,075 1 leg. F., and under a load, of 20,000 Tests by Government scientists have popnds per square Inch failure occurs shown that the length of a day rather ,F - I mi, it about 925 deg. V. For practical than the temperature affects the ,onsiderations, however, the limit of growth of plant life, WIRY may be regarded as reached at �emperatures of about 130 deg. F. be. rjw those given above. MOWS PH0SPH0D1NLF_" The Gf9at English Preparation. A LIVE SPONGE 10 Tories and invigorates the whole 1. nervous Vitim, tn2kes new Htood As usually seen, tile Prepared bath- I in old Vein*. Used for Nervous iponge resembles nothing so much as MIXIbility, Ment4l and ftraing'arry, L number of holes of varyin De Mel. Loss of Enerp Paipilatiolz Ol 4 g depth jhZXartt ailing Atemory. iiee $2 ptr box 3 Lad diameter linked together by a fl- for $5. Sold by all droggists, or mailed in pllfa wous framework. Iff1he living state, pkg.onreceiptof price, Newpamphi$IM4il9d upported upon tills framework, the firet-IME WO00 MEt4cINE d0..y0It0NT0.0NT. ibres of which arc, strengthened with nore or less flinty or May particles, a gelatinous matter consist Lord Inchcape,s fund for King Ing of ("reorge's Sanatorium, assovf�ted with .ri immense number of simplo animal the Seameas 110,4pital Society, now 0N, --the really living portion of the amount,,; to C74,404. clony, Wlicri 11fted from the Water Ills substance, of the consistency of be ";Illte Of 1111 egg, Pulls freely from lie ��,Ponge; the simPlY-constructed or. Ntaht and m6mleg. anisms, each being capable of Inde- us** Man' fte**4 endreat existence and movement, glid. �_. F-1 EYes. It they Ti re ltd4 ,ig easily through tile water by exto n, Smart or Burn, if Sore, rnitated, Inflam or [on and contrPetion Of its very plant 0 Granulat4u&e urine hold the I . I ubstance. The Bahamas le oftonNiffl So Relreshts. Safe for Infant Ord for the largest �spongo ever taken. or Adult At all Drt* 101 _ gistsand rFr"R"13014 ftkr#A,2tIdA" 'lits giant sponge, when alive, Weigh. Writ* Cs, akw d 111110tY Pounds, and twelve Pounds, 'lien dried an(l clearied Of extrsneous latter. Wreekod Off tho Orkne 1. A CURIOUS VESSEL A curious type of tanker was launched at Aransas Pass, Texas, !a* August, The Durham Is 298 feet long, 33 feet 9 lnehqsbeam and 21 feet 10 inches deep, and carries 14,000 barrels of all. The hull 13 of rdriforced con- crete, cylindrical In shape, and built in 30 -foot sections. Each section con- sists of two interlocking sylinders� with (.onliecting plates forming the keel and deck, and was cast in vertt- cal position by using sliding forms. Dow and stern are of the ordinarj ship form. Minard's. Liniment For Colds, Eto. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND FPRES Some interestin 44 - ;P j- ; MInArd's Linolment For Ditler"Piw" of Ys, t e crew Ven Lamur, with tho loxcePtlon of two were r0iscue4 by the, lro,okot almaratus. I - ISSUE NO. 48. 1920, HELP WANTED—FEMALE Dbdt SUffef Willi EeZeMa LUTICIffa soothes it ORCO LADII)s WANT;QD TO DO PLAIN Olt lJglit sewing at home, whole or Firet bathe the affected part With s it e time; good pay; work wnt any 41p ance; charges paid. Send stamp for Cuticura Soap and hot Nvater. Dry Particulars. National Mfg. Co., Mon - trea 1. and gently rub On Cuticura Oint. Mont. This treatment not onl rootlics, but in mmt casba heas r(USCELLANEOUS distressing eCzerrlas, rashes, irrita- tions, etc. IMMORTALITY CERTAIN—SWEV.w Sc&V2Sc,OIn ent=awgoc. Sold enborg's great work on "Heaven and throughoutthoDonninic,.1, Cz�.�avlianl)cpot- Hell," and it real world beyond. Over St. —Cuticura, Soup chaves,444laoat cjuc, 400 pages, only 25c prepaid. H. Law, 486 Euclid Ave., Toronto 46-51 in the care og a ijauy cuusej� to b A B Coomr liospital of Camden, NZ. of - be wakeful. Do everything for him fers a three (3) years training (The- on schedule time and he will become oretical and Practical) to young women who NvI.9h. to enter the nursing profes- as metho4ical as you could WWI. Mon. A high school eflizeatIon Is re - )o much or too little food Will quired. This course admits yotuig women cause a baby to be wakeful and rest- WE,,— to one of the many positions denianif- in� tlie trained nurse of to -clay. For Feeding a baby during the night Is r - ut tb particulars write, The SuDer- Perhaps the best Way to prepare intevident of Nurses, Cooper TTosplial, �im and yourself for years of sleep- Carr -don, N.J. lessness. Nothing could be ivorse for mother and baby than frequent night IT IS ALWAYS SAFE TO SEND A nursing, It ruins the baby's digestion DGminion Express Money Order. and the mother's health, Five dollars costs three cEnts. If a baby seems really unable to 1- 1 '%:TTTXTNG YAnNS—LOVIrLY coroRs, IQ sleep through hunger, the mother should not make tlib mistake of in- pul'o 'wool, but very modara(e price Samolo shades free. Goorvotown Wo3l. creasing the number of feedings, but 11'n Ifills, Georgetown. O-tario. Should have her milk examined. akill, may be Plentiful, but too poor in qual. rQ="n3"=W1 ity to give Proper nourishment. The ROWS Q)002S bottle fed baby is not likely to wake 'with. hunger, His SIZU', to ruk your trouble may be over- openings. Rued feeding. The food Is given too often, withalaso. Safe do. or is too Strong, or is too much; gas lively auar�tecd. forms In the stomach and intestines and makes the child very.uncomfort- )Aite foz Prico Unt J Cu.! down.fuel able. If the mother thirilm lid Is Min- -t— bills I W 1,_*.1 T gry and feeds him, It only adds fuel to the flames. The more he cries, tile comiort* The HALLIDAY COMPZN�V, Limited more he is fed and tb 11 HAMILTON FACTOfl VISTRIOUTOWS CAMADAI i - mon e eats the more he cries, Proper regulation of this baby's food will make him sleep well. Older children are wakeful often be- cause of too much supper, Improperly masticated and digested. , 6,000 OUT OF WORK Not men, but corns that -were put out of business last week by Putnam's. It Is safe, painless and sure. Use OnlY Putnam's, 25c -at all dealers. GrETTING COAL FROM CHINA Indications that China will soon be� gin to realize some of the benefits of its large deposits of coal are contained in the statement that the Danish State Railways have just ordered 10,001 tons of coal from that country. Only a short time ago a�nnoancemerit was made of the forthcoming delivery of 100,000 tons of Chinese coal to Mar. seilles. China's coal deposits are known to be very great, and with prac- tically all of Europe In need of sup- plies It would not be surprising if a considerable trade was developed with - In the next few years. One of the greatest needs of the industralized countries of the world to -day Is an ' Yeirs standard for Delwed and Painful adequate Supply of fuel, and 'while Idenstruntion sealed Tin rckdwe onw. all 'a England and the United Statep. inay Druggists or direct 1,y &I Knickerbo,ekor Rem4dy ca., 711 Prl'a $2'00, be able to meet this demand for a roronto. Cana". E. Front St" short time to come It Is only a ques- tion of time before China's resoULtXz will be called upon. -1 as U UP an CXLensive in. dustry 'Of making artificial ivory, tor. toise 18hell and celluloid from casein extracted from milk. � ft - - at ng to the behavior of structural steel at the high tefterature of ordinary fires have been given by the United States Bureau of Standards. Naturally the strength of steel at high temperatures has a very Importafit bearing ubon the stability of a structure which may be ;30, cour subjected to fire. Without any pro- DROPS 374n tective covering, steel columns fall STS"COUGHS after only ten or fifteen minutes of exposure to temperatures such as are reached in ordinary fires. Resistence Invented by a Virginian, a now hand can be greatly increased by the use of Plow can be turned over and the han. coverings of brick, concrete plaster, dles fitted With a body to make it tile, etc., to such all extent that col. serve as a, wheelbarrow. umns so protected are unaffected after --------- several hours' exposure to intense heat. c6kls tattoll Root Compoun4t Tests have been made to determine A a c, rdiable requineing the compression strength of specimens 9nj!dJc%ne, Of structural stebl when heated in an Sold in thrto di; Wooe" of strength—No. 1, si-, electric furnace to temperatures cor- . 2. 33; No. 3, $5 ptr box. responding to dull -red heat (1,000 deg. Sold by all drugitigta. or sert prepaid on recupt of.rrioe. P.) and loaded up to 2,0,000 pounds per I'M Jarnphlet. Ad(ress. uquare inch, It Was found that struc. TIRE COOK MEDIcIlit Co, tural steel loaded to 10,000 Pounds TORONTO, CRT. (Forpmr.ty M.11tAr,) per square Inch falls at About 1,075 1 leg. F., and under a load, of 20,000 Tests by Government scientists have popnds per square Inch failure occurs shown that the length of a day rather ,F - I mi, it about 925 deg. V. For practical than the temperature affects the ,onsiderations, however, the limit of growth of plant life, WIRY may be regarded as reached at �emperatures of about 130 deg. F. be. rjw those given above. MOWS PH0SPH0D1NLF_" The Gf9at English Preparation. A LIVE SPONGE 10 Tories and invigorates the whole 1. nervous Vitim, tn2kes new Htood As usually seen, tile Prepared bath- I in old Vein*. Used for Nervous iponge resembles nothing so much as MIXIbility, Ment4l and ftraing'arry, L number of holes of varyin De Mel. Loss of Enerp Paipilatiolz Ol 4 g depth jhZXartt ailing Atemory. iiee $2 ptr box 3 Lad diameter linked together by a fl- for $5. Sold by all droggists, or mailed in pllfa wous framework. Iff1he living state, pkg.onreceiptof price, Newpamphi$IM4il9d upported upon tills framework, the firet-IME WO00 MEt4cINE d0..y0It0NT0.0NT. ibres of which arc, strengthened with nore or less flinty or May particles, a gelatinous matter consist Lord Inchcape,s fund for King Ing of ("reorge's Sanatorium, assovf�ted with .ri immense number of simplo animal the Seameas 110,4pital Society, now 0N, --the really living portion of the amount,,; to C74,404. clony, Wlicri 11fted from the Water Ills substance, of the consistency of be ";Illte Of 1111 egg, Pulls freely from lie ��,Ponge; the simPlY-constructed or. Ntaht and m6mleg. anisms, each being capable of Inde- us** Man' fte**4 endreat existence and movement, glid. �_. F-1 EYes. It they Ti re ltd4 ,ig easily through tile water by exto n, Smart or Burn, if Sore, rnitated, Inflam or [on and contrPetion Of its very plant 0 Granulat4u&e urine hold the I . I ubstance. The Bahamas le oftonNiffl So Relreshts. Safe for Infant Ord for the largest �spongo ever taken. or Adult At all Drt* 101 _ gistsand rFr"R"13014 ftkr#A,2tIdA" 'lits giant sponge, when alive, Weigh. Writ* Cs, akw d 111110tY Pounds, and twelve Pounds, 'lien dried an(l clearied Of extrsneous latter. Wreekod Off tho Orkne 1. A CURIOUS VESSEL A curious type of tanker was launched at Aransas Pass, Texas, !a* August, The Durham Is 298 feet long, 33 feet 9 lnehqsbeam and 21 feet 10 inches deep, and carries 14,000 barrels of all. The hull 13 of rdriforced con- crete, cylindrical In shape, and built in 30 -foot sections. Each section con- sists of two interlocking sylinders� with (.onliecting plates forming the keel and deck, and was cast in vertt- cal position by using sliding forms. Dow and stern are of the ordinarj ship form. Minard's. Liniment For Colds, Eto. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND FPRES Some interestin 44 - ;P j- ; MInArd's Linolment For Ditler"Piw" of Ys, t e crew Ven Lamur, with tho loxcePtlon of two were r0iscue4 by the, lro,okot almaratus. I -