HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 5MI, t THE WINGHAN ADVAN(;r CARRICK'S EXPERIMP,4T IN N AN AITOR FAMILY H" tt T THE RAT I XXXXXX14W)MIC XXXXXXXXXXXX Lupknow RURAL LEGISLATIO I CONSOLIDATF-D — SOWS Lu4now, Nov. 29th, " marks Iloys can;ililiw of Irish 00actat fte of the oreatest meanm to I A cmespoodent to the Loadmi Pro I any A person can telftify that the first —Early Home a sumat'a Rosoirt A I Well Worth a Second Ulance Form Profitis. says, there are no b*PPkx 0*04 coot of an automobile is the easiest part The following from the Kincardilm dies in the world than those Of tbO of it, but none better than j. Cxaraet Arm- From Farmers. ]Reporter referring to Tom and Joe Marks 11at-proof Buildings and 00so a arlshure public school section, who are strong. He has a Maxwell and while so ern when they visit Wing- N,,,s,It,--QuiIlOtIn8 TrA" 404 being driven in a motor car each schoot le Voisons And 1*14 day to and from the NVAOAdt PUWC Smash Goes Ppices cranking It a few months ago he bad the (Iream and Milk PlarclIA0109—", is al true Of th misfortune to break his arm, anti was just and Sheep Protection -4210 Of haln, Their cheery greeting is looked —liand nicely able to use it again, Last Satur, I maldellyde — Marketing Lmmln forward to by the editor Of THE, ADVANCE Carefully. school by )&. Jawb Walker of NeUstodt. day he was again trying to crank it, when For learn they have the hall (Contributed by Ontario DepartwOut 0# At least this to the impression one gets _pieventjon Of net, Disense4. as soon as we 1 10 DAYS ON' v It backfired and broke the same arm, only , Toronto.) viewing the b this timeaL the wriat and a much worse rented, and they never fail to &OP in and Agriculture am facts of the YOU%% - bre tk, both bones being broken and the (Contributed by Ontario Department of us, rat Is the worst 21111011111 $ters as the school = speeds, *109 OWY- jagged edge$ were showing through the Agriculture, Toronto.) see W$ bi 'f pest in the world. prom its ing the scholars of a Csrri4U whool soo. Coil SpringLNo, 9 Wire, reg. $7,00, for ...... ...... $6.50 skin. This will lay him aside for 80-0 WING are brief Outlines -,On Monday last TOM Marks and has the dietinctio , a of bo- 014LO excellent company blew into town. and he home among filtu it visits tion which now Barb fine pt wire, reg. 7.50, for ........................ 6.75 time. of 3ome of the provisions Of foundhis way over toThe Reporter to dwellings 4nd storerooms t* ing the first not only in Carrick, but aim high closet Range, $95 for....,89.00 LucUnow now has a German gun which n the province. to adopt the MUCII tRW Britannia 6 hole, was taken from the hone by the Canad- F certain bills p,.ssed at the last inquire after the health of the editor, For pollute and destroy human food- i nsolidated schools system And Britannia 6, hole, high Shelf Range, $85 for .... 79-00 tans It is placed on the green in front session of the Legislature, and years he has, done this, His smile and it carries bubonic plague and many Of CO a fair trail. an, 'cdo e wa. - He high Closet Range, $95 fol ......... 89,00 of the town hall alongside the two cannon. which touch verf C, osely the interests in evidence as usual other diseases fatal to man and hag give it JeN ,el 6 hole, X awliready there. The history of the gun of farmers of the Province, furnished It is The children are delighted with their It prob bly w iscent mood. sible for more untimely Arctic Jewel 6 hole, high Closet Range $95 for 89.00 never be known but it will e Ag-ricultural Gazette as also in a remin been respon, hill n b n t al new school, and also with the method Of ne third X serve to remind coming generations of by th of forty-five years since he first came to deaths among na. el P ban I conveyance, which they consider a Wel- 13a,,c Burners less ........................................ 0 go the valor and heroism of the men from Canada- Kincardine with a show and he has been the wars of history. the old order of schooI rl Canada an of the crushing defeat which Cream and Milk Purchase Act. coming here off and on ever since. He ed States rats and mic# come change from o d In not fail to appre. the haughty Germanshad to submit to. it other life and which they do lost a loved one over This is a meastire desi says M. T. Huffman is one of his old time 'a, the Uj conversation with Many a one who gned to pro h y1ar estroy crops and ciate. A few moments' there will look upon it as having probably tect the producers of cream in the f - riends and has been for years. ' Once he -storm property valued at over $200,000, ne of the youngsters reveals ark 20 pmve cent off been the means of depriving them of their 1 estructiojj is equivalent any 0 VA dear one, but we are all thankful that it juatter of test. It provides that all landed in Kincardine and a snow OQO. Th s . ng situation in which every child is hun and its days of cream purchased in a W set in and made the streets so heavy that to the gross earnings of an army of. amusli are, Aluminum, Liquid Veneer. Klenzo was wrested from the %hall be purchased on a basis of the I he was afraid the people wouldn't get out. er 200,Q00 men. found to be a stern advocate of consolida- Granitew I belching forth death and destruction are and ov e grain tion, because they would not like to havg' poli_ brushes, White t content, and thaT all milk I He hired a snow plow and team on many a farm, if th to revert to the old order of things. Tb3t ,11, S. W. P. Poligh, Separator over. ed butter -fa rushes Wash boards, Floor A very quiet wedding was solemniz that is paid for or, a butter-fai baqJs broke the streets. The late John Gentles eaten and wasted by rats and infee would mean walking to school in all kind& wash brushes, Scrub b A at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Norman co Varnishes. Matheson last week when his daughter -in- shall be tested by the Babcock and Mr. Marks.were great friends, but it Id b sold, the proceeds would of weather, etc. whereas under the new the method, At the present time, Of is needless to talk of friends. Few people I y all the farmer's taxes. Of mops, Horse whips, Paints MUPes law, "'Ars Harry Matheson became a N. all cream purchas- can boast of more friends than Tom =re th:n pa , system theylare called for and delivered ,arrol. The cere- course, Practie 11, on brown rat breeds six at the 8 1 0 .25(,, bottle O -Cedar Oil free with every O -Cedar wife of Mr. Alex McR The Marks The com- sc 10 door every morning and ar morly was performed by the Rev, R. Me- ed by wholesale is bought on a basim Marks and his brothers. to te, times a year and produces au Ireland. of broughte ack to the door of their homes -fat centent, so Chat the family originally came from I, th v "ni Floor Mop, Callum in the presence of only a few average 0 ten young at a litter. nir. The youngsters know friends. Mr. and Mrs. McCarrol will re- of its butter young females breed when only three side in town and will have the best wishes chief purpose is to standardize the The father's name was Thomas and he Ithat odation is somewhat Of a host of friends. diicer gets a with his wife, Margaret Farrell, settled or four months old. t I g. $1.35, for ..................... 1-10 7, test and see that the pro his ts, breed. to the ordinary run lanterns,re #— su ior CoM blast reg. $55,:for ................ 48.00 a that ulations Marks, senior, A I rate a pair of ra new and su;r*mm Ohio Vacuum oleaners, Another wedding- of interest wa fair test. The Act and Reg near Christie's Lake, Tom and without school life. -er of n ea el uninterruptedly of Miss Charlotte, youngest daught prescribe the niethod of testing. and was a giant, standing 6 feet I inch in his I a 1 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reid to Mr. Archibald d ths would at the end of thr Consolidation in Carrick can quite also provide that the shipper shall stocking feet. He was the strongest man years 18 generations) be increased C. Courtney. Rev. R. McCallum tied . It was in that virgin to 359 70 9,482 Individuals. easily be brought about, providing the ny being res A., J. ROSS, Htaradw X thenuptial knot The ceremo be entitled to a statement in detail in the section t 'es the world has beelt majority im t that the family were born, consist- I For I'll ur, people understand it. The X performed at the Manse after which a or the quantities of cream received fd fightingt r,ts without organtzatioll some school sections object because they W" bountiful wedding dinner was served at unt which each tested. Ing of Robt., Toms Jack, Joe, Alex., Mc I and 'he time has been feed t quite understand the advantage to, ere A and the amo do no at e same the bride's parents, wh Int his two sisters, (Xivia Ing them. and building for them fort- Several the home of lends and relatives of The insPectomAre given authority to yre, Ernie and be gained by consolidation. large number of fr s for concealment. If we are to he young couple had gathered, After all enter factories at all hours and make and Nellie, now Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. t the ith, 1111 ice to the good things fly that was known for its = in on equal terms we must othersections, at present struggling wi 00000000-4 had done just theremainder of the tests, and also look over the books White. A fami dp high school rates, are anxious to con' 0000000000000000"0000000cocacc000m wit, music and song, they soon developed W-,ny.th, food and hiding Places. u Is spread before them, of the companies, and check up the it organize and unite to rid It evening was spent in games and dancing. eatin received and the into public entertainers with the exception fi solidate, but are somewhat timid in mak AM KINDS OF to% In conversation with 14- , n se's of there pests. The time The happy Couple will reside on the quantities of er I, Twp. All Inanner in which it is disposed of. of Jack. who is a prospector and miner, Ow, ing the start. roorn's fine farm in Haron s. Alex. and McIntyre Granarles, corneribs, and poultry M. Ermel, the obliging and capable Pti[L- t join wishing them a long and happy life Dog Tux and Sheep Prot"on and the two girl houses may be made rat -Proof by a cipal of the Neustadt public School, YoW 'Musical In rumeants together. 8 t. im Amendment Act. have passed away, also the father, but the liberal use of cement in the found- tied that the following The home of Mr. and Sam Sherwood mother who is 87 is still alive and well. ors; or the 116ors may correspondent lear The dog nuisance is so general and ations and Ro school sections could quite nicely Com- o come in of Asbfield, was the scene of a very pretty In the forty-five years on the road the be of wood resting upon concrete. 1-leadquartcri for accessori ;a and repairs. You are invited t 7ednesday, when their : Nos 12, 13, 41 le ical Instruments. wedding last V come the so serious to owners of sheep that Marks boys have never failed to meet a it has been found that in Poultry solidate and save money and look over our splendid stock of Mus daughter, Emma Lavina, be effort almost every ses- sand may be used and 5 (Carlshure) and Nos. 7. 13 and 9, , siott Miller of St. Helena. there is au hotelbillora money obligation. houses, dry soil or r, for Victor Records and Victrolas. bride of Mr. Ell crepe- rengthen the legis- covering f or the cement floo Normanby (Grey County). ng the Agents The bridi wearing a gown of white slon to further st At Christie's Lake, where they spend as a I a wooden floor resting Calhure school, in seadi de-chene and wearing a bridal wreath lation to protect sheep owners from from the orginall settler's and in stab es The of orange blossoms entered the. room to their summer, on concrete Is just as satisfactory so Neustadt, were saving abOiLt sses by dogs. The act Introduced farm their holdings have grown to 700 the exclusion of rats is con- children to the a ORE the strains of Lobengrin's wedding chorus 10 far as mount which it costs for COnveYa=sr FLANIG—AN'S MUS I C ST played by her sister, miss Tiffle Sher' at the recent session provides that acres. The fainily and their offsprings corned. actice of setting which is $580.00 yearly. The principal wood. The bride was preceeded by the all dogs in the province shall wear cottages, and a number of The common pi - 0000000 s, in a have teen corneribs on posts with inverted paus is convinced that the schools in questi011 groom's niece, little Helen Thom: o be secured from the officers people7wh, have been with them for years tags, t f at the top often fails to exclude ruts, are going to consolidate, and Maintain a dainty frock of white organdy and garry og found have cottages e. The spot is because the Ing the ring in a basket of pink and white of the municipality. Any d d not one 0 posts are not high suitablecentre than Neustadt caa roses. Rev. Mr. Copeland of Lucknowq off the premises of its owner an lower cracks of more h.6r kkads the control of any person and the finest summer resorts in Ontario, enough to place the vd After a bount- under and the structure beyond reach of the not be found. Principal Ermel, whO Iful wedding dinner the bridal couple left not wearing a animals. As rats are excellent jump- very kindly procured a Picture Of th4t also a fine Toronto. A syndicate wanted to put a gcboolandof Mr. Walker's conveyan)M, Set"- Of on the afternoon train for Toronto. Bar- any, person, and the the other - and is a. performed the ceremony. tag may be killed by being half way between Montreal ers, the posts should be tall enough re is , Ist $10 for those h t I there but Tom and to prevent the animals from obtain very optimistic in regard to tile nd other points. the bride to the extent of at le, e h n in Carrick. IS Y._ rie, Niagara a NOZZ 0 Ing a foothold at any place wit III, present school situatIO 00ZI/ travelling in a navy blue suit with hat to who fall to secure tags. This sectionj ysobpjected. They didn't want to have e set of fox however, does n to match and wearing a handsorn ot come into effect nd ina Hereford shirt front. three feet of the ground. A crib built IN'dAr furs, the gift of the groom. His gift to lintil April 1, 1921 , so as to give peo- to go arou in this way, however, is not very 44, 17-0 the pianist was a cameo ring and to the ple concerned proper notice. They want the real summer jumpers and satisfactory. Q1W'Airml e- gives the t togs that will stand mud and C co For a rat -proof crib a well -drained flower girl a gold bracelet, On their r Another amendment mfor, ly andnotshow too strong, site should be chosen, The outer to turn Mr. and Mrs. Miller will reside in council- of counties power to take a, in f I t com collected and to 60 e ets enough of the dress up walls, laid in cement, should be stink _ZL , over all dog taxer their many friends, pay out the losses which may be in - I h into the ground. The Lucknow, where they will be at home to 0 says g about 20 ne es T r stj on thhe Cad. The Marks family are space within the Nvalls sho week did conslder mirred through damages to sheep. At uld be The sleet storm last nt time these losses are uglily with cement and a Canadian family. but their shows are as r. cv the prese grouted thoro abie damage to fruit trees. breaking r tirely by the broken stone and finished with rich several telephones borne en townships, well known in the States as in Canada. eral limbs oft them, ve and control the "Boy, floor. Upon this the are also out of commission, which also reeei As a parting injunction Tom says: concrete for a Even the gift can be imagined brass band was held revenue from the dog tax. smile. If you haven't got one, create structure may be built. 0 daintier , A meeting of the 1 agofficers Idehyde. asset in business. It walls of the crib may be of concrete. et of silver bouillon cups. in the bandroorn and the followil The Sole of Forma one. Its a great like you t mold in contact With than a s were elected. Bandmaster D C. Me- m past the Depart- makes life easier and people Corn will no ventila,­ -Treas., Fred E. Eaton. For some Yea] them, provided there is good Plated or sterling silver ware has Moran, Secly e and many lead- better." Some philosopher. B is water -tight. Band Siqg% Harold Allen, Band Cor- ment of Agricultur tion and the roof n advocating the there 10 now become a part of the f urnishingS Of poral. Bert Ward. Executivc Com.—D, ing farmers have bee again, old smiler, you make me feel better. However, are cheaper ways me. It is 0 aton, H. A. Allen, use of formaldehyde for the treat- of excluding rats from either new or ho c. McMoran, F. E E near,ly every American ed grain for sinut. FIT- old corneribs. Rats, juice, and spar - Stanley Burns and Wilfred Anderson. ment of Se quite artistic as in the days of yore, but Mr. MeMoran has also started a school quent complaints were heard that as CANADIAN BORN rows may be kept out effectually by ed -wire netting very Much more reasonably priced. boy's band and has a nice bunch of Play formaldehyde was only handled in the use of either an inner or an outer drug stores, It was not convenient in covering of galvaniz ers and these will be available later on to Y rural sections where drug Wetfirst saw light in Canada, the land be- of half-inch mesh and heav; enough go into the older band. man en or twelve miles loved of God; to resist the teeth of the Mts. The We will fit the bridge between your eyes The post office is being moved this stores were often t marrow screening with an adjustment that won't let week to the Graham Block, one block'cast &part. It was found that all that war We are the pulse of Canada, its netting in common use in windows is suitable for cover - your nose know your eyes of the Cain House. The post office has needed was a slight change in the its blood. I location for a great Pharmacy Act which would Put for- and are using glasses. Ing or lining cribs. As rats can climb been at its present e time to inaldehyde in the same class as Paris And we, the men of Canada, can free the 1he netting, the entire structure must many years, and it will take sorn The WorlAga 0 d to walk to the other end green and other poisons that are world and brag be screened, or, it sparrows are not get accustome in A MANY a of the town for mail. handled by hardware stores or gen- a g gay Th t we were born in Canada beneath to be excluded, the wire net i in Greatest R. d in Ash- eral stores. It is, of course, provided the British flag. I)e carried up about three feet ro Mr. John Morrison who live formaldehyde can only be sold d d above this a belt of Phonograph Wingham field has d moved to that the groun , an nd Optician, sold his stock an Ju sealed packages carefully labellod Few of us have the blood of hings, few sheet metal about a foot in width Jeweler a Lucknow where he will reside for the ay be of courtly birth, mity be tacked VALUE! "Poison" so that the handling uj are . to the outside of the ! winter. rs, Richard McQuillan and properly safeguarded. But fevr are vagabonds or rogues, of building. nning, it Is not Every day the superiority Of Mr. and Mi ng L*an Act. doubtful name and worth., Owing to their ell Edison's wonderful Amber0la family have moved back to their farm in The Marketi entities always easy to clear rats from prem- phonograph over much hiqher- a Wawanosh. They moved to town about This is an important measure in- I And all have one credential that isles by trapping; if food is abundant, priced "talking-reachInes' and ) a tended to grant financial assistance b — it is impossible. A few adults refuse commermal phonographs Is be-. R year ago nd left the farm to their son, .0 ag ocent-looking Herd. Hehasbouigh, a farm from John to organizations of producers Incor-1 ust comingmore Lazenoy,wholutsmovedon to the farm Companies Act Thatwle erre born in Canada beneath to enter the most inn It persistent- widely recognized. Robt Henry. porated under the the British flag. trap. And yet trapping, don't ask you to buy an ly followed, is one of the most effee.- We until lately occupied b Siting rela- who desire to construct and operate yet to - Amberola without Investigating R ANY TIME Mr.4. W. C. Johnstone is vis seed centreS or potato warehouses, A We've make our money, we have jve ways of destroying the animals - other phonogmPbs*le 2061cOM0 loan up to fifty per cent. of the value -e For general use the improved mod p 4 - do ask you STUDENTS MAY ENTE tives in Ashfield for a few weeks. I our fame, ern traps with a wire fall released :r 1Z But we spent a n and equipment yet to mak t ta Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Agnew of the land, buildinj e gold and glory in our clean trigger and driven by a, 0 any phonograph be, few days in Toronto. May be made, provided that such loan But we hav by EL baited marked advan- fore you have listened to a Jimmie IvIitchell!ipent a few days with does not exceed the surn of $3,000 colonial name. coiled spring have and many his parents, Mr. aod Mri. Moorehouse in any one case. This loan is free, And every man's a millionaire if only he tages over the old forms, w Diamond may be used at the same Edisort.'$ Ne of interest for a period of two Years, of them can brag inetimes called Mitchell Mr, Treleaven is installing a sixty botse- but fifty per cent. must be repaid In beneath the time. These traps, so de- MBEROLA five years, and the balance at the end That he was born in Canada 11glijilotine" traps, are of many A power motor in his Hour mill and will use rapare the pare to" of the of a further period of five years, The British flag. signs, but the more simply construct who give indiv - hydro power. not provides the usual machinery for ed are Preferable. Probably those col with tile shrillness We Ive thorough courses, have experienced instructonq The young people Of the Anglican safeguarding of the itivestment. No title, and no coronet is half so proud- made entirely of metal are the best, a sound of comm— e meeting with success. Winter hlg up a play to be given the land metallil rethe Our graduates ar measure is introduced in re- ly worn as they are more durable, Traps with ellst phonographs. Con idual. instruction to pliplils 'bur are 'tt 1'.n the evening of Dec. 71 This' bases axe not 91 ,,,ourses for farmers'sons. Adress college for free catalogue, tn thchl-1111- halt - sponse to = Indication that there is As that which we inherited as men Can- tin or qheet-metal Amberola's permanent dmm$4 entitled ,The Reveries Of a Bachelo, a rea need in Ontario for encourag- adian born, reconinilended. of an ear of com poi,t p&produls6r with the coot or STRATFORD I Themarrg,7 of Miss Mary, daughtel Ing the developinent of local Seed A small section no man so noble as the one who and bother of changing needles. of Ii . .... I r. -, an excellent bait if other grain is I -lasting WINGHAM jo.,,,ep , h Hackett and M centres where modern equipment tOT We count l., Compare the long kg seed grain can be e4%b- mattes the brag not preseriC Other excellent baits AmUrol Rcc6r& with freigile John A. Bradley % as solemnized at the cleanir Ashfield wiethodist parsonage, Rev* It, C* lished, and in this Way a Mali* That he was born in Canada beneath the for rats and mice are Oatmeal, toast- "talking machine" t0cotlds- =dofliciating, rho bride wore a ecured for the good seed produeed h S 2%6n make Your C110146* That with hat to British flag. d c eese, toa tell broad (buttered). t of navy tricotine P eat, is all we ask. in many sections. ,_Imllarly, there aro fish, fish offal, fresh liver, raw m. Indications that several sections The Dutch may have their Holland, the pine nuts, apples, etri-ots, and elolm, payments. arranged to OWt J match, and a Hudson eat cape, and the groorn's gift a handsome lavallier, and uld like to erect potato warehouses squash, ov pumpkin ca rited a. boquet of pink asters and maid. wo Spaniard have his Spain, and sunflower, Your convenseum ECTION b * fern to complete a very pretty In, order to carry their product for to the South of us must seeds. Broken flesh eggs axe good AUTO PROT en air .0stutne. The bride Was a longer period, histead of forcing it The yankee f us remain; bait at all seasOnq, and TiPO tor'"t000l 4. W. MCKIDBON STORAGE COVERS and attractive c Hackett, all on the market in a. short time, south o grpen cueumbers, tnd other fro3h ier stocit under co I g,tables are ve* tenipting to the KENNEDY AUTO attended by I ;%I'sver, Miss 'da in Brad- thereby placing tile . 11" For not a Man dare rift a hand against ve e Dekler, Winglialn wbjlt the grooin,; brother, Mr- Sa '01 Of the'dea!or and OPQ011latox. the men who bragy anlinals In. Winter. When seed, grain* owners ;oota be here and to meet lev o , t Toronto, acted In the capa-titY Of t' neath or meal is ItSod uith a gxlillOtin.6 ,r1le perio(I when will store will, jiust dirt, dust After tile ceremony the Better lh*ventlon of Discase, AM0119 That thcY were born in Canada be it if, put oil tll(,, trigger plat% efficient protection ag, groom s mAD. orod to tile home of the Bees. the British flag. trap, inexpensive yet '0 STORAGE COVFIR. bridal party met or tile triggVe wire may be bent Oub- the need of an reinforced to pre- bridets paremss where a reception was gsed having for Its _Pauline Johnson. ut placed diroctly moisture and coiLl we Offer the 1,:UN:qHl)Y ZLTJ1 Ward and the U, gtroog paper held in houar of tile Joulig couple, Many A measuro pa eOvers are tuade from au espedallY ood wishes, a, elitioa of the spread undor it. These car. Sudden cijanges it, temper % they take object the prev s vent tearing, and completely cOvcf the'arni-h. XM4NL'DY COVURS friends eXt"ad 9 a life in their new of disc-a5es among beea provide% for [a MaounsofWcatern Ontario Among the pl-1110111-al poison luctiveto ,hccl;illg the v XGV COVL.IRS up tbe dutles of olare'L Opo of the, Royal Avel bave elen reconanendled for killing thi's ku'ro 'STOR, the enlargemOnt Of 010 EK 21 mately 5.000 have act b honle. act v-hich I tatate numbering apprO I tied over rato and mice are bariuni MV art a plv , entative F the rubber, by excluding the N ,lcquillat, is so 0 t be tur o weq rve the life, 0 11ing his stock hvw been on the s act, their objeceive at $5,00 old goo& ing to 'i while in storage Or Mr. Roy ., ,old effcctq he r- in if ryelinin, 41'4 t tireq autl I and toovi books for sonte time. Tho old . 01* AIRO protee rting 110it4oh and houq0 however, is vontlited to foul brood. to the committee it' char'90 of t a Can be used fOr Prote I light. Our vricos: I Hospital fov squillo. the followitir, Aro Toronto. Ov tho War Momorin poison for rat.,; one of the most =10118 pftifln f Qhoulti never b6 full house Whilo this is Tho,rou, Iark,, Co. drew a of beo, there a1v othU that Sick Children to bO crttted here. Thi . ... ... .. V1 room(% placed In Open 01' unshvItered Dlaetsi` aq;1engell size ........... 3-00 last r00Sday night. Tom is AtWAYS % diseascs ped ltol, that req1tire quill will bo utilized to nal 0 two to stryebnia f tho Inope& _Xtworlal to companions This ol)1 11, y 71) ...... favorite but thi,; tiIV0 hel Wag c gqj botte r have dOVOIC .0,. The it perpetuity as a n ekageg Wn- ,q par,, -eager size ...... moal. .. .......... .......... the attention 0 thapterls ttirotighOUt thC Or arSOMC oil 11" 1 ": , 'i"or;i'special size ection. than uqual. of the Va 1111101111"kIrl tailling Imi2ono, '111ould alway 3 ?e0I)I0,S Guild of AsbrAeld atijended act -also provides that MC3 ogave their fivee du r,,Vorth buying ig %yOrtll t1le I)r'ec of Prot The young, I -q Whevo district wb or 'nl a waTiling label and Ghould not be A ca jAaaed tile rAenk- or arDlIMnees from %PIAITie viat objective Calls t rea4i, Prosbyteriau churck enter be moved on war- elflldil it migh X pre" Wd C t Alit a disease hag eXitsed May feoij-t tach compAn. Uo nominal contributil of Luel.110tv Guild- blel4l Aplar nsed fronk V. KENNEDY b, vortificato frout the I rov Ion, and subscriptions will be rtteived, by t1l, u. on e L good time. I to ist. 11orniorly there was Drohlbitift I)cAler foe Overland ana 8tudlelwiker. gova—Ta, Mr. tknd Mrs. V, AgainSt moving how Or the rltsp6ctivt chstptcls. ors, BuIlittin No. 856. 010- F- I