HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 4I - - -­ � ­- ­ .., I' I A I 99MW , RURON OLD BOYS OUR ANNUAL FALL PARODY TfIE RE-CREATION . I —_ I I I And on holy ground with Him he walks yesterdav's Globe. Mr. Reynolds deplored the faot that so And hem His sweet voice low, Roy. J. &. Robinson Tells 6F The melancholly days are come, (Published by request of a Soldlet's 4'Greater love bath no mon", Of Pioneers The saddest of the year, When to, the stovepipes' mellow hum Widow.) Out of the lust of life -a male, Than this poor )ad, F or he laid down his life A large number of former resi e s of 'Falls on the startled ear. Out of the lust of life -a wreck, For his country and all the friends he had. Huron County attended the annual eet-, Around the yard the leaves are blown, But out of the curse of War -a man. it in the right direction nnd he did not iog of the Huron Old Boys' Association At 6 o'clock its night, ming, s by telephone m the Cvntral 11Y." on Monday eve I And father seek Out of the war fields of France, Gorrie when the reports of the various officers The price of antbacite. Out of the carnage of War. Out of the endless strivings, �Aliss McKee, mirge, of New York is were received and, officers elected for the From all the country -east and west, Out of the ceaseless roar, home attending her father, who is ill. easuing year. The address of the evening was given North soutb-come pouring in The annual tales --of F all the test- Out of the pain and sorrow, Tue district Sunday School convention by Rev. J. A. Robinson, of St. Phillip's I Which ever thus begin: Out of the Death and Life, i Out of all this was held in the Methodist Church on Wednesday last and was well attended church, Spadina avenu% who spolie on "Last night there was a heavy frost, I The wreck comes re-created, considering the state of the roads for 4111uron Reminiscences." lie told the And Mrs. Hirain Hay story of the olden days wben the county �Fired tip a stove which she"s embossed Purified by the Qhell shot, motoring. was first settled under the Canada Lund With polish yesterday. Sanctified by its dust, A box social was held in the hall on Company, andsald that the county bad And Hiram Hay fell dead, tis teamed, Re -born on Flander's Fields Friday eveniu- last by the Dobson 'the prospered tinder the work of the pioneers -of those dayi because of their close con- And left his wife a wid, By his pride and his bravery, Four hundred dollars bad been burned, And so --tom from this World's Lusts ion IWO of Presbyterian Church. The young folks had a fine titile, enjoy- nection with the church, This, he said, Which in the stove he'd hid," He comes -a man. ing themselves immensely in masquer- ade. The'proceeds amounting to $14-05, V11ould be anexample to the people of to All. yes, its never truly Fall A physical wreck, blind and a cripple, Bell. Goldstein shipped a car load of 4ay. In this period of reconstruction Until there comes in droves You meet him on the street; fine horses to Toronto on Friday last for they should rally themsOves with the The annual news reports of all 'You look -then pass on which he paid good prices. church and its activities. The money burned in stoves. 1 Contented and bappy-on up Easy Street, Other speakers included City Librarian Never knowing, 0! foolish ones, Mffitcbesono Phone r,,2,ance1 yzil-.1.,. Caswell, Rev, T. W. Neal and Mr. Holm- That in that poor worn frame Mcsweney No flero es. Rev. Mr. Robinson advanced a sug- gestion that as the Huron Old Boys' As Salem Theres a heart so purged with fire That your own 'soul's eyes should droop W"' An advertisement appeared on one of the centre of THE ADVANCE last sociation had reached considerable strength both numerically and financially, Mrs, win, Montgomery of i died verr suddenly at the home, 7Z'n-1 in shame, 01 men and women, I ask you, pages week for which the editor was not to It the sale of they should do something to perpetuate the organization by improving conditions son-in-law, Air. Roy McKersie, one day last week. The funeral on Monday was To honor our brave soldier lads Who gave their limbs, their eyes, their blame. was advertising pbotos of Terence McSweney. It stated largely attended to the Wroxeter cemet- that every Irish man or woman should in their old coulity. cry. She leaves to mourn her' los% one all -and were glad, I have a picture of this great hero. Well The officers elected were-, Honorary son, Dr. Robert, and one daughter. Mrs. I Glad --yes to lay down their life for you, we have since notified the Canada News - presidents, Sir John Wilson, Senator Roy McKersie. The friends have the 1 And what of you? paper Service from whom we buy our ftoudfoot and G.A. Newton; president, sympathy of the neighborhood. 1 Selfish. heartless and cruel, paper' that if the advertisement appears F. T. W. Hodgson; vice-president, Mrs. Mr, Thos Mchlicbael had the misfortune You pass him on the street again that they will be one customer R. G. Mng; chaplain. Rev. J. A. Robin- son; secretary, E. Floody; treasurer, Capt. to lose a valuable mare one day last week. Without a word of thanks or a prayer, � short and we intend to keep our promim Tnik ADVANCE calls McSweney a hero Proudfoot-, auditors, John Robertson and Mr. Wesley Palmer did considerable For some one's soldier son Whose sad, unseeing eyes If in this week's addition, we will either not R. A. Sheppard; executive. Mesdames chopping it, this neighborhood lately. farm See far off from you publish next week or will get our supply Martin, Beck, Ferguson, Scott, FloodY, Morrisb, McI(innon, Burton and Cobble- Mt. Gen. Westlake has sold the back again to Mr. Thos. Wright which be Past the Hell he spent in France, fields, of paper from a protestant house. Mc- Sweney is no hero but traitor to Ireland, dick and Messrs. E, S. Caswell, H. W. Timmins, Rev. H. W, Neal, Marlin. purchased from him sometime ago, busy for the Past those lonely poppy 'Past all that to distant place who committed suicide by starving him - Holmes, Morrish, Scott. Fingland and The children are practising Xmas entertainment. Where our dear Lord was crucified, self to death. Major Bell. ,t � Tlaursdo,yp Dco. 2nd, 1920 ION 11 '111 1, Isard's k4, Chrl'ostmas Merchandise ano BUY YOUR XMAS GIFTS EARLY and buy them at this store 104 where you have the largest selection of useful and Inexpen- .04, a sive Merchandise, bought with a view of giving our custom- ers the "'Best Value" obtainable. Two Stores—Women's Wear and Men's Wear Stores crowded with all kinds of 'am wearables suitable for every mem17 , er of the family. Men's Wear Store OF Va_ .Z #470 _Z _3 -0 A store full of useful Xmas Gifts for the Men and 0 0 and Boys. Oundisplay,�s large in all the novelties of .0 -.0 the season and at normal prices. MBN*_V H�AJV7)FE1tCH1P,.F_V-C h o i cc selections of inexpensive handkerchiefs, makes a Oft anyman or boy will appreciate. See our range of initialed handkerchiefs, also fancy borders, Xmas Bargains. JVO VEZ Ty JVECX_ WEA 'R -W It a t in a n does not appreciate a pretty necktie for an Xmas gift Big selection here at bargain prices, see our specials at 75c, $100 $1.50. GLOVE -V -Are bere in all the best malles' Choose your glove gift from our stock and you will be sails - fled. Special values fo� Christmas trade. CO.L.LAIZ 210XE-V-Are useful and make a suitable gift for men, see our variety. HOSP—A choice range of men's and boys silk, lisle, wool or cashmere socks, big value at 50c, 75c, and $1.00. B'RA CE -V -You will find a complete stock here. Best makes at bargain prices. , CAP.S-Latest styles in cloth:caps in the best cloths. F.. Reduced prices. MU.FPLE1Z.S'-Ma1,e a seasonable gift, choice colors in brushed wool. Prices range from $1.75 to 183.50. 1 SM0&rJVG JA CX_ E T-T.A JV2) 0 A T H 'ROMES-At snecial prices for Xmas presents. FAJVC-V SL1VTF_'R_V-ATen's cosy felt and leather slippers, now in stock for Xmas presents. Prices eaFy. Other useful Christmas gifts in Mein's W 62 r store. Armbands, garters, cuff links, collar b,ittons silk collars, silk shirts sweaters. pullovers, fur caps. fur coats, overcoats, suits, hockey boots for men and boys. rubber boots, umbrellas, in fact everything for men and boy's wear specially priced for quick selling. Gift shopping has begun" we are ready for it and at your service. I " Absent Minded HAJVD,KE'RCH1ZJrS-ln large variety sold separately or in Boxes, fancy embroidered or attract- ively initialed also pretty ones for the children. See our specials in Boxes at 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c, .VILX 21LOU.SF-S-A nice silk or Gecrgette blouse makes an ideal Xmas gift. You will find a big selection here specially bought for presents and at very easy prices. See our leaders at $4.75, $5.75 and $15.50. W21210./V_T-In great variety at reduced prices. large�st stock to choose from, specials at 25c, 35c, 50c. SILK__V-What about a dress length of silk far an Xmas gift. We have a big choice here at reduced prices for Christmas bargains. A line ot fancy silks on sale at $1.69. HOSIF-IR.V-Attractive hose appeals to most girls and women, we have the best kinds here. Good as- sortment of dependable hose in plain and fancy silk; Cashmere, Lisle and Heather. Bargains in Hegther Cashmere. Your choice of var;ous colorings. Xmas bargains $1.89. PU'RS -Big stock of all kinds insets, muffs stoles, Coats, etc. M-nas salt- za %vho!eqale pric4. SWF,A TF -*R-17 -Your choice of the he�,t makeE� of sweaters and pullovers at reduced prices. HAJV2) BAG-VA.MD 'PURVZS- -Arehere in great variety. Make useful gift ts. Other useful presents in Women's wear store, ,ilk camisoles, whitewear. woo� sets. wool coats, Ladies plush coats, gloves. table linen, towels, dress goods,j, bed spreads, silk shirts, beads, lace collars. Boudoir caps, fancy felt slippers. * a 0 0 STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT . . . . J 4' F, SAFETY FIRST A famous Scotch minister of the last i — century was very absent-minded' and 'Z Lies slumbering here many amusing stories a r e told of his I One William Lake; � He heard the bell, awkward failing. On one occasion he! But had no brake. had arranged to preach in a certain church nolds, Superintendent of the Huron County home, in speaking to members of the Ontario Association of Managers of the Homes for Aged and Infirm at their first annual convention lield this after- noon, saysa despatch from Hamilton in ; a few miles from Aberdeen. He set out t At fifty in s Drove 011ie Pidd; yesterdav's Globe. Mr. Reynolds deplored the faot that so on a pony in good time, but when near the'� end of the journey, he felt a desire to take He thought he wouldn't much attention was given to the, econotnic Skid, but did. a pinch of snuff. The wind was blowing managements of such institutions. He in his face. He turned the head of the l� At ninety miles would remind those concerned tilat the pony around, the better to, enjoy tlieK Drove Edward Shawn; econonric pliase was secondary. what Ituxury. Pocketing his snuff b o x, he � The motor stopped. was essential was the human note.�--a started the pony without thinking to turn 1�, But Fd. kept on. spirit of kiliduess, it in the right direction nnd he did not Beneath this sod i "In Huron we look ou all our iumatea disrovcr his error until he found himself Lies William WM8�-en, "I'3011roWliflesh and blaud", et"Iltilltzed Mr. Reynolds. �,Wc hacR in Ab,-rdleen at the very time when HL didn't stop fLej thaL in the he ought to have been preaching s -even To look or listen. wor-,t of them there i�; much gtm(l. and mile -3 avmy. in the best of them a great x1eal of good Here, 9-. fcet deep, 'They are all human tragedies, They Is Iviiiiam Jolley, rcqpond to 1:iutJucs,, quietier tball t�hijd, make a Day., Pay by His engirte stalled ren do. None of us bill mightsome tlay, Bringing our In front of a trolteY- have to enter a home for tll(' iged and Ashea to ngn_a itifirill, ju��t 0o thev have done. Tul�v And 6, mt to du --t, Creamt Eggs are 'lot J�anpers; ths,�r are otir venerabfe bill wat, elder.5 Oil fortune hq-1 frowne�1.01 When a tire llbmt". In Huron t�omltv the 110tru, �or , , f �110 andpoUltry !Aged and Infirm k:-ondneted by a In ruemfjty of to staf '! of 'Mr. and lais. 1te,,,1lcJ4Jc; antl �tle A. Chancen Tatelt, A troin, a trcZS;inf­ Silluffirwoods Ltd, Lu Cknow �i other P:,111 Tlicre -were o4 iu. inates, 110w %.-q t I He didnt renke it. situply by making C.',Vt'ZV ininAtk'a, trtL "tv taLe tbcir V�ork-. vv,� P -Q, The litimin 'Side Con-Aldered "Iniketilcla foel� it i"', tlle.ir bcnie. anli, talt_"C'n cvcrg day Im �1,,C )�, , n�OAg a%ve ian 011 Call 131CtAIT(I. V;p Mffitcbesono Phone r,,2,ance1 yzil-.1.,. r,(ryJ1 AT-' 11 happy fLjltj�jy," V