HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 3V Excels, All 11 W 33 A�, B710 If you have not tried it, send us a post card for a free sample, stating the price you now pay. and it you use Blacks 4#,ceaorMixed Tea. Addroso5aladasTorquto I turning to the othq, but In final sep- ara-tion. Verse 31.—In the first two of this group of Parables we learn the strength of the kingdoln's adversaries, and In the two new to be cousidor9d vs learn the kingdom's own strength. In the first Is described T, 1 q a 11 -two the, coni - bat between the kingdom of righteous - ness and. the kingdom evil, and here 11,4 of we learn the victory of righteousness Over evil. 32, The mustard seed was Lesson X. Decever 5 the smallest with which the c9ramon people were ordinarily familiar in THE GROWTH OF THE KINODOM -Palewtine. The point Of comparison, Lessou—Ma,tt. 13:- 1-43. Printed Text 'however , Js not in the size Of the - —.Matt, 13: 24-33. seed, but, itt great growth from, small , 'Golden Text—i"Fret not thyself be- begInnIgits.- cause of evill-doert" (Ps. 37, 1). Verse=. To express this parable In Historical Setting. words -that we now Use, the leaven id Time.—A. A 28. Pluce.--Wilise. 'yeast and,the meal Is of flour, repre- Dalfing Readings. IF . sezts -society' in general. Therefore, Monday, November 29.—Sowing and the kingd= to the agency -7 -thio active Reaping (Gal. 6: 6-10). Tuesday�, fVirltuat 1 eilcy­-�s'Wch brilngs -life November 00.—The Growth of the to men, The parable indicates that C-11'arch (Acts 11., 21-30). W. ednies- ultimately the kingdom is the -agency day, Dec�hiber I.—The Seed of the —the active spiritual ageucy—which i8oll (Matt, It: 1-17). Thursday, De- brings lifeto man. The parable indl- cembeir Itiesult of Bowing cates that ultimately the kingdom,of (Matt. 13: 18-23). Friday', Decom- the fight for the possession of the ber 1—The Final Harvest (Matt..13: kingdoms of the earth. 34-43)., i8aturdlayj December 4,—The Illustrated Truth. Judg"hient (Rev. 20: Sunday, The actIXIty of the forces of right - December, 5. --Glory of the Churett eousness-are likely to be a signal for (Isa. 60: 1-3, 10-14). activity on the other side (v. -296 Cornents, Illustration.—The' organized -bodies Verse 24. All the TAkeside 114'17� that hive for -their object the protec�r ables were delivered shortly'after the. tion of evil, all had. their origin in the deliverydf thie Sermon on thq Mount. activity of the other side. Who be - A parab�ee teaches by comparing a IleVes the. "Personal Liberty League" Spiritual truth With 'jometing famtll- Would ever haxe come into -efteucei lar In human experience. It differs Ifthere had not been an "AntiSaloan from a fable In that a parable Is ai- ways possible, while a fable Is. uot. League?" Infield societies have sprung, up In the wake of great re - The goo(L, seed, as represented by vivals, not because the latter creat-od, ',W011sons, Of the kingdom," Is the truth. them, but because the sleeping seeds I The tares are. falsphoods, as repre- of -evil broke their bonds and began seated by tile 'Isons of the -evil one," ground with the alre d exp ndin 9, 3r a g Tile field is the world. forces of, the kingdom. Verse 25. Tares are a noxious- Topics for Research and Discussion. 'Parable weed that at first reseinble wheat. It Is not until bam-pest-time that it may 1. of.ithe Tares (vs. 24-30). 1. What Is. a parable, and why -did be safev weeded out, Good and Jesus teach ih parables? 2. Uxpladn evil are often hard to distinguish in and apply the Parable of the tares. the church, and the effort to separate 11. Parable -of the Mustard (Seed them often tails. Cvs. 31, 32). 3. What is the differ- Te.rso­X Here lis'an illustration once between the meaning of this par - of Jesus' statement. "By their fruits Able and the one before it? 4. How Yin shall know them." When the Is It incumbent lipon us. to see ifo It wheat becomes ripe ahlt the tares be- that these parables are fulfilled.? come rlpethoy,are easily distinguish- 111. 'Parable of the Leaven (vs. -33). ed, But it it �)p the day of Judg- 5. Explain the varl4aus appitcations, of ment that the se�aratioa Isto be made this brief, but rich, Parable. (vs, 40-43), Verse 27. The teaching of this — _1tc_V_W1Ue' Cannot be Desc . ribed� verse s plain upon one point. The No one can explain the subtle power evil that So in the world Is not 'Of that Dr. Thomas, nuectric 011- pos- ;Golf's sowing. It confes from the seases. The originator was himself hand of an, enemy. - Some -have be- surprised, By the wonderful quali- lievied that this pesiage bears direct- ties that his compound possessed, IY� upon the question of -discipline in That he was the benefactor of -hu- the church, but the point of comparl­ son lies In the separation that Will manily Is shown by the myriads that risefln praise of this wonderful oil, i take Place at the I14,-nd. of the World " ISO famillar Is everyone with It ithat Terse 29, Often the roots of the !it is prized as a Rbusehold medicine wheat and the tares become so -inter- everywhere. woven tha;t they pull up together.. Verse 30.4, -it Is possible to strain this, parable ))eyond the point of com.- IV,ON HI1NDY STILL SANKIN-G ON 'Parison, For instance, go6d people in the 'church may so influence �the I GOTT.' I Hanover, Germany.—School. clill- -bad that the latter may become good. , drien visited former Field Marshall There used to 'Do a -superstition that I von Hindenberg on his seventy4hird tares turned to wheat, but that is im- . birthday. "Much has been, taken Possible. It must be �omembored that from us, but God,will restore it," Hin- the point of compaTigon. is �uot in one deuburg told 'em. Yet, at 72 He Livei Tq Tell Wonderful Story' TV nydraulic Engineer Finds Cure for Rheumatism- Mter S�6fferinq, Agonies Many Years HOW IT HAPPENED. , rheumatism; that It is a natural and "Eltven years ago I was In a hos- I necessary constitntent of the blood; that It Is found in overy new-b&n pital. for seven Weeks, at a cost of 'babe, and without It We canot live! over two hundred dollars. For two It took Mr. Wilson twelve years to Years I suffered torments, and winter find out this truth, He learned how before last I was laid up six weeks to get rid of the true cause of his under doeter's care. Truly In the last twelve years I have wanted to 4eumatism, and recovered his strength from "The Inner Mysteries," die, I was in such agony. I would In remarkable book that Is now being asay, 'good Lord take lne rather than Idistributed free by an authority who go through It again., devoted over twenty years to the "But now r am a new man. I Am scientific study of this malady. And better man -to-day than I was twelve 1,Nlr. 'Wilson sflyif' "Now I know, and 7ears ago. I can almost Put my log I never -can forget—tho carrier left over the back Of tay head. I con,(, It in my box and. I came near t"Arow. do that at 30, now I am 72.11 Ing It In the fire. But something Mr. Wilson, the well known Hy- jrompted inn to look It over. Thank ,draulle, iLmg1neeir, lee only one of God I did." thousands who suffer for years. ow'- XOTM It Any ronaer of th1s, paper Ing to the general belief in the old, wir-lies the book that roveals these fabia theory, that -,Tjric Acid" causes facts regarding the true cause and rheumatism. This erroneous belief Icare of rhouniatism, that wero ovc-r- Induced him and legions of utfortull- Ilooked by doctoro and acientl,,,ts fco, ate mcm and women to take wrong centuries past, $Imply send a post treatments, You might just As well io%rd or letter to -H. P. Clearwater, attsnipt to put out a, fire with oil as 15554*4 Street, Hallowell. Maine, and it) 11ty and got rid of "ur rheutfiationi, I It will be sent by return mail without incraritis and like complaints, by tak- I iny charge whatever. Send now! fug treatment supposed to drive T-Tric 1 you may never get tll,,q ovartunity acid out of your blood and body. � again. It Pot a suffe'ved � yourself, Many Physicians now know that ttric, hand this good noyrs to sonie afflict-, Aeid zicvPr did and never will cause ed friend, Facts About Canada Rising at the side, of the city of Vancouver are two mountain peaks; the residents call them "The Lions," And as a result the city has Oome to be known as the "lion guarded," The later years have brought a wonder� ful prosperity to the Pacific coast City but still the Interest in, the two peaks and their strange legends re- mains. Tile legends In connection with -the peaks say that the Lions were the twin daughters of a, great Indian chief, who lived In the Island many years ago. When the grls, who were very beau- tiful, came of age, tile father called 0, great gathering of friendly tribes to celebrate the,occasion, Many of the sftrounding warriors could not come, however, as during their absence some of the unfriendly People might descend. upon their villages and slay all left behind. The twins wanted a big party and set themselves to the task of solving the way to get it. "Why not ask everybody," was their question. Those who were, friendly would, come, they knew, and . they hoped that a properlyr worded- invi- tation. -would result in making friends ,of all the others. The girls were wise In their views for every tribe came to the biriltday Party. It was the chance for the Great Priest to make the peace a per- manent one. When the festivities were at their height lie approached the maidens and -proposed A plan by which It would be accomplished. They agreed to his proposal and lo --- Ahey were changed Into two mountains peaks with the pledge that these people over wfitch they shall look shall forever be pro. tooted. So they remain ever. to-daY_ and peace is Permanent. PALLID CHEUKS AWDULL EYES TELL THE STORY OF 'WATERY iSLOOD—HOWTO RZGAIN A x- GOOD COLOR AND HEALTH. To be run down in health and to 1ose their attractiveness Is the double misfortune of many young girls, Their -pallid cheeks and dull eyes tell everyone that -they are doomed' -to days of wretched headaches and are victims of breathlessness And oluou- lessness. The anaemic girl, It she neglects her health, -may be a suffer- er all her life; 'for on active happy Woman canot be delevolepd Out Of M bloodless, consumpt*p looking gtzl, without the help of -new, wich red blood. ' Pale weak girls should take beed. 13loodl6sness must not be neglected, Planty of good air, a nourishing diet and rest will help you, but the cure you need most Promptly Is new blood. Good new blod in abundance, such as makes all the difference between sound health and Poor health to girls and women, Is supplied- by Di. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. This one mission is to make new blood which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body, bringing to anaemic girls and women new color, bright eyes, an elastic step and ai feeling of joy In living. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to young girls is shown by the cure of Miss Bessie Clarke, R. R. No. 1, Stovenfj�ille, Out., who says: "Two years ago, while studying for the entrance examination, my health broke down and I fell away to a mere shadow of my former self. When the aY for the examinations came. I 9hould have been in bed Instead of y ng them, but I went on with the ark and -%rhen through was -almost n the verge of collapse. I thought then that a xest would :ihelp me, but I did not. regain my strength. Then my mot -her was advised to have me try Dr. Williams' Pink iFills, and after taking them for About a month r found myself restored to health, ,vith good color and a change for the better, which people who krjiIW me readily noticed. I am very*thankftil for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me, and hope my experience Will benefit some other weak girl." You can get Dr. Williams, Pink Pills through any dealer In medicine� or by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box, -or pix boxes for $2.60 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CARP -LESS USE OF POISON MATERIAL. The danger of animals becoming Poisoned t:hrough the careless use of poison material when spraying or patIng Lr Insects, Is pointed out. by Officials at the Ohio Experimental Station, Every YeAr reports are sent In of animals suddenly dying from securing access to paint boxes -and poison con- ta,mers. I Sometimes Parts green boxes, white load or arsenate of lead containers are ,thrown Into the trash pile ior dump slid animals get the poison frnm these, Paint boxes, even though thinly ­iated, are licked by cattle because of the sweetish tast� of the lead compounds. I Such boxes should bo thoroughly' cloanod with gasollW� before using for farm,palls. It �s stated. Materials most dangerou% to live stock are Paris green, London piuple, arsenate of lead, calcium arsenaO, and any compounda of arsenate of .*Inc, Miller's Worm Powders will not only expel worms from the systcm. but Will indueo healthful conditions of tho system under which worms call no longor thrive. Worms keep a 01ild In a continual state of restless- ness And paln, and there -can be no eoinfort for the little one until the cause of suffering be removoil, which can be easily done by the usA of those powders, than Which there Is nothing more offoctive, WILL SIDE -WHISKERS BE.AGAIN REVIVED? WCTOWAN N',011STROSITIES ARE TALKED OF SY U;LTRA- SMART YOUNG MEN. There is a Piot on foot amond a cer- Wn set of Ultra -smart young men In London to, -revive side -whiskers. The late Frank Richardson, to whom every sort. of "face fungus" was abhorrent, practically. killed whiskers with ridicule. But now there, Is no face -reformer with the burn. Ing zeal and energy to nip in the bud these Victorian monstrosities, You may hate Whisker,% will, a deadly hatred, but the- time may _ome -hen you will have to. wear them or be a MAirked man, unless you take a Strong stand now. It is only a few Years since long IuQustaches� were -in faishion. Their proud possessors, vow- ed -that they would never part wili a hair of tamn. But, one by one, they fell to the scissors. Those who would not compromise with half -measures became plearx-shaven. The rest wore tooth-bFush moustaches. Beware the whisker habit. It grows upon one. &X.le J&n zb�h MY GRANDATEA MILLIE SAYS, SHE LeARNEO AT SutItOAV SCHOOL THAT ADAM TOOK A RIBBON OUT OF HIS sloe POCKET AND MA66 eve OUT OF IT, , + SWffy Head Cleared .,of Catarrh Dims By "Citarrhozone To catarrh victims We have Just one word of advice—cure it now, The remedy is 11.0atarrhozone." That It will cure permanently you cannot doubt. CatarrhqzoDe has cured thous afids; it will cure You, too. It Acts In two ways: Pirst, it d6- stroys the germ—that checks the pro- gress of the disease. Its second ac- tion is to heal the sore places the rernis ca ed. Nice to think of breathing little drops of healing to every part of the lungs, bro6obtal tubes and nasal passages. It is such absolute thoroughness that makes Catarrhozone so effective in grippe, catarrh, and colds. Then by* Its se- dative Influence upon the mucous surface It clears away the cough and throat tenderness very quickly. We owe something to a science that has given us wonder- ful remedy which so surely enables us Ito permanently cure disease of the 'breathing aparatus. We all know that stomach dosing Is useless, and this departure In the mode of treat- ment is an advance In -medical science that everybody can appreciate and value. Complete outfit of Catarrho- V 'ehloh is guaranteed to zone, cure any case of catarrli, asthma, bronchial or throat troubles, last% three mouths, price $1.00; smaller size, 50c; trial size, 25c; sold everywhere. Niancy, an Airedale terrier, when slipped from her lead at Glasgow po- llee, court by order of the 'magistrate, decided A. dispute between two men as .o her ownerehin by bounding to- Nvardo one. bar',;;ug wit lidelight. T,ess than A vear tidtor buying A pig for X17, 'Mr. Ilarry (,,. Cole, carpon-' ter, of the puniping station, Codferd. 'Wilts, got 6�357 for a young one he bred from it, Wise, motliprs who know the virtues of Mothor Graves' Worin Extermina- ter always havo it at hand, botause It proves Its value. I t PRO"ONTION OF 1" `H 5 E, U MA` 1 0" M".. FARM MACHINERYI,, LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA CLOSER SCRUTINY OF COSTS OF SCIATICAt NEURITIS, Th PRODUCTION 'UNDER 40WER F7 eir Treatment by Your' Local Druggist. PRICE CONDITIONS. Your own druggist, who has unowa the PWPIQ of his locality for. Year,", has a pretty good Idea of what romedleo. are giving satisfac- tion to his customers. Nonumber of tesummiallo from fox-distaint One of the factors entering Into persons counts half as mucli. with him as tile re*Ult, , � he gets from ftlot the coat of farm production Is the over his own counter, outlay for machinery. Thp Present high prices of equipment are a ser- That's why hundreds of druggists from Halifax to Victoria re. commend TEMPLETO-Na RHEUMATICiCAPSULES. Bachotitheoe IOUs cause of complaint from the hundred,,% knows of cases In his vicinity where T. R. O's, have brought rests, and yet many amazing relief. Men and women of all ages find -freedom from thoir farmers are content to leave their Pain In T. R. C's. Mr. W. A. Hawley of Campbeliford, at age of 84 machinery And implement$. exposed was entirely cured after being �Jielples; with Theumbitism. for months. to the weather, often In the field where last used. *cores of druggists write Of the satisfaction, given by T. R. C's, In a manufacturing plant, where all Here are the statements of three from Ontario machines are under cover and well Ross the Druggist, Midland, G. r. V4cars. Fenelon rall;. taken tare of, :L0 per cent. deprecla- Ont.: "Every sale of Tempi, etons lion Is written off annually. What Rheumatic Capsules has, meant R. C's. Is the most oatisfac- then, mv.%t unprotected machinery a satisfied customer. I have tory of any line of rheuivatic sufferT yet to hear of a person remedy I have ever bandled.11 High prices for farm produce have not receiving beyond what they B. J. Cook, St. Thomas*. "We been to u certain extent -conducive to had -hoped tor In results from carelessness In the costs of farming. their use. In many cases the liave never had a preparation ter The lowering of prices will compel a benefits have been wonderful rheumWilm pad neiAtitis ithat closer scrutiny *1 farm expenses, and and these long-sufforers tell has solid like T. R. Vs. Tile sale one of the Important Items will be their friends. I have many Is wonderful and reports frona our cost of mmelathery and xepairs. tails for Templetons Rheumatic customers good. I figure a satis- Protection of �tlle equipment from Capsules and I never hesitate to fied customer is the best adver- Weather will largely reduce repair recommend them. tisexnent.11 bills. At th,4 end of the "a -son, all Sounds too good to be true? The explanation is that Templeton's Wearing parts of the machines should Rheumatin CaPsules- act directly on the poisons in the system t1lat in be placed under cover. An Imple- some Persons cause rheumatism, lu others lumbago, sclatIca, ment shed will quickly Pay for itself is or neuralgia, Their composition is the xesult of �rty , neurit. th,i years, of Pat. tained at 15 cents per copy. ient study and eX-Perimelat, long years of experience in t1ke treatmen? from the fact -that It facilitates clean- of rheumatism. Ing, repainting or repairing machinery 'Got a Free Trial Package of T. R. C,s, or RAZiMAH�, (for Asth=) during spare time. Seasons And weather will not wait 0 991st or froxm Templetons Umited, 56 Colborne Street =;yT11-1=,, and Prove these statements for 'yourself. These for farm machinery that Is unready, remedies are absolutely harmless, or our druggist -agents, and a heavy loss may often be the wouldn't ad -vise the use of them. "When your own idrugglst recommends a result. To the Increasing number of remedy he JS.Sure toreeeive y9i;r thanks,of condemnation, H�owon% farmers who are keeping accounts of their farming operations, this Item of visk the loss of a good customer bY.Tecommendlug a Premedy in Upkeep of plant will spear as.an Out- Which he has no confidence. The utidermentlone& druggists and hundreds of others I)ack standing and largely avoidable ex- T. R,. C's. and RAZ-MAK.- pen�se, and the more general keeping of farm accoimts may directly effect Beamsville, C. E. Riggins. Mitchell, S. A, Hodge. the reduction ofthe present waste. Beeton, 3). S. Morrow'. Niagara - on - the - Lake, A. C. Myth, J. M. Hamilton. Therburn. North Bay,, Carapbell Drug Co. BOltOA. 10. aD. Ohambers. Oakvillo, W. L. Byers, Burlington, W. R, Shaver. Parts, Apps, Ltd. Caledonia, G. R. McColl. Port Dover, G. W. Reynoldg, SIMPLE AS A.B.C. Clifford, G. E. Robb. Ripley, J. R. White. I Creemore, W. J, Corbett & Son, Simeon, Austin I& Co. TRY IT TO -NIGHT FOR Dundalk,'Aledical Hall. Thamesville, Watson & Ruckle. Dutton, A. E. Roberts. Tilbuary, G. E. Arnold. I-Iensall, A. Hemphill. Thessalon, P. H. Cavanagh, YOUR NERVOUSNESS Hespeler, J. ID. 'Conway, Waterford, York & Co. Ingersoll, J. EL Gayfer. Wlnvham S. W. MeXibbon. Weaford, McCarroll& Co. WyomInj,' Dale�s Drug iStore. Worn out, tired In -the morning, RAZ -MAH Is unrivalled in the treatment of-A-STHMA. RAZ_MAH you lack the energy and ambition to restores normal breathin& stops mucusigatherings, In the bronchial work as of old. This means nerve tubes, and give long nights of'qurnt sleep. And If RAZ-ATAH does not decay—nerves that are starved for give relief, your druggist has positive instructions from Templetons the want of good, rich blood- I Lt Ited, to give You Your money back. Fair enough, don't you think?l It's blood nourishment that vital- Izes the nerves. Your blood is thin wear, watery. It's filled with pois- ons that hang on because your kid- neys don!t filter properly. stronger market. Choice veal was In See here, fix up your kidneys, put good demand -at prices from -*17 to, new life in your liver, and yotell feel 418.50, god veal front $17 to $17.5o, like new in a short time. LIVE STOCK REPORTS Imedlum from ;1;1, to ;16, Gad. Common To do this, You must use Dr. and -grass calves ft-om 44,5o to t$lo. Hamilton's Pills, they make 11fe look Sheep and lambs sold at steady bright and pleasant because they re- TOROINTO (Union Stock Yards);— prices. Although the market was store harmony and vigor to the or- The heaviest receipts of the year were considered slightly weaker on Mon- gans thatneed repair. unloaded at the Yards during the day and Tuesday, there was Ai notice - Or, Hamilton's -Pills warm the week. Cattle were in excess of niev- ably strong feeling on Wednesday'and blood and fill it with nutriment that's en thousand, hogs totalled eight thous- Thursday. Choice lambs sold most - bound to build you up, that's sure to aad'ulne -hundred and seven and ly from ;1-2 to $12.,60,, choice 'yearlings lift your weakness, that Invariably sheep twelve thousand and seventy. from. 49.60 to 110, liglit handy weight does make Joyoa; robust Good In adItion there were twenty-seven sheep from $7 to 18, and heavy sheep, Health. hundred amd fifty-eight cattle, four and bucks from " to $7. Think -of It, youthful strength lots hundred and twenty-one hogs and There was an avez49e run of hogs of nerve force, plenty of red blood zeventy�two sheep on through billing. on the market at theropening on MLon- surging through y -our velns—isn't this Orn -AlondaY, about five thousandcattle day; selects sold early In the Week reason enough for your usuing Dr. sales were made In which the better at ;17.25, fed and watered, and at the Hamilton's Pills? Sold In 25o boxes grades were weighed up -at steady close of the week from $16,25 to byall dealers. prices, and the common -stuff at a xe- 116-75. The market Is Inan unsteady duction of So cents per hundred. The condition, and no heavy increase in PAR-MERS. ARE KEEPING market remained at the new level the -runs is anticipated. ACCOUNTS. duTing the remainder of the week. Twenty thousand parmer'r q Ac- Good heavy steers sold trom. 4,12 to counts Books have been supplied to 4�12.50, medium from 110 to $11, and Canadian farmers by the Commission common from $9 to *10. Handy 'weight of Conservation for the purpose of butchers solid from 410 to $11.60 if Of Min-ard's Liniment Co., Limited. keeping records of farm. accounts. good grading and from 18 to $9.601 it 'Gentlemeniii—Last winter I received This farm record book enables the common. Light weights of steers great benefit from- the use of MIN- briner to ken a complete Account of changed hands from 45 t6 $7. ARD"S -L Ii- MMITT In a severe attacic all financial transactions on the farm 'Cow$ of' good grading moved gen- of LaGrippe, and I have frequ6*tly, —the receipts and expenditures for erally from 48 to ;0, and -fair kinds 1proved It to be very effective in cases the several branches of work, for from $7 to $8, these prices are 'ro of Inflammation. horses, cattle, sheep, awine, poultry. 50 'cento to $1 below the prevafl=g Yours field crops, etc., and for labor and range during the previous week. Can- W. A. R'UTCHISONX. miscellaneous. It provides also far ners were liquidated at 43.60 4 an inventory of landa -and buildings ters from 1$4 to $4.50; cholu. and of live stock, feed and supplies, sold from 48 to $9 And common from and machinery, together with a suin- V5 to 16- During the week, there mary of tile year's business. Instrue- were many farmers on the yardl; in -No 'More Asthma. Dr. J`. D. Xel- tiGns for keeping the accounti� are search of choice feeding steers but 1099�8 Asthma Remedy sounds the clearly set forth. Additional valuable the supply of this, quality Was limited, death knell of this trying trouble, It features Are a yearly Crop yield and the purchasers had to fill their stops the awful choking and painful record, a live stock service record. requirements with fair quality stock. breathing. It guards against night and.aids In taking inventories. it is expected that the stocker and attacks and gives renewed ability to, feeder business will show considerable 'Sleep and Test the whole night long. Much is claimed for this VmeUY, but Faultless in Prepz�ration.—'U alike 'q' etivity during the next two or three ; weeks. -Cholce, feeding steers weigh- nothing but what can be demonst]"kt- iiny other stomach regulator, Parme- Ing from eight hundred pounds up ed by a trial. If you suffer from [ee's 'Vegetable Pills are the result sold at steady prices, sales being made I asthnia try it And convince yourfielf )f long study of vegetable compound.4 from $9 to �11, per -hundred. Light of its great value. ,alculated to stimulate the stomachic weight feeders of good quality moved �unctlans and maintain them at the, I years of Use hav& from :$8 to $9, And the common from Artificer Engineer John Thomas mormal, condition. $6 to $7. 'Milkers and Springers of Hunt, of the Royal Navy, who took proved their faultless character afid %stablished their excellent reputation. good grading Were In demand At part In the Heligoland Dight, affair. A,nd this reputation they- have main- steady prices, but the common kinds 1 died fron� injuries received eleven, L I were off front $15 to $20 per head. I months ago, When his motor -cycle .ained for years and will continue to Ilided wilh a motor wagon. naintain, for these pills must always There was a light run of calves on a cO dand at the head of the list of stan- lard preparations. P or a new cottage hospital at Cbirk, I the foandation4tones of which have I been laid, the colliers at the Bryukia. Unit and Ifton mines eaeb contributed 01, representing 41,700, W -hen Holloway's Corn Cure Is al), plied to a. corn or wart it kill. LiM roots And tl�o callosity comes out without Iniury to the fiesh. Idir Headache and are e=,07bad by tho blood W115ch in turn irelialet tha norvo.,4 and canes,t Painful sytiaplows t4led lheadathe, &nurelpia, rhvalutzii. 11 0. 15 to 30 drona of nka ret�elgellssynl willatormet -d ..... W U. h, 14 10 N S_ ' " , " 0 C Al I y A R, D ZS e-, Thilarsda,ts and Fr"Idutf Deac. 9-I'L'in and 10'Ah Largo Cntr�es in All Class= Ju,dgiinj, 10 am., Docomber Sth. Auction I-E'alo of Chow Stock, 10pumil Dec. 10.