HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-12-02, Page 1M
Single Copies - Four Cents
"The Biggest Littlo Show" M-. And Wagon Roll Into
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Dec-�, 1- 3, 4
mighty drama of fighting fists and
mlghty men.
The 811vap Hopdo
See page .4.
A Christie Special Comedy.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
By Right of Pupchase
Ford Educational
Episode 3 of Pirate Gold
On Suspended Sentence
Rex. vs. McCauley was a case in the
County Judge's Criminal Court in which
the accused was charged 'with an indict-
able offence in operating a gambling de-
vice at the Blyth fall fair. High Con-
stzble Whitesides in making a tour of the
fall fairs came across the case, and there
being no police magistrate - for that sec-
tion since the resignation of Magistrate
Morton of Wingbam, the case was taken
before Magistrate Andrews of Clinton,
acting as a justice of the peace The ac-
cused was committed for trail and was
convicted before Judge Dickson, who on
Monday allowed hinl� to go on suspended
sentence. McCauley!s game was the
throwing of dice for a kewpie doll, one of
the games of chance that have lately
come under the special attention of the
Attorney -General's Department.
BULL Volt SAIGH—Nine months old, Regist-
ceed dark -roan, Shorthorn Bull fit for
ser,elee. Apply to R. J. BREEN,
?bone Wroxeter 4-618, Route 1, Wingliam.
CU.b.LFOR SALE—N11 kinds of
grow 015.00 to I!I.OA por ton,
18. CANTBLON, PhouO199.
FORqAL'9—C'h0i('e, pure bred Mammoth
Bronzo turkoyA-)ICIA 86 gobblers 38. Ap-
Vh".'.'�'03-615Nor�b Huron, noutelt;olcnow.
YRMFOR0,ALP-10 n,,.rP%vvdll wate,ed
kand fentied. l"Llf miri- from l3elarave, good
b,aildings, Lot 41, Coil, 9, BaA Wawat)0411.
Apply to. WNr, DuNFIAR.
SALF—Sideb,mrA, nil -tnv� a qnPrltitv
F'3'f)tf stove pipn-. rug and qjptutity of otheri
articles., Apply ta. Miss DvNsmoitu.
FOR SALF—Elven young pip
nine weAks
old. Inquire at A nv&NV.F-.
FOR zALEA number of Registered Duroc
Jersey pigs from Pioneer Defender Bello
14610, either sex. Apply to,
Phone 23-614. Route 3, Wingham.
ROUSJ�, FOR SALI�—Tuo lots, a first class
bqrgain for ca!�h. to
]EIOUSE TO ItF\'T—Good frame dwelling on
vieforia St., e!ect,ric lights slid water.,
Apply at. Ulm. ADV,�N=
V( 't SAI&_Hunter and Trap -
LI pers, Apply to. Gro. I'llirt'rN.
ONIONS FOR SA1,11—G,t your whiter
supply now, 52.on per bag at.
Hxas-rls Proffilee war"llouse.
RBARDIXoN FOR �riALIThe be%uttful
lioniceiiik,linni(i'4.1,.oivn(!cI byltev. J.P.
fluest and mo,3t ticAeablu proportles in Wing -
haw. All in oalern 00111bill,
avion hot water -xud hot air heating sYateln,
Liat. 61 ft. by 65 ft, -7—o7it-1.125
AYE - _Wb" " sow weight;
ut,.31. ClOn. 8, East Nvaw�
"ye tn'! nave smno by proving
S 'I'b sL.
"ll 0, �lle�� m'�' '
V,�t,y and p.�lnq
'I ANX,-Rl0f,310TT0;d,
Pwao'4'3-621, Route I Delgmvo,
WANTED—A. maid to as.,Lit wkh 9MCMI
housev'rork. Apply (I -
WANTIOI)—At,,,iia(loi�pf�l'iencediiiaid. All -
ply at Tilt,, ADVANCE.
WANTED Soft and hard dry wood, Cedar
Idudling. (:,kN.rULoDT. photio 160.1.
Get our prices. It means
a big saving to you.
The Electric Shop
Plione 280.
The Maitland.
On Monday afternoon a- horse and
wagon belonging to Mr. Thos. Field went
over the bank opposite the Wingham
Salt Works and landed heavily in the
Mr. Field was backing up the wagon
with a load of coal cinders to dump, when
the weight of the wagon sinking in the
soft earth pulled the horse back and
horse and wagon rolled into the river a
distance of about thirty feet. Mr. Field
ran around by the bridge, waded into the
icy water to his shoulders and succeeded
in holding the horse's head above water,
until help arrived. Mr. Geo. Kerr also
waded into the water and with his assist-
ance the horse was released from the
wagon by cutting the harness. The horse
was, pretty stiff when rescued, but will
be alright in a few days. K.
A rowboat was taken to the wagon and
a rope fastened to it, and a team soon
drew the wagon and harness to dry land.
We are pleased to learn that neither of
the gentlemen are any the worse of their
cold dip. They were warmed and receiv-
ed dry clothes at Mr. Lockeridge's.
Church Attendance Campaign
. In the Wingham Methodist church
from Dec. 6th., to Dec. 26th. If you
have no Church Home you will be made
welcome at this Home -like Church. Next
Sunday Services -11 a. in. Children's
Service, subject, �'Clocks", come with the
boys and girls to wor�lvp; 2.30 Sunday
School; 7 p. in. Young People's Service,
"The Pioneer Spirit". Come and bring
your friends. Good singitig and a hearty
welcome awaits you.
Exchanging Pulpits
Church history in Brantford was made
on Sunday and Monday of this week.
Capt. Rev. Geo. Easter occupied the
pulpitof Grace Anglican Church, while
the rector, Canon J. B. Fotheringba in
delivered at St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church theannualsermon to the Scots
of Scotland. Those of Scottish descent in
Brantford further celebrated Monday
night, when Haggis was the feature, and
Hon. Manning Doherty, a Roman Cath-
ofic of Irish descent, spoke
St. Paul's Church Notes
Dec. 5. Second Sunday in Advent. 11
a. in. Holy Communion. Subject "The
Second Coming of Jesus"; 2.30 p. in.
Sunday School. 7 p. in. Evensong. Sub-
ject "Judgement". Special offering for
Sunday'School. Thursday, Dec. 2nd, at
3 p. m. Woman's Auxiliary at the home
of Mrs. Roderus, Tea served. Friday,
Dec, 3rd, 3 to 5: 30 p. in. Miscellaneous
Shower in aid of the bazaar at the home
of, Mrs. W. J. Boyce. Remember a wel-
come awaits you at St. Paul's Church.
All seats free.
Wedded In Toronto
A. pretty November wedding was sol-
emnized in Trinity 'Methodist church,
Toronto, on Thursday afternoon last,
when Altho Fern McDonald, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. James McDonald, Toronto,
was united in marriage to Dr. George
Joynt, son of Mrs. A, Joynt of Winghant.
Rev. Newton Powell performed the cere-
The happy young couple are spending a
short honeymoon in Buffalo, Cleveland,
and Detroit after which they will talce up
their residence in Toronto where the
groom has a good dental practice.
Conv�cted Of Perjury
Harold Showers and James Showers,
two young men of Wingliam, were be-
fore Judge Dickson on Tue2day on a
chargeof Verjury in connection with a
recent liquor case. They pleaded guilty.
HisHonor gave them a severe lecture,
poiriting out the seriousness of the crime
of perjury. A petition had been present-
ed, with a large number of signatures of
-Witigharn people, asking for leniency for
the young men, and in consideration qf
LLLI%3 His Honor made the sentence twenty-
four hours in jail and a fine of 338S.45,
including coAs They were also required
to secure a band of 81,000 for good be-
havior for two years.--Goderich Signal,
License Plate For 1920
The motor license plates for 1920 are
being prepared for shipment through the
province. They are a marked improve-
ment Over ally previous markers iusued by
tile Highways Department. The plates
are of noat design, lettering are embossed
��o that an ob-Zerver standing at an an6e,
may clearly decipher the number. Nuin.
hers of more, than four figures will he
hyphenated as i� done to Michigan. For
example: Liccn,,�e number 185651. An.
tiouncement of the new rates for auto
ficealtla, Which coule hato effe(,t. ill January
%vill bo made public by tile Highways
mpaTtlwlat in tile COUWG,�, of a �ow Jaya.
Mr. Milton Groves is home from Sas-
katchewan for the winter,
Mr H. J. Jobb visited for a few days
in Brantford arid Toronto,
Mrs. W. H. Willis is visiting with her
son, Mr. Garry Wilson in Toronto.
Messrs. George Day and Leon Cantelon
have returned home from the West.
Mr. W. F. Vanstone left on Monday
[or his lumber camp near Little Current.
Mr. Albert C. Sutton, Galt, is visiting
with his grandmother, Mrs. Sutton, Al-
bert St.
Miss Mabel Swarts, who has visited in
Buffalo for the past few weeks, -has return-
ed to town.
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur McGee, spent
Sunday with the latter's cousin, Mr. John
McGee at Ethel,
Miss Coventry and Mrs. Paddock re-
turned home oil Monday evening after a
four week' stay in New York city.
Mrs. D. J. Boyd and daughter, Miss
Reba, spent a few days with the former's
daughter, Mrs. Manning in London
Mr. E. S. Copeland is in Sault Ste.
Marie afid other New Ontario towns in
the interest of Fry & Blackhall, Ltd.
Miss Frances R. Beemer has returned
to her home here after an extended visit
with friends in Winnipeg and points West.
Mrs. J. H. Beemer has returned home
after spending a couple of weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. C. H. Gilbreath of Toron-
Misses Hattie Geddes and Elaine Cherie,
of Detroit, visited their grandmother
Mrs. John McCrackin during the weei.,
Mr. Reg. Gould of Preston, is visiting
with Mr. Milton Groves. These young
men spent the summer in the West to,
Mr. T. R. Bennett left on Tuesday for
New Ontario, where he will spend the
next three weeks in the interests of the
Masey-Harris Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson have re-
turned to their home from Camlachie
where they have spent the pa -.,t cou�le of
months, Jack's curling friends will be
pleased to see him here in time to open the
Principal Of School Goes Without
Saying Good-bye
Lucknow's Public School Principal, Mr.
Elliott, left in his new automobile on Sat-
urday, Nov. 20th, and has not been seen
at Lucknow since. It is too bad to
lose a teacher just at this time of the year.
Mr. Elliott, whose father is principal of
of a large school in Ontario, was very
highly respected sin(e coming to Luck
now, and his sudden disappearance was a
great shock to those who knew him best.
He was particularly well liked by his
Since his departure word has been re-
ceived that he was sick in a certain hotel
in Toronto, but a Lucknow gentleman.
who was in the city called and found that
he had not been in the house
The school trustees have been success-
ful in securing the services of Mrs. Sal-
keld to continue the remainder of the
term. Mrs. Salkeld is a former high
school teacher and she and her husband
have recently moved to the McDonald
farm, which they purchased, about a
mile east of Lucknow
0. 1'. A. In Iluron
Word has been received here, that the
Ontario Temperance Act. will ba in force
in Huron County from December Ist.
This is a result of a largely signed petition
being sent to the attorney-goneral some
few weeks ago The temperance peoplo
believe that this will greatly assist thern
in their work, much more oo than the
Canadian'remfx,,rance Act, undev which
Huron County has been operatim,�.
Two t1ouioured
Before their final departure froin Ciln�
ton Mi�s Sarah Turner and 1wr sister, Misi)
Mary Turner, were presented, the foraie�
with a handsome cut glass compait by
tile Ladies' Aid of Wesley Church and the
latter with a fountain pen by tile Leiguo.
Tile Turner family have be�,,n active mern-
hers of the Wesley and tht� old Ratten-
burg street congregation ever since their
arrival in ' Clinton several year8 ago and
tile closing of the home and tho depart-
ure front town of the last nieinb3r, of the
family is a distinct lo3s to the church.
Goud vAshes follow Mrs. Coz-cns to her
lionie in Wingbarn, and alcso Mis� Thurricr,
wherever slae, locates. She will, VZtfiably
remaia with tier v6ster during tli,,� v�inter
and ta4c, a trip %v(nt, wlwz�j uoauy rnem-
b2TO of tile iQuitly rc�ide, in tLo sr.:g,1g.
IU.,Iny clintoa frkmag VAII ,ai3s C%Qal,
______' � I i 1
WHAM, ONT.; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1920 Subscriptlow: $2.0 per year
Stranger Lays Several Complaints Iocal Items UlA*,
At Wingharn.
GoldFish at the Rexall Drug Store
On Friday morning oflast week an complete aquarium free with a $2.00 pur- at9onery
officer of the Game and lilsh Department chase. Chr* s St I A J
of the Ontario Government searched the Belgrave L. 0. L. No, 402, will hold an
premises of several citizens of this place Arch meeting on Wednesday evening, Dec.
for furs. At Mr. Pringle's he seized a 8th. All brethern are cordially invited. We have the largest and;best stock of Christmas,
coon skin, which had been given to him Mr. jas.McGee has returned to his for- Stationery we have ever shown JW
by Mr. Isbister to be tanned. He also mer home on his farm in Morris. He was
!ound a last year's skunk skin of little value compelled to leave it a couple of years ago Classy Goods in Dainty Boxes
in H. Wardsman's barn. The three named owing to ill health.
were brought before T. R. Bennett, J. P., Cottage prayer meeting will be held at Boxes froM 25 CtS. to $8.50
who bad no alternative but to impose the the home of Mrs. Casemore, Minnie
minimum fine of $20.00 and costs of $6.70 street on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, (in white or tints)
in each case, You are cordially invited. The latest Novelty
As we understand ie, the present United
Farmer Government of Ontario added a Teeswater decided to enter two hockey Quill Pens $2.00, 2.25 and $3.00
clause to the fur regulations, which makes teams in the Northern League this winter,
it illegal for anyone to have in their pos- Mr' G. K. Brown, editor of the Teeswater We invite inspection and comparison.
News, elected president.
session a skin of any fur bearing animal
un less they take out a licence or royality Bazaar in the council chamber, on Free - - Gold Fish
for same. Thursday, December 16th, under the
Considerable indignation is felt as auspices of the Women's Missionary Soci- We are giving to each cus-
people, yvho were fined were perfectly ety of the Methodist Church.
tomer making a purchase
innocent and were not aware that they What about Personal Greeting Christ -
were breaking the law. In the case of mas Cards? They save buying presents of $2.00 or over a complete
Miss Isbister the fur was presented to her and are fully as well appreciated. See aquarium consisting of
by her brother-in-law, who killed the our mraples at TiiR ADVANCE,
Two Gold Fish
coon on his farm, and never suspecting McKibbon's Drug Store have the largest
any wrong, it was taken to the tannery, display of French Ivory in the county. Glass Globe
where Mr. Pringle just as innocently al -
The regular monthly meeting of the Pebbles and Plant
lowed it to remain until tanned.
Ladies'Auxitiary to the Winghant General Only One to a Customer
Warden Brown returned to his activities Hospital will be held in the council cham-
on Monday and was the means of having ber on Monday, December 6th, at 3.15.
several others brought into the toils of the
law because they had skins in their pos- If you like candy you will appreciate
session without paying royalty on them. the delicious wholesomeness of "Annie
Laurie` creamy home-made Chocolates,
On the premises of John Lawlor, sixteen McKIBBONI'S DRUG STORE
muskrat skins were found, and it looked none better. Sold only at Mitchell's
for some time as though he would have to Drug Store. Drugs and Stationery
pay $20 and costs for each, bat Mayor "Yesterday" remarked The Globe of Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
Gurney's sympathy was aroused and he Saturday, -an anti-British committee at
phoned to Toronto and secured permission Washington opened an inquiry into out -
to charge as for one skin. A few coon rages in Ireland, and three negroes were
,skins were found at H. Brown's, but Mr. lynched in Georgia."
Brown claimed he had authority from the J. H. R. Elliott, editor and publisher
authorities at Toronto, that he needed no of The Standard, received on Saturday Don't Miss the
permit. until his license would be secured, the appointment of Notary Public for the Give
and his claim was allowed. village of Blyth, Townships of East Waw-
anosh, Morris and Hullett. R 6%
The W--' ;� ;__ qo-ef— of T A T11 A D "' " &"N AF 4M a r
,Meeting 09 Huron County Council t
The (Council of the Corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in the Council
Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon of Tu(isday, the 7th day of
December, 1920.� All accounts against
theCountymustbb inthe hand8uf the
Clerk not laterthan Monday preceding
the meeting of Council.
County Clerk.
Goderich, Nov, 15th, 1920.
Elect A Council
Municipal Election time draweth on.
Keep up the spirit of your community by
choosing the very best men possible It's
no easy task, with more kicks than cop-
pers often, yet there's a fascination about
public office that appeals to many men.
Plan for improvements for 1921 and be
prepared to heartily support your munici-
al representatives. Leave the knockers
and hot heads at home and elect a coun-
cil that will work in union for the welfare
of the community.
(living Important Call
The many friends of Captain The Rev.
Jas. R. Graham, M. A., formerly located
at Whitechurch and Langside, will be in-
terested to learn that he has been called
to the important charge of Francis in the
Presbytery of Regina, Since his return
from duties overseas Captain Graham has
been in full charge, as chaplain, of the
Soldiers' Civil Re- Establisement for the
entire Province of Saskatchewan. With
the cessation of military duties lie, has set-
tled once more in the active work of the
ministry. His call to Francis was exceed-
ingly tAnanimous and carries with it stivend
of 52;)dU with Manse, four weeks vacation,
and a new McLaughlin Car.
Por -Kickers
Running a newspaper 18 just like run-
ning a hotel, only different. When a man
gae� i - to a hotel arid finds ,onwtbing on
the zable -which does not ;nil, hitil, lie
docs no+ ratse hados with the landlord
-,Ind tell him tostop his old hotel. Well
hardly. No that diAi to one zide
and i&ados hito the ruany dishes that suit
hi -11. 'It is didereat with colil-, newspaper
reatlurs. They flind an article occasion-
ally that does not suit theni exactly, and
w"Ithout Stopping to think it may please
hitudreds of oi.liew readero, they make a
grandaand play and tell tile editor how
the paper liould be run and what should
bo put into it. That such people are be.
comin.4 fewer eich year is a blessing.
Wiiuia,un, - At the Methu-
f,.Jj�,�t parwriage. Winghain, oil Thumday,
Nov, 2,"Pth., Jolin Geort;e Andomoa to
Annie M�Vtlo l4vilee"'er, dauf.""litor
of Mr. an'l DATS, chns. all of
Mots:u towvohip. Rev. L. V. _%-m-
L on ,
Cto cor,-,mony.
he Wingharn Methodist Church will hold
a Bazaar in the council chamber of the
Town Hall on Thursday, December 16th.
ait for it. Tea will also be served. Thio X.M&O Vi Under the auspices of the Ladies'
Guild of St. Paul's Church. on
Advertisers in TiiL ADVANCE Will
kindly bear in mind that all advertise- AE)Preefla�ed �' i
"E0 I I I
ments must be in our office not later than SATOQ ru %..,*
6 o'clock on Monday of each week. Afternoon and Evening in the
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Beemer, announce Open evening through December. Council Chamber.
the engagement of their eldest daughter,
Olive Hazel, to Mr. Hartley T. Chappel, Booths of Fancy Goods, Towels, Ap-
rons, Dolls and Baby Clothes, Candies
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chappel of Homemade Cooking a n d a country
Dundas. The marriage to take place GEO. MASON & SON store will provide anything your want
early in December.
Stationery, Patent Bledicines,
The Grand Trunk are endeavoring to Rooks, School Supplies, Wall Paper,l'i For Christmas
cut down expenses and will take off one Fancy Goods, Toys, etc,
freight train coming to Wingham. It is Be sure you visit the Tea Room.
Doors open at 3 p in, Noth-
also rumored that there is a possibility of ing sold before,
a passenger train being cut off. One
man has been laid off each st!ction. BORN Business Men's Supper 5.'30 to 7 p.' M.
Tup, ADVANCE prints personal bank MENU —
WALKErt—In Wingham, on Monday I Meat, Potatoes, Salads,
eques. See our samples before you November 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Bread and Butter, Pie, Tea.
send out of town or give your order to a Walker, a daughter. Only 35 cents.
traveller and pay more money plus the
express and wait until you loose your
temper several times before you get them.
The Annual Christmas entertainment
will be held in Ebenezer church on Wed -
D e c. 22nd. An a r c It of evergreens
will take the place of the customery Foot w., ear
Christmas tree. A splendid programme
is being prepared. Keep the date in
mind. Redttcuon
Council meeting on Monday evening
next. Ratepayers should be interested in
the doings of th,� council and should We are offering 10 per cent off
attend. As this is the last meeting of the
on everyline, of Footwear, also
year there should be something doing.
The pool room license and many other Trunks and Valises.. in our store
- on,
important matters will be up for discussi
CI)rifstmasst-ationeryi--,Iiere. Wonderful
oo. a ii T d &a t. Dce c. 3 a t � d 4
class and valuo Mcl%,ibbon 's Drug Store. W
The editor of Titi, Aj)v.�km,ip has been
requested this week to omit cortain piece,4 mew �53 Mile IM322 Trinnue ft BURY
of news for personal rea�;om�. We h1w, to
be obliging in every way pu_�L,,ible, but Mem"o, Wounnonal's Boys"
are also aiming to get out a newsj., paper Q1111fla M0011?(Ma�G 1'300�0 Q021 ORaa2g,
for our subscr&!rs and it is inipoiisiblo� to
do both. we are therefore publishing, all
the news we can find and wp think that 13�11
our readcm3 will appreciate our efforts. lea'Qla? WOLD PkquDben"s-�,, SEDL12o, I
The Wirigharn Pubhe Se,wo! 1,10artl Ovewounce's.
have s=red the _,�ervices of Nik,,i '%iyder
of Teeswater, to teach in tho primary do-
partnient oi the school in place of Mi,_ -,,q
Gretta Robinson who gaws to Cobalt. N11.
Wllilo �olry to 10j" tile SerVi �; of hJiSS 7 Anticipate your slioe vyai�ts. clso ycm-
Robinson, vve bzlieve Miss Snyder will, la y
Chr!StrnaS giftS and buy nax� Frid
prove a capable and pahistakingy tea,1,er-
Tliero were about fifteen applicants.
� g and Saturday.
40!5� LIM
Mr. C. Drapa of the Loundoo Tafla,-
ing Company Toroato. %ill be at our
store, Monday, Tuo4ly, and Wednes-
day, Deeeiab,,� the sixtb, s�voaffi, mid
eightli with a lavf;p F�.,lecfiwa 44 &MI", ftw
-a,13 m;C�CoAo to YOUT
I1k%WA & CQ g,
we ii,� ree