The Wingham Advance, 1920-11-25, Page 71 NJV. 25th 0ZO
at the Isard Stores.
Hvery departmenc in our "two stores" is
crowded WithJUSt the kind of Goods you want at
prices not to be beaten, Unequal values in all
kinds of clothifl�: We had to buy heavy in some
lines, in oj'der to get the Best Price and are prepar-
ed. to Supply you with men's and boy's clothing, un -
w derwea'r, I-oots, and shoes etc. Women's, Misses
: and children's coats and furs at prices which Nvill
ko mean a Big Saving to you.
You can buy up-to-date styles of Furs at whole-
sale prices. Having bought a ritnge 'of traveller's
samples, we are, prepared to offer you a saving,
of from 20 to 30 per cent while the stoch lasts,
Sale of Women's Winter Coats, comprising
the best styles, big stock to choose from made by
expert tailors, to fit well, look and wcar well,
every garment ma e of guaranteed cloth and will
give satisfaction. See our Salts' Plush coats also
included in this sale of 20 per cent reduction.
-To ff. W. Sowler of
a a otioc thatan not oil waq commence
not you on ills 17th (lay of �Ieptenlber
In tilt) county Court of the CountY of Only three days after we congratulated
or t asters Voice, Limited, for the lie Hamilton Morning Times on the cre-
'. for goods Hold and. delivered, t
au'l t 'lot F -i 0 the sale of your stook-iti-trade ditable appearance of its first number
made by you to It. M. McKay of the Town of
yth. Ontario, fur failuit to colulily Nvith [lie. and said we saw no good reason why the
u,k Sales Act,
And Take Notlev tll�Lt if yk)a fail �0 4�ajpr All paper should not hold the local morning
ag ear tim in tilt, ae oil -it All) " "ys field indefinitely, the Morning Times
er the last ubfleatlon of I hi� � . A) i(Ay tbe
iaintur, it �i u Jud ent a aiii.t you for ceases to exist. This is an unexpL�cted
t c re e oil orse on I le ' it of numnions
an costs. VOMWICO Ilia be ontered at and a regrettable denouncement of an en -
0 y
e tee of 111tv Count Court 'I'ark, City , terprise which promised well.
all" oronto.
A IM11, 'LAR An't, Surely the dispute with its printers
Book of Hamilton Building,
Toronto, over a Matter of Wages was not a suffl-
"iivjto,rs for the Plabitilt. cientreason for the decision of the man -
TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND ageMent to stop publication. If it was
the only reason, that fact would seem to
FOR TAXES indicate want of judgment on the part
of the management. In the explanation
By virtile of ii, -arraut Issued under tile .
hands of tkle��Nyor and Clork: of I -lie 1. vn of issued by �he managing director that r ' ea-
Whigharn and having theseat of the said Cor-: son is mentioned. But mention is also
poration, it, L t a e It e At thereto. hearing datc,
the 9th day of Augiiso A. D. 1920, commanditig 'made of -another reason: "]Events ill the
3100 to levy Upon , , lands enuitle,aled- hnn-.
vndor for trio arream of taxes respectively due business world have of late developed
thereon, togothervath costs, notice is hereby 'so quickly and unexpectedly as to pre
given in accordance with thek,;�emnlent Act,
that I shall proceed to sell by public M110 1011 judice a successful operation of the en -
the Pa14 lands or so much thereof a� may be terprise which this company has upder-
sufficient for the payment of the t[lXeS and
costs thereon, unless the same be sooiiOr Pald. taken
The sale will commence at, the Town Halt In 'thinkthat i real reason -not
the said Town of Wiligbani oil Monday the We s the
13th f December A. IX 01.10, at t he hour of the dispute with the printers. It re -
two 14A,11111k in the afternoon,
Lot No. 6. ventro Street, Taxes $ 135 5,89, Costs quires a great deal of money to launch a
JoilN F. Glto%'I-',,;. newspaper enterprise in these days, and
Treasurer oft lie I ow III of Wilighil ".probably the promoters of the Morning
'Times enterprise became so dismayed at
4.11 A, C 1, ; - 0'. -t., -
loo acres, good buildings audiences
close to market, school and church.
All cleared and free of stumps. Price
$7500, $3500 may remain oil Inortgage
at 5 per cent.
P. . . "1, .5 S� a I,
i they had launched that they decided sud-
denly to quit. It is rather a pity --but
their disinclinaiion to lose a lot of money
is natural and not blameworthy. -Ham-
ilton Herald.
'Furnberry Council
The regular council nleeltn,g was held
it) 131110vale oil Nov. 15th with all tile
nicnibots present.
On motivil of J. J, Moflatt and W. A.
Milles the minutes of last meeting were
I L A , P., holdit) a nomination
;Incetalg in the ForLster's Hall, 131tiLvale,
Mondav, December 27th, 1020at I p.
J. WRIGHT,ion Wa., 11.1 . wd oil motion of Jas, 1. Scott
atqI Jaines Porter.
rhe fellkAivint., accounts wery paid: -8,
Uxpericned Piano Tuncr V0411441P rep. to grader $3.00; 11. B,
TINIeller of Rudiments of MuqiV., Har. r�lliott, attvt and supplies 0.25; Roy Pat.
Illelly, Counterpoint all(I conipc, ;i1ioll tel.,4kill, tiies ro Doughis appeal 5,00; Frod
Leave orders tit THE, ADVANCE, Office A. Edgar, feesand telophono 0.00; E. I ).
Bolton, ivin, 1.5.011; J. Mulvey, rent (if For.
All bra,,,q and reed histrill,10W) eqter�s Hall, Behilort, 5 01), Judge Dick.
and violill. !,son, f"q i.50, 11. Powell, fees
", copy of
aW.It'datid issuing slit"MOCIS 12,50; Fred
A. Edr' ar, Porter Drain 24,00; A. Polincl.,
2.90: Jrry Caso'llol'o, gravelling
avel 21 (30; A. Campboh, vrrol'21.00;
I SE L L twp. shave Porter drain
Town and Varill propertie.q. Call and 112,76; D. 14-01, !,"'Avelling; It.
Mall'. lilspvcting 18.00; Con Maker, part
1XII My list aud get uty price,% I havi, coott act Johano Drain :,,-) 411); 11, 1), King#
twe dayq x110volliligglavol 5.110.
0 1 notion of W. A. Mitle.�; and J. J.
I G. STEWART I tilt) nout council wcoting will be
,la ill Muevale on Wednesday. Dec.
WINGHAN 16th, at l0a. oil. aq 1,,tv slatute.
ftQ%IC 134. ()&,e in Town Nall, P. POWELL, Clerk
If, you think your town'ti the best
Tel) "Apm EQ
If You'd have her lead the rest
Help her grow
When there's anything to do
Let the fellows count on you,
You'll feel bully when it's through.,
Don't You know? '
If You want to make a bit
Get a name.
If the other fellow's t
Who's to blame?
.�r mor�q. in )nu� to)yn,
Thu -sly keep Your Prices down,
Give the small concerns a frown -
That's the game!
If You're used to giving knocks,
Change your style;
Throw boquets instead of rocks,
For a while;
Let the other fellow roast,
Shun him as you would s. ghost,
meet his hammer With a boast
And a smile,
When a stranger from afar
Comes along.
Tell him who and what you are -
Make it strong;
Needn't flatter, never bluff
Tell the truth for that's enough ,
Join the boosters -that's the stuff
We belong.
In loving memory of our dear father,
Arthur H, Shropshall, who died one year
ago. Nov, 26th. 1919.
From boyhood he stood tQ his Country's
Ready to risk his life, his all.
He went the helpless to defend,
A British Soldier to the end.
He was one of the best that God could
S 00%, 1 V'r. ;U tend d
Ex 81 or
Dre,�s Groods, Cwting and Silks. All linuofdrfts, voiMilp
AND BOYS ..........
Our entire stock of Men's and Boy's high class suits;, Spedil all wool t:ergvs, 54 inches wide. RegulAr 4.0.0
coats, odd and knickers, men's stock, men's style for. ................................ V2.1.18 a Yd.
and patterns�lb'i[g" reductions, 20Y. di -,count. r
500 yds. pf best quality prints in light and dark patferrh
40 men's all wool suits in worsteds and tweeds best makes special ..................................... � �,011.� a yd,
andstyles. Regular 55.00 to 60.00. Reducedto$43-95. Cottons, extraheavy bleached and fictory cotton, best
Underwear, Standfield's, beavy all wool (Blue Label) shirts quality, full Yd wide. Reg. 50 for .............. 39c.
and drawers, reduced to ......................... $2.09. 400 �
7�s. flanneletto in light and dark patterns full yard
Heavy elastic ribbed wool underwear. Reg. 2.25 for S1.69. Ide, splendid quality special ................... . A� Yd,
ts NetG, Voiles and Mall, ieettes. Reg. L_1t_0.f0r9SC1
10 doz. Heavy all wo il Work socks. Reg. So to ..... ...69c. Reg. 7,5 for 59c. Reg, 60 fir". . � .......... .. 1, _43c,
5 doz. Fine all Wool black and heather socks. Reg.75for5ft.
Linen Huck Towels
Xt Funcy borders line quality. Reg. 2.00 for 31.59 a pair.
OveraUs LA
Wash Satins in purple, grey, brown and blacl, 36 inches
Extra quality black and blue stripes. SpecialS275. A
tvide. R(,g 2.75 for ..................... : -.82.00 a yd.
Black Taffetta, splendid quality for drer
n ses. Reg. 3.25
107. Reductio , On Men's Wear for .................. I .......... I ...........
Sweater Coats, Underwear, Shirts, I -lose, Gloves, Mitts,
Green Silk Poplin, 36 inches wide, a bargain at ... $1,311 a yd
I Hats. Caps Ties, and everything that men wear, a special A
discount of 10 per. cent.
Under Skirts, navy, purple, paddy, rose, light blue and
black and moire 3,45 at ........ _1 .............. 'V-60
Ulm %, KAZ;3, U litere, save money
Red Rose and Lipton's Tea, 7 lb. packages. Reg. 70 for 59c.
Raisins, fine loose muscats, reg 35c for ................... 26c
Brooms, extra quality, reg $1.25 for .................... 89c
Salmon, Unicorn and Empress Brand, reg 45c for ........ 39c
Pink Salmon, good 4tality, reg 25c for ..... ... - I .... 1.19C
Pork and Beans, in . hili sauce 2 lb. tins, reg 25c for...., 18c
Oatmeal, Purity Brand. 4 lbs. for .......... ........... 25c
Best Rice, 2 lbs for ................... ................ 25c
Sugar ................ ............................ 313.00
Light Yellow Sugar, 7 lbs, for ........................ $1.00
41e Endo Saturday, December 4th.
Shoes and Rubbers
Our full range of Ladies'. Children's and Men's Shoes
and Rubbers 10 per cent reduction.
10% Reduction
Flettes shirtings, towellings, cottons, linens. -,atins,
cretons, hosiery, underwear, cor, ets and buttons etc.
Rugs, linoleums and oil cloth, wonderful assortment all
lines 10% reduction.
Buy Here and Save Money.
0% W,
A loving father, a faithful friend, Big Bargains in many
Sleep on dear dad and take your rest, X
They miss you most who loved you best. other Unes not listed.1 Jo A. MILLS
His Children. -
In ever loving memory of my beloyed
husband, Arthur H, Shropshall, who died howick Council Wro'xeter neavy Rains Coming horse flesh, purchased when colts, a veaLtl
one year ago, Nov. 26th. 1919. Mr. and Mrs John Henderson who "Canadian beavers tell no lies, and they and a half ago, at $600, were sold by -
One long sad year has passed away Forwicb. Nov. 17th., 19* -10- had their house burned a few weeks ago tell me that we are to have very heavy Council Monday night, for $425. to Jame.1
And my heart is filled with pain, Council met at the Maitland House pur- has moved into Mr, R. Sanburn's house .
Ob this earth would be a heaven suant to adjournment. All members pre- on Sanderson St. Mr. Sanburn has rains in Northern Ontario before the Wilson of town, who is reported to h -ave
If I could hear your voice again. sent. The Reeve in the chair Minutes moved orito the farm he purchased some'freeze-up", said Mr. Malcom Lang, M. turned them over next day at $500, to JT�
of last meeting were read and on motion time ago from Mr. Amos Gofton. i'P. P., for Cochrane, who was in Toronto H. Galbraith, horse buyer of Bras
I cannot be happy without you lad of Spotton and Bryans were adopted. selso
Nor strong in the line of test, Moved by Inglis and Hubbard that the Mrs. Winger spent last week with her last week. "The beaver houses are stick- Mr. Galbraith, in,turn, is said to hav*
Itis only the though that your spirit is following accounts be paid: niece, Mrs. Fred Davey. ing away above the water, and the beaver sold the team at a further advance of.$50�,
near Win, Weir, work on road $6.00, Bert We are sorry to say that Tommy known that he wants his house covered, to the Ament Milling Company of Rruq�
Longley, gravel 3.46; John Spad! Thomson, who lately moved fro in Lon -
I struggle to do my best. cleaning out ditch Lot 0, Con� 4. 8.1elo" don is suffering with a sore arm. He isn't any fool about taking chances sels. They were in splendid conditi-V4
But after the morning is o'er Jubn Hyndman, tile 05.80, J. T. Winter, Mrs. Lymburner who has been spend- I on the cold, either, and it is a sure thing and 800 pounds heavier than when ptir-
And my day on earth is through gravel 0 00; A. E. Gallahar, gravel and !Ing the past few weeks with her daughter; that there will be plenty of water before chased by tile town. The salo, Lif horses,.
With a faithful heart I shali'long for damages 25.00; Win. Huth. sh,-ep killed n Hamilton, returned one day last week. t the ice forms". On thg story as told by especially at this figure, was protestoel bjr
by dogs 9,00; Wm. Pyke, sheep killed by ]Her daughter Margaret, who had been 2t -'the beaver houses Mr. Lang bases his Councillors Moore and Ringler who cvn�
death dogs 12.00; John Kroft, refund dok tax tending school in Hamilton accompanied'
And the smile I shall get from you. 2.00; Fred A. Edgar, Engineer inspecting her mother home. belief that a power shortage existing now sider it a Islaughter.' Councillor SanWer.'.
Sadly Missed by his Wife. the Fred Mahood, Hugh Douglas and C. After a delightful season of fall weather in the North will be relieved, Big rains the only other member of the Beavd, op�
Gedeka award drains also R. Baker the sudden precipitation of winter has will cover up the beaver houses and bring posed to their sale, is in the Nortliem
award 119,00; Jamieson and Patterson, caught many unprepared. a greater supply of water or power de- woods. It was the contention of Conn.
wire and supplies 3140; John Hyndman,
part pay on the Thos. Day drain 82.80; velopment. Moreover, it is a sign that cillor Moore, who as chairman of tilt Pro -
A. E, Taylor, gravellitig iot 4, con. 14' winter is not near yet. perty committze, had the team in cbvr6-s;A,
Mr. W. J. McMillian, a former resid- and 15, 109,40; S. NA7. Ferguson, compen- 'A Bit Of Nature
ent, and his brotber-in-law, Mr. Taylor of that the horse,,, paid their way aletl�y
.sation ror wire fence 20.00; Geo. Hub- A wasp's nest brought to The Signal Sold The Team month ex'cept -one, and that time tbit
(20111,tRnCe. have entered into partnership bard, tile and drasving sarne 18,60; Thos. office by Mr. John Torrance of Porter's,
and have purchased tho McClave Grocery G. Shearer. gravel and cleaning out ditch L'stowel Banner ot last week says:- tearnster was off 0 days because ol
-s in Luclknow. 9 M10; C. Murrav, out let of road water I Llst.wel',; town team, fine stlecimens of nesS.
busintt� i Hill has attracted much attention and ad,
Auctioneer Gundry conducted a very stic. itAl ' 30, cou. 17, 8 00; Municipal Wo,id 13. 1 miration. It was built in an apple tree,
cessful sale of farm 141.00k: and implements M. and D., register 0.00; John Warrell, and evidently was commenced when a
on the farm of Mrs. S. Pollard on Thurs- shot p killcd by dogs 9 00, J. H. lZogers,
imiall apple was growing on the branch,
day last. postage and war �tanipq 14.90. i for now a full-sized Mann apple projects
Mrs. Moses Brown has linrchat.,ed a Moved by Bryans and Spotton that tile I.
house in Wingham, and will shortly counFil adjourn to moct in the Tp. Hall, I Itself about halfway through one side of
move her household ofl`Lcts. Gorne oil Wednosday t hL 15th. day of I the nest. The color and shape of the
Owing to an accident at Linwood, Deeember-Carried. � nest make it a thing of beauty -and need -
C. H. WALXFR, Clerk. 1 8 P F 0 1.4 10 R 0 Co E fl -q V 8 A R G A I N S
Monday the C. P. R. train due here at less to say there are no wasps in it low.
noon, did not arrive until 4 p in. -Goderich Signal.
Mr. MeRoberts spent the week -end in Brussels FOR
Toronto. I Big Store Ads In The Globe
J. T. Wood, who has conducted the
Mr. George Roberston of Clinton, was The following from the Stratfo Al Hei-
in town on business Monday. Excelsior knitting factory here for a r
'Ci 11'h
number of years, inteads removing to aid explains something about which there
iatham, where lie has secured a larger has been. a good deal of comment in'
I 1"ATURDAV5 Novu 271
building and more itiodern motive power. Wingbam 1 1
BORN An absurd runior gained circulation
Ali effect will be made here to place a and some credence in Stratford to the ef-
BtTTLEU In Lower Wingham on Fri day fast league baseball team in the field for 8 lbs. Gmrula!ed Sugar for $1 00, with ona dollir's worth of other
Nov. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. John But- 1927. fect that some of the larger Toronto ad- sale goods
ler of Clinton, a son. Mrs, Butler war, Recent1v Jame-, and Mrs. Parr were vertisers b . ad decided to discipline a Tor -
formerly Miss Lizzie Cruikshanks, presented . with a pair of easy chairs by onto morning newspaper becatlse of its Surprisp Soar .. .......................................... ..... 10C
policy in publishing news of declining Bonny Bright Clezret% Reg 15c for .............................. Ile
neighbors and old friends oil the occasion prices, tothe detrinient of trade in Tor- Pink Salmon. tLarge size) ....................................... Z)Ga
of moving from the homestead in Orev onto, by withdrawing their advertising Peerless Washing Conipound 6 for .............................. -06a
. (letting In Touch With The Best Township to Brussels. A son takes over from this paper. Copies of the papers Summer Vegetable, (Small size) 6 tins for ............. .......... 25r�
Edward Everette Hate used to counsel of the fine farm, located two miles north of reaching Stratford (lid not contain thel
young people to converse every day with Brussels. aavertising announcements of these ad - Malt Vinegar. bottled, reg, 25c, 2 for ........................ 350
sortie one older, better and wiser than Walter Rose, who was hijnred by his veptisers and color was thus lent to tile Special Blend Tea, reg. 60c, per lb.. ........................... 45o
themselves. We cannot all do that, but car turning turtle, is able to be about: story. The facts are. hov Salad Dressing, 3 packages for ........... I ...................... 25C
we can do the next best thing; we can get again, advertisers have not withdrawn their ad- Also Sweet Potatoes. Spanish Ortiort, Gi-ape Fruit, Oranges, Lein'
in touch with them through the printed G rey Township will once more be able vertlaing but have been using the paper Confectionery, Chkicolnteq. etc, at popular prices.
page and enjoy the fruit of their wisdom to aad a deputy reeve to their list of in question all along. What has happen -
and experience. Probably no publication municipal officers for next year, and a ed is that this particular paper witb a view
contains so much from the writings of lively race is expecte(I for the seat, to paying grenter attent;on to its purely Higlic-st price icither cqsh or trade) paid for Butter ;and
men and women distinguished 'in many Vthel Village has been discussing the local field, is now publinhing two editions, Ir
ways as The Youth's Companion. A ad^V'isibilityof pureliasingasniall ig,,-'One forcirculation outside TorovIto, and C OPELAND'S G R OCER
asupplemcniary city section which cir-
.onstantreading of theriaPeris aliberal ing plantfor theuse ofthestores
,ducation. of mind and heart. streets. culates only within the Toron,,o area, Pholle 9.
The Companion has no age limit Pro. This city section hao beem cLirryinj; the
'essional men, John Bray bassold his ioo-acre farm advertising in quostion. ft!qo
business men and busy toaMr LongofVthel. Theforinerwill
gomen prize itas highly as tile young
bity I ainafter parcel of land.
The 52 isque8 of 1921 will be crowded
vith serial stories, short stories, editorials,
)oetry, facts and fun. Subscribe now Miss Arnelia, Loaver who bas bcen'� 00 �:01F .A
ind receive., away visiting at Arthur and other places, A il
ha,9 returned lionito again.
1. The Youth's Companion - 52
Issues Miss Ilercilla Chainpioll of Winglialn,
visited for a few days at Peter Leaver's.
2. All the remaining issues of 1920, Mr. C, 11, Martin is at present bivqyl .1�1 1T N
Z -T
S. The Companion Rome Calendar for pressing hay Oil the 901 eolice9sion.
Mr, Joseph Clianiney hag runiki.qt got
.021. All the above for 12,50. tile briv.k work of his now bouse complet-
4. McCall's Magazine for 1921. The edand the inside ectrpentcr work nearly i k
(10110. It will be 'I fille llout;o wheo com.
tionthly authority on fashions, $1.50 a
,ear, Both publications, only $3,50.
Mist; Laura Robillson of Wivighaiii, 'Apont. A TIRE, QJ
ander tho paremal fi J�%
Tun YOUTH'S ColllsaNjog, Sunday visit tln� rool I 'Pe'IRU BN R COMPAANY"`�F"
ftell lark;e nun' er i this lical
CorAmonwalth Ave. & St. Paul St., 0111 n
I 3ton, Mass. have notgot their till-Illps out Y(A and are WINC41AM. ONTARIO.
hophlK fora few fitle days to ekimplete 111L
4ow Subscripticios Rectived at this Office, job. Bres NOW Oft SUIC With OUr Afqents And"At Our Factory.