HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-11-25, Page 6rrliR WINMIAM ADVAME
bapra!4ions Of ontuio MOTHERS' ALLOW On Sunday morning, Nov. 7, after ser-
vice the Donnybrook Woman's Mis!iiOu-
nty MotheW Allowance Board Quaint And Attractive Volume Reviv0s Considered as a whole the Canadian ary SoF'Icty presented Mrs. GeO. R. Par -
Each province of our Domislilen has its Tht Cou the past week, to adjuit melodies Of Colonist Times scale of war pensioriv is higher than that oris with a bible before her depat turn
*Wu marked individ4ality. partly d%lc to Meet during country. In the case for I, la,,,,d. The address was read by
the act. Some ld by any other hornpon, rreas. and the!
-its traditions, partly to its 10c4Q11 and claims wider fifteen in all From pictures'lue chateau frontenact Pa`7
,se had to Qu of a totally disabled soldier the rate in Mrs -
"Aly to its population; und the m ked WerC dealt with, and niWt of the ebec, has come a book with the title L920 rate bible presented by Niss R Thompson,!
of them, as they " 1914 was $264 per annum; the I President After the addre�s was read
ludividuality of Ontario, with its -ir .1 be returned to the makei�s In) Chansons of Old French Canada," to in- for the same man is $900. The various 5irs, Parsons responed Ina very suitable
isettletl prosperity, has, for the WQsc,., viere in most cases imperfectly filled
y certified as to signature. or trigue those i
Vito delight In "EuscitatienIs Increases are -shown in the following table, manner thanking the W. M, S, for their
,an interest that is possessive. Since Irast imProPetl of music left forgotten in the by tie. - shown her.
supplied. This ways of inwhichare not included special grant$ kind ss
and West are, becoming one in � "atiQnp,1 certificates asked for not Dear Mrs. Parsons -
it causes a great other centuries, It is a quaint and at- and allowances in special cases- it is with feelings of sorrow that we
Spirit -and alms. there is v greater ap- is very unfortunate, as y I tractively printed volume, of paper
deal of unnecessary trouble and dela , Dependents-, learn you are about to take your depar-
preelation of the vision, w1dch the rattlers covers. The title page explains that ac- ture front our tuldst. We indeed regret
d be easily avoided, if the forms private, 3261 and $60 per e such as to ake your
of Confederatien bad when they linIzed and coul d its provisions companiments are by Margaret Gas- 1914, widow of that conditions ar
tile interLsts of all in one gveat' nation- 1=0 carefully read an I coigne, script by James Kennedy, and child. departure necessary, however since your
Imilding enterPelse. There is 1z sweet, complied with. aid be observ- illustrations-kylth dashes of red supple- 1916. widow of private, psi and $1#2 per declsion has been final we must bare the
visiftil charm in old Ontario -a consistent The folloving Points shot menting black and white-bY Ethel child. ,96 per We are sorry that the ties that have
,cliarm that lingers around the dwelling.-, ed by those malting applic: S th There is a preface by C. Marius 1917, widow of private, $480 and bound us together so long are about to
1. Certificates ask for must be s2nt neal ` be severed,'�Ivd wo assure you that we
sthome-loving people. Wesceittbrough Barbeau, who rejoices that "in the dm- rt child. e, $480 and $144 will miss You 9
)gings woven by the in as required.. it will not do to say you really, you will be missed
lose-celarvd It'll - of American uniformity the ancient rural 1918, widow of privat in the community where you have a host ol
fingers of rzai- ish them if wanted or that some districts of Quebec form a quaint oasis per child. friends warm and I
ance in Its connecting link can furn true missed in thQ
the pa,;t. body has seen them. The certificates where industrialism and cupidity have 1919, widow of private, $576 and $180 for church and in our Missionary Society
Travelling through the eottntrVp all the must be obtained, except original mar- not yet withered all local colour, and in. first child. where you were. always willing to do all
the e, 8720 and $180 for in Your power to help in the good causc
_wtistie foi which we all work.
instincts are Registra dividual bias or charm. Leisure and 192o, %vidow of privat May� God bles!
aroued-golden, riage certificates, from barge of
b!ue, purple and green is the vista of the General, Toronto. for which a gaiety have not altogether vanished. first child and keep you. We trust how(wer shiel
sj-;y, lakes, rivers, hills and forest and the 25 cents each is made. Municipal clerk's Singing and story -telling in the old style Disabilities- you are'leaving us, that sometime Yol
bole fac, of nature has a kindly look certificates will not do, neither will copies ly indulged in." 1914 rate for total disability, $264.00. will see fit to return, for You will alway�
W in church registers by ministers. still are casual Qabillty, $480.00. find a welcome awaiting you. As a smal
vith fertile farms, orchard slope-, 4�and taken fro An interesting introduction it is, and 1910 rate for total di token ot your esteem we ask you to ac
Medical certificates of incapacitation or �, ility, $600-00-
conifertable homes, 1 increases the interest with which tho 1917 rate for total disab cept this bible. and as you study its page
Never was individuality more. pronotinc insanity must also be included. I reader will turn to the songs of love. of 1918 rate for total disability, $720 00, and may it recall pleasant memories of th
ed than in the throbbing ie act- 2. Get your municipal clerk or some story, of labor, and, of course, the canoe $96.00 for first child. Missionary Society of Donnybrook. W
, pul9e of tl ts to do . and wish you and vour husband -and sons
ive life that pormeates the dominant city one used to Alling legal documeu f r which the early French 1920 (iiie. for Canada alone), $900,00, safe and bap�y voyage home to me�
'ng songs 'o
of Toronto, Nsture. has brought the real the writing and have a j. p. if possible Canadians were so famous, which follow. $1$0.00 for first child. -your loved ones, and may you long It
very near the ideal -the senses . ur declaration. Don't get some Here are the titles of the airs, all harm- spared together. Trusting that your ro
aie quick- take yo
cued It every turn and radiant in the sun- celative or interested person to do either onized with the utmost si his I rnembera�ve of us wilt ever be a pleasat
mp'iclty* "E"I President-elect Harding, after one. We wacribe ourselves.
flbineoftliese Autumn days, it is a place the filling or the witnessing or taking your Roulant ma Boule," "A la Claire Fon- triumph, announced that he would con- Donnybrook Missionary Society.
The shadows, lying declaration, I ubli an
of eolorful delights, r a mother whose taine", "Sur le Pont d'Avignon," "Mari- Pres., Miss R. rhompson.
cool and soft under the long avenues Of 3. Only a vddow o or anri� s'en va t -au Moulin", "La Fili'du sult the "best minds" of the Rep c Treas., Mrs. R H. Thomp-,o
n dress, a veritable husband is permanently incapacitated Roi d'Espagne", I Hier, sur le Pont Party before proposing any policies. One sec., Miss M. Wallace.
trees, in their Autum �es over an inmate of the asylum for insane and of these, Mr. Elihu Root, has not walted
cloth of gold, picturesque bridg 14 d'Avignon", "Sur le Pont de Nantes",
paths, whohasat least two children under "Dansles Prisonsde Nantes", "Isabeau to be consulted before givinghis opinion, r Suspends Publication
ravinesthat lurt to their sylvan and who wishes to make a on the League of Nations. He declares: Anothe
miles of paved srreets, fine business years Of age, Sy Promene", "Sainte Marguerite". The "In my opinion a new deal here from the I The Hamilton Morning Times has st
Islocks, handsome eburcbes, splendid home for them, should apply ' lit for the book is in the name of beginning by abandoning the Versailles' pendid publication owingto labor troubli
ly homes make up a city, 4. Applications must be made in dup- copyng Pacific Rallway.-New Corporati
schools and love is Impossible. To attempt it brings The Ontario Newspaper
rich in color and conditions interwoven licate, one for the local board and one for the Canadian Treaty
eral board at Toronto. Both must york Musical American, chaos and entire loss of results of the war which recently bought out the Tirr
with the fine traditions of a line of sturdy the gen p,
be sent with all the certificates or docu- and general disaster involving the United intended to publish a morning newspa
pioneers. ments to either Rev. E. R. Garrett sec- States, The precise way in which some with a good advertising patronage a
How impossible it seems that not long Hensall or Geo, W. Holman, No Town Clerk Yet modifications can best be made must be sufficient circulation to make it a payi
since, these broad stretches were virgin retary, We understand that Mr. Peter Gowans determined at the time in conference with, venture, but a dispute over the wE
forests, in possesqion of the Indian and chairman, Godericb. ade will be verified has decided not to accept the position of the other parties!'. Had Mr. Root spoken seale resulted in the printers quitti
5, All statements in even though they were being paid ol
the trader, Now when prosperity clothes )scription a
tke land as with a garment, there is still 4y a government inspector who will visit town clerk, but prefers to continue teach- as clearly before the election he would the scale, Allunearned sul
the home of the applicant to confirm the ing school. This news will be gladly re have turned many votes from his party. � advertising money is being returned.
promise of further rich development when in e application by a ceived by those living in Whitechurch
ike -glorious achievements of the past will facts as recorded th
personal investigation. school section where he teaches. Pos-
be a ctitnulus to future greatness. 6 The members of the local board re- sibly the council will now advertise for
Give me men fo match my mountains,
Give me men to watch my plains; cerve no pay for services rendered and applications for this position
Men with Empire in their bosom, rely upon those making application to do No Decline In Butter Likely
And new eras in their brain. all in their power to make their duties as "They are altogether off the market",
pleasant as possible by furnishing them declared A. E. Silverwood of Silverwoods,
with all the facts and documents required. Limited, London, Ont,, in replying to an
Bluevale inquiry as to the truth of a story from
Mr. Walks of Chesley, spent the week- Belmore Ottawa that a sharp decline in the price
cmd at the home of Thos. Stewart. The Union Sabbath School are prepar- of butter was due. "It is true", be said,
Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. McAllister and family .
spent Sunday with Mr. Geo. Mowbray. in- for an Xmas entertainment. "that there is a large amount of butter in
Mrs. Rolph has gone to Hornings Wills, Miss Agnes Rutherford is visiting storage but iVs not good butter. It is
wi-ere sbe e\pects to spend he winter fliends in Wawanosh. quality stuff that the wholesalers
Mrs Shaw, Toronto, is visiting, her sis- ;econd'
wtth her sister. d, have been unable to find a market for.
-1L1t1:W11a , hw, been on the ter, 'Mrs. Robert N-ichol and otberfrien I The price of good butter is to day 57 to
N_ej�c list tl1,.! i,t weec. We liope she In fact,
-:1, sc,�a be X. again. Miss Nli,�da Wolfe ho spent the suni 58 cents a p und in Toronto
fl.kgqonSat- mer months at Henry Johann's ha�; left I the demand for first class butter is such
that the price will be more likely to go to
ur-ay Z!il. on Mon- for her home near L �elet. the
day. Mr. John Darling is remodelling 60 cents a pounds than lower.
:;,he G. T. R� have reduced the _,,ection Ilou.-,e late,,-,. vac��ted by'Mr. Chas. Nicliol,
w:t:h a view to 1110vini in. A 0rateful Tribute
gang to one mat, and foreman. n is confined to his'
The farmers club, receiwd and delivered Wabter 13ruce Voga (Philadelphia Ledger)
,a car of salt last lveek- bedvvith an -attack of scarlet fever. Great Britain has done a fine thing in
continues very low and
Mrs. Jobn King underWent all opera- Mr. McN deciding to inter the body of an unident-
i1ou at Rochester, hr many friends will little hope is held out for his recovery. ified soldier in Westminster Abbey along -
be glad to know site ir getting along nice - mr, Isaac Stolces and fanlilv are on the
sick list, we bope to see them about side of those of her kings, statesmen.
k- The icz� storm Mondav broke down again soon. poets and distinguished warriors who have
_ _is oii� of t - Mrs.
v the %vor% on Tuesdav evenin Mr. and .
...... :cral trees. there found their last earthly resting
tc r Years. 'Win. Mundell. bOundaiv line, entertain- �
6f xilux Church, place. In no more effective and impress-
3ev. Wilson pr,�ac�ed a fine Missionary ed the voting people
Sunday evening. the evilling was pleasantly spent in ive manner could the debt of the nation
; music and social intercourse, after be acKnowledged, for the grave will stand
game -ed r- forever as a memorial that the Empire re-
,ybic�'a dainty lunch was serN - M
WINUA nV 31ARKETS and Mrs. Mundell make a capital host?. alized and appreciated the sacrifice of
and hostess. 'd those he died not only in the defence of
�CcTrezt up till Wedne-day noon) Ur. -%Veariug hatcher, Wroxeter. pat its liberties, but those of the world w
1 po ourvillage a j?ving visit Friday evening� �
7��ee,. No. 2 Spring .2 25 to our villager., a . re not in the habit of buv- well.
ply of meat by ctrufle
V;L, cat N.,O. 2 FaL� ...... 2 25 to 3 W ing their %veeklv sup Westminster Abbey is the resting plac(
........... .. ....5 60 to 6 60 11 "An t. of those who have contributed in th(
SS The monthbv meetiu- of the Women -.,'
La.d .................... 35 tO 0. ' greatest measure to the well-being of th(
45 1;�.-,Xeigu Missionary Society will meet on
Eu t t e ................... 40 to z' country. Nevertheless, it contains fev
- I-ridlay afternonn:
to 60
.�ggs ................... 5 memorials which mark the existence o
Ctt,,Le, maLl., butchers. 9 CO to 1000 tho-te who died to better purpose than th,
Qattle, butche-.. chak�'. 11 00 to 1,-> 0 a Whitechurch gravre ol� this unknown soldier, who rest
th es unknown but not unhonored amid th
1, 25 to 17 50 johnston Coran returned from , e W t
- ashes of the elect of the eartti.
.......... .. .... 24 �O to 26 00 on Friday :ast.
a Clow spent Sunday at the
............. to 53 miss 011V
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew For. What the Printer Did Before Prohibitic
Alaster Teddy Alowbray. spent Sunday Came Into Force
Make a Day's Pay by at IhIr Alex Mowbray's, Dungannon.
f The local printer was a slave to stron
Bringing Your "We are sorry to report the illness 0
Mrs. ugles"on Her daughter, jean of drink and feeling certain that prollibitio
Xincardine HosPital Staff is with her at cGming into effect the next dav woul
Cream, Egasq present. rob him of further opportunities to imbil
Mr. Chas. Rintoul was in Kitchener he witli a friend or two proceeded i
this _.�k att=�i�g the wcdding of his' '
i walte the most of their opportunities f�
and Poultry r.jece, ryliss Lydia Spencer.
to Miss Alvrtle Beecroft spent the week- J a last glorious celebration and bu,%
end w;tla 1�er atint, Mrs. Jas. Robinson of qtatitities were quaffed.
Winghain. It S�j haupened that it -was also the
oods Ltd Lucknow 1.1ev.,"Mr. Irwin of Lucknow, will preach' prior to the ii-ablishing of the Paper al
in the Methodzw� Zuoh here nent Sun -
with there rnmained two articles Yet to be s
of a wed
te��ts� day after-onn. His subject will dca
the SpracMin case of Windsor. for that editi3n -an accou lit e pri ter
��;%kts arA a sr�=e deal. �g a
IM -s-, OnallAcCInnngban spent a conple ir TL w
CLY iq the V�eea f d�vs last weel, vvith her brcther, Harry. s
eeing things after bis over-i-ndulgen
of 2allgrave. of the day before andthis fswhat appe,,
T p ?,L-urch here collactcd ed I,, the paper:—
On sur,&,ay f&r r -a -mine Pd:icf
F,. Alte-heson, PhOne 47-,�, ve Wffl,�_--I= "inli'll tTle (mly son of Mr. a
Put -A. ' aud Miss Lucy Jore!3 vvc
The C-icmas z�rd CL-_-Ity Trec�- vi:; �vZa:-
bZbetdcrl Deccmb��- 210;t- Any donai- k,� a' Imblic altet:fju Q -t MY f, t
POULTRY . . .!,, ree vilill L-1 ,:;e nlile V;Lst, in tlze pre;euce (,f sev(-1.
r, _g z o c �,� ar I t y T.
ALIVIE OR DRE-SSFD .. __ - Tr cattle. Rev. tbc nup,
for best Prices sell to Eas.t Wawanosb 111:C,1 f(,: L -le l.art;0g, ax�evagltlg Z,
tp�,n3,-t-, an -c! MEs3 Loma Rlol,�,nocr.
HIRST,. Wingha
01�snt to f=ow"I fccOgcLn�jcr
13,-2hind the Tc=l EIJI e!at1rcb;werd Lrstl eLN Liu'l rlk E�C-t5, r4 wCAk hnrrr--1S (�, a
'e'lulm" tv"e, cn 2LC evering -e Cue Ccmtza
cl,0 " lay;�_zg
Micl E'7-1 Vobias�m spent C re
Dressed Poultry ! W days 'e mt:ela cuv, and
cf Z=t week �_'t tt-,e Z,15,rp of L-m� -Cncze. bv ov
Mv. 1--l. a �,,Jcch cf Lli
_�Il fTte arto C,
Wanted ntc-v
WtldlieF13Y, AN'07L51`X-' Nth, AIL3 L -n. mu�%a ek� 60 U�gl
1, -vzna to I& %V�er G�, <'I 1�JAOC3. '!Le L:'b2st tett
0- _At I tt; uEellur 1�7j% :� Z�11 U.Z. U
'I hursday Nov. 2.5th, 1920
This High Cut ILeather Topped Rubber for
ma� Boys Fins a Long Felt Want -
They have best S t U b -
Proof Redman bottorris and
high leather tops. T h e y
keep the feet both warm and
dry, are just as cheap ar,
leatberboots and are about
twice as high in the length of
� Sizes 11, 12 and 13.
price $4.00 per
This line is exacti-11Y as above- but are longer
in tops and bigger In sizes-
Being inches high
and in sizes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Price $5.25'per
mailed to your address
,,post paid" no matter where
you live. or sold at our store
in Wingham.
jV0 Tp, THI-v - W e
can make anything You want
i_+i tnn rijbbers in an
you have a ingn or iow ur
step or for any other reason
you may happen to want a
kind we have not got in
p rice, R, eductions
Money S-aving Values
Men's Furnishings'
Ti", sca-rfs sbirts, sill, s o c k s,
glove, etc 20 rff.
Men"s Overcoats
Lat"i styles in rrien'$. yourig men s
overcoats. fr.rn the beat nn"kers all
,izes, reg $30 00 to 40,00 value for
23 95; reg. S45 00 to 55.110 value for
Men's Odd Pants
Heavy untearable tweeds. worsteds
and serges, prices $4,39, $5.95. $6,89.
Linoleums, Rugs, Oil
Cloths, etc*
Wiltons, Brussels, Axminster, all
sizes, neweet patterns, 20% ofl. Lin-
oleums all widths. Best qualities,
special prices.
100 all wool serge, Plaid, Tricotine,
etc., all sizes reduced 20%'.
Lailies' Hudson Seal Coats,
Mus1rat Coats, Cloth Coats with
Fur collars all warranted stocl,
less 20 p. c.
Best inixed Peel, per 1b .................................... ......
Select Raisins, seeded, seedless, valencia a 1b.
Select Currants per 1b ............................................
BestOatmeal, 4 His for ...... .................. ..................
CornFlakes, per p,,ickage ........................................
BestRicc-, 2 lbs for ..... ..........................................
S,oap, Gold, Comfort, Suilliz"�Iht ................................
I 0C
BestRed Salmon, 1b. tin .............. I ...... ... ................
Shredded wheat, 2 packages for ............................
Best Tapioca, 2 IbS for ............................................
PureLard, 3 ]b for .......................................... .....
5 1b Pail Pure Corn Syrup . ....................................
Tea, Black, Ceylon, Japan, re(l. 70c per 1b, 5 1b for
Underwear and Blouseg
Crepe de-chene. Georgette. Voile.
Hosiery Smocks. Alonley Blouses. ah
%vjonjen and children*v. from the best d
makers. Pennicrio, Watsons and Turr- styles reduce
bullsall reduced, Price'; SIC to 3-98- Men"s Suit Sale
Ladies' Furs 75 rilen's and young men's
all wool
Sets of Hn(lson Scal, Masi= Sable. rt:i�s it" "'tert styles of so"ge' tweeds
reg, �SSXO to 40.00
Natural Von� Lynn, Coon and combin- nnJ
aflonn nfntrve, Big Reanctirms. Buy Value for $23.95; $48,co w 66 00 valuo
fo, Xmas. for 33.95.
All wool, Pullovers, jerseys, Coats,
Sets, Tuxedos and Shawls. Reduced
20 to 50"' *
Men's All Wool Under-
Shirts, drawers and combination
suits, Periman's, Turnbull's, Stan -
field's and Tru Knit makes, sale price
89c, 1.79, 2.95, and 4.95.
All Wool Blankets
Best Canadian and imported blank-
ets and shawls in white, grey and
colors, reduced 15 to 25%.
Curtains, Draperies
Scrims, Muslins. Madras. Cretonne,
Sateens, etc, all reduced 20 ' " '_
Buy your Xmas Handkerchiefs now,
and save money. All reduced.
Motor Rugs, Lounge
All pure wool in beautiful plaids
and overchechs. All greatly reduced.
Dress Goods and silks
Screen, GabardineG, Velour Coat-
ing,t, plain and fancy nilks. Ottoman
Cords, etc. Ilverything reduced.
BROS0,. W* h:,O&
KING Ing an,