The Wingham Advance, 1920-11-25, Page 14 I (Aar td NOVEMBER 25th, 1920 Subscriptioin: $2.00 por you -7single Copies - Four Cetits WINGRAM, ONT.; THURSDAY LYCEUM THEATRE "Tito aigsestuttl* show" - Thursday, Friday and Saturday LILA LEE as a child of the Canadian Wilds supported by ELLIOTT DEXTER in "A Daughter of the wollop A smashing story of the great Can,idi.?n Northwest, and the Car- ter De Havens in $-IN A PINCH" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Louis Bennison with Aatherine MacDonald btcclaimed the most beautiful woman in America in 64Speedy Meade!' A mile -a -minute story of the man they couldn't lick. ,,DYNAMITE" The second episode in the new feature Werlal of romance and ad- venture -PIRATE GOLD" Children's Ma tinee Wed. at 4 '15. Admission5c and 10c. fxrsonals Miss Millie Nicholls is visiting with friends in Toronto. I Reeve Tipling spent a couple of days in London this week. Mr. H, Buttery of Hamiltm has re- turned home to spend the Winter. Mr, R9bt, , Hastings of New Liskeard' is renewing acquaintances in Turnberry. Mrs. W. A. Campbell of Winnipeg, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Gregory, Centre St. Mr. Clarence Wilson of Ottawa is visiting with his inother, Mrs. John �Vil. son, Edward, St. Mrs. C. R. Copeland and children spent a few days at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan, Owen Sound. Mrs. T. J. McLean and daugther, Eleanor, spent the week -end with the former's sister, Mrs. T. 0. Drummond in Hersall. Mr. T- A Breen of Grand Rapids, Michigan, spent a fevedays with friends in town and vicinity, He returned home on Tuesday morning accompanied by his mother, Mrs. R. Breen, who will spend the winter with her sons in Michigan. Mr. Alex Reid who recently sold his farm on the B. line to James Gannett of Bluevale, has returned to town and the family are occupying their home on Ed- ward St. We trust their stay in Wing - ham will be a long and prosperous one. Mr. A, C. Williams was up from Tor- ==M= - REV HOWSON DIES Former Beloved Pastgr Of Wingham Methodist Church Rev. William Giles Ho son died at his late residence, 71 Askin street, London, early Sunday morning. Mr.'Howson had been ill for a month, but his death was unexpected. For the past six years he bad been in rather poor health, suffering from stomach trouble, but was never tak- en seriously ill until Saturday. Deceased was bom in England 70 years ago, a son of the late W. J. Howson, a wholesale leather merchant, When a lad of 17 he took his first charge in England and proved such ability as a speaker that he was brought to Canada by the late William Morley Punchon. who was rank- ed as one of the greatest ministers of his time. When 20 years of age he took his, first charge in Canada, at Toronto junction, but later received a call to St J�larys He later had charges in Mitchell, Wingham, Wallaceburg and Glencoe. In 1912 he MEMORIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The following subscriptions to the War Memorial Fund and the Veteran's Watch Fund have been received by the Tre,2sur- er to date. $60.00 War Memorial Fund W. J. Greer, Hanna & Co., Mrs, F, Helps Dr. Irwin, H. E. Isard, L, 0. L. No. 794, J. A. Mills, J. A. McLean, Dr, R. C. Redmond, Miss L. Rutledge, Thomas Taylor, Amos Tipling, W. F. Vanstone, W. H. Willis. $40.00 War Memorial Fund, A. E. Fothergill. $25.00 War Memorial Fund Billie Burke, W. F. Burgman, H. B. Elliott, Dr. J. A Fox, J. Galbraith, I A. Habkirk, Maitland Lodge 1. 0. 0. F., J. H. McKay, W. G. Patterson, Miss Edith Rush, A. E. Smith, A. G. Smith, C. R. Wilkinson. $15.00 War Memorial Fund, E. J. Mit- chell. $5.0 War Memorial Fund W. F. Connor, Phil Dyer, Howard Gray. Total-SI.095.00. Veteran's Watch Fund Dr. J. A, Fox, S10-00. Meeting Of Huron County Council The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 dclock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 7th day of December, 1920. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. Horbimq, local 11tems Mr, Roy McLeod is now on THE ADVANCE staff, Mr. Henry Aitcheson has entered the staff of the Bank of Commerce. Read King Bros. cut price advertise - merit, A cuts the high cost of living. McKibbon's Drug Store have the largest display of French Ivory in the county. Gold Fish at the Rexall Drug Store complete aquarium free with a $2.00 pur. chase. Kings" and Willie idvertisements will be found on page 4 instead of page 10 this week. Dr. Hambly resumed his practice on Saturday after spending the past few weeks hunting in New Ontario. Cottage Prayer Meeting will be held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of Joseph Wellwood, Centre St. You are welcome. Mr. E. Merkley and son, Cecil and Mr. Harvey Anderson drove home three new Gray Dort cars from Chatham on Thars- day last. Did you ever notice where the good job printing comes from? Just ask your friend where he gets the best satisfaction in printing. Old fashioned fowl supper served at Billie Burke Cafe "Queen's Hotel Build- ing" Wednesday 6 to 8, Price 75 cents for full course supper. Mr, W. H. Willis assisted with the musical part of the program at an enter- t� onto EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN over the weekend. While �i town he purchased the house on Patrick St. in which his parents are living. Bert is of the young men who has served and is now back to civilian life and is making good. Mrs. Alice Smith and her two daughters Misses Clara and Lillian of Vancouver, B. C., who has been making an extended visit with relatives and friends in Ontario, visited at the home of the former's Mr. Charles Barber, for severa and intend leaving shortly for theirl home in B. C. Mrs. Tomkins, Shuter St. celebrated her 87th birthday on Nov. 15th. and is, 7 ­ it f Trirg L&TF REv. W. G. Ho­wsoN. 'I k. County C er Goderich, Nov. 15th, 1920. Died In Ridgetown Mrs, P. S. Linklater received the sad news on Friday, that her sister-in-law, Mrs, John McGregor, had passed away in Ridgetown. Der -eased was formerly Margaret Wilson of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. McGregor will be kindly remember- ed by many of the older settlers of Wing - ham, as they had a tailor shop i n Lower Wingham, almost fifty years ago. Be- sides her husband she is survived by eight sons and four daught�rs. A New Doctor In Wiligham tainment in alton eLROUISL WHIM on Friday evening, Nov. 19th. Bazaar in the council chamber, on Thursday, Deceniber 16th, under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Soci- ety of the Methodist Church, Christmas stationery is here wonderful class and value McKibben's Drug Store. What about Personal Greeting Christ - mas Cardsil They save buying presents andare fully as well appreciated. See our samples at Tim ADVANCH. The Baptist church at Ridgetown, Ont., has extended a call to Rev. J. F. Ding- man to become their pastor. Mr. Ding - man has not yet given the church his de - one ioUGGY FOR S&LE-bteei tired Dore buggy auto seat, good as neW, ApIlDy at. overseas Trip VAN was pastor of Wingham Methodist church B tJLL FOR SAiE-Nine months old, Regist- ered dark roau� shorthorn Bull fit for service. Apply to R. J. BRLIM Phone Wrometer 4-0, Route 1, VV ingham, -­­ .. . .... . . ....... COAL FOR SALE -All kinds of hard coal from $0.00 t I1-0.1,P,,er 111, ph... 199. brother, 0 I'Low, IN days, Mr. A. M. Fralick, tax collector, wishes came from Glencoe to Askin Street Met h- odist church here, a charge he held until 19151 when he retired. In 1887 he mar- ried Miss Elizabeth Nixon of Mono road, Ontario. 'CHAIN LOST-0bain off auto tire, SOMO -where, between Western Foundry and Brunswick 1jot0l. -Finder will ease leave same at. 11111r, InVANCE. FOR SALE -Well bred -Rhode uland Red *montlisold. APPIrat. 0ockeral& six Tim ADvANCY. we are pleased to say quite smart. She is a remarkable old lady and has travelled a 'great deal, having crossed the ocean five times, spent a summer in France and T -1 *­� A . Ur� - 1,-A. ­ 1 "Rarely in my time have I heard such an eloquent speaker. Rarely have I met a man with a more gentle spirit. His Christianity was strong and staunch. P-rson-llj I have lost a very dear friend.' ' Dr. Irlma Kenne dy has associated with her a surgeon, Dr. W. W. Readi Montreal. Dr. Read is a graduate of McGill, Gold Medalist in Surgery from that University I- I A. cision. If you like candy you will appreciate the delicious wholesomeness of "Annie Laurie" creamy home-made Chocolates, III He is survived by four daughters. One -12 y9ung poigs.5,weeks old. Apply IFOR SALF to R L E. TAYL01t, Belgrave. FOEt SALE-ChOiOe, pure bred 21ammot BrolizoturkeYs,he��I!.,ohblcrs �8. AP 'e'lhyoto ARRI no &i-Gw Xorth Huron, Route Imckno SALH-ElVea young Pig", 'line week FO'o'fd. Inquire WOR t -ALE -A number of Ilegistered Daro JK Jersey pigs from Pioneer Defender Bel 14610, either sex. Apply, to. W. J. PUADON, Phone 23 614. Route 3, Winghar .F'ORsALE-The two vacant stores wi dwelling above b@longing to the D. Be 3D,3tate, and situated opposite the skating rin on Josephine street � 9g.paArticalars apply ,w rr. F J. G. i xecutor Town iian, wit)gbam, bn :ford ram and owe lambs fro FOR '4r*e`b1rEeed0s'txock, also S. C. White Legho a nd PIUT plymoudi Reek Cockerala. Guil Strain Jonx FARrasill Lucknow % Phone Ducgann6 82- WANTVW-For restaurant. We GIRALPply to. J. H. MoKAY. ]Rousr,� FOR SALM-Tv%o late. a bargain for cabh. to 1111.Pk NICHOLLS O�,V-A Jet black two-year-old steer we! between eight, and nine hundred. IN ination will be gratefully received by. JAS. PLOWMAN� Pbone 14,617. Con. 6, Wawano 0 ni FOUNo-A Bunt D1101ney fou inthe ethodist church on Sunday evel ,Ing, 0 wner way have same by proving pr 01.`.y and payiog c X p e 11 s c, s of adverLisin ly to. Rev, H. Z AwASTUONG. IDNIONS FOR SALE -Get your win supply now. $2,00 im bag at " IflusT,s reduce Waroliou,;e pROPVRTY IFOP SALM-20) acre,, br house and bank barn good orchard, a 9.6 acres of bush. I,wo �undred acre far AlRo Rome excellent property In tile town Wingham. Apply to. VItANK W lughaul. AY -W"'" sokv weight " t "") �a t �) Let 31, con. 8, Ua,' W ray have f4amo by prov �.Jht Owner nn' 1proo��ty .a payinIT 0 ewes. bM_,,Ng snoy,130TTOM, Route 1 Belgra WANTIOD-A, good 0XP0 - vil;necd maid. ply at TuL� ADVANU WAR- l'irED-Soft and hard dry &ood. CM rulling. 1J. J� CAN-TELON. Phone 19 ANTED-Gooll C00h h1VhV­Jt Wa9061 Paul 8 church. L d servative candidate The California and Alex S. residing in Allis- guests attend promptly at nine o1clach to Ants. W%T11Tlm1;:, t, LPcaa,nidid�aotne in the hottest election ton; also Mrs. Roland Beattle of Alliston avo- W houl,011MM k0t, twO in,family, apply to Mighty Men! t Id inconvenience. st. vincent st­ Goacrich, -the law campaign ever staged in East Elgin, and Mrs. W. E. Slueding of Toronto. They recognize but one law I r ; r, A-; 1, The services in Winghatu 1�,Jetbodist 'IS YOUR HOUSE INIRED FOR HYDRO P 0(,�t oil,, pl,iccs. It means a big savitig to YOU. The Electric Shop Phone 280. � that lies in the barrel of a gun and the flinty hardness of bare fists. And when Marsh with his Wall Street millions hits the Kalvik trail to force them to yield their claim to "The Silver Horde" lie I found (411t. - And t4,e strugivie that followed resound- ed with the crash of mighty fists --vibrat- ed with the unleached passions of strong men fighting for fortune and the love of a wornan. Watch next weel&PaPer for dates on #11,rbe Silver Ilorde", 11ex Beach's ratost powerful stt)ty of the might of, the Mth agaju�t the eunning of Wall W&A. illiam G. Charlton, Indepandent Liner - al candidate polled only 1,046 votes as compared with a total of 3,083 for the successful contender and 2,828 for J. L. Stanselt. The returns from the -various 13011ing subdivisions began to arriveat the head- quarters of the three candidates shortly before 7 o'clocit, and from the b�giuning tile rLce was clearly between Mv-. Me- Dermaid, and Mr. Stansell, in spite o, the fact that the first subdivisions to ba hoard from was Aylmer, whero the Lib"ral noln. ince w"Is coftc6ed to 1,0�d th-3 wifining 113118. internient LOOK pace I& v tery oil Sundayafternoon. DIED St, T(�es%ater, Ontaflut oil Mohday, November 15th, 14,)20. Funeral ser- vice8 will he hold in Knox ctaurchf Tt-es�vater, o�,j Tilursday November 18tlu at0­30 P.M. TeeswatcrUdge No. 176, A. ri. & A. M- will have citargo 01 t1te o4se�faie,j, InNmavmlt In church next Sunday will be as tollows- 11 a. in. public wor8hip, subject "The Gospel forTo-Day"; 7 1), in. subject ,The Gambling Passion", an address for tile tilue,.;. you will b., made welconie. Bring your friends. G 00d sinl�`ing, On Nov. l0th the W. A. of St Pauls' Church, Hensall, gavo a very successful fowl supp"r and concert afterward" in which one of ow- �ornler school childret n iouk a prominent part in the pason of l'ittle Margaret iNallialoud, who played t1lo mouth organ 314td received gvclat allplaus3, A S M A S H EXTRA SPECIAL Hot Water Bottles, New stock at new prices. Regular $1.50 value 79C. Regular $2.00 value $1.19. Regular $2.50 value $1.29. Regular $3.00 value $1.79. The famous Kantleek Bottle for $3.75. . The best bottle made. Sold at a fair price at the Rexall Store only. Guaranteed for 2 years anof replaced at the Rex - all Store anywhere, if it should prove defective in any way. RKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Drugs and Stationery Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets Fine D i splay of 25shoppingdaysz Choice Till. Christmas Papeleries Heifer Beef I Xmas �ards Statuary At Field & Co's White Ivory Butcher Shop Dolls and Toys "Specially Priced" Novelties, etc,, by the quarter. arriving in abundance "'Come In" The season is now on for "Jellied Headch�ese." Our home-made beadc h e e s e GEO. MASON & SON consists of selected cuttings Stationery, Patent Medicines, tastily spiced and perfect- Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper, ly cooked. per lb only ...... 20c Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. Home Kettled Rendered Lard ,absolutely pure', 3 & 5 lb. pails, per lb .� ............. 35c Maitland Lodge, 1. 0. 0, F. held a ivery successful progressive euchre in I their lodge rooms on Thursday evening. !There were about seventy-five people Thos.Field&Co !present. Prizewinners were Mrs. John i Hardy, Mrs. R. V. Brooks, Mr. Alex. Phone 35. i I Porter and Mr. Bert Porter. A W41 X X % M. X X � ��, MINIX X X : 4 W14 IV. X I C NX XT I C J U nquesfionably necessar - y B eitev- quaRity here. B Uy therm now. E very pair guava-ateed. R emonable PiriceS. S atlisfine6on pauranteed. Shoo Bargains See oul. Nviklhplvs TV and Bargain TaMos. '01 0 t y, v e n timesand also in New York and other said Rev. J. T. C. Morris. Mr. Howson and has the degree 1A. A, U. �v - ng an Hespent four years overseas and since no better. Sold only aL Rebe s Drug Store, American cities. Mr. Tomkins, her third was pastor of Wingham Methodist church his r9turn has devoted his attention al- Mr. A. M. Fralick, tax collector, wishes husband, has until very recently enjoyed twelve years ago. most entirely to major Surgery. Dr, to warn all whose poll tax has not been the best of health, but has been under He is survived by four daughters. One Read will take over the suite of offices re- *d that unless same is -settled before pal the d ctor's care for the past few days. daughter, Miss Mable, is living at home. cently occupied by the late Dr. J. P. , December 6th it will be placed in court Le Mrs. Gen. Mason is a daughter of Mrs Mr. Howson's wife died one year ago last Kennedy and will specialize in Surgery for collection. Tomkins. July. The funeral was held on Tuesday and Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work. A special meeting of the Public School Mr. T. G. Tipling of 8alcarus Sask . �rother afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services were Huron OW Boys' Association Board will be held o n Friday evening to th, I 11 k spent a few days with his big Reeve Tipling, and visiting the scenes oi held in Askin Street Methodist church. The Annual meeting of the Huron Old consider the applications of teachers to Jilt the vaegney caused by the resignation to bib childhood While trying to persuade Interment was made in Woolland ceme. Boys' Association of Toronto, will be held of Miss Gretta Robinson. t- editor that the West is really no colder tery. in Room 15, Y. M. C. A. Building, 40 Don't hesitate to call at THEADVANCE ra ru than Ontario he told of the coldest that he can ever remember bf being. When College St., Monday Evening, 29th inst 8 o'clock for the election of officers and office and inspect our samples of personal d's quite a young lad he drove a Methodist Died III Calfornia Mrs. William McIndoo, a former well. at the transaction of General business. An greeting Christmas folders. It takes a few weeks to get your orders filled and .1 minister from their old home on the Blue. known resident of Wingham passed away addresson "Huron Reminiscencm" will Robinson Christmas is drawing close. rk vale Road in to Wingliam to catch the' train on a bitter cold day. away in Fresno Cali., and a Fresno paper be delivered by Rev. J A. of St. Philip's church, Spadira Avenue, and The Women's Missionary Society of afternoon They had not gone far when his reverence of November 5th, in recording her death Charlotte McIndoo. wife of a former Huronite. Addresses will also the Wingham Methodist Chur ch will hold said the cold was more than he could says; -Mrs. William McIndoo a pioneer of Fresno be given by prominent members of the a Bazaar in the council chamber of the - stand and pulled the robes up over his well-known business man of Association. Refreshments will be serv- Town Hall on Thursday, December 16th. ht Of. 1�ead leaving the young driver without I county and this city, passed away yesterday evening ed at the close of the meeting You are Wait for it. Tea will also be served. q 4 any, and when he arrived in town he bad at the family home, 1605 VanNess ave- earnestly requested to be present, and Tile choir of St. Andrews Presbyterian 4 s h. to ask a merchant to tie and lo ' Janket his nue, following an extended illness. Born bring another Huronite with you. church will put on a Sacred Cantata 4 The q 1. nd horse for him. Needless to sayT. G. will in Canada sixty-two years ago, Mrs. Me- The Late George McKenzie Rolling Seasons" in the church on Thurs- u- op- always remember his old friend the pastor, Indoohadbeen a resident of California George McKenzie, former] y of Wing- day evening, Nov. 25th. Silver collection g- and therrierchant who befriended him for thirty-five years. A member of the 'r 18th at ham, passed away on Novembe Pr9ceeds in aid of the starving thousands -- and finished by telling the clergyman how mean he was. � First Methodist church, she was for many years an active worker in that congega- tion. She is survived by the husband, the home of his daughter. Mrs. Roland Beattie in Alliston, at the ripe old age of of China, The fast growing demand for Temple - ton's Rheumatic Capsules and RAZ -MAH ter years. The late Mr, McKenzie was St. Paul's Church Notes two daughters, Mrs. Edith Manheim and for years prominent in the public life of for Asthma, which J. W. McKibbon's letc )so Nov. 28, First Sunday in Advent -11 Mrs. Clara Belle Dibem and one son ' In Wingham, having held all the offices in Drug Store has experienced since securing n8. oe a. in. Morning Prayer, 2.30 p. In. Sun- Ivan McIndoo, all of this city. A the gift of the People. Ile was Mayor on the local agency, proves the value of the day School. 7 p. in. Evensong. Friday, brother, Fred Graham, resides in San l two different occasions and sat in the medicines, Nov. 26. ---A shower of dolls and articles Francisco. The funeral arrangements later by Stephens & i reeve's and the deputy -reeve's chairs and , Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Robinson� ounce for the babies, in aid of the bazaar, will will be, announced on the council board Many of the older tile inarriage of their eldest daughter, Elva aw-, Ve held at the rectory from 3 to 5.30. Bean. settlers remember him as a grain buyer Maude to Mr. Joseph Clark Thompson, lu'r I A" h dit congregation are Shateurday, East Elgin Goes Parmer and a very large property owner in town. son of MT. and Mrs. Will. Tholnp�uu, Au- Va. cordlially'ainvItedof Nov. 27.--- -Sidney Smith McDermaid. of Lake- Ile owned a tannery in th.- building now burn, Ont. The marriage totalie Place 2p.m.annual Sunday School examina- Iview, United Farmer candidate in the occupied by Harry Wardsman, early in December. E. tiods in the basement, all the scholars of East Elgin by-election for the Dominion His wife predeceased him about eight Remember th�! Veterans' Assembly in the main scholars of the main school are House, was elected on Monday by an un- months ago, Six of a fau'lly survive, viz. the Armouries on Friday evening of this expected to write on these examinations. Remember. a welcome awaitE ollicial majority of 235 over his next op- patient, John L. Stansell, the National R, ME., merchant of MIgrave; Alf. B., lawyer in California; G,�orge, doctor in week. Lombard,)' s orchestra will furnish Music. The patroriesses request that the ANTED-Gooll C00h h1VhV­Jt Wa9061 Paul 8 church. L d servative candidate The California and Alex S. residing in Allis- guests attend promptly at nine o1clach to Ants. W%T11Tlm1;:, t, LPcaa,nidid�aotne in the hottest election ton; also Mrs. Roland Beattle of Alliston avo- W houl,011MM k0t, twO in,family, apply to Mighty Men! t Id inconvenience. st. vincent st­ Goacrich, -the law campaign ever staged in East Elgin, and Mrs. W. E. Slueding of Toronto. They recognize but one law I r ; r, A-; 1, The services in Winghatu 1�,Jetbodist 'IS YOUR HOUSE INIRED FOR HYDRO P 0(,�t oil,, pl,iccs. It means a big savitig to YOU. The Electric Shop Phone 280. � that lies in the barrel of a gun and the flinty hardness of bare fists. And when Marsh with his Wall Street millions hits the Kalvik trail to force them to yield their claim to "The Silver Horde" lie I found (411t. - And t4,e strugivie that followed resound- ed with the crash of mighty fists --vibrat- ed with the unleached passions of strong men fighting for fortune and the love of a wornan. Watch next weel&PaPer for dates on #11,rbe Silver Ilorde", 11ex Beach's ratost powerful stt)ty of the might of, the Mth agaju�t the eunning of Wall W&A. illiam G. Charlton, Indepandent Liner - al candidate polled only 1,046 votes as compared with a total of 3,083 for the successful contender and 2,828 for J. L. Stanselt. The returns from the -various 13011ing subdivisions began to arriveat the head- quarters of the three candidates shortly before 7 o'clocit, and from the b�giuning tile rLce was clearly between Mv-. Me- Dermaid, and Mr. Stansell, in spite o, the fact that the first subdivisions to ba hoard from was Aylmer, whero the Lib"ral noln. ince w"Is coftc6ed to 1,0�d th-3 wifining 113118. internient LOOK pace I& v tery oil Sundayafternoon. DIED St, T(�es%ater, Ontaflut oil Mohday, November 15th, 14,)20. Funeral ser- vice8 will he hold in Knox ctaurchf Tt-es�vater, o�,j Tilursday November 18tlu at0­30 P.M. TeeswatcrUdge No. 176, A. ri. & A. M- will have citargo 01 t1te o4se�faie,j, InNmavmlt In church next Sunday will be as tollows- 11 a. in. public wor8hip, subject "The Gospel forTo-Day"; 7 1), in. subject ,The Gambling Passion", an address for tile tilue,.;. you will b., made welconie. Bring your friends. G 00d sinl�`ing, On Nov. l0th the W. A. of St Pauls' Church, Hensall, gavo a very successful fowl supp"r and concert afterward" in which one of ow- �ornler school childret n iouk a prominent part in the pason of l'ittle Margaret iNallialoud, who played t1lo mouth organ 314td received gvclat allplaus3, A S M A S H EXTRA SPECIAL Hot Water Bottles, New stock at new prices. Regular $1.50 value 79C. Regular $2.00 value $1.19. Regular $2.50 value $1.29. Regular $3.00 value $1.79. The famous Kantleek Bottle for $3.75. . The best bottle made. Sold at a fair price at the Rexall Store only. Guaranteed for 2 years anof replaced at the Rex - all Store anywhere, if it should prove defective in any way. RKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Drugs and Stationery Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets Fine D i splay of 25shoppingdaysz Choice Till. Christmas Papeleries Heifer Beef I Xmas �ards Statuary At Field & Co's White Ivory Butcher Shop Dolls and Toys "Specially Priced" Novelties, etc,, by the quarter. arriving in abundance "'Come In" The season is now on for "Jellied Headch�ese." Our home-made beadc h e e s e GEO. MASON & SON consists of selected cuttings Stationery, Patent Medicines, tastily spiced and perfect- Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper, ly cooked. per lb only ...... 20c Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. Home Kettled Rendered Lard ,absolutely pure', 3 & 5 lb. pails, per lb .� ............. 35c Maitland Lodge, 1. 0. 0, F. held a ivery successful progressive euchre in I their lodge rooms on Thursday evening. !There were about seventy-five people Thos.Field&Co !present. Prizewinners were Mrs. John i Hardy, Mrs. R. V. Brooks, Mr. Alex. Phone 35. i I Porter and Mr. Bert Porter. A W41 X X % M. X X � ��, MINIX X X : 4 W14 IV. X I C NX XT I C J U nquesfionably necessar - y B eitev- quaRity here. B Uy therm now. E very pair guava-ateed. R emonable PiriceS. S atlisfine6on pauranteed. Shoo Bargains See oul. Nviklhplvs TV and Bargain TaMos. '01 0