HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-11-04, Page 6L The, Qu* t Oke We te.. s rver SERVICE OR DIVIDENDS. r w4 14 041144% tile service of tile 0 L T to It uuytlatuK was needed to ti$sura, the AQYaI Air Force stands Out AbOYP �IuWes% of the Ilydro Radials the $car. everything Vise Accomplished by Can- by vy 00W. city of hQueep within cities, tile high adlails. It to fItting, 1;44� something t40!*2,,, t', "st of buil4ing, And the coot of land should be do.4a tot 93rpottlate the name hri��� Alad taX04 would be siltticlent. More And famle at tile famous body Which Hurat "MWXN"1==M0 did so muell to give supremacy to Brl- M04 rQu meet Vlth,an 4ccf4ei3 And MOr6 Is It evident that without ta,14 in the alit In the critical days of a. burn, a scald or A brula rapid transit to country districts It 1$I& An arr.tngemelij U46 beau Made :1,Tt"opend money need.1saily I will be Impossible for the cities to which It I's hoped will work out satia- 3M .1 doctor'A.. bills, but apply' zam-flu tOnt4lu the, Population that Is more t4etortlyAnd as it depends for Its sug- at once., TL-Iis herbal balm will on In, stq the bleodIrg, proven 'and more Congesting them. Utudiorda Coos on the widest co-operation from IN IVAT A It 101 "It opr", autl real estate MOO admire conditions ng aqd lical quickly. gas, Of 00110estlou I the P11:010, no doubt the details of, the Ue'VEXT you. Doi, And among them Are to a box handy. %6 found some of the strongest OP Plan will be of Interest. The Dolult- For skin troubles Zam�Buk t 110nents, of Rydro-Radials. But Ian Government has given $80o,090 4 DAV AS equally. Jnvaluabl A skin d the )Fear to be divided Cured b7 a' Zara-Bult does not Interest of the whole people to to be umong the pro - Considered before that of a section. No, VIAOes, Pro rats, for the purposes of Out 49,41n, because ZaV�.Buk oure: Utica can tbrIve which is put In I&_ What is called tile Canadian Air Board, Vex the "root" up tilts board, and the Ontario Committee, 'You 5 Zam-rulc Is best for eczema, bolls der constricting conditions, especially N;Ich province has all association under Mr ASZPE f blood-polsont"g and plies. AR as arise out of congested urban condi- Which loctits after recruiting pro- tion ING y0e d0alerj 50c. bD',t UOus A high state Of civilization re- Akid all the interests of the yolunoteer- FOR Yov� (Riv laulres a large proposition at rural pop - Illation, And thia is impossible without 'nd- pilots and the mechanical mail who ZOO I GOT UWE rnile the rapid transit Malta up the Korea, consists of Mr. provide. that electric roads Lloyd Ilarris, Chairman, blajor Dan - The testimony of the Hydra K PPU COMInISSton , officials showed consider- glas Hallam, Vice -Chairman; Sir John 9. A able profit on the estimated busines. Ira, R. W� Leonard, Major D. Joy and Major Hember, with the Lieuteu- It it be suggested that theso. are Only In fifteen years the Hydra estimate The Air Board consists of three estimates it Is to be remembered that ant -Governor as General Convener. trust to .3:cphenle Weak, boyish fa branches, the operatives. department, oe, habitues. Come aeng (it oace." 21ave invariably proved reliable with "No, no," the latter mi.4, angrily, h6ults always more favorable than the inspection department, which In- Untlelpated. Nor should it be forgot- cludes all the licensing and technical she hasn't run away at all, She has' Both the irea went out, and Talbot 6a Only come, down here for an hour or following the -Irl's directions, March ten that thet Radials alm at pruviding forces, and the Canadian Air Force, .10 i� I ad On decidedly, deareely noticing Ste I thought she might have colue service at cost, and not to make pro- Proper comprIsIng tile pilots and can- Dhon's questicno, which he could no fit% a fact that those who view every- sUting witirely of volunteers. The down here to see you,,, "No, replica tiie Pole, Answer, thing from a profit-making basis find first two branches make up thoperma- 8W leprocatingly, "I don't know," he sa!d, for th eat staff and shli,jgIng his shoulders and sp4:PadIng fiftieth time, to 6phen's last absurd It difficult to appreciate, us they for-' n the volunteer branch A J fiva W E L IN X" out his hands, "I hat not seen her. It get that a service that ivill Pay for It- Of the Pilots hopes to train 2,000 pilots she come here, I shut the door 'upon query as to how long she had been every four years. In the mechi her. I say 11 *111 hat no runaway �self is all the people desire, and Is allical there, 4ulta Possible where a service Intended department It to expected thst 3,600 The houses became peoror aue to produce dividends :would fail. mechanics will be trained In the $time wives laerd.' Mly tren, before you Yes shabbier as they walked. Even In marrit did, rlatJ saY, a truant daughter 109-cab!ne there 10. a -rest differene CANALIZING THE ST. LAWRENCIE. time. A Supply of machines and RO" vGH THEA make a truant wife? She haf left me marked between the, respectable a 4 Experts on the St. Lawrence Canal 0clulPment has been obtained free first, now. she haf1eft you.,, n from England. Mechanics are taken the d lGreputable And,the figures tha proposals have been telling the Water- on for one month's training He hild takefi Stephen by the front Pa�sed them f�(>Wi time to time every two of his cost and was apus'.jing in his though. more rarely here 'n. t 1. u 'ways Commission what they know and years, and receive pay at the rate of ZQtla h 9 q what they oi%ppose of the conditions. If words bY the ald� of a Mity f9 ter, looked at the touglieS't, Meet C Ut- from $7 to $14.35'a week with board, gcr. throat claao;. fffliat they know Is undoubtedly gov- quarters, clothing, etc. It a:mechanio . .1 (To be Continued,) .ralbot abandoned Stephen to argue 'erned by the degree of interest they wisliq to join the permanexit%taff and Talbot laughed quietly, and walked supremely ridiculous for Steyhen tb the Matter out Ith his drunken take in the subject, and the special Passes his qualification tests' he� can back Into the sitting -room. have to,call In another man's aid in father-in-law, alalt strolled i back angle from which they approach it. be taken on for a ported not longer "Well, she gives you good advice," these Per.onal matters- b,,At then lie through the passage, through the bar-' 0 Is PHOSPHODINE. The Montreal man with large local than a year at double pay, with either he said. "I should follow It. Lot her 'was more than twic) Steghen's age, room� and then stood, with his gloved The 6reat egglish Preparal(na. interests in that city will have differ- a separation allowance, or with quar_ AV a day or two to herself—a day And had got into the habit of making Toneli and invigorates thi whole h a ha ds. d p In his fur -lined pockets nerlous system. make,. newe Blood ent views from the Hamilton man who r two of liberty. She'll come back excuses for him. Sc,, tired and OX, at it thq as ters for his wife and family. Training 0 salo6 door, looking lqp and in old Velas. Used for Nervous wants his British goods delivered by consists Of Practical work on the m at the a d all the better for it." hausted though he Was, he dragged Otl down'tbe street. Presently one'of the -steamer at the Hamilton wharf and ft Debility, Mental and Brain Worty, chinos on the field, In the engine shops Stephen followed him into the fire- his frozen boots again, and'prepared wrecks of the� night edine, drifting by, Despondeng, Loss of Eil " Palpitation IV Ihe railway man who wants to 4.arry a -ad with technical lectures, and there light. His face was ihe color of to accompany Stephen. a girl of nineteen or rice$2porbox,3. freight by rail Is not anx $4. With beL' for;I5,. Sold by it) druggists, or malled Inpinin ,tons to see It are chances for the nien to have ex- Wood ash, and his eyes loo�ed hag- "You had better have some of this -checks, blue and pinched in the terri- on receipt of price. New pampitiol otr pkg waited going by water. Bat all private in- porlepog air flights, The first trata- gard and terrified. With all his first," lie sa.d, pouring out a cup of ble cold under their coat of coarse .7W1;Tfl9 WOOD MEDICINE Co..10RONTOIGNT. tetests Must yield to the public wel- ing damP 1� *now open at Camp Bar- faults he really loved his 'wite, even in the coffqe he had made, which stobd paint, Ho signaled to her, and she Tate, and aa� water freight Is by far the. eell �ald will. continue all winter. his own narrow, limited, selfish way, ready on the Rtove. drift6d across to him, and stood, with ,cheapest made of transport, and as the 'There are two, divisions at the me- Intensely. They ea6h took a clip standing, and lier'hands thrust tip her sleeves, In THE WORLD NO WORSE. advantage of.carrying oil a Canadian cliantes, briancho the fitters slid the rig- "Oil. Talbot, to think she's gone 1 and then turred out - of the cabin, the light from the Pistol Shot. (New York Situ.) Inland port is Incalculable the deepen- , germ , The�,fltters handle the engines back to it all! I -low awful! locking lie door buhlud them. Tha "I -expect you've seen the Inside at The world at present is undergoing Ing of the St. Lawrence Talbot gave a gesture of I atmosphere and aspect, the whole face most of ft&�he startling changes. The grlrn hand of Canal is and everything connected with tbb me- mpatlence. the drink-hous'es to -night bound to come. How 16ng it may. bo) tal trhdes. The riggers are carpeftters He understood the girl so much better of the night, had changed since the , said, speaking in a kind voice—for the war has laid In ruins much which delayed depends largely , on the tailors, instrum6ft makers, Jewelens', than Stephen ever bad that his meth- giri started. 17he foU had lifted Itself Pitiful, c6ld face of the girl touched came to use out of the past, has strength of the opposing interests, but 'and handle anything connected with ads seemed unreasonably foolish to and, rolled away somewhere In the 'him—"have you,seen anything of ka. speeded up thp evolution of new In- uthen the people are aware of the facts the fabric or frame of , the machine, Win- And now he -was excesstveiy darkness. The air was Itow clear and trine Poniatovsky—a girl who used- to stitutions and customs -.nd practices. they will demand the Canal- Some de. 'every trade being represented, Me- tired and cold and hungry, and his keen. as the edge of steel. The stars livd h6re?" But this does not mean,that the world Clare that even greater than the car- chanics may write tol,34,Yonge street, supper seemed of more importance Were of pie--clng brilliance, and all I'Wot's- she like?" the girl asked, Is on tlld toad to destruction, that hli- Tiage of freights is th-4v creation Of' Toionto, for Iftforniatidu about thiG than a world of Injured husbands, along the black horizon flickered nad sullenly. She Was so hoarse th:Lt she vast waterpowers by the necessary' bran�h, A separate section has also "You can't wonder at -it, old man " leaped a faint rosy light. The two' cotild hardly make the words audible, raising of the river leveis wiTere need, been, established for aerial photo, he said. "This life must be fatole;_ men, stiff, tIrc4 ai-d aching, took much "A tall -Irl, dark, land ve�y hand. This power is estimated ab equal griphy. Pilots are given one months' able for a girl like that." longer to accoml)llsh the distance than -some." to 20,000,000 tons of bituminous, coal training, -with uniform, pay, travelling 44 Why? I -low?" questioned Stephen, the girl had done with her light, eager "Yes, 1 eed her, no. moreln An hoar 'for Ontario. As. Mr. Homer Smith expep"ses, etc. The technical schools blankly. feet, and 'when they got down to the ago, In the Cockpit. She's a-makin, town the n:ght was wer on its way. said, the dost Is not a factor., Jf it cost In the province are taking up thesub- '.'Oh. so quiet. lo excltement.�, more money in there than I can 1870 At the bottom at Good Luck Row, make if 1 Walk all night, Curse her! ;100,000,000 t1va value of thapower In Ject and more pupils than can be ae- "But women ought to like qulet,. and which Is, as explained a.ready, one of 'coal units would far outstep this out- commodated are applying for * the excitement's sinful," returned Stephen, She sits there, and the devil sit. a , be. lay, gigantic as it seems, in one year. courses. The university also is tgkllg hotly, becoming the Low Church mis- the first streets You come to on the Wild her,. a-play1r., for her, I know, edge Of the town, ".-ey halted and took 'And as we have no coal in Ontario the up the matters and two men are an- slonary school -teacher at once, but she'd better look out—you don,t P^ )DROPS value of power to us Is greater than gaged on research Work. The call for T41bot merely laughed and shrugged counsel as to -where they Would be play with that partno-r long." saw STURCOUGH's coal values, just as the value at food men trallied In aeronautics Is increas- his shoulders, but his laugh was Most likely to find I ) object of their "The Cock -pit. .-hat's on the other In famine Is higher than In periods of ing, and no commercial comDany can friendly, and there was an not search. side Isn't it, away from the river?" abundance. � operate unless they ha ve riggers aad light in his eyes. angty S�'Perhaps she's gore t) the Pistol Ta&t's heart qalik - he recpg- DEMISE THREATENED. CANADIAN AIR MEN. ot," suggested Stephen. "We'd better ni2e4 tihe name of the sworat den for (Boston Transcript.) fitters who have passed the Govern- "What am I to do?" asked Stephen, go 1,1, to old Ponlatovsky." gambling in the whole town. "Can I Get off this Afternoon?" Amid all the distinction won in the Mont station; test. mechanically, still standing, the pal- -S ' , I he hasn't come down -to see her "Go down 'here, and turn to your asked the office boy. !t=_ .— —, � - - I --- 1 . lor and the horror at his face growing father, I should Imagine,", remarked left. Any one will tell you where, each minute, "Somebody, dead in your family I Talbot In III : dryest tone. the Cock -pit is," said the girl, with a suppose," rejoined his sar astic am- TAKKE -CARE' OF ITS TREES, metxlcal is paid for by the City Coun- "I've told you; I Let her have the But Stephen persisted all. might be hollow laugh. C base re few days' enjoyment she asks fori there, and s,�.­they tramped straight Tlan she lingered In the light, ;nd PITr*,,r, but I'm Just dyin' ter see clf. The spirit, exhibited by t The Hydro-Electrlo Commission t4o municipal bodies Is commendable. then , her heart will reproach her, And across toward the main street and looked at Talbot wistfully. Rd, put the ball game." and the Parks Department of the Citr HOT WATER she will come back to you," turned Into the Pistol Shot, They pus. some money into her hand. "Go t of St. Thomas have 'Placed the trim- ICE MORE, "But she might 1hink me indiffer- her their way unheeded through the the warmth," he said, kindly,, -And ent," murmured St& MlAg of the trees on the streets COMPACT. . phen, his voice al- Idle, lounging, gossiping crowd within, get yourself sbmeth!ng," 060VS C4"00 Root compomIa most choked in his throat. found their way behind the bar, and Then he turned back Into the sa- st where hydro wires are struug under The Valted States Bureau of Stand- "I shouldn't leave her long. It she asked for Ponlatovsky. The little Pole loon to find Stephen. He met �fiim, oned n�-. Md id thiee do. the superintendency �df the' Horticul- Ards says that, the common notion does- not return the day after to -mor- 'Came out of their sto having broken away at last from,'th6 Woos of attength—No. 1 si- tural Society, The St. Thomas Her- ry, his long pipe row, then You might go, but if you in one hand, his mouth open, and his b that hot water freezes quicker than fatherliy adivice of the Palo, I 1� 2, 113; No. & $5. per Lax: tioultural Society have tits their chief And, F3. JI all druggists, or ic t go now and attempt to force bar back; oivilvile whiskey obscuring and Cloud- brusting the front of his coat down 071 rev.1pt F'rice. plantsman, Mr. R. V. Smith, formerly cold water when both are subjected to '11 probably� make a mess of it.,, Ing his brain. 1, p of , I superintendent of Parks of London, you with his hand,- He Was very fluslied 11r.tlp. am Llct Ad ros. the same temperatur�, Is untrue, Wa­ %'Bu --f- THE COOK =DIC3NE Co, who Is an expert along this line. The ierr when heated loses Triost Of Its.dis- t think—my wife--" "Wot! She hat run away?" he a j- and angry. ".That's all' right," returned Talbot, claiined, as Step "You!d better wa�te no TaoreAlme," TORONTO. OUT. (Figisor:1 Winissr.) trimmIng Is being done in a �ane man-, solved al1r, and if frozen. la:ter forms hen Paused. I "And r looking ; at him and underitanding *ho'is de couse? is it th _entarktd Talbdt. Calmly. "She* to fier. That Part of the work. an the much more compact ice thin water is shontI0- dawh at the Cock-b!t, ikylligs, tree that It Is necessary to remove which contains air, As a result hot what he was thinking of. '"ift one man here?" �and he stared up at Tal- tepiien gasped. The ittend4rice' last -year at the to protect the wires Is paid for by the water pipes, If allowed to freeze, are way, at least, you know she's a ad bot's slight, tall figure, Imposing In Its Ho did You find out that?", be Normal School of Now Brunswick df Hydra Commission, and the balance girl, She will only gamble a fio Iturs, and at the finely cut, datetmin- much more likely to burst than are and dri ttle Asked. teachers In training was 275, of whom cold water pipes Jelly, and she 0, of the work to Make the tree sylq- uk and get very d teatures tl-.at presented such a can- '11'v� Juet beOA Iola by One of the 1 25,3, were�'y`oung women. will come back to you In a day or two - Tin hnryn An— 'Uru_� to Cookin + I the + New Cobb-ade + 4 0 0 00 P 0. - +#4 Perbaps no othorlegetable has been so much abused as to rel)utadou and In porparation as has the very- ex. cellent and deliclons cabbage, As a matter of fact its bqa reputa. tioll Is uof'due to any inherent qual. ity of its own, but to tile wrong it Method of cooking it. A yellowl-all, (I t, flanDy mass of cabbao leave4 is neither pleasant to 1061c at nor to eat, and, inorcover, it is highly Inal. First of all, to boll 00bage car. rectly, solept a round white ]lead, neavy for: Its size, and $Oak in well� salted water for an hour or IOUger, Tbeli cut the vegetable into quarters a4d take out the haid stents. Have ,ready a largo kettle Of actively boil- ing water, salted to taste, And it the cabbage Is not absolutely fresh add a little sugar to make up for the lost i3weetuess In the vegetable Also add to four qkiarts of Water a quarter of a teaspoonful at baking soda. Plunge the cabbage into tho water, one piece at a. time, 80 that the b 11 - Ing is not arrested, to When all Is' In, boil for exactly 25 MITLItteg—no long- er. Do not cover the kettle at any time during the process; and'not only wIll the cookIng be accomplished more rapidly, but there will be scarce. t ly any odor from the vegetable 'while a cooking. When cooked, take Qut into a strainer, draft off the water to the last drop, add salt and PUrIka to taste, if generous piece at butter, cover the kettle closely and let the season- ing stealft In. It the flavor of liieat is liked, kir t into the cabbage 'when cooked a bou-­ Illion cube or a little beef extract with tho'butter and PaPfIR4 and treat as above. LADIE S' CABBctGE,. A preparation known as lftdles�' cab- bage is delldlong and when 'pr6perly ,..k'd may be eatell With Impunity, eyell by-. a ChIld., Into four quarts of boiling water shave (not* out) I three- quarters of a 2 -ad of cabbagb and par.' boll for tea minutes. Drain,' cover with boiling milk and cook for ten minutes longer or until the milk Is almost absorbed. Season to taste withsalt, 'pepper and a generous'piece of butter. LEFT OVER CABBAGE. Arrange the chapped cooking� cab. bage III a buttered baking dish, pour OveA' a Cupful at seasoned creamsauce, (add a few. shreds Of PlIfte'fitos to the 4, sauce) and cover the top with crushed '17 dried broad crumbs mixed,with grated cheese. 4' Set in a hot oi6 for ten, Minutes to brown over. CABBAGE SorP. Cb-jp a small -head Of Young cab- bage add two cupfuls of boiling water and cook until tender. Press through a sieve. Melt four tablespoonfuls of butter, add three slices of Minced on- ion and cook uiowly for three min- utes. Stir in two tabl6spponfuls of mil4, the cabbage mixture and cook, stirring constantly for five minutes. Strain, add, salt, paprika ind celery salt to taste and serve with crautons. A 400TAETURNS., -(W. Harold Thomson, In London Daily Mail.) I . The wit who said no London Scot ever returned to his nativ , a land save -to bring down a younger brother, is disproved now and then during the summer months. Personally, I have no younger broth- er, yet here I am back Among the mountains and the moors and the burps and the lochs, seeing everything �Wltll eyes which, for a good many years, have been gazing on London -town or on the gentle pasture -lands of -the Home Counties. ,It Is a vastly intoresting experience, this return to on6 'birthplace,' and the ease with which one slips back - over the interval between boyhood and at leg -9t iftsidal m6turity is wonder - till. Day by clay I AM Proving the truth that no matter how contented arr Afi- glo-Scat MAY be in his adopted coun- -try, no Matter with what gravity he -might regard this-posalbility c - - ing perinaftently tothe north, -yet the love of the mills is In his blood,. And ,after a long spell In the south his an- t1luslasift borde .�s, I suppoze, on, what is Almost the hysterical, in one or two p4rticulats the vil- lage here has 'Changed. There are houses where there were fleldg before, and, of course.' there are several new 'faces. and certain of the old ones are -inissing. 'Mac'rhir. 'aud.AfacTbalt are A. trifle .,pray or more corpurent, oi ,more Infirm, but they h,*vo still a ;welcome ready Oil tbQTr Highland tongues, and their Itaudshake-is as vigorous, as In the bid days. They take everything, however., with the philosophical calm. which Is inher- -d and if one should mention the -war, they Just nod And say: , "Man! It Was air awfu' biminess. it's a mercy it's ower." I There the thing ends fjr thent, or one would Judge that it ended there lkere it not for the fact that the glens nowadays are peopled �or the most part by elderly folk. But It the population of the village and I'm buildings have altered in some degree, there is TIO, Change to be lound in the mountains or the lochs. And as I labored up crags which in the bid days presented no difficulties, it saelft� oil to me that the Highlands was ft, pl�ce onIv for the very -young Or � for t�le very fit, But I heard the "wha Jul) ttlie'lery of the eurlow) again, and tho follt-song of the burn: saw again the - brown grouse wheeling again over the moor, And, best of all, came oft a herd of %leer, headed by two magqticently ant. lered stags, I used to love all this sort of thing before, iio to 9POAk, I bAd Adventure(l front lily liest among, tile heather, I)Ut I doubt If Afty Seat really know,,; or appreciates his hoitt-laad tili he 11as been separated from. it for -,t Matter or lit least tell years. A phonograph Oahlnet has heen in - Vented Into Which small machines eall b e set to masquerade as costiler.0jes, 6-1 'A I