HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-11-04, Page 5le- t Nuv. 4th, 1-�" . 4"41101W1111111W9111 010" , $000L GAMbs GIRL'S EVENTS '11rowin, 11aso 11,111 SeniOr-lst, S- &I- Donaldson, 2nd. Helen Wilson, 3rd. Aflvft Agnes Williamson. RANDIAN Ali Stap FRO THE WINGHAN ADVANCE THE HOU45E OF QUALITV� Throwing Base Ball jimior-lst. Ljo.ro- 0-M thy Webster. 2nd. Marie LivingstOR, 3rd. Ruth Menzies. Ball Sei or-ist: Money Saving Values a t . Ba'rgaln rrlcft in tile Throwing Basket Edna Musgrove, 2nd, Helen Wila.O., Shirley' D(Waldson. OCT. 29th to NOVa 6th 0 let 1.0 Throwing Basket Ball Juni r- 0 Town Hall, Wingham a - Mario Living- La Diva and 1) & A Corsets,. Dorothy Webster, 2nd. ston, 3rd Marion Mitchell. overcoats and Fur Coats Corsets-Goddcss, aul', Church Choir 0 - Under the auspices of St. P - Egg Race Senior-Ist. Helen Wilson, Bleta's and Iloy,� heavv Winter Overcoat'. BUY 8- 10 special discount 10%, $1.69---a special lot of Cot - 2nd, Agnes Williamson, 3rd, Eva Rintoul. at discount of here and save money, spect lid Winter Suits in Sets, reg. $2.50 to 3,00, sale $1.69. Egg Race junior-ist. Marion Mitchell, Men's and Boys' New Fall a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nd patterns, spec - UI, Ida Lutton, 3rd Agnes Gibbons. Worsteds and Tweeds, new stYle5 3 V's 9.9 log 11 A- Fast Walk i Mile Senior-lst. Helen ial discount io per cent� blue Chambray Shirtst all 15 dm,, Bien's Iwavy Wilson, 2nd Lyla James, 3rd, Shirley *1 1 25, sale T1.79 - Donaldson. Men's fine all wool I -lose, Black n IN 0 Fast Walk1 Mile junior-lst, Frances reg. $2.00 and 2 at d Heather, for 59c. reg. 75c, Bennett, 2nd. Mary McGregor, 3rd. ss Goods First Day *0'-- Agnes Gibbons. J Dre All wool Serge in Navy. Green, Red and Black, Needle Race Senior--lst. Annie Wal- in. wide, Mabel Manley Pick- a- A (tresses, fine quality, s6 11.0 Harold Jarvis famous tenor, ters, 2nd Lyla James, 3rd. Eva Rintoul. for suits, shirts all 1or Y2.98 a yd. -0 reg, $4,00, T� Theres ard soprano, Madge Williamson pianist Needle Race Junior-ist. Mary Me- in I ress"'Goods, Brown, Red, Black or G 7d! c D rey l entert Kunits Juvenile Gregor, 2nd. Alice Williamson, 3rd. Mary 7�1. oand j,25, special s, reg. $1.0 Sheehan, Iris[ ainer, Von twee amlserget I Cosens. 4- of light and 0- E TTZ-500 Yds string Quartette, I Wilson, t"I Apple Race Senior-Ist, Heler and Blueand Grey stripes, extra dark patterns in Pink seicond Day 2nd. Shirley Donaldson, 3rd. Margarite lities 34and 36 in. wide, sPecL11 300 and 35' qua Johns. lies, and = -1st Dorothy Web- Groceries A night in Gypsy Lam, Gorgeous costut Apple Race Junior Groceries -W 1 0 f 1,: 1, ion Mit 11 4,1­�, stage setting, Miss Sternberg's classic dancers, ster, 2nd, Ena Currie, 3rd. Mari Black and Green Tea, best quality, reg. 8 c, for.­s9e fine loose Museats, reg. 3,5c, for .......... 26C Raisins, one chell. reg. $1.25, for ............ 89C Brooms extra quality, a 45c -.39c National Operatic Quititette, Thiele Saxoph Hundred Yard Dash Senior -1st, Sall Quartettel, Pearl O'Neil, entertainer. 11011, linicorn and Umpress Brands, re Helen Wilson, 2nd. Shirley Donaldson, Salmon, good quality, reg. 25c, for. ....... 19C Pink 3rd. Mary Roth. Time 13.11. see. Pork and Beans in chili saace 2 lb tins, reg. 25C, Third Day ......... Ise rd Dash junior -let. %Lq for ................... ....... T0WpEjv-Io doz Tow 3 lundred Ya Best granulated Sugar, 54 lbs or ............. -nous Canadian Big Four, Frank Oldfield world fat Dorothy Webster. Time 15 sec, 2nd. ....... 1 0 ob i0l--% X Lls, big full sizes, 9-d q-1- Best yellow Sugar, 6 lbs for ...... -ameron entertainer Maud Busch- Annie Homuth, 3rd Louise Fraser. W kV itx- reg, 6oc for 50c. Best Rice, 2 tbs. for .................... .."-a uar toLl I Hundred Yard Dash, Visitors-lst adian violinist, Ada Davis Oldfield 40= Muriel Holton, Time 14. 4 sec., 2nd. len. greatest Can, saprano. Helen Wilson, 3rd. Agnes McCullough. Girls' Relay Race-Winliers Harriston. No Goods Charged At These Prices. Course Tickets $2 00 from members of St. Paul's Biscuit Race-Ist M. Holton, B Edgar, Harriston; 2nd. J. Lutton, S. Donaldson; choir or at McKibbon's Drug Store. Plans opens 3rd. A. Irwin, D. Webster. on Saturday, Oct. 30th. kgnes Me - Coat Race-Ist. M. Holton, � A 411; Cullough; 2nd. Ivi. v anstone, ly Q- -- 'Ard D ebster 1. Lutton. a -der eats ar toAvold Disappointment 0- -.0 10- . i I . t - Donald - Nail Race Senior-Ist. Shirley -*A- son, 2nd Agnes Williamson, 3rd. Helen Lur,*now Wilson. rhe f%ineraLof the late Samuel Phillips Nail Race Junior-lst. Marie Living- died at his residence near St. Helens, ston, 2nd. Dorothy' Webster, 3rd. Ida who was emetery on Friday held to Greenhill c Lutton. Mr. Pass Ball -Harriston vs Wingham, Har - last and was very largely attended. riston winners., Phillips had been ill a long time with a form of rheumatism and had undergone a ame-Harriston vs Wing- f -et Ball G 4 01 Bask f operations in an effort to regain couple 0 VII; ham, Harriston winners. len Wilson, his health but the grim reaper could not Vvel- Girl's Champion Senior -He n end to �' J-2 mL6?5h bd§,?s 26 points. be staved and its coming put a Girl's Junior Championihip -Dorothy intense suffering, He was widely kno% n He is survived gh respect. Webster, 23 points, and held in It!, Boys EVENT by his wife and family ot t%1 P Hurdle,Race Sr.-Ist. H. Mitchell, 2nd. and five sonS. pox5nuloll W d L. Hetherington. 3rd. S. Harrison ised on C -t Mativ in town were surpr y moetlin- to learn st. A. Irwin,'2nd, C. of the death of I Hurdle Race Jr nesda ' Tripp, 3rd. E. Fells - John collovil which occurred at Wellesley Broad Jump Sr.-ist, H. Mit- Standing pital. in TorontL- Mr. Connell had, H E R E, are three things that must chell, 2nd. J. Lutton, 3rd S. Harrison. vi,itod Often it, 1LOW11 at like home of III 's � into the life Of Standing Broad Jump Jr. -C. Donald- and wa� well known, necessarily enter brotli.r. Wiffian, I T . -a dolt baby -a 0, son, K. MacDonald, A. Irwin. here. lie had beer) operated On a short; the averlge girl Running Broad Jump Sr. -S. Harrison, Inan and a silver or gold niesh bag. She time. previow, to his death but very few n 1 c n satisfy tier loliging here. our table- H. %litchell, C Henderson. town knz%v h,; was it"- He was in his 7Sth a Running Broad Jump I Jr. -K, Mac- ear. The funeral was field on Friday to ware and, jewels for personal use are of Donald, C. Pattison, C. Tripp. y -H. Mitchell, J. Macintosh cemetery, Carrish townsbip' veat intvi�sic worth and beauty. Quarter Mile Run Sr. The hydro men have a digger at work Lutton. N. Muir. streets in town digging the holes Quarter Mile -IAax Stewaat, on the Run Jr. Ulf When your glasses break save the , It is a powerf fragmqnts. We can quickly A. Irwinj.W. Robinson. and putting the poles in Hop D hole and placing a replace the broken P andJump Sr. -H. MitcheV machine digging a will have lenses. S. Harrison, N. Muir. pole init in about ten minutes and Hop step and Jump Jr. -C. Tripp, A. all the poles up in a fe%# days. Citizens have been assured that lights will be bore R. M. McKAY 11 0 Irwin, S. Hutton. y Dec. Ist. Putting Shot Sr. -J. Lutton, H. Mills. b 7illiam Jeweler and Optician Wilighatil H. Mitchell. Mrs, R. T. phitlips and Mrs. M Putting Shot Jr. -W. Robinson, C. Struthers attended the Women's institute Donaldson, A Irwin. .-H, Mitchell, convention in London last week. Hundred Yard Dash Sr S. Harrison, J. Lutton. Will johniton who has been at his home 0 13 y -4 Dash It Stewart, here since he retnrned from the war I has Flun r gone to Winnipe9where he was eMp OY, A. Irwin, G. Bisbee. I High jump Sr. -S. Harrison, H. Mit. ed before enlisting. I chellgC. MacDonald. Mr. und Mrs. Phillip Stewart of Strat- .XX Fli h JUMP Jr. -M. Stewart, C.. Patti ford have been visiting in town for some: son, P. Johnson. time. We understand they are moving Mile Run S,,, -J* Lullon, N, Muir, W, back to Lucknow. Little have "0 S. Hut- Mr� David Stroud and fatuilY At GIGANTIC X One Mile Run Jr. -M. Stewart to a farm near Tivet-ton. ton, L. Bone. Lutton. moved glas after spending the S. Harrison, J Miss Isobel Doug I Pole Vault Sr 4* Pole Vault Jr -C. Pattison, E Fells. summer at her home here has returned to jail SALE OF F, Boys Relay Race -(Inter -school) Har- her position in Chatham. vi" ? - Tor-) INN W ristonvs Wingham. Winners-Wingharn Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston of onto, spo ,tit a part ot their holleYmoon at, Ir "' , i Football -Harris t on v s W i n g h a M Ian Score -4-3 in favor Of W. H. S. tile holne of his mother here. REILLINERY x WINGITAN Ar I-I41�RitISTON r Mrs. "Ar". Culit, is visiting tier siste The students of the W. H. S, attended -imsby. Brown Mallou gh at Of V the Field Day of the Harriston High ous reductions in McCjtjr,�, of Toront,), k: Enorm Air. Awt School, Friday Oct. 22. The students of Z ;Ilg. his lloliday.�at tile home Ol Ilk Listowel and Mount Forest High Schools and football tourna- parent,, Mr. 'MeClur­ also attended, In the wonfrom Wingham, Har� trient Listowel I)avi,oll %vilo Underwent ati, t, josepll'� ho"pital 25to 50 0 X riston won from Mount Forest and in the In at S finals Listowel won. In the basket ball London 1, I-o.�iortod zv� impr lvbij�. tourament Wingliam. Nvon from Listowel, Mi., Robert Grahain has gotle to Tor-' oil any Hat iR store Harriston won trorn Moun% Forest- and out,, to Sp�nld the winter with hi, davighter, ton tied in the finals �Vingharn ar.d Harris in order to matte room for the large quantities of Xmas Goods with a score of 2-21. qr. C. Ander,on wh0l llts t'0011 ser-: IV. miss Helen Wilson won the 100 Vd. ious1v Ifli Las gofic it.') London to roeeive wh,ch are arriving daily we have decided to make a dash and the other honours were carried treatin - Int. off by Harriston. -,n,, was in Toronto thio Millinery mv. jas, Iry Clearance Sale Of Al " I M Selgvave wool, attond:ag the funeral of his si0ter, this lot are about 6 dozen Chil- Rev. Mann of St. Marys, preached in the late Mrs. Ocorge, V. Ronalds, Included in re(I $4.00 to the Presbyterian church oil Sunday. dren's Ready Trinimed Hats, i , 49 Mt- W' 11, Ferguson of Toro'n'to, spent $,5,00 value tO clCar at ................................ $2* n few days around the village. , Guild of Knox church, purpose ned of this Ver�_ ThL - a box P ial in tjlz,, Forester's Hall Op. Irlma Ke collie early and take advantage having oc y on Nov. the 12th. special offeriI14. Of 1%111, slliP- i Has resuinea Practice in the x Johnston and ArinstroliL ped several cars of preg,,ad hay from Bel - grave station, offices vocently accullilcd RL�v. Mr. IPorster of Watford, will by the late BAZAAR �n­ occupy the pulpit of tile 11resbyterian W,V INGHAM Church rext Sunday morning at IDR. J- P- KENNEDY, 0 clocit, Je A. MILLS Study this Map It tells -but only partly tells -the Story of Misery in Central Europe. Within the great territory between the black lines millions of destitute children are doomed to grow up weak and deformed through want of fats, milk and sugar, unless immediate help comes from without HERBERT HOOVER, invited to speak at a Canadian Red Cross meeting, said ' 40ur problem Over the forthcornhag, winter appears to be about 3,5oo,080 to 4,000,000 children. 64These children are the obligation of every man, woman and child in the Western Hemisphere, for we have suffered less', but, beyOndl f this, they are a charge on the heart of the whole ivorld,," IF � 05 4 P S 1he C"winadvan Red appeals on behalf of The British E111pire War Relief- Fund (To Combat Distress and Disease it', EUYOPD) $10.00 will save a child; $1.00 tviij give it 01saving"' food fop a ntonfh.!�� Help in this hvirnane worL, by sefading or bringing YOUP' SabscriPfi0t& to the racares� locaZ Red Cross Brarach or go The Canadian Aled Cross Sooi,00, 4N Stroet, Toronto. 416 sherbonrne