HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-11-04, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE
Thejbov�-.poto is vot very clear but. cansidednqit isa flashlight it is -Very good. Thote takirp: part in the Play areas follor,-s. Standing, from left to right -Crescendo
A.L. Winsome Bluebird, Belle Murchison-, Betsy Bobitts,
B.".Ltu*,1.4.,,%IieDinsle�,:.Nlt,-�,.z-a Wit' -irs, Jean Christie, Winsome Slocum. May Allen. Ivory Soap, Sarah MacLean: Busy See, Edna Scott, Breezy Brick,
;Morning Glory, May Rob.
R'eading-.Uncle Alex, W. H. Harey:111olly Poppe'ton Vira Smith; Jernima Wishbone. Viola Roberton: SZlphie Pillow, Isabel McDoupill-I
�Itazp 7irey Clinger. Jessie Cwrle: Kitty Sj;an,-11e;. Frances Wilson. Pansy Heartsick, Birdie Robertion; M0IlY Coddle. Grace Hamilton. TurtleDove, Reba Boyd, Seth
�dn%,J. tl,,. Cassels: Ralph Buiter, F. Hirim-ne;'Professir Topnote. Geo. R. APen. From left to right sittin�,! dowq-Petunia Pimples. Jean Currie, rs. I etchum, Vera
ie )re;,�Ivfrs. Spicer. Mrs. R. A. Currie� XTirs. Augugta� Wind. Mrs. T. J McLean, Mrs. De Lancey, Mrs Willis;
anwt; Prunetta Pills, Mrs. Walt,)n; Mrs B!iss, Mrs. Hannu Henrietta Sharp, E,1n - Mitchell: Odella. Hasbin. Mary Pattison: Birdid Warbler, Bessie
ft to right. Daisy Chorus. boys in white -Wallace
anist; A. H. Francis. Director; S -.rt Abell Will Me -
he photo.
WESTERN VIEWS of cattle but found market none to good. Our impresi�ions are as follows --The on the section where we visited, but as
He spolie of purchasing an aeroplane to. soil is immensely rich, crops were good timber is so easily got for fuel, coal is not
expediate his frequent trips to Edmonton. timothy is a success. We saw at Mr. 'being used much because it has to be
'Limlter$iiingly Desetihed by Mr, Scott I taken out at low water, The old Mon.
Of WaWan . osh On the train we met a Mr. Lawrence Shortreed's a stack of about twenty tons, t
of Fort Vermilion, who had been attend- and we saw ripe timothy cut for warl and dike trail of '95 and '96 is to be seen a
"AlAw, Mr. Editor- ing a meetingat Edmonton of the, licensed in stook. Two and one-half lbs. per acre that place and graves of those who fell by
r fur dealers of the west, he has been for vm were told was all that was required- to the wayside are to be seen every mile or
Ar, compliance with your request for an thirty years dealin-, in furs and farming, be *own and on account of timothy tbbcl-- so, all have had neat picket fences around
oxwwft qT impressions formed in con- at Fort Vermillon ;n� is an 'enthusiastic ening, it is necessary to disc timothy them, of rustic make, but some have suf-
�rtz,�tion with our recent trip to Peace pioneeer. We also enjoyed mecting Miss meadows, yearly after the second crop., fered by the fires whicb have run over the
'&R,,viir Distrrict. I herewith give a short
ale-.-ription. of same as it appeared to me. Shaungnessy a c usin of Lord Shaungnessy There is an abundance of limber for fuel district.
c:�iAn&Wingharri on Sept. 1st we arrlv-! she was a nurse in Serbia, during the war and buildings although comparativelyll Regarding the moral5 of the people,
and her accitint of her experiences was large tract& are like the Pr9des, Lumber, drink is Very noticeable. The Prohibition
ad at Winnipeg on the 3rd, at 6 p, m. Or', very entertaining. I might add we ex- is available for building at $40 per M. Campaign' was on while we were there
_,f4hom from Whigbarn via 0, T. P. from �! of the't Roofing is principally Paroid or similar'.
perienced the first snowstorm and has sinc� been voted upon and the
:--ere we at once took train arriving at i ceason w"t e there, We finally got start- there are but few shingles which are as vote was dry, this was to be expected as
D=fty, Sask.. on 4th, where we remained' ed on the last lap of the journey and did dear as in, Ontario although mocb nearer; it wassaid all the bootleggers were vating
21y days assisting in st�!oking etc. Wheat not make a whirlwind finish as this part B. C i that way frq!n a personal business stand-
-;ielding from 8 to 25 bushels per acre of the road is not ballasted, making it More railway4 seem the preseing need point, Most of the women and a percent-
-Z,rziably an average of 15, oats about 45: neccessary to go slowly never exceeding and as the C. P. R. has taken a seven age of the rest of the voters were neglect-
t,_- M. On proceeding west we noticed ten miles per hour and often only four I year lease with option of purchase, it is ing to register and probably not over 60
_ct� improvement in the crops, which were or five especially Along the Smoky river i likely the lack of transportation facilities Per cant of available vote was on the lists.
vx and crossing same, from which westward will soon be supplied. While we were The observance of the Sabbath as a
.v -tter around Edmonton than anywh,�re
we traveffed. While in Edmonton
thelandi n!provt!s and soon, we could s�e there the Duke of Devonshire trade a day for religious exercises is not -�ery
zzra were royally entertained by �lr. and
,m b. INI. Harrisov, Fmin Edmonton we crops growm4 and in stook, elavators at tour of the district and went on to inspect strict, very few attend religious services.
the towns and better buildings. We fin- i the oil wells bull the people there don't Stores, poolrooms, etc., keep open, base -
via Edmonton. Dunvegan and B. C. 0 -Ir
allyarravedatClainnorit where we were' bankrauch on illi, zeatquantitie:l� ball gautes. are played, harvesting oper-
6j,way or as a wag called it the re,,4dent I
"The met by Rdut. Moore, a former � There is an -eight foot seam of lignite it ;
�V_-4skey Ltd." Tb�re are only two Pas- of Mwris. wh,, proved a generous host 1 coal on the bank of the Red Willow River; TREASURER -S SALE OF LAND
!1�=Zpr trains each way per weak, making and a big hearted friend. He vas one nif
'c , in the eart v piOneats wha with his broth r,
zrip of 4! W mU rs v) Grand Pr3,ri,,
-as and i ,hn Shortreed went in with I ay virun- of a. war;ant issued under the
4�� hours (includrig stops'. F -M. Ed- Jam AUCTION SALE i
=nAorilt is a timber country muchof it oxen many years aga, at! of whom seem, i lrxnd� of the Mayor and Clerk of the town of
Of wt�%, tbl,� R,�,L. Estt3to. in the Town 1.. Wingham aud having hew -al of the sat4l0or-
simitartoth-ti-rib.-ra,ml, the line to hve prosoered. having fine farm% with tL, ion ;36 1; 1, a c h e d thereto, bearin I C.
��a=g ail,p of F p
j,,t ,n tile Count,,% of or di t
tho 9zli lay -of Augusr A. 1). 192ti, command4ug
zf tailway between Cochrane and Hearst splendid buildings on them. We also met Huron, me to levyup�u the land$ enurne aled; here -
I he Aamabistratr- of the Estate Of the under for the arrears Of taXeA respontively due
G. T..P,. other parts of the road was Mr. and `Jrs. Tu.i1w and were splerldidly late \%iiiiant J. Me Burney, deceased vAll thereon, together with costs. notice 1�; thelob
t tr
-Ember of larger growth v1z spruce. poplar, entertained b-; them in their fine residence, given In accordance with I he AsAesime
j2clt nine with some cotton wood. Mrs. TuIlley -was formerly Miss Bell of ot'! r for ,ate by public auction at the that I shell pmet-ed to -ell by t) blic alue'lon
'e u
-jwn of Wingliam, A �aald land,,; or ,,o much thereof as may be
Ileen 1% Hctei i(; the Tt th
*Zhe lorest at these points are very dense Londesbon) and was pleased to meet and Stturday, the 1.3th day of November, sufficient for� the payment of the taxes. and
coqt-i thereon%, unless the same be soolurn, pMd,
amd the timber ta',1 but COMPBrat'vely entertain any one from Huron,Ont, They A. D. 192o. ;it 2 oVock 1".) the afternO00 Th, sale will commence at the Town Ralitin.
in diameter, some of the spruce was have a nice iamily and seem to be quite 'he tollOwir`9 vattlable I%tWs and premises, i he sadd To,%% of Wingliam on Monday the
ember A. 1). 1021), at the hour or
,-About 14 to 18 inches at the stump and: prosperous Oar trip to the Wd Willow na nely. If of I afternoon.
;��rcel Number f -The North ha Lot, No. 5.CencreStraell, Tlixes$195.89,� Costs
�we saw many trees 14 inches at stump' bistrict was made by auto going by Way Let No. Tbirty-tour it, tho eighth Conces, sts. -roizu sioti.qth, Parpilted,
�,nc= which 8 raitlroad ties were being of Saskatoon Lake and Beaver Lodge to sion_a4 the To'wn.ship of Eist WaWanosh. i Scum F. QROVICS..
CO flt ain ing tine, hundred. acres of land. Oni Treasurer of La. Town or winglimull.
�3.-ZEeand a man could carry in his arms Rio Grarid_�, an , Embryo, village, wh ich this parc; i, it ,. ,i a, frame, W. ro 40x%.[
.,2V t* The poplar
tie limbs on same. w3s'wiil be a thriving place when they get the t )it 0,v Und,:t,.. - ilh.. driveshed SOX600
-A�bo te probably 61) to 80 feet very, ilea from
.1 railway. Rio Grande is forty rn with_,40tte:log pen unli�rraeajhtfranie dwell- A0,4
free of limbs except a cluster Grand Prairie And for fifteen railes beyond inkC h� . ..... t -t, Llox3l) mid kitchen 114x20�.Iuive a i nought
-at the top. There should be no shortage, I was informed the. homesteddi a.'d all 0'" tl,)%v ot, tile I;ind be.
long '.3 the -,,-Ilant.) Tht-e tar� Oil tile,
at lapulpwood for many years if fire does I taken up. In this section crops were pre=�e, --ou" Io acre�. of good hard f 0 Music
L-O;,destroy these forests. Thereare also, splendid but late, much of Vie cutting w,,,,,i �uid the ba4alwe is 6�arvd and. t
give coal mines a few miles Wast of i was still to do wilea. we left on the last unjer ca ti,,atioti. The propLrty is situ- i
n near the surface which are day of September. While there we ex- ated about thre%� mile4 hocl, the village oP We have the "HITS9,
w4=1mo Relgrtwe aud eight mite* trom the Town,'
tL;dng -,,, et�ed moderately - Proceeding we' ther was e "HITS11
perienced snow and rain, the wea of witighati, on a good gravel road. i When they ar
SK -:ted ti, e shore .4 Slave lake for! ruceand seemed settled when we came Par've: 2 --All tbat part of Lot
Come in and bear them
i, said to be away Rio Gra-. ide is on.y ten m ilea from tbirty-threer th,� Ninth. Concession of the
kw,-, paratvely shailow and abounds in boundary batween Alberta and B. C. and ,tid r.ltvnNitip ot F,L�t walvallosh. lying
R;ver �,Iaitland and contain;
Z -y,-, mostly �,Ihite fish, in which a thriving the view of tha Rockies on a clear day is iNg 0:,Z'heuire'd and thirty-three acres -i� FLANI AN'S Music Ston�
is being carried on- I was told magnificent, some of the towering peaks laiiii more or Th's Iot is sittlated
1-,equentl-y whole train inada of these were a hundred and fifty miles away we tour c
.1iles tro.--
ct,,e %ijl�bge. of Belgravel__
. Ing. i.
were told. We made 11 Ramsay . a our mite,, Iron, the Town Of IV'
e fish were shipped east fOr c0asumP iiall",W iher,-aro about 31 acre-, of good,',
2n= in the Prairie Provinces. chief stopping place. Mr. Ramsay was ba,h npot., t1w pvemlse-�.. ,.! First C I a ss Farm
4t--:1ving at McLennan% Crossing where formeriv ft4stnia-ter at Westfield in East Ntunber N-Twetity-nine aor
p Ll V - t r � n n her rfiirty-three in.
be--torth and south branchesof tbeE. D, Wawano�'.-�. vi a n;ce h)M.,,Lead good V rt 0- 1 Ot . u I
Z::�t* Z. C. Ry. join. we were delayed a buildings and '�,�jks thrifty and pros ti, t of the Ff`
i Rlt�;r'.Nlalualld- TW -i pareel is, all timber-
6,�_vj ilwars. The poPulation here is ous. We als-i called on David Nixon who, a w"Ph ln�xej * . res, goo(
1,en per cent of thti- itloac. -1 buildings and fence,;
close to market, school anei ellurch.
,,e4y Indians and =71%,ay employees. waz Also a former resident of East TFRms ol� S
youn, re noticed playing Wawam)ih. Th., Vancouver boom was'PUrc'-ltlA;e *,tie day or sale and;
g bears we the l,:4,rty days thereafter.: All cleared and frce of stuti2ps. Price
the roundhouil-I ani seemed as dis-astrotis for bina but with characteristic -stilyjetA to &� $75O0..$.;.5oo may remain on mortgage
ker pa� ic llars, and at 5 V -r cent.
t t
,,ar.,z3 as dog� Hr4:e We �;OZ, in' fimate'y courage he made a fresh start and Is m-ser,,4 Fur -
t. w , be made knuwu oil,
=,q��dated%ith a 11� Our fell0v; 'rapidly ffo-griwv ahead. Mr, Patterson, a cond; om, 0' e 114
eer is prac- the 1,a` (" m -1v b' '! ""'tan" apP32a.
L4zLengero t,.,rqrS v.Lim. were Ilarryis,)nofourlateCounty Bright , L "the wt ABNER COSENS
'ticing law in Grand Prairie. We were t-il-, t) - I.
Li�a:t a large land ow, ver near Lake SasL-, , �; " I Q11 t'1111 tv.,!..'�-�.;�th flayofoctober, insurauce and 'Rent F-Aitte
tie has ten section., and this year'not able to tnect, Limowing to his being �
. A. 1) . 1.92a. JL� Ontario
acre3 of summ.tr iailow, a�o a engaged r, egal duties when we called I in -ham P. 0. �l
Thursdo,y,.Nov. 4th, 1040
itions are conducted and to an easterner
;heso things are very noticeable. On the
Aher bond these People have big hearts
lndare always ready to Assist oneatiother,
are treated royally and every.
:hing wrisidered perhaps they come as
iear 4ilbeying the command to I Love thy
'4elghboe' as the people from other places
ft do, not err in the Same Way SON%
We arrived home on Oct. Sth and when
we saw the orchards and other grand
bings we have here I don't think Ontario
.yet looked so good to us, I can't close
vithout repeating a story I heard in the
Nest about our little fields. One of the Isard's
�mperiat Press delegates (by the way it
was the lady correspondent with them)
a Addressing a meeting said that Ontario 0
nust be a great stock raising Province Ch
-specially Western Ontario as the whole
place seemed to be a series of Corralls Priceo Do"In
Now Mr, Editor, I must close hoping I
�ave not wearied you or your readers with
this rambling description of our trip.
Yours truly,
P-STItit W. SVOTT Wonderful Values
WhiteehUrCh to in Ladies' Winter Coats, Sweatersq
Miss Jean McGregor returned
Toronto last Saturday after spending a
couple of weeks with friends in this vicin- Suits, Wool and Silk Hose
Mr. and Mrs. Xerr have sold their resl-
dence to Mr. and Mrs. J. McGregor of
Langside. Nlr. Kerr intends going back
to Wingliam. RangeOf Tpavelleps Sample Coats
Mr. A. Hamilton of Michigan. returned No two alike. Stylisli Coats, mad(. of
on Monday after attending his mother's
funeral, whose remams came to Lucknow all wool cloth, bought at a cUt price and
last WOO;. wilt be sold at a discount of ........ 20"per cent.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Henderson, and family
of Lucknow, spent a couple of days with
friends on the 2nd Concession this weak. Hose -12 doz. all wool plain or Ribbed Hose,
We notice or�e of -our young men being
of a smiling disposition during the last good value at one dollar a pair your pick .... 75c
coupleofweek.s. What is the joke, Bill?
Sweatep Coats — 2 doz. Ladies' Sweater"
BORN �,C Coats, "all ,vool"' pretty combinatiod of
BR-Eu-T—InTumberry on Wednesday. �Zw
November 3rd., to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. colors�. Reg. value $9.00 and $10 on sale
V. Breen, a son. at ................................. .................... — ...... —.46.
Cn'uxxsHA.Iqxs—In Lower Whigham, on I
Thursday, O�tober 28tb,, to Mr. and Silk Hose, as a Bargaill-4 doz. Ladies'
Mrs. Geo. Cruikshankw., a daughter. Silk Hose, fiae quality, colors am Mack, --IS'
Brown, and Navy, reg. 2.00 value far ....$1.50
Train Goes Two -Two
From a Windsor paper we take the
following joke which a Chinaman cracked our 2tygtz, htoc V L44:0. LA F
on Mr. George Tees, son of Mrs. A. M. will interest you.
Fralick of Wingham, George is very ' pop-
ular in Wingham and we reproduce. the
following to give his Wingham Men& a
good laugb:
"What time next train go to Chatham?'
a travelling Chinese Asked George Tees
at the C. P. R. office. !3K H's Ea I S A 11",
"Two -two" replied the official., Ag�eqt for, Home Patterns.
;,You no understandee" - replied the
Celestial. "I know the train go too too,
I no ask how he go, I ask when he go."
Married At London
Aweddingof unusual interest to the
1people oftbis vicinity took place in Lon -1 STUDEINITS -MAY ENTER ANY TIME
don on Wednesday evenin.z at 8,' o'clock,,
witen Miss Olive May Dickison, 6hughter
loflWr. and Mrs. Chas, J. Dickison of-�
Clover Leaf Form, Carrick, became the
brideof Mr. Percival Stuarton Ashton,
sotmat Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. AMton ofll�
GoHe. Rev, Wrn. J. Ashton; uncle oti
groorn, performed the ceremony at thei We give thorough, co=,ses, havL- experienced instructors who, give indiv,
parsonat�e, after which the happy- young --dual instruction1opulplils. Our gm -1 -dates, aye rneetidg with success, Wintor
coapleand a few intimate ffien&sat courses for farmers"sons, Mres& coZ&-ge for iree catalogue.
down, to a splendid wedding repaet.. The
bride was becomingly attirecidn a chic WINGUAR, or STRATFORD
sand serge travelling suit with. hat to
mart.ch. The young couple were un --
attended. They art spendingAheir-honey-
moon in Brampton, Bufto and other, Whitechurch and D&ve, Ereingloo Ind
of ith, Mrs.
poirt4s. 'The happy youngpuple, wilt take, D:irZa;nnon, visited w.
�Pr1� Rev. Mr. Macliean- ofWtpley, occ=ied
esidence on the grooms farmi near Got- i Wm. Martin on Sandwy, WL.4t.
ne. THP, Aivvi,�Ncx and many friends oi 1,1 �� pulpit in the Pir"byterianchurcib here
offern g [ion RSunday. - Rhm- Mr. &--i>bie preoche I a Mr. and Mrs. Gibsea Gillh*pie, and
the, happy young couple joini ir in pie children spent Sunday. with friends at St.
hEwrtiest congratulations.
Mrs. and Mrs,. Geo. Cottle' and
caledonlail Days George Mowbra'y speat the week -end Miss Myrtle 13"csoft who recently%
7be following from the- Lomdon Fklee with relatives. in, Exeter. finished her nurses. coarse, in Kincardine'*
Press refers to the leader of the. Old Ht2r- Mrs. MacDonald ofAberdeen, Selltland, General Hospital returned to her hotne
om tug -d -war team, who for -sl> long heid who for the pa6t f�ur months h" visited here on Sunday.
the championship of this� disteitt, relatives here,, Mutned last week to her Miss Ella and Mr. Robert Morrison,
"John A. McDonald; of Nanairno, R. home.
C., a former resident of lKintail, paid a x1iss. Tollie and Ha-rold Stos_,Arp and Mr.
visit to his old home here after arh ab- Nirs. Wm., Martin and Bruce speutt.' one Ealmerson Wriglit, motored from Max-
dav last week in London. --it .-A . - � Q'.. A ' "6t. 13- � A
sence of many years..
Mr. McDonald is best remembered in
Or. and k2rs. Alex gimpson eS Kintail,
1, a 0 -.Y V.
Nlr.N. Scobio.
this part wfthe man. who captained for
spent a covple of days last week with tile
1410,XL Sunday sacramental service,, will
a number of years the Huron County
former's brother. Mr. Robert Simpson.
be observzd in the Presbyterian church
tug-of-war team in the days when the
Mr. Alex Hamilton of Wichigan, was
here. Rev, Mr. Gilmore 'of Ripley, will
Caledonian games were he'd Annually. visiting with Mr. Thos. Headerwii on
take the Preparatory Servic,� on FrWLy
Mr. McDonald remarked that it was,
night at sevev, eclock.
just 33 years ago last September that
I Mr, and Mrs. Wesleyi Leggatt and
people around here were shocked' to
his team won its- first victory ovgr the I children soent Sunday with the former's
bear of tho death oil Sunday morning of
men of Bruce. It veas on that memor- Inother in Drayton,
Mr. Samuel Gartou.
able occasion when Huron�
the first pull, the second provcu a Mail -
lock, and for a whole -hour and thirty'
minutes the teams tugged aud strug-
gled, neither being able to budge the
other an inch until at last someone,
A.1 .11
tearing that. ine. ss..
aiill and qverythin,�', up to date. He and our time was limited. , This deiieribes Venilor*s Solicitor.'
�=61,sarl jo t.;dmj,,-,ton �,;ijh a train loadafew oi the incid_,Uts 0 o -Ir tnt)- struggle, cut the rope and put an end to 'KENNEDY AUTO STORAGE COVERS
�GE'. J. WRIGHT what was pernaps the greatest Physical
23 A jV 2) MA IV rZ 1Z contest of this district, The period whert owners will store will soon be here and to meet
"There were giants in those days," the need, of art inexpeusive yet efficient protection against dirt, dust
Uxiterienzed Piano Tuner
said Mr. McDonald. Moisture and cold. we offer the XLIMNUDY AUTO STORAG8 COV13R.
o f Slugic, Har.
Teacher of Rudiments These covers at(-- made from an especially strong paper reinforced to pre-
-wegy, Counterpoint and Compesition' For eight consecutive years Druce bad I
de- vent tearing. and completely cover the car, Suffilen changes in temper -
_04 -ave order.,4at T1113 ADVANC8 , Office. won from Huron, but this time the
_7 attire are conductive to che6kiug the varnish. XI3N1qLtDy Covuks
All braSS alld Teed instturneriti cision went to McDonald's team. It MY ATITO STORAGE COVHRS
A are a preventative of thi,4 XPNNL
and violin. had won the first pull and during the also protect tires and preserve the life of the rubber, by excluding tile
Ajil� ; __ — 1 11 light. Call be used for protecting household goo4s while in storage or
deadlock tile center of tile rope stood
I trail
about three feet to thO Huron side. git. The following are our Prices:
Mr, V. R. VanNormatl who W09 a 7 passenger size .......... ....
q passenger size ...... ...
5 E L L valued member of the team, recalled one
I I Vord, special size .. ............................. 2,So
Town and Fatul. properties, Call and particular pull which started when tile ' I
R g 0 r A car worth buying is, worth the price of protectloft.
14des eicrs;/ see my UA aua get my prices, t have run slione bri litly and b to e the decision
as air gt)i4e excellent valne5. was given the light from lanterns dazzled
UNION INNER TIRE their eyes. Ile knows of only three other L KENNEDY
Rbwrm coMPAW
I G. STEWART members of that team who are Still alive Local Dealer for Overlaud and Studebaker.
meows" WIN �1 K,�nzle of Ashfield and John U4atheaon
viz: jag. Young of Lucknow, Roary Me -
Tires Now on smlie, with our Agents And At Our 1FACtOM MIX te Z34, �!9iee h, Town 11311. flow living ill Superior, Mich.