HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-11-04, Page 14 "qWL Af' —Ak.. AdlikkAAALALI -ding alit 13th. Remember The Campaign For War Memorial Fund And Veteran's Watch Fund, Nov. 7th. to - - ------ WINGHAM, ONT., TtIURSDAV, NOVEIMBFI.t 4th, 1920 �ubs(;ripticns: �100 per yext 8ingle Copies - Four Cents Wingham Methodist Church Sunday Night Meeting TOWN COUNCIL Next Sunday t�eservices in the Wing. (0 ca- mavv A public meeting will be held in the Mon- ham Methodist Church will be as follows: L town ball on Sunday evening immediately Regular Business Ransacked day Night 1i a. in. Public Worship, "Home Re- The dinton Knittint, CO. -.10v0d thirty ,ifter the eburch services to launch the Mr. Earl Groves is home from Mitchell war memorial campaign. The local cler- ligion". 2.30 Sunday School, Missionary of their machines from Clipton to Owen gy are expected to be present andaddress The regular meeting of the town council for a few days. Da�. 7 P. in. yourig peoples Rally, sub- Sound. the meeting. Solos will also be rendered was held on Monday evening. Mrs. Samuel Burebill is visiting with ject, "The Best Investrodirt". All are The Canada Furniture Manufacturers friends in Tara. Mr. Samuel Tindall has purcliaEtol the by Messrs. Haninore and Forbes. The cordially invited. you will be made wel- house it, which he resides, near the flax Puo"'&ptolloiLa committees in each of the different wards asUed the council for a rebate of taxes Miss Ada McGill visited with friends corpe. mill from Mrs. Ilanua. They were granted a rebate of $20.40. in Thedford last week. were also appointed. The Bell Telephone Co. asbed rer- Ont., Design - Mrs. Orpin and son, Harold, are visit- must Be Paid For Miss Butcher, TeLswater, mission to erect poles on Victoria St. ith her sister, Mrs. Geo. Phippen. Readers of Tal,, Ai)VANWIF are remind. er of Hair Goods, transformations, switch- The Greatest Discovery of, th2 -1,he matter was referred to the Street Ing w es etc. Your order solicited. LYCEUM THE,&TPE Mrs. Roberts of Toronto, is visiting ed that local papers have found it neces "The Ricaest Little Show" Committee with power to act. t with her sister, Mrs. W. 11. Cruiltsbanks sary in order to intelligently confront coll- Dr. Irlma Kelinc,,dy bas resum cd her 171very bottle guaranceed r, m- Ti'lliett gave notice that a 1, 1 '31 next meeting he will move that the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Finley and f4mily, ditions that have Put many pub practise in the offices recently occupied DY 1 19 ManganCSL, Sunday with relatives in Hanover. out of business to charge for notice$ Of the late Dr. J. P. Xennedy, A colllhimatio�] of Peptonized Iron, feet, the THURS., YRT, and $AT. que ter Louis Bennison mis at the next muncipal election J, J. 16o charged for 60 cents with 25 cents the in isin Sandy Burke of For Young or Old— U -Bar -U we ab the B. line, north ead with the sewer to from the West on Friday and says the of lie owned a smile and a gun- pil and used lem both for love! and ing and tile is purchased for this work. having in Ontario. Smiling Ru Bill Parsons en the Hospital on Donation Day� Satur. ro in we Loss of Flesh and in Convalesence from ailments,, vit -The Sea Wool" sa utis out of Wingham, tenders for which VanNorman of Toronto, are visiting at re asked recently.' Mr. George 'Ter- Mr. and the home of the latter's parents, am $1.25 buys a large bottle. is ,Coming-Speeiiil!�'- Tdon.'i Tue.%.,' cQ and Wed. ro Call He Fined $20 And Costs ro "The Sagebmshers" J - The photoplay of the novel by hi iRmerson Hough. The picture you h will always remember. 0 A great Author's Production by in the same author and with the same m cast as tf t ,-The Westerners" 0 take place throughout Ontario are required to be registered with ther men have done the same thing but hc�a f. :�rs. ed e ro England. They report a b I EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN v AUCTION SALE-Farni Stock a�d Impld ments, at north halt of Lot 24, Con. 3, 114.41s township at one o'clock on Friday, Nov. 12th. Trios. A. GRASBY, Prop. a Y S. SCOTT Auct. c Mr. Law's mother died. hey will be back, make a hundred and Anumberof hunters left on Tuesday, AUCTION SALE -Stock Implemeuts, etc-, at Lot 1, Con. 9, Greenock on Taesday, Nov. a Otb. JOIIN BECKBERGER, Prop- JOITN PURVIS, AuCt. AUCTION SALF-Furnituro at In' Car - &n0lesit., Wingh on latur there' Fr St., Winglis. . -_ - 9 .f.y. Nov. 6,4t 2 p. M. MRS. Jos. Dow, Prop- 9 T. R.BFNNFTT. Auct. I AUCTION SALE—Stook, Inivlements, etc,, 91L B. line, Turnberry. on wednesday. Nov- ember loth. Everything must Us sold. See t Bills. ALEX. REID, Proprieter. JorrN PuRvw. Auctioneer CROwX BIG-RON STEEL RANGE—With warming closet and reservoir for sale. Apply Co. MRS. BO11EaT BPXTTIN, Edward � I. CORN—We have & car of corn just arrived. it, might. pay farmers to buy now and save their own gair,to tewl for ��gprjn when prices are genera y higher. HOWSON & HOWSON CARTAGE—ContractS of any hind wanted tow". with trucks in town or out of M ' LOADER. 130, Bloor St. West Toronto. COAL HEATER FOR SALE—"Art Hurou" to. nearly new. Ap�ly JuD, Patrick and CarrIngTorrace. D SPEIISIONr AUCTION SALE—TwoutY 'Registered t5hoahorn Cattle, Horses. Grade 0MUle, Farm J mplomen L% Poultry etc. at Lot 18, Con. 3, Huron townbhip (about two miles from Ripley) on Thur8day, Nov, 11th, 1920, at one o'clock Svilvar&'SAit-ru, Proprietor, Jolax PURVIS Auctioner. FORSA1,H_Do you want a (1.boyrolot asirood asnewatasavingotirpneV, It Will Pay youtobuy now for next seasons use. Apply Tim ADVANC& FOUNX)_Ou the Belgrave gravel a black lear her club bag with Initials on. Inquire At Tur ADVA' NCE - next meeting he will move that the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Finley and f4mily, ditions that have Put many pub practise in the offices recently occupied DY 1 19 ManganCSL, Sunday with relatives in Hanover. out of business to charge for notice$ Of the late Dr. J. P. Xennedy, A colllhimatio�] of Peptonized Iron, feet, spent stion of placing the sewers and ceme- as entertainnienti ypnder the managements of a com- Miss Ina MacRitchie ol Edrr i,)nton, is coming events such for Temp"etons Rheu- of meeting-. anniversaries, etc Local agents and Cod Liver Extract notices sioh be submitted to the ratepayers the guest of the Misses. Lillie and Millie Cards and that Nicholls. of thanks, and memoriara notices -are matic and Asthma reuiedies J. W. Me- 11.ibbom.' drug 9t9rc, Come in and get a Easy to take—, the next muncipal election J, J. 16o charged for 60 cents with 25 cents Wrain. JOHN FARRIS11, LUCknow 7. Phone V)unganuon 82-13. clerh took after the necessary advert- Mrs. (Dr.) Hambly and Mrs. free trial package, for each 4 line verse. These 6arges Wonderful Results -- g and prepare ballotts, Elliott, attended the Women's Institute extra will be made in Triu Ar)VANct., regardless The regular monthly meeting of the rhos. Fells reported that the water Convention at London last week, Wingham Public School Board will be For Young or Old— one will be used alike. held in the council chamber on rks committee had decided not to go Mr. Edward Rogers returned home of what other papers are doing. Every- Tuesday rt, A ReconstpuCtive Tonic Aid the B. line, north ead with the sewer to from the West on Friday and says the evening, November Oth. been imgood health apparently the prev- . the river. We understand that the weather there is even nicer than we arc lilbbert To Wallaceburg Old fashioned fowl supper served at For enrictling the Blood, building the, str engil2l'"` ing and tile is purchased for this work. having in Ontario. Rev. J. I-libbert, Methodist pastor at Billie Burke Cafe "Queen's Hotel Build- -1 diid improving the health generally. Mr.Yates, who has been a popular Essex,hasbeen unanimously invited to ing" Wednesday from 6 to 8. Price 75 the Hospital on Donation Day� Satur. member of the Bank of Commerce staff Trinity Church, Wallaceburg, and has cents for full course supper. Route Contracts been trans- "Especially beneficial when there is Lassitude-, Sr ral for the past few years, has accepted subject to the action of the -Rev. Horace W. Snell, B. A. Definite action has been taken in refer- ferred to Carleton Place. stationing committee of London Confer- Wingham, conducted Harvest Loss of Flesh and in Convalesence from ailments,, ee to contracts for the rural mail Mr, Wilson Turner and Miss Florence ence. Rev. A. E. M. Thompson, who offering services at St. John's church which ha ve weakened the Vitality." utis out of Wingham, tenders for which VanNorman of Toronto, are visiting at re asked recently.' Mr. George 'Ter- Mr. and the home of the latter's parents, has served as pastor there for several years, Brussels, on Sunday. and who enjoys an enviadle place in xhe A few lads standing in doorways $1.25 buys a large bottle. t retains route No. 3 at an increased Mrs V. R. VanNorman. Win. McMichael, Bluevale, is Arthur Sainsbury of young affections of the community, has accept- on Sunday night broke the glass in the WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE lary. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. arded No, 4 and Mr. Robert Beattie Toronto, are spending a few days of their ed a call to Centennial Church, London' door of Zurbrigg Studio and the ticket Call He Fined $20 And Costs g . i-ven No. 6, Mr. John Lennox will boneymoonat thehome of Mrs. Sains- to serve the people on rural bury's Mr. and Mrs. V. R, Van Mr. Thompson is an old Wingbam boy window in the Picture House. and a brother of Mr. H. T. Thompson. Miss Sheriff, teacher of the Lower McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE ntinue parents, ute No. I and has also taken over rural Norman, Minnie St. Adjourned The Case Wingharn School, was taken suddenly ill and deaths which ute No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher returned home from the West. They were accom- with appendicitis on Monday morning A lawsuit from Wroxeter was heard on and in the meantime the school is closed. Drugs and Stationery seph Doig Missing 11- P med by their father, Mr. George Ga a Thursday, before judge Dickson. Daniel A meeting of the directors of the Turn- Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R T ickeb -'Joe" Doig, a young married man, left home and wife on Thursday last and aher, who has been residina with a daugh. son, a general merchant of that Robin berry Agicultural Society will be held in claiming $600 damages from the saving prices. s I ter in Tuxford, Sask. as not been heard from since. No doubt Mr nd Arthur Law have return- I place, the Council Chamber of the Wingham Village Council as a result of sickness, Town Hall on Friday afternoon at 3 30 take place throughout Ontario are required to be registered with ther men have done the same thing but hc�a f. :�rs. ed e ro England. They report a to good S loss of business and damage o'clock. Nlen's, Women's., BOYs', Girls' and �el a different manner. Most married pleasant voyage over but an exceedingly have to ask- wifey's permission to go, from water entering his cellar, alleged to Cottage prayer meeting will be held on be due to faulty drainage of surface water Entertainment Guaranteed en rough trip back. While visiting England I them v�here they will be and when last spring. The argument took all day Friday evening at 8 p. in. O'clock at the Tothe people of Winghzm and Vicinity: All guaranteed Mr. Law's mother died. hey will be back, make a hundred and Anumberof hunters left on Tuesday, and the judge adjourned the case, the home of Mr. Chas. Cook. Mr. J. T. Boardman will give the Scripture lesson In bringing the Canadian All Star I Hot Water Bottles hoping to ne more promises which they never to spend a couple of weeks in new Ont- to keep and kiss her a fond good lawyers to present their arguments at a later date, when decision will be given. and everybody will be made welcome. Festival to Wingham we are receive the support of all lovers of good, Face Bottles, I ntend ingham ye. it is supposed that he has gone to ario. Among those who left W his whereabouts were: Dr. kiambly, A. M Crawford, W. e Harry Wardsman appeared before Proudfoot & Vanstone acted for th d Magistrate B Walk- Mayor Gurney an ennett clean entertainment. We have arranged Ice Caps St. Pauls' Church Choir to play this! Fountain Syringes, etroit. Any clue of ill be appreciated by his wife and parents. S. Mitchell, T. T. Field, David Fortune, Don, Rae, Thos. Fortune, , Ned. Tomkins, Wroxeter Council and Robertson of erton, for the plaintiff. on Saturday evening and pleaded guilty with great event. We positively guarantee to Bulb Syringes Bloody Fight With A Policeman Maitland Henry, Garner Nicholson, and on a charge ot selling liquor under the Married In Asbfield Canada Temperance Act. He was fined - eon each of the three nights, Nov. giv Rubber Tubing. 9, 10 and 11, the strongest programmes One of our citizens (who by the way is others. Mr. Fred Stanley of Wolverhampton, At the Aslifield Presbyterian Manses $100 and costs. ever presented here, and will refund your Combination Attach-, d. ments for Hot n early riser) was the other morning, rossing over at the Queen's corner, The England, has located in Wingham and Western on Wednesday, October 20th, at 2 o'clock Of fifteen newspapers in Lambton Rev. J. S. Hardie performed the county five years ago there are but six money if shows are not as advertis e Our talent is all Canadian and each artist i Water Bottlevlf norning was very dark and misty. All acce0ted a position in the dead halt for a Foundry Mr. Stanley is. staying with p. in., marriage Miss Anna- ceremony uniting in left. The high cost of living combined is the best and highest paid in the Domin- Our prices are low, buy h ed and ere anD a t once he qatne to A Mr. W. J. Hilliard, whom he was employ- ?oliceman obstructed his pathway. bel Mary MacGregor and Mr. David with the high cost of paper and other McGill. owing to the recent death of the has been bard on the publish- ion. The Classic Dancers are slag save money. directed by Miss Steinberg of' Toronto, .hort fierce struggle ensued, when down ed with i n a large store in England some ago. Mr. Stanley was a member necessaries uncle and �untlof the bride. Mr. A ex ing business. and are the favorites of the Great Massey oes Mr. Cop. The citizen (tho on top) years of Gen. French's permanent army calle ol McKay and Miss Lily McKay, the wed - V. R. VanNorman has made arrange- Hall audience. Their work will not offend GEO. MASON & SON, ht, a�*a freely the ot the worst of the fig 'by the lood began to flow. Tho wounded and 'that contemptable little army" He bullett on his watch ding was a very quiet one. Mr. and op Mrs. McGill wil I reside at Wingham. ments for ening a wholesale beef where he will sell beef by the the most sensitive taste and their dancing Stationery, Patent Mediclvi,.7, is far superior to that seen on the ordin-' )Ieeding, our brave citizen jumped to his Kaiser. . carries a while TAAr. Policeman still preferred, chain, which was located in his Zy after bullett went market The bride is a young lady much esteemed in Ashfield and elsewhere, quarter at right prices. Anyone wishing by her friends would do well to con- ary stage. TheFestival will be presented 1 Rooks, School Supplies, Wall Fagc�P, here in its entirety just as it is given in! Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. 0 lie; quiet and still upon the street. several operations, another through h i s leg. to secure this meat and the groom alEc, is well and favourably sult him at once. the biggest theatres and big armouries Not liking to hit a man when he 4,1s down, he jerked him to his feet, giving - - . known, and many good wishes accompany to their new horne.- Goderich Sig- The many Wingbam friends of Miss our largest cities. This is our urst pro-, i duction to play Wingbam and if we re- ' Will Conflaue Practice In Winghaw, him at the same time a few angry cuffs him ill them Alice Hibbert will be pleased to bear that nal. she is gaining strength after her serious Festival deserves" Dr. Margaret Calder will contim:,e Lzr ceive the patronage the I and kicks and then leaving st silent, helpless and mute as a! edded In Stratf&d operation for the removal of tonsils and it will not be the last. We advise the: medical practice and has already opa-z%3 of course tickets heiller new office in the Field Block, MM from t standing, dummy. we might say, the Policeman' A very pretty wedding was solemnized adenoids in Grace Hospital, Windsor, hemorrages developed Purchase IcKibbon's doors south of Brunswick Hotel, members of the choir or at N s: -i:02. in question, was that silent o cer, who Wednesday afternoon, October 27t h at after which Drug Store. King Bros. store. Residence Phona guards our town each night in the year, i five o'clock when Teressa Mae, daug liter Talk about the downward trend of Canadian Se. -vice Bureau. I Office Phone 281. .wis, had taken but as Night Watchman Le of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Robb, Inverness prices. We received recently a quotation from him his light, he could not be seen. street, Stratford. formerly of Morris on newsprint paper. This used to cost township, was united in holy wedlock to $39 a ton. It is now $240 with an intim 0 tTl 7110. X V, VX X Big Attraction Coming Win. H. Brewar of Brussels. The wed- ation that we must order p. d. q. if we Harold Jarvis, who sings on the first ding took place at Trinity Methodist want it at that extraordinary bargain W, day programmr- of the Canadian All Star parsonage, Rev. J. E. Holmes tying the -Clinton New Era price. Festival, November 9th, has sung to more in. ere attended by the bride's rwent a knot. They w Nr. R. A. Spotton, who 11136 .41 people than any other living vocalist fister, Miss Hazel Robb and Mr. Armand very serious operation on Sunday last. is the world. Recently in Montreal, Tor- Lawson. The bride was becomingly we are pleased to state, improving as well onto and London his host of admirers dressed in a suit of navy blue Botany as can be expected but at present is in a were delighted with his voice and said it d a boquet of'carnations serge and carrie weak condition. His many friends very was more beautiful than ever. Ordinarily and maidenhair fern, Shewore a black hope for a speedy recovery. 01, X his -presence alone fills any hall but this festival is a big affair and Mr. Jarvis is supported by Mabel Manley Pickard, velvet hat with pink and gold trim- ming and a Hudson Seal scarf. The Tim ADVANcr, has one of the best groom's gift to the bride was a gold neck assortments of personal Greeting Christ - Rem ember Rubbers Rubbers Canada's most gifted soprano Theresa lace with pendant set with garnets and in as cards to choose from. friends, who live in other towns, by 11 Sheehan the unimitable Irish entertainer pearls. The happy couple left by motor your sending them a small greeting neatly of Detroit; Madge Williamson of Tor nto flu'. Oueen of Canadian pianists; and the, on Thursday afternoon for his fine farm on t.j. third line of Morris, where they Printed. Call and examine our samples - - - .. . . .- --A !­ X wht>n voin. wear a pair of OUR Rub- ftrO SALF-The two vacant storo8 with FOR above belonging to the D, Bell dwelliligA 3mato, and situated opposite the skating rick onjosephine street., For part loulats apply to J. G, STEWART, EXCOUE01% Town Hall, wingliam, ont. sensation of America, the Von Kunits Juvenile String Quartette jus� back from its conquest of musical New Yo rk. ial stage On November 10th, amid spec . setting and gorgeous co9tumeso a mg lit in Gypsy Land will be given featuring the The late Dr. J. P. Kennedy, who pass, ed away Tu esday of last week and whose funeral was held to Stra throy on Friday, Found Dead in Bed will be at home to their friends after November 15tb. Methodist Minister Ordained A very important and interesting event took place last Sabbath afternoon at Theuuytsros. lvlinistren5 UL11LVk4 ­­ town on Saturday and played to a sniall house in the Town Hall. Tbey were not advertised. The day is gone, when they can fill a hall by playing on the street$ a few hours before the show. Advertising dfi berS YOU knOW YOU have a good X, n Z thing—because they keeP the feet, NA dry and they wear well. —We sell only brands that haVe 11�Wo Fol' sALi,;_-Oxfora ram and owe Wiibs froin ;�robrcod stock, also 8, C- White l,eghorn qnd B. plymouth docit CookeralQ, Guild's Wrain. JOHN FARRIS11, LUCknow 7. Phone V)unganuon 82-13. beautiful classic Dancers staged and dir- ected by Miss Sternberg. The National Quintette gives costumed operat ic num- When Mrs. Garton, Whitechureb, went to call her son, Samuel, on Sunday morn- ing she found him dead in bed. Ile had Bethany Church on the Salem circuit, when the pastor, Rev. Duncan McTavish received ordination to the ministry for cannot be successfully overlooked. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham General Hospital wml the publiply thank to stood the test--- T1 THEY ARE MADE OF PURE RUBBER SALE—A number of 50 gallon Oak ba FoRrel, suitable for pork or older harrels. 4AP- A. 0. ADAM,, Nff �1_ bets from popular op eras, as the Wikado, been imgood health apparently the prev- special purposes. all who so generiouslY contributed X , , � N ORD OWNERS!—Doed your Vord caf start F diml WO have in' Bohemian Girl, Modern Eve, the Ch0c0- ious evening. He was in his 5ist year The occasion wss also the reopening of the Hospital on Donation Day� Satur. 5, WILL FIT ANY SHOE hardi Are your lights the Sun Recharger for Ford Magneto late Soldier, East is West, and Revues er and unmarried. The fun al was held to the church which has been beautifully day, Oct 23rd The donations consisted ptalled. This special built device rechar os Ford Mag- All wolit guaratiteed. like Ziegfielcrs Follies, the Thiele Saxe- wingliam cemetery on Tuesday afternoon- decorated, The church was not large of Canned fruit, apples, vegetables, home- WILL STAND ROUGH USAGE n,,toSwbjleyOuw3,it. Call and let uq exPlaill, We test Your c"te phone Quartette and Pearl O'Neil, enter- a half Call He Fined $20 And Costs enough to accommodate the immense made baking and cheese cloth. Any be accept- free. E, Alunut'Ey & SONS. tainer, complete a two hour and and deaths which gathering and hence the shed was used. further donations will quite We buy the beSt and sell at money- Wingliam. . .................. show. EverytIlin g is refined and classy. All births, marriages the province of It was comfortably seated, 500 People able. The proceeds of tlle te,1 room saving prices. ..... oST--Vaq's light ritine0at, with pair of L kloVeq iii.Foolcot, somQwhere between and roxoter. Vinder will receive The Canadian Big Four, with the mar- vellous baritone, Frahk Oldfield , I H take place throughout Ontario are required to be registered with being present. The ordination service was conducted amounted to S18.215. Nlen's, Women's., BOYs', Girls' and �el 39arriston sio reward on leaving s3mu at Tur ADVANCE- Cameron, fun maker; Mand Buschlen. Canadian Violinist; and Ada Davis the clerk of.the municipality in which the occuronce takes place. Refusal or neglect by the President of the conference, Rev. dis- St- Pauls' Chutch Notes Inlants'- All kindS,--al1 prices. ST Olt FOUND—If fou lowe or Rod EOMO- LO thin or have sonlet ling for sale, why 'lot I All the 9 reat Oldfleld, soprano closes the big Festival - to make these reports vithin the specified Geo. Jewitt. The chairman of the trict, Rev. E. V. Armstrong and visiting Sunday Nov. 7. 11 a. Ill. HolY Com - try an a5vortisoment in. thill colutno, people who use the -40 Columns 01CLitu they Lire very much eatisfied1vith results. Order course tickets now. All can go to every entertainment. time will subject the person or persons so neglecting or refusing to a pe'nalty of $20 en from the ticighbouring i:ircuit- clergym - very approp nrunion. 2.30 p. in. Sunday School. 7 rsvencong. L, very menll*r is re- 7.4 pltOPFRTY FOR S 0 acrei, brich Abll]—'M !� houss and bank barn. good ro M, Tickets are now on sale from members of McKibbon's Drug Store. and costs. Officers administering the Act have been instructed to strictly enforce The president preached a riate and offective sermon. The choir p. m, olaired to co-operate in t1to Forward, A Maeretotbudli. Two-onehund acro r S. Almo soini excellent property 11 tile t wit the choir and at positively not more than 400 cOurlse tic- ts � an all who f, its requiremen. All to comply rendered excellent itisiel be one of the landmarks Movement for Church atten6ance NOV. 0, 10 and 11- Czna�'!� �n �Il Star Winglism. Apply to. 141RANX AfCCONNUM, kets are offered for sale, Phone write or to Mr. Connor, Bank of 11amilton, with its provisions, The publiGhing of suet, notices is not sufficient. Theclerkof The event will of religious histozy in that com munity for Federal Co neerts uneer the of A% X zivi (�edar nails. Appltko. WEBTEnN 3?01UMV CO. wire Wingham the municipality must also bo notified. many years. tile Choir.