HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-28, Page 2I -1.1-1 -.-.1-1-- I'll. 11--l-I
. � _1--11-____1 ------ 1IRMW
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i P ee— o,r; ,;v.��_:;;����
Chrito *4..h A W.... ,
W I,. 111.1 -1-11-l", I .L— — L L L _ _
0 M V10 Its Ofte Loolis I . I 1;71-- 1 L t"*+*4_*+++**+*+*++*+*%*V+1
A.. MUSHROOM MANE , - `_ - . L L * :
. Nolvom,=Wants DELICIOUS I , . I . I 11i libiory of .
the Doctor I - old. Many - INS ... The V, I
I I I to 100L �
,e""" -*W--" . - H .. �
�+14WS Mterc3t �a dimauicl 1% a:a, old - Ll *1 L44 L in their effort to '. DIS . . . I Your rkma- I
AS 1110 Watory. Jr,rom, tline jm,me1u()z. %14 look .7outhful. re, —_ : I
I sort to the I ,beauty - Ill ,_t,;A _, L W ":: , . 0 111 0, 4.1 0 0-+++*-0-*_"++-#.+++4-4
1,11 dr(.W.1ar, have exerted, a stiong iu- I . 10"'W'116need 0 0 1 1 o4o t o zl'� O', ,%* .
flusuco� over Uis ituagination. In old . doctor." Their .. _ C."umL. �
,% at thcy L I
on tialca the 4Od$ were impposed to If, X110w Where to r1olt 11%ee %�O- I ' VA.UIATIONS-Lo,ve, Quiclit 0,CAIIIII.
communicate direct with aie,, tUvaligil / visit th2 wrong de- the Z,. es"t oue:�. ,_ RA%414 ORIGIN-Irlsh. I
tile medium of ilreamg, warning them I parttftent iA t h 0 1 _N ,6UVRCS-A given nama�
of coating ev$4ts Or Couve)dug divine L �� -1 I
Instructions. Byery ItIng lind lits, In- I � / I drug store.,. I One ol'th
tornrotev. �h.- e,14- . J, 33eauty eln n,nrlct a JOYS Of thesu autumn days Historical -,0-1 I M,
. V O W33 to explain W It, 'a W 00 had In the early morning *a,3a . Q V Va"Q&$ 4kVr 4a' =iit".R�O.Iff,44R;tll;sml.!�t.fo:%P,gt 1�4 7-1XF3
tile me"Ing at tile r . upon health. 0 LOWO and Quick as yarlu, �
oyal Ilightmares I :Z��11 - v1W, Y the dlapholious mists are just ris! *I , t11011,111,I)II the Irish family name of ,------ I �__
and advise the, king accordingly. Jq- I I �_. ,� I Worryt ,sleepless iron, tile fields and the almlienins ng 0 C411111, tOk. atrIeLly epealting, t'hey --_'___'_�_
L I -
t6cPh WAS. called In in thla capacity to I glit- ney Know "A"Int CPR= are not1he same name at all, thouga " NO. 44, IoXv.
a I'llara0h. and D, L
ant - I SS U E
, el to Nebuchad I Aights, headaches ter upon ilia dw drops that sparklo IT a both LDWO And QUICk, Ivilen of f.,104 il=_"!��,n= -_
c. zar, you I Pains" disorde ' 04 the grass and tremble from ths � _. .14- " _ - ! �_
do AV rometalker. And, In- 4 I , and weaknesses rs WiH Scolhe and JIM OrWn, ,are trace, � _
(1, In 311 Oinks, the aaothsa�er, Of edges of crimsOulng blackberry Vine person, tole bacit to the 6aiao 11 IfELP WA,NT9P
Ito or fortune-teller liati found , In 11 li, L a distinctly in- n?"i Whother h is an Itching burnin i
* P Tile Irish form of tile family A4m
rQ4 , an the credulity of tile lusset tinted bracken. ill such Sur. sL"*'-1 trO!4:)1O, An aanclying r.-sh, im.
drk'a or aterial ready to hand for / inine, character roundjugs tile mushroom likes to lift t--' pon, cut, wound or burn Cuticura Is llolcathwv, which, it should b,Ql
exploitation. tl , in uishOrt time Its dusky head modestly concealing the Will soothe and in most cases heal. 'remer nouaced with
'rho present -da 11 e bring the dul delleatO Pluk'Of Its under surface, Soap and Abored, Is not pro. 3h, but moro
, y attitude towards - - ,_ I It, ) Yint bathe -,vith Cuticum a "th" like that in T1;ngII
d � &-:i-_1=te I I �� 11 it L Mushrooma gat hot Water. DrY an like the )
reanis, while less wholeheartedly ,�� �— CY0, the crow's tiered on But!' 4 morn- d anoint with _,Ingllsh spelling which ac -it-
Superstitious, is not less Interested. / .1;? A!5� feet/y the haggard Ing And brought ]tome and likshtly fried Cuticarll Ointment. In Purl �.R- ally Is used in representing it, ,, t
The most materfalt3tic and Prosaic at .. �. With cate me4lcation an � Ing ra. . Irish family nams is derived
I - - _-- ---v hala W'll furni4b it dish for an . 4 refre2vin', i The
Man axe inaved at times to wonder, I . Vance cutictira Mee 8 t t, e ro, t a given name ,of "Cathul",
- I I look drooping sPicurep but the intending gourmand Approval of the most discri * ging. Which
if to nothing more definite, by the 4 1 eboulders, and the must In no wise be omitted or tile an- eans, "valor."
Vividness and conviction of some faltering Step. prems gusto will inevitably be ix) SaPP25c.01ft ilat2$ d Sold For t a ost art tile 110. Cathallso,
dreiaM3. The latest school of psycho- To retain the appe� the subsequent feast. to . a O U Were descendants of or followers
� ., rance of youth you Muot retain he Ill t. on 0%
logical research, the paycho-analytical Instead Of 10tiOUS, powaers and pa,ints, Uk your drug St foralth' Most PeOPI& are familiar with, tile op �'atbal, tile son of Conor, uIcknamea
as It Is ealled,, has made gre�Lt capital Pierce's FAVOrite Priacription. - Dr. mushroom Of the fields, agarlous cam, � I � I putz*q. 11 ,Con�r no Lain
Out of dreams Iii its attempts to eluci, � �'.. ... go Lualtlie", or "par-
vebtrIS. They are also probably Aware !!.--- , — noi or tile avafter Sailing ShiP,',* .'AL
4date tile Workings Of t This famous r _W� -1 .;7!M -M - I
110 IMMaU, mind. - nedicine strikes at the Wry Toot of theSe enemies. that there are many otbe� species that , ,_____-1 � I I L - - = _7 "Ohl
As a rut, ve ,1 * I 4 A# 4-U-9.11 0 al"A .A41. . � attain ]Prominent In. anoient Irlsb
. ... —C V V u4y
. I-, and continuously In childhood and
Youth, gradually loslug� the facult y
J-- ,TV" aPP1 ran0e. It makes you not on loole Younger
but feel younger, It Overcome$ the weakness and builds you up.
As, 44ough unless one is
an expert, it is better to leave all
,tful specimens
ilt]10 Of the histirleal ll�onor !1a
Laing$ 1,14t4e," '
his 110 .
b to the English
Sit seqtlelz conquaAl
� . I . a
'I WO get Older. Some PeOD10, how
Your druggist Can Supply You with liquid or tablets; or send ten
severely alone, AS
the Penalty for malting 4 Mistake may
Abo oc .,
0, Ireland the nattqe families in many
are more Prone to dream than
Others and never go to sleep without
O'n"eut stamps to Dr.-Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, X. Y., and a Wal pkg. of the tablets be
be a most Painful death. A recent art-
lele On the subject of mushrooms in
We�,e compelled by law to
-adopt Unglish surnames, As a rule
they did
areataing coherent dreama which they
can Mead when they wake up, Such
Will mailed to you,
Dr. Pierce's Fav i 0 Prescription has been in use 50 years,
Tile GeogrAP111"I Magazine describes
the effects Of Poisoning from the
+-oq.*. o * o * t 0 0 4 .4 a 0 0 * "**_#14."
not pick them at random,
choosing.rather an English translation
VeOPIO do not lose the habit with ago
This is what one Woman says: . _.
Mushrooza or anlanita. musearia. The
- Lost in the woAder that atisea iron-,
of the Irish family name oz. an, Bng-
Oat relualu dreAmers. ia the definite
sense O� the word, all their lives. I
BIJAW8, ALTA. -III am glad to be able to recommend Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription as I ce ' think it is a splendid
SY111toms begin with excessive peraplr�
ation, nausea vomiting and diarrhoea,
a contemplation of the Immense Iron
Irdustry of Canada at the present
lish name whialt sounded 4s, ultiqu
as possible like it.
- I
we believe With the psycho- I
alialYsts that dreams are the expres-
medicine. I have
bilen.1"11 1,101111an ,,icklyfor'n'e"'a'r'l'yytwOYeArs- I have lately taken two bottles
at u P ( I
I tioWl found it
together with considerable giddiness.
As the Poison Proceeds -,In its
titne, It Is difficult to realize the small
Ivey In,which the WO& b egan It
a thla rna-nner ,some of the O'Cath-
ails adopted the wune of Quick, from
Sion during sleep of thoughts, Im-
'Zorip and 4 wonderful belp.11-Has. He WOLSTZNUOLUE.
course, delirium convulsion. -A ,
about 1737 that Canada I, 'I'li. A .
the Irish ;vord of that moaalng In the,
Pulsei and desires which waking con- 4-- __ .
bcIOU4ness suppresses, or whether -,,Is —
regard them, as of no sariolls necount I �
whatever, there can be no doubt that
directly or Indirectly they have an im� 11 STORE VEGETABLES
Portant bearing on our lives. *
. If all dreams were pleasant, few FOR WINTER USE
People Would Wish to be without them. —
Such Is unforturtately not the cam
The most frequent comment ()a D&MP �Causes Mould and
dreams that we hear Is very much the .
reverse. people complain of their DrY Atmosphere Shrivels,
dreams as befog horrible, ,is making
sible, and at wait -
Ing tired and unkefroshed In cause- About 75 per cent. of the ordinary
quanta. ThG Popular notion which I garden Vegetables Cali be stored for
credits Indigestion with being the sole
cause of dreams does not always fit winter use if a little care is taken,
the case; though there can be no doubt Most vegetables are beat stored in
that heavy suppers combined With a - a temperature Just above the frew ng
weak digestion do favor the tendency temperature of Water. They
lo dream unpleasantly. My own oplu- are best
Ion on tile subject oi dreams is,that kept where It Is dry as well \bs cool.
the latest taUdency to pack thenj wfth Atmosphere should be neither too dry
lilgallIcance is Oftrdvne, I ba'iove nor too damp. Damp causes �mould
that th ey,%re the ra_,v stu!f of gn_ I and too Lky atmosphere Shrivels. In
8010usncss, so to upealr, uusurted and I
unregulaLed by the operations of rea- this coaZtry there is more danger of
son. No doubt taera are DOOPLa Whose I damage from having Ali too dry than
Waiting lives bear little or no relation from It being too moist.
to the live.3 they would lead bAt eir- Where there Is a furnace in the
O=Stan"S Over WhiCil they have, or basement or Cellar It is well to partl-
think they have, no coutroi. Suca pef- UOR off a room for the vegetables to
Sons are of necessity c;)nstantly ,,up.- Prevent their being too hot. There
Pressing those natural desires and Ita- should be a door from bottom to top
Pulses, Inhibiting thorn, as We say, of partition so as*to admit beat dur-
and sitceessfully or UnSuccessfully at- ing extremely cold Weather.
tempting to divert them into ot-lier ,Vegetables s.liould not touch cement
more Pruallaing channel.-, When, aa is Or stone walls, but there should be an '
the case during sle%)p, th? =tsl,ons I air space between the vegetables and
Of -reason are in Abeyance, UP_ the wall to prevent frost.
e p doub, adly find I Where there Is no furnace provis-
aa outlet in dreams Wnich waking life I Ion Should be made for a small stove
denies them, 14earz, for instance, for additional warmth during the cold-
whielt reasan suec-,ed.q in, repressing cat of the winter.
during the day break cover during I STORAGE DONT'S.
814-cil Anti torment the steeper in
dreams Over Which he has no aDo,;1tYaGt the frost Injure the crops
The same is true of deilrea, coutrol b for u take them into the cellar.
and the Don bri
result is a Pleasant dream or a nigat- ng them in While they are
mare according to the nature of the wet.
thing normally suppressed, Don't cover roots With damp sand
Ali& Tv t,LLEP. if the cellar is hot. They will start to I
Sleep should be a natural reatora- grow If You do.
tive, uabroken and refreshing in its at- Don't try to store onions, squash
facts. When, for any Teasou, this or pumpkin In a cool cellar. They
haPpy result Is not aeltiersil, steps will keep better in a drier, Somewhat
Shouid be taken Lo teiriove ally 00- Warmer Toom. j
stacle WnIch interferes With its at- Ddnit forget to watch vour storage a
W111111ent, Such ohat.atiss are nrtmer- room and sort out any dacayed speol-
ous and varied. Instead of eaumerat- inelits before the trouble spreads,
Ing tue-n. I will Mention, a few of the Don't forget that a thermometer Is a
more ordinary beipa to cleep which a good friend In a storage room. I
every person shotial Adopt. First at If It Is possible to Provide a spe- I
all, the room Must be freely ventliat- clal Storage place, select that part of
ad, It is imDossible to sleep well in the cellar farthest removed from the P
a SturLY atmosphere, M-oving air is furnace and where the greatest ,
nlcr(.' diremlY iefreshing Wan air amount of air circulation takes place. d
Watch, thougia "ptae," is stagnant KINDS OF VEGETABLES. t
Tito aed CwLftes suou,d be warm, but Beets -Though capable of standing I
.no.- heavy. Feather beds are, as A, rule, a little frost, beets should not be se-
UniMiati-e to SouAU aad refreshing frozen before harvesting. If n
slec,P. j! hair maltrfts on a spring fVolerstlyable use, the leaves Of the beets
ban i3 04e soft enough for couliort Should be twisted off rather than 1-e ti
Sail &es not Indace exceasive perapi- cut oft With a knife. It they are to
ra�x 3n. Ti ' Is pillow shoald be of InOd- be boiled at once, they will be better 0
f-' to th!"ne"do aud "rla c'nough to with four lathes of the top'stallts ad- S
Drevent tile head frort �-Inldug too far I heersing,bobuu,til It they are be stored
th a 8 ag
Intl) It. Ivarailag the bed aetiticialty f be twisted oft;'Otherwise 0
balore getting in,,o It N a bad practice i 0
t they will rot. Beets keep much better h
excep. in tLe case of old or enfeebled If mixed In sand. At fourdegrees 1,P
persons. The night garments should , —_ .
be loos�� With nothing. of a tight or
10itilethig nature ofther at wrlots, I I I I ;,- = .
neck or WaIgt. I wo -.Iff 1ff.MX.-Q=
------------ . ______�
I . oss
Of COnsciOusn6ss develop In rapid suc-
. a Irst,
Iron Plant establIsIhed In a small way
ilt]10 Of the histirleal ll�onor !1a
Laing$ 1,14t4e," '
above freezing they sh ould keep until
when large quantities have
been eaten the patient sinking into a
at St. Maurice by the Preach Gove
'out for Its Own varposes. After
while, at hers adopt-
a f owe from Its siall,
way. ,
coma followed by death, Such is the
Penalty for tial,vary
the land came into thL. '
of the British
4ritY In sound to lll,,�altbe.,,
-Cabbage should be IMPt
Just above the freezing point In tem-
sampling of un�
known Species, and iiliostt people will
the plant Was car�
ried on as a Government- work, bit
'---_=___ --%
I .
perature. They demand a good air-
culation of fresh air. Are best piled
A aree that it Is better to forego the
d Ights of a dish of mushroanis alto-
later It passed into the records show
that the character of the Iron made
I �� .
. .
not too deeply on Slatted shelves, so
as to permit airing. small numbers
gether than take any Such risks,
MANY SPECIES -On the other
from the bog and lake ores of the St.
Maurice And three Rivers district
I I �
I may be suspended frem the calling by
hanging roofs. It In small numbers,
hand, to the experienced Collector
there are. many species that may well
of an extra dinary nature, and that
It rivalled Inorquality the finest
� I .
cabbages can be kept bettepwith roots
familiar field mush-
Of the old world forges.
I -
on. Where quantities must be ,piled
In built, put hollow, Slated vent'llattag
room. Among these Is the inky cap.
Man% which is to be seen In abund-
So great a success was a5ade of tile
Aindustry St.
. I -_
shafts up through centre of the p1le,
If cabbages freeze, thaw them V�jr
an ce In the waste places and beside the
roadsides in the interior of British Co-
at Maurice tha t other
Plants were established In the early
. I
slowly, . Y
Carrots -Carrots Should be
lumbla, These are more like a half-
folded Parasol and never extend to
years at ,
Hull, L Islet, and
Bate Ste. Paul -all I
In a
dark, cool place, Keep much better if
mixed in sand.
fully open flat shape of the field mush�
room, They are extremely delicate
Quebec" But it Was A bard Industry
to Make 81100 sful, for the transpor-
15 Vears Standard for Delayed anti Painful
Onlons-Should be spread on slatted
shelves so as to permit of free air
In flavor and texture, having no ap-
proach to coarseness such as'the more
tation WAS poor and the plants were
hindered by difficulties lit the dutte a
scaled Tin pacicalre ly. all
Ortlairiato or direct b M il p on
I a rice $2.00.
Knlc4erbocker i��cdy Zo.. 711, E. Front Ste
rOi0Ato, Canada.
culation. Layers should not exceed
ten inches deep. If they freeze, keep
famIllar variety sometimes develops,
Tile Morel in another edible mush-
#of the land. In later 'Years, with th
vast Increase in methods of transpoptao.
-_ -_ L . -
. . I
. I —_
them frozen as -long as Possible, alter-
room that has gained great favor with
tion, and tile Amount of Iron required
nate freezing and thawing will cause
rot. Immature onions, or those with
epleures, and it, is said that they wore
once so highly regarded that forests
annually in the Dominion and
throughout tb a world for greatly In-
French Peasznts' Good �ay.
thick zeeks, should not be stored. Dry
onions well befon,e storing and store
have been burned down in order to
obtain the substratum best. suited to
creased works, there has been a huge
increase In the Output Of the Canadian
The French peasant, steady going,
thri ftY and frugal and far more In.
In a h m may be
batter than the cellar, The best tem-
their development. Ppossibly the most
bistorin is the imperial agaric, or
Mills. The railways, for Instdiice; re-
quire many hundreds of thousands of
ellned to do without than to
Youd his means, almost without
perature is just above freezing,
Parsillps-For winter storage, dig
Caesar*s mushroom. This was the
famed "boletus,' 'served at the feasts
tons of the best iron and steel each"
year now, tile amount Is becoming
a tion pays his debts reliably and
promptly, $High collection costs form
very late in fall. Keep better 19 cov.
ered ,with moist sand sk*) as to i3reverit.
Of the emperors of ancient Rome, and
celebrated In prose and verse by the
larger every twelve months. This is
a field that the Ploife'er in the Industry
no part 6T a dealer's worries In
drying, A f;1W for Spring llqe may be
left In the garden all wltiti.,r and'dug
writers Of that period. Epicures
thought 80 highly at It that
never had opened to him. The ores
In Canada are the
"..., -..:t�
....... I ... I .... I ... ".....".."........" ....... I— I
befnre the - - lb- 4
they pre-
of finest type, and
. *
light sawing at ).tome, wholo Oi
sfArO time: goodPAPA -k sent RAY
i g; was
d stance, charges Sand staraRrtw
ular-9. NqtivnaL Xfg. Co.. 04-
M. '"tt .
- ---I-- -- , �
Minard's Liniment For Diphtheria.
. ............
stocle and equipulent, situated on
should be more extensively varried out
town line between Xent and E lulm Do
I I .. I
. .
du-ift auto road from Windsor to X.lon.
on; six miles to closest towa�, in one
awav from the outside wall. Vnqound
tithers will spread decay. Avoid
of beat farming districts in Ontario;
vl%lue about $12,00; good reason for sotl�v
. � .,�
. Boiling Tincii,ils. , ,
Ing - H. Tresialn, t,lluche;rl, 11, 3, j3oth-
oretical and Practical to N-Oung womeu .' .
who WI-th to enter I nursing pr I 1.
paratively easy of manufacture and
Uar"01'0% near Drayton; building,,
� ;
I I 1.
on each farm; Particulars apply D, Fore-
nian, 62 Beeollwood Ave., Hamilton, 44-4A
. -_
After t* '
' I
- ng many other processes
4ulred. This course admits rbung women - 11
to one of the many POsit Ona demand -
duced in price to effect a quick
sale., on main stone road; ono,mile from
. able period with those delicate plants,
good live town, good brick h6tisel elec.
trlo lights, furnace, basement ba,rn,' drive
house, hog 'pen, chicken coop, cement
silO; 8011 is R, light clay loam, considered
One Of the beat farms in this district
of Oxford c9unty; priced to close e utte,
itow, according to,LaL Nature, a re.
only %%4,oco. Chas. E. Shaver,,Xorwlch,
Ont. I
ented-3 miles out.
. $2,S
. I
ATM Bert Gates. Tru.tt "'.!"I'lat"Wilte
. LIVE STOCK - i�,_� -
less beef cattle, cross th short.
. I
- �
horns or grades, t ey pro uce excellent
feeding helfers at StOOrs; Young bulls
for sale, -
D, JXdcC o. uelph, Ont
— 11.11.1;;;;;�
ur best Price. D. Gordon, car.
ifarly"I'llydOXAcAuley Sts, amilton, Ont.
P A Y 'r 0 U R OUT-OF-TOW.11T AC- ,
counts b- '0-1 4 "_
V - .b. n gvnwa two
inches. . �
pared anu cooked the plants them-
selves, performing these operations
so Marc 33 An assurance Of a certain
annual trade In this for,Ages to come,
Ord n on press Money
era. Five dollars costs three cents.
— ��.
Potatoes-Unv be piled N bulk in a
dark place. Gond ventilrifinn Is Art
advantage, the bin
Ith utensils Of amber and gold.
Mushrooms growing In the garden
- ---I-- -- , �
Minard's Liniment For Diphtheria.
. ............
� ��
I � . .
/_ 1, 11 . 1.
:-�. (87#3
Cooper I-fospital of Camden, N.j.,,of,
and should be kept
should be more extensively varried out
I I .. I
. .
a three (3) Years trainin (Ths. I .
awav from the outside wall. Vnqound
tithers will spread decay. Avoid
than It Is. A mushroom bed is"com-
. � .,�
. Boiling Tincii,ils. , ,
I . I
I � I I
oretical and Practical to N-Oung womeu .' .
who WI-th to enter I nursing pr I 1.
paratively easy of manufacture and
. - _�_ -
� ;
I I 1.
... -
Sion. A high school education to re. I
minard's Liniment Fat, Garget
can be made up in a shed or cellaz and
will furnish the table for a Oonsider� ,
After t* '
' I
- ng many other processes
I . .
DR S :
, Z0,5T *CgC,F`7 I Ing
4ulred. This course admits rbung women - 11
to one of the many POsit Ona demand -
In Cows.
- ------ 6�-7-
. able period with those delicate plants,
of pocoteiring tin Irom old.clans, there
at all," replied the profiteer.
prepares the mind of a customer
nurse of to -day. For ,
rcirth r I
the Particulars write- Tile 9 ` . .
a Got His 0— I
. while any extra supply will never -'fail I�
. +_ 411.A A I , .
itow, according to,LaL Nature, a re.
� intendent
__ - - —
_ —'— Xarnden
, urer-
.Cooper Hosp te,,, ,
of xurses, I
X J.
A Chinese generai, With his seven
Wives and A small bodyguard, walked
nto the station At Harbin as the
a na v war et. .
rn w ta oia fashioned method of
the straps (Well cleaned) in
solution containing an excess at free
and'saitpetre. -The tin Is re-
are's a Genius, I 1.
___._ �, �
Adv, -111 offer my services to the
. . 1 . � .
puril wool. but very moderate Prices. I
Sample shades free. Oporgetown Will.
. a
11P, PINE NFght and Morning. alkali
" I
Vlad Ostok train 'Was about to start
Have Clean, Healthy
- ire,Itch, covered
Byes. It they T
% N,
as crystals of stannate of soda
Public as Literary Writer on all ��
Mills. Georgetown. Ontario. .
Lad demanded acCoulmodatift for
- and
_ t� Smartor Burn. if Sore,
the alkali and saltpetre can be
Jects, whether sollura or joyfu 1. Also
� -
Ilmself and party.
The Chinese Bas tern
'or, _� used
Vn I ,SIrritated,- Inflamed or
1J_VURFVr Granulated.useldurine
over and over agalit.
ObItuarlst, giving , Departed Friends
Glorious welcome to the Hairafter.'�_
N .
- _ 1
, although a
oint Russian -Chinese property, is
_1 -
often. lactlies. Refre6hes. Safe for Infant
Boston Transcript. I
1. I I I �
4*4 1
a . I , J.,
- 1, I - .
rated by the Russians in conjunction
vith the Siberian railway.
The Russian station master conf&uIt.
or Adult At all Druggistsand Opticians.
Write forFrce Eye Book� Ngdoe �A Rm* C06, Cbk*
— _ _ . about
(Washington Star.)
"Don't you Object to all this talk
the high cost,'of everything?"
11 - . . !-
- ,'I, t � I
- 4
T10, Girn! En.glish Preparation,
d his watch, shrugged, and said
'NIIza " ,which I +U 'D
irim', the Stowaway. lelt
at all," replied the profiteer.
prepares the mind of a customer
�2 and invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new Blood
� ..� I . I
4 ;
I'll, .I- -
I ' ' ussian equiva, —_ for what he May expect and saves I in old Veins. Used for Nervous.
ant for "it can't be dou�.*' lie a D-Wilty, Mental and Brain Warty,
,X, Argument.,, Desponden%#, Loss of Enlirg palpitation i7f
lained that the t:ala was full and it Jim was originally'a sea capialtill; - - i
- I th*fleait, 11fivAlemorl. rice$Zperbox,3
'as leaving time, his rdas- NONE, . IOV65. Sold by all druggistis, or raxiled In plain
v dog, and always accompanied .
Without further parley the general ter on his voyages, When the cap- plig. on receipt of ptiqe, New pampidel mailed
!sPatched members of his bodyguard taln died, heoleft Jim to his friend, who Applicant (for Job): "What's the )We -we W"D IREPICINE co.geltotae.0"T.
D hold the train. One m&n clamber� was a clerk in the offices of chan0e,for a fellow beginning at the - � -
d into the locomotive and covered the era Steamship Company, an east' bottom and working up?" '_ -_ —
Jim stayed Foreman: "None; our Job Jsldlg� AN ANTIDOTE FOR CARBOLIC
ngineman with a revolver. - Others With his new master ust one night, ging holes.,, I
ounted on the far platforms, The next morning he a I disappeared. to-- - 7�� I �_ 000- -_ . , ACID.
Then the general ordered the sta. When the boat, which the dead cap- j3uropean 18dition Of Now York: Herald.)
onmaster to procure a car "qui-qui,ll tain used to sail, wa,q well 6 t t(l,p,e Among cuses_of al:ald.ntal Poisoning
9Y -haired doe, 'raw - those caused by curTX 7 acid ,area the
Ith. , - . ),
'hich,is Chinese for '4instalitly w a gaunt, shag In ,� %
, most frequent. Tliese general Y rise
ut any back talk," on pain of very Out iron, some lilding-place Ili the pil- HAS No through mistalcIng a 8011111,011 01 oa.,bolla
erious consequences to himself, - ot�house, whining Piteously, The creiv p &�Id for some medicine, or, as occurs
Twenty minutes later the train pull� received him with delight, but Jim ipry Oft0n( fOl' some alcohoiWilquor,
d out with the Chinese general and Paid little attention to them. He was The remedies generally employed In �
dealing with tbis kind of poisoning con.
is savia wives aboard In a spacious searching for Oils he could not find, . PAIN NOW stst 'A washing the 40mach, with alka.
rivals car. I and it was long before he could be — — line water or Pure glycerine, followed Uy
- - -----W-.4l.b.l-Ply.,_,wif_;�.
0-X t _. . the o,w " Meg. an.th't-eiv low..
=...,..4 .uh,,, ,
....4. -, -1. i. cv,il""", 'V= — -
.he. I ... T.W, khq . oolud sw,�
WALKIM lJoUsL M"k " 14ee-le, wee wok .r Lh#
It is the pemnal service 1W PI,W
W"he"m whY 01 WALKAR Roij3sMv il�arph�,
i kee0heeeletlyrote—i in the ,wode.f.—Y tooWk.A"
l000.1110.1y, th..,ht .( ".. T—W —4 ee .inc
9= n -h -l-, ,he. ... _410 - ft 4 1. ,.,t
— �-- 4 -"*. ft. ,",I.e., ,l,
Ile, ft �lw 4r."o— "d .M*.. a
,ee,, C_tkVa"Q:%k.r..d4.y.% I
ins Ingestion of alkallne sulphates oil and ,- I � 1, ,,,, . .
__ A�� ' sun ad 07 lake food. He showed a What white (if eggs beaten up. Some Years aM' � ,. _. � I
1. decided d,:n,ik'.0 Lydia E. Pin ha% -ever, Dr. Alabarly showed that tin. I' I
== for the new captain, and I - khaas tare of Iodine, administered in tal . 1
3QNK=�� 1 growled henever that officer tried to U.*evg%*.1k1_ il -1 n: ' do rjy large —
PeNona wilo suffer from — . loin %JAmikou"A'I AWIM Ses, may Me Idn'l better results. . WINNIMDO . I
- with him. lie seemed to Cm one occasion, when called Ili to at. 4�. ,- ,
cold foot I 'I I feel that the! captain was somehow re- Poasey terili a Young nogro. J%.ho. thinking lie suit yout
libould wear 10OS01Y fitting bed Socks, for Mrs. lZa, to
which can be kicked offvrben the feet � , sponsible for the loss of his master. WUS ar"ll"119 lyhISICM flail Q'A'allOWed 0, S opchings. r"ued
� . During the outgoing voyage, Jim Quantity ot a strong Solution Or earbollo
Itre Warn, The moat suitable position of London. I acid and Yho consequently was very so. I with4lau. S.le d..
for 0 k , �
WeeP is to lie on the side, not on I ':�, A ...., prowled Incessantly about the ship, but _ verely burned about tile lips and throat, hVeW auarantftl
,,� A,, g Dr. Alaberly hurriedly made him 81,�allow,
tile Walt. As a rule, Sound Sleep 1;3 l I I 'I � on the return he crawled Into his hld� TAndon, Ont. -Ill SuVered wv.i %�er. a tablespoonful Of tincture of iodine . C"Ttittiforpa- -k
best an!lfeved by refraining from eat- � - _2 ing-place and remained there until the 10aid Pains, was weak and rur, wn cut) of. water. A raw minute in a P, % . - ClAclow.1a'A
u Afterward ,;� - . lilkirlt wj�.Sr
before going to bed. The hours ok dock was reached. the Dot ent was iLble to swall0% some mill billi,
I �� could not eat and had headache.- rhe)) withou� t I e6rafort,
la�ap ulust be fixed by e h Individual Faithful Jim continues to ..ti m, any difficulty. speaking became the N LIDAL"o __
S11 L
I - . worst, SYMPtOms Were aggitil )wn easier And he very soon completely re. -P411MV Urnitod
.In San$ and to look for his master. coverea, . HA"Wro" FACT001Y Al3TA10lrt0,,
for himself. Children requIre, more , I IM, Ureat Uoa I Tar D"isini,ec "Can" D* I Pains so bad I sometimes th6ught I "`�_ CANkDA �
GleOp than adults". eftficterg from la- I 9- *__ . Tile 80',ne Immediate and complete of-
' - would go crazy and I seemed to be fect Was Obtained I., qdmInistering line. ke-�...eeeemeel , 'I ,
Goiania *will Often find benefit'frolill I ZtnOldUrn 14 endorsed and used by the Dominion rzxparlmental 11 Uourat, or Happiness. - . smothering, I was in this condition Lfor tort, Of lodino In doses of flyn drul �_�________�
Parr"ti, at -Ottawa, and by the 0. A. 0. at Guelph. , I a In ��
clianairg their habits. A little 0X_ . The world contains not one single two or thiee years and could not seem later 11 tile case of a three-year.ol Dos, Great
or(,,I,3e J-1 the open air before going Z4bnOldurn will "Id Y6ur live atock or poultry of e!to, matc, flen3 object that might not be a source of to Work. I tried all kinds of remedies awho,bad Just swallowed Some cmrbolla Britain's Whitaii and Slikck#.
. to : old,
I bed, zPanging the body wifil cold wa- ' I Meld ticks. Zen0laurn will not burn and Is not groasy or dirty It happiness, Sorrow spritig$ from this and'bad been treated byphysiefans, but Similar su-c-cessi vl;%la met witl, in a thira *�O_ ,
it'!- ,; 1 -r -n batil. a bot drint', .. a bawl - to the cheapest and most powerful gormlolde. Ask your dea�;rl or that man outdoes himself In misusing received no benefit. I founa one of your iteld poisoning, the Vic- I
� ; direct from us If he eannot supply you, I I
Of bread and milk t,ql;(An to the bod- i everything. He turwri against his booklets and felt inclined to tr lilt, being a child of two Ivears f &I In the British Empire there arg
6 Wn y Lydia In this Instance the Iodine tre . a.
, roklm allil eaten In hat'. ruidjusting , . Ails& 9`00 11, H AV% I 13 &-4% E-- P e-* body or his Own spirit all sort!o Of B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I could not be begun all thirty Ilea eatinlint 62,000,000 white and 376,000,000 color�
tile NNI o7,11hes, ratting rm of bell and IF In thing that seem well Made for his received the best results rs after
. from it, and, ib�- Ing('sti011 of the. Poison. Tile, alarm- ad People, The 62,000,000 white re,
* find ff 11 U F4 %a!" F,vq , now I keep house and go out Jim Symptoms Poon disappoltred tinder thol
PerforiniTIP, A fAJ7 afni*,)Ij� cm,rolves: I %__J 0:2) JOY' -Georges nuilamel in the Century to work present capital Wealth
W I.W., V ro I I %0 %.O t,ftw Lat , Wd am Man. now w inhuenoo of tineture of iodine given ov. alnoutiting to
of those Mingri m,%y W� of nse to I kNiagazina, , I Oman. I have too- 61131 tour hours in d0r4es of flve � $500,000,000,000, as against the �5,000,.
_--4.0.dh,1_ In
"lly n .6 I OtaMbAded your Vegptable it tcust)(Itinful Or -Water. The little patient 000l000 Possessed by the: black brown
"Is -nVeror froin oloppresa o: . Druge - Compound Vw% d1ifed. drops
I f -w .!;I� ')tjrpo" ft� 111i1c"Irip� FJI(,0p Animal Invigorator—Poultry invigorator lip, ICNP!.%V. **'- `t9 MY friend$, and it these facts will and yellow pi,.ople. The dogr�o of II.
I " - lielp some r WOInan use thorn as U The tincture Of Iodine tioutrlizea the
s7willd alwavq bo, avolom u,alr_��jg sVe- AL tNVICIO-R,AvoR will provorit d,2641 Teaclier-nawin. -tvhat is the boat tfmo tarbolic or pboni encid b literacy Among the W
Chilly ordored by a doel.or. eas rrs. % forming with bite people, Ac.
Mond Ybur IIk6 ttook-will f2ttdn Your cattle ind Increase the floswe tor Pickinxt applvq? J. X Pinalm,2,00 V1009to it an 10"Plieftat#- Jns1OIU Is and thet-a.
,*,A,A--_-.— Of mfllc—wlll fattan And cortemon your s*Ihft. 1!'dwJn-'VVho11 the farmer ain't k 9rF Street London Ont I fore harmless. cording to Sir Henry Johnson, is pro.
I'llishing from VVeyinouth pipl*. ,,, ,,,,,tn in'. lok. I the reason wordon write duch a —, � babb, not More than 16 Per cent.,
IlAvt W0*EH*USV8 POULTnY FG00 %tqll keep your p01jI# letter MIfigi-d's among the colored ratog it ,Is nearly
Ilto c!'$ft felt hat It, tho spa. Thre,q � .ry healthy. — _*,� to the Lydix E. P4'nkhaia J�Jedjdina CO. c,"Iment, =1rolaterhi3dr. 90 De'r ftut,
44Y.9 later 11(� Wds bA91ing. ;rt Gre,,m- It Iii 'a" Wbtlztt, It Will rhfitarlsi)ly Increetse tiler tft prodadtfall, MInartitt Liniment For Colda, Ve. and tell their friendS how th ___1___41A1*_ *
11111, ft n.1ile and a balf from tile pip-, POr 8416 by ftuil and f6ed de let& *nd hardwjtro 04-Orda, Or, di- � .__-1 - "y are 1q0'W MCI, Of Trausportation. tt�1!1 . -11 . W I I .1.. �
�. '1:"rd's'hAtnLJdi4R Pirikbarxilivege- __ —
wl-- V -01- wa,411ed lip, hat ,aphoro. toot from, us if they C*Neot supply �,*Aett* DY16 Prom Onfor, Sidno. tab a Cdlapoun has brought health and . I .,
I happiness into their lives. Freed J!rom A tqOeOtrUtOV' bas been dovel pod ftd ,
Uftrton Hall, the ierloldpneo or itle. To make dye from onion. sking, for use In Afrlea. 6 C460Tt*8 Caft
11. NV. F. Bolakow, vac, partly des-' The 1,116 PaYs their illness they Want A89 the good The weight of"th?) -4 *Vt. rttl" I-egutating
tr-11""t I.I' Wodehouse Invigorator, Mini ctrift), ftperimiltiter, take the hows S10% to other au 6ring woman cat and rargo is i4tt *611i4ne, Sold ft �
f*",% 10".% Clot+ t- ,r . 1 NP6 PPOft0d on r4etiLl, three d*4
I . � outer skins from half a dozen onions thAtth03* somaybet8lievoil. " radial but %,s vehicles are drivoil by V , 404dof awg4th-No. I fis
1. ,*rw1!!1A1, but W, Nfdrllez�borollgh rlr(� 69 STUART STREET WEST - IHAWLT # (medium Sized), And boll In wet gotta tilt dru0Wt$,6rkft*
11riprOn sne,7psdo4 Ill �,,,%-*,.113 ,y goija er un- If tharO RtO Rty' etimPliefiflonii,ft do rubber -shod wheL!,.19 running on Pra. o. , $3, - o. so a per voi,
r. I I
. pl-t of tho,% b1didint. I I !I, 1, - i I I , -1 �p I 111MIJ 1 1 1111twil i i . � I .. 11 - � tit the color Is extracted. This to im hot uAd6rafthd write W LVIA Be Pit*. PArAd 8trips of road metal oft twftob sId6 11 on "&NIPt. of me*.
-1 I
� . ,ZT Suitable Yellow dye. %tin Medieftlo Co., Lynn, am Of tho tracks. ThIs arrangement 8 M
L. 11 vc I _.,
� _, VAMPblot- Ailatomil
I z sold to be very sffeettvo, ... Tog COOK *W161ift 60
"*ON% 041. MNWI a;;::
. . I .
i, . r .
; k, I
� , ,
___ - _ - ______.__--- ___-_____ I I . . --' ' -
I - -