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Remember "The Campaign For War Memorial Fu ndAnd Veteran's Watch Fund, Nov. 7th. to 13th.
Single Copies - Four Cents WINGRAM, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 1920 Subscriptions: $2.00 Y4"
Big Sale Of For*
11, E. Isard & Co. have bought a range
of Traveller's Fur Samples and for quick
selling have put them at a cut in price of
from 20 to 25 per cent. A chance to buy
up to date furs at a big savilig.
Methodist Church Services
Next Sunday morning the Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper will be observed' in
the Methodist Church, A Baptismal
Reception Service will also be held in
connection with the morning service, sub-
ject "The Wounded Hands". Evening
subject, "Self Respect", good singing.
You will be made welcome, bring your
Suddpn Death In flowick
Mr. William Kreuger of Clifford, expir-
W very suddenly at the home of his son,.
Henry Kreuger in Howick last Friday
afternoon. Deceased had gone to his
son's to spend the day and towards even-
ivg, without any warning, be dropped to
the ground and expired immediately. He
was seventy-five years of age. Mr. John
Kreuger of the,Nth con. of Carrick is a
$00. The funeral took place on Monday
pfterAgon t9 the r
eliff9ro. ;qln
Deterred Action One Month
The town council held a special meet-
ing on Monday evening to consider the
granting of a licenqe for a second pool
room in Wingham. � A petition was pre-
sented ashing the cotmcil to take no steps
to license a secould''pool rc6m, but we
understand that it. -was signed by several
who an� not ratepayers, The matter was
left over until the December meeting of
the council in order to give both the pros
and cons a chance to present their cases.
Automobile Accident
On Friday evening a lamentable acci-
*--dent occurred to little Marion Armstrong,
the six year old daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
E. F. Armstrong, when she ran in front of
an auto driven by Mr. W. H. Dore and
had her leg brolked, above the knee. The
little girl was �la'yihg at the corner in
front of the parsonage and crossed in
front of the auto which was going very
slow at the time. We understand from
an eye witness to the accident that no
blame could be attached to Mr. Dore as
the little tot darted in front of the car
before be could apply the brakes.
Big Attraction Coming
Harold Jarvis, who sings on the first
day programme of the Canadian All Star
Festival, November 9th, has sung to m;re
people than any other living vocalist in
the world, Recently in Montreal, Tor-
onto and London his host of admirers
were delighted with'his voice and said it
was more beautiful than ever. Ordinarily
his presence alone fills any hall but this
festival is a big a6ir and Mr. Jarvis is
tupported by Mabel Manley Pickard,
Canada's most gifted soprano, Theresa
Sheehan the unimitable Irish entertainer
of Detroit; Madge Williamson of Toronto
the Queen of Canadian pianists; and the
sensation of America, the Von Kunits
Juvenile String Quartette just back from
its conquest of musical New York.
On November 10th, amid special stage
setting and gorgeous costumes, a night in
,Gypsy Land will be given featuring the
beautiful classic Dancers staged and dir-
ected by Miss Sternberg. The National
,4ouintette gives costumed operatic num-
bers from Popular operas, as the Wikado,
Bohemian Girl, Modern Eve, the Choco-
late Soldier, East is West, and Revues
like Ziegfield's Follies, the Thiele Saxo-
phone Quartette and Pearl ONeil, enter-
tainer, complete a two hour and a half
show. Everything is refined and classy.
the Canadian Big Four, with the mar-
yellous baritone, Frank Oldfield, J. H.
Cameron, fun maker, Mand Buschlen,
great Canadian Violinist; and Ada Davis
Oldfield, soprano closes the big Festival.
Order course tickets now,
All can go to every entertainment.
Tickets are now on sale from members of
the choir and at McKibbon's Drug Store.
Positively not more than 400 course tic-
kets are offered for sale, Phone write or
wire to Mr. Connor, Bank of Hamilton,
lHot Water,
We have received an extra large
shipment at old prices and the beno-
fit 8.� ill bo yours'.
Sfollble(l. olle piece bottlea.
(' uarantec(l for * years.
,98c and upwards
We'll be pleased to sho %, you.
,�tatiouery, Patent Afedicille�,
Wall laper''
ver,,y Toys, etc. i
A respected resident of West Wzwanmh
passed away on Monday, October 25th,
in the per, -on. of Samuel Phillips. De-
ceased was in his 64th year and had b=
ailing for some time. Ile was a promin-
ent member of the L. 0. L. and a pros-
perous farmer.
The funeral will be held from his late
residence to Greenhill cemetery, Lucknow
on, Friday afternoon,
There passed away in Morris, on Fri-
day. October 22nd, James Mesger, who for
:)ver fifty years has been one of its most
respected residents. Deceased was born
in Scotland 88 years ago and came to
Canada when but a young mail. Beside
his widow he leaves five children viz.
Mrs. Joseph McKinney, John and Archie
of Bluevale, Robert of Jamestown and
Alex. of Manitoba.
The funeral was held from his late resi-
dence on Monday afternoon to Bluevale
cemetery. Rev. Mr. Tate conducted the
services and a large number of old ac-
quaintances paid their last tribute of
respect to their deceased brother who
was laid to rest.
Another very sudderl death was that of
Dr. J. P. Kennedy. which occurred at his
home on Tuesday morning, As a medi-
cal surgeon he was particularly successful
and was known widely throughout Wes-
tern Ontario. His untimely death came
as a great shock to his family.
tie is survived by his wife and four
daughters, Dr. Irlma Kennedy of Wing -
ham, Miss Gretta of the staff of Mc-
Donald College Montreal, and Miss
The Greatest Discovery of the A re.
E very bottle guaranteed
A combination o� Peptonized Iron, Mqlt, Manganese
and Cod Uver Extract
Easy to take --
_—, �_ 7
local Items
are absolutely worth
Attract& Large Crow4a Thursday
for by her daughters during the last
of her life. Deceased
and improving the health generally.
"Especially beneficial when there is Lassitude,
Misses, Jean and Nettie Christie are
The New Minister, the local talent play
Jusi arrived—Hundreds of New Song
Hits at Wingbam Bazaar.
visiting in London, 1
put on in the WiDgliam, Opera House on
Miss Butcher, Teeswater, Ont., Design -
Mr. Harold Drummond is now in the
Thursday and Friday evenings of last
er of Hair Goods, transformatiom switch -
employ of the T. Eaton Co, at Moncton,
week, drew crowded houses both nights
es etc. Your* order solicited.
N. B.
and 0eryone was pleased with, the man -
Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
ner in which performers took their part.
Dr. Hambly will be away from his
Mr, and Mrs. William Murray, Mr
The wonder was how the play was put on
practice from Tuesday, November 2nd,
John Murray and Mr. Walter Inglis of
so well with such a short time in which to
until Tuesday, November 23rd.
Attwood, spent the week -end at the home
Mr� Donald Rae.
prepare. -Mr. A. H. Francis of Lorid9n,
Cracked eggs for sale at Gunn's Ware -
director is to be complimented for the
house. For a limited time we will sell
Mr. Jno. E. Fells and daughter of
success of the undertaking. Possibly the
cracked eggs at a saving to buyers.
Wingliam, were guests of the Former's
hardest part was taken by Mrs. Reg. S
Rev. Mr. Mann of Sit, Marys will
sister, Mrs. W. M, Scott, the latter part
Williams., but there were so many stars in
occupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian
of the wce�,—Blyth Standard.
the play that it would be raposqble tu
church, Belgrave, next Sunday morning
Mr; and Mrs. F. F. Homuth accompan-
explain who they we.reqn(l the p4rt they
gt 11 Qlcl()cL-,
ied by Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Homuth of
A carload of machinery has arrived for
Wingham, motored to Galt and spent
The following is the qste of characters:
the Aero Cushion Tire Factory and will
Thanksgiving with friends in that city, —
be unloaded and installed ir. the cow'se of
Harriston Review.
Mrs. De Lancey ............. Mrs. Willis
the next few days,
Mr. and Mrs. George Moffatt returned
-Mrs. Wind ........... Mrs. T. J McLean
Winsome Slocum ............. May Allen
Mr. Harold Ross is opening up an elect -
to Windsor, after visiting with Mr. and
Melissa Wilkins Jean Christie
rical supply store in the building recently
Mrs. R. J. Tindall, B. line, Mrs. Tindall
Winsome Bluebird Belle Murchison
vacated by Billie Burke. He will carry a
motored up from Windsor with them
Betty Buttons ...... Mae Dinsley
full stock of accessories,
where she spent a f�w w§�ks,
MW, Bliss ................. ,',M- rs. Hanmore
On Thursday, October the 28th, in the
Mr. Harold Sproule of the staff of the
Prunetta Pills .............. Mrs. Walton
Council Chaniber._A sale of home made
0. A. C. Guelph, Mr. Kennedy and Miss-
Mrs. Ketchum .............. Vera Siebert
baking. Sale to commence at 4.30 p. in,
es Ida and Mae Bassett and Miss Urqu-
Ivory Soap ................ Sara McLean
Tea will also be served.
hart of Listowel, spent Sunday at the
Mrs, Bangs ............. Jennie Halliday
Bvy your Templeton's Capsules at J.
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tindall.
P etunia Pimples ....... ..... Jean Currie
W. McKibbon's drug store, T. R. C's
Bqtsy Bobitts ............... Isabel Shaw
for Rheumatism, etc., RAZ -MAH fQrl
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. VanNess and
Mvis, Spicer ........... Mrs. R. A. Currie
Asthma. Relief guaranteed,
little daughter left on Monday morning
I The regular monthly -meeting of the
for Ottawa where they will reside for the
Professor Topnote ......... Geo. C. Allen
'Ladies Auxiliary to the Wingbarn General
next few months. Mr. VanNess will as-
Ralph Bunter ............... F. Hanmore
Hos�ital will be held in the council cham-
sist in a canvass which is to be made of
Seth Perkins .............. J. M. Cassels
ber on Monday afteirnoon at 4 o'clock.
that city in the interests of the Seventh
McGoozelum Twins .... Henry Aitcheson
The engagement is announced of Miss
Day Adventists.
and Bert Abell.
Choir Men—Richard Stone, Wallace Nel-
Annabel M. MacGregor of Kintail, Ont.,
voyage, and Mrs. Fleuty, then 11 years
son, Harold Livingstone, R. A. Currie
to M�. David McGill of Belgrave, Ont.
Howard Sherbondy, E. Manners, W.
The marriage to take place quLtly in
Wedded In Hamilton
B. McCool, Gordon McLean, Neil
A quiet wedding was solomnized at St.
McLean, Gordon Buchanan.,,
A meeting of the United Farmers of
Mathew's Church Hamilton, on Oct. 19th,
Rev. Homer Alexander Brown ..... A. M.
North Huron will be held in the Town
When Jennie Vietta, youngest daughter of
. Forbes.
Hall, Wingbam, on Monday, Nov. 8th.
Mr. Thomas Stacey of Bluevale, became
Uncle Alex ................ W. H. Haney
at 2 p. in. Election of director and
the bride of Mr. Walter J. Percy of
Daisy Lovejoy ...... Mrs. R. S. Williams
other very important business,
Hamilton, and eldest son of Mr. and
The cup and shields won by the Wing -
Mrs. James Percy of Kincardifte. Rev.
Crescendo B. Flatt ............ Ed. Nash
ham baseball club are expected to be
Mr. White officiated. After a short
Hezekiah F. Sharp ........... H. J. Jobb
along in a couple of days. The Dominion
honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Percy will
Doctor Hoosick ............. R. A. Currie
y Sports Committee purpose h
Da aving a
reside in Hamilton.. We wish them many
Major Diminuen�i': ........ A. t. Posliff
suitable presentation arranged within the
years of happy wedded life.
next week or so.
Organize For Canvass
Odelia Hasbin ............. Mary Pattison
Anniversary Services were held in St.
At a meeting of the War Memorial
Cannie Catchnm ...... Shirley Donaldson
Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
Fund and Veteran Watch* Fund Com-
Pansey Heartsick ...... Birdie Robertson
Oct. 24th. Rev. Dr. Fraser of Galt
mittee held Mon. evening it was, decided
Jeraima Wishbone ...... Viola Robertson
preached excellent sermons. Anniversary
to erect a suitable monument in front of
Breezy Brick .............. Alice Reading
Services .Oere also conducted. in the Wing -
the Town Hall, This will:cost in the neigh-
Busy Bee ................... Edna Scott
ham Methodist Church on Sunday.
borhood of $2500, and the watches to be
Birdid Warbler ............. Bessie Abell
* The regular monthly meeting of the
Wingh�m Women's Institute will be held
purchased will cost some $500. Making
Polly Poppleton .............. Vina
Kitty Spangles Frances Wilson
in the Council Chamber on Thur -day,
the total subscription wanted by the com-
mittee between November 7th and 13th
Turtle Dove ................ Reba Boyd
October the 28th'at 3 p. m. A sale of
Viney Clinger .............. Jessie Currie
homemadebaking will beheld, Sale to
The officers appointed up to date are as
Morning Glory .......... May Robertson
commence at 4 p. I m. Tea will also be
Fluffy Ruffles ............ Bertha McKay
Amos. Tipling, Town Chairman,
Molly Coddle ........... Grace Hamilton
People handing in items of news for
Mayor Gurney, Chairman Ward 1.
Lovey Dovey .............. Pearl Burbee
publication would do well to sign their
A. G. Smith, Chairman Ward 2.
SophiePillow .......... Isabel McDougall
name to the items. We must know. who
C. R. Wilkinson, Chairman Ward 3.
Henrietta Sharp .......... Edna Mitchell
is responsible for statements which in a
W. J. Greer, Chairman Ward 4.
few cases are proven to be untrue, where
John Groves, Chairman Ward 5.
Extra, Special Ready To Weer Sale
the writer signs "subscriber" or a similiar
Reg. S. Williams, Secretary.
Saturday only -50 Women's and Misses
A meeting will be held in the Town
coats, 25 silk dresses, 1 '25 Georgette and
Hall next Tuesday evening, the 2nd of
Crepe-de-chene blouses, on sale Saturday.
Fractured Ribs
November at 8 P. m. All those who
Come early and get first choice,—King
While operating a grader on Minnie St.
wish to help in this good work please
on Friday, T. J4 McLean was thrown
over the wheel when the knife hit a stone
Beating Pr(ibibitlon
an d landed heavily on the gro und, fract-
Methodist Anniversary Services
Want to become intoxicated?
. .
uring a couple of ribs.
Most successful anniversary' services
There's a perfectly respectable way;
High School Field Day
were held in the Methodist church last
without liquor. J listen to Manager
Sunday and Monday. The Sunday ser-
Maxwell, of the Lyceum Theatre, tell it.
Wing ham High School held its annua
vices were especially interesting and pro-
"Charlie Chaplin, in 'A Day's Ple.asure'
field day sports on Thursday, October
fitable owing to the presence of Rev.
'will start its run at the Lyceum conitneric
14th, The -weather was ideal and the
Samuel Sellery, a much esteemed and be-
ing Monday. This picture begins with
pupils were in fine fettle and thoroughly
loved former pastor. The sermons of
the funniest scene ever shown in a motion
enjoyed the day. A large number of in -
Mr. Sellery were most helpful and prac-
picture. And the following scenes are
terested parents and friends witnessed the
tical, the outgrowth of a long and suc-
guaranteed to intoxicate any audience,
various events. In the interscholastic
cessful ministry of nearly 50 years.
with laughter."
games Harriston girls basket ball team
The renewal of his friendship was a
"A Day's Pleasure" is Chaplin's fourth
were easy victors over the Wingham girls
most inspiring experience to the members
million dollar picture under his contract
while in football the Wingbam team of
who remain who were worshippers under
with first National Exhibitor's Circuit.
boys reversed the store and evened the
his ministry 26 years ago. The choir
Entertainment Guaranteed
events. Wingham also won the inter -
rendered excellent service in their anni-
To the people of Wingham and Vicinity:
school relay race. Harold Mitchell who
versary selections.
In bringing the Canadian All Star
last year won the boys' junior champion.
The Monday evening Congregational
Festival to Wingliam we are hoping to
ship this year won the seniqr champion -
Rally was much enjoyed. The Sunday
receive the support of all lovers of good,
ship. Max Stewart won the junior boys,
School Room was filled with a happy
clean entertainment. We have arranged
championship. Miss Dorothy Webster
congregation. The numbers of the pro-
with St. Pauls' Church Choir to play this
won the junior girls and Miss Helen
gram were all well rendered.
great event. We positively guarantee to
Wilson the senjor girl's championship.
The instrumental selections ll� Misses
give on each of the three nights, Nov.
The reason we omitted to mention field
H=613randon and Nettie Christie were
9, 10 and 11, the strongest programmes
day in our last issue was because we were
full of inspiration, The vocal solos by
ever presented here, and will refund your
waiting for a list of prize winners which
Miss Seibert and Miss M. Walker were
money if shows are not as advertised.
we were promised but have failed to ap-
greatly enjoyed. The recitation by Misg
Our talent is all Canadian and each artist
M. E. McDonald was full of spirit and
is the beat and highest paid in the Domin-
splendidly delivered. '
ion. 'ghe Classic Dancers are staged and
I The men's chorus was good and we
,trust it is but the beginning of good
directed by Miss Steinberg of Toronto,
and are the favorites of the Great Massey
things from a male chorus during the
Hall audience. Their work will not Offend
coming months. The addreis by Revo
tl�.p ,lost sensitive taste and their dancing
Mr. Sellery was full of wit and wisdom
is fat, superior to that seen on the ordin-
SaVe Your Money for
and greatly appreciated.
A vote of thanks moved by Mr, J. A.
ary stage- The Festival will be pre8ented
here in its entirely just as it is given in
Morton and seconded by Mr. A. E .
the biggest theatres and big arniourles of
our largest cities. This is our first pro-
Lloyq wag tendered tboge who rendered
duction to play Wingbam and if we re-
staptinsE Oct, 30
the program. A most successful atiniver-
ceive the patronage the F(Istival deserves
sary was brought to a close with the bene-
it will 'lot lic thO last' We adv!Gc the
purchase of course tickets from the
diction pronounced by Rev, MW 1�cllcry.
niembers of tht,, choir or at IvIcKibbon'o
Read their a dwrtisemcrit in Oils
The financial returna �"re most tiatiA-
Drag Stoic.
Canadian Serviec Bw�ajv
, ., , � , , , 1. 1 . - . I I -
A respected resident of West Wzwanmh
passed away on Monday, October 25th,
in the per, -on. of Samuel Phillips. De-
ceased was in his 64th year and had b=
ailing for some time. Ile was a promin-
ent member of the L. 0. L. and a pros-
perous farmer.
The funeral will be held from his late
residence to Greenhill cemetery, Lucknow
on, Friday afternoon,
There passed away in Morris, on Fri-
day. October 22nd, James Mesger, who for
:)ver fifty years has been one of its most
respected residents. Deceased was born
in Scotland 88 years ago and came to
Canada when but a young mail. Beside
his widow he leaves five children viz.
Mrs. Joseph McKinney, John and Archie
of Bluevale, Robert of Jamestown and
Alex. of Manitoba.
The funeral was held from his late resi-
dence on Monday afternoon to Bluevale
cemetery. Rev. Mr. Tate conducted the
services and a large number of old ac-
quaintances paid their last tribute of
respect to their deceased brother who
was laid to rest.
Another very sudderl death was that of
Dr. J. P. Kennedy. which occurred at his
home on Tuesday morning, As a medi-
cal surgeon he was particularly successful
and was known widely throughout Wes-
tern Ontario. His untimely death came
as a great shock to his family.
tie is survived by his wife and four
daughters, Dr. Irlma Kennedy of Wing -
ham, Miss Gretta of the staff of Mc-
Donald College Montreal, and Miss
The Greatest Discovery of the A re.
E very bottle guaranteed
A combination o� Peptonized Iron, Mqlt, Manganese
and Cod Uver Extract
Easy to take --
Wonderful Results—
. IR -TO
For Young or Old—
are absolutely worth
A Reconstpuctive Tonic Aid
For enriching the Blood, building the strength
for by her daughters during the last
of her life. Deceased
and improving the health generally.
nedy of Calgary, survives him.
"Especially beneficial when there is Lassitude,
Loss of Flesh and in Convalesence from ailments
Boots we cannot
which have weakened the Vitality."'
S 1.25 buys a large bottle.
Residents of Wingham were shocked on
her loved ones in the better land. The( PHONE 59�
funeral took place on Saturday to the
demise of Mrs. George Spotton. She was
Drugs and Stationery
Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
being her grandson, W. Brynes Fluety of
Heloise and Miss Aileen of Toronto
University. Deceased was the son of
. IR -TO
Rev. James Kennedy, a Methodist clergy.
are absolutely worth
man, who, with two brothers, Dr. S. M.
Kennedy of London and George E Ken-
for by her daughters during the last
of her life. Deceased
nedy of Calgary, survives him.
months and years
was an Anglican, a christian mother and
Boots we cannot
wife, and now she has been gathered to
Residents of Wingham were shocked on
her loved ones in the better land. The( PHONE 59�
Friday evening to learn of the sudden
funeral took place on Saturday to the
demise of Mrs. George Spotton. She was
Wingpam cemetery, th6 pall bearers
raking leaves off the lawn during the
being her grandson, W. Brynes Fluety of
afternoon but felt tired and went into the
Oakville; her nephew, Geo. M. Bildson of
Groceries and
house and laid down. Her little daughter,
Mich.; her two sons-in-law, David
Glenna, who . was helping her mother
Hamilton and C. D. Shackleton of town;
went in to see if she was feeling better
her cousin, Samuel Wright of Kincardine
and found her breathing with difficulty.
and Win. Holmes of Wingham
Medical aid was soon called but the spark
of life had Red.
Third Night Of Play
Teaand -Coffee
Deceased whose maiden name was
Sarah Glenn, was a very estimable lady,
The popular play, "The New Minist-1
beloved by all who knew her. Rev, Mr.
er," will be put on by special request for
Tate pastor of Bluevale Presbyterian
the third time in Wingham on Friday,
church conducted the funeral service at
night of this week. Prodeeds for benevol-
Forbidden Fruit
the house owing to the absence of Rev.
ent purposes.
Dr. Perrie from town. The funeral was
Postponed Dance
The party who took the basket of ban$ -
held to her former home in Listowel and
The dance advertised to take place in
picked apples from the orchard of Wx.
Ed. Jenkins would oblige the owner if they,
interment took place in Fairview cemet-
the Armouries on Friday night has been
would return -the basket, and if they caxe
ery. a large number of automobiles carry-
postponed and will be held in the Armour-
for any more apples come and pick them
ing sorrowing friends, followed the re-
mains to their last resting place.
iLs on Wednesday evening, Nov. 3rd,
and not run such a chance on eating th?H6
To her bereaved husband and little
with music by Skinner's Orchestra of
ones that were sprayed. Mr. Jenkins h�-
daughter, also to her aged father and
London. Dance on Friday night will be
tended to take off the skins before be.
other members of the family is extended
held it� Armouries with Veteran's orches- used them,
the sincere symyathy of a large circle of
f ra.
friends. The pallbearers were Messrs. J.
F. Groves, W. F. VanStone, D McDon-
aid, Dr. Tamlyn, Judge Spotton of Har-
ristson and W. J. Strong of Gorrie.
The death took place in Wingham on
Wednesday evening of one of the
early settlers in this place, in the person
of Ann Bildson, relict of the late James
Fleuty, at the age of 82 years. Deceased
There is nothing wanting from our Rubber
was born in the parish of Brimstone
Rutiandshire, Eng. The family c3me to
M We have Rubber Boots for
Boot Stock.
Canada by sailing vessel in 1849 re-
to cross the Atlantic,
Alen, Women, Boys, Misses and Childr6r17�
quiring six weeks
and a terrible storm came up during the
voyage, and Mrs. Fleuty, then 11 years
The Best Made
old, and a particularly delicate child, was
lashed to the main mast by the ship's
No Othep Kind�,
captain to keep her from injury. Arriv-
ing in Canada her father went up into Brant
township, Bruce County, to hew out a
home, but this delicate child was left with
her uncle, the late Wm. Carter of Elora,
who had already a moderately well
cleared farm on the Guelph road; but
even there the bears were not extinct and
wolves not unknown, Health came by
degrees to this delicate child, and on Dec.
20th, 1861, she married James Fleuty,
who came out from England in 185S
After residingin Eloraa short timethe
young couple removed to Walkerton, and
from thence to Wingliam some ten years
later, oil September 5. 1878, the family
following Mr. Fleuty here. and taking up
their re6denco in the cottage at the
cozrier of Minnie and Patrick Streets,
then just ready for occupition. A year
later the family removed to the house on
josephilip 1.14r4nt, where deceased has
rosi(led ever �Jricc. The late Mrs, Fluetj�
bad her share of sorrows and joys,
lier loving hmballd about 12 years a&),
und othcT of her family at (Ifficr-
et,Z tjs� A
�c-s, J�,,jt J,�ad the joy ei beirucr, eav 8
XXXION-4 X6,1101%
Many. of the ubber
Boots on the mar'�;et
are absolutely worth
We s e I I no Rub',�,_,Ar
Bootq that are, r, o t
standarki in a k e—o v -
Boots we cannot
Pk 1114-ratwe" f r ot",
XXXION-4 X6,1101%