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THR WUNGhAX ADVAME4 00. 2 1 St, 1920
Huron County Mothers, Allowancts! r
(continued from page 1) UT011014ILE V0Rb8ALHIu Excellent
Local Board organized with the following A ity. A miap i w ]text Special Notice to We, arters of
The, Choice of, t 11L e, I FRIDAY MUMNLNG members. eeasofti wo. Apply 10.
The first business of the morning es- Mr. Holman, Godericb, Chairman. Till; AlIVANVIII.
sion was, the
oketion of officers for the
Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler, Clinton, Vice Chair- lAt"tITION 8ALI., I'tarm .1ilock and Imple-
coming year as follows: President -13. 3112riti% 1 1403"% ('oil. 1.1, J Aq walvantiAl,
Shrewd more attractive bais . t t, ;I Leather Top Rubbers
I mail. oil ft Oct, 23rd.
thatt, ever before in tile. I S. Scott. Brumls, Vice President -Miss Is tm- Prop.
Rey. A. R. E. Garrett, Hensall, Secrc-
Investor hi.,itory of Canada. i Bell. Blyth-, Secretary-& 11. Hoover,
Following are curront 1 Walton; Librarian -Dr. Field, Goderich-, tary.
Mayor R. S. Hayest Seaforth. Ap"LE, IIARREL'S FOR SALE, -Apply to,
prices: Lxecutive Committee- Miss Turnbull, WL.N(MANt AALT U ORICS.
The e ed pur. Mrs. Geo. Cruiksbanks, Wingliam.
Mrs, Farnham. Mr. Strong, Staff of Clin-
"Peril, The said members will receive applica-
Chaser seleez", Free from Income Tax Iton Public school; Auditors- Misses i1irmlay. N ov-
Loan Bonds as the, most tions from widowed mothers or froml 1. lii.c, Turatterry. on w e4
BlatUrity Prit;Q yield Little. McLeod; 0. E. A. Delegate I etuber 10,li. Everything mu,,,t Ito t4d. see
desirable investnutnt in the wives of husbands who are incapaelt- Dili..
I'VIlie an be Geo. 11. Jefferson, Fordwich. -.4
'It his funds e 19 4 .... 9-1 .... 6.00t,
V Ala -;x. Itrul, Propri(- er.
ated in contributing to the support of the J011,4 Pul.vis, Aur.1tioncer
1933 .... 96J .... 5.0 7 After the election of officera, Miss
placed. family.
leld, introduced the sub' Application fforms) are to be had by BCOGY WOR RAIX-Ilubber *Ired Me -
193"1 .... 98 .... 5 6". M Ilia of Brucef
Laughlin. Tudhope seat.. Will either
Tile t ecuxity is unques ject of "How to Secure good Reading. apptying to the (ifiember) in whose con- trade or:icll oil easy terms. AD101v aE.
tioned, interebt is Inher paper the following points were Till; AlIVANCH.
1919 Victory Loan stituency the applicant resides.
prompt and sure, and is brouvht out clearly; Have lesson prepar-
BA.ItGAIN-La-t. year's Humphrey bjeyelo.
1934 .... 93 .... 6.2- ed by pupils, dirill work, learn them to be. Died At Sluevalq in.food runni Cheap. for rridvk
payable at any branch
11 rd
Owner 11101illviown.
Of any eharte ed bank Select the maturity b come good thinkers, use of pictures, Another of the pioneers of Bluevale was TnE t., JA
dramatization. g(;od models and expres-
-G ATTV SALE stock;
suited to -Nour re I CLI'ARI\ 3TION - Farm
in Canada. 1, re called home on Saturday, Oct. 16th in the A.
sion, try to furnish an audience for read- and Implements at Lot 22 Con. 1. Turn -
berry, liluevale Road, at one
person of Philip Thomas. Although he 0 -clock o i Fri.
At existing prices, the ments, arid mail your ers, and to accept nothing but the best dayi! Oct 221nd. See large bills for further;
Securities of the Domin- order or write for par -
had reached the ripe age of 76 years, he par culars.
reading from pupils at all times, L. 11. nosxtn, prop.
ion are obtainable on a ticulars.
The lectures given by E. T. White B. had been about as usual until a couple of T. It. BrNNi,.TT, Auct
A., B. Paed, London, were very interest- days before his death. He was born in
he greater part plete. Also a white envauelled single bed with
ingandnewideas were given where by England q but has resided t FOR SALF.-Now Raymond Sewing maoh-
I Itio In good condition, attachments cent-
WoodGn -idy & Company p Phone 025.r 5.
, x teachers cotild benefit by their use in rings.
practise. The subjects of his life in this vicinity. Bes!des his r
Canadian Pacific Railway Building were "Primary invalidwifelle, issurvived bythree sons FORSALR'-One Chatbam, Incubator. 130
Arithmetic" which was illustrated by eggs capacity. used only this summer.
and three daughters viz. John in British AhAoa number of Rhode Island Rel Btu,; from
Toront<) meansofthe blackboard, and the other Columbia, Philip and Robert in Toronto, a good laying strain. Appl to Look up your old rubbers and see if they need new bottoms -
"The teaching of History". After lec- I VJAFA. Dow.
tures were given many took part in var- Mrs. Wilfred Clarke of Woodstock, and - Lower Wingliam. We make a speciality of this kind of work -We use a hVavy power
ious discussions. Mrs. Lockhart and Aggie at home. FOR I -Three young speed boTsop, will machine and consequently a heavy thread- thereby making a stronger job -
sell at road horse Prices. Apply to
Mrs. Burchill of Wroxeter, sp The funeral was held to Bluevale ceme- Jontz HARTNFLL Non rip and Non leak.
oke on the tery on Mondav afternoon and was con- Dore's Carriage Works I
question ot a mid-day lunch and how to
ducted by Rev. Mr. Tate.
FOR SALr-A two year old filly, color brown
Do not leave them until the rush -right now is the time before the snow
,secure it,' in which she briefly told her
experience in connection with same at
Lucknow Has,A Wild Mau
with four white legs and strip on face and
a nine year old mare with a filiv colt. two
comes, then with the first snow storm you will be ready for it.
Wroxeter, cocoa and soup being the chief
Quite a sensation was caused in Luck-
months old, and su osed to be in foal again.
Colts bred from rps norse.
needs of the pupils, The section voted a
sum with which to provide materials and
now one day last week, when a wild man
wasreported to be at large in Baird's limh
BeI9 rave.
. R. 24. 624.
We He W I L L I S
FOUND -A- pair of spectaelet; In fron
she hoped that many more schools would
half from town. He
arrested by P. C. Bert Ward, and taken
adopt,the same practise as it supplemented
about a mile and a
Winglitain town hall. Finder may have
same at tite-oface
to the cells, but nothing was discovered
which would in any way connect him with
the cold lunch and aided much in digestion
was said to be in his bare feet, and carry-
the individual who was supposed to be in
and thereby benefitting the child.
1 The last paper was"Supervised play as
ing one, if not two revolvers. A set of
single harness in the stable was cut to
OR SALIR-A large kitchen range. Apply
F to. MRs. ALvx. YouNd,
Centre St.
]ROUSE FOR SALE-Mven relents. hard and
a means of Education" introduced by
pieces and he was also supposed to have
transportation to the House of Refuge at
Norman Garrett of Londesboro. He out-
tried to set fire to the barn, so a search
was organized armed with several
soft water, electric light, corner Victoria
and Edward 4ts. Suitable for two families.
atid$%veefITurnii;for,;o6ltiat.prt. A. Gra.
I harn garden Lot 10, ingliarn af tor tile will
lined very widely the means of physical
guns and with a number of hounds to
particulars apply to.
Tup. ADvAxcE.
exercise and play with its effects upon the
physical conditions of the child which in
follow the scent and guide them to the
I- I
T OST -Around lower end of Main street 'On
turn affected the moral and mental side
lair of the desperado. After a little re-
Tuesday, Oct. I a sum of mo;oy.
Finder please leave at
4J 41.h AlivANcr.
thereby building up a better character.
cognoitring they entered the bush, leav-
NOTICE -The Mildmay Cider and Apple
He there maintained that the games ana
ing one ol tuteir number on the outside
with a gun to bring him down, should he
Butter Factory Will Le In operation every
day in t Lie week up to November 13tb. First
play should be supervised by teachers,
make a dash for liberty, and a search
class: work guaranteed. Apples for filling
mustbepeeled and cored, use a two gallow:
which would bring co-ordination, atten-
commenced which lasted for several hours,
gall to each bag of sider apples, also sitter I
rkels for sale.
tion, affect the morals, and life of the
no trace of a man was found. On
child which led ultimately to character
building and a better type of citizenship.
Monday morning an old man 72 years of
STOLFR I-Wrmld the party 'he II'ft.ed the
overcoat out. of tile auto in Lepard s "bed
The following resolutions were heartily
ag6, who came from no where in particular
and was going back to the same place, was
on 6aturday night return same to Lepard's.
hotel and save f urther trouble ag he was seen
1. Resolved that the thanks of the
arrested by P. C. Bert Ward, and taken
Uf ting it by another party.
-o. 'Ro'.":
East Huron Teacher's Institute be.
to the cells, but nothing was discovered
which would in any way connect him with
Bay and Stock at north half Lot
3. Morris, at, I o'clomt on Thursday. Ootober
tendered Mr. Groves for his address of
welcome, to Professor Patterson and Mr.
the individual who was supposed to be in
.list. 3 cows due In Doe.,,2 cows due in March;
5 fat holfor
.X*,,,, two Year rildt,; 5 calves; I pure. I
bred rigus bull, 25 chunk pig,,, 2 brood
White for their excellent addresses, to
the woods. After partaking breakfast at
sow. -; 1600 butill of oats, 10 ton of bay.
Dr, Ross for his talk On preventature
the expense of the town he was given free
JASI. TAYLOn, Auctioneer
Julix Hoi-pirn, ProprictoK
dentistry, to those of Wingham who have
transportation to the House of Refuge at
VEGETABLE11 FOR SALE -Cele , cabbage
entertained the teachers and to the staff
atid$%veefITurnii;for,;o6ltiat.prt. A. Gra.
I harn garden Lot 10, ingliarn af tor tile will
of the Winghant Public school.
Crossed The Great Divide
Oct. We offer In the field, celery with root,; and
rough leaves
2. Resolved that our secretary be in-
There died at Whgham, on Thursday,
on at Goo per doz, four (ioll
,Wls p P r
hundred, while it. last4. We offer u,' r
structed to appeal to the county council
n I non rh A V,+
Cabbage at 75 ate. inr doz., and also a patch of
Sweed Tur-4 - + Ir
for the appointment of a dental inspector
CE. ti,
Mrs. Win. Mitchell, Anna Jemima Shaw,
a On . or -6 of an acre.
'Afore or tess to be removed from the field
bef ore 5th of November Price 830 or le s.
BeIgrave aild the payment of an adequate grant to
widow of the late Henry Watson, at the
provide free dental treatment for children
age of 74 years and 6 months. She took
Rev. R. H. Fotheringham of almer- Wilfred Irwin of Guelph, bpent Thanks-: whose parents are unable to pay for it.
sick last February and from that time on
ston, will conduct the servic'es in the i gfving with his paren ts here. 3. Resolved that the thanks of the
Methodist Sunday i
she gradually grew weaker until the end
ea en e will be received by the an.
I up till noon on October 25th for the
church next morning i Iliss McKibbon of Toronto, was a: Institute be tendered those dentists who
came. She was born in the county Of
construction of the Jermyn draiii.
long an specifloation-i can be seen at my
at 11 o7clock. Thanksgiving visitoriat the Parsonage. conducted the dental inspection in East
Wexford, Ireland. and at the age of four
re,ldence, lot 13, on..7, Turnberry. A mark.
Mr. J. Solar of Ingersu'3, spent Sunday, 'Dr. W. J. and Nlrh. Armstrong of Nli,- Huron.
years she landed in Kingston with ber
ed Pheque for to per cent mubt accompany tht.
with Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire. 4. Resolved that the thanks of the
chell, were visiting with their brother,
parents. her mother dying shortly after-
Tho lowest or any tender not nece,ttarily ac
Mr. and r--- Finley Anderson spent a 'Dr. T Armstrom- the bevinninL- of the Institute be given those who
A T.T ;-,I, A U 1 r+ A ++I A
P. POWELL, Clerk Turnberry
war er ain z e I
day with their -'aughter. Mrs. Brooks in week. provided the entertainment for Thursday It. It. 1. Wit gbare, 011r.
Centralia. evening's programme. in the township of Hibbert. Three years
A shooting match vtas held at the ring later her father died leaving her an,
5. Resolved that in the opinion of this I I
Mr. Morrow of Frankford, Ont., is'on Nlonday. The. successful competilicills orphan, but she was tenderly cared folt I
Institute no child should be admitted to WWWWA111411H fil Ill it W AW W W U1 LH i H ill ill illU11111111111 kys
his cousins, the Messrs. Geddes carried off a larga number an engracled school below the age of six
of ducks by her grandmother. She was of a quite i
and Munroe. Mable Roberts was committed to Gode- years. retiring disposition and during her long
Mr. Penney of Toronto. spent a few rich jail last week as a vagrant. Con- sickness was patient and never complain
! The meeting then adjourned to meet -1
days with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilkinson stable Phippen took her in charge. next year in Clinton. ed, putting her whole trust in God and to
Last week. A number ot carloadh of potatoes have' those around her bedside said -The
R. H. HoOVER, Sec-Treas. -.on be broken". She was
Mr. and N-Irs. B. At derson of Toledo, beet) shippt,d from here. The price paid Silver cord will &
a member of the Methodist church since 'is 3"51
U. S., motored over and are v'sitiog with was $1.00 per bag. i
ffilist Wawanosh C
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Edwinjames sold his 2W acre farm, early life also a life member of Thel
4 -
Woman's Missionary society and a mem k, fP4,
Anderson and other friendti. soatit of tile village for the handsome
Um e
Mr. and Mr . Norman Brandun of St. stan of $17,500.011 to Thos, Bennett, who A lai-c it ber of the people 6f th;s ber of the Home Department of th
vicinity attended tire Winghain Fall Fair. Methodist Sunday School, Mitchell. She
farm of I.- " X..
V d_
nvi 7-- -Nv V,
Marys, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jo _..soidhis 30actes k)tltllel,3 Co
.Nlisses Agne.s and Lucy Devreaux of married early in life raising a large family,
Brandon on Sunday. of Ilowick to John Dickson,
Nlaraock, spent Thanksgiving'at home. three passing away in early Ilfe. The re -
Mr. Cameron Geddt:,, of the Bank- of Mr. R_ Spotton he-% fi,!Ln ill aE if
"P. A;
n Mr. and Nlrs. Oliver Anderson, %pent maining ones are: Tillie, Mrs. Win. Mit-
ir A; I
we trast, st-,,o n to hear o.
Commerce staff at Walkerv; le, spent the alis hor o. here -40
Thanksgiving at the latter's home. chellof Wingham; Annie, Mrs. Chester -.6
holiday in the village, xV
Alams also Thos and Willie of Mitchell;
Mr. Thos. Scandret recLiv,d the -ad Corn outting is the order of dre day.
a Iyurid Concert "The lZamblers" Aullabell, Mrs. J. Jennings of Pontiae,
De%mond of Pinkerton,
a' The A
news on undav of the death in Lond(,n Mr. and Nlr,. Mich, and Harry of Chicago. A,; 44_
township of n aunt, Mrs. S,'andr(Att' "Ramblers Musical Revue" con- spent Sunday at 11r. JosLob Brophey.
cert in the Opera House on Friday and' Those from a distance who attended i -N
aged Uti years and a sister, Nltb Love' Lass. the funeral were James G. and Dr. R
'oth ladiL
Saturday evenings draw a fair sized aud- Rock Of Ages
s died in tlii t ar huaie on
i Stewart, Miss Effie Hogg, k4r. and Mrs.
ience. Those who attended speak very: It is doubtful if one person in a million Abe Proctor, cousins of Wingham; Mrs.
commendably of the different sketches who sing the well know n hymn, "RL ck of Win. Mitchell. Wingbam, and 11vIr, Harry -.s
MARRIED which inade up the show. For tile most Age ," knows the history of the hymn, and
Watson of Chicago. A short service was
part the program was made up of musical that a real rock had anything to do with"
Co.;L.%.i-TuIiNk,l.-1n Clinton, izri $at- 1 held at the home of Mrs. Mitchel), Thurs-
numbers in character coatumes and the the writing of it. The author of ti.e
urday tile loth inst., by the lle,,. D. N. day evenii.g by Rev. Mr. Sne 1. The
McCamus, Abner Co-- ns of Wingharn g body was taken to Mitchell, on Friday
-0 Billet 13 and the Shrapnel Dodg(,rs charge of Blagdon j 1702-74), near Bristol., morning by auto to the Methodist church o~
to Mis's Sarah F. Turner of Clinton. slietches were true to form and showed England was one day walking through where the Rev. Mr. Uren preaci.ed a I I'
BORN funeral sermon. than to Woodland cemet- i
how the soldiers at the front in the late Barringt n Combe. and being overtaken r ice, of wil'iliflery
ing was good and v.orth listening t(. hymn, Rev Augustus Toplady, pastor in
war were entertained by soldier troupes. by a terrific thunderstorm sought shelter ery, Mitchell, where the remains were
Wingham, on Suriday',The compary is composed of seven or inthecleftof a rocl,. While the storm laid beside her 1. band.
Oct. I 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. A, Hunt- eight men, all retuined veterans and they was raging there came to him the worcs
er, a son. One near and dear removed afar, ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS
put on a fairly creditable concert. of the hymn:
While kindred hearts are aching,
Passed through the gate that stands ajar. 4111 -
Beyond where hearts are breaking. ..
133r virtue of a warrant issued under
hands of the Mayor and Clork of the town of
Wingbilin and having the seal of the said Z ANY HAT IN THE STORE
poration a t t a c It e d thereto, bearing date
the Oth day of August A. D. 1920. commanding
ine to levy upon the lands enumerated here-
under for wit arrears of taxeA respectively due Come Early and take advantage of this very speciai onerinu. E
thereon, together with costs. notice Is hereby
given In accordatice with the Assessment Act.
that I shall proceed to troll by public auction
& the, vald 1;%nd8 or so much thereof as may be E
L sufficient for the pa
V _L_ L n
ca8tA thereon unless tMent of the taXeS
017 CaStili same bestioner paid.
6 The sale wiff commence at the Town Ildil. in
A9R2 CUSHION INNER TIM the Paid Town of Wingbarn on Monday the la
13,h dar of December A. D. W-0, at tile hour o
V RU BBER COAPANYR, Mq Tne y v ingham- Bazaar
two o'o ock in the afternoon.
Lot, No. 5. Centre Street, Tomes $135.89,
$Ij, Total $150.89, Patented.
9-t- =J01IN V. Gnovm
Treasurer b1tho Town of WUgham AM
Tires Now On Sale With Onr Agents AM At Our tactory.