HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-21, Page 7�Wl
rhu4sday, Oct. 2 st -2*
Page Five
red letter day to be reviewed to Ye4rs to XX NX NIA Mr. XX XXXX XX XM XK XX Mr- M 1`4 ou'* 4"F*
come with a great deal of pleasure -
$'Once a School Cxik".
Tuesday, October 5th.
Overseas Trade We., decided to attend tile School Fair THE HOUSE OF QUALITY
at Beigrave, as nine schools were compet-
Made Us Prosperous ing we'expected something extra and we
were not disappointed. When we arrived Nearly Killed In N1181110P
buggie.i, dern6crats and cars filled to their
utmost capacity 'were pouring in from Win, Monk, a Brant farmer. who has A wonderful range of RUgS, Linoleums, 011clOths.. In new patternso
every direction; soon the village was been engineer on Mr. Ed. Threndyle's
crowded and still they came. Horses
were stabled and cars parked free of threshing gang was almost killed at Mr. era# s.
Overseas Trade cbarego in every available place. For a Rollie Marshall's farm the 7th. con., designs and shades that have quality and value at mod e price""
whi it looked like a re -union as everyone
I Brant, on Wednesday evening of last
was shaking hands with everybody. Linoleum and Oilcloths
was fortunate to fall in with m Rugs Rugov
tZ old chum week, Itseems that Mr. Threndyle in
Will Keep Us Prosperous and seat mate and we went . rounds of X
the Fair 'together talking over old times raising the long blower pipe of the thresh. Fine English Wilton Rugs in closely New floral and block patterns of
as we went, er over a beam in the barn knocked the rid
First came the school parade led by S. rope off the end of the rack, which, along woven Orientat patterns. Linoleum in best quality Scotch at
To aintain our overse S. No. 6, Morris with streaming banner, Sizes 3x3 yds ................................ $72.00 Canadian grades, 4 yd. widths, $6.00
aS followed by one with Union jacks. The with the heavy rack lifter, was suspended
0.� bad 5 Silver stairs for its emblem fifteen feet above their beads. and whichl X, Sizes 301 ydq . .......................... 80.00
trade nada must have sea. and 7.00 yd.
a 4th school, maple leaves for their decor- resulted in the whole works coming crask-
conscious spitit ations, These schools have a very small 1 X SiZes3x4yds ................................ 95-00
attendance but were accompanied by their ing down and landing on Mr. Monk, who X Also a complete stock of Oilcloths
teachers, all smart, capable looking young was standing on the top of the separator. Specials . . . in all widths.
people, Tben things started to get inter- He was struck. on the bead and knocked
—In the People esting as Westfield school stepped up senseless, as well as being terribly bruised 1 3 only fine Axminster Rug in allover
—In the Government marching in pairs in a long line looking about the body. When help arrived and i
in their white rl ing with and medallion patterns.
trim and neat f,
gif end, the weight lifted
,In the Schools regalia of blue and pink, our old i off him, the blood was Sizes 21x3 yds ............................ $38.00 Curtain Materials
Raymond Redmond a teacher of long ex- found to be rushing out of his ears and i X
perience, keeping them well under control. mouth, Dr. Hall, who hurried to thel X� Sizes 3x4 yds ................................ 65.00
We were especially well pleased to see Our new curtain materials are here
Canadians must not be hew- the former pupils or our own old school as scene in a car, dressed his external injur- I Brussels Rug 3`x4J yds ........ 80-00
-to-date Westfield, Then ies, but as his head was terrible crushed, i n lovely patterns in Madras, Nets and
leader!, of the up 1 Balmoral Rug 312-x4 yds ............ 45.00 1
ers of wood, drawers of water No. 13 was called and excitement reach- concussion of the brain orsome in- Art Sateens,
for other nations. ed the top-notch as they miarched into ternal injury is feared. The unfort-'-X Tapestry and Balmoral Rugs in all Voiles. Also Cretonnes
place with two fine manly chaps as stand- size, from $18.00 and 38.00. Draperies, Cloths.
rd bearers followed by girl, unate man, who has a wife and four
and boys in
turn till their number almost equalled children, was removed on Saturday to his X
Westfield. No. 13 certainly made a fine home nearby.—Walkerton Herald.
Canadian Ships appearance in their white dresses and 0 ... Fall and Win ter oods ....
blouses wi,h live -forever regalia of green
Must Carry Canadian and white, which was also worn by their Our stock is complete in all lines of Fall and Winter Merchandise. Many
young teacher whom I had tile pleasure at
making the acquaintance of later in the Have Your GuitarlN.
V1 It es are scarce and deliveries uncertain, so we advise your buying early while
Products to ith and de -
day and having a fine chat
cided she would make good. The next Equipped.Awith the Ha. seections are good.
World Markets school called was No. 17 and although it wailan attachment. X
was supposed to be the banner one it fail- Dress Goods, Silks, Flannelette, Shirtings, Towellng,!Blankets.
Fri to line up at all. When all was in read X
iness Mr. Stothers marched them up' and Makes playing much easier ;q
down Queen St. for inspection after which and improves the tone.
The Navy League of.Canadal came singing contests and as we expected XT Jo A. MILLS
I Westfield took the honors. Next came
drill and we could easily see No. 13, Ask for a demonstration. X [ishings.
meant business, after which the chi X Produce Wanted, Cash or Trade. GentS' FuV11
ldren "I V
were dispersed and tired but happy. G. B. Flanigan
We now went to the church sheds r X Bell. XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX Xx XX XX XX VIX ZXXX XXXX vix XX XX
w here the roots and vegetables, grain, &;.w Successo to the late 1 014
manufactures and poultry were on ex-
bibition. We saw a fine display of all
00CM000acl sorts of vegetables, beautiful apples, good
grain and splendid roots all worthy ot a
prize. In the manufactures we saw autos
windmills, aeroplanes, wastepaper bask-
Gir15 Wanted ets, rocking horses, bird houses, sleighs
and milking stools galore. Then we
turned our attention to the poultry' two
long rows of crates, mostly barred rocks Better
with a sprinkling of black, brown or white
all looking as though they might be prize Ifects
winners. There was one exhibit of white old 1E
rabbits. and a few nice pigeons. 44"ouseh Furnished
With or without experience in Next we went to the sports which 00 99
started with speeches on Agriculture,
Knitting Factorv. G 0 0 D there were just two entries in this, a small $500- Homes
band -
Slim Belgrave girl and the way she '30
led her subject made us think of her as a
rue Story
Board arranged future Wt. P., then a 13 year-old Westfield
WAG -E S. , , ", 1\1 Mean
boy took his place. and our opinion of him od
was, that he was almost equal to Geo. R. WO
for. Apply at'once to siay
2 Spotton both for size and oratovy. ladand content to
came the children's races, all of which live stock were 9 yUurA9 folks
8 were keenly contested and no doubt some on the farm -
;0 C-ENTLY a'aTmer
of the winners will be heard of in the were not content vu stay' two daugh-
Sons �nd Happiness
died, leavilig all ere four bad bee"
Marathon very soon. Next came the estate Valued I to timt!
teachers'race this entry was small. two A piece 0 from
�M of that terS.
,,L -%Von "oslery Ltd. ladies, and tine gent, we soon saw the a(,(, to the 110115c Beautiful furniture
�o d furniture store
girls would be easy winner.,; which is pro.
'01'.In $500 repre 1iy the Second the famllY
4tim, genel- d YOr 7` ap transforms an ordinary,
bably part of the reason Raymond is still �11�11N supplied the nee - ': , %11
sell0ld little and as che .
serited J1ou de serve L-117
Stratford, Orlt 01abachelor. Then thetrusteas lined up aged .1vitti, 311ST, U� uninteresting house into
and in this there was a bigentry and was effecis furniture [is cou" __ b M were coin, a real home, in which it
0 so closely contested that it had to berun a The stable &no Ild farmstea(I is a pleasure to live.
inside the
00009 death he f�equently t
e. sure who were the win. Before I f.urtrible, but
second time to b et that his gr0W11- 3 neither comtort, nor beauty- It brings an atmos-
ners. Then came prizes for best develop.
deglored the ta there wa
ed boy or girl, keen competition prevatled ld left home and er Ceint phere of cheerfulness and
assos and it took the judge a up children DI int- $6,000 at 6 P
.. ...... in both cl y Ris disapp() brightness into every
long time to decide. Now came the call gone to tn� he had lost 2�n item in the room. It delights the eye.
rn 2 and S -1b. $6,000
for best hatter broken colt with seven mentWas It ives rest and com
cartons r desertion, Wnich ventOr3r showed 9
money by tliev
entries, the boys took first over the girls.
10, 20 and 100-1b, C. fort to the body. It
leave part sted In secur
Next a string of fine looking beef and Part
had compdled him to 6 per cent
Sheep ed for want Paying contentment to
bags dairy calves all splendid animals. 0, his farm unworl, gs
of that luuj
It gladdens
. .... izes aTtisilu b mind.
ai�id pig% came next. although the prizes -He was an affectionate in
were big the entries were small. This Of help. e 111s Id fkav-- tie rleart. It makes home
liked to hav turrut.— ave
was followed by the most exciting race of father, NV110 him. tire more attraotive. It
h four entries, children near transtorm," 'Q home ana w'-'- t'h in
all, the hitching race wit house into a, re,. lfillit.ly better, 00
Lld noturlder- makes people take more
�ys and a girl each out to win. Ile cot
d three bc idends.
why they paid the farmer
cash and moral. 01, pride in their homes.
From the start we could see the girl had it stand :able and
all her own way as �he was finished before
Nothing that you can
should Want to house furnished '!ith stlintstead OF
the boys were more than nicely started. one by The . d jurulture, vill give your family
This pleased us immensely as she belong- drift away moderately PrIce beap odds and ends, V
ed to No. 13 and we knew there were no one- its scattering Ot c leted the children.
years of happiness
laggards there. StrangerS May the beautiful, ana solid satisfaction
t any love, 111111
We now went to the Forrester's Hall Children ua u or its presence. than modern furniture.
Dudered 11150
crave I
where the rest of the exhibits were. Good-BY8 have W, and their natuTe5 . ht have 13mu e And beautiful, well -
Here we saw such a di tne &.,—
work that wel'ay of all kinds Some of tile boys Mig and We Canadian fumi-
until they read that item in tne
of fanc3 ad not time to torY of tbe esTate___.c,J-JoUse- lined t- remain on made,
look at any only the prize articles. Then invenl mother might not naye beeu left a one
tue u_".ug ald other ture is obtainable in
camethepen and ink sketches, ;writing hold effects, $5UU- to carry On
�,V moderately - priced sets
drawing, crayon work, maps, paintings
duties. and individual pieces, as
for Better DoLys
etc. all of which we were greatly interest W tou t1lat family Ilad lived ird Chest Against �A. I well as in the more elabor-
% ed. these filled one end and side of the
iarge hall. 'L be best dressed dolls were For a genera the Wall ate and expensive suites. `X�
113le minimum
r fellow
admirerig really. a Yount; 3,,re walls
in a house with ar, irreduc
furniture. When as
A long table of specimens of our natur- of his blushing bride and scantily
oods and pressed leaves and weeds the farmer had takell THE HOM
he (lid not llav� coveredfloors,
ah nicely mounted, also a number of ex- home,
mone� t into furnit But hard chest FURNISHINGS
r. eam hibius of bugs and butterflies some of t for better days -
at w
blifter r to pu it great, deal Of illst the
0 A iv content to Will feeble
which were exceptionally fine, back of when better days came-Pla there was a Of co ell, BUREAU
XVIT Im these was a big array of very fine bou- Was Spent OU ,III in lio to , lure of the wl�, �-,,\Q,,
modest sum available, it Avn�
Id and furnishings
the S v()mltvr_attr
gat quets. The dairy and cooking part tit -it 11 11, Bank of Hamilton Btdt.
the fair was good. In the buffer department better accommodations Th. lux
for the live StOck- That ood business. uriouS City. who dese"ted the, farm Toronto, Canada
tlz�e Cook -Book says of which looked
The children
thero was a big entiry most Was humane. It was '1180 t blame the laek of borne omn FurriNhint,
nal, if not superior to tho best creamery. pr"J.-jily (lid no. I Note—The 11 v\
. lley w('r(' Burean does not, s(
e Of tl,,C Best ill their (eser-loll. fmvituro or tumdq of any Idnel.
c,)luj,jrt� for I ,v� 11-11"e, Ile-
��Ii ()n f t I(- ('o
H, come on, Mabel, I want to go Shopping. It e next came to it long table of st bool
lunches (just here we thought it no wonder ll,)t j��aloll% 0 Loafortallo' quarter -S. its objt�et is ti) prarnote a groater
,4 int'n'e-It in tile 1,111,11i"hi" or Call.
0 -,ifternoon to make a cakel I lit? bigmen look back Nvith pleaqui,*0 to Several Counties 4Lan.�" tip tiloir 1110re thon Wally
a(liall llaftlk,44, Your loval deiter
needn't take all ildhood days spent in tho little In time tll(' le:1 nwitv IN.� V. ill he ploasoil to Vivo volt any
their ch . . . . . . . . . . X
Eere, let me cream the butter atild sugar. Watch licuse oil tile bill.) Such t farm came 1, of t1W information yon do,41ri, pout
luli-ri --- fumiture forvour lionite.
WIP Of t"
er used Lantic lu-1—, 1--uliful sandwich-, -okies, ('aa Y,
how quick I can do it I If you'd ev ie-, calco, apples graPeS, P'U'lls be'At e(Illipt)(11
J L,..kl that
, " I ?
quickly a fine suges litt�tarq' penough to last a WOck One Al.
you'd realize hoW 5'15 of the
would tilink"but we Ullow from experience '1v
The madlillery 1.
roll ties. d"
country k-hildren have healthy al)llotl ud best A
X11", %
creams. A N4 display tificed cakes, -_,vnis 11131d v latest a
-r, becausa it isfine. It distributes
liluffill" wVte ,hown, a Lot (if fine bir
Cfing sWeeteni XA
Lantic is a
tness speedily, thoroughly and economically. It of t�%
et!)lent lookilig broad with
the pure CmIc' swce
calces, puddings and sauces, in the ral 13t.1, a %111: a a rlay of 11 vi -m-1 V.�d f I 11 i " t ... ... V,
,eparation of
saves tilne in thp, 13, lit"11. it. The pw�s Wt -it. de
of candy, in the sweetening 011111tit',90,
a rega
cookirig of pre�3erves, in the maki iol14 antl there was enough to feed
vy doilys and
On Ine to the itlaph, sm, I- and
res, hot or cold, Not iliter are the sno%
of beverar,
;mtl-i of lionio made caudy ai "i
-%icttes on the malimany table than the tiny crystals of Lantic lit :1, 1
i ITO.&
y sark -ou it wa, IF
sugar bowl. Not fizlcr is the silver With was laWl, tivated to soill"
m --s where every pe
iji�ll gleam and 91isteu in thc 's, 1 ran
nny counts, L' antic
in ho
,Its hall-inark. Yet
good. %\otbonurrivedatthe talt t.
ces go farther! all sliapos and
It do whote we iaw tarts or
_,CC&Iess helps in the saving.
11RIES, LIMITED, kinds and as we aro ratlivi. pal tial to tal t"
W'. thou. u 1 4 4
ATLANTIC SUGAR REFIN .4-111 1130V WkIrt. all beauliful. T
MONTREAL hero wo, found it was closim, tillio
but with ituo old timt, gvi t of
it rosilv it'
cmuoe Wo
-110� wvre givetl away all a� tnl�.
The Lantic LibTarYs the vatal
alwaysstood wk�ll ill the
nev,7 cook-bool: hildron's gaOur
ost presaving, Cakes I git inor.. Own my Niaro. `J
ccadieg and Deomerto -,I.:
sooll dw poople wore biddi m
C, hithfilliv to
nt to YOU prolnNit1w h
Mn be
VRZE for a Recal yvall viqit I-ati, otiL* -,00n. rhe crowd bog -an _4
2mae-mork, cut frordl. X 4
to dwindlo and I)Aolv long tht' 011A,40
a cnekor from the top 00140d do�klrtod but ;%It f0t thvy had %tl t ... ... <-
p'll'A of a Lantic CaTtell th(l W,Nt Otdovallh, aftt,1000t) and ti"'t tho , . \R
avo W.'t'i it
'Vall. 11"Id at olgi
wolww__3141Z�AK� grand and wonlid %I oW :v� a