HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-21, Page 6P,Igak out
M Two year-old heiter-Robt Couttes.
A. G. SMITH. Editor and Prop. Mrs. (Rev.) Hibbert effectively Substitut- One -year-old heifer-Robt Coultes. Steer
eo For Her Husband At Essex calf, calved since last shOW-Robt Coultes
DISTRICT NEWS Essex, Sept.' 207 -Grace Methodist church Baby Beef, 15 months or under. not to
was the scene of great activity on Sunday, I shown in any other section-Robt. Coultes
,0 aridge may be shot between the 6th. I twospecial services being held. A 2'30 BANKERS COMPETITION
aw i=h. of November only and no Per- o!clock the SundaN y service
. school rall Beef Calf -Cecil Coultes.
*cdmn take, kill or have in his posm-; was held, it was a rally in every sense of Special No 1 -Best pair Hereford
-jwra,wre than 5 birds for the season. the word, the schoolrooms being packed Calves -H. T. Herdue Ist and -2nd, Thos.
Q-.71 reday evening of last week. Mrs. to capacity. The building was beautiful- I Taylor 3rd.
ew NIcKee had the misfortune to ly decorated with fall flowers and made a
=cn with a serious accident. She was pretly setting for the little folks. who fur-
jr, ,ning home to Mr. T. H. Gibson's, ul-,hed the program of thoruses, recitations
I a visit to a neighbor and in the dark and some splend; piano numbers. Mr
q valked off the end of the verandah., Paddock. of Windsor. a former teacher of
some four feet onto the gravel. the Young MeWs Union, was the speaker
(2_"- of her ankleS were severly sprained of the afternoon. His subject was "Sun-
a & zhe was otherwise shaken up and has shine and Clouds."
,een. confined to her bed ever since with; Following this address X11r. Plant,
---, d2 -tor in attendance. We trust that'Wallierville, --ang "My Task" in effective
tbe ,wit have a speedy and complete voice. The meeting was closed by a few
q,-v,1ery from her sudden -and painful MIS-, well-chosen remarks by the pastor, Rev.
-Fordwich Record. J. W. Hibbert.
alentine Forester, farnier. living near In the evening the anniversary of the
-,7;ood. was instantly killed by lightning Wom, We Foreign Mission Society was
ein4 -en entirely by i
-alonday evenings thunderstorm. h0d, the services be tak
gone to the barn to feed the'tht: ladies of the zociety. Mts. Hibbert!
while the storm was at its height occupied the pulpit and made a splendid
za_ had entered the first stall when a ter- substitute for tier husband. A chorus
z -i- z a4t came through an open window, clidr of forty vokes. composed of ment-
,i:.ii Nlissitlna-Y Society, fur -
g Forester and a brood mare instant- I bets of Foreign ,
The bolt jumped the next two stalls'ni-shed the music, assisted by Mrs. Her-
z.z st-ruclk a colt in the fourth stall. bert Smith, who sang "I Heard the Voice
bam was not damaged beyond the of Jesus Say." Mrs. Smith has just re-
; =.a A-ing of a few panes of glass. The cently come to Essex and is a soloist of
L::I'a- tunate victim was a native of St. considerable ability. The speaker of the
av%ents and v;as 45 years of age. He is evening was Mrs. (Rev.) Graham of
S=-.1ved by a widow, a brother and -sister. Walk-erville. A ss feature of the
2 te marriage of Mr. Robert Trench of service was the lady ushers and ladies
z -r, f also took up the offering. each lady tak-
to Miss Frieda Dipple 0 . t wearing pure white. The W.
Wg ,kefton, took place at the bride's home mg par e,,Is proud of their very suc-
,4-= Tuesday, Oct. 12th, at high noon. M- S, justly f
_are former residents of Carrick and cessful service.
many friends here. Mr. and Mrs.
17=ich left on the afternoon train for
Z__T,-,atchewan, where they will sPe
Anniversary Services were held in the L
Methodist Church last Sunday, and in Rev. Hen Sp.... Almost a Strategic
point of interest and attendance they were Getaway, I But Fates Were Unkind
probably never surpassed. Rev. E. 1". (Wednesday's. Toronto Star)
Armstrong B. A., B. D. of Wingham, was Young Lochinvar who came out of the
the preacher for the day. and his mag- west had nothing on Rev. Ben H. Spence
n ificent sermons were very graciously re-
in the planning a speedy getaway with
ceived and made a profound impression.
The singing . at the morning service was his bride. Lochinvar had a h orse, Mr. -10
in charge of the Westfield choir, and they Spence had a motor car, Lochinvar got -W
rendered two splendid anthems. In the clean away with the fair lady, Mr. Spence
evening the local choir and ladies' quartet ffidn't And therebv hangs this tale. 1
gave excellent music r. vidufau, e worker VIC
Toronto*s Eminent Baritone sang at both The well-known temperanc
services. He has a voice of marvellous was wed in Wesley Methodist Church
compass. and wonderful power and sweet- yesterday to Miss Elizabeth Satterley.
ness. His steps were abettediction to the
vest audiences. At the evening service the lady who nursed him back to health
many were not able to gain admission. when tie bad the "flu". All went well at
The offering was most gratifying, amount- the church and amid showers of confetti
ing to about $400. the couple drove away about 2.30 P. m.1 prices uo w.. n
LInder the auspicies of the Metbeadist to make a call at the Spence apartments
Brotherhood, a first class concert was on Crawford street before going to the
given in Industry Hall last Saturday even-
ing, when Canaalan Big Four were here train.
in the person of Frank Oldfield. Ada There was a goodly number of the
Davis Oldfield. Maud Buschlet, and J. H. happy couple's friends at the apartments. 3-00
Cameron. These are all artists iu their They prophesed to see to it that a proper 300
line, and everyone was delighted with the - Wonderful Values
evening. szend-off was given the pair, but Mr. 0*
A number of our teachers attended the Spence is a -strategist. Long years of I
teacher-- convention at Witigham oil Fri- working among politicians had not been 1
vainly spent. He had foreseen somethingil in Ladies' Winter Coatsy Sweaters,
d a Y. the sort so he had bidden his chauffeur
Dr. Guost of Walkerville, renewed old of Hose.
acquaintances in tow., tin the holiday, to drive around and down the lane that Suits, Wool and Silk
runs between Crawford street and Mont -
'Mr. W. w. slost, of roronto, visited rose avenue at the appointed minute for
Mrs. Myles Young over theweek end. their departure. And promptly at that A Range of TpavellePs Sample Coats
Mr. Thomas Coomb,; of Alpena, Mich., minute the bride and groom slipped
is on a visit to relatives in this vicinity, stealthily away from their friends out the No two alike. Stylish Coats, made of
Miss Money of Stratford, was a visitor back entrance to the lane and into the all wool cloth, bought at a cut price and
at the home of Mrs. Mary Taylor for the car. The chauffeur turned on the gas 30. will be sold at a discount of ........ 20 pep cent.
holiday. and the car shot southward scorning all 30,
Thebrick work on Memorial Hall is speed laws. C Hose -12 doz. all wool plain or Ribbed Hose,
being rapidly pushed ahead these fine But it did not go far. Directly in front ck .... 75c,
days. of the car were a couple of scavengers good value at one dollar a pair your pi
Mr. John McKinnon of Toronto Vice with their carts. They went about their
0 iteady fashion and the
President of the Canadian Manufacturer work in the usual r I Sweater, CoatS-2 doz. Ladies' Sweater
Asscrciation, spent Thanisgivmg with his plight of the reverend bridegroom meant Coats, "all wool" pretty combination of
sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Milne. nothing in their lives. Desperately the colors. Reg. value $9.00 and 10.00 on sale
Spence chauffeur tried to back up the at ................................................... $6095
lane, He was probably a triffle nervous
for he backed into a post and stuck there.
In the meantime the guests of the bridal Silk Hose at a Bargain -4 doz. Ladies'
irance and
pair bad discovered their apped I Silk Hose, flne quality, colors are Black,
started on the trail. They won found it Brown and Navy, reg. 2.00 value for .... $1-50
and in a moment or two they followed
down the lane with all their motor cars so Our prices
UP=h Ll there was no possibility of escape Fams-See our large stock of Furs.
Hemmed in by scavenger carts in front will interest you.
and motor cars behind, with back yard
170 E fences on either side, Mr. and Mrs.
Spence must have experienced all the
emotions of the Light Brigade riding into
the Valley of Balaclava. As if by magic
all the back- yards on either side of the
lane becwme populated and the fences] H. E. ISARD 6 CO
I were lined with laughing faces. People
brought their cameras and the photo- Aaent for Home Patterns.
graphic batteries and plenty of play. I a
Mr. Spence held his hands up before ,
his lace in a rather futile effort to mar L e
picture taking.
Then all kinds of chaffing from the
crowd. -Is this where you are holding STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME
your wedding -receptien in a lane"r, quer-
itd an old friend of the Alliance
Secretary. -'Nice place to bring your!
'friends, Benn," kidded another. And]
the groom bad to take it all smilingly.
Somebody told the scavenger men that
they should not hold up the bridal pair like
We give thorough courses, have experienced instructors who give indiv
"We're here to do our work and well idual instruction to punils. Our graduates are meeting with success. Winter
do it," was the reply. "Who is this guy, courses for farmer's sons. Address college for free catalogue.
any! ay?"
s he Rev. Ben. bpence , the VV JLf,%U1XL,%ivJL
scaveenger was informed.
Drs. ]Kennedy, C a I d e i .,Oh he's the guy that wanted Ontario
& Kermedy I
to go dry, is he?" came back the lane I uored Mr. Andrew Fox's on Satur Miss Sarah Sharp of Teeswater is visit -
41 1 ing with bi rs. T. Henderson.
Offices -Patrick and Centre Sts. blocker ,Well, here's where we get to entThanksg' :,g here.
phones -Offices. 43; Reeldence of Drs. back at him". day last an 'r
And on they went with d s
Kennedy 143, Res. of Dr. Calder 151. 1 their work- not at all in a burry Njr. and Miss Hogg. Fred and Ada Mrs. Musgrove of Wingham, spentlast
Dr. J. P. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. It was a full hour say the spectators, Clubb, motored firom St. Marys to spend I week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Henry.
Dr. irlma Kennedy gives special attention lane was cleared and the the holiday with the latter'-; parents, Mr' Mrs. Howard and Missl%lary Campbell
to dit-eases of Women and Children and i before the I of Wingham, spent Thanksgi ing with
Nervous Diseases. bridal car got away. And when it did and Nlrs. John Clubb. v %
Dr. Calder devotcs specia, attention to 1 rattle down the lane station -ward it was 31r. Duncan Kennedy arrived home from) Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClengban. 114
Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and i most wonderfully decorated with tin tme, the w. est, last Wednesday. Misq Marian Casemore of Turnberry,
Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glass -i. old clothes, boot% and a variety of bric- I Miss Laura Robinson, Ernest and Miss. visited on Sunday with Ona McClenaghan.
es properly fitted. a-brac that the strategic bridegroom had Nettie Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft When going home from church on Sun -
meant to carefully sidestep. anc Mr. Jim Faster',; car went
to Kincardine an IS.indaN day morning
Moral -It's a short lane that has no, spent the afternoon with Miss Nlyrtle off the roa in the long swamp, west of
GEO. I WRIGHT' 11 Ree,roft of the General Hospital Staff.
ZA.JV2)1VASTF--R scavenger cart in it when a bridal party the village. No one was injured.
i I wants to make a getaway.
evenced Piano Tuner- q
Teacher of Rudiments of Mutic, Har-
mony, Counierpoint qnd Compositizm 51ake An Eass Living
I zci
Leave orders at THE ADVANNO E Office A I-,ealthy looking young chap covered III
..,! S1
Ar. brass and reed =strumer-as the business section o! town one day re- Ar
C,0 -01-
Idental as well,'. Z.
a -.,.i vizffin. the res"
'M_i .ers ot K,) ,,`I` -I"
begginz funds h3r a blind man wbo ac-
ner I'! **:; r . -:. rilv
Say it W 1 t 11 r-loWepS co,-npanied him on the rounds. He bad a
little boolk for signatures and raked ii esk ba
i y
_no 7, There ou;ht to be a _L
'It, a. To 'Ns, N.,
quite a fev qatirters
a N, ce for the blind man and a zob for
the Other fellow. instead of b3th bEing A
5P 10/1
_)0 'y
'char, v. So Ion 'y
r -gas the public
- b liar thern 10
rrtmey. there'll be p em y of chaP
ea y 3
r _nl N111
%-0, Aj
fol- b, --d -men to lead cinmnd
Berkshires, Boar of 1920 not less than
four months -Jas. Alton. Boar prior to
1920 with pedigree -Wm. Lepard, Jas.
ton. Sow of 1920, not less than 4
months old -Jas. Alton, Win. Lepard
Breeding sow -Jas. Alton, Win. Lepard.
Yorkshires -Boar of 1920, not less than
4 months old -Otto Johann ist and 2nd
Boar prior to 1920, "ith pedigree -Robert
Q)ultes, Jas. Alton. Sow of 1920 not less
than 4 month$ old -Jas. Alton, Otto
Johann. Breeding sow -Otto Johann.
Tamworths-Boar of 1920 not less than
4 months old -Jas. Alton. Boar prior to
1020 with pedigree -Sam Deacon, Jas.
Altoa. Sow of 1920, not less than 4
months old .-Jas. Alton.
Pair Bacon Hogs -Cecil CA)ultes-
Leicesters -Aged Ram with pedigree -
Purves Bros, Ist and 2nd. Shearling Ram,
with pedigtee-Purves Bros let and 2nd.
Ram Lamb, selling class -Purves Bros
ist and 2nd. Aged Ewe. raised lamb in
1920 -Purves Bros let and 2nd. Shear -
ling Ewe -Purves Bros lit and 2nd.
Ewe Lamb - Purves Bros lst and 2nd
Downs any other -Aged Ram with
pedigree -W. G. Ross. Shearling Ram
with pedigree -W. G. Ross. Ram Lamb,
selling class -W. G. Ross let and 2nd,
Aged Ewe, raised lamb in 1920-W. G.
Ross. Shearling Ewe -W. G. Ross let
and 2nd. Ewe Lamb -W. G. Ross lst
A Is .4
TbursdAy, Oct 2'19t, 1920.
(Continued from page 1) an POULTRY
HEAVY HORSES Pair of each -Geese, Toulouse -Jas.
,NVroxeter i
1 General purpose -Team in harness, Q Alton. Bantams, ornamental -Carr Bros
1rhe AnniveftarY tttvices in the Metho-, E. Gregg. Areble Kirkland. is Bantams, game any variety
%us Ist and 2nd. Leghorns,
<!Zst church were well attended on Sun- Agricultural -Brood Mare, foal at side -Fra
4r.i zv Plast, Many coming from from a dis-
, ,jce, Rev. Mr. Clysdale from Ford-, JO& Kerr. Spring Foal -Jos. Kerr. One brown -Jas. Alton. LeghOM3 white-
, Oe_-h,lpreached two splendid sermons. . ysar-old Filly or Gelding -Alex McDon- Sam Deacon, Carr Bros. Plymouth Rocks
rMrs, John Gibson who has been quite aid, Jos. Kerr. Two year-old Filly or Barted-w. I. Miller, Carr Bros. Ply -
for the past week is improving we, Gelding- Hugh Gilmour, Thos. Taylor, mouth Rocks, white -W. I. Miller
qlad to say. Jos. Kerr. Team in Harness -Duncan Wyandottes, white -W. 1. Miller, nk
.a, , good time is expected Wednesqay McGregor, Win. Watson, Jas. Forrester. 1 Angus. il, yandottes, any other -Frank
,r, =;ng. when an old time tea meeting -Brood Mare, Foal at side- I Angus lst and 2nd. Any other standard
==4 entertainment will be given in ttle Heavy Draft
i%ethcdist church. . J. Brydges. Two -year-old Filly or Geld- I variety -Frank Angus. Pig -ons, best ex -
Edward and Alex Bryans also ing-Jas. Wray, W. J. Currie. Team in hibit open to boys under 16 years -Carr
DCus Ina Bryans of Brussela. visited Harness -Alex McDonald. J. A. INIcLean Bros lst and 2nd.
0=cf.de here an Sunday and attended the Orn-
!F_-=.ce, in the Methodist church Sunday Fred Davidson. Chickens, pair of each -Bantams,
LIGHT HORSES amental -Carr Bros. let and 2nd. Ban -
Pontiac, Miclil-, Carriage-SpringFoal-Jas. Forrester. I tams, game any variety -Frank Angus
-t -; let and 2nd. Leghorns, brown -W. I.
at %isizing friends in this vicin*ty Tw, -year-old Filly or Gelding -Jas. Alton.
awisted in the singing on Sunday in Miller, Jas. Alton. Legborris, white- Jas.
. Single Driver -Paul Powell, Jas. For-:
,,e%hcd,,st church. I
o Alton Ist and2nd. Minorcas-Jas.Alton
Contra=r GRsor is at Present beld up ri ster. Herb McKague. 1
wan, of cemer.t it beirg hard t I se- Roadsters --Brood Mar,7, foa7 at W. I Miller. Ozpingtons-Franh- Angus.
Z ,e wats are about Carr 11,,os. Plymouth Rock -R. barred -
Jae. Forrez-ter. V. R. V a n r m a n. 1. MUler, ist and 2nd. Plymouth
Spring Foal -Dr. HaraNy. Sailf e Driver
L Lott Reph M ,-tcai.e, Jas.. - Rclzks white -11y. 1.2\1d:er lst and 2rd.
Bavre. Rh
hode Island Reds W. 1. Miller, Jos.
Salem S" , ec.;e, No. io --Bezt Lady Dri r ,
- Mrs. J. J. Eliott. Kerr. Wyandottes %Nlifte-W. L Miller, I
Mr. A',;n IN rav -1
Spcial \-a. i2-Bes, Gentlemans FrankAngu, Wyandottes any other
h, -1.1i% tt W. I. Milier, Frank Angus. Any other
Turnout-Ly:e Stewart. standard variety -W. I. Miller, Frank.
C. o. westlake returilej irin Ole SHc)RTHORN' CATTLE kngus. Best pair utirity Fowi-w. I-'
-ing or I
Breeding cow. milk n r Frank Angus. Four Cockere.S.
Jos. Kerr let and 2nd. wo-y.-ar-old -Frank -, W. I ill
,Mr,. Robort Mitchel* is at present bred for export - Angus
Heifer Robt. OquItes, Jos. e -r. Aged ler
fron, t severe abscess Lnder her Bun -Jos. Kerr. W. J. Cu
oan he ail right
we z1ape it win s HEREFORDS DR. G. H. R03-5
Wroxeter, Breeding cow. milking or near cat-, ing- Graduate Royal College of Dental
kjj-. ay.3 Nlir-, 1- red Kitchen, e. Bull over, urgeons
Tho&Taylor.H. T. Perdu S
,Z-a led On fr,erd, aroInd b.!re :ast Sunday. 12 months- Thas Tayor Bullunder 12' ,
Nk from here took in the fair at months -H. T. Perdue, Thos. Taylor. 'Graduate University of Toronto Faculty
of Dentistry
.V Heifer under 12 months-Thm Taylor. Office overH E lEard'sstore.
Njr. an.1 mys %Vm. McXers*,- o.' Gorne, 11 T. Perdue. One -year-old heifer -H.
'ti a fzw days with irliena, around,
T. Perdue lst and 2nd. Bluevalc,
st N;ee%. POLLED A -\GUS Nl,,s Bessie, Nichol of Toronto. spent
zow. milking or near calving -
Breeding L '- Th&nk-giving with her parents here.
5 .bibiden .4rder Sam Deacon. Bi- l under 12 marahs- , '
117-11e exezutive ef the Pr,,,hibition Alli- Sain Deacan. Mr. Thos Stewart rece;%:eA a car of
B. C shingeles this week.
upen Prem;.er Drury and JERSEY OR THEIR GRADE
cyl a vsez'.31 sessien Of Breeding c.)wmilking ar rear aj-&g_ Njis,; Heien Gatnis% of Toronto. spent
the week -end at her liNme here.
!Ij-, teg6Z.at -.,re fzr the rni=, _,e -11 P3'--- Robt Beattl,-.
g stjj f-_:ther Proh' Nt!zn Let. Ht)LSTEJ' NS uR THEIR GRADE Nirs. L. MzXinnev of Toronto, spent a
V Z-y ;-1%pe-1yL f w JAIL.; x! the home %f J,,,. !M,-K;m-kALy.
:-aPPened Breeding caw. in"king or near calving -
R 131 att;e, C3,,- w.4% "M TorlitlN
f. W 'im. . tb"
n x-,,, %,4nit tb
M- Psao', 1'ee _ Tor, . -
ho: dav Wi=
Farmers, and aU who have pollitry to dis-
pose of.
Thi,- hive b_een
21 G G S
n, ca
IV,. Wingh'am
I,= plci)utt; 2. Cn:"=
k- % =2 t,W rn- , I have
I ZnJI 4 S ju 2, 1, __i
Maetzenc_>, 11F0%VL DUCIO,, Gecs% Taw.
- I vies ongrid-
Me. t", "nusy Da
n ff, '%V R1 a 3 th
l?4=-e 134. oMco In Town Hall'
n' u-_1 11V1, n.'L
S edn I& ca!311 'a
X iWA NX k4A WiX
ho: dav Wi=
r -".H I' ME , are thrt e thing,, that must
Ienwr into the life of
the average gir, a doll baby -a
man anda ,ilver orgiold me -di bag. She
can satisf, her longing here. Our table-
ware and jewels for liersonal aro of
I-0.11 intrit sie Nvorth and beauty.
When vour Owsi,,A brea% ,ave tl, ,
frol nicnm Wt, van ti'lkIlly
wplaev the brolen
R. M. Me"KAY
and 011tician wilighani
L0 1%
L; at
Patc A pz=ls =1 Cut Flowers
n, ca
IV,. Wingh'am
Ly 6,
I,= plci)utt; 2. Cn:"=
k- % =2 t,W rn- , I have
MaT% ! A A.
!, Jy v
l?4=-e 134. oMco In Town Hall'
n' u-_1 11V1, n.'L
r -".H I' ME , are thrt e thing,, that must
Ienwr into the life of
the average gir, a doll baby -a
man anda ,ilver orgiold me -di bag. She
can satisf, her longing here. Our table-
ware and jewels for liersonal aro of
I-0.11 intrit sie Nvorth and beauty.
When vour Owsi,,A brea% ,ave tl, ,
frol nicnm Wt, van ti'lkIlly
wplaev the brolen
R. M. Me"KAY
and 011tician wilighani