The Wingham Advance, 1920-10-14, Page 3.-� i THE WINGHAM' AWANCE. � - ____ f� ­ , - I." _ . �- ..� . I 'k ,& � ____ _.— __ - - __ — ------ � � ____ , "I . - __ -�,!:::��,����:::�,������,,�,,�i:: , , AR �141� 1 'I"T 'JT.rl� 11L 'I"T JUD r ---� ivepAol., .E '�I�'�4eoRMZHT E SOC: 11, - I it ____, .6 1 . �""" -Deficipous in the Cup. , 2*4k I I- I ,� I � ,.A "-._1._ I I g a TO MAKE PRUSSIA" REMOVING JBIET I HOME .11, � I 'AL, J I I � I 11 I i . I, . _j� if 11 SWEET I KEEP ITSPROMISE Daintiness of e; Fall Bwse$ - .0 I � Is the Strongest Argument � . HOME "Limited Army" of 42,000 Grew � . I . I I - by I _N to 271,000 in Five Years g, There is thO, bout sort of propa. Rick A b%In of tho kLA A _t wom " out l ' ot I go XMWW�411111111111111 I D ,. - bitao't'il,'eepI11la 04 theirejaekets. Just 87gi &d . - - '' The London Times, in an article 0. 91IMPS(lat the neiv fall blouses will ­ U? M .4%, Hurst PuL' 2101 JO 093110D u J070 'PT ET61 quickly tell that they are the bc.,t, !dealing with German army plans, re. sort of,.an argument for the removal "S no equal for quality and f lavour. 4�1 I - --- . I -I-1--_--i I =,tha%ugapoleon, after %o overran of coats, I __ ­­­ ­ ,---I------------ e Opel imposed upon Prussia , Blouses have undergone a eolllplet�, If you haVe not tried Salada, seixd us a post card for a: I (I LL ORE0. ',kk' OF Mf)-,�11 r the obligation not to maintain an I , . 11� . 1;_;� ,,,�*',, ( , metamorphor,is. Th � ReR TOILCT M POULICS.- .- , t --.-J army of more than 42,000 men and eY are offered in �, I ? -- - �W . re legion and ranging fr4je sample, stating the price you now pay and it you . - , �� ,styles that a J ERIMOW WOY 11 I Z use Black, Green or Mixed Teao Address Salada, Toronto :�, A '�A� I not to raise an exceptional force of f,rom tile smartly tailored blouse made � � — militia, or of citizen guards, or any . . . 11 I . . - of eire satin, to such Diouses as 1001� . - - ­ � . ... a. 'I- force of a kind to increase the regular as though they were woven by the I � :� army, Prussia pledged berself to ob- bushels, and oats to 128,000,000, which " Alidalp 6� - .most expert and ingenious spider who was 60 per cent. more than last year, I . - .,_Oi d.: � , I serve these conditions (September 8, 1 ever Modeled himself a lacey abode. &A and wds the second largest in the his- i I , - 1808), and immediately set to work There are also silky, laces of the tory of the province. I I 3 - . to evade them. Everybody knows the blonde, Margot and Bohemian meshes I ? , b" I I YOUNGMENJO Getting Fine Men. . success with which she did so, Scharn. that are in high fa or. . as become the Pleasing custom r, Doherty outlined the, immigra- � I horst and Gneisenau. invented ,he it h v , tion policy of his department, and Said . 1 "_____7_ scheme, and Hardenberg and the Icing to trim tile under -bodice, the lace veil - STAY ON FARMS th'a"t he expected that a number of I - I— - VL . supported It underhand, while openly Ing and, of course, softening the mo. I young farmers of a superior type . fwa m - . I �. they loaded Napoleon with fulsome as- tir, Bright metal galloon Is used . Minister of Agriculture would come out from England in the I suraneQ of fidelity and devotion. In with stunning results on ,Some mod. , a 1813-14, after a course of lying and els, ,� Quebec ____ --- I this applied to eire foundation $ , --Has Scheme t Equalize Cod- spring as a result of Dr. Creelmaifs I I � dissimulation by Frederick William mission overseas. The 200 who had _. or to an underlayer of chiffon. .Ra. I E� and his chancellor, which mmes even ther elaborate effects result from the Oor By Prohib- already come had gone on farms to - . ..ditions of Lab learn how it was done in this coun. Treltschke to disgust, Prussia put In use of beaded net veiled with lace, - ition of Strike.qF would buy farms Racing a Cold Engine' to the field 271,000 men -one in every L try, and later they 0 1 French dregsinakers find eire satin for themselves. The department had 1.1, PROSPERITY FOR FARMER, PROSPERITY FOR ALL. seventeen of her inhabitants. The much to their liking, but on this side "militarists" had kept the word Of of the Atlantic It has been used spar. Compialsory retention of young men not had a single complaint about By Dr. William M. Jardine. Is No Sign Of.A Good promise to the ear. They had seemed inglY excepting for hats. oil the 'farm and the prohibition Of them. An energetic system of immi- It is to-ihe interests of business men everywhere to see that econ-, to limit the army to 42,000, but they Its Polished strikes were points of Hon. J. E. gration was being worked out. omle conditions are made such that the farmers will receive their just Driver; FarFroin.-It surface Is a bit hard, but If us'ed un- Caron's address at the opening of the . The importance of live, stock was . . , had passed through its ranks for a der a tranapdrent material it has the in ad- urged, tile ministel- claiming that it share of the wealth which they produce, not only from the standpoint of 1 _____-_13 short period of intensive training In effect of making the figure more slou- I Ottawa Exhibition last week. ,paid better than'good crops. The do- an insured supply of foodstuffs for the nation, but from the standpoint Advisable to Warm Up Engine successive drafts the whole pupulation der. Cire ribbon is smart also for dition to Mr. Caron's address, agri. of increased business for them. FarmeTs are large buyers of manufac- of military age. The regular army, bindings. � cultural exhibitors heard Hon. Man. partment wantQd to establish grading tured, goods. They would be much larger buyers if they had the money. Slowly and Replenish.D I with its veteran officers and noi,'com Autumnal Colorings. ning Doherty, Minister of Agricul- of butter anti meat as far as possible. to make the business of farming - It was the Intention to spend as much If in the next 10 years it were possible Oil missioned officers, was the school of - ture for Ontario, who ill a stgong money as could be spared upon lin- profitable enough to permit the Instal I.tion of modern lighting, heating, ___­­�. I the, "People In Arms" during the truce With brown ,suits and brown coats speech emphasized the place agricul- water and sewage systems in three-fourths of the farm homes, the addl- A ghsoline Motor. is, essentially a and it� nucleus when summone-1 to ,of course bloiises that will harmonize ture bad in the life of the Dominion. proving live stock In provincial insti- with these many shades are In de. tutions, These would be alloAd to tion of power machinery to the farm equipment of a similar number for , . war. . How to Do It. only animals bred by them use in ,plowing, threshing, silage making, wood cutting, running the heat engine because�tt derives Its There is the fullest evidenco that mand. Tlie Woodside brown Of the . Mr. Caron had a scheme to exhibit . milking machine and the family washing machine; and permit half power- by converting fuel into heat. ever since they recovered from the ,oakleal ill autumn and green tones, keep selves. to Say nothing 0 young men on the farms by prevent- again as many farmers to purchase automobiles as have them now- That is why a motor operates more first shock of the armistice, German i the russet ones, Ing them joining Labor Uhions unless what a boom It would mean for the manufactures of electrical goods, efficiently *when it is warm and why soldiers and German statesmen have make a color box that is a delight I they 'had technical training. H: tractors, furnaces, plumbing supplies, milking machines, electric irons, !been repeating these tactics. Some to the brown eyed, and a perfecthaven n work for many motorists make a practi f they scarcely trouble to conceal. New of happiness to the auburn haired girl. , hav I ce 'O' would also Prohibit strikes, and v rCANADA'. I and automobiles! Demands for manufactured goods mea . ...... � . I a special tribunal for the hearing of labor at good wages. Prosperity for the perity for racing their motors when first start. formations under a half-dozen names Will e there is a Penchant for suit � , r� blouses there Is a 9trong inclination every kind of industrial conflict. one of the hardest fought battles in Lthe whole country. Ing them, They want their engines were immediately enrolled. Their His main theme was the tendency the war betweeii the United States 1___ __ m quickly for-satisfac- character was unmistakable. The)r to Tary the color scheme by Introduc- - , Ing a new note in the blouse., One of � of young men to seek shorter hours and Britain, beginning in 1812 was __ __ - - �. i were troops, and some of them pickel I tory operations. i troops, with organization, discipline, the loveliest Of the out of the ordin. money in ,,the cities. that at Lacolle Mills. The mill was In the speeding up o'f a cold motor and more . The History of a N ary combinations noted was an an. Sound prosperity could not be occupied by Major Hancock with Fattening and ame arms and equipment, fitted for war, tumn-leaf brown satin meteor embrot. I hoped for it industrial development about 340 men of various units. it was . I — - , there are two points that should be I and for nothing but war. In response nse of agricul- a stone structure, two storeys in Marketing Poultry CARROLL. considered: 1 to Allied complaints, some of these. deredin grey. .. .1 � 1. Because the engine is cold a'forces have been ostensibly dissolved. It is curious the way grey intrudes � tural 'progress, height, with a wooden shingle roof and - Charles, Carlton, Their names have been changed, but itself into the color scheme this Must Restore Balance, situated oil the Lacolle River about Naturally fat fowls sell better than VARIATIONS richer and better gasoline mixture is . sea - "The equilibrium between the re- three-quarters of a mile from its lean ones, and we should use partleu- Karlston, Carlson, Karls, Carrel. needed for winter driving than at in substance the most effective have Son. There are not so many ail grey �, - venue of the farmer and the in. month. It had been made a fairly lar care to see that they 'are in pro, RACIAL ORIGIN - English, also ordinary temperatures. I been preserved. The most formidable blouses, Or all grey hats or frocks as 11 dustrial worker is i;pset, and it will good fort by filling in the windows mising condition before marketing it French and German, 2. Because alcohol is added to the I of them, the so called "Security Po- S r S, are grey after -thoughts - in e want with heavy squared timbers with loop we expect a fair profit. No special SOURCE -A given name. water in the cooling system to pre- 1 lice," has not even changed its title. e stockings, and gloves, in vells, .have to be adjusted again it w even Pocketbooks, to say nothing to see our agricultural situation on a holes for the discharge of the mus- appliances are necessary. Simply The given name of Charles, from vent the radiator from freezing, cylin- i It is a real corps d'elite, composed of an S .1 A bridge that crossed the river place tile fowls in clean, dry quarters. der walls naturally tend to become ,veterans, armed to the teeth, equipped of embrolderie, and furs. par with Industrial activityt" he said: kets. which a great many family names with artillery, and even, it I While brown furs Occupy the place things said ab6uLthe a little below the mill led to a small They should not have too much space have sprung, in various languages and Intensely cold. S said, "All the fine LabilltY' hOuse which had been converted into but enough not to be cramii� and to So the combination of these two with airplanes. It has just been em Of honor, there are grey ones galore, - ,advantages, Pleasures, and 61 vail. it a biapIchouse 'and surrounded by' a 109 I be able to take a little exercise, which through various methods of develop- conditions necessarily r6quires cati. ployed to "intern" Polish troops which headed with chinchilla and taking in of country life will be of no a re. wall. ' On every side of the mill the is essential in fattening. Keep fresh, ment, is a humble name, though it tious handling of the motor in cold have crossed the. frontier - remark- Australian OPOSSUM, Wolf, grey fox, we are not able ton/equalize the has been borne by many kings. it krimmer and slinks, not to mention r with land was cleared so that there was no clean water before them at all times, weather. Several things might hap- able work for mere civilian police, as venue of a hard-working farme cover for an enemy, while a heavy and give them all the wheat or oats was the name of one of the greatest pen as the result of too much haste the German Government declares this grey caraeul. I the earnings of Union workers. A snow made movements difficult. they will cat in the morning and all monarchs the world has ever known, In preparing the motor for efficient , Sicherheits-polizei to be. The treaty, change of sentiment and. Policy is Against this place General Wilkin- the -whoIe corn they will clean up in Charlemagne (Charles the Great), operation. , .is modified in favor of Germany, Ilm- Old territorial basis, th� skeleton ,of needed at once If we want. to escape who at One period in the early Middle I its her regular army to 200,000, to be the pre-war German army will be com. the serious condition which the de. son advaned but his march was a the afternoon. A light feed of corn Ages built up out of the comparative- First, let us. see what actually - reduced to 100,000 by January 1, 1921. plete-With the exception, 0 the hard one 'for trees and other Ob- meal and middlings, mixed, may -be takes place in a motor when it is i f course, population of the country and ly unorganized, antagonistic and un- Nominally she has reduced it to the I Of the contingents furnished by tile over�populatlon of the towns . are stacles had been placed Ili his way fed about the middle of the day. This ruly Germanic tribes a mighty empire started on a cold day. Because low i2OO,OOO, but in fact she is using it, lost provinces and by the districts at going to bring. Urb4n centres are and he was ll�arassed by a deadly fire is not absolutely necessary but it will which embraced virtually all of what greAtly reduce 'the, i op -heavy, and more from an unseen foe. When he did I hasten somewhat the process of Put- I volatilization of Present-day gasoline, exactly as Prussia used the royal army Present in Allied Occupation, fast becoming t of time had I ting on weight. A good supply Of to -day is France and Germany. But it is necessary to send an extra rich I after Jena, as a mill through' which I Old Army Preserved. �- than one ship has capsized from the reach the mill plenty this empire split when deat e side. been given tile defenders to prepare 1 coarse gravel or grit, cracked china, mixture of gasoline into the cylinder � she is passing the material for a This is -hat the distribution of the passengers crowding all oil on for the fight. A terrific fire was and so forth, must be kept before them it of the only personality that could chambers. . � huge conscript army. The officers do Reichawehr is to be according to the What Farmers Need. I have held it together. German Note to ti�e Allies at San opened from the Americans as Soon ,constantly, By this method of feed- Now, when this mixture rushes into 1 not conceal that the creation of such I "I grant it is almost impossible to as their front appeared Ili the clear- Ing, a fowl can be fattened really for It was the name of many kings in the cylinders. portions of it -trike'an army is their purpose. Attempts , Remo. , There are to be� 12 divisions Anglo-Saxon England and among the : at concealment from competent ob- and five "reinforced brigades" -which - lower the scale of wages In towns, Jug. it was not until the invaders market In ten to twelve days. Germanic peoples of northern Europe the cold walls and immediately con- i s would be hopelesq. The whole is Only another name for divisions; but we should have better competen� had suffered considerable loss- that Ducks are fattened more easily and Idense or return to the liquid form 1 server at the same period. and appears in ' !machinery for conscription remains In other words, the cadres 3. e - cies among the expert workers and they succeeded Ili placing three can- quickly than other poultry if they are ,'The gasoline naturallv runs down the of 7 t rri history in a form that was almost a , ' intact to belle them. torial army corps are to be Preserved. less holidaying during hours of work. non in position to fire on the mill -fort. properly fed and handled. Here is; afti family name at this period many cen- cylinder walls, washes out the oil be I The Preservation of the, cadres of the Any farmer's son, handy with tools, Handcock made a gallant attempt excellent fattening ration: Corn meal. turies before family names became! tween-the Pistons and cylinder walls � Conscription in Force. 4 ' Gerillany, it is true, has pledged her old army from top to bottom is the, can be admitted as a Labor union to carry the three guns by a furious -wheat bran, middlings and crushed general. it was the custom in those i and -finally weakens the lubricating supreme object Of tile German "mill - .member, and, though he Is not quall- assault, but ,the supporting fOress oats in equal parts. To this add about days for royal families to take given j qualities of theeoil in the lower half i oath afid her bonor not to maintain a tarists," and it IS in order to facilf- I fled for ,any trade in particular, em- were too strong and lie was com- four per Cent of Coarse sand or grit of the crank case. 1 conscript army. She has undertaken � names which were similar, Thus one ' i Itate the attainment of this Object at ployes will have to give him work pelled- to.rGtIre within the mill again. and mix together, Give them all they � After several explosions : to substitute for it a long -service vol - family would .show a preponderance of I I the top that they are so exremely anx. ' and pay,unlon wages. A second charge met with no better will eat up clean of this mixture names beginning Ili "Ed." such as E cylinder chamber, the rich gasoline , untan, army. She is not keeping her iOus to keep the numbers Of the Rei. "This brings Young farmers to in- a linixturo firing.above the pistons ere- word; that is all. She says she can- , in lowers results, Then a couple of war sloops three times a day if you are Ili Edward. Edmund and Edwin. Sitch, -ults for long service --not chswehr At 200,00(,. dustrial centres. The Syste fired into the invaders from a POsi- hurry to force them along, but if you , ates an intense heat on the heads of 'not get reci At the bottom, production and increases the costs of tion they ha,q taken up where the lee haven't the time to do that give them royal families were commonly referr- i the pistons. And the pistons expand � recruits to feed an army of 100,000 they are pursuing it by identifyirig, _ - d ed to by the use of ihe all-embrachig ,ter than the cylinder walls, , out of a population of 60,000,000, of SO far as Possible, the battalions of everything. If we Zould create labor permitted them. that 1Aarch day to tile mash as often as convenient an ending "ing," which had something much fa., - the Republican Reichswehr With tho c8mpetencies and authorize the exer- reach. keep dry grain feed before them ill whiclit are kept cold by the alcohol! whose military ,Spirit every historian cise of the different trades oni . both as a tribal and family signific- y by Then the mill fire -ceased because all boxes always. � ance. Thus we bear the "Karllng�,,, and water. I I 1 boasts. So she has not repealed her � regiments Of the old Imperial army. . ng a cer at With the oil washed out front be-; conscription law. It is still in force, I The old rpgimental and Squadron num. those industrial workers havi tile powder had been used. But the See that they have before them lbers are retained, and so .ire the old tificate of competency from our tech' Americans had suffered terribly in the all times an ample supply Of clean spoken of. twepn the pistow, and wall., and vvith '� and every German of military age is , nical schools, we could close at once fight, and the ceasing of the fire seem- drinking water. Do not give them too Th6 Anglo-Saxon forni of the givPn the pistons expanding faster than the , still bound to serve under its provi- , uniforms. name was Ceorl. It, nicallill-9 is shn- Every .soldier knows one of the large avenues through ed to the invaders 9� trick to lure them much freedom; they do not require so I walls, the increased friction might � sions. They are serving. There is n..) I What these which young country men are coming into greater,losso. So with the Brit- much exercise as other fowls; in fact, ply 'man," Icause the pistons to score the cylln- I difficulty about getting recruits. They things mean In preserving the tradi- .- - � are being Passed through the mill of tional .spirit among troops, Mad that 41e, to towns. ish ammunition exhausted the Ameri- they fatten faster Ili rather close ders if the motor is raced on start I spirit in the Reichswehr romabl,.4 the I Should Prohibit Strikes. , cans withdrew from the field with a quarters. I A DRY -MASH FEEDER, Ing. It is even possible for the pis- � the Reichswehr of the German demo. spirit Of "Prussian f 154 men against about 63 on To secure the highest returns one tons to cease or stick to the cylln- I cratic republic precisely as the Krum- i MilitarISM." - the "I am aware of the serious Objec- loss 0 1 1 very temper which th tions which could be mado t9 this the victors' side. must keep Posted on the. best methods, Having tried many feeders for dry der Walls. !pprs were passed through the mill of c ex -Emperor I limited prices, seasons and times to market mash and finding them all wasteful So it is advisable to warm up the 'the royal Prusian army of the Holien. boasted that he and his ancestors had insofar as the . - 1; this- plan ,rns Ili preparation for 1814. Each fostered, and in which, he gratefully proposition, the writer believe. motor slowly and to draill off and zoll( 3 number of competent Ili ustrial work- - MEDICINE FOR THE SOIL. the products In question, Sell nothing Of feed ers would bNng anothZ11 gs - replenish the motor Oil 'note fre- batch of recruits is kept with the col- I _ which to be the, best that call be� devised acknowledged, he and his House had r raise of sal- ____ but the fresh, large, clean eg I Farmers are fast learning -to be doc- always command tile highest Price. Make a narrow shallow box for the quently in winter than in ummer. i ors for a few weeks, and then sent ver oillid their chief support. The, Not that they are attempting See that chickens are put in neat and ,I wire grid -also home-made s . danger ,caused by Germany's persist- arles, against which the public should mash and , Taking an additional minute or two ; home to make room for the next. be protected, but we could settle this tots, --that will fit loosely Inside and.fall in preparing the engine for cold 'wea ! They are sent home, but their ad. i ent resistance to disarmament has na- I question by the organization of a spe- to prescribe for themselves and their attractive boxes. -W. H. H. as the mash is eaten. tber driving is the mark of a good � dresses are carefully registered. A i turally appealed to the public more cial tribunal for the speedy hearing families, but they are giving medicine A strip of board with wooden pins to motorist. ,high propoition of tile veteran regu- Strongly than that caused by her of every kind of industrial conflict. to their lands Ili the shape of plant ANTIQUE RUG-mAKING, fit into the ends of tile box keeps the I __ ; lars demobilized are not even sent equally Persistent effort to reform, or Strikes �should be prohibited by law, foods of all kinds. oil h e, us from standing on the grid. The WHAT IS A CHAUFFEUR? ; home. Thi,y are transferri'd from the 1, rather to conserve, the essential , -illeSIl of the latter the less -,--- - ,. lZeiellswehr to the sham 1 ,is detrimental to production as well Everything that grows in the s I - frame Of the Prusso-German In I tary ,, to Soule finer the 1 ranks of ilic I as to the welfare Of the worker. needs food. Unless this food is SUP- It will, perhaps, be I I e %V , i W ash Will the hells throw out with Tli-� first man to dub a motor driver ! Police force,, or to other organizations and "militarist" System. The danger "I think it this WetO fairly put to plied in a natural way by crop rota- that quite' a lucrative trade is dore in I , ill the manufacture of "gelluine an- their beaks. A wall feeder call be a "chauffeur" must have had a sense ; under a civilian disguise, from whicri of her retention of great numbers of tion, the soil becomes sick and refuses y -half as wide, - i patrons and industrial workers they Even Crop tiquell rug.; and carpets, t l i of humor, for the Nvord hw; no connee- 1 they can be immediately "led up. , guils and rifles Is more obvious to the -would give assent. They would have to perform at its best, layman than the More subtl but more . - rotation does 'lot Put -back what the ance of old age Ili this case being got with a high back. �� hole near the top i tion at all with motoring. but means � Oil papor. inde(-d. the whole military c farmer takes away from the soil and by ail entirely novel procesl* literally "ont, I lurking behind her more protection, and some competi .1. The of the back slips over a nail driven I who inakos things � population call be called up almost as formidable danger I the losses are supplied by atplications makers of Oriental rug%, finding that into the wall. -Webb Donnell. warm." (Tile word is, of course. , expeditiously as in August, 1914. The Petition for a regular army of 200,000 tion would be eliminated, I � men. All Would Benefit." otaifferent kinds of fertilizer, depend- there is a better sale and bigger _�_ French.) The name was applied to a I old lists, and indexese have been pre- t "More, farmers would be kept On Ing on the soil's needs. prices to be got for g h MANURE WATER FOR SEED. band of criminals who infested I served and brought up to date. Up to But while armaments have excited the land. Industrial workers would Experiments conducted by the state an atmosphere of antiquity, have LINGs. France Ili the 18th century, and car- I and Including last year,s class, the , attentiori and Present numbers have profit by the stable conditions; they agricultural colleges and at the ex- adopted the tough and ready "Pon- __ - ried on in much the same -way ,is do �­ystem is complete. Special care, as been ,notk,od, the cardinal feature in . could rely on more permanent' em- . ent stations have developed verting,, proc(,gs of placing their rugs Tomato and other seedlings often the villains in our modern film serials. Iwo noted months ago, is devoted to the whole scheme of the Great Gen. Ployment; their credit would increase Pe"inwonderful facts about soil feed- outside their houses In the roadway. Seoul to get a poor start iii.growing They wore mas1c­,, dressed themselves � the retention of non-commissioned of- eral Staff bit,; been generally over - prohibition of strikes, and so ... 0 1 1, looked. by the Ing This information is available to on these the passer-by is not only soon after they come up ill hotbeds. in fantastic costumes, and sometimes ! fleets and members of the tc-chnica To that feature material is their claims would be Promptly Set- , I tread, and To give them a start, nothing is better blackened their faces, Stealing money I services. Neither can be improvised but a supplement and the 200,000 but tied. every farmer. Those who do not avail allowed, but is invited to to sprinkle them thoroughly with and valuables was their chief ob- both are indispensable for the pro- a Means, The reconstriietion of the the knowledge that is Ili Bagdad anti elsewhere one may than fact that are not often see the rugs acquiring their manure water. Manure water, pene- ject, and to make their victims dis- I jected conscript army. The N.C.O.'s Old Prusso-Gormaii conscript and l,nli. Ili wn not blind to the the favor obtainable without any cost tact with close hifflng-placps these brutes used i are necessary to give the finishing litarist" army is the object. It mar - this would not m0et with doing themselves or their farms JUs- "antiquity" in the filth and litter of trating the soil, comes Ili con i was I touches to tile Krumpers; the techni- be attained without the existing guns of Labor organizers. Their calling narrow streets and alloys, ground be- W plant rootlets ,and acts as a stimu- all sorts of horrible tortures. It would suffer. t4t I think the whole tice. �. �, beath the tramp of men and beasts. laut. from one of these tortures -that of I clans to handle their special weapons and rifles; it cannot be attained, oil . guns 11 the 17 torri. eountry and workers could spare 'with "Black Beauty," the famous classic It is a strange taste that prefers a An ,apparatus for inlikilig manure binding a per.son and toasting his feet i and Instruments, from heavy the Present Plan, without advantage most ct the Interested ac- k age rug "matured" under such Insanitary water is here desdilbod. Take an Or- ,it a roaring fire ---that they got the!and aircraft to field telegraphs, and torial brigades, anti for these brigades tivity of those gentry." , now ey langu y conditions to one fresh from the dinary empty barrel -a flour barrel naine "clialiffelir." poison: gases. the 200,000 met' are indispenoable, all over the world, Is being filmed b .1 Mr. Doherty spoke of Ontario's in . loom. . will answer. —_ ,------- I But far more eloquent than all the Latet ,,Inguis In herb, . That Is the dustrial (i,qvelopment. Farmers knew 'Vitagraph. � ­ Set It on all inclined platform and fill BLIND GIRL'S ACHIEVEMENT. Irest of Gormany's intention to defy Secret. I Whenever a large to - — I the tre — ,,at,y and restore her army oil --- tile value of Industrial development. wn Ili the'�Brit it nearly full of a good grade of horse in But the basic industry of the province Every effort is being Illade to have Isaacs, Shoreditob, re-wa I es s Its projected forma. Mft th Sewell's appealing story made ish isles changes its source of water Manure. Tamp and pack the manure Miss Sadie I I �` ousand Indians from ail and of the Dominion was agriculture. Anna i supply, -a sample Is taken by the tea- alld then water it and allow it to London, 1-ingland, 19 years of age, is tion. It is from no more desire. to parts of Mexico recently completed The two billion dollars' worth we pro. into a special production of a caliber eupy an outstand- blenders, Ili order that the,. right blend stand In water for a (lay or two. Then the first blind girl to pass the London have a second 100,000 in the ranks I their week Of homage to their patron duced overy year was only a fraction that Will Make it oc, JIM of tea may be made to suit that Par- cut a hole In the barrel as indicated. matriculation examination, writing that her soldiers are pressing, so eag- I Saint, the Virgin of Guadaloupe, anol of What might be produced. The, fin.- Ing position among the big special f The water that 'escapes is heavily and reading, by Braille system. Sho erly to have the numbers of the Rol- I their pilgrimage to the shrine of the ancial prosperity of tile country do- offerings of the -coming Season. tioular water, argod With fertilizing properties, has been blind since she was h h at 200,000. it Is be, I Virgin, a pilgriniage IvIlich IS regardej The finest emeralds known are ch ' c L6" ed ted Into I as sacred a jol pended u�on agricultural production. lie Rajah of Patiala. Ile and may be appli0cl to tile plants wit], eight years of age. After learning'Zu'se 21 %i'00 can be distribu irnc,Y as ever was woo ontarlots Proud Record. ,David Smith, Whose artistry in his owned by t' sl was ac. 117 divisions, and by the Plans alroady I by 'Mollainmedans to Alecca, has a turban ornament 10 Inches long a hand water sprinkler. The manure Braille for three years "I 01111 it llatic � Ontario had been blessed With Won- Powerful production of James Oliver S. The lower should be strong enough to use for cepteil at the ,Central V" on in partial operation, the 17 divislons I ___ 4aerful crops this year. There was a Curwood's novel. "The Courage ,of and set With diamond irge, pear- I three or four weeks-, fresh manure School, where she has won many dis- can be rea(lily exPanded into as Many � Among the Irindu13 enormOU3 r 11 establishing among edge Is fringed with -11 ,autW 20 per eent. increase In fall wheat ,of Maygo O'Doone, - shaped emeralds, whi6 are .almost I may at tiny time be used inqtead of tinctionq and Prizes Including a Dick- army corps. NVith 200,000 Relchawelir I are spent on cremation og tb,,D 1,10Wr I - on-, Fellowship prize, distributed into 17 divisions o which 18,000,000 bushels was produe- the leaders of his profession, is direct � n the I classes In 14an4a1w**J, .C.d. Barley amounted to 16,000,000 Ing "Black IteautV.0 priceless. - I th�, old, --A. W. R I � I