HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-14, Page 1All AP,
WIMHAM, O�Vo., THMSDAY, MFOBER2, 14th, 1920 stibscriptiono: $2.00 per y0or
sin(fle Copies - Foisr Cents
C Z- 0 11 a f 8
TJ"( (ag 1�1�1,c The East Wawanosh and morris Town-
Bluevale Scllo� 4 F air was he' ld on Fri
J. Hknt Will Use Rt A5 A Produce L ships School Fair was held inBelgrave oil
day afternoon, October 8th, and a fairly _ - -
larlge crowd attended. The wentlwr was 0YACrS, anYstyleat L�illil? BurkQ cafe" Mrs. E. M. Buchanan, left on Tue6day Tuesday, October 3th and was a pronoun -
to visit with relatives in Cleveland. ced success in every respect. The ful-
Fry k" Blackball LimW6. have disPOsed perftct, but the exhibits were far below Dall(lnlater Wri,,ht has moved into the
I Mr. Paul E. Vail Ness is ili Ottawa, at- lowing directors and schools had charge of
of the E-crin(At planint "!I'll and dwelling formLr years. School Sections No. 8, 10, Kno% rlv,-elling b0iind the, post office, the &ffair. Miller MeArter, S. S, No. 81,
VIlich they recently rlmchut�ed, to Mr. J. Q and 4 took part in the fair. The school tending a convention of canvassers
11irSt, fruit merchant has moved Morris; Anna Kelly, S, S. No, D), Morris;
v;Ill moye intt? the dwdling par-,ide was rood as the �cllolars were at- to ^Lh!� Q,le (loorsoutli of his former Mr. Harvey Haney of Brantford, spent -
I s a prcoluce tired with paper caps and sashes and car- the week -end it his Edward Rodger, No. 6, East Wawanosh;
.ind use the Utctm locati.) 11 , home in Bluevale Cecil Chamney, No, 7,' East Wawanosh;
in fl -out of each Mr. William Fivids and fam
�varehouse. Tbeyhave vntcda portion ricd their scl)ool b,,AUDQr ify motored Cecil Coultes, No. 9, East Wawanosh;
of, the Walter & Cleg��, 1-.,uildirig from Mr. division. Bluevale school won the Arield I c(nt oays a 'jr) vont box ot Stationery to Chatham, wh,.,rt! they spent the week- Ida McGowan, NO. 10, East Wawanosb;
Gunn and will continue the manufacture for first prize. S. S. No. 10, Morris re- at hVlJbbo:i'., one cent sale. Oct. 21,, end. Peter Scott, No. 13, East Wawanosh;
of bigh grade furniture in this building. ceived second prize, and S. S. No. 8 of 22, LA,� Miss Mary B,alt or Last Wawanosh, Corinne Scandrett, No, 17, East Wawa -
11 is, probable that one cfi�ce will bd'used BrOwntown won the third prize. ha, spent Sunday with her friend, Nellie nosh. Committee --R Proctor, J. Wight -
Did you �;A a inlz(l list of the Wing
for the busirxss of both Fry & Blackhall
Other prizes were awarded as follows, 'FallFair' if3ouhavenotasktheFecret- Graham man and R. Redm-ind. The exhibits
Limited, and G unns Sonala Limited, and Banker,- C( 'impetition -Beef Calf -Gordon ary for ono,. Miss Lorna Kennedy of Acton, is visit- were shown in the Foresters' Hall while
the capable and efficicrit bookkeeper Mundell, iS. S. No. 4), and Fletcher
t' Cracked Eggs for Sale,at Gunn's Ware- ing at the home of Reeve and Mrs. the poultry was displayed in the Presby-
TMr, E. S. Colidand will be in charge of i . Fells, (S. S. No. 10); Bacon Hogs -Willie
This will make no chan�,e in the amount house. - For a hralted time we will sell Tipling. terian Sheds and the cattle in the Metho-
r,,QNvork done by the Gunn people wbo pur- Mundell, (4). cracked eggs at a saving to buyers. Mr. and Mrs. 'A' - R. Dyer are in Toron- dist sheds,
pcse running to capacity as soon as poss- Yearling calf -Willie Mundell (4) Silver Try our special dinners at the Billie to, where Mr. Dyer is undergoing a serious Following is a Its'. of the prize N�inncrs,
ible. Fry & Blachh all Limited have seven- cupdonatedbytbe Bank of Commerce, BurkeCafe'inthe Queens Hotel, Price operation. thenumber after each name indicating
teen men in their employ and are turning Roy Thomas, (4). -Donalda M . acDonald 73 cents. Open after Wednesday, Oct. Mr. R C. Maguire has returned home the School Section towhichthe exhibitor
out a vast amount of high grade furniture, Public Speaking after spending a couple of months in th e belongs.
which is shipped to all parts of the (10); Ch3s. Messer (4); Roy Thomas (4). 20th. Canadian West. Oats, Sheaf -Elwood Nicol, 13; Harper
Dominion. Their last month's business Hatter broken calf -Gordon Mundell The choir of the Wingham Methodist Messrs. Carl E. Judson and Hal. Mc- Robertson 17; Richie Procter, .5.
vv very large inspite of the fact that (4); Fletcher Fells (10). Church presented their retiring leader, Lean went to Cleveland to see the world's Oats, Grain -Harper Robertson, 17;
as Spring Lamb -Gordon Mundell (4); Mr. F. J Hill, with a gold headed silk series ball games. Elwood Nichol 13; Richie Procter, 5.
freight rates have increased greatly and Jas Breckenridge (4). umbrella suitably engraved. Mr. and Mrs Ben. McClenaghan and Barley, Sheaf -Clayton McGregor, 13;
this season of the year is usually very Barley Sheaf -Chas. Gannett (4). Don't forget the Veteran's dance in the two children of Whitechurcli, spent Sun- Joe Currie, 9.
quiet in furniture lines. Barley Grain- Chas. Gannett (4). Wingliam. Armouries, Thanlogiving night, day with Mrs, Harriet Disney. Barley, Grain -John' Currie, 9; Clayton
Field Peas -Ethel Johnston (10). Oct. l8th. Lombardo's Orchertra of Lon- Messrs. Harold Walker and Edmund
Readlug On Every Page McGregor, 13.
This week TnE ADVANcu has been Landscape in water colors -Florence don. Everybody welcome. Irwin have returned after spending the Field Peas, Artbur-Evelyn Corbett
compelled to issue a seven column paper Eckmier (10); Gordon Mundell (4); Beat- Mr. Gunn, one of the proprietors of the past couple of months in Saskatchewan. 17.
owing to conditions beyond our control. rice Thornton (4); Lizzie Robertson (10), Gunn Sonola factory, has purchased the Mrs. V. R. VanNorman war, in Toronto Field Peas, Early Britian -Beatrice
Weed Seeds -Irene Wheeler (10). red brick bungalow on Francis St., at pre- last week attending the wedding of her Beecroft 7. 1�
This size wilt have to be continued for a Insects -Glenn Garniss (4); Muriel sent occupied by Mr. J. Hirst. daughter, Jean, to Mr. Arthur Sainsbury. Corn, Compton's Early -Calvin Robin -
short time, but we believe our subscribers Thornton (4). Mr. J. Deacoil who has spent the past son, 7; Emerson Rodgers, 6; Anna M.
wlll bear with it, for they will now find The G. W. V. A. will hold a Veteran's
interesting reading on every page of the, Woods -Jas. Breckenridge (4). Assembly in the Armouries on the even- few months with relatives in East Wawan- Kelly, 5; Howard Clark, 3.
paper. For some little time we have 'Map of Huron -Velma Eckmier 10, ing of Monday, October 18th, Lombardo's osh, has returned to his home in Holland, Corn, Golden Bantam -Walter Scott
Olive Garniss, Hazel Mundell, Irving Orchestra. Everyone welcome. Man 13, Peter Scott 13, Bruce Chamney 8,
ank Jessie Campbell 7, Leila Stackhouse 6,
felt ashamed of the large number of quack Cleghorn (4). John E. Holmes, who was in the B'
advertisements that have appeared in the Messrs. Davies and Woodley of Lon
2 We pages and we have at last been Map of South America -Irene Wheeler don have opened up an eleictrical goods of Commerce at Ottawa has been promot- Elwood Stackhouse 6.
fl, and Lizzie Robertson (110); Ethel Brecken- ed to a position on the staff at New York Potatoes, G. M. -Wilbert Procter 5
bNe to have these cancelled. For a short ridge and Beatrice Thornton (4)' store in the building formerly occupied by City, . Geo. Taylor 9, James Owens 17, Hazei
tune at least THE ADVANCR will be a School Lunch -Florence Echmier (10); H. W. Sowler. in the Morton building. Mrs. H:Hinscliffe and Mrs. P. Van Ness Keating 6, Clifford Stewart 17, Alba
seven column paper and even at that sizs Edith Breckenridge (4). Meals, lunches and short orders also ice of Wingham, spent the week -end with the Carteng.
vve are printing a larger newspaper than Jar of Preserved Raspberries -Olive cream specials, sodas etc, at the Billie formers cousin, Mayor Harburn of Sea- Potatoes, L C.-Zora Bolt 8,' Archie
a great many of the other weekly papers, Garniss, Beittrice Thornton and Edith Burke Cafe' in the Queens Hotel. Open forth.
in this district. At the reduced size our Breckenridge (4). day and night after October 20th. Montgomery '17, Leila Stackhouse 6;
subscribers will get more reading matter Mrs. Alice Smith and two daughters, Stewart Shedden 3, Bell Campbell 7,
for their money than at the old eight Butter -Florence Eckmier (10); Edith Laugh and the world laughs with you, Clara and Lilian, of Vancouver, are visit- Annie Blair 3.
column with its inside pages that were Breckenridge (4); Lizzie Robertson (10); Its a great phrase and will be proven to ing at the home of the former's brother, Marigolds, Yellow -Harvey Cook '13,
not interesting. Beatrice Thornton (4); Vera Sellers (10). you if you attend the New Minister pro- Mr. (�has. Barber. Mangolds, Red -Bobbie Yuill 3.
Asters -Ethel Johnston (10); Edith duction on Oct. 21st or 22nd in the Opera Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rae of London, , Turnips -Borden Scott 13, Willie Gras -
Breckenridge (4). House. and Mrs. Richardson and daughter of by 5; John Clark 3. Elvin Rutledge 3.
Sweet Peas -Florence Eckmier (10); Rev. Mr. Ecclestone of Lucknow, Ingersoll, spent the week -end with their Beets -Agnes M. Mason 13, Willie
n Olive Garniss (4). preached in St. Pauls church on Sunday brother, Mr. Donald Rae and sister, Mrs. Munro 17, Jennie Anderson 9, Ruth Cole
Home garden bouquet -Dorothy Aitken evening. Rev. Mr. Snell preached bar- 0. Thompson. 17, Cecil Chamney 17; Agnes Corbett 17.
SCHOOL BOOKS (4); Velma Eckmier (10); Cora Gannett vest home services in St, Helens and Dudley E. Holmes, son of Dudley Onions -Lloyd Montgomery 17, Marion
We now have a large stock of (4); Olive Garniss (4); Gertrude Wheel6r Lucknow. Holmes has passed his final examination McCauley 3, Robby McMurray 5, Annie
P. S. Readers (10). Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Beckwith, an- in law, and is now qualified to practise as McDoweh 8, Geo. Noble 5, Sara Howatt
Ducks -Glenn Garniss (4). nounce the engagement of their daughter, a lawyer. He passed with honors having 6,
P. S.; Arithmetic Qeese- Charlie Allen (8); Jas. Brecken- Ethel Florence, to Mr. William Earl completed his course in one year. Parsnips -Frances Jackson 5, Dean
Ps S Grammar ridge (4); Hazel Mundell (4). Cummings. The marriage %ill take place Mrs, Richard James Sr. has returned Leitch 3. Alberta McMurray 6.
Brown Eggs -Irving Cleghorn (4); in Octboer. from Biggar, Sask., where she has spent Carrots -Florence Scott 13,E Ilen Stone -
and COMPOSIflon Elsie Thornton (4); Lizzie Robertson (10); Eat at ttie Billie Burke Cafe' on Fair , the past few months with her son, MI. house 11, Mary Watson 11, Lillian Hop"
Olive Garniss, Jas. Breckenridge, Hazel Day. We will still be in the old stand. Geo. M. James. Her many friends are per 17, Chester Bruce 17� Irene Taylor 0.
Agents for THE GLOBli and THE Mundell (4). pleased to see her looking so well. Hammer Handle -Robert Coultes 7,
MAIL & EMPIRR. White Eggs-Carnpbell RobertEon (lo); Rev. R. J. McComick of Blyth, will Mr. Jno. Norman, who for the Past Robbie McMurr y 5, Lorne Scott 0, Ed-
Tahe a StarWeekIr hoine with you Velma Lelomier (0,); Iry ng Cleghorn (4); occupy the pulpit of the Wingliam Metho-
three months has been visiting with her
-ch cn Sunday, October l7th. idaughtcr,.Mrs. WalterTisd na,
oil saturday. I ward Rodger 6, Howard Clark 3.
Gertrude Wheeler (10); Muric-1 Thornton, &it chui alQ, Lover Milking Sto�)l - -Edward Rodger 6, Jos -
(4) � Alan Garniss �4). Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. A., B. D., will Saslo,, retutned to be: lionle here last
preach anniversary s,rvic-.,s in Blyth. ep i McGill 17, George Robioson 7, Albert
Monday ni,,ht. She reports a very good Coultes S.
Sheaf Oats - Clarence Johnston (10).
Hear Kehoa, the great Victor Record crol) in the Webt. Patch on Grain Bag -Robert Coultes 7,
G E Oats -Clarence Johnston � 10).
Patent NIC(,.ici lu�,. Wheat Slviar -Jus. B-eekienridge 0"; 1 Irtist, at the concert Fall Fair night in Clayton McGregor 13, Edward Roger 6,
Melville Mathers �8). the town hall, and Sandy MacDonald
Dooks,,SvIlool Supplie-4, WaK llav,-tr: 1 i, BUSJ%H-�S ME.N DJ.NL- Elwood Stackbou�u 6, Vernon Chamney
(""'ods, Tovs, ete, Ma - of Canada - Florence Eckmier, I fam,-,u� Sa;�,_h Comedian and Composer.
7, Clayton Robin on 7.
Ernest'lla-yes il0r; Jamt Mowbray, Edith; Seats on Sa:llc atMcKibbon's Rexall Store About forty of Wingham's husiness Wastepaper Baqket-Alex McBurney 8,
Brecl,cividge (.I;.
Mr. GL�o. Moir has purchased another men sat dovii to a dainty banquet in Woodwork Model -Robert Coultes 'F,
Writing, IstClass-Ileirin McCrad-._en, pure bred Boston Terrior for which he McKay's restaurant on Thur-sclay evening. Harry Jackson 5 R. E. McKenzie 1.7,
L Y, C U 1) 1 T H FE J-'� T EZ :,Noble Greenway t 1). p�aid a lartge sum of money in Daroit, The occasion was a welcome to town of Robert Munro 17', Gordon James 7, Wal.
��A7 The Bi_,,-cs1 L' ittle Sliavj" l Writing -The Little Land -Olive Gar- George believes in keeping nothing but the
i niss (41, Gertrude Turvey 8; Vvi.m� Cleg- Mr. Win. Gunn, whose proposition to ter Scott 13, Peter M Scott 13.
best, and respectfully requests car owners start a Grafanola factcry in - Wingham Fall Apples -Bruce Chamney 8, Rosi
horn (1.1; Dorothy Garniss (81, to live and let live in future as he In$ 'was endorsed b,,, the ratepayers of Wing- Robinson 7, Harper Robertson 17, Rutl
16 Writing-Tht-- Orchard- Iron! 'VUheeler lost two dogs now by b.,mg run over by ham. Thebanquct was arranged by the Cole 17, Elwood Nicol
Dianit I (L 10); Edith Breckenridge t4:1 Lillie Gar- autos. town council and the board of trade Dowell Ci. 13. ,Norman Me.
'9,nr1Re nis8 (8), Beatrice Thornton (4). The Bihie Burke Cafe' and Ice Cream Mayor Gurney took the chair and after Winter Apples -Bruce Chamney 8
Writing Recessional L'Florence Lcluxiler Parlor v,111 be closed on Tueo;d* and making a few appropriate remarks called Harry Jackso;il,5, James Owen 17, Lull
10); Edith Breckenridge (4); Doris Allen
Thing to Wear" (8); Mab2lle Vanstone (4). Wednesday next �,Aiile moving to their on Reeve Tipling, Councillors Bennett Proctor 5, Edgar Wightman 17, karpe
new quarters in the Queens Hotel -tuild- and Elliott who made brief addresses.
LetteringiaInk-Campb.11 Robertson . I Robertson 17,
-em:cept her Awoting clothe.,. Awl 10; Florence Echmier 1, 10 i; Gordon Mun- At this juncture the mayor handed Cockerel -B. Cunningham 8, Russe
there was her best beloved-anol. a The Bart Johnston Company appeared over the rernainder of the proceedings to Carter 6 V. Chamney 7, L. Stackhouse 6
dell, Beatrice Thorntnn (41 '
"(1olled up" rival vorking over Crayon D awing of House -Doreen in tile Willgham town hall on Thu.sday Mr. W. F. VanStone, the president of M. Leitch 3, M Wightman 13
tinio, I�ut Nellie had nerve, and. Echinier, (10); G, D. Noble t4): Dorothy evening, Oct. 7th, and again delirhted Board of Trede, who ably filled the chair Pullet- B. Cunningham 8, Margare
two Ng guns, and -we I I, Nvell Aitken (4). their audienLe Jolinston is taily a great until the close. Addresses were given by Campbell 7, L. Stackhouse 6, V. Chain
magician. Ilis ventriloquism is also Messrs. A. 111. Musgrove, J. F. Groves, ney 7, Russet Carter 0, Morris Leitch 3.
Watch her collect "glad rag,i*'froin Crayon drawinf, r f Bird --vellila Eck. above the average. A. J. Smith, the J Greer, Dr. Redmond and others. Barred Plymouth Rock, Pen of Two -
gasping ladiu;. 0ght on the Arce_,t! ,
You'll laii�,,h till vour throat atl.e,.;. mier (101, Bvrt Mathers (11)); Perrin Mc-
Crackim violinist, is a wonderful musician. Rev. 11. W. Snell favored the assembly Miller McArter 3 Gordon Stonebouse 17
Come! I wwi*th a splendid recitation and Mr. Hall. 0. M. Corbett 17, E. Stackhouse (3, Rm�
Bread, white- Fljreme E'cl.-rkiier (10)- J. W. McKibbon local druggist, ag,�nt
0 C , fcr Tc=)leton'8 Limited has free samples anre rendered a couple-olos in excellent set Carter 6, Edra Campbell 7.
E ith Breckenvidge �L 4)
Biscu:ts -- l2clith Breckenridge (4,,. Li lie Of Mleu n t C P3 I Id RAZ-MAH'v"'ce' White Leghorns-Russel Carter (i
U Garni�s (s); Vehna Be lnlin (119, for Asthma to ba had for the asking. A Pleasing f,�,.,ture of the evening, was a I Bruce Chamney 8, Ruth Cole 17, Rober
Ligfit Caue--Florenco 1whinier, (10); The Ve:teran's purpose viving dances couple of �"Ino by Mr. William Gunn Munroe 17, May Hunter 7, Russel Carte
I with music by tile Gunn's Sonola, "The 6.
in Velma Brooks (I j; Vera 8,11ors (8); Edith every Friday night in tbeir 'dance hall Rotary" and 'Reaming in the Gloaming", Brown Eggs -Robert Procter 5, Blanch
Dreckenriage (4,). throu-b the winter, le�:cept the last Friday were inueliai)preciated,and,,veCana(liatis Cunningham 8, Lawrence Taylor 9, Jac]
"Nueg�ett MY' Apple Ilie-Beatrice Thoralon Vera! in each inonth, when they will give -a big have been won't to associate with Harry Clark 3, Lulu Procter 5, Mel Keating
U -_
SLllara (8); Edith BrecherifidgQ, Janet dance in the Wingliam Armouries. Don't
turlesque travosty in Mowbray (4). )rget the dates. Every Friday in hall, Lauder and the broad Scottish drawl, but Westfield.
the vvi!41 alla 1novic WC.M. thon. who listened to this famous song Rabbits --Nornian Keating, Westfield
Cockurel -Gklul G % I n i a s, Beatrice and last Friday of each month in Armour- from the lips of all American claim they Pigeons -J. McKenzie 17,
Thum. Fri. and Sat., j6hriston (4); Cam Ilobertiion (10); Jas. Jes. enjoyed it even more than ever. Weeds -Willie Grasby 5, Irene Taylo
this week, Breekenridge (4); Walter Sellars (8,; 1 Cent buvs a guaranteed Hot Water Mr. Gurn, in his address, caid lie had 9, Mae Perdue 0, Florence Scott 13, Anni,
, (9). nt over 030,000 in the part McDowell 8, Annie Clark(, S.
_J George Mine. Buttle at McKibbon's one rent sale already spe
Pullets -Beatrice Thornton (4); Cain Oct. 21, 22, 23. payment of the building, equipment and Weed Seeds -George Martin 5, Vernoi
Robertcon (10); -jug, Bit-chenridge, Cora Our job 1$rinting department is a very material. Associated with Mr. Gunn in Chamney 7, Jessie Menzies S. Agnes M
Gannett, Hazel Munddi, Glen Garniss busy place, but we will he pleascd to the manufacturing of Gunn's Sonolas are Mason 13, Alex MeBurnty 8, Robbli
Cem-ent For (4). attent1to youc w ants in prlating whether Mr. Gunn and his brother, also two sons McMurray 5.
Paiv of Barred Roc%3 ---r, va,�(-r MuAard it be calling cards or auction sale bills. and two sons-in-law. Insects - -Annie Blair 13- Jack Clarke
en Gnri&s (4)-. Cain Robatcon Once a cmtoxner, always a booster, We The gathering adjourned about clever, Angela Gibbons 8, L. HoPper 7.
(Iuj; Hazel 11midell, Cora Gannett, Jao. haven't finie to waste working foT knock- o'clock after spending a most enjoyable Itisect Injuries and Plant Diseases -
Sale * �`; "
Breckenridge (4). ers. Advatice prices and quality are tile and profitable evening together. Hearty CUil COultes 9 -
White Mundell (4), ,,
'illd t1lat satic
qy. votes of thanks were tendered to th��se LeavciMiller McCarter 6, Albar
ANY QUANTITY White wyandotteq- Von it) McCroehen, at buys a $1.25 lsottle of Peptoniz- at�isting in the pro gYarn and to Mr and Coultes 0, Richle th Procter 5, Beatric(
Olive Garni-_,. Beatrice Tkf)ruton, blairley I I ce Leislanian 8, Aga a Coultes 0, Verol;
t&Craeken (4). ndlrwn Tonic at MeXibbons one cent Mrs. McKay for the splendid things Proeter 7.
WINGHAM SALT WORKS �Colithlucd oil pago 4) 1 cale. OIA, 21, L12, 23.1, 1 provided for tho inner man. . (Continued Ilea we('h.)
. 01
We bave You Money
low*&. 11 IWR�A F. �� Q , ,
iday, 6alurday
0 C t 0 be, r - 24, 1 9 2a 40, 21d, 31
This One Cent Sale was oviginated'b the United
Drug Co. foi, Rexall Drug Stores
The United Drug Company are the largest rnanufacture�s and buyers
of Toilet Articles, Remedies, Chocolates, Perfumes, Rubber Goods, Station -
cry'and Drug Sundries in the world,
T H E P L A N 11 Buy a 35c tube of Tooth raste
- and you get another tubes for
Ze, or 2 tubes for 36c.
Drugs and Stationery
Edison Phonographs Phone 53 C. P. R Tickets
WON 9-111amr-Mm-
S 19 t 0
pecia, 19
-.00ft 0
C -amng Here
At considerable expense and trouble, we have ar-
ranged for a foot expert to be at this store
TUES., OCT(_,)"BE1R` 19th.
for the convenience of foot sufferers.
g all 9C ce
.EX g A J,,- F), a r, I r
Let Your Foot
77 P ,
Come Forth and Gaica
No more
Hurting Feet Complete Comflort
This expert, who Is one of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Sclioll,
the noted specialist and recogvnized foot authority is able
to tell at once what the real cause of your foot trouble is.
He knows feet as a dentist does teeth or as an architect
.,does houses.
X 9?1 t IS' c V
A!P Z - o; - R&; w & A r Evq�y Fo o e Tra d4 i
No anatter how simple or how se?!Ous Your foot trouble
is, he can tell you (alxf show you) how to gain,
Immediate Relief
and a rapid Correction of the difflailty. Remettber the
dates. 130 sure to come in. Everybody welcolne..
VT W J6 GREV.4n.
-A ax,
1( -
N\., 4
Let Your Foot
77 P ,
Come Forth and Gaica
No more
Hurting Feet Complete Comflort
This expert, who Is one of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Sclioll,
the noted specialist and recogvnized foot authority is able
to tell at once what the real cause of your foot trouble is.
He knows feet as a dentist does teeth or as an architect
.,does houses.
X 9?1 t IS' c V
A!P Z - o; - R&; w & A r Evq�y Fo o e Tra d4 i
No anatter how simple or how se?!Ous Your foot trouble
is, he can tell you (alxf show you) how to gain,
Immediate Relief
and a rapid Correction of the difflailty. Remettber the
dates. 130 sure to come in. Everybody welcolne..
VT W J6 GREV.4n.
-A ax,
1( -