HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-07, Page 812 tee IF implppw�, n FUL-7-- Y flw lilja bf 'tap aa. 4 (CorrrtFt Up till WWineWay M0041) ANNIV INCINARV St youag PoII 4OAdogv," boym l%%y*' P Ckil'Itt, AT Iii-XI'll 3 00 Uwl, Pm4ats Wheat No. 2 SI ...... 2 M to the Cb urch a1A SU -0a Z toL S 00 Verr sueve%sful Anniver,, --,mviekls Wheat No. 2 V I ...... 2 a problom tbgk is c#M, g forth the con� 0 uvre held in St� Androw", oblu-01, PlYth, Flour ...... 7 30�to '7 T5 cem of Cbristiaa organizations every- e L -%,.L EK of Laid .................... 35 to 88 1 . 0 1 -1 ,1 1 1, , , E HEAD oil Sunday October 3rd. It where. Statistios show that only one in Leaffi, r T U QUAR'"r I NOW rather inclement Wvathor it) the morning Butter .................. 55 to M every tivee of th�-, Protestant population u -ch was crowded. In tile evoning E99101 . ................. 57 to 4resold the chill li� enrolledAn the Sunday Schools, and the congregation was supplemented by Cattle, med., butchers.. D 00 to 1000 that 86 per cent of'thooe who unite with. MADI1Q, IN QANADA t_: It 0. "t. I � U , 1'.. ­ the Cattle, butchers choice. J 1 00 to 12 DO ,,, ,, . �1, '44 r- +h. Q..A. on 8 'O.&A e � S .. , .— V 11� 4 14 W. 4" , ff . 18 7r 1900 School. , It iV anistou village and outside points. Rev. FinNy Hop, liveweight .... ) to nding fact that the -on of St. Andrew"I church, Strat li'lly ................ � -23 (X) to 20 00 o -,int) A) Mathes other two-thirds f Cao4da's Protest, ford preached able and impressive Qer Cream ............... to 57 populallon provide only 15 per cent of nions. Jeremiah's parable of the Potter our church meiribetship. 'el—that . To turn the outilow of "teen age youqg, and the marred but remade vess p -wablv, with its universaland eternal mes- people into church channels, is the great sage of God*s interest in his children was work of to -d and that the denomina. file subjetA oi tile mornin� discourso. 11, ay, tioris are coricerned'abobt it and are tal�- the evening, another great therne, the re- ingaction is shQwn by the fact that prac�, pentance of the thief on the cros% held tile tically all of them, together with the, 11 attention of tlid'audience, Mr. Matheson ELECTRIC- audY. W. C-A.,arecom-� said with a strong appeal that each orw bining to -promote religious education should gi"- bN life to Jesus now net Wlit- a4wrig boys and, girls, This is being done i ing as the thief did undl the tdoNeuth 5F 11 rio under the supervision and with hour. Rev. 51 r, McCormick: of tilo Meth i"On"' odist church assihted at this service. The the 16adersbip, of, tbei Ontario Religious minister at Blyth, the Rev. George Telford Education CQuacil, previously known as th� Ontario Sun0ay School Asso&tIon, atford W1 R N b took Mr. Matbeson's work in Sir, The handling of this big proposition is Although, as is usual in Presbyterian recognizid as liot being solely a matter churches the sermon was the ceotre ot touching the'churcli, but bearing directly interest. the musical part of the services on promoting a wholeaQm,� type of Cana- Look up your old rubbers and sei if they need new bottoms— cle'serves special mention. A large choir Wire for a�fficlent and convenient than citizenship, -1ceeping tLe future of Wernakea speciality of this kind of work—We,use a heavy power under the Able leadership ot Mr. S. Pop- use of electrical appliances as well as Canada well in vlow, for no nation is machine and consequently a heavy threaA—tbereby making a aroviger job— acter of its citizens. Non rip arid Non leak. CA,D- &C, pleqtone gave some well rendered selec- for propar illumination, greater than the ch,.irc '-ions. A duet by Mrs. Cumming and Two large cd aventiuns have been plan. Do not leave them until the rush— right now 'is the time before the enow Mrs. Hetherington and Mr. D. McGowarl All materials and. workra;insbip nedbythe Ontario Religious Education comes, then with thq first snow storm you will bg ready for it. were much enjoyed. guaranteed free from dII for one Council for this' year. one in,Belleville Decided Style Changes in -- St. Andrew's church is free from debt year. from October 26 to 28, and one in St. go An anniversary offering of only 010 Catharines from November 2nd to 4tb. was asked. Over $250. was given. ---.* + Spqakers of international note will be in W 1W i I 1 1 4� attendance, and altogether the program men 9 rait %.Aotnes is one that cioinmends itself to all Sunday Accurate Estimates free. Schoo enthusiasts, Thes, outstanding SOLE AGFi�T FOR LADIES' models era- ALMOST A WHOLE FAMILI The desiginin", that 14-arkg this sCasOn!s PEIUSH. speaker is Dr. M_"A, Honline, one 'of America's most forceful platform men, Of a vent, a lowerjo braces welcome chanees-:—a shorter ess 'TWO sisters, 0010 purylvorr and a rrianexcepii6nally'qualified to dis- 0XI.Cel happy family, greeted us pleas- gt� =,4 a M_PrC gr- ai�tiy, as we visited in a sunnY Cuas aceful fifllnCS tp the warO OS" the subject of Religious Education in At the Muako4tL Free Roslittal. T LIN its'. many phases. Already indications, AND The mothdr aoad,several other S poipt to a recotd.bre4ing attendance at' DE�RBY SHOES FOR MFN eutire coat.. . i members of the fardilY had died of boi-b c.onventi,6ris. 4 V "Ther& kiness �iborit thpse clothes that consumption, and the, Plague had Is an easy sma r its marked these two girls also TO sharoly distLag4ished idu�!A trara the StYles ot me, past own; but fortunately they were 'Burned i�vo- or three soa,�: —r,. 7., a atict frornw the models being �:ails fall. Own cizeV.711w,- t' found in time. One of them said, "I feel the HOs- it a a great &A.1 PA &I has done w SOZ everything Js iovely, a* ltowick Barn Mr, Oliver Qall6way's barn on the' 16th concession of Howick, was destroyed by A* SIT 0 N E N ociety Br 1,,cl Ciothes maititain their style Icader, a like .1 awful weH.11 The Other-' hAve gai ned Uvelve pounds, and iink r� fi e. on Monday, evening of this week' luo allqway went 1 t'O Shortly after dark Mr. G .1 . Th -rom the in- -0 ey Lare ehe first to break awayf j[ %VM be able to Ko liome for good In six months." Organ and Plan the barn with the lanier-n to do the chores,' 0, S fluence that 'luilitwry U14orm ha,ve had upon clothes Such is the work of the Muskoka Free Rbspital for CoasumPtiveS. and while climbing up into the hay mow and Repalrel!. with thejantern� on his arm he slipped Yle 4 which raen are becoming tired. Thousands of grateful PatientS can testify to the help they have received andfell to the barn floor. The sudden jar caused the, lantern to explode, and in x style, in the 'Com e in and, see the,latestp final i,i therein. it costs a great deal of money to mrry on the work. Will d Satisfaction Guarantee e whole an instant th inside of the barn you help? was in flames. So quickly did the firel most approved offabrk(;S#� Contributions may be sent to Order talien at Flanigaii!s Music Store. sj�read, that it wa . almost impossible to I r Sir William Gage, 84 Spadina avenue, or George A. Reid, 223 College street, save anytbi . rg.. I S6me farm imple . ments, a--Grey�vortmotor car, aAL the hay and Toronto. grajn, a calf avid the harness, were con 74 _1 r AN" E 1 surned in the flaffies. We understand TRY (.4THE ADV AUC, that Mr. Gallov�jy has. very little insur- Albert Rebkopf Loses Ann MIT S I C. )n the barnand contents, so his loss ance c A most deplorable accident occurre will be heavy. '"11th that order of Job' Printing - d on the farm of Mr. Albert Rehkoph last Fri- 160dand, nan"11a k,06' day "afternoon in,which Mr. Rehkoph's A left arm was amputated near the elbow. Musical Instruments, He bad several of hii neighbors helping to "blow in" his corn crop and Mr. Rehk�ph Strings, Accessories a r was feeding the cutting machine. He had put a sheaf into the machine, and thought- lessly allowed his hand to rest on the ngs ^61 gum th i Ing an ...... Go BL. Flatugan sheaf while he looked around, In an in itant the sharp cog wheels 'which carry Successor to the late D. Bell, the corn stalks into the qui�kly revolving We carry the beSt. makes in Men's and Boy's nd He shouted for help a '11107 1 kPives, caught his hand and 4rew it into YD the machine. "elgrave YE. George Kaufman rushed to his assistance Clothing a n d Furnish.7' A but he had to pry the injured man's Mrs. James Willd ings at fair prices. nson of Ripley, 9pent weightoff the, lever before he could re- a few days' with Mrs.W Whaley. A I verse the machine. It is a terrible sen- ortcoas of Sask toon, spent last Hats and Caps sation for a man to have his band and Mr.s' P week with Mrs. J. A. Brandon. am sliced off 'as happened in this case,, Borsallno, Ring, Knox and East - was able, after being Miss Currie of Ouelph, spent a few erla in all the latest styles and col - but Mr. Reh-kopf Al released, to walk to the hous with a little days with Mrs. J. Coultes. Sr., 3rd, line, P�ices $2 50 to 12.00. Mi FA� assistance. Dr, Wellman. was hurriedly Morris, Winter Overcoats Ca Ora .9jJj&, r called and in tbemeantime, the neighb ay a1z, - — - Rev. eterd took charge of the services did everything possi ble to stop the rapid iple appointment o y n Sunday. Tweed Ulters, chesterfield. and AER2 CUSWION INNER TIRE now LIMITED of blood. The Clifford doctor �vas slip on styles in heavy and medium RU ME R COMPANY1111LI.T.- Rev. Kilpatrick, a former pastor here, veights, prices $18.00 to 55.00. also sent for, and the two physicians found WINGMAM. ONTARIO preached Anniversary . services in the it necessary to take the arm off at the el Methodist church on Sunday, the house Our Factory. bow joint. Mr. Rehkopf stood the ordeal Tires Now On Sale With Our Agents And At Suits crowded At both services. The fairly well and although his condition was was Men's And young men's all wool, critical for a time, he is now improving niany old friends were glad to mee anti Mrs. Kilpatrick again. X - tweed, worsted and serge in uo-to- Bluevale date styles. Prices $22.50 to $57. - On Monday loornirg Mr. 11. A, Mc- Throwing At The Dolfs Illegal very nicely. Mrs. J. P. Phelan of Mild Call was able to gather up enough '$now ANValkertonian who thought to cop a may. a professional nurse, very kindly so Dr, And Nim Irwin of Port I -lope, on the north side of his housq to free7e fe thevI w dollars at the Mildmay Fail Fair last consented to attend the injured man. IWOUND-A pair ot child's gloves near tho nd at the honle of Air. A; Wingham Methodist church. Apply at Underwear, J Mrs. Rr,)%)t. Musgrove, L Dr. ir his ice cream, rhiR is I'D fish yar". weekby settingup anirray oftoy bal. The accident was a very unfortunate ' one Tim Avv-ANcv. Tht: 511ow fell last Priday. oons in L the A ricultural Society's bay and Mr. Rehkopf has the sincerest sym- "law 6erviee in France for About four .9 ly StanfielXs, Penman's, T i g e r Mr. Philip Thonias of Toronto, visited field and inviting the public to pitch balls pathY of the whole neighborhood in his WASIIING MACHINE, OR 84L �,�A e#irs. to THE AD, gp I brand and Tru Knit in al wool and Win Duff shipped a car load of wheat his father who is very poorly we hope he at the assortment at so much per throw, misfortune. -Mildmay Gazette. TREASURERS'S SALE OF LAND fleece lined, combination suits or with a chocolate bar offered asthe reward front here, It is s:jmethh19 lie, FOR TAXES areperate pieces. Prices $1.50 to v to he i will soon be 0. X. for hitting, th� target, was ordered by 10 8.00. Shipping kAit gtain after getting it sbjp� I There will be no service in the Meth- % Con'StIpatio h.13,y vitrtuo of u, warrant Issued undor tho High Constable Briggs. to pull down the. ates N d,, 0 ped ',:- fur �u war, ars iti the past ay� n Qku tho Mayor and 0ork of Lite town of todist Church here next Sund on Oener 'OUght your new. fall Latest Styles In Urgetion and shut up shop for the day. Vvillgham and liuving blic semi of th& said Cor account of the. Anniversary Service, at a poratloo �a I. t a u h e, d thereto. butring date If you. haven't- yet b of Toronto has the 901 0ay ot Augtw� A. J). 114o, commauding Poisons re - U benezer, Sunday 8.bool will be at 2,30 As "throwingat thebableg" wasone 'o the chief amusements at the country meto ldvyupon the lands enurne-ated he - overcoat hat and furnishing goods, Furnishings, P111tril"ed Mr%. Tiv.ok.i house anil,lot in suit, p- 0 under for the arroars oe taxes re. actively due be villa9t. fairs, notwithstatiding that the cigars VVhen Cb1WHpWon conies) Vbat t1irreon, together with costs. llutfee la hereby come 1 n* and exornine wirs. Shirts, Ties, Collars,. Gloves, given in aecordance with the Assesimefit Act, Socks. etc. 11 11 JIIFFFF III, 111 1, 1 111 given -As prizes were hard as tent pegs and hopI The Colons get clogged that I shall proceed to isell by public auction tho E -aid. lands or six much thereof As may be e f,he taxeR and Leave it to us, ond We Will turn you out XXXXXXXXXXXX No strong enough to be smelled in tfie next WIVU W0Zt's` MsterUls WhIo'k 'a eX' suillcient, for tbo rpaYM Ilt of county, Yet it was the rural midway, atid tMIU61Y POL9011OU8, the Wood CiI conq thercon, unless tho samy be 800nur paid. ftion 0ornes in. sUfficisntly 0I 00A. The salc will c0pun ence at the Town Hall In 0 well dressed man for a reasonable price. he place where the swains were wont to Lho said Towit of WInghain on Monday the Farmers, and all who have poultry to disr, t taot with the wmW to talm up these 13 h day of 1,lecernber A. at Lhe hour ot go. Now the U. X 0. Government has to d1AT1b, two o'clock W the aftarupon. pose of. Polsons by albeorption and Lot No. 6, centre stroet, Taxes $0,89, Costs And it sure does feel good to be well dress prohibited this petformance and has hib- uto &Om tVOXhout the body. The elledsuch pastime,as ",gambling"'. The refth IS--gio XAy6r beI Sing. ed, You KNOW it, T4is seasmi you have been getting IrTOUSUrcr Of 0167!0% It Of %Y111911410 old boys v�ho, thought it was their pitch gigh, you qxwomo dull and heaVy' RECORD PRICIES for your i ing skill that turned around the doll, will 11111ousU000 asserto st"If, then you COURT. OP REVISION Our GOODS are GOOD; our PRICES LOW. I be horrified to learn that it was mere 1106" MULCIA10h8s Kidney and Bladder Tro ble, Indigestion, Appendicitht, Notice is li(�rcby 4iveu that it Court will bo A. chance, like a lucky 'throw of the dice, more held, pilrouant to the Ont:ax-lo, Voterm'ijls� Act, N! 11DA 6*98 besides. by Jh1s Ilonor the Judge of the County Court that enabled them to win thote cigars of the County of Huron. at, tha Town liall, EGGS of glorious and immortal memory. Winglusla, ou Monday the 18th dayofOctober, flacking's to hear anddeter- Now those pioneer pitchers have been mine complaints of errorg and orniqEdow in the U le.,-- Ktdney and Liver P1110 '"' "t 111110 O*clock P. in. M, si ifyou have- sold to HIRST of Wingham. placated as. early gamblers, and many a for 19210. Nin"teivality of Winghs W VOI "I't of tile a preserli, Sunday School Superintendent Ate highly reeomniended for l4tudIlt NV1119haill this 2901, day of Sept. Ladies Ready'wto TV e car A. 1), 194M I take,sotne credit for* the very' good rcturrs who thought he was a little Lord Vaunt. constipation J01IN III. Gnovn% leroy in his day, will recognize that he is "It have got for you), egg,�� hether sold direct to sud its Evil Results but a brand from the burnin'g. and an ex - 1110 W' J10t. NOTICE TO CREDITORSr t gambler of whom his relatives must speak They am puftly v6ptable, (to not in a6ducd,tones and in apologizing notes, Gri", Pw" or IrAtMO, 6ud 111,371119 In the Estato of'l.�lbert, Ilavidaon, Doceatied. Ladies' Coa-1-:6 Ift If JV% Notioc iIq here -by given puremant to tho pro4 Crown Attorney Dixion advis" us thatall r" by wodudft a healthy Vand itlions of the 11ramtee Act tho all pormom W. FOR POULTRY such games ere now construed as gamb- t�m 1I th'D 860n*ch, Liver. Kidn "* V Plu�b, Velour, Ttveed iand V tir Coats in all the latcst Styles. t OV having rtuyclabwDr demand agiNini% Robert and Dmrolo. piviason iato of the town of Witigham, In thm Jhng, and like faithful miWonary to the V*ft4w wbot mefilevine you are 0ounty of Huron, itnd provinto of0ida to wl4o meat un or Wtaut I ho LItli day U September, heathen High Constable Briggt is chasing tI for a 14"Uv* It X191A 1W JuSt twaalorctinitul to wilid by post prepaid or if you %v.mt the hest price anLJ a square deal. atound pulling down the Idols and banish- gm werll to ehoLngo t& to HackloWs. 41PlivelUl 14) It, VavRNm At Wttightttd, Skirts and Dressei hAm1w, Lite lixemarix of the Wd dfte0kW, your CIdekenS, Fowl, DUckSl, GeeSell, Tar- ing do in this hideous form, ­W4kerton Tba coolbb*tIon of Camara, PcP- toll or befol a I 111�',I day of oetklb!� I=. their d1d pornitnt, Mayvpplo and the other Itaffles tMot All(IVII,- 4 &11(1 full rtiell1firg in Serge and Silk at 'popular prices, ue%vest s4k�s. 110.14cry, ete.. to HIRST in the Old Davies RIM& Tirnft V"6t&I" jymp eoiftined lit lhpie 8%ritfulcof thei,, elalm.A Aud mtilonqntx of theft 4u e&ewWR and the waure of their ofturIII if UndervIr"r, Gloves, Blouses, V rs, etc. JQfrham' Write or phone upt if you have, pilk V1,11 prod" r""IM4 to I)o un- be -4 by thimm. to sel) sqwAlad by, any (Ahom, They -Nork 'Lid l4kr nolleo Illva Aflor Iho matil I" m;,4motiod dai, ihf- �*AA MAdle, li. lJoI bwgr*ta lia Dipttlyo 040rdirs, for w 11 dinlributr the noI at ths m^id MYRIN I III** on tho Vornitch. tor l8p;osrnodic. IcArd anly to the PJAIr"n or whicph WIrl, 1h ,Pay you go(A pricf& p*VI in tfy* sUmoch ond flowiflo, bnvi- h" prmosp. III ne tb.11 r& IM4 —CA, Siour"a, Ott. 2m�, JIM md III 0y*p*p*;* snd IndiGIII 1)"V M -on will 31m, he 114111. f;,h 1AS 300111118 InramyTogri thereff ta "y Vp wftow Gavo HOWDO lay a few K IN (11 B k 0 sou lfw 6alin r4he oball 1401 14an Jav* t tolow Jbt Wtwoatn. 0~6 AMIL"M st PWM7*Wk. 40I.Iftl burt 111% Ww*lwwlr V.0 -3- )L 1h. V