HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-07, Page 6. - I I �. i . r., -T,�— == -
� \ - ..... I 1. � : .11, � 1. ,W- -1 --
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I J A 1. 11.1 - . . I,- �, "! i! !!; 0.1 i I i; ---.— 1441111milk!!0014 � I .. .: �- �, ,,,� - ., , i; �, I I I �A , " - ,
, o - � . -ko" -0,10111 I - :�- I . I '. I I .. : ". �� � � I I I i : 'I
, � father of the doad alan, do. op, I � t - ;;;-;;!;-;:-. , �IJIIIIN"o III III I Wool, 411,110 I - .1 I "I A; , " 11�1 . I �,
I I ,o- ,� , -, I . .1 1.
I � � alal,44 his untaltering bellet that UIA , . = � . 0;�Z ! � i 11 . --11- --kl. .� - . - 11 , . :
. . . "A had been murAorod. I - -------.--, —W-..... -1 — - � I - - ., III - - 11 -4mm - � .1 � 0,
. -,.-iv-�,-R410� i"11 I llddati tW Isis " , , likm%bdsim-"� I I I
, -
I , S. . � ----.- I .- I- ' " - if -Z �
. II WA4 C911t$1111110I divorce , 1� - -- � T polloy Ag Q � I- I I . I
'C'"ll's wife, who &I thAlt I
I . procoscI El. k blau'gurafio �. w ranscontinenta- I . for ,orticlest gervloe, "4 X,e "W r� - I "" I 1, .r �� I
� , L I A Gll,, CUt ,,V R, A 4APAA140ut would b* 11&,t4qyA* ggWV
when she board at I n� 0 . I .
woI death, adhered to the suieldi, L OW411 pilnm�w - - I 'A' .
tbNry, sind qxprooged Andir t0 him It Y for 44 . . - : -9 I
'nation ,
' - --- -- - .),
thAt 'the r4ein � .when this kind of MerVI!tVro#a=. . ' It' i
a malt tuado Ito pro� � Service Marks Important Development � � I No FERENCE pr"'dont R:'nolds w'u Nxpoe# A -1 . I
BIG PUZZLE Vision In his . The 9 ppm f - ,
A Vrill tot their ton, InINtOr st4t$d tb4r "I I I � Mg 40 I'll
. 0*1--."-�— VlAring thq totItrot, ot Ike IRY60. � In Canadlau Railroad History *1.0-"-0--^ =04dovs problogas 0004. at the Away. , - � to .
Xew tfsation, Aftlatant Vilstriot Attorney � I -11 -1. - - . � -0. A. of: Ines, and Vomittioa ,and that WOVt of � - I ,- - . 11 1�
Zoy�a ordwvo MO flOtthtl0h of Mrs, .:":;. :::,..:,;� ,:�.:;, -- — - Q. Xasting soars 011811100114 of country wait ho 4W I , - , A -ft i, �
: 80016tY 44urder in Larseno the hollstk oper, as 0, Mg. �.::�,%:,,.,:,:,:;�.j.
.,: �i. ..'... ;�-:� ., � I MAMPNW - cut of th# gull, "I realize the tin 1. . � . I
t 11:111��: 1:11:" �`,;'�:�:T? I ,,, . Conditions ia Wool, , . , I
.. I .. .1 .�. . pprtaaco of the 4ep4rtm6nt of which i
� .". . � ,�::;... ) I I � � I I
.1. . .
: I
� Anxiety to 11: , �. "'. : 1� ''I.". '��::�, - ' 1� OM tild 1144" 111III 00,1111, "AU.4 wore Jt I - I
� York One of Greateat lorlal wituess, many wero convine. . . .. ,!,.::��. ."
� . ed that the :, �.'. -, .�,,' .. ,��, 11 . I � . . �
womant's �` ,;,;,:: ., NE of the first steps in rorinection with the cooydination .
P I -.1-1 ;,,": �,�:::�.;,', � ;,-, .: '�.
, ...
Xyoterl4o. "AVOid acqndgl, 11.1 �. I �;:�::i ;..� - - ,�.:. : . "!�,:, , ::�:,::. I .&JAd the Work of tho V. a. 'lot for the knowledge that J,kaow I � I
was concealing evl. ".. .11, "... - "p, :��i.�::��:: � A0*%
I . .;:;; ,.�,�.. .::;:;:... of the Grand Trink ,I the CanaTmi) National IWIlways 11#4 rely for " .
"-'�— dottC4 which might lead to the up. . :;'% �:,�:�,. . 0 Asolotalfea 004 III `- . I- ""
I prehension of .: V.;��:�,;:�:��41,. ".." Will be to give the Dominica #, new transcontinental . .., Farm Bureaus. from tile ex-studeato,ot tIA10 ItII I !.I 11
� the guilty person. lisp .11 i . ,- .I. -I - rervice. Uective, June 27th, 192o, through trgino arc to be tion I linow I wou no
I release was ardered. by District At, �:�:' I '. ---I-"-"— I , lq� fail," . I [law p 0.
C�i : ,S Prof. Reynold I
� Regardin
I VNIS. HOME torney .9wann, who Said that no ovi. ,, 11..�,., ��i��i,-��.-�:;�::i�-.�����,�:�.'.'���.:����. Operated from Montreal to Vancouver over the roih of tho two oil I h a the U14 -
NOT �1.i`,'.`�.,"..;-
It , .I.... �. .::..�.,.".�:.,�,.:�'.,�:?::.,�;::�',::*.�:*.:;;:.::, , e P report*. That th oprice of 14ter said: "I k 11 I I
.., . F- now lie Will adminig- *V% ,
� .1 �,.,, . � -,�,: �: "]�,,� systems, tho route being by way of .Ottawa, North Bay, Fort 00,00"46
donee sufficient to hold anyone had W :""."..��,,,_.,",.�.*.,�"r..- .:...:: !: 1.14.1, .
", �:�� , , wool has very little, lio do with the 'Or ille','atfairo of the 0olle,
"-�- . been secured. I , " '..... . ,.,,i6,.W NVIINarn And Port Arthury Winnipen, Saskatoon, an(tUingtitpri, 06*00 04"V MO^ woo 00% ,t
.. �,
----#-I*— .. ...... - This Will take the traveller through rgsionsof exceptional genic price of clothing WAS & principle , and fearlessly 444 without tavor,4aa -.; 11 .. -- - -,--- , - I' .
No weavolli N6 Signs of, - . that 14 t-40 kind ,at ,man the PAQPIQ 4 lik
, ;. . chOrM and general interest. 71te now express traini will traverse enuncl4tod by Ur, tJ -V- O'Neil, Soo- the province want At Its head. I can I a � t 11 11 - ,
. SAVE Vit CHILDREN ., the Nipiscin Forest ret .110 Ontario $hoop ,rreo 00
OW"9910i'NO Ublooked � . .. the Algonquin Park of Ontario QrY Of t 4. 4.qsure him that as I holdr tho ,- I— - t -0 a- �. 111,110" �
. o-� I , , R=oe, Quetico paric, the Rainy Mver District, the era, A0001stlOn. 44 'an ,%ddress position I do it � Illy aim to � I . ,
1.1 ,so 'Onto I '4,
Windows. ;,,;,;,: ..".."I" - --- - . on will k *.1
I "
, "..., - -.,: -, I'�� ,MX . mount Robson, rc�'Ion where the C-3n4di4n Rocki" reach I I
`;;�` :R;"- ,,, "Tho Wool ,SitUatlon- ,beto the gtve progressive support an I An - I . - , t
��, -� 4 $, ,
.41[others wh, .....", richest of the Prix'rie Lands, Jasper National Park, the ,
. 0 %eep 11 ,box 04, Ba 8 ,,..."----,:,�,. ,I.j..
i �.fl'... -.1.11.1.. & i
, �':;.;. �*-..,�.,vn, -.,.,x,-7.. �
by, �..; .7 11, .... M: *.' 'n �� . re , ot
x......,1 .. - ..,,.��.,,.
,C.:.:,-;,-;,:--;1.,-- 1�..,�;a-i ...,
. 4:�::R,:.,M:::�..;.,.* .k"",,."..,..,�-,!�,,,,,�,!i� I. ,., .
I ..."o".."'.., ."..,.�"...".�.;,....�.,,,,...
-------�- Own Tablets in tile house may fee, . , , � I .., ::1P;,;-., 11-1,1;:�, -, assure up the same Support from za,r . VIONSAAAAL ,#
!!5�,s`, �;-'�,.,�'�.,,'.,,���'.,,',.�..-��,'.�.,,,,.,'�..'.�",.,.� 'M ": I : conference
140w York report, . . �, i� "i-6', . -71. ','��i �, *I,., their greatest height, And the lovely valleys of the Psitoer f, the Agrioultura, - .0
'� .��",.,.*,.".,..,�����.�'.-*'.-.%'..';.�,.:.,..,.�,��*,,!�*-.'.�"",!�,'��...�*..,.,I � , I Ite L ,
` �� ., � "7"w
� Every eloment that - the lives of their little ones Are, ;.�""�..�,��..-�",."".,,.:��.7,.",�.,�i-5.�,.",.,.,..,;�.,.,',�I.",�.!�I � - .., preaeut4 ' o A the Cabinet, .
. ,.". � Hot will --- -- - - - -.M-- , ., � I
�i���,",, '��,�,,L.k'.gl'.�,,4 "; -'::: �:. , UY68 Of tile PrOvItIce, In sea- get this support be
9011441V cafe during, the hot wea. i.�'���,, -�f: " �",,���,-:,-�i!�,'.'.'-.",��",",.".,,.'.,��'.i,� .'.*,-.'i,-'�,!�,",'.*.-..,.�.,�,,*:�;�i..,.,���..�",',, �,� ,�...`,.� ��.,""".""r,.'�,:��"',"'.,* - Ind nompson Rivers, 71e rogtewil) also proviclo, a new Aort PAO.."i
of the e1wesic aGtective tale has ap- MR, . ,� ..�j,,�� ., . .. . "; .... : �., - � .", cAuso 'we �� �U I- � 11 i,��'r "�
, " .:1.1. 11�1 . ........ .. -i-,".. ... � realito
, - �., .. - . ...... � :��t Avy to Alaska and the North Pacific Coast via Prince Rupot. OlOn at &ue 4sricultural college, Mr. this institution is III c al; *4
thet, Stomach troubles, cholera. In. I ... q, " ., ��',�,,�.',�'.�,,.��...�:,,,'...*�,,�,."��..";�?,�'.� '.-.,��, -1 :�;� lead! -
, "I ,
peared An 'to Most (117AMAtic setting .1 ..;... � . ..i�5:1:::� ��,.".,"..".�,'..'�;,r�-'-.-.,'�;,".,ii:,::.; �or o In , Ann r rwi 61
I fAntum and dlarrhoep, carr ... '��;. ...:.".".".�;.�";".;.:....;:.,.;.;,�.� , It will now be Possible for. thd traveller landing at Halifax or O'N01V8 reM-Ark dAnle in reply to -a ,rieulturQ in the province anu our a] I
,,,,:,,,,,",.,; .,j,j..P,�,,4�.:,!.!j',:: "'"'
I , y off ... *..::..,;.,,I.:r�...'i:;,;i:�".,,.. :..,.� , ........ in I -
In tiI Elwell CABO -Which Since June thousand$ Of little ones every, eI *�; -1. '� :. Sit- J6n to travel onAnall-C4n4di4ntranscontii)mtaI direct line ' question as to the explanatAron of tor thefuture to to bring It clos I 0.4.8, L.D.&
It ,h4a defied golutior, .by the f Inerp 171 most Cases beoau§e the ": frc,m ro43t to �coao, but kr the convenience of thosawh� may high-priced clothing in yle i er to - .
� -.1 w of the the real, problems .of farmers. Wis ITOP10r; Oft, 01I ang of the p
VA U. cits.irc to journey to Western Canada via Tomto, the Canadian ket, 4nd was .the Bumming up of 1% - _ ,A 0
shattered StAte.of the raw wool Mar. 'ra &I 0 ._"liI
, 1� - 44 00 ,W ,7 � '0111141tw of 1) .
I 1144st sleuths at this mother does )lot have a III medl� �%�.', " i. ,,- h0V0 to do Much to solve these ,proa- t ,. . , "
I dt$1- Wealth. di. --1 . �� k.;..:P�:�..r�.rj . . .... ;,-.,:;, . VAU4 I
cins at hand to give proluptly, Baby,s ,'..�:,X,;:.-,.i:��-N�; National -Grand Trunk Railways will. plive ir�Aea this nionth 10ma in 'the very,nefw futuro."
'r0rce, the glitter of 13 " a : ,ks> ,�,.,� lucid explattatlon of conditions, fro Ctox I
KIM.--- 'm #4
- I i.isvq
OWT, Tablets raliQve these troubles, ` a thtouth daily service from Toronto to Vancouver. the -route Rot- ,� (91"'K.WMAddior Old 01190,
roadway - , `�` �1;11M...F. !; 4;.:
�i I �i�i�:i�,-'11 �1.1��!�f...11'1.1�41 lr;�-WNA9444)r Aftempost.
. night 0 gi I I ii5-11..;,-"-`.f.."". - ,-%,;:?*��,,, 40VIY1119 to the, Xltnl4t6r. Prot.
.... �.�::!�;;Msx
"fol beautiful WOA16A 90,iVU04 and jew� r if yen g , , , , . !.:, I T,11() standpoint Of the co-operAtIve 11olds stated that so far act any policy .1.1 - 1�
occeolonkily, to tile well vg,,;,-. �-i� ,� being through, North 13% TimGgami, Cobalt, Cochrane arid the tnarl;etl - 11 I I
- tile race t , * �.��",..",�,�.,�l,.".4�..*��?�,,���,,,,,�,�-'-..."�,,��:,,�';�,v,�.,-,: 1.1, Ii. 4J,-, ........F.., 11 - I I .-- - M" -
i elled for the ball, r4 il'.-` , .... �.. .r to he had to announce, he only wished to --I
I child., Will prevent their coming on, , �, �� . UAY Eck of Ontario. n planning the now services it h4s been I
! gaming table and, far .. by- 9, 'A �i;. Is. 1". .'-,'�. 144ed by to Dur ng th'a war the dem"d was . 47 thaf hek would endeavor to be fair W. R.'Reoibii
The Tablets are guaranteed I, 1:
- ek, the , ;, ?�"': � �,,oasiblc to .-elect ideal routes from the III Q milcage 0 r the coats or "grailes of wool, with And ast, and Would play no favorites, .
'. .. iw
I'- , the two'railways, and
removed 'fro ' ", lt*� 67 til I
In goVernment. analyst to be absolutely :: ,. .. -, ..,.. the inauguration o 40ugh trqffic by r �
t t4e frenzied, �wh�jrl Of. :: LL .. these AM11.103 mar e Mult that very U*11 Pricea'-were Xe ought this V611cy would count In IL614 011.04 04-4 , � .
the "bright harmloss - ) ..,. ks a distinct forward step in ]I;hc develop wt Secured, for the Ootar , to tt .
� lights," the dotift parents in. their They even to the newborn babe, � .!:::. .1 , . " of Canadian railroad facilities. . .in- ,proollotion,ot the. long, rua. 001!04 ""Un *14 I* —
, '� Aft efiPeMallY good in summer X. . I ..':.", . , -"--
,�� ..... , I
. ,
T I Tint-Shadod home.' ' because they. regulate. tl bowels .", : 1-4, .1 :�, �X. . �L . Mr. O'Neil exPIA)ned, � I Now -the do, Regarding -the 0. A. C., t1bovow pr04 W., � . OAK".." 4011I a , ,
1A 0.0 country -All . wand is for the -fine grades, rnd all Ident contended the threegreat t � i , , 1"Aa
) . no - .. - .. 1 ,
I these - I , 6 , a .
4re And keep- the stolnaoh sweet au4 -- - Ontario wool, from Wedlum combing Unit- I 1.
W0014 UlldlAlterwoven Into pure. 1 7��;'.,..,,,.,.,:.,11 , - I tIons were teaching, too . Be agog" GoO41 .
r ....��... I ... I .::,�.:1.11 :11.1- '' earch and etx� Uft
I rhG7 are sold by ,medicine '.:�L.F, �:"�!� I -1`1� V, down, 18 left untouched- Much Of last tension, And he 'Announced, With- 1. -
j.:.'4.',;':':::XU:,, �1,`.�� �.�,��-,,��,,'..','� '�,��'�' ,
, ...": ;-;.-,��,;::,*w,-,, ��`,.�,.! - "', ;, .N., .
1 ,�-J`�, �' " ", ,!.1..!i:-,1..�1';�, ... ;.?,�.��-,.�q over gr4deS. is 1�jcsioIt of Ron, Ma . ..� X
- �.,.-,.&:.- fo,40,".", ,�,,,,-'.;,.. ,"p ,; .".1",ii . , .
. g g g�--�!..-.-.� ,., -, �.-','� ,.* .."Z�;*', .; . `
....& -g c ," ....A -or
1:.T;�12. :,,.::,n .. . ,. �!'., Aa, ::�,:�;�:::'::� �f.- ..", ..,*�,-R;..`,,-�i;�.H
' the deepes 4, X , ,�,*"".,�,�,,,.,�".�-....�..--�..�, -��-",. �§.-, " ;�X,�.,.:. , , YeTw10 Wool ,X, the to" -or* , 7
'.. z
. % .,� � .,� '. �Ww: * - , i 4111
I What 'has been Pronounced by detec- dealers or by mail at 25 canto a bo,
tivoia . :ft
, t WyAt ry of year,. from The Dr, William$ medicine Co., k, � . ;�,'�.'-.-.,:a�.�� �:, .�'..A. X Dolierlb, 'M wo i J
I . W , .7.` '. ... .
ulse,'mur4e Brockville, Onto � .- , . . T.-- .M M . n 4,.,<,.--, - "", still on the mar�:et, an .
. ,
In Its most SIAlater 6 , , �. " * -1k'.--*' M " , t,, .
�' ." M..1-1.. '! i;X:N% , ",.7�Q ' a wool houses, , at the ex otision, w. ork of. th, "M
, � .�; 05", "" ` .�&�:;k�',,*;`�,'��*"; §,�!,,ffi 1'1'14'AN11M-`-? . I
1.,;" , .th - t, 0 depVt- "WO
,�. �'i.?.1;,.�.,::i'i go �
. <��N,I.i.::�:.::i."S�l.:;.�k.::N� ,�,� . .., hOldln It un Ul " q 'im , I
r U. , .�,;:�:k,..,T.m, .,.�`P'M:;%,-,�,',,� I'll,
: - - � 'I, " ��. ,I .. - ;. , 'ble to realize 01I lilent -wo d be remove4 from Toronto A "I
, i�l , `:.::;,.i�.','-',-. -"i"-� - q :: thin 9 I Are a . I
.1 i;;�,klffl � .��, 4g., pp t- X040Y Is tight, alld credit 'Revaoldet conugAu- I V11 PON
- . �fflt I �� 56 � L; L., L�
' . M "'"' � , X On
-at the hands Of All 1 ,A' % ....... . I �
;1 .1E., " -, " 8
. �'�r . " - ��!�i:i�].�.�,�:'A% 4%," .. acarc -And tb , % %
PAknoWn And un. .N1 , e tb Guelph. Prof. llfft
. k ,10'w - ;,;.;:;0-.:;.-. - - Nf."'i'.. � 0 result is that the 04 that the problems of the. country -
"' p , I?
suspected assassin, .4%,'h came �111 ;?.:....,�,: .- ,� ".... -1 ..'r .,�, "
to � .-�-, ., �. IMUNICA " - I ,
, .. g.�J, 11M �', .. i , big wooi I
.k� , �, . '*
1"oph so ,�,,�,, .. -, ,;�',', - w -A, �W�jVi � 1. ----- --- - - V. - SN MR Mg
. "' , '.. , houses 'have quit 'buliflK. have! be6n. neglected, ,And from year a * L' '
0 �i:�,�`.,�.'�.!�A,'�� 'AX.� ;7 �. I .1
!: . ... One of the largest wool houses ,�J. .� ,
1. WAG Elwell In middle age. I INS- BRIGHT .,-��*-�11-1* . t ,
� ii�� ..-� .1, `� �-� ` ..!� h Year the urban in ubuce has increased 0, � , ,
When 1112 WOOt '� Attgrossing cares , 'k, .-..;--...:�,,�,, 1:-��-.`-�', i�; In Boston Is noW in t o hands of the until now this influence redominateR r
il 1��.:;:;-U% ,.t,gr'.7
. 41110110fled to, II '0er ' S ., -;' L;" -4;r.7 , !V, � . Q Redm6nd
.. -��g,w�4 4 P I - 7
.-� while,,in.o.ther has offered, , tile country. 'We want to change all 1 .1 . Mg),
�:--�.` , ,
,�,�!. . -11-- -
I - nee horse� some Intricacy of als rul- ,� r 'Ver ,,to Rt a 1009 .of over fiye �this.'! he Said. "arid make the lite I
,� .. A favO.-It0 ,
I ; ; - ,.1. :*`,7;..'�.:;0`,f.i � ;Z.� .. 1. 0:1111qui(ll , at I �, . =W � I
149 Passion, brJdga,�,JVhI8t, 11r AA UMMr- WFSTE,17N F"As RMER t: ! -.-M-MI.- I'l!" ;�.; million 40114r,s, Any ,buying at Pre- I I -
� I i$:";'O.n,� . , I �."` * . vent Is purely speculative. Wit,, us 't1to country predominate. It we can ,
.: :'ftC.-;?-'..y'�";1.N1':. ... " ARD OUXONW4
theatre 6R&4gement,.,1V1th "the women , 151" gp� , ;�.-1
I 14 ')lack!' or "the tpay, Ig gray�t, I -- i�.*; �.--,Iwi ,..,, I '. restore to the People of Canqda what .
,, 11
I ... - . M .0 I �'11.`, th,3 banks hAVO-Cut advances no fe - . (W, - 0* owa gm NOUI . I
N , . 11 ': -
; . I . . w in alarge measure they have lost'w '; ' .
Call .... .-.-:j��::!�;;t,�:.�- ':
, IV �;,Ii:.',.*� ��, �
�. ,arr, Alta., Juiy , - With 12 , , ; 3, -� er than four -times from twenty.five will I ;, —
Stilt breaTaIng, t4ough a large ta].' , ;.`:*;""�i� '.
.6rAl��iSⅈ�..,.,.:�--. - - '- �F � '-
... ..
; . ,. .. to fifteen ce - I ----
rain In some'Portions of .... .. 1-1-1.... be doing a great work, 'and, that.,
I Iore bullet .halt 016W.ed,, through his �,...:,;;,-:� ,�,�:f -
I . ; to 14 hours' . �,�:;-.RNRN ')to. alld up to, the pre- t'ta%e it. is the function, of any Agri, A "
. 1. braAR, Elwell ft51110covered at q iti -Alberta and PeII extending up to .', �..... sent we -have sold only 76,00 POU a cultural colle .,to
I ;-;:;.�l.:Z;:if".k":�.�!�-�k;.�,-,.;;-�
I �;`,.;� � s.,;,g'..�, nd ge I I
� JIX the morning of �,iitB#.,11 clgl In kin six hours at ot era, and with every * .,;, .: , ; �,.,-*',-.,-.-.*;,....14 ...... .. "", lf�j . , � of "root. W4 tave had raPreseatO- - Lieut.,001, I
Indleat,o - of, !!�,,'ii::*'�i,,'*.�.;�.,�a.,�,.��..,..3k�l; i .., -,.� '. .
� n - "' ... 'NW", ft1.,.R*'1.-1ii! ��5 Walter Brqwa. of Lon.
Iff"p,�...;... �0.11..1-11. tives from only two wool houses to - lit reproo
a Cont'lluanCO.- 01, LJIV ,.,;,:. .-":�11-7`�:�:, ,", ��.`--'..',�..f,��, - I 4q
VaJamRS 1I BIUMPO&down in a ,phaIr . ,4v, 0 R R.ISTEWART .
ag%ln3t the wall ot,.,thp tel,ception room downfall, farm i��; , � 61"�,&= � .;. see us. and have been fible to send � .e o Western OrII 11, I " � " I
; ..
. I era are z i� ';� '�, . , , attug th 0 -
.uost Jubilant �:� i:,..,��l,,.'.i,.:i,,",ij:i�i��i��;�,�'.!.'��*�i��'.,�,�� .-I , - " r V�k - 3
1 On the first floor. �70t 1114 -three-stpry and a great i -, � ��.Ii� .. ,� xtOnded wdlcome 6 V-1
", I wx illtbl"IRKU JT3 , %� �i,�'.'L-".--*.':! Oil of Samples." to Prol,a olds. ,", I ZY, or, x6dicart"
I house In, West 40th,str ' sweeping the pi �: ; ; mr. O'NO11 explained I �
I I I It. H.- died 6"............. .. Of A 1�0
I 000r4t hours latof come at a Mo, . ,. - the state of the Warkei --n-ec-e-s-:I - 11 , ----*4�� \ M2 A= `401
. 1 WltlIftt speak,ag "I. 77 - - -1 I �
: , OVM0" lDXTTtAt;(M-
.� t7 of his slayer - 4 the seller. Wkereatiluring war -Vine . . � -dECONV DOOR ;NOR -r4- 0 . .
k .1 doubtful wool 41*aya got E, 0 -A M ' ' F . � -
a wof4whion Inl9q, Detrity the Mona- although crops in nixLriy sections were :: .... 1; closet grtilding, with, disadvantage' to
looking most PrCI -there was a
Imost, the benefit � . "I - R81I PHOTO $TUo(0, - ��I@II�
- . of the doubt aTo was graded up; now
, Ile was foutI4 b� '4ri:� Uarle Lar- growing* uneasiness�oo to the a I - MR., TRA. '
.1 I —P � e
" "
. son, Etwell'a house i 'ArrivIng the Bain - I - , aed down . In- . .
- P -0t . for Immediate need of moisture. .
hef .daily work of I The official repoit 'Issued by the , J
1, - , !�qrflm
, V hause. Canadian Pacific Rail variably. 11) trating this, he men- . ST. rn , I
On a table At hio :J314,6 ir *ay is to the, ef. us TO "ROB" WIFE ONE Z9
, ere. several tlond4 the tact 1hat -a lot of .10ooto - I
I letters, one of W111011, from a .lacing feet that - there *as. heavy rain all I I . 0,
I � ! .
. I associate, had b6ea�reM�vo4 from the ,Sunday night and .1foad Pounds left undold last July from a - 1 . . -- . . I . . 1, - ;;;����
, ay .morning �.'V' - I , .
, "M "
I � envelope. The latterspbA4,beendellver., from Red Deer'to St. Lucan and Me- 1�1! ...K.I..., 1. total output of . 200,000 pounds has , I
.r.1.,.1 .;..", I
.K.1.1,��', , - I
. ed "Toy the postmau: " e� .,t.&. Leod and as -far eaft as StraIllmore. . . since bdon' 11=04-- down no sewer Then'Xilled Both Woman A
I -, a . I .
: ; I .
, 1. no Ovidened of a II - � : MART' 1A L ; LH � '
� I I 'I'llere was no W�appa, no toot -print, I Rains have been heaI 1'� the south. "'P.`;�,.11 than. six tames ,on grade, although It . ,
�, xglt; no P'niallyle, The Canadian Natidnal..Railways re- 1;.-.11.�--....,,.,%,X. -,;V: I I - 11 Z Is silually as good 4s 4ho.ot and "Robber." - . .
� � 000 ound lot -that sold before IV' — , " , .V
,, . I , 1, 01119 QUOPt a 45��illbrio e shell, such, port heavy rains $rpm Calgary nofth- C . IV . I - . I I- . I I
. . I I I
. - � 'us 19 ejected, from �,itn',Alttpsn�tle pistol east to the $askatelit'wan border. I - FARM BUREAUS OROW. Thought Scheme Would . ,.
I I ... ; � .
� I 11 I I of the army YPeo,,Jind tile -stub or a atat�i that the present Mmm—n I— - � . - ,' I - . . An extremely TrAetical'address was I I ...�., � OR IRELAND
t , , , . 1 mLocai experts I I . I
elgaretto differen.C.'-from'Ibose ziwra picture Is sufficient tP carry r�a . -- -------- � - .. , I given by Mr. L. R. Simons, Assistant Clear Him., . F . �
.1 I kabitually Bmot14-- vtooTs. and w1n. through to harvest;% ' is sufficient for . Its ^ . . �,,�f . I -- - - -- .. I Uounty-Agont Leadcr of Ithaca, N. �
dows wore aecurol�tl�cked. , . Y., on departmental extension work
three weeks go far as, wheat, oats, .1�., " - and farm ,,bureaV ,organization in ,the Chicago, July I.--PThe , ragged ' 0011y says Division I
I 0 \ 'SUICIDE THEOlt,lt 1.;�=,NABLE barloy and flax Is '.'concerned. I BE[ EVES SEES WA '' ' " coming a
, . �
I I \ '. I 1 ,71 t:�11 � RSAW United States. ' Mr. Simons gaye a 'Stranger" who was shot and Instantly
. I . , Z xperto declitea 1 thet'�. a suicide �,-,� n . M . I - fl., pr ' ' 1. brief review of ,tile growth , of the killed by Lieut, . Inspector,,
I theory was unitetia�j)14, h6p .., .. .� rip
aAme Atwell .,, , Carl Wanderer Wa I � --,o L*0
. could not have lxold,�t the" fatj�l pistol . growth of thot movement, from the Identiflod tO-daY as: John J, Malone a ------4---4- �
10 . "'. .... �.: "I'll.,, U � N `ACK time of the es 3:bIlshment of the -or- I e .
far enougk from 1is, head to avoid ' ::. "...,� . UPON BI&H " cST IS "'Of s ED BY 'REDS lginal "agents 11 When finances were His 116're ivae; !!- 11-.-�oai�. R Y' 'Sinn Fein Odtia*s ' 7
1 � . powder burnaj,4oV , 11 . � :::: , w- -- I �, 1�, I - .- J. Ideuti. '. Soon to
.to on -Ver�:1t possible , 1. .1 . — provided ii3m other than. term' fleatlon. was Waite by employees of
. account for the-, d1IMPOUrIng pow- �.; ..... ..... � N11 sources, to the ,present day, and dwelt �he John Robin -son 0ircue, at Ransete Be "Curbed,. �
L '...
... .
I der marks Q . �� Of Zulula4 After Appedl
I - ... � I -us of We lj-'tY. alter they had be�u shown a 1, -� , I � I
lAftWitan's fore. 1 . ;;,.- , C 0 RIM- B 0 R E R Rouniania and Hungary Re- parupularly upon the val I 11
I head, but noturna. .* , I ., in London I . � smallest unit, the community btirean, Photograph Of the "stranger." Ala-' Dublin. 'July 11. - u VAlners � . .
-destruc. � "Nothing is doub in -S' loney, tney said, was employed as a have had all the sport they're" !ng
. As $000 As Ike Idea of'�elf : fuse Aid to Poland. By community 'Tha Sin '
'- -
I 'tion was - rejected, - . the 4moa.-hunt all . . I - .. - � -- . � W of thu O,A,C,, it; - or in any county unless , the, farmers , Vain driver" early tloo spring � igo I I I
4 Oyer the country, into every circle of ' ,� , � To Anglo-Oathollos, forms. I Profe or Caeser. Beril . residing there ask tor it to* be done," ,'Yesterday Alias Catherine Vaiiee, a to have. Martial law will be d6o'lared
"clety, and for yftra .. 1�1... . no July
� bAqk into the, ,-:;�. ��f !,W..:� opending a, few days !n Burliagton, He . Simons said, Chicago hetress, claimed the slain soon. We are
dead .'..'....'-,%,�.1� ..� ... -,Berlia. to about Mr.
. �I.,::;% .�, * . . has Interested hiWaelt very much In promised,all the j�roops j
manos Past, EVerY trelatirej, " .. - I . sion Fund. :� X� ,L�ady to turn her fitco'eastward. ..With The speaker traced' the growth of paan was Al. %Vatson, a former Cann. from E .
eiverY friend, evory � casual icittl4int, . . thp' report of the finding of corn bor- the Xull�knowledgo, of the Government, the county agent s,Ntstonx 'acrosi'the 4ian 6oldler. and son of & �ivealthy En_, agland we require, and- 7.09 .
, . an" or �ervantt everyoxte who had- ' London,\ July ';--E ktraordinar,y era in a local garden. The and apparently Oven 'with Its tacit con. line. a -system that ourresponds very. xXqw York efuliman. The authorities - ish Policemen," - . .;. '. I
- - ,
. sver soon the dead turfman, was found I',,..;.I-.i. . scenes wore ,witnessed at I Albert Rail, professor Sent,. a comm.sslon of Radicals and So. closely to that of tha chain of 84;ri.- *-0-411911t Were conv.4need she had been, I lasPector-General Smyth. 'divisional . I .
I g;,,;�,.,- 14V where the Bishop 0 bel�oves that the flisd Is not I cultural represennatives Its Ontario. twetaken. .
. I . and examine * Every � Possible mo. 11.41W,4�� . . "". the real . .
. I d. f1l: ......X z � - f Zululand preeiiii. will avat Comintselon,or for Alunster, Is -quoted ,
.,. -. - I
. I .,.�, % .
-, ... I ad over the AngloaCathol!!� Congress, I himself of work I
;... ...
� tIve for his killing ,Wai 0T. ;A ��' ... crorn borer, bat ciallsts is expected to 1(iave to -day The'expenses for can with' this identification,gAd Wan. Is I
. . , .'...", , I by
. .',,��,�":%; f. � �� for Iftscow. The purpose Of this mia, In the States, aecordlndg�u 'It'a'l ItbSialmons, :derer's colifezelon the Polke to the lr� h. Bulletin to have .made
,oldred. Love $,1.,,.�,',* . ��
F4.�. - .
g? .�
. 0" - U..'M .,. It � Ity to look over the patch -night th.!s
OffairS, long buried, *6re exhumed, . -M... ': lq"t�-�,;.'��I-1-1 � , At hie suggestion 72 hour,31 effort -AG the opportun slon is to prepare tile Way for an un. Is almost entficely borne7by members Cleelared Tbey had statealent in 'the 6ourai"of '
. being Blade cleared up What - a sell -
and the principals grilled to discover �. himself. Specimens have been for- derstanding with S6410t RUSSIA, of a National Agricultural A a the strangest crime I,, satiOnal speech to the 4o3ral'1jish
1. � .4 radtiva for the crime, Every real To ra*se $250,000 for for- asociation, had loolned w I
. .. Ward6d to Ottawa. to the Dominion Such an w;m-political In character, Chicago annals. . Constabulary" In I
All fte Entomolog)st, and all interestel! Par- for future co-operation wit Providing County 'IteriY. III
. 1. or siuspecI enmity wig probed, -. elP daissiOns. and the response w understanding,,P
. .. -a W, , .. ,' almost embarrassing in Its enth - h the so. "We are rapidly opP.04ching the Wanderer to -day declined to make which he assurel his he.rer th t-,,Uo I
. - d e41th of In. I .. �, ItLem. . ll� Ilea aie anxiously awaiting word viets ,U was told, has become vital to time when all our agricultural soils aA%. changes. !n � a a a
. formation About tile dead maft14 lei- 1. his original contea- .
. ,,.,, .,-,,, " - � 1ien and. women cr from the Department of Agrl ulture. the self-preservation of Germany, es. w 11 need limb," ,dettared Professor '810n. lie wanted t to Policeman will get Int" ""
I .',-�;--,�74-�,L�-.,.f?,."k�,�� outtled round the I I stand as he had It
, . surely lite, his reiliuldtion for su*e - �,� '.5g,".f"
kll-�1'7j ,?,.,;�.,..� 0 trouble for
.1. . .. . - ; I.:... I stowarde and took rings from their, Should It prove to be the *go'eaulue PoelallY In ,view Of the generally con. Rotiert Harcourt,'In u short address on Made it :Yeeterday, ahooilng.
I . - good 1I Wid life conquests of .... I fingers. watches 111�6ln their pocRats, European7corn, borer ,It will ,Ile some- coded Probability of tile Soviet army ll2tr Experiments." 'lia, "loved his wife too wall to let There Is Intense military a . et!vlLv �
� . "Women's hearts. -But not�& ray of ; I 11 � 1-111 .�. I and braceleta- from their wriate ajid thing OR greae initloftaace. raad the aacking Warsaw, a "The bettcr these, soils are work � ed,"- anybody else have her, and he � didn't here ,
light on the crime Itt;elf. . dropped them !nto the haversacks t4rit first find of the apaclAs in the In event which Gov. , The capital and surroiluding * � ,
. ' , prov- ernmontal and military quarters be. continued the professor, "the -sooner Want her." He diln't waht -the baby district resembles an .
I . I The known facts', of - how, Elwell KING'S MORGANATIC BRIDE. were used as collection bag%'. inee, The Departmront of Agrical- Have will 49)lula to Pass within about He wanted her armed 41, camp.
k I spent the, -night beforo. his death are The first ilciose.upo photograoh ,of Many _ turer will sAt the wheelf; In m,nt!on for eight , weeks. they will I need,this all-Impot,ttat; Gig- that was coming. Vifteen lorkles fille(l.wl
few. During the early eye went up to the Platform with large ment, as !me leaches do*award -with 11.500 in the bank and then to re- th soldiers Are
I aing Ile Mile. Manos, who hito become the ,parcels .which, ,Nybon unpacked. were' , the otainpifig out of the dangerous Daue and ' CrIspion are t cultivatjo*11 � . Join the army, 11 the statlOned, around the Bank or Arelancl.
I Was Otte of A, dinner PArty at ina Alexander round to contiln leather P,mps �, I Post before arty headway to male. oh.airmen of the Independen he two rt. Ao amount of lime an.6 the amount Door bum" He had hI R040ts from MaUY parte of Xfoland
I . a to Pull the talo., liold-`up, � I
.. hotel, Other guests were iMr. and — W� �— t Socialist of organic matter are two fundamental and he, thought perhaps both htq wife 1110%;�n increasing tendency Among I
-of Greece. which were turquoise broorthp.,% 4nd party. Dauo and Dittinann are recessitles in agricultural sbil, accord- and "the bum',� were better off. - I
Mrs, Lewiston, Miss VJoia Kraus , . . both
� I 4ad 'a South American, ournallat .. -44-41— 1 noOklac'e,'A. dlamond and pearl pon- ' I I open advocates of the Soviet system. "t the r44 -k and V10- of the youag�. lrft,,;.
. , a& dauto. silver salvors. ,and personal � Ing to this spokker, who claimed that - Want to hang and g men whon tne police to .1
wkii . met Elwell lor the fi , rAft H ..:":: , - .:�., . The rout of the Polish forces � et through .9 retage to
by the
that evening, At . Jewelry of every drocritstin . �,:::' �*�i�',-,. Sovkot army is emphaslz with prectleMlY 411 crops an ap a 40eY orders, it is evldegt that the
. a nearby'table .n. : - "":: ad , daily by ,plida- with it all.*, sald Wand or to -day,
, , 1sat VIctOr Von SchIn R1 (IRKIN I .. ...,.:7.:,;�W.�:!...,��,�"-.,.'�,;.",� �s..% .
AIN- T ' The niaeo ot watcheq. nhalr1i. toptiell 0 :,.�, tion of ground liniustone was bond- He never lost his comp r t3rftfsh military are about to- carry I
. : �gel. the divore- . "'. .?.`.,V;",M-'�. ,, -�;. I � � the despatchet about,Poldnds drastic ficiql. I Osure. Offl- .
. . .: , I .
. .."I"..; ...... N'.
� � � cases ani other articles that-haff been . -,"i., I cries for help, . I clgla say tjf6je is Mo doubt but that Out All Intenq1fied campaign, and in
ed husband of $too Kraus,.and Miss I ..,, � ,si.,L�%,
� 9�'Vea filled two 1119 tablea on tb( plat- :.'.,��:k�:,�:,;e�.-�`� Itarcourt Is in charge or he Is Baas. antic-'pation Of this. there is a, 'jonse �?
I BUY Hope Anderson, &,*,singer ", � Advices reaching here state Under examination, he ..
� whose form at the, afternpon fcpr - , - the the soil survey -work bei" conducted took time out to 9have. . R=1560ere
. ,qlon. rtrrd .; *.'V-% . '..1.`::i,.& Roumanian Government has reftiqed throughout the I
home Is In Tdinneapolls!of �. � .:::. - ....."'l, � . throligbout Ontario, L--ventuglly he Island, I
.,. . i �,4:�v:,:. NeybrthelcGs, the Sinn Folners darry . �
TREA by 'he time the greit labor maAs , 11'11*.� to land any assistance to the Poles, Tile police in checking up Wander.
, All who Were present agreed at. � M 611, 1. , '. hopes to see a AOII MILP completed Of er's life fou'ad him to have bee.-, a On,their activities undeOrred i
Ing oPenoi in the eventn,v, the 11 . 1�,,, -11.1 1� -1 I,: '" ,:;`,'-.� and that Hungary likewise has turned 'this province that will link Up . even 14
� � . I' & ,
. ". �.� i .
, I . ... ... ''.
��., �,"� ""'In�5", , . .. with model Young wan.
terWOrd that tkOrd Was no show of henn ba grown and f] ., 1,11
I � d owed over to ��, . ,
� Ill' -feeling, betwe a third table. I I ;* X ��.�.. down Poland's Plea for aid. similar ones coVering Canada an He &d not Smoke Corlf- Everywhere the itithorl;-les are
: I S Belgium, July %-The impor. . :aA.!-.. NX,�."":* . M: .,'..`,4i. .'1r,..,--- d the nor drink, Ile attended church -reg. naving a IlvelY tin' I Ith the e' r bef
� .
-.y 5ffit� . .'� States, The work o . 0 V a e
I . % T110 serlou f carrying out this ularly.
An expert valuor waq annt for dixr- ..'.."O'W".., ,,,,,,,R.--- aness Of the Polish situa,
, - are held up daily .
- ,:;;� tion. Is Intensified by the railway strike proJect, however, has not b B. ITOIng Mother-in-law, fatber-In4aw and , and poll6o are
Schlegel, though they brushed alloul- tant clauses of the, peace treaty with i � 40 Until hie confession, hie activitles 'Malls
I 31ty 411a aPp"Profm l"It bP.fn1ln,7 it iolL :z-;',,.,� - , Go -
; der$ to* tha dance floor sovera Turkey -will remain as they or . .. -;"��,.I� a In UURall� di6armed �
e, It .p ,:j: .... .. �4� It has bee I D
t'M'#s with Von 8011t0geN forma Pogolble at fir(A glance to- hnzar4 .,g-�..i �,',-,��,"M,. -1 .MA -.1k. -; -:-, : betweon Vllaa And Warsaw, latest Ad- smoothly, osslb%, for brothor4n-law believed him to be in- by groups of mile'lon
_U -.'X,-,, , ;. ,.,� "... ,;.:,.!:. ed SUM Fel"re,
11' has been decided by the Supreme I 0VP7% . '. - -, -. ag.-,�.%, -.��:: - -�W.A., vices stating that the rallwaymen I reasons that the professor did 'act ex- nocent and a victim of unjust police I 11, .
'Ito d4r-ting with -the sportsm �n ftli-n P+ tbft tntol valmro of *Vho ,�Al . g,-,-,;,-; v,-
'.... i�. , I— ". � n I
�% -- .. ,1�1 --a".
� After le4vin an' -- Council. In session here. At this jecti,9n, It ma"V ,..k,..egk�,., , .r, 'N., --- Clint area -0-0-00—
. fpntativeiv bq. mit. . -..1'.....- ..; -." . refuse to move additional Plain, -to retain .experienced help for silspic!ons. .
......;,11 ..
. g the hotel the Lewis. nIe meeting, `*!th Premier Von- -;�,';',.�:, - -�1511-i � .
N olIto. 1,101ndIng Mwell# went to flelos. ot Greece,. present, the Coun- however, Sf g"T,-1 flinval"d Doun4a. �;�','..`" :,. IR..,; I 1,,trOOP3 to the front. anv considerable length of time. . M'QVE.b ON, ANTW*RP.
-1 %: - '... I - 0- � .
. .
.:,." -111,1--' 1, I � v. , . . cultural Braftch of the Soldiers' Sottle� . �
. .. I ,:,,,. 4NOANADA. '
. I .', . 1, 11 :.,;;;;;;::, Col. R. Itines. Director of the Agri. . �� .
. tboatro. where fhoy re� Oil decided It Would be Impossible to go ch(ld voidNd-bo allovt4 fw) ,quf- :, 1, .. .. � .. ....7 . , deter. a beautiful 'girl. for less than
a roof gargo�n . . Ro -had boon martl4d. to 111r& Wan. .
nifiltiod until I.P i .. , - TO OPEN a Year The only wordg Gh
. -:.". - .. .:;
-, :.,.,.. . .
. ,-,:.,,.,;,., . .�; ;
..1. 7"�:,,'., ., I .
, wl.... . ...
t ". ... .11' 1. -r began filling at her .
�* ,0. wb,9n -All.left and grant the Turkish request for the re- for an hour from WOMIS When Drom�)t I :: * br efly explained' the , after Wanders e uttered Rugs_ interned Pris6ners
16"'Vell tvas too"41 $iII tot) to- V14ton of these InUO08. A COMBIls- relief can- be Prot in s, olmpk but .. !--.r ... I.b. .....� �. — I I
Word, his 110#10. upro Cade ' o - I , th . - *
1111 un. $ton 'of experts PwI I ;,;,','0� ,,�,-!�� ,'. � worktags Of At 111SAItutiOn and made and the unknown man In the vestlw� Broke.Out, Recaptu '
.11 be ap � .:. .. . York, July '.-Ludwig C, A. -a plea, for mop tween' Jbulo of her home was "the baby" She,. . ; rod,
. With reference to partial revision of -*-+-A----�'— I I 0_1=-- . I
� . I . , GOvOrnMent Bureau here, this alara. cultural represew.'ativett. 0 by rolativea at her � Antwerpi July 11.-A force '
tim's lunvemonts. A moll told Itivesti - however. to study the minor clauses, terminator, , 0-1� - I . 'N'"tOns, chief Of the Ruslan Sov et the SettleratnC Boaril an'd the -agri- was given $1,50 A - "I
Aspilable evidetloo Wtht) ii1order *to pointed, remedy-Rothrw Grava,l Virv-n � E x- 1���-"�`-"`-- """' .e 00 -operation be
I ; . I....., 11 I Ing announced that he had received Aeco a di -sire to
i t4torn he had seen ElwAll , and a we. .the doredfrient ao, far as thtme are coa� I ' � � ,... � , riling to Col Tittles, the greatest Marriage The money and I 4�, loo
man in tin u0per Pr6ndwasr dance bro.11 terned. 30c A 1BUSHEL.- '., � , ,� ". ,�11 "; I authorization fro return to the freedom of"bacholorhood Russ an Prisoners Of Ivar, Voli.6- had
..-� ...". ��;.:-..
I ...;:�� : , t'. . . .. 1. M Ottawa for the &A,
. . ..... ��*t�k,.;.�-;�$�!;.",iN. car(, was being taken In the Selection bein Interned near TurnhOUto 25
, .::": "..
Pt A IUUelt later h4jur; A neighbor -------- #--*— .,..,. �': 1.1.,.,� �;��..".,,i.;:-;�;'��...,i,�� I �, tabli3halent, Of a Russian Soviet com. ct farMt; for r6tumed men. and, d . were the motivea Wanderer. planlield
. . . �. .";, e a
:. ',; -�`�� .-.�, i�" *'-01 , merelal Office In the Dominion. splte�erlticism. to the cortrary, cAretul M the Internment camp last'llight
c'Almed t6' have "ban Etwoll driven I .... f allies north-east of this city, o1cAped
ANCONAS'WON I .'Win .`,"',K`.-;�.�:Ii , I '�.ii- ake hold-up after be It d' read ot fro '
. ,..�f9i,Z:�;'V�..ii
, ,..
*10me by a man In A rveing car at I Wheat Board's First - Pay� .;� . .,.L.C.*9�i� � si.,*. � the employment of a simila -
,. , ..."'.."'.... ,.
-10. - E`%,',4.,��,��t.-��i.�� . ..i.. . The. Soviet agent formally 'appli valuiationg of the holtilags Weret blade ar Schemd an(I marched
1:;;` .1; .,:,:.-: .
A tp,xicab driv(v aeaertod he h1d r1riv. I . or'-� `4i���!;;Iy,,..;ie, W,:.: :
. -.1. �,. -.�- - .. � '*�:41.i���: ed -----I*— upon Antwerjp, A
ment is $15,000,000,� 1 '.�,-�.��-� ........ :.�;�14',�".-�,.-., � for permission to open A Canadian of. before 'Purchase.
, ::.�--jj' .
. I ��:'. �i�,.-: �.,.:��,�:;.!�� - -CHJN'VS,E CIVIL WAR regiment, of calvary, lent in pu an
� Vq thOt A"Ort1ruhn,honle directly after I �. , . .A;. . r it
. �,.� : � flea about two Weeks �agtI and has SMALL AQLD1NG RIS' . I
1. �-i
" I
�;� ...
�� .
. I ��`!.:: XT. I of th& Rttsslap. surroundtil t1wiA and . I
ho toft fttrt tbwlAolln party. 1U, 1999 -Laying Contest -at --- . jl-�:. �:%�, 1-a-1 ..... ;:� . been in COrtespondenco ,with the Do. In Speaking 0 Internfad them anew in one of the I
. .�,��;..; I.- -I � .� I
,.�,; . .. -�.1, `�I�!p`.�,!� t small holdings, Col
. "'
. �.i
TrO&PRONO OPERATOR% STOTt,k. . . 1. -�,� .'.I
I ...� 1'.�.r,i�l !...,;. , .,;I��'���'.�p.'e�.�� ,. paitment of Trade and Commerce irk 11, .
`.� -1�� :
. y,l�� 4�'
, .
� L
� � ,
, �.
. 7'. �
:.'..-'i,�L.: .. ::-j " , _: �:i.? . ;t ; . anLwbrp forts, L, I
. 1-1
Mott Important 6*146fIc# scorned . . .... .. ....... ,.. il .�, - ". i:j4 nqs claimed thAt the purcUas4 oi Another Rising Against thd Th.6 Prisoners were a part 0
Brandon, Man. WiflI Uttn July I -The Whillipto.- .. , .1 �,�
. g�
. ,,-. N �::i:f ;, i, regard to this WOVO since th these were Ill MCI cases too rlay a f,a con-
� I �. ZANQ.,:i:f.:,�
I ,�,. ... ell. This
M Ito in the MatomeiIft of� AurgItr. V:�:�:�;��.!�*.,:;, -
Telew-ain Says. I � " J;�:.
I % e,�-�::�;��'.-..% " I
., , � �;. ,::: I
-.777. �,:Xl ....: warning, he informed ' the Canadian prorpoltion fron, tho at dpofftt of President. � � tingent. or 11100 Russians who *or t
;z- '..... " ." ., -
' :,t ,,
., ..
OtAgnttet. a toleohoni ,Oporator# who .Brandon, Man, "Fortsr-five tufflion dollars la to be Mg- � �VNWT� " R."..,I.-44,� - '.I�"..' . I Irres, . to 0
I �
. he recolvod a letter front Sit having tho loans repaid, . be rbleased On Saturday for rdtu a
d(T46fOX $110 trIP4 to out 01rough two, � July .-A poll ,ov, tilbutod throughout Wes(ern Canadr, im- III I.qhe mini- -! . I , r I
:�::, �11 !;�:r',!,::i��:,,��-�i George V Oster stating that the Can.
ten Anconas owned by W, H, 110%.-e-, moclicaeiy as Dayment on the partletra- ' .�-- I *'� �L home. ' They w8r,a Informed 101 in
� ...
W0001118 4010 from VIwell's homo be ',�.,��,�.;,:.;, adieu Government would offer no ob� MUM acreage Wag fixed at five by the *1
- ,
. wiatifDeg, lea all ,Call dia ohs in . %f� .I- Washington, July .-The State Do .
i ;,:,1�4�".;Kf?";;j- .,
tween 2 And 2.30 e)leloek oil this Morn- the It 11 P tion certifientes of the Canada Wheat i.. iA,:,S*�?""'`..;]�;% bo --rd, . the day, however, that owl
lgomd. making an advance of sl&�00.000 I 1-. ... . ... L"" I ng to,a fay.l-
ExPerimbAthl Farm Egg-Lay!tg .,:.; ... JOCUOIL to the maintenance 01 V, com. EX-imperla, Boldie- * . ure bY Great Witain and the %oviet
::. . �.,
r �..`:,';* .';L Ito th
109 of tht tragedy, The thO 11MOU11t Of U10 Initial Dayment. .1 ... �` �.`?��;.�!�;��::: !�*. I said the speak. partment *gs advised to -day by 6 Government to reach a definite agree.
114Mber call- Contest hore, At the end ,of the Uth (i)nvtA . � 4 .... !, .�! .� -... - -,, luerefal office by the Soviet Govern, or, After having Passed the qualifiCa- American Legation at Pokin that the
imated at a tecent *meeting og tho ql %. " . ment representatives for the purpose lion board In Londom England, where Ant,, party I
�. ,,l
I e 'Wbs that Of William 'Week these birds have laid 1,3243 eggg. board. I I "' . ;;, I Went so far with regard to exchange
it. PoIldleto -- ,. 1:� I%'. .
a, # former racing PArtflAf White WYAndottes Owned by G, V. "Fooltowing a private meeting of tile , . . �'. Of looking after R China, headed by form, of nationAls thOY Would have to on.
*f 191*01118, Whon, interrogated he Th011ipton, boat -d In Winnfiopg. which terminated-y1co. . ;��, , � ."'. -�. �`,: r*,.�,:',;*:';,. � I Canada. Purchasear BIRO in they are required to have sufficient ,er Pr-omlei ,tnrl Alin
n I ,,��. :. 1" .1::,--,1..,F;,-,: , i I r detention,
, Wiftnedosa, ,Nla ,, And tel'day afternoofl, It Was learnoti Unoffle. , , I . ::!L�)�`�,�!::�:, , - caPitfil to Blahftih their family while JUter of War Tuan dure furthe ' I
am, are � :!:� �:..�.,":::. Martens told the Calladian. , Press gaining exPerleft0e. here, and two hun. Chi .TUI and Gene,ftl Hsu Shu Chong, Incensed at this, 700 of tile prison -
81111d he COUld 116t ImagIfto Why Elwell Tboallis Lund Stonewall, .V dally tha t arrangements wero being nindo . :�.. L �1�. .,..... that he could not Yet SAY where former Vine -Minister Of War, haarlson era rushed . tile barbect wire bar-riors,
P"Uld 11A.Ve been to auxious to oo2n. In third and 'fourth CIASSeg. second for' tho Ptwment Of 10 cents per bushel . . "; � . � - �% ',, ,. .. thif drOd Pounds (is A; 4101I Are 41lowed
. . .. �.. . ".
- . ., �...41 .. ,
, , distribution of $45,00M. " . I
� Munleate with hlffi durialt the early, being boll by aft ;Ottawa Pell & 13a oil tile cortiricatf-q. which will inean, the ,; Canadian Bureau Would be situatotl to buy farms Under the board, They against the Presidenti following the OVOrpowered the CentrieS and ot .
MO" 119 hOWS. TheY had tot bo#A `kS owned by .1. E. 11hode "Wd Will Open tile bureau just as Boon must make a go por ekent, Payment on (11i"als At Of General Rslt ShU Chong. , co6dod. ln mArchilig order ,.Ow
. 1� I red ROL A. A- as thO necessary arraligellnelits tbb price of their tarin, .Stock ad Pr .0
10tiall[I for many hilUkthig, he #aid, SaakatchoW0, Princt F.dward Isla t,,"A short time ago tho bow -d anrI . - I The a ard Ant.
� , Can be
, of ItiVoIn C-0 COIA04 have no lilrde 4t not 109 than 40 eenta Der loughal. and C . 0 of tile do,. ?
lid at tho certfflcatw woulfl be rodeemed To SSEK 01VOR40rzl have ealdeat of China Is i1411 to Warp- The Inert Offered elfght'regist.
. After, two wookm And Queb made," lie slid, "but non . quiWont P11161I however .,t, drafted 1114ndAtes, 019tading Gen. Mo, ItI and rounded them uo.
Aud 916r(Moss with Over 1,000 eggis that tho f1rot payment would be GO per AbIctl rAMP004 I"dl0Ata thAt Lady tails 11-18 been.worked out As yat. J*
001101ty ,the omall - There are lu Hadflela � the Canadian soldier ottly pays'10 pop erAI T840 Xuri. the Militfiry Governor. ; No report had boen made up �too this
#MhY Ot luvf#1094tora litsftnto dofin. Denit Of ten hene each in the seven c"t' It could hot nadertAinod to-(uy (above)p wife of Sir Rob- will probably be either in Montreal or Octit. down oft the price of the real General of Citillo And dismissing Gen.
whether a definite prIce bad beon fixed morning as to the casualties ,dUr1n1g
Ilisty 161toratel Into two fattl6nit, Both 0(intosto, oil If tho redemption value of the eerti. trt Hadflaid Qbelow), the Lngl Ith Toronto, however. 4 � 100fate. eral Wil DOI r, it. and subjecting the the Incident,
preffift their theories With the state- -o1k1-V----* fitlatea would be inuch In ext,ta.,, of the. frohmaster', figs taken uo h6e rtsl. - (Iruelph, -July ,--Speakiag to 150ex, latter to a coutt-mArtial.
N4VL "110,11109 Ili 1111"Ibl0o"N #ad An 011 TJ;;II is pamoot urnount orialnelly announcea, unillely, donee in Nev,ado with 076 Intention Catbirda are inhabitanta of thleA Students on tht, oecasion of the O, A A force under TuAn Is n0W` r0tttted 6-*40----4� 1
#qeh'ttuns vtojWly to its pet tgoluo. Canada Was not the birthp! --l'iftoukii :40 eentl rt bushol." Of SUInO for divoy'no. Lady NO& Iladerbrush arid th mixed ahrulismide 0- Alumni r0-11111011 bftttqUet, held aj to be advaneIng ,on Pao Ting pu to MIller's Worm PdWdors ari� Sweet
� tin., �gco of t)t,, -.4-&�4 I flold was formtri.t. Fri.,Icta I'D Of lilac and horloyottekle. prove Ulted0ftAld Hall to-tifght In honor of attack Tsao Xull Anti wu,plo 1"fl, P , And -P411plitable to childr,41I who ghow,
IftomaA, ncleotrle oil, it is the home, An Alwayt Ready Pffl.#-To thoitf5 WIckaf4
ThO fIrst f9efloo, Including, 9, inR- *t th1t famous compound. 01`141I 81110 %JS MarrIdd in 1914, Very' attractive, Rom it �ta that they Prot J. 13. Itoyholdg, Who took over Ting Vu Is about thirty 40 UO 116151stahocy in taking dlem, They
Prom of rl�guldr habit inedicine IZ of lIttI6 . ..... 40�"-. build their rimt of Sticks And bark
"fY "I tho dotoetit", iiald. "Whott hO" Ito 9406d 11hale Was ,itpread to concerb, but the groAt alttJOrity of LbG I"Sid1buOY Of the Ontario Agricul. . of P61tin, "08 South Will COttminlY bring All Worm tmuble*
I lof the doom W"o lookod? SOV40 on- &I and S011th AnI, 111I J011.110119 (Impatlently)Git And lRtor deposit tho beautiful deep turill C011046 this w0ek, Ron '� to An ead. Thty are A, atrengthenlrig
0 ,lr Doherty. Alinlater of Agticu' thousand dollars ,1.1 b,&Vlk
I the , men UO not of regular hablt. Tho outet, do llotlec, v ,,"o,*`a�oo And Stimulating medlcluei, torre,oting
, , 0, lazy good ro*,Buf.� green -blue egga. Thetf* bird,v Iture, for
VMv. TaU or w6w4ft, killed V1*011 11111111f, _ Pt tho Alanning , ,rwomty *
WZ �ttldfm, AustrAIIII And No* .Zest- Wotryltnd carts of'business Prevent It, f"11. YO' ,oug:llter b(;, 0811fluled ob name front the wolr(l, stlppo4edly eAt. 0ittaricr. stated that never in the his. II Wat the loot ehts,4�nod 4 "blaI tho disorders of dfgo-stloft that tha
�- Tho *rm"il, 111m,utrI 2"Afty, ot 14I That Im tar Aflelii (Inough to and Out of the Irregularity of 11(6 yo -self Aittin, dar all il!�Ly w like eounds whieh they litter, 08pec. fiketo bituditit, " the first of tho t�v,;e Worm$ causo sad Imparting a ho<h
Ir, Atw*flla form" friolride III itomot 'tte#t 'to ox0ollemce, f6r In all the,96 e0alelf d7neTAIA, 111diXtAtion, 11yor Do 'wife �,make ile illibin, f Att'llin, yfly Ially when disturbed. We have had, totY of the PfOVIoco bad therd.been. io appear III Chicago, When thiw rob t6fie to the 031;001 Most bewl4efal to
61 A, (;OvetnMent NO solidly behind thtl -
of tho oloy~ ftedlyos, tttorto,id, cOunfritH It if' On $414 And in de. and kldn6y troubles as a protest. The , Ilv, 11astua (with ds' 'fam- & pair nosting in our gowdext for tho college as thG. Drury administration, bed. two mometigerri. of the odtomun� doyelopmont. .
It I ,Vlw It UII *" no "wd6f Mind, run-down system dmiands a, correc. dl4att,t U$ator A W -*,-t..�
. h1nII
Ir"'a? - I iyO Alld there 18 none bAtter thad talk to 1116 dAt Way ato' 114- e4lied attelition to the fact that Ity Atatiti 731lik. ,The robberit madA �
Xlwwn kniod Ill M., self1w a ---k-*k� HIP recent talary increases to the thotr M4ADO In 4% high-"wored tour- Affso Mugglas-If YOU w0re, Ithe, id6ftro I
' � . otstot duAl Ott ftl�rfanbur*, N, I wia Wao " marriod, Y,ol ueetpr call me Teachor-jVhAt does the reign of I teaching staff would Would YOU bo mArried Ili the a 11�
M ----="`��, .- 77"'79 F.,
!� '"' , "!. -r.,:.
� .1 ,
-"-� 1 j . ,
-- . �.� I
! ---t- � , � I �
P1.kr;d1d*i1h3,*,rV,V1 I —,.---- , , -� - �, "', -, I
. I I I - I I
I WU *M,r#* Won tP#* 00- Pat)214166`111 VOWKNO P11115. Th SuRar. don, ,,Ntr.,4. Jobw#Jng-Yae,, an' M pring or
" C., V111141ft P. 'Coo0or 4 itre simple In their composittort SI AggregAw sgo-'00tt III 00'r, --.P-#-1A-- -...
. 1Z "M th Votol i 31 ICIng ChArIO(A I tchitch us? To my- � A vftrt and - tile fall? Niles Reell-If I Wert Volt
AAw t1# j6� Itild Oiftr ()*dft*y, W h.av ,,&Auqp&-% 0M be t0tatt by tho t I PAII-11 YO' 4U9t1r ft,qlv-�Oaf Guitar, Pl"50, $ft', 11ot to lose, out WhIM he Admitud 64 s 1 40,
100, b 0, It-, Aost 4411cats heade 4 � trims V#r# it A Corn cinnot atist Whou Holla. � find had netually secured a M&n I
" klll#d #itch Oe4r, 1� - DAV-4 what TO` Is -Loaf 6gar,-Ilcm. moments of 1gX0Itgta#att._.MMIA I not yet -s-dottuatA this vu -
I 4020thutid. ton Transtritit. ScOtsmityl. wroth , the largast 41111011tit Over tivon b,V sny "Y's corn cure list A"Iled 0 thckrd, w0tild 00t thO WOdding day tdr the tolar-
0ovilr4atut ot the povino" 14 b40*1266 It 04# to he toot Ind kills 1141I (110 Pollibila.-GIIotst'D.
. .,# . . I I . I I jA. 4A0,tro**. . . � . ticV. pru.
:1 . . .
. � 'I I
, I I I I
1. 1, , ,, ."
L ' �
-- —�F17=—---1-.- - ,
t .
,4alksl -,M,I,lih,iiiiilllllllIlLillih,6,