HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-07, Page 5-4 (100"kas'-, 01v 'rsea's ade a _X' eeps �7-� 4jees good % .4.�F4imdrs, afflagnt T _W-"*Wodd,-Tr-ade We Must Develo' P Our Sea. Heritage Our, Men 9 M Our Ports Our Ships Trade must flow East and West and Overseas --7 Shut off this -Dominion from the seas and in rifty years Canada nay wM cease to be a nation. The Navy League 6f Canada 14, ME wlvi' blern Univiezrsity Lon'doii, oiltaflo "a 3amces c4rtslan c�llledieine Fall Term Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Regristrar BURNING THE NATIO N';S-- WEALTH, EVERY HOUR OF,THF, DAY AND NIGHT The Torch of Carelessneis. BRINGS DESTRUCTIGN TO SOMEBODY'S PROPERTY, IN ONTARIO The Work of Fire Prevention should appeal to the Farmer, who is at the mercy of the Fire ' Demon; and to 'every Merchant and Manufacturer who wishes to preserve the continuity and non-interference, of his business. SPECIAL EFFORTS SHOULD 9_L�7� 'DURING Fire Prevention Week -Oct. 9 to remove all Fire Hazards and take every possible precaution to Prevent Fire. I TV% CLEAN UP accumulations of waste material, boxes, brush, weeds and conditions that create disorder. Ontario Fire Prevention Leagues, Inc. In Affiliation with ' THE ONTAP-10 FIRE MARSHAVS OFFICE, TORONTO Iff SWUM �ft (Fro& Mpl;y1a 'Fiodig WOWY-) Half a century ago, in the country disw trict Que of the chlpf forms ..Of OMUW ment was the spelling bee. The Pupils in a richool would range tbemselves� on either side of the platform and spell the words - put to them by the teacher. When one failed he stepped down and the lost One left itanding, who lia(f spellid, all the words correctly, was the ctiampion of that school, The different schools of the town WOU14 challenge one onother to spell, and the one who out -spelled them all was the champion of the town, Then the town -champions would meet in some convenient place, with their re- $PeCtIve adherents, -and spell for the championship of tile county, It was great sport, those spelling bees, each town rooting for its champion, And the champions themselves were the pick of the young men and women of the vill.' age. It seemed as if they knew how to spell every word in the dictionary, "Mes- opotamia" and "Nebuchadnezzar" had no terrors for them, "Idiosyncrasy" and hypochondriac" rolled. glibly from their t6ngues, And when a champion did miss and was` relegated top the rear, it was generally not one of the long, hard words of the spelling book, but an easy one, a word which any school-boj could readily spell. In one.of the county spelling bees, a .champion, who had held that title for. three years, went downto -defeat because he spelled, "Success" incorrectly—he spelled it with one C. But this erstwhile defender of the championship was not the first man who has suffered defeat because of the, way he* spelled ".Success",' Ever sincW`the world began men and women have been spelling it in many other ways than the eight one. ` Alexander, the Great, Napoleon, and Kaiser Wilheim,spelled it 11P-O-W-E.R11. 'They believed that the possession 6f huge armies which they could wield at will, and a navy which was almost invincible, -would bring them eternil.. success. -Bui ihe armies crumbled a*aY, and the nanies,, ship by ship, disappeared beneath the waves, ana too late, this' great trinity bf power -seekers found they had wrongly spelled "Success". A host of others whose names history fails to record have gone down to defeat because they also spelled it in the same manner. . Then there are those who would spell ..'Success'�—'IF-A-M-B". The - wielding of power has no fascination for them, . but they crave the adulation of their felLow6. Their supreme desire it that their names - shall be on the - lips of the mtilt',tude. They covet praise; they long for notoriety; they aspire to be known and flattered, and frowned upon an admiring Crowd. Suc- cess to them can be spelled in. no other way than. F -A -M -E. Perhaps the greatest number of persons who wrongly ell � M- QmN-E� x . , i ney believe that wealth will bring them their hearts' de4re,; that with, riches all things are possibly. They do not consider that in many cases Money is obtoined at the expense of a good, name, character and health. ', -'Give us money", they cry, "for in that way only can we spell Sue - cess". The man who rightly �pells SUCCESS is the one who uses'the S for $,ERVICE: the U for UPRIGHTNESS: the two C's for COURAGE and CHARACTER; the E for ENDEAVOR and the two S's for SINCERITY and SIMPLICITY. That man will be the, champion speller of his time, an honor which cannot, be taken away, for he has learned the true way to spell SUCCESS. .Turnberry'Council The regular council meeting has held in Bluevale on Sept. 27th. with all the members present. On motion of W. A. Minqs" and. J. J. Moffatt the minutes as read were approv- ed, At 2 p. m. a Court of Revision on the Jermyn drain was held. As no ap- peals were received it was moved by Jan. 1. Scott and jas� Porter that the by4aws be finally passed and that the clerk advt. for tenders to be in not later than noon October 25th., 1920. A By-law to borrow money until taxes are collected was pas sed op. motion of W. A. Mines and J. I Moffatt. On tnotion of jas I. Scott an� W. A, Mines 4 the Engineer was notifiec to repair the Porter branch of the Bryce drain. The following accounts were paid; P Hogg, gravelling $72.7S; j. Breckenridge gravel 4.30; J. McNaughton, gravel 6.00 17, "r IF ?k4l 1. "bit ABOUT' WFIANING'F0, AL bfift 1,*ti# StIgino. ibriskbam. At A kw days with ftl4nds hert last 41 they Sbould be N111750 M LC40 Miss Meld4 Wolfe visited wl frionds "T' OF QUALITY,, trA Four Months, atS tfordlastwook. Mrs. V. Curlo and daughter, jean, of A sil(Iden Chango of Olet Not Good Toronto, is vialting. with her paventa, Mr. I for �tljo 'Voung, v0ft—Weait Him and Mrs P. Hakney. A wouderfullra][110C of Rug$.. Un0leUMSs Oilcloth$* JU Dew Mtftr"44 Gradually—Genertil flints on notionjugaild OnPrIday evening last, the barn and designs and 'shade$ that have ql�aljty and value at Moderate prices.. contents Including implements and car of t (COO.tributed rto Department of Mr. Oliver Gallaway, 17th Con., wao A4W OV I)f"01,"Torqato.) completely destr Qyed by fire. Mr. Gall- R alit, Rugs ugs Linoleum -and Oilcloths., TITE4 age at which foals should away was -doing the cborcs and the be weaned is to A great de, lantern upsckt. It In a serious Ions at this Fine Hinglish Wilton. Rugs in CIO -,Cly New flora -1 and block patterns of gree governed by cIrcum- time of the year. woven Oriental patterns. stances. lUrider ordinary On Sunda evening lost there was a Snes 3x3 y4s ......... s ....................... $72.00 Linoleum in best quAli�y. Scotch and conditions it th well to allow the y Canadian grades., 4 yd., Widths, $6.00 large attendance at 13ndeaqour. Mr. 0 Sizes 3x3-1 yds . ......................... $0.00 mare to nurse her foal for four Henry Johann occupied the chair and ; 2 and 7.00 yd. nyouths or longer, If, when the 1041 Mr. Jones of Knox College Toronto Sizes 3x4 yd .. ................................... 95.00 Is this age, the mare is required to Also acom lete stock of Oilcloths gave a splendict address on "Our Church P. do'regular work, both will do better privileges and. Obligations", after which Specials., in all widths.' it the foal be wearied, On the other M I re. j ones sang a solo, "Softly and hand, if the mare be In fair c0adi� Tenderly Jesus is Calling", In a very 3 only fine Axminster Rug in allover tion, not required for regular work, plea4ing manner. and medallion patterns. uan- and'still yielding a reasonable q We arc sorry to Vate both Mrs. Paul Sizes 21X8 YCIS ......... ............. _.."938,00 Curtain Materiah. tity of milk, the goal will do better Willie of the village and Mr. Thomas Sizes 3x4 yds... .............................. 65.00 It not wearied for a month or two Our new curtitin materials are here longer, and tile dam, having no labor Totten, 10th, Con., suffered paralytic I Brussels Rug 3."rx4j ydS 80,00 to _perform, will not suffer, strokes fhis week. We soon hope to I Balmoral Rug 3 *x4 yds ......... — 45,00 `in lovely patterns in Madras, Mets -And hear of their recovery, The ordinary process of weaning, On Saturday the Women's Institute Vj L' Tapestry and Balmoral Rugs in all Voiles, Also Cretonnes, Aft'Sateen$, which consists in separating mare held their monthly meeting at the home %,k, size, from $18.00 and 38.00, Draperies, Cloths. and foal and ailowiug no further In- $ on. f 'Mrs, Ralph Metcalfe, 17th C tercourse for several, weeks, or until 0 Splendid papers were given by Mrs. jno. p the mare has ceased to secrete milk, Duffy and Mrs. Jae, Douglas. Solo, Fall and Winter and the foal to look for It, Is in our "Oolden. Gate' by Miss Clara Metcalfe opinion, irrationki. wasteful and un.- '* F '.' Our stock is complete in all lines of Fall and Winter Mercban'dise.' Mg, Recitation, Mrs. jno, Mulvey and In, IN, iny called for, strumental, by Miss McPherson, all of I lines are scarce and deliveries uncertain, so we advise your bu'ing ea wh4p., y Ply it is probably unnecessary to state whichwerem�ch enjoyed, Aft�r which selections are good. that the colt should be thugUt to eat chopped or rolled oats, bran, etc.; adainly lunch was served. The next before the process -of weaning cOm- meeting will be held at the home of Min, -Dress Goods, Silk% Flannelette, Sffirlings,46weling, Blankets*� inences, otherwise he will surely suf- W, B. Edwards. fel, and grow thin. Experience has Mr, and Mrs. T. Jarvis of Toro taught all breeders and feeders of nto, stock that sudden or -violent changes spent a few days with her parents, Mr. of diet or usage with any class of and Mrs. Wm. Mundell, last week. I Ao M I L L I'S W 3tock Is dangerous, and often expen- sive. is is the case Nvith ted, Cash dr Trade. Mrs. P, Hakney and daughter, Eunice, —4 Produce V&n Gents' Fttnis h SI, peon adult it ' Is reasonable to ex- visited with her sister, Mrs. ra pect it to be niore. marked in the Wingham, loot week. 19XV, young. Hence, in Order to avoid dan- gOr of digestive.disedses in tile young, .nd trouble� *ith . the mammary .-lands,'and Possibly digestive trou- Bluevale Wroxeter Dle also, in thVt� �,qp we should exer- Me, Earl, trnderwood visited frienct-` Vraiik GreOn Ifas resold a farm Tecentz at; bttt;j,�,`und be saitisfied . I I- v .ise '' 1,41 for a few days last week. ly purehase4 in Turnberry to the former to tak n�laet trouble when Drayton e co Btu 6wuer,:George Menwea for $13,000. weaning this"O.O. Mr. John McCracken of the e 140 - Ur h Rev. -Mr. a former -in most .4�0N$'13e mammary aP- Road, has sold his farm and has p �. 7 Robarts of Mitchell, pardLtus is � Rtig:,gulte, active, and a 90 Zons, ed a fine home in Wingham from Mr 'rector, conducted Harvest Home Services bf"mjlk is be- e in St. Jaines Anglican church on Sunday, Ing -se i3wner d eldee Rintoul, M 'k:i;,s Sept. nth; 10199 that It* IA dX�41'?X'4--��f*ean the colt." ' Mrs. Sanderson and bet- niece, The colt, In 041t0fi,fo the grass and MeNforrio of Toronto) spent a few �jxys: Mrs. Hendersow returned homp has -rain that last week after visiting her sister in Blyth. hus far bee'n.". `&i%f6med to � milk n the village. ,.rso. In been his The Wonlen's Institute meeting far Mrs.' McAennan is visiting friends 'in ,,.jt�, suddenly de- month of October will be held it'�1W� Londoti. .9r,v�d of Ij h0,4bhE-6V'avoid fretting, aln, home ot Mrs. J. F. McCracken, Thursday, We are pleased to learn that , Mr. Geo. md failing in condition. Then ag the secrctioa,o�, Milk- in the mare October 14th, at 2.80 o'clock, two papelS Black jvho - passed successfully through -111 not coase Ekjl.,%t once, and, Unless will be given, "Do not bandicaff 'tbi' an op4f4tio� i�� appendicitis is progress - 1, glands be %rqllev�d Of- It, mam- children" ky, Mrs, C. Campbell. ' "How !rig &46z4y. .1*jg wtil 'Cc thd �psult. InsteadKof to add cheer and comfort to our homes in ni�king'tho mare by hajid, and,. df Mr. ki�d Mrs,' John Smith has spent the makIng no use of It, as is, Winter" Mrs. A. McGee, koll- call past Week wit)i their son, Cliester in asun'fly don,!��.,tfie colt'should get the. Favorite Desert. I . Paris. 3cr.cilt. Otir'1dea of the proper Mr. Make the next a. John Brooks of Blyth, spent a few aethod of weaning is as follows Mr. and'Mrs. C. Moffatt and family ,.Vheii it is decided that the colt shali days at Bluevala, returodd, 6mb on Saturday last after cigar taste-bi�Mr weaned, lie should be placed in a, Mrs. Hackney of Belmore, spent the t_ spend�ng two months with friefids in the .onifortable box stall, by himself, or week.end with her brother, J. Mundell. West. vith other colts that are being wean- aind �d There shouhl be no mangers or Mrs. Will. Curle and daughter, jean, ' Air. FranU Wright'has purchased the 30xes into which 116 can rear or jump, of Toronto spent a few dayq last week Laurance property in the village. - A& ind probably injure himself, and the witli Mrs Geo. Gannett. Dlr,,.a,ud 1VIrs. F. W. kitchen who has door and walls rhould be so higb aller t1lat lie cannot jump ovv them or get Anniversary. Services will be held at been visiting friends in Detroit and Tor - his fore feet over. The dam should Rbenezer apgointment on. Blilevale cir- r,thepast mouth, returned home KIM be tied, in a stall, or better, If Con- onto fo� saj,j' Wing cuit on Oct. 10Lb. at 11 a.�,m, and 7 p. nj. On MOn0ay last. venient, icept in a box stall, not neces- by the Rev, Mr. McKibbon of Gorrin. It The Anniversary services will be held sarily far remo-Yed from her foal. In is expected that Wingliam choir will furn-, in Wro�et er Methodist church next San - fact, the writer has made a practice -of having the stall$ adjoining, so isb music and Male quartette of Brussels day the 16th of October, Services com- that the dam and foal can see and will furnisb music at the evening service. ln�nciftgat,.�' a. m. and 7 p, in. The cleanse �our. modth, hear each other, but cannot get to-. Large congregations are expected and Rev. Mr. Hayeraft of Goderich will be .gatlier. Whether or not the mare be at offetings. in atteu4a. . oce. And on Monday evening moisten Your throat ,,cquired for work, she should be very liben taken to the colt's stall, or better, admission sweet y there will be a tea-meetiui, en our breath the colt lead to the dam's stall, and Soc aud,-i5c, Rveryone will be made allowed to remain for 15 to 20 min- Fordyee welco utes three times daily foi a week or Mr. and Mrs. James Barbour of Wing- The sqhool fair was well attendea ou longer. Leading the colt to the dam'S with tem, of giving hini ham also Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCletiag:han Monday. last.. The children acted their stall, Is a good Sys his first lessons in training for future visited at Mr. James Barbour's on Sun- part well, and- everyone was well pleased usefulness. During the second week - day. with the afternoon. twice daily will be sufficient to leave them together, and after this�,once Glad to hear that Mrs. Matilda Ale�t� IN MEMORIAM dailY, gradually shortening the ander who has been laid up with the WRI b"LEY51. length of the visit until the mammal summer Plu is improving as well as can becomes pra4ically inactive. In this be expected. In loving memory of our dear mother, way each gradually becomes accus- Mrs Mary �31anshard who died five years tomed to be separated from the Mr. Joseph XennihaTi is erqctiug a fine ago on Oct. Oth. other. The change of diet for the colt wood -shed at the side of his house, which The is gradual, and he receives the b.ene- he will find to be very �ouvenient when Forget bet, no we never will fit of the milk that ot)ierwise would the winter sets in. And in our hearts she liveth still, be wasted. It also largely obviates Her memory is as dear to -day Flavour danger of mammitis In the mare, and Mr, Mowbrak is puttitg in '4 -cement As in the hour she passed away. the glands gradually become inactive, bridge between Win. Gibbon's and Geo. In the meantime the colt should be When days are dark, ancl friends are few. allowed about all the well -saved clov- Phill , ipj -which will stop the . traffic ell I Dear mbther, how we long for you. er-, hay -and chopped or rolled oats, that road for some time. Your diughtere, Lizzie and Annie. that he will consume. A satisfactory Mr. John Martin who *as on a visit t and palatable mixture is made by Toronto has returned home again. putting a little cut hay and the ra- Ntorris tion of oats in a pail In the evening, Mr. P. McOlynn lost a very valuable pouring some boiling water on it, animal retently, T4ock law being thel Bo�n_ol October 3rd, to Mr. and A covering with a rubber sheet and trouble. Mr. Kirb� of BeIgtave attended 1 Mrs, will )�dgar_a daughter, A allowing it to Stand until morning, . I Mrs, fames Cleghorn of Port Colborne, V" then preparing another feed for the it. but nothing could be doue, to save it. r I aud.Miss Vloreuce Aitcheson of Ulmi'A, -for- evening. This, with a ration of whole, spent the week.end with their sister, oats, with a carrot or two at noon, in .addition to. the amount Of whole Gorrie Mrs. Win. Abraham. Sealed Tight. I ba,� he will require, usually gives The Church Anniversary Services will Mi8s 14 Glazier is visiting her sister, I excellent results. Of. course, this rem Kept Right I quires s6bie time and trouble, and be held on Sunday, Oct. xoth. Rev. R. Mrs, Will Udgar. When this Is'not convenient the colt j?. Irwin of 1jucknow) will conduct the Mrs. lRunt and family of Alitch011, will do very well without the prepar- services and preach both morning and motorecl to. Mr. John Waltusley's last ation of food noted. When practle- evening.' On Monday evening Mr. ir- Sunday. A i n able, the addition of cow's milk gives W 1 14 �ray and son Jack, visited 'It excellent resuitg, but this Is often not win vill give his popular talk on III e- In - ..( easily obtainable. land and the Irish." All welcOnle. Mr. Alex Cameron's last Sunday, After the colt has ceased looking --------- lor his damo he should be allow d to pl: 181MINjI111111, 1-1 take da.IlYexoreise In a, yard orepad- dock, and his feet should be trimmed at least monthly. Usually under these conditiouso the wet%r Is not equal to a N L4 the growth, and It not attended to, HALL9 W I NERHA M the.feet will become ulmorlial In size 8 and shape, which may permanently ONE NIGHT ONLY Thul so Ucto 7th Injure. him, Hence they should be A n trimmed to the 'Aftturftl size and t sliape, as conditions demand.—Prof. It. Rood, V.S., 0. A. d6ileg% 2—F lu"'ERNT We A. JOHNSTON Guelph, When SOWS uve to farrow In p6t, taking thtm In Ft week before tliq Adults farroW 0010, thein to bedome ac- auttomed to thoir now ttuarters, B IG MAGIC AND FU. SHOITATT y Featuring :30C DAUGLESS PHYSICIAN CSTrOPATHY re le_� J ko)" H N, v 8 T' 0 N is AR. F. A. PARKER Child Osteopathic Physician, only qualifled THE GREAT MAGICIAN osteopgth in North Huron, Adju-ttrientoftho,,tpine is moro lluivlcl� M 0 25C secured a"d with fewer ttesitfflents thall by any other method. M,agle, Mystery,, Mirth and Must(!* 'alood.pramurd and otlier examinations If Ventriloquism Com6dy0% Spirit Cabinet. made. Novelty Aett Hand of Budda, Startling ft�velatlons y v patt4waso rate prices. 34"" %F40 V. All disea"s treated, i -d Phom 272. ------- - orrics OVIR CHRISTIV9 STORIC:1 AL J, W" J, Stapleton, gravel 3.$0; Fi. Merkley gravel and Insp. 34.00; J. Metcalf. grave 2.6D, W. Dearis, Insp. 7.50, -McKinno Bros., gravellhig 155.25; M. Sharpen work 5.20; C. Hadie, brushing 12.00; job Announcement Yco, Insp6 12.00;W. Breckenridge wor,' J. N10holhon, gravelling 106 69 J. L. McEwen, gravel 16.001 A. Mcgweo Insp 7.50; W. Vanstoneo three culvert G. B. Flanigan wishes to announce that he has purchased the stock of 20.00; A. Moffatt, rep to culvert 3.00; A G. Smith, printing and advt. 56.95 Municipal World, supplies 1.75; P. Pow ell, drain by-laws'22-00; Herbert Herm Ing painting Eadia's and jobb's bridge Next council meeting will be held i '13,1,fie'vale the music store formerly owned by, on Monday 05,, 25tb., 1020 a I P. M. P. Powell, Clerk. % the late Mr. David BeR, and will Z enter to the people ofW'In , am and ah vicinity as to their musical needs, Tory Corner"51 Mr. Oliver Gallaway has the sympatli of Vie friends and twighbours, owing t the lose sustaint.d by the Are. W" We are glad to hear Of Mr. 9. Meteal gaining 1A. and grid. prizes. with h swilt driver. at the fairs this fall. Gif Bx F 1 n Mr. Robt. Mays I I bu,,Y Cutting cot aroond thiq burg. He bas 4 firsi da outfit. We hope to sed a lot from this neig 46 4.1 9 a, XXXXXXXXXXIMM RUCAMM009 hourboad attend the JeCtUre in' Methodist ebarch, Ubrrie. on Mon4 evening next. The teTie beh%V Irdr14 aa the Irish, 17, "r IF ?k4l 1. "bit ABOUT' WFIANING'F0, AL bfift 1,*ti# StIgino. ibriskbam. At A kw days with ftl4nds hert last 41 they Sbould be N111750 M LC40 Miss Meld4 Wolfe visited wl frionds "T' OF QUALITY,, trA Four Months, atS tfordlastwook. Mrs. V. Curlo and daughter, jean, of A sil(Iden Chango of Olet Not Good Toronto, is vialting. with her paventa, Mr. I for �tljo 'Voung, v0ft—Weait Him and Mrs P. Hakney. A wouderfullra][110C of Rug$.. Un0leUMSs Oilcloth$* JU Dew Mtftr"44 Gradually—Genertil flints on notionjugaild OnPrIday evening last, the barn and designs and 'shade$ that have ql�aljty and value at Moderate prices.. contents Including implements and car of t (COO.tributed rto Department of Mr. Oliver Gallaway, 17th Con., wao A4W OV I)f"01,"Torqato.) completely destr Qyed by fire. Mr. Gall- R alit, Rugs ugs Linoleum -and Oilcloths., TITE4 age at which foals should away was -doing the cborcs and the be weaned is to A great de, lantern upsckt. It In a serious Ions at this Fine Hinglish Wilton. Rugs in CIO -,Cly New flora -1 and block patterns of gree governed by cIrcum- time of the year. woven Oriental patterns. stances. lUrider ordinary On Sunda evening lost there was a Snes 3x3 y4s ......... s ....................... $72.00 Linoleum in best quAli�y. Scotch and conditions it th well to allow the y Canadian grades., 4 yd., Widths, $6.00 large attendance at 13ndeaqour. Mr. 0 Sizes 3x3-1 yds . ......................... $0.00 mare to nurse her foal for four Henry Johann occupied the chair and ; 2 and 7.00 yd. nyouths or longer, If, when the 1041 Mr. Jones of Knox College Toronto Sizes 3x4 yd .. ................................... 95.00 Is this age, the mare is required to Also acom lete stock of Oilcloths gave a splendict address on "Our Church P. do'regular work, both will do better privileges and. Obligations", after which Specials., in all widths.' it the foal be wearied, On the other M I re. j ones sang a solo, "Softly and hand, if the mare be In fair c0adi� Tenderly Jesus is Calling", In a very 3 only fine Axminster Rug in allover tion, not required for regular work, plea4ing manner. and medallion patterns. uan- and'still yielding a reasonable q We arc sorry to Vate both Mrs. Paul Sizes 21X8 YCIS ......... ............. _.."938,00 Curtain Materiah. tity of milk, the goal will do better Willie of the village and Mr. Thomas Sizes 3x4 yds... .............................. 65.00 It not wearied for a month or two Our new curtitin materials are here longer, and tile dam, having no labor Totten, 10th, Con., suffered paralytic I Brussels Rug 3."rx4j ydS 80,00 to _perform, will not suffer, strokes fhis week. We soon hope to I Balmoral Rug 3 *x4 yds ......... — 45,00 `in lovely patterns in Madras, Mets -And hear of their recovery, The ordinary process of weaning, On Saturday the Women's Institute Vj L' Tapestry and Balmoral Rugs in all Voiles, Also Cretonnes, Aft'Sateen$, which consists in separating mare held their monthly meeting at the home %,k, size, from $18.00 and 38.00, Draperies, Cloths. and foal and ailowiug no further In- $ on. f 'Mrs, Ralph Metcalfe, 17th C tercourse for several, weeks, or until 0 Splendid papers were given by Mrs. jno. p the mare has ceased to secrete milk, Duffy and Mrs. Jae, Douglas. Solo, Fall and Winter and the foal to look for It, Is in our "Oolden. Gate' by Miss Clara Metcalfe opinion, irrationki. wasteful and un.- '* F '.' Our stock is complete in all lines of Fall and Winter Mercban'dise.' Mg, Recitation, Mrs. jno, Mulvey and In, IN, iny called for, strumental, by Miss McPherson, all of I lines are scarce and deliveries uncertain, so we advise your bu'ing ea wh4p., y Ply it is probably unnecessary to state whichwerem�ch enjoyed, Aft�r which selections are good. that the colt should be thugUt to eat chopped or rolled oats, bran, etc.; adainly lunch was served. The next before the process -of weaning cOm- meeting will be held at the home of Min, -Dress Goods, Silk% Flannelette, Sffirlings,46weling, Blankets*� inences, otherwise he will surely suf- W, B. Edwards. fel, and grow thin. Experience has Mr, and Mrs. T. Jarvis of Toro taught all breeders and feeders of nto, stock that sudden or -violent changes spent a few days with her parents, Mr. of diet or usage with any class of and Mrs. Wm. Mundell, last week. I Ao M I L L I'S W 3tock Is dangerous, and often expen- sive. is is the case Nvith ted, Cash dr Trade. Mrs. P, Hakney and daughter, Eunice, —4 Produce V&n Gents' Fttnis h SI, peon adult it ' Is reasonable to ex- visited with her sister, Mrs. ra pect it to be niore. marked in the Wingham, loot week. 19XV, young. Hence, in Order to avoid dan- gOr of digestive.disedses in tile young, .nd trouble� *ith . the mammary .-lands,'and Possibly digestive trou- Bluevale Wroxeter Dle also, in thVt� �,qp we should exer- Me, Earl, trnderwood visited frienct-` Vraiik GreOn Ifas resold a farm Tecentz at; bttt;j,�,`und be saitisfied . I I- v .ise '' 1,41 for a few days last week. ly purehase4 in Turnberry to the former to tak n�laet trouble when Drayton e co Btu 6wuer,:George Menwea for $13,000. weaning this"O.O. Mr. John McCracken of the e 140 - Ur h Rev. -Mr. a former -in most .4�0N$'13e mammary aP- Road, has sold his farm and has p �. 7 Robarts of Mitchell, pardLtus is � Rtig:,gulte, active, and a 90 Zons, ed a fine home in Wingham from Mr 'rector, conducted Harvest Home Services bf"mjlk is be- e in St. Jaines Anglican church on Sunday, Ing -se i3wner d eldee Rintoul, M 'k:i;,s Sept. nth; 10199 that It* IA dX�41'?X'4--��f*ean the colt." ' Mrs. Sanderson and bet- niece, The colt, In 041t0fi,fo the grass and MeNforrio of Toronto) spent a few �jxys: Mrs. Hendersow returned homp has -rain that last week after visiting her sister in Blyth. hus far bee'n.". `&i%f6med to � milk n the village. ,.rso. In been his The Wonlen's Institute meeting far Mrs.' McAennan is visiting friends 'in ,,.jt�, suddenly de- month of October will be held it'�1W� Londoti. .9r,v�d of Ij h0,4bhE-6V'avoid fretting, aln, home ot Mrs. J. F. McCracken, Thursday, We are pleased to learn that , Mr. Geo. md failing in condition. Then ag the secrctioa,o�, Milk- in the mare October 14th, at 2.80 o'clock, two papelS Black jvho - passed successfully through -111 not coase Ekjl.,%t once, and, Unless will be given, "Do not bandicaff 'tbi' an op4f4tio� i�� appendicitis is progress - 1, glands be %rqllev�d Of- It, mam- children" ky, Mrs, C. Campbell. ' "How !rig &46z4y. .1*jg wtil 'Cc thd �psult. InsteadKof to add cheer and comfort to our homes in ni�king'tho mare by hajid, and,. df Mr. ki�d Mrs,' John Smith has spent the makIng no use of It, as is, Winter" Mrs. A. McGee, koll- call past Week wit)i their son, Cliester in asun'fly don,!��.,tfie colt'should get the. Favorite Desert. I . Paris. 3cr.cilt. Otir'1dea of the proper Mr. Make the next a. John Brooks of Blyth, spent a few aethod of weaning is as follows Mr. and'Mrs. C. Moffatt and family ,.Vheii it is decided that the colt shali days at Bluevala, returodd, 6mb on Saturday last after cigar taste-bi�Mr weaned, lie should be placed in a, Mrs. Hackney of Belmore, spent the t_ spend�ng two months with friefids in the .onifortable box stall, by himself, or week.end with her brother, J. Mundell. West. vith other colts that are being wean- aind �d There shouhl be no mangers or Mrs. Will. Curle and daughter, jean, ' Air. FranU Wright'has purchased the 30xes into which 116 can rear or jump, of Toronto spent a few dayq last week Laurance property in the village. - A& ind probably injure himself, and the witli Mrs Geo. Gannett. Dlr,,.a,ud 1VIrs. F. W. kitchen who has door and walls rhould be so higb aller t1lat lie cannot jump ovv them or get Anniversary. Services will be held at been visiting friends in Detroit and Tor - his fore feet over. The dam should Rbenezer apgointment on. Blilevale cir- r,thepast mouth, returned home KIM be tied, in a stall, or better, If Con- onto fo� saj,j' Wing cuit on Oct. 10Lb. at 11 a.�,m, and 7 p. nj. On MOn0ay last. venient, icept in a box stall, not neces- by the Rev, Mr. McKibbon of Gorrin. It The Anniversary services will be held sarily far remo-Yed from her foal. In is expected that Wingliam choir will furn-, in Wro�et er Methodist church next San - fact, the writer has made a practice -of having the stall$ adjoining, so isb music and Male quartette of Brussels day the 16th of October, Services com- that the dam and foal can see and will furnisb music at the evening service. ln�nciftgat,.�' a. m. and 7 p, in. The cleanse �our. modth, hear each other, but cannot get to-. Large congregations are expected and Rev. Mr. Hayeraft of Goderich will be .gatlier. Whether or not the mare be at offetings. in atteu4a. . oce. And on Monday evening moisten Your throat ,,cquired for work, she should be very liben taken to the colt's stall, or better, admission sweet y there will be a tea-meetiui, en our breath the colt lead to the dam's stall, and Soc aud,-i5c, Rveryone will be made allowed to remain for 15 to 20 min- Fordyee welco utes three times daily foi a week or Mr. and Mrs. James Barbour of Wing- The sqhool fair was well attendea ou longer. Leading the colt to the dam'S with tem, of giving hini ham also Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCletiag:han Monday. last.. The children acted their stall, Is a good Sys his first lessons in training for future visited at Mr. James Barbour's on Sun- part well, and- everyone was well pleased usefulness. During the second week - day. with the afternoon. twice daily will be sufficient to leave them together, and after this�,once Glad to hear that Mrs. Matilda Ale�t� IN MEMORIAM dailY, gradually shortening the ander who has been laid up with the WRI b"LEY51. length of the visit until the mammal summer Plu is improving as well as can becomes pra4ically inactive. In this be expected. In loving memory of our dear mother, way each gradually becomes accus- Mrs Mary �31anshard who died five years tomed to be separated from the Mr. Joseph XennihaTi is erqctiug a fine ago on Oct. Oth. other. The change of diet for the colt wood -shed at the side of his house, which The is gradual, and he receives the b.ene- he will find to be very �ouvenient when Forget bet, no we never will fit of the milk that ot)ierwise would the winter sets in. And in our hearts she liveth still, be wasted. It also largely obviates Her memory is as dear to -day Flavour danger of mammitis In the mare, and Mr, Mowbrak is puttitg in '4 -cement As in the hour she passed away. the glands gradually become inactive, bridge between Win. Gibbon's and Geo. In the meantime the colt should be When days are dark, ancl friends are few. allowed about all the well -saved clov- Phill , ipj -which will stop the . traffic ell I Dear mbther, how we long for you. er-, hay -and chopped or rolled oats, that road for some time. Your diughtere, Lizzie and Annie. that he will consume. A satisfactory Mr. John Martin who *as on a visit t and palatable mixture is made by Toronto has returned home again. putting a little cut hay and the ra- Ntorris tion of oats in a pail In the evening, Mr. P. McOlynn lost a very valuable pouring some boiling water on it, animal retently, T4ock law being thel Bo�n_ol October 3rd, to Mr. and A covering with a rubber sheet and trouble. Mr. Kirb� of BeIgtave attended 1 Mrs, will )�dgar_a daughter, A allowing it to Stand until morning, . I Mrs, fames Cleghorn of Port Colborne, V" then preparing another feed for the it. but nothing could be doue, to save it. r I aud.Miss Vloreuce Aitcheson of Ulmi'A, -for- evening. This, with a ration of whole, spent the week.end with their sister, oats, with a carrot or two at noon, in .addition to. the amount Of whole Gorrie Mrs. Win. Abraham. Sealed Tight. I ba,� he will require, usually gives The Church Anniversary Services will Mi8s 14 Glazier is visiting her sister, I excellent results. Of. course, this rem Kept Right I quires s6bie time and trouble, and be held on Sunday, Oct. xoth. Rev. R. Mrs, Will Udgar. When this Is'not convenient the colt j?. Irwin of 1jucknow) will conduct the Mrs. lRunt and family of Alitch011, will do very well without the prepar- services and preach both morning and motorecl to. Mr. John Waltusley's last ation of food noted. When practle- evening.' On Monday evening Mr. ir- Sunday. A i n able, the addition of cow's milk gives W 1 14 �ray and son Jack, visited 'It excellent resuitg, but this Is often not win vill give his popular talk on III e- In - ..( easily obtainable. land and the Irish." All welcOnle. Mr. Alex Cameron's last Sunday, After the colt has ceased looking --------- lor his damo he should be allow d to pl: 181MINjI111111, 1-1 take da.IlYexoreise In a, yard orepad- dock, and his feet should be trimmed at least monthly. Usually under these conditiouso the wet%r Is not equal to a N L4 the growth, and It not attended to, HALL9 W I NERHA M the.feet will become ulmorlial In size 8 and shape, which may permanently ONE NIGHT ONLY Thul so Ucto 7th Injure. him, Hence they should be A n trimmed to the 'Aftturftl size and t sliape, as conditions demand.—Prof. It. Rood, V.S., 0. A. d6ileg% 2—F lu"'ERNT We A. JOHNSTON Guelph, When SOWS uve to farrow In p6t, taking thtm In Ft week before tliq Adults farroW 0010, thein to bedome ac- auttomed to thoir now ttuarters, B IG MAGIC AND FU. SHOITATT y Featuring :30C DAUGLESS PHYSICIAN CSTrOPATHY re le_� J ko)" H N, v 8 T' 0 N is AR. F. A. PARKER Child Osteopathic Physician, only qualifled THE GREAT MAGICIAN osteopgth in North Huron, Adju-ttrientoftho,,tpine is moro lluivlcl� M 0 25C secured a"d with fewer ttesitfflents thall by any other method. M,agle, Mystery,, Mirth and Must(!* 'alood.pramurd and otlier examinations If Ventriloquism Com6dy0% Spirit Cabinet. made. Novelty Aett Hand of Budda, Startling ft�velatlons y v patt4waso rate prices. 34"" %F40 V. All disea"s treated, i -d Phom 272. ------- - orrics OVIR CHRISTIV9 STORIC:1 AL J,