HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-07, Page 4LI . .1. __ -1 . - - - "'. , � I � . — . - — � _­­ ­ I L . .... .. � __­­ ­.. - - . � �� ,.- _ - L , - * , - ' - ­ ....... ... ,,- , __ � 111� 11 , I . . L . I I I � ,.-- . — ,, . - . : . � - - . _-1 ­.— - . . - . ., - I �; I , � - , I . I . � . I ' L � � - - I . . I _. 4 . � ,\ . . I : - - , ­ . . . awomkl , I . I . r , " , I I LQ.;, - i 11��M,*'* k I I � � . A . � .. . . I . 0, k � — Uk � f . . I — .. I I �� , i 4 I , , - I J� A, : 1;, � � I '�T . ? � , � 4 .� . L I � (. `�' 4 - 11* , , 114' ,.­ I , -� 'I. , � . ;� , I . - , � I . .: . .: , - .0 MERWMILW4 , ,t��11'1s, - , '. " 1-- or ,.:, , , , - . j." f , , %44 W MA ­ _'41 . I � L . I . ,­.. " 1�- I , , " , .... J __ I , -, 1, " . .74'u'� L I., , 4 F. , 7 ne u X; ... 11 11, I , - ,, ; . " , ' . , "�'L I " r ' I I 4�1 , I. � I , - __4 �5­ 1 1� I , � ., . fl --L ­� ': —­­­­�­'—I.L. �—_ 1�_� . , L I I " , . , .. . ___' - , Wwaft 01 ", _Y`�_' *1NOR' 4'. OU00k - ,.0m1,1, ­t.& _V" . ---f& �� - .. -14 . , , i 11 I I - q ,� . yapydut . L � k 2 , ok � #6 ., 7 I& i ; , __L��1�1&� ,&.. � I - -1 I - , _�_.:..��46 a _­.L.N�.� .-5 III i 0. I 1.0" �., , ILL, . , L �11 11 ;�*,�. , � I lowww* ____1 - _,�­ ­_�_____ _,_ L. 1* 1� ,,, 1 i . " �. �; , , , " � � . __r1_ ,,, - i _il _�_ I 111gbaM _,jb,btjRrf linlim ,,, oneop"dent 0 The Globe leag ',WgWA0o0 It COU04% LRACOCK ON 44HEALTH FADS' 11�10, L I I I - %­­­ _­ . Q'ilbt W, 11 I WHOM WORT, , 91041104101021111 0 1 came acrow, in which a moz with per. t 00HAN FALL PAIR '� I - -1 _1 � � . . - ' ---'" . __ .".- . __ I I T , ­_ - _­ ___ __ - I- . � L - ' __ L 'L — . : A. Q, SMITH, Hditor and'prop. . baps tnore daring than oomeof his fellow. . The council mtt an dolit., 2m. with Tw6ty yeare no, I R.new a mah called 1�epott for month of Septenillff, i)i �, .�� kL�ontinw�­ � . . -7-�---,.-..�-�-�---,-----..-,—,.,--,-,-�'. smoulers of liquor had made $1$9,00016kli,tbcracmberepro'sent, Minut040fl4st jiggin from page 1.) � I 1, during a few months in the contraband . . #, who had the health habit, obser. 6 Toraberry, I I The ScarldAl Of T lie Border I I meeting were ftad and paseetl on motion vO4 Sig . Pie, any otker. Ym. McGill, Mrs, S. I I . I . I phert Leacock in the Dallas News. Sr. IV. -Vera Casemom I . . , �__ . I . tratfle without having been In the hands � ot Robertson 4Ahd Siva Younva Oatmeal coot -fee, John Strong, . I . I , ughart. Report of - I I I I r, IV- Agnes McKague, R,elfa jenUins, Mrs, S. 'Youn . sk .- m , , of the law. -What does -a scoundrel of, Mo4ttro. Cukrit an4 Xerr, sheep valuators Rio used to take a cold plurige, avery 3 . g, Short Bread, Mrs. S. ,� ? ,00 11 tToronto G riobe) I G,4 ' Jelly, I pint apple; U. W. Orvig, , /V"'% . I that ,Qort care for a fine of 42,000? The � regardlqg, sheep owned by W. A Currie, morning, He said it opened his porea. _Orgillta GOY. Mary Chaudlej, Orace Young, ,; :]� �' � J . , ,7" . ?, llrm reports from the Essex frontier ' After tbl ,rw I � I i only thing that can get under his bide is' ,a he took -a hot sponge. He 11 / � ,­.,�., *%"�. J � -� I . i zl,v,�� 1.%,."%��,% �#, An . , tj thut the -run- I A good stiff term J9 ja said it closed the pores. Ile got so that Milford Foston. John Shinn . 1. ,� , �� ,�" I Indica battle against runi 'R. Thompson and Thos. F104, doetroyed 0muth, 1111da McCormick, Arno Kelly, John GVAY; Jelly, I plat any other var- I I . � -il. by dogs lately received. These accounts lety, John Gray, John T. Strong; Maple ), i / .,,�_-- ­ I I 0 , �,, ,'.Z, 1.�x.' I I- j 1, , I I " I nitir, has not been won, and that there is 1 If .Magistrates along the Essex border wgr4 *ordered to be paid although the be could open, and shut his pores pt will. sr. III-M,iltland Porter, Ila . Syrup, I quart, Jos Xer 4;. L W. Orvis., ',iA,'L "y/ I � i t . �Y little probability of victory for the. forces' are not prepated to accept the advic � I . , told Care ,r, I ". ... I , ,�,� , , el Collection preserved frult,,6varities, pint �11 . . , council concluded thg% liorn L i , s�, ,4 "k?, of law and order so lo A .o,thing should J1991as used to stand and breathe at up more, George Sklim, Edith. McZwen. . W! �;,� ' # I A, , I * �"Q�­`;.�_L "��' fli.tj��.. ,na as the tA1m-Vun-.JAerdwed some time ago by the Attminey", be done regarding this 4og nuisance and L Opel' Window for half an hour before drog- Jr. 111 -Clifford Showeis, Cheater Jars' wra.ut.Gill.R. W. Orvis, Tomato 11 /' /��'��k. \ %, �,,;;"­."4. �._..�I,,%, , 10-0 I ners,can escape jailsentences by appeals,, General to combine fires with i . _ Qtnig; L � I �, . �11 I .� I , ��,, � � ­, -",I" " ­ ' , � , \1 , "I 11 mprlson- I as suspicion pointing to the ownership as sing, L He said It expanded his JUQgs. He Showers, Lilliat . ,,q',,� 1. "7 4,-.,;�', , - ",."*;�;, I _./:'�'�.,,j , � N'�k .. �M,�,, .�: �.�, Pickles, vegetable, Wm. McGill, E. W, , . 1;w, A�.'_ " . ed rum- to some of the dogs, It was moved by might of course have bad It done in a shoo Jr,11- Carl liomuth,' jCbester Case- Orvis; Pickles, fruit, E. W. OrVIS, Mrs. L L . ­:,; -- ,'�-` � . to the clemency of local Magistrates, It I ment Ia the sentencing of convict a McUl we.n. Catsup, U - W. Orvis, Mrs, S. Y a . , 11 W.,.-, 4,4.1( - � 1, I I . . ,:"�. , �� ,.. . I . ..1.1 .., 7;! is reported that in remitting the sentence runners. Mr. Raney's duty would ap, I Mr� Straughapp second by Air. Qillcsple, shop with A boot stretcher, but, after all, more. i�'. � - - �� I I � : _.�'. . , � � .� - - xe,� of 9birty days' imprisonment on a "res- I pear to be plain, Such magistrates are ,ba� the R4ovc and Mr. Coultoe be In- it cost him nothing this way.. And what' 11 . I Win. Farrier; Pickles, any other, Miss L. I l�,"t-.,.�isl"-i",�,�,�,,-.','..,��-""j�-,!�,f ,,,� I " : I '.. I If ,*�,A , i��'$ 1� �, .Pe(lable" cition.catiobt in t Sr -, , - - " . �, I ",;I.".!., , he act of I 6t of the calibre needed to -day itiong the 1 qtru-ted to make further enquiry regard- is half an hour? After he got his vest on - - I -Rennie Goy, Nettle Casemore, Carrick; Idoz, Hen Eggs, fresh, weight . � � ­� ? Without Ing L , .I y" ) I .�%, - - ­ -�, " Y ',- delivering unlawfully a'� load of liquor i border. They should b Gertrude Xel V �!� 'I, , �',�",'**�!"��Z; ,:� �; I .�,.�*. � .e removed this mattor-Carried, Jiggins used to bitch himself tip like -a ly, Donald, i McCormick, and appearance considered, Joe Kerr. It f4 �0 .,.,. ;.., i.,.,,�4�,;;- , lqi,�� I t I Ruth Finley, Jg I I '. v-,:-:� . ,. �� _�re- Magistrate Miers said: _ net Lewl% � ee F y, in. McGill, B 4 ­,, 1. n . I 1 a moment's hesitation, dog in harness and do shadow excrcises, , J m inle W , utter, 10 lbs in crock$, I . . t . I Coulter-strou,gban, that as the Tp. . I . I ii,q 1. . '. t , -I, �1_1 , , _ .. I I. -'Pr�bibitlon has �been tried and 4 .0 Sr'.' Primier-Mary 3ki rin, Victor Mrs. Win. Farrier, Win. Wellings, Jos. . '1�, L ", :1 � 'I ­ I of Hullett have roforrod the report on the Ile, did them forward, backward ,and S � . li 11 1. I g LLL _... .- I I .1.,: I. I �. 1. . ;;.,,�, '111 . . isafallure. Idonotbolievetbat' ' i lundside up, H as Showers. Alton; Butter, 5 lbs in pound prints, jai. I �� .",. I ,,, I ' , e. could b4VO got a job 1 -',141- -4, ..", ',,.,' -::v_- - ; Sturdy drain back for consideration that ,- . Whitechurch ­ �. -i -11�, . ­_ 7��,! 1� I the liquor traffic can be done . too Clerk, notify the Bpglnecr regarding A dog anywhere, He spent all his time Jr. PrIniler.-Mack Homut Alton; Butter, ornamental, Jas, Alton, �'._VZ;T�, ��: 1, ,�?;5 . ,� .. �, ;�Tr, "', ,7 1 1 III Velma . 11 " . ,.' ' ' . ��,i,�`i, , " 1�t I ' - .awaywith by law. They have A meeting for all those interested in the, at; this kind oftbing. In his spare time Finley, Borden Jenk " Jos Kerr; Butter,' a ibs, pound prints, � " i" 'L I I I . , ' the changes asked for from the above � . , in�, Laura McCoy. - 1--) .. � �� 1- P .beeu trying to do away with it for formation of a Literary Society will be at the office he used -to lie on his stomach Alex Skinn made by girl under 10 years, Winnifred �` 11 1/!1 .. . . I ,''Municipality. � t Albert Porter,, Arthur Mc- "I I I%', �\� ,,, 11 I '%'I, .11,14 1 . . he floor and see if he could lift him- Ewen. Farrier, R.Wilton,. Jae, Alton; Butter, .Q , , I N I &,everalyears but' cannot.' It is :� I held in the Forester's Hal), Whitechurch, , ont A&_` A�, ir �, . , .$. .. "� The cuatomskry by-law for the borrow- � ��,, I �,� ). �, 1 -I -11L.- .. ''I'll, " , '. L' , Mt ., -,. e ","Lfl! � M ..�ei"4; " . � IkN� i ,-��;-, I ?,4 Y, i � h. " question, 'Ing of money to finance the townabi een McCormick, I .&I , , .. The rolls, Win, McGill; Prqad, nut 1 loaf, , t p Canned Veget. . 11 w " I one of the evils we have to con- , � on Monday, October Iltb. at 8 o'clock. I self up with his knuckles, If be could - "A" Class-Kathl : I tend wi Come prepared to discuss the I i then he tried some other way until he Mrs. S. Young; Collectiom , . I 1. ­ 1.1-11 ?�$L, L . , Jolong till the taxes are forthcom"11 "' found one that he couldn't do, Then he es,E. W. Orvig; Cold meat 1, . i I � F 0" 1;� ,-1 rl/ff/ , c Teacher, M. J. N. McDowell, ablos, 3 varie.t! I � I 11' - , , , r? . � 1, -, Ili, .. . it 6ay be that this report does injusti e , MrsI. M eGavin of Wingliam, is visiting duly read.qnd pasqed4 __ -1 I I I . - � . .­Ap Mr. Miers and . dQes not properly rep. ,vith .Mrs Gil), . would spend the rest of his luncil hour on —'--- '. Sauces, 2 -varieties, Win. McGill. Mrs. S, - 1� I � ;on G ,illo.nie 1 '4" . .11." i -� "'I iw`VFAWWIVWAP*W;�rj�_*�12.1�?' � ". . �� �, ."6 . _-_ - - .1 - ­ , .. , I�,�=;-­-_'-_- I - � � I � �� . 11 =, ,_ � � I .1 I I - - 4-�i= - � Z�,,�= -,�!-,�, �_ - � � ­ r .P'­___� , � W _­­ ��;M_2_�. ,� � �� jlll�� 12 �, 1 io� , � . 1, :: - I I I . I � ,'' . � . ", � I n .1 - , ND " # .. .... ­� I 9fwz, I . r".01, , *1 . , �7�.- I . I I :, I I i� "�, � - � � 1 . I , . . , , , . " ;1( ,;� I �r � 11 , I � ;k, � , 11 I . . ';I:I­_*�% , 6111P ,,� V, , r,A-, /,If N�' ,L�j�I ! - =­_., . I �� 7�. [:­..E_� — , ­ . , //g, . . �� , ,� . ,� , )��, I' 1% '—,'zi��I-',%,'W:!M� 116 11 *20111 I World, supplies 1 55; R. Vint, part , On. , -.- - - / � � r�. W. Orvis, Jos Kerr, Best Collection of I � '11 V-��, -, In the evenings in his room lie used to ; � , f-.-.� ;r :0 �,;�!! - L= 1, -­ ", 1, -,�'�' .."�.. , , .- rray. . H. Taylor, rep, bridge 1.25, T Excellent Farm ___ - "' r\�' . " tf'�_=- 7 1 _ . � at Langside last week, with Nlu Beeoroft, com. statute labor tax $4,89; l3, , , -1 ' I T' I it OR i -resent his attitude toward the law he is I . I The following accounts wore paid: J,. his stomach, perfectly happy ".r.'" _ ------" Young;. Collection of Home-made Candy, , 4twora t6 enfbrce. If it is his conviction J Miss Isabel 1,ox spent a couple of days , , - 1� I : A -a � � ;0 . . % ;� T"..... �;, qo�,Z,�,a - ­_ ,�,�,jl � �� thuf prohibition it a failure and that the I , he. Municipal lift iron bars, cannon balls, heavy dumb baking, consisting of one loaf of borne. I �, � �_ , ... 4 Y. _. .1%) pa made bread, ban ' light cake and a pie .��:.-� "­,*,-P� I , I , ­lJ'4aor'jraiTJic cannOt be done away with Mrs. Sam Hutcbison and Dorothy of bells and baul himself up to The ceiling � � , _4 -1,, � ,_ �_ , I . �� . . . . V 13"�'P,4j.;�r�, ",,_ 11 . Iment on bridge contracts 1000,00; R, � For &de baked by a *1 . I - _ �,V.. - 4 . . . , �y law, the Bench ii no Place for him Wingliam, were renewing old Acquaint- with his teeth. I . 19ndor 16 years, Winnifre , � , . I Pear. repairing grader 5,00; J. 4. Ellis, . . - , d. i�ll . . . . . . . ,W; ,. , ��O� I I .1 i, wbilbconditions,on the Essex frontier are ances in the village last week. - . I One of the best in Huron Co. Every FardWs, SPKW No. 8, for heaviest doz. . I .. . .1 I He. liked it. � . I I 1, . as they are, Probibition has not failed Mr. ,and Mrs, Hilliard of tvingliam, grant to Slyth Fall Fair 10 00; E, Walk� thing desirable. Watch this eggs, 14 Wilton; Special No. 9, for best 6.1 1 � � I er, use of scraper 1,00; R. H, Scott, Hespent half the night slinging him, . week for fuller particulars, space next i7i doz crate white eggs, R, Wilton; . 0 0MES. ' 1h OviAkio,' � It )ias never been tried out. spent Sunday,with Mr. and M rs. Dave Tzmapt C, n ,". I ! . . I gravelling on con 12and 13 19.30; W.m. self around the room. tie said it made I Price reas- Special No. 11, Best loaf bread and half r "Ov- 0 � -.1 . . . � ' 'f . . ... The closing t � the. bars has been, of great Kennedy. ' onable. . . . � . . . Salter, rep culiiert 2,00; Geo, Xerr, draw, hisbrainclear. Assoon as he woke he I 1.110-1: Wear U'he Iron l ', ' . �., ,value, in,removingthe temptation to pub� " - ' * I . doz buns- or. biscuits awide from any brand . . A , � . ' . I . I �,', 1ie 'drinking. - 'But the law as it stands in on. ,rhursday evening , after 0110ir Ing gravel 7,00; Wm.. Anderson, spread- began clearing it again. I � I of Wingham flour, E, W. Orvis I * � I . . , . '. I '-I., no way , penaizes Vat practice in the Presbyterian church, the inggra"I 3,00; Thos. Field, sheep de- Jigiinsisdead. He waa, of course a I ABNER COSEN& ' , . Fitm AnTs . I ("(L0Tlq1:,3 for bo -7i that yvear like irololl et have - I I V - ­'� , ., . . I I .. )y . . � ­ � I' Pei ,e, drinking or .the many friend's of Mr. Angus McKay pre- stroyed by dogs 12.50; W. A, Currie, pioneer; but the fact that he dumb belled Insu Directors -W. J. Greer, R. S. Williams. -10 OW � , . �Apcping of liquor for use as a beverage. ote , d It .*' , rance and Real Estate . 1. . %-0 tl Ssiest styl.0 C-IndIL58ti-at prices no I k . , *A I I se im, with a club bag, Angus leav- sheep destroyed by dogs 19,00; Robt. himself to death at an early age does not . ! . Oil p4inting 11 .. � ", i. . I - T)y,boueelloi4erin On6riocaln stock up Wingbam, Ontario, . I . . 1, � . . �. .s to take charge ofa school in MclntY'e. Tho'mpson, sheep destroyed by, dogs prevent a whole geiieration of young men I . I Animals, grouped or single, Miss LivinV. hig,hOr than the Ordinary kind. . I I � I his collar from end - to end with ardent , . 1 46 � 0 .i. I . I , Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Jatpieson of 48.00; For gravel -S. McBurney, 5,55; from following in his path. They are ri& � � Dressy clothes f6li re�ular" rccl,blo . ",tDirltbi, so long as be imports them from . . . --------- �_— - Ann, Mrs. W oded boys wW : I . t J. Savage; Fruits or Flow, ,6 " � i�dothelr?,r4v'WCO of orders them from a Lo'chalsh., and M�. and Mrs. Will Falcon- Wm. Salter, 4.80; Tp. of Turnberry, dqn �y the health mania. They make . ers, grouped. or, single, Miss Livingston; '-irnp, -wrestle and ride their "bike " as all ' . � 11 I � .1 1� - . , run', JL . I I dealer in anothvi Province,' who transmits er of.Bluevale, viihed with Mr.. and Mrs., 10.0; C. Xing. 3.00; A. Scott, 8.00; W- *themselvesa nuisance. They get up at %Pog _ 11 y e - 1. % Landscape or Marine, Mrs. T�mlyo`i M sho . s, I � I I , . 1. Currie, 75 cents; W, Oenpett, 9.00; W. impossible ho. _,X , .1 9 ra-,va and. brain into" ' ' , ..y� r$.. bqys uld, to build b dy, b' the,order to 4 distiller doing bushAe . John Falconer last week, . I I urs. They go out in silly (�ft-,L,,� _1-1119A � - '. I ' �M " I .1 I I t �' '� Z, *!�-.,�,, � . I .sa ,4, I � . _­ .1 - .-.1- , W. J. Savage; Any other subjgcti rs, perfect healt,h. , ., - - - . . 1. � I On ar1,,q,,.,,k:,4 i, %, Mr. and Mrs, Charleston and Mr. and Potbergill, 4.80; A. Porterfield, 2.70; W. little suits and run marathon beats before "I . . W. J. Savage, Miss Livingston; On gi I . I I . " k % - ass, I - .1 - I . � ­ Ia` � - F. Devereaux, 5.25, N, breakfast, They chase around barefo t ,11W " ;- -0,' � I -11, 9 Miss Livingston, On Silk, Satin or Velvet; , � BP sUre to see diefe sfifts': A IaTge . I I w 4 ft �*f loopholes must ibevit. Mrs, Yott siting with Anderson, 1.50, , I �A I . - ,ng of London, are vi o " k, , 0. ; , � . 'Mr d Mrs. Falconer this, week, Mrs. McNeil, 7,50; J. Shiell, shovelling 6.00; to get the dew on their feet, . They nt ; - 1: I ' . I a � , ,4-,,,,abir;pr4Dve,,dif,fi,cult4,f enforcement. *Biat -On I bu . Mrs. W. J. Savage, Mrs, Tamlyn; Col- ra�Z,, f3 ready f& yum insl)ecopn, . � . ,-. "' I I : . , -.:� I .� � .,., :t'ti%,�`the la1*',1*,',and -until jt c ri be strength- - Palt-oner' received the sad news from A. Scott, shovellIng 12.00; Qoo. Kerr# for ozone. They bother about pepsin. I Sell lection of Paintings, not less than 6 . .. . � , ,. ,� a . ' I I I . I? . , , . - . I � In& aitd tranif6rmtd int� a. I real probibi- Thames�prd, that her brother, Mr. 13e, shovelling 9,00- . They won't eat meat because it has too , pieces, Mist 1,iVingstoin: � ,� - � , ,, I . , . I Your Farm I - " � . . I ty, . Quinn,-had� been seriously hurt when a . I . On motion of Robertson an'4 Coultes. much nitrogen, � r Date . I - ISARD &' CO ­ i, - I r . tory measure it is -the du of all Magis- I . We Have Sold Over 20,000 Fiurina. to. ' . Water Color . . H. E. I 1''. .,� trates ,an o cers 9 t e, peace to see that IM. ". un . . I ; , "� . 4- � barn door fell on h' Co cil adjourned to meet.again on Mon They prefer ,albumen, and starch to No listing fee and no v4thdraival chayges, youva� Landscape or Marine, Mrs, W. J. � Say- . . . . .1.7 . i I I . . I us I I -1;, � � As *roV*I: In is are o ' i* oh t 1 at unlic- Jdr..�nd Mrs, Ed, Garton, Miss Maggie day� . ' 0 after saleto our*,ulstonie�. W;i%c � . i . ,, � - - I October 25th huckleberry pie and doughnuts, They' ,ronce mm.""Ono"'y age, Miss Livingston; Any otber subject I . I enSe '­ t6js in. ritario, . r ,, - tel.pliore. i _ 2 IAN � . ; pet a not c6rry4 Ga'rton..Stanley Rutledge and Mr. Oliver, 'A. Porterield, Clerk. won'tdrink water out of a tap. They E A. �trout Farm Agenc� Mrs. 'ramlyn, Miss Livingston; Coilec:. I * I onan illicit traffic in liquor. all of Brilsselsi visited with Mrs. &arton � won't eat sardines out of a tin, They . I tion, not less than 6 pieces, Miss Living- - � . . � . . ,_ . . I I . ---.,- . � -.-- - I . 4 .. ,= tApnot be enforced if monetary on Sun.day. . r WoWfuse oysters out of a pa . . . - 77- I I - I , I . il. They Box 312, Wingham.." 0,Ut. .ston " I I - plip. I I j.. , . � 1; eLiirer etxacted from men who � We 4re sorry to report the illness of Full many a flower is born to blush won'tdrink milk..out -of a glass� They . - Drawing I a ENV � Ill I'l I N1111 ,ON I W 8 I way as this Wind- Krs,'lsaiah Moore. . .. . unseen, Cowardst . , " .0 .11 . . . I broak it in"' ���Jesale are afraid,, Yes, sir, afraid. . I I " Pen and Ink Sketch. Mrs, Tamlyn, . I . ".. � .. � . I . I . rsor offender did. Theprofitsc I Mr. I Harry McClenaghan of Belgrave,, Full many, a Ford may do the same I . And after all their', ftiss they precently GEO. J. WRIGHT Mrs. W. J. Savage; Pencil, Miss L.J. Car. � � . .. THE. i ��- � *) � . ween; � � I I . . ­ . .-.riing ar� s6 kreat that a fine of $2,000 can I B A JV D MA S Tp_ � -_ I ,, I ; I., I qlv spent $unday,with his mother, Mrs, Jas. J incursome simple, old-fashioned illness, . rick,Miss L. J. Carrick; Crayon Portrait . --- . � T I ­­ -_ - _. r 11 higher jumps the price of gosolipe. — I .. .... . �. S f � ... �. 10" - j., �, " - eaculjL �. � 4dt A few days ago atiMcCledaghan. * � Experienced Piano Tun ' . . and die like,anybody Oise.' er— Miss,, Livingston, Miss L. J. Carrick, . I '. mon � �.N_ - .— `0M P-5131TE il .1. ­.a.4—..."6�. - . . I : ______ . - r . . Teacher of Rudiments of Music, ,Har- Crayon Landscape or Marine, Miss hiv- I - I I � .01 1. � , �� - . I - , � . A. I . . I . I �,, -� - .11. maffffnw,1195 M11r. I � y, Counterpoint'rAnd Composition ingston, Mrs. Tamlyn. , . I ��� F051%� G U , I . .11 � ,*~ IN!�llill:� [:113120910awk9a - � - - I ___ _ TACT AND THE' HOSTESS Leave orders at THE ADVAN`CE Oflice Chin .. . ,11 1. . . . P a Painting ,., , , I :� I I . . ; and reed instruments , . . I , - 11 . � I . , . , I , I I . ., � I . I All bras land violin. 'i dozen Plates, Mrs. W, J. Savage, 0 - - __ - , I . . . .. I . . I I I . , Qf 1%AMIM 4D . . . � , I ;J k I I 1 4 .-,. , - , _. 1 ... �� I I I . Don't forget that when you are the '-- � . Any.other, Mrs. W. J. Savage. � I 11 1, , I I ILI I Uliz,AL 4rgalt � C I It. .".1.1 I 1. . I I I . L I I I . I 1 4 416 . � � �, - , ': , � ; � I -W . t� - ;.. i nostess more is expected of you in the rLA�NTs and FLow.ERs , I __A "AR TZV%::.r* I I � . . _4_,�S44 9. - . wayof tactfulness and consider aten . ess G PHYSICIAN !-I Director -G. N. Underwood. 111111111111 I I �. . . .. . . . . , -.1..,.. I U � � g-- ­ � 11111 " I : Ar,* 91W "I M ­ft that when you are the guest. There are Asters. 6 not less thg!n 2 colors, Miss /,q, -Ni -.,"f SILK09q: %-I)hn__, tA M IL Pum 'A '" I — See this ideal -stove . ­ I . ... . .. I . some women you know who rather revel 0 ""P.,14 IkZP�, Livingstob, L, J. Carrick; Dahlias, 6 not � W_ - I . � . . . . '_ a I that burn's either � ­ I . . � " in their bluntness. This type are rather - less than 2 colors,,E. W. Orvis, Mrs. S. �iF� vx_ __ I � i,,, � . . . -' ".. "I I I . 8askatei;Avan has P in evidence as a reputation for cleverness Young; Sweet Peas, best cullection Mrs. I coal or wood, be, . ,�...� i I . A played an import- and wittness because they do not stop to S. Young,- Zinnias, 6 not less than 2 colors __ fore you put up the . � � . .. �. .0 ant part in gain- Saskatchewan weigh to consequence of every remark CHIROPRACTIC Mrs. S. Young; Marigolds, L. J. Carrick; -- � -_ .- ...... ' I Prov,11te . . they make. Our grandmothers would Practice is confined exclusively to, Floral -design for d6metery decoration, I - old one .,again W4. . � I *1 (e ing for Canada he'r 6% Gold Bonds have regarded them as impertinent and Chiropractic, the only and original Sys- Mrs. Win. Sneath; Floral design for in- - 11. , , . , ;_ 11 . place amongst. the ill bred. We speal� of them as reiresh- tem of .3pinal Adjustmint. Effective " door decoration, Mrs. Win. Sneath; Bou- . I � - . i . a I . . I I.. , . 95 � � i � . . I of ing. 'pe . cent of all cases, � . .� quet table, Mrs. S. Young, L. J. Carrick, .. . 1P.. .:. , I . great whea:t pro- at 96.62 yield "Chiropractic locates and Removes � I 0;1--*. - A range and heater' ­� I . - I , .: , D�t ducing coun . And there is always the women who the Cause of Dis-ease. Nature Heals." Bouquet, hand, hard plants Mrs, S. 9� - . ' lithere tr In , 6.30% for brings down laughter at the expense of ' . Young; Bouquet, hand tender plants, \ . - . combined. D o e s ,es . I . of the world. - other people. She minics well and she ' J* A, FOX, D. C., D.., 0. Mrs. S. Young; Geranium, double white . - I . 1915,56% of Can- can always tell a funny story about some- Also fully qualified graduate in Osteo- J. G. Fyfe; Geranium, double scarlet J. - . the work. of, both; . . Wealth ada's bumpe I r crop T-;venty Years one.else. She doesn't say anything down- pathy. Phortel9l. Hours2to5,and 7 G. Fyfe;,Geranium, single any other, W. . - -1 'takes I.ess space . . . . was re I aped-in,that - right mean, but. what she says about you to 8 P. m. . . J. Currie; Geranium, double any other, J. . I . . I .. and fuel. I I . � I . I V n,ce. Tilis -year, estimates say that 136,000,- when you are not present. I --.---- — G. Fyfe; Begonia in bloom J. G. Fyfe, 1; - . . . . . . , Pro' i I ____' � ... . , . 000 bushols of the Domimion's total of 289,000,000 1 Doubtless these women add to the DR. G. H. R055 Fuchsia in bloom; J. G. Fyfe; Hothouse I � I'll- I - Call and examine.' I iu I . " liveliness and merriment of most gather- Graduate . Royal College of Dental plants in bloom display not otberwise J . - � I it. "I 1. Jr - � busbels, will be pro'duced tbere. * , I ings, But the hostess, to -day as in the Surgeons mentioned, J. G. Fyfe; Foliage plants, _1 � I . .1. ' I . I The value of this Pro-vince's 19W wheat and 0'at' � days of our grandmothers, must remern- Graduate Uttiversity of Toronto Faculty collection J. . G. Fyfe. . . � crop alone is estiinated at $400,000,000. 11iis ber that she must not be too out- of Dentistry . LADip,sl WORIC n '61 I I - � . � . e Directors -Mrs. Brandon, Mrs, Perdue, large natural wealth constittites one of the reasons' ' . v _*� , spoken. There is a brand of ta4fuln ss Office over 1-1. E. lEard's store. R* A* , M 4"" kiNEY I .1 than can soften an argument without I Mrs..Currie, Mrs, Campbell, Mrs. Smith . . ;_1 � / . ; � I that Saskatchewan bonds rank high in invest- giving reproof to those who argue, and a , I . . 1. Say It With FloWepS Apron, kitchen, useful not ornamental 11 I . merit circles. I . way of paying a compliment that will � Miss M. Livingston, John T. Strong' a GIVANFAW" a NUNN= I- 11 11 .131MMID 40 7Z I make the one who has just been, hurt by =­­­­­­�. I . I , �� . . _-11--1'_._, k- Center�pieco for table, colored Mrs. J., S. , I ,.11.111. - . _____ , - - , . I We offer, ill $500 and, $1,000 denominati6s, another's th�ughtfulness actually forget " ,.�­ . I 11 I - �, .. � 1 $3,000,000 of this Province's 6% Gold Bonds at � the hurt and remember only the com- W, 1- �: I McKenzie, Reba Boyd; Center -piece for Single piece crocheting, white Mrs, Tam- L. J. Carrick; Pencil dr' - 1. Car- s � �� 11 . I �,"-,�, ... - �/ ,,� " ,� - , - awing, L 96.62 vielding 6.30%. ' I pliment. Now remember that we do not � 1N-,�,,,,z4- �� I ""; - . , table, white Mrs. W. J. Savage� Mrs. J. lyn, Mrs. S, Young, Single piece crochet- rick, Ist and 2nd; Six buttort holes on a . I 1. _1;7 1 �1'4 1�,',� � - Dresser -and Stand Cover, Ing. colored Mrs. j S. McKenzie, Miss garment, Winnifred Farrier, 4. J. . , _... 3n. 1. v,; ."�, . S. McKenzie, I invite,our friends to our homes to abuse � - I _e�' I Mail your order or telegraph at our expense for a . ­L� - I �, � Carrick; - - -. -� � � i�._� -I I. K iss M. Living- Livingston; Fancy bed spread, Mrs. W. J. Patching on a garment, Wifinifred Par- , . them or to make them wish that they had .: ;: I.- re descriptive circular. ;� f� _-_ -7=��. - A .. � .1 ston; Drape, sideboard linen Miss Living- Savage, Mrs, S. Young; Crochet Yoke, rier, L. J. Carrick, Plain sewing Winnifred ' _. 1� I ;..! - , �I �� �, , ---1, . � <�.�.',�4 : I not come. To the - well-bred hostess her ' � illi F, .- .1 ston, Mrs. W, J. Savage; Drawn work, Miss Livingston� Reba Boyd; Comforter, Farrier, L. J. Carrick; Initialed handker- . � , '..-'Q_ .. - . .`N� _LQ , least important guest dpaerves as great "...", -1 , , ': - � ji I .. M � -,, ,.. � ,.__ I Mrs. W. J. Savage, Mrs. TaMlyn, Dress, Reba Boyd, Istand 2nd; Ladies' hous hie , L. C ; o Guest Towels, courtesy as the most distinguished. The ,i� III .. . , I , -.111. e 'c fs J. arrick Tw ` , A, �, N " 1� 'Kenzie Edna Tamlyn, Wtimifred Farrier;,. Girl$,, . 6 __ . I " fact that she has invited him to her hous ­ 'Ili I I_ , I girl's cotton, Mrs. J. S. McKenzie,, Miss dress, home-made, Mrs. J. S. Me e � h �- Livingston; Embroidery, eyelet, Mri W- Misi Livingston.' Kimona Nightdress, L J, Carrick, jai , " I., .�, - - - I - ,,, - " entitles to her consideration so long as he -�&1111 - , , I W wd, Gultd-Y & Company is under roof. If you want to pay epecial 11 J. "Suvagp, Miss Livingston; Embroidery GinLsl DspAnTmt, NT and 2nd*, Fancy apronj Edna Tamlyni L. I . . . Canadian Pacific Railway Building . court to anyone invite him as your sole � , on cotton' or linen, Mrs. Tamlyn, Miss Work by girls under 16 years of age. J. C a r r i c k; Sleeveless sweater Edna . , ,...T.-,- .. � . , Livin ston; Embroidery on silk or satin, Two hemmed handkerchiefs, Wi if d'T lyn, Collection of fancywork, n6t less , - 9 � � ��d I � �11 a - ,. .., I . . I ,�. nni r am Toronto guest, but do not make the mistaxe of - � - ��.�,o - � ,:, - .�5 , ,w . .. - ­ __ Miss Livin-fort Mr. T .IR Tuf-fr�­ . - . . I—. -, � "....- .1.1- - 1. I ­­­_­.. ­.­ . I—- .. ". ...". ". 1, ., - ___ . = _____ � _ - __ ___._ , "'111% ­­­4�."'11, . I - _ I .., 11 I—— I . I I - . � , . , , �, , I i-_:., ! . , -1 .,.� , �. I ,'�;J'', .-�, �, I I. . .. I '4101,,i :., - ,,�.. �*"-,�1` .. �_-...4 � M'' III -L", . - : ­­., , " ; , I - � 11.11;1. . , I ., � '% r .t, 11 11 I � I lig � � I " ,,,, 1. .,�, v. �,�V� "'. - ti.v­ ___ - --------- -, - - — . ­:.;,�­ .. I I—, _. 1� % . . V !.c� % , . , . : .. .. , � . - - .. . !.. ,�� . � . . i, 1_1*1� I �, '� . I - , 0 ,., , ", I . " (7 : ... ti I-, ��: . . � .1 I ,!.. i .. _,.. le I , " " . . .. . I i � �.!. . , , � ". , : I � , I . , � , " ar 11.1__ - - ., 11 � ,_ . �? ;�_ . - I . - � , War V -- �X!-��,!Io,( `6 I A , 'r " , Ik '" , 'EVOTH!NG bue.,the teot IeAves�le:ft,t� tewim �o�llilutta by, ah, D�� , �cll there's no sugar ldft anyway, Harry I can get i;ood fortune in that You make the money, and I'll help . on the savings by ushig Lotritle It certainly takes less�,, As fine as the silver, ais snowy while as the )uitAry In hoffles& refuleMent yet IN thtiftY 90*dtldmx fAMS let Ls ntic It heltrtY WekOM6 in the bu nibleSt hatair MuknAy y6ur stving of sugar in each cup, mt eac), Mul, by 365 dAys; And the yearlY ftsvmg by usir4 L*ntic betorrift considerable � Wnfe for U6tsc L� � 71"re new co* W" - ' 4e� be�,nvs tt' "=- r It'714C, "t, , , / - m Red FAR Tr*& rmrk, rw " * Wk #W fy"M I ht tM , 1-0�4 ", :1 " ItLantnewhn Wnfe 'r/ f. , Ih, " %oday _ n 6%, - ____.k1tM­Mk1,1*_V".V " ­­­ J.971 ._20-lbiand MV -1 U. " . J, V.-_... ____ - I- _­____­,. _.- -11 .___1-._,_-_1___,__, ­­­­­_ I � 14 1, , . , � .. I . - ) "I I , ., I . 'U,X, Ic I � . 1�";Ikll A,.-:,- 11 , % " � *1 "t", ­ ��, 1 � - ." Aa --q_:., I __ ��.- ; 'J",�iaiiLt_, 0 . . . ) F arrier, Eana .1 amlyn, Darned socks or , than 6 pieces, L. J, Carrick, Boudoir cap., I � lavishing your attention on the one favor- ,FUNERALS, WEDDINGS, ETC. Embroidered pillow cases, Mits Living- stZckings, Winnitred Farrier, L. 1. Car-:, Ist by Mrs, H. T. Perdue L, J. CarrI0, . ., ed guest when others who are ,present . P,tted Plants and Cut Plowera ston, Mrs, J. S. McKenzie; DAY 01 low rick; Crochet vVork in wool, Edna Tamlyn 1 Edna Tamlyn; Bedroom Slip Rdn I __==.2ft__ - - might feet slighted by your action. I it Specialty slips Mrs. 1. S. MeXen2ie, Reba Boyd; Crochet work, in cotton, Winnifeed Farrier � Tamlyn. . , pers, I , , -- I I . WNWANM� - , __#-1_-&.6___ Catalogues shown on request. Five o'clocli tea cloth, drawn work Miss I .� I I ""� I -V . — I . . . , , JW -R -V. WJW. .V)VZA 7-H Livingston, Mrs. Tatillyn; Five a, clock tea S �� � I , i i . ' S -'-"— ____ Teeswtiter , � Phone 142, Wingham cloth embroidered, Reba Boyd, Mrs. J. - � c, S, - I . . S. McKenzie; Handkerchiefs, fancy, Mrs. (7SWQS1,?ndhv-frz,wwd,r ,70 FRANCE Owing to the breakdown in the local 1, I V, � 4,4n,", i I Tainlyn, Miss Livingston; Knitting Bag, ,�� �ft 0 � , 1�r * � � . electric light plant the linemen of the Pro- � - - " I I � vinclal Hydro -Electric Commission have dilmor.-I - ho, 'Miss Livingston, E. W, Orvis; Irish - � ­�,�_,-,,--.,.,,,t;� . I 0, - ­_�r."�,�,;J,.",�,�,\',,N k,4,1� I �!��I i, . , ,>" - I ,.- - ,,, .�� CY& �_& i What is the gift We have given thee, been ordered here to complete the system "' � , W, - yf__ 0���,*, 1�;;M:(,( (11 F"' N ..,�,. Y",.i, 'g, ,,, 9 TIE, -10"'thl!"..., '. ,4111�.�_._t_-O-,%_ Lace, hand made, Miss Livingsson, Mrs. C ,.,-.4" .N�P.V� ��?;_e�i .\, 1%,� s'n -- . "I"4 , I I �/ co,Veee y"'...." 'I'll . ".. V, '' ... I - Sister? 1, 1, McKenzie; Initialed towel, I pair, [ . "CZ;. � - I �4,v i � , ". I,-. � " "� - ,� I "I , . ;, I , � smd turn on the current at the earliest , zz- .� Nk V I I , ,J�4, - I I What is the trust we have laid in thy Possible moment. The Double , TI'ack goute Miss'Livingston, Mrs, J. S. McKenzie; , q,!' chao-le "" _,"", " 11 ), 1� . . ,/ " , I , . A0 R? 1 m4, ­ N in ,"'I . tyie F -T-- "k "A . ,a .� ,". ,�,-�,,�,.K:,, . I hands? * Mat, fancy, table Mrs. Tamlyn, E, W. " , � , ...;�_i - R- p�� �*, �* , 11 . * _ i -tween . , .� While cranking heir car Miss Jean Red- . BL , alr,t-�:, - - , , �, %, - ., � , ", , , . �W., . " , , 0 i�-i ..,.,_0 '0 ., � . . . - � 1, W<,,�" C i '_ 11 . 6 be arm 4-/. �, _, , , , , , - , , - -t , N dear�st,- ,f - _ , , * , � ��p , in had the nifafortune to be ak r rdantpeal Mcl(enZie; Pili Cushion, Mist Livingston, �, I If,,, ,� Hearts of our bravest, our best and our d, Orvis; Mitts, Mon's double, Mrs. J. S, #11, - - , at the wrist. The accident was due to . , i � ,:',�. ) .;? ,.O� ,_ 4_9" . ., I , 0,;,�, , . I I -ftring of the engine. I � '. (:I -0�1`0- . , ., .. Blood of our blood, we have sown in thy the back Toponto Mrs. J. $, McKenzie; Beaded hand bag, .": '-.'.' " M, 11 - � - . ,_.. "' "'Z:i,i ill . : A � " I )and' ' Oetrolt a"d I Mrs. W. I. Savage, Reba Boyd; Quilt, , I I .?� , , �.V,. 11.1 � 1_� : , , , , , � ­,� din Knox . - ,,:, ,1',�, , � .11, � �_ . Rally Day Services were bel patched cotton. R. W OtvI1s,,Reba Boyd; , - . �", 1�4 '-.- .1 � I I AF.,�Li-,�,, 3. , . What for all time will the harvest be, Church on Sunday. The. rive Sunday I', Icago , - — "' ,---,—*-- . - ­­ AC �Itl' schools in connections With the eongre- 0 - ,Quilt, pieced cotton K W. orvis, Mrs, � %. . I I . 11 Sister? t Unexcelled Dining Car T9mlYh; Quilt, any other Miss Living� I What Will SPrng up from the seed that is 92 'on met in tbeafternoon. TWebly-one scrVICe. ston, E. W. Orvis; Bedroom .set, sheat, HAT niaid or matron's heart doe,,4 , sown? of the pupils were ortsented with the -.-..O� I pair pillow cases and towel, Miss Living. , I not �ong for the pl,oper sltver Freedom a;d peace and goodwill Among Session's Bible for correctly recittog the StON Mrs. 1 S, McKenzie; 8weater hand- W ,,;ervice with which to comfort% � 'nations, questions of the Shorter Catechism. Sleeping cat,,,4 on Night tralins made, Robt. Brooks, Mrsi Tamlyn; Shirt, I their mn faniily and entertain theiv , , . Love that will bind us with love all our Teti were pregented with certificates ror alld Parlor cars on P11n- Mon's working. Mrs..J, S. McKenzie, E. , � guests. And Miat family in. to'Wil -does - I own. memorizing Setiptnte verses, Two were ciple Mty trains. � I W. OtVis; Slippers, pair home-made, Miss 0 ; given silver seats to be put on the� cer. . 9 not know that this is the jewelry -core . . . I Livingston, Mrs. Tamlyn; $lumber rug, JU At 1. . Bright is the path that is opening before tillicates already won, 1,1111 information front any Grand Ttunk Z W. Orvis, Mrs. Tainlyn; 84fat pillow, �� where quality mercilandise'is m,,' ", L I I I us, . Ticket Agent or C. L4'. Horning, , District, CrOcbet, Mrs. Tanilyn, Sofa pillow, needl I Price r,oll,4istent With your income, .1� Upward and onward it inounts through Passenger Agent, T(wonto, I e j I ' ' kinall, Ageilt, I'llone 50, or work Mrq, Tamlyn, Mrs, I.S. McKenzie; . I � . the inight; Drs. Kennedy, Calder ,,.IV,,. 11?i"l11i`o"tt, Towit Ticket Agent, on, SofaL Pillow, colored embroidered Mrs. W. � , We will rit the bridge between your . I Sword -shall never teiver the. bonds that 4, WhIghAT", t . '", J. -Savage, Reba Boyd; sox, Pair man, i0yes With an adjustmeatthat won't %, unitt us & Kennedy I -_ a let your nose know your eytr, Leading the wottl Ia the folnems of Offices -Patrick and Centre I.Sts. wooden, basd made Um 1 �, moxensie, . are, uAing glasws. I . . I John 'P. &rong; Tatting collection, mi.�s I . - light, P110fles-011ices. 43; Residence of Dra, . I Living'storiv Mrs. 1. S. McKenzie, Wm, , , , I Kennedy 143; Res. of Dr. Calder 1,r)1. I S E L L McGill-, Tray cloth, Mrs. W, J. Savage, ' . �, I 0 1 � , 11_�)rrow lima made tl*e mcre beautiful, I)r. J. 11. Kennedy specialixei in Surgery. Town and Farm properties. Calland MIN Livingston; Table Runner, Reb4 0 , I K1. M MeKAY ' 0 1: -, I . . I a and some iexcellent viduem. . Wi ' ' ' ,�o Sitter? Dr. Irlms Kennedy giveq specialattention see my list and get my pricic I have Psoyd, Mm Tamlyn; Towels, ,Cy fancy, I `Jmveler and opticiall , Nobler, and Purer than ever before, to dimqm of Womerrand Childre I I ngham - I We, who are chaIttened by swrow I and Nervous Di.4eas", 1 hand made, Mrs. I S. McKehgfe, Mrs. . I I anguith Dr. C40der dtvrAr,,q 4pecial ittemion to I Go STEWART w-j-uvltv;co"lfttlmof'f,adi"'work I I 11 I 10 � J, 110 '' I � Hall th4te as Sister and Qu,m evet in()(?. Di".*s -of the. Eye, har, Noe and I Min Livinivton, Mrs. J. 8, McKengie, I 1� !�, 11 ii I � I I I , Ill � 11 Throott. X�ln thoroughly tooled. Gl*sv. WINGHAN. Mrs, TVM-YN*. Colhttion. of K*,ttng, 1 6 !! I , I 'i � - (�*ftn Scott� 11 1!P-11,�ft;1:!, 'i 0 1 a properli Atm. 1 Ph6wo 134, ontoo h* TowrA W,J NM J- 0, bICKIM* Mm Tamp; I w; 0. _'� - . . . ­ -",.,-w --- � "3p,-- P4% � I . . �' I I I � . . I . I I ,.� I . '. V , , , '�­, .4" , .. ' 'I ','� 1 15, L�', 1!i� �t�_ " _�7 1 � ., I I I . . , . ... - I'll ", I . A � , 11 11 ..11111111116 11 � J,11��* � � 1, I I . I - 14 , J., . I VP '­� , , Ail , I .1 I—, . I I .1 I I . t � - 1:�' � " L ... I . -r%,,,,, . I I . 1%, I � OIL' 40"611_ , , .. ���� ,"- - AL - �.�-. *­ALy`._" � . , �&_ � , . ''; . - � " I I ,k.�. - . .. � 'L -Lai $1 �, -.1 ��..10_W&61. 1 ­ � - �, , I % *% �����iiIiiii matimm,ftm .