HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-07, Page 3/ I IYA, � � I ­ ­ -1. � .. _._­­­_ 1. ­ __ - _w" — _. - � I . - . � - -=_­­ �;­;�� __ —3- " - '­­ "' - 11 I . 1- I , I� I I - - I I -_ . I . .- . I V_ - _ . A & . 1, � , IR0611.0.1 Z , ­lq_ ___ � �- ­ � 0__-, 1. ­ - ­ . ­ - , I 3" I I utott. of A wlaw vm4 is, wore di*- . . I � ­ - -1.1 -1__._e I 00"% �11 I : e�: 1. - � ­ .. I,.". 41 . , �. � ,:, : � � - � , " 7-i- -1 7, - _--T.-'_T. T--- I I . I 7 � !_. . .11 I :. . I . I . . .1 . I � ,: *W! . ; :., 1 q . :1 '. � *. . I � %, I I tre*41144 tA&A akl.v Qut*sua hUrlJCt=. I I I (N - �.#� . �..- . . t :. . � I I 4 . �, , . . : I . . 01 t4v r-gat.wUlA can P0441bly be. , I 1*A" i4l, , ;: . . ,. . � :. . 1. ..I. I �.. . � 1; I . . . I . I..� : . 1. . " . - .... -6 L'Tow the boginning s4ul gad tat "I I I .. - I I , � I .. . � 0 , * , C . .. - . I I ., 1. �, i I I . L� " . I ­ : �. . �,, I � . . I ,� . . . , I., . ,. I I ,: I.:, I I , �,:,:!_: : ,::,. 1. . 't � 4"!� � . ,s - I I . 1�. .. . . . . I .. .11. wor'st or it, 1,01sa"ll 01 ow &A4 ­ I I . . 1 � - .: , .. �. . ".. I : . I 11 I � (4 OAU con*clousuefte 01 . - I :_ I . . .. . I.. . , , . $1 I I . , ,9. . 4'. i,- L I � . : � uuutsa by h. ,....,- 1, .. � i fl. I 11 I , . - . . � I I Utta,r and divastrout I*tlur* owd A A P Ill. I I �, � . 1. I ... I � I I . .. .1: '. _4 I . . .. I I . . ,.� � .1 .. . pOQ1 ra .::*�, .',.' � �.� .. I..�., . � . ­.. 1. � 1. ,�,., .�., � sd� :...., � . 11"04 witit w consumilix airit of 0 1 . � . I - :�, ,, � ;. : :, � I 4 11 `� I I .;*� �,,� ­ I L .�' ­'. ... ;. �. s . :, �: ., ,. I , i I k� 7 14 '11 , � � . . , ..'' I . . . Jealoulty. he became the Ylet-im Of the ` V , I . :.,. . , � �,;.* . ...." . �, - , , . I : , , I - , 1,. %. - , . I .. Cunda,y School Lowon Ill., July 4100t 00191 tortures. All his peace . . � . . I I ,.:­" ­ . . . , �.. . ... . . �. �1. , � - ­ � ' �� " . 1. . - _ . , : �' : -L' ,.: . . .1 ,:. 1: I . � .." - I . %&_b.. L , . I , .­ I - .: I . I I p � li 18th, 1920. was Vostroyed. No aurer . . . . I I 11 * , !.- ". ��. �.; W I � .... .. .. , .1 . ... 1, I .� sentence - , I I � i I . . � ... , � A � I . . . . 1*;� �; � "'.. . '. . , . . : � I . .. .. ". I . . - , , I David $pAres SAUl'6 Life, �Tas, bver wrAtell than, "The way of . - kox - I I 'Ps � , - _� 1� .1 �'. the tmnsgrwaor to hard 11 � ., :��. �, ,­ v. � :�­. . I , . .., ­. I ') 3, Better the � 1, C.''T :: . � �'�. -1 I Samuel �6:1-2 , 26,.7-17, 21. . �' '. �­...K. -2 1". oppr"ed than the oppressor. David,, i ��'- L�. '1'1'114 '::'� � ". �; I . '�` `��` ­, ''. AN 11 IL . ­ - � �� I .% I . ., : , : I., �:.�� .. ­ " - , , , Commqatary. --I. 0aullo renewad . too deliverer, of Israel, was batO Ancl � � ,., �;: , _ , - ,", �k-,! - '14 I .W .. : � ;, .. I" - .J., —0 1) pumued by the Dian who should have, .1 1! 11 ��!.,!:i�l � 1. , :_ 1�.,- L I .:, arsult, of vavl�l (vs, 1.4). Dgvld with , " runip DR4D Mtous. Corrist4lka for 'bedding a I ­ �­­­ I . ..'� -, � .kl �, � . . � .ro greatly ­ .1 . -. � ­" I I ^� 416 six hundred followers took 40yed and honored bial most. Adding � , imprOyod It run through the feed citt-, � :- Z I 31 Ww"Ift, , � 4RADF, DAIRY CATTM �.. 11". �� , retuie to baul'a discomfort wA,a tile couscloaq ter. Thily abeorlb moisture bettera ­ 1-11, Y."..­.,�.11*1. ., L . , ild ­ I , , — _,*� 7:�'. .;; I I 1 i -_ 11; , , 1. .1 1. ­ _�.. �.�.. 0 .,. ­ $4 the 'W114 &44 mountaluouo region fruitl"sliesf; of All his measures for' (Experimental F%rm Notes;) the, Manure Is m.ore easily handled, , .. � � . i*# . � 144 . 1.4.": " . 1. "AlIghty as , , t; �.. I . I I , . i I V.11 It q � outween liebroa ancl tAQ The ol$l question "Woulk You Advise It Ile. a -good thing to. obon the cold T., il �. .1, A It . � AN 'i lie. .4 , -�,Vcad Sea. ' David'a destruction. h 1) , i _ '1�, . I A , -�.� --m- t�,­ I , - ,­,.�'. , - .phitpa, who were. 14haWt4lits Saul woe, he could not It avid." tr in dayo. and giyo the A I ."'. .,.i. -.1 _k ,�.�� ,:,�, . =9 1:4 ataq Into .the pure �bred cattle sale oW war � L- ,. Wis murderous javelin shivered Itealt , - � Lawth L, '­ , , 1_ of t0ac terrXtory, Intormed,baul. where I business" la.belawo,�4ed as Trequent- Plante air. A fresh gr Jo early 4 '"'I I L" - '.. I � 111, - � .", 1; I �. � 149414.4 the Wail't and the "haul of I I _' 0,44 rapid Is not deelrable. : ftiii� , � 44 . - .1 ; , � .:.. . . . _­ ­ .11 I" . 4javid W40"toWng. him that he was; in , . ,'' - :: f , I 1, ­ . ; 11 llachil= Ones before this ly these 011104 A$ 010 before And Is � ......, , :., . ..... ., :."., Me .41 tile klillistlilea" ailed to reach the 'bTuary will cAlve ... wi'�i.. " "I I V. . . I it��-,�,: , 7,!:�i i.:;. 0. I '. ... . ' Cowe bred In Fo .. U. object of hie antipathy. There are ..", �, ... � . reoelying, Just ai many AegatIve. repl*'es . .... I ;-.1 1 . t4o Ziphites had given Sutl 44rallar ,11 L . . , � � R"t November, which Is a very good ­ � ,i.�'­ il, divinolY-establislied limits to Ilia a ,..;; I 11 intgralation and fie went out to iscelx . L as formerly. There aro�so many too- time. It one has Waral stables,, for I ��� .. 1; 1� �. .. . 1L. ­ I I )AM, but wor(t caniq to him that the Power -and Progreso of evil and of tore, which enter Into 'the Problem there Is time to give proper attention, ,��:�, 1; Y11411stillea were Invading the jaild, so OYU men. Saul abould have been !a- , ... .... .. � . ,. that, Ono has to study ,,;7-'.;; ;. I I , the Question and the grea;4ot Milk production � . :11, -, 1, structeg by his- succesalvQ fallureo. . �* 'Ll, ".1 A.e left Qrf In pursuing after David. trom'-every angle, Good plare bred games at the peaK OT.Anitter prices - A"als; time, h9wever, iiaul Went with Ortea there seemed but 114a Inch, Of cattle of either sex are Selling for slich mi Fi : . ; , "; �,N'. Live alock1ralslug -in connection , ... I.. I Z, 1146 arm oPace WtWe011 David, 11n4_ 4estrue- . J&�, ; � ` .;;.., "; f three thousand picked . . . y , r�%,�-�., ,� good prlees* n,)w that men Vho have with general �101rmlng IS Safer practice ��::!�.,.,.�.., :, 111011 ,to ,a, Ilah to Ifni liavia with tion," but that narrow limit,was tin - .9 . � , sucepeAttil with 'than growln# corps exclusively. ,The M--.-,.:�.--- . � .. . I dia six hundred supporters, Saul Pa"able, I -themselve '. I ... L : �`,:!,i�:i:! "Man'o extremity to �God's proven "I ;, -.1" ... I;i i ,,,�::::�:-�.�'*,,�!,i�:i�:�!:,i� , , '�X:, .; a no heathen Proberb, UOY,,,��Ivixk .: , " , .. N -'.I;�'* -r.4""; , .N. �:..'.;,�W::!! LN" . ..".. , ,.i.x,� .. , :� '.. .:.k..�,�,,��,,�,;��.,�,.".,,.- -� Made Ufa valup and expected, to take grado"Itoik, cailuot%afford to coulnue more animg4a the farm supports the '..", Opportunity," I L "., A-�'!_ I -A: Without pore brads.. We allAmow of I §,g. .. t,;'.,�K'. :4,::M.,��,.$�,;,�!....�* *Z . ?..: . _ 6 '� � . . It belongs to the very ph!losophy of ,;Kk-�;i .�'1�11�'.--�019�� . 'ij. a short time. David was Certain Wrads lierds. maklnx.- more better the Opportunities for saving ter- ..". -.1-1 wl .� -- -1 .., . ORYK - the divine government. With only a " . A'-.�..,LL V.%Np dr..*- .- � , ,. _ ��* ­ ��: � , J ��'i "" ... ,.� .. -Alop money L, � tIll,ty and growing larger crops, the. , I �1"; ... ­�a, active Ana alert. fie WAS. not thq far the owneisAliall, SOM011111" .1 .;.". , � A 11 , mountain IOSS J1011hood of crop failure, and the - k:,f�'-,: R ". . 4'40 Of man to be taken unawares. , a be-twoca the ,Pursuer .broft, ' berds in tile same locality, but'.1, 'wider will bo the margin for profitable & K e:.-.. I N ,� . 11 � � Ii. �bliul Ill JUavid's po,Aer (vs. 6.12), and the pursued came the message to every COMMUnItY has 9X4MPIeS Of . R Saul, "Haste thee, atil come, for the men AA the pure bred business who fArming, �% . 0. 6, David docled, to go to Saul% �. 9, � 4, , never, should have Invested mQue3k In , ,�Tbe value, OVA horse depends to a - GanlP by nisht (o survey t4o sltuatio*, 131111IS01103 have invaded Via 1441" � I laft eXtont'LUpon his �ep I '... Ili � - et� No one I I - , . that he illight Anow fully the place 11. David's forbearance. In the blo- z. . 4tock and Power of the enemy. Upon his tory forbearance proved mightlerthan rb( P010 Is More, essential than sound, I � . I � fi'most avonomical and the most WHERE ALLIED DELEOATES MET GER MA,N&. calif Weapons at war, True character re- . . , In for some Ono to go w!th him, ge farm- ' Able I, a u veals Itself ill reetrallite rather than sativfk0ory way for the .aver%, ped oope lit ephew of his, volunteered, . d colts tell -the , The, picture shows the main square of the town of Spa, Belgium, In whloh the -last conference between the en- , In accora er,to'otart �nto pure-brieda is to. Pur- 01 too h4l'- a d $ . plishmentg. The victory Or Wa"4 - �ilmprZper ree Ing, slow growth tente and the Germ4n reprcaen tatives was hold, . I � pot -st4rt With. Care ate, ( I - I— .. ­ . alll occupied the most secure place David over the spirit of revenge In- chalse good fomOss to, , ry ) I . In the camp. surrounded by ali his . . nd �ao form. � . 11 shouIOA)e�-takett to goo tti#t they are �4 . ' . � C - - . men. 7. came,to the people,by night 'finitely surpassed his:, courageous '� good, `9 They ghould be healthy, of the Sweat Pads Placed under the collars., ' : ' ' ' ' ' ": �' .1 I I I . � � . I 1, I -0 -DaYid and Abishni, ciQining by nlgbt ,conqueSt of Gollatli. Twlce he might , � 9=' type$ and either proven pro- Ao, $live tNe liorse's shoulders t4tct do - ., . . ­ — — have stain his enemy and twice he � . -i . I - .: I --- - .1 ad larkp should be Vt f . to Saul's camp, woutd be likely to find "' I avorite wi the people asleep, spear stuck lit the or -with prqypil.ances.toro, It is more harm than good, They get hard- . ., i ­ � I 1. , , evrery country dweller. Boldly braying , spared )its life. In the cave and In ,bettor to liave only oft6 good COW tIMU- ened wAh accumulattoi� of dirt that . .ground at hie bolster -It was custom- the camp he was wholly In hie Power,. - I sovefal medium quality animals. A otherwise" o on the Q611ar and chafe ' ' ' them, Ito comes back when others ary p,to place I , tit; a seemingly lawful prby. I The Te% com'-#�rattvely small outlay is nects- Ahe - neck, - �j A strtong �brush with soap � would find it both cold and difficult ,spear thus, that lie mij,ht be ready monilmAnce of his own interests apd I . to secure food. InJur!es would have moved him to sary - Ayhon, starting in this manner, I . and - water �nd a little elboW grease is THE BIRDS OF, A . I for action, S. God bath dellvered� ' ' ' necessary'A . I . I I . . The first nest we discovered lit the , On a previous occasion Abislial was but a higher frapulso.bade him It Is ninarkable how qu,ckly a hdrd -it frequent Intervals, I f strike, cin.,be built up from a few fouilda-. �. An expeAenced hog ralser,says that garden was found by accident In which glad that the ray had come *hen tile thrbear. The secret of David's mar- . tiou eow's-. The dairy herd on tli3O 'Wood aahq�, are good, for hogs. They mANITOBA GAnDE tho'whole structure was raked,from its waster' Yeious self-control is disclosed In the Agasilz ti 9perimental Farm was start-'Vhelp to Reep tb, % - . I __ 1% ,N foundation before being ;r)ticed.. For- dero would be free from the intir- whiraperel Conversa,fion at Saul's P11- ' L ad by','�t,h's`PurehaS0,.IJl � I �m free from worms, I I � U hatred of Saul, and Dought, the low A, December, 1911, - and, the hogs afe healthier, grow fas- I I I I I tunately no damage had been done and Privilege of smiting the king. I will . lobal, W-th a Solffsh Anil sit- � � ' � . might not ,(13Y NORM" ORMI)LE. the neat ivas soon Ili place again. As not ,smite him the isecowl time -For perficlal view eald, "Thine enemy," Tol . lowing year thres.4 pure bred cows, be well to lot the hogs help thems,41ves . . " � 4 � . I . � . . A I this nest was altuafed on the edge of he thought one stroke with, the ope'r D vid. with 'a view as. profound as of Re0ity-eight grAo cows And t.ne tor.'nu,d fatten ,better. it I - , - .1 11 .. r_ a true, Said, "The Lord'Amnellited." We The'd'ln- the fall of �05 tWo,,pure bred as would be enough. - � right on th ' t, b t after they ,get ' &��- a flower bed, Ills possessora were na- P. destroy him not i are not to measure rilop by their re - halter tahres and thi� next yedr..a. pair, n lgtey ':Vuoln't overindulge.' -f 'In this article the author has shown light-blae eggs had been laid and in turally obliged to put up with nurner- ' -David was not T 1 I lat!on to ourselves. ThQr ma be I of :(W P - 0 Backing to take Saul'a life, but -'"a broader aspects, thougb� tIl,Q!y. may be . . o- 10ir old heifers also pure bred , Cream that�. 1 being ripened should the beauty:of a flower and bi duo course IsIx young were clamoring Be king to preserve his own. against . � us visits from the gArdener as a re- . � rd gar- � a wot6`,p0r4bhsed. To -day there are for- 'be strained 21'a'"veral times before, it Is , for food. The next tow weeks ware suit of which they soon became very th our enemies, The history discloses I I ty-t*o.� Diteo bred females In the hdrd.,, r$,%dy for chutAing. . I den . combined. 4DUr "naact'vorous busy ones for the parents, especially taille, We were able to observe the a Lord's anolated-Viren tbou�h ` .ncfjill,�gjhe above And their descen- - Saul had been wicked and still bad that even deep and sincere emotions ' birda-'are worth Protecting, and their for the female, and a very large nunt- female fit herself , over the eggs or but transient moral at- defitv,-.',A4 the pure bred herd Increas- 'Milk from 4palthy cows is practi- I murder In his heart, David recognized ed 4 a 4 t c(i,lly free froin'.bacterfa when secret, . beality of song And- color would. im- bar of Insects were collected for food. Young and later watch both birds feed th f c that be had been anointed ad W-�17,6 we,,have gradually decreaB- , , fects, For a moment Saul.caw him- , . -i- The -blem &�, - .. it- ­11� .A - nr AS h -i" i,i- 4a duo coursa the young 'off +u- ­ f. and tend'the nestlings. Thus it Was u I . sell! In - true light and acknowl6fteed �� au Fav 44 Der- -grades until at pre- 1�.r I - J k, J 0 . .V I Q . Ing DY oamuel at the Lord's cQM_ _r 04 and not so,vary long atterwards a Sea- discovered that fiilly 85 per ecut. of the hie folly and sin, Wo must crelit tent'only, tweniy-otio are on hand. 147, th4refore, Is t6 keep out all bee- blr(f�life IS bOilLg eavedt - ay by the mand', an.1 he was fatill king. As long ., . �� I . U 11 foo'l P�011fti.f­l ^41 4 " Ill 4 1 t& U U .4! 1 A F ., , _ " 4 U a " I m w u1A a nce. y. uu e, a 4e a &Yagrlr�'compkrlson has been made , eria, as 1 ar as is, p Bible. ond roo, -was being reared. 'Ellis, _... - — are as the Lbrd should porin't Saul ..to - dqrI4..4hW last three years of the five ' - P4rsnift carro,ts, turnips anfl beets Onfor6ement of the Migratory Birds like the last was safely brought to ma- known to be amolig the gardener's �Ilvo, DaVId would consider himself true repentance, We left him recon-, , , ­ M(Wit jWofftable pu wilf keep Itesh and whole and W!!' not Convention Act,which is being damill- turity, and as the shades at apVroacb- worst enemies. In due course the guilty If'he Should In ,,lay way cause ailed; we find him again hf,arnie. Da- , re, bred cows and � shrKel up, It the 6b �%most profitable th In boxes tat red by . rid proved that it is better to tri;9t grade .Cows. " . 1p _ the Dominion Parks Lug winter drew near, the birds de young left the nest but. they remain- him harm, 30. as the Lord llvetb-�- his Interests to the Working out of dl - In eadli instailew-Lbe pure pl, th nd. They should not W Branch, Department oi the Intcri�li PaTted for their southern 14ome. ed in ,tb6 vicinity for 2 considerable A - revarent appeal to God In confir. I , brads have ` , al - time arterwirds while the pare - mation ()f hie faith !n what0he Was v!ne laws ,tban to care. -for them with I beeA.,�4v more age�esaful from a conf- P a 0 too � closetogether, but solne Ottawa. You can help, by protectQ The bluebirds were late in sr- . rits . -reared a fresh brood- near by, but out- saying. ,'.the Lord shall smite lit . narrow Solicitude (I Sim. -26,19). For- 111_�_ bearance does not Imply ,a -want of - etandDoInt. On the average VaeRed too ,lose together, but some th4 birds on'your promises. riving the next year, having 9,PPar- Side the boundaries of the garden. I David knew that he was to. become A caution, David know the klum better We . brads produced 4,476 pounds lnlar�und �#� roots. - . . The garden to Which this article re- ently Attempted to nest elsewkere. The other ground nesting tene king . Ile knew also God's difspleas- thZIPIA'14 . . more -VIN and 1§3, pounds more tat . 'For the game reason that it pays t4st 1p�. a country one. It was or Th .� ar P, to urs. , than the king knew hImsolf. The . ' Ig- .ey soon took to the old box, but which I refer, was the Vesper Spar with* Saul. Hence his cortfldeiice apotstolle Injunction is, "Avenge not per tow� pe� %nnum, and y.elded an to groom 116r6es, It also ]a well to- InalJy an old cattle yard, situated in a Iln(j, liar(Ily done so before a pair Of row. ' ul, averapp - 0 .f0fit 'over feed cost of ;28.G4 Etj�ply.�the 6:fush and.,purry comb vIg-. Very sandy locality upon a hill. �Vhell It had,graeed our garden twice that the Lord we d in his Own WRY Yourselveq," Even pimfshtaent is tn . worq �11 . I no* comers arrived. These were with Its pres,mce. On the Second Go- c4uoa'tho removal of Saul: ,descend I -gir.ow than the grades. orbuBIy' to1lie, covv,,�Aily. first plowed and prepared for Its pre- Mountain Bluebirds, ,Which differ from estsion tho pat ' �'nto battle, 'And perfah—This, tocilf ,,Overcome cvit with -.good," "For- . _r! '' , bei remedial mther than rAvenPnrul- Aftor us�jyure bred hlkifl`reaches k 10arly "a ample -'-'preparation -in the seni use, the land was laid out to in- r,salected the base of - . the others in being lighter blue and a pretty clump of Indfan pinks to piece a. few years later (I - Sam Oult*tlle stX&-the most money is made s011 Is highly desirable in succeserul elude an area of approximately 270 � build 31:1-6). I!, take thou no1v the spea;. bearIng one another in I Ipve." ' . bY:0111fig -the surplus Stock for breed-' farming- - feet by 250 feet. Wothin this space, having blue Instead of reddish upon their nest Ana had as a foreground —Th W. H. C. i . tag Hstein bull, In- E rg ,the. breast. The now arrivals decid- pansies of man.v colors. . a purpo" in taking the spear . 0 R. I . . . got. is a f#gus Zrolytb on the but ground the edges, were planted The Vesper and the cruse of water appears a I't- � ad that they too, preferred the old box bird Is Inconspicuous In Its dress of . ,� ylvJtO'Seets. Ppsch, —5503—wao Shady side of iftirn stalk leaves 4ud 9 ruse intermixed with poplar, Olin and in consequence some severe fight- tle la,ter- 12. a deep Bleep from tili , . .V , ,.4. used a's senior eire fA the Agassiz herd' sometimes on the undegside. 4�ld ash, while Inside of these, various ing'took place for possession. gray, but makes up for this by its Lard,—A Similar form of expression from Obeember, 191,0,, to July, 1918. . Gfaee. by Itseffis not considered a shrubs, such, as lilac, caragana, and Event- sweet song which, In spring, is repeat- is used ' with reference to Adam's 1 . ; . ., .s. service dO' . balanced ration?for the milk cow. of Which are bar ually, however, the old pair were ed by so man indivAduals that , the sleeping when, a rib Was taken from I . Front' lit .ng that period - T flftoejj�grads and t,,feive pure bred Grass, hay, ,dorn fodder and other ry bearing' These plants have all driven out and the new comers occu- Whole o0untry-side rings ,witil their h16.side for the formation ,of,Eve. No i�maY not have a raady grown well so that there is now aut- fex�Mbs.were Taiaed,,,'and are in the. roughage wh!W picd the premises. Fortunately ano- music. Two broods are the VeOper guards were on duty in Saul's camp. ther box was available outSIA6 the average. THROUGIH TEXAS � bera Ot'�Ihe presentPlime. Putting the sale are econom�tcally utlll�pA by the ficlent shelter to, accommodate even The birds come to as from All were asleep. It seems strange I . ", ,0pmost value on the fifteen dairy Cow. ­ I such shade-lovilig birds as the Cat- limits of the Sarden. and in this the tile South obout the middl of April that an Army 'n the field, When tin- Austin, Texas, July S.—Eight casen grade bbffirs tney jLre worth $1,875,00, Heavy prunini"eanduces to Wood bird. The Middle portion of tile gar- old tiihabitt�uts reared their family in and depart for their e portalit ' , W wth. - 1, . I I peace. I winter home in Interests were at stake, of bubonic plague have developed and hile tbo';..dOzcn pitre bred heifers are gr -O I ddn Is devoied to herbaceous plants, I . late Seldember or early October' should rcGt so carelessly as�to place three victims have died to date at wortb,1416t about twice that amount ,The fas� 1walkAr Is the profitable 'many of which, represent sse The ilfe az the row arrivals - was One of the yearly visitors of no sentinels for the proteett' . 1.� I on of the Be4umont, Texas, the State Health yet 0101'. cost no mdre ,to ralve t1tall borse on the farm, . now creations," originated by my not without misfortune. When the our garden is tile Chipping Spar. camp. Abner, Baul's captain,.,Was an Officer announced here to -day. At Gal - the gra,dta. The pure bred male calveg ; ,The lazy. sfeepliig sow Is not the brot'her Stuart. The,whole area is young were about a weeR old the row. Tivo or three Pairs always able man, but he dld not have a prop- . veston there have been three cases Df , born lit: the herd diteing the sadle part- one to select for a breeder, , surrounddd by a fence' built to keep the beautiful male fell a victim to a make It their home, tr coldeeption of David'e, bravery anif plague, with two deaths so far. he od ' ' d $100 each -.find -uP, I The qadler the,feed Is digested tbp. Oxk% cattle, but not poultr.� or dogs. 0001�er's Hawk and the female was, . , while others nes, 6,1e,rtneee. added. . . wdrji Sol for . .bO house, The Chipp'.ng 41111a ,ft' grade bulls were sold ERr ireiter the grains made from, It. Cate, being recognized As one. of the the�oforc, left to do thd work of both� Sparrow 14 0118 Of those apecb,m III. .Dktvid's plea (ve. 13-20). 13. To The Healtb Director declared 20 per veal. - .. . ­ - I 1. While it Is always advisable to feed chief enemies of brds,, are rigidly at- This she continued to do with marked hais actually been bro that the other side - Across the 'valley. cent. of all' rats killed at Beaumont Not. only Is it more Profitable y stuatid iroinated. . . success. Later she was vI light to theyle- Probably David returned to the top were infected with bubonic plague, , tl�4 pigs well, they may be easill . sited by a hilty by the planting of evergreens. ,pur"cha4e, pure tred cattle than gmt?-161-1 ' � by overfeeding. I I I The bird visitors of this garden are new courtier, but since lie refused to Previously to the planting of such of the hill from which he had descend- which he considered "a decidedly hefivy , _�' ' - ' fiaturally numerous, especially during labor on behalf of the family, Ills trem thev had been common enough ' ' I � under Amitable conditions, but the ,t Breeding stock shbuld nover be Bel- I ad In Making his way to Saul's camp, rate." , . p4mftri,� and Interest are much great- acted from a litter o! a: vicious old the seasons of migration. . At these courting met with ecant success. He in the "Spruce Woo,ga Reserve," but ,k, great -space being between them- Considerable progress is being made � er,-,-WZ'11, Hicks, Superintendent, Ex- . ]brood sow or from those,* that are. .al 1- times the underbrush is flooded With remained, howover, in tile vicinity. had -not nested near Int, oii the Termer occasion when David In rat extermination camPaIgns at the pookil"tal Farm,.,&gas07,, B. PV , ,e�Ways restless and chdslng� about,' be- . such species as Tree Sparrows, White- and when the'tamily, after emerging There 1.3 something in the song of spared Saul, he spoke with him face Texan ports, he said, but added. that .: . . ". *1 ." I 7 ­ : -cause a quiet disposition is lie SmAll. throats, Harris' Sparrow and Juncoes. from their box, were resting together a ChIPPY -that recalls the Dultryliess to face,' but this time lit withdrew 15.000 more traps were needed at Beau- � DO -NOT NEC,,rDCT THE BEE& ' factor for the production of . cheap to say.nothing of a host of others a(,, upon the nearby trees, the now male lot summer and the shade amIds-t the to a 'considerable distance, not trust. Mont. where State and Federal Health . L LL I ­ . earring more sparingly. Most of these formed part of their company. heat. The song 19 a ,1 Ing Saul as much as he did before. '.. I � ­ I , park. I are but passing visftors. however. succession of 14. -Da�ld cried to ... �Abner-ln the forces wete being Inereased. � � � li I - - �. (ftperimental Farma .Note.� 1, .. Generally, pigsi.from laige ' litters whereas I intend, in this article. to The only other box Inhabitants were rapidly uttered similar notes which, atillness, of t I -n­-­0-0'*— 'The',#,recent high. prMe o� augar,,re- are More thrifty than those fr I' I at a short dds' Ile night In that country STUNILILK0 ON FORTUNE, I am small confine myg�lf to breeding birds a pair at House Wrens. True, they .tance, seem not unlike e m be distinctly . ralix1j, usithat Canada produces" sat" littem, and are better feeders. had, with the usual wren industry, the deep breathing of R sleeper. I heard 'for a long distance troM one I Ural sigAji that are still mor4 valu- I which have actually made the'.r homes h"ve listened' to these many ti — - I able thin the, product of the refineries. o ­__ 1. . I L blocked various other boxes ,with d,,rin MOB - hilltop tp another. 15. Who Is like to , ,4_�44_*4_*4_#_4- within, or upon the fence.. say upon g the day time, also at the time thee In1srael-Abner was acknow-' 8 M PottuniX0 are those who not only 4 � .* the fence advisedly because it is there sticks, but as this was one of their when the shadows of- night are gl-v" lor Wcnt Through BIR -33Y vicis- I . . ' "' oftes .,N G . 3 usual tactics to prevent n84r neigh- . , poss".1i, , at thie time, but under- 11rR - - � thatAi(pe Piacea some boxes with hole Ing place to the light of day, ani the ledged to be a powerful man. IDAvid situdes, but "Struck It Rich." aftvid* thorn and _,�ave supplied their , I of-lippropriate size to . accommodate bor.s. I freed the boxes from their resemblance 16 nearly always there. reminded him of his neglect to guard . � . needs.. . I L., HT., Dyl � -various feathered friends. ,o, encumbrances. One could Write pagyj The Chippy the Wng. 16. NOW see where the ' . I -, tulncss, tite. Although sorne Of the richest gold . � The *early sprilig months ara, the AC 'US L The boxes provel a auceess irom the ab6ut Wrens, their theer sparro-Ne, it 'a 9110 of our 4"llest king's spear is -David took this way and sllver mineg In the world have .1 ;I "' has a reddlel-brown 1114t.dritt"i period of the year in I ar the gate, about. a house-cleanhig of the Male who pre- crown like the Tree Sparrow, which to show Abner that he had been In been -fo a und by MOIL who were proa- " foot in height, And four by fire inch- pared for his mat's coming, and a host the bird resemblos in other agpects, lh9 vory centre of Saul's camp and - the IIt6 of' ther. bee colony. At the , C AT -H at, 'insift has� been the home of .uo of other habits, all of whiell inust on-- � _ � 11 - for tile precious Metals. uth saige, tim6i the preepute of spring; i . . It haa, however, a Plain white Drofiet, ad giftu the spear and the.cruse of � pectin, Or . � Itivating, s6eding, etc.. on . . � , less than"three opecies. The first to dcar these little birds to any observant - -water. ikd lit had not been guarding inines. have been discovered quite by Wofk of cu - . 'asteAd,Of the little dark �Patch'cbar. . OVM.flno day oil tht�farm'too often � . take PDOS6391011 were a ,Pair of Blue, pers6n. Wrens are amozig tile most adOMAUC of the Tree Sparrow, The the kinj faithfully. 17. Saill knew Ap"ident ]a tile Motit curious wa�o leaves tho�-beee forgo4en. New York,r.Jul,- 4�-Tho body birds, and who could wish for more useful of a garden's Inhabitants and nest 16 a Avoll-nained Structure. 6ditly. David's voice -Saul recognized David's LLuaj;A1d1)1e, &ayb t3p,t,a .u..uLei1ttt. � I beautiful tenants. The male caine do much to free the plants of tile hl- lined with fine gra,va, and hair when voice aal.t rang out clear In the Still- It ,1�v a'4 . n j�YWV wat ijonaja Roc.(,. Tho,r� are,saveral r0asons why the of a well-dress6a woman was first upon the scene and sang his sect pests that infost them. Wrens ness of`A& night, and that voice Must r . p b -0 .Art more liable tai be neglected the latter Is available, Chippini �par- a �o b(ouLtLAI saiwr, dau Lv,o coju- t 06 htoa other 'things on t1le .farm. Hid- found ,to -day In Central Park quaint btrt sweet' song for at least a wAll nest in nearly anything from a rows are double -brooded. They��.Jeed , have '�.tjitted Illyn. Aly son David- 'ISLIUM Lad,r Saii.111" sn�p at , � V , week before.his less brig"itly colored coat pocket to ail old lial, but they prc.- their young on various forms of 4l, i1dulUll,, EkL s a U d6li..SwayAn their hives they au not lake. , A -bard on her person. I mate arrived. She made I .. Sidi! i�ddressed David thus as being oan krancise(y all.t t rte 'for tile - reqUirle 4altyi1ea6ding itke other an!- ' I ierself at I for a box which has a Small entrance Gect life, picked up amid the 14olY trees one of his subjects or he might have udkv gQlu Lie'Us 01, tile mutintaini at Malg,` lgiath atteiiik,on as they need Is said: I I home iniftlediate1q, and was very soon IThis need not be cleaned, as the birds and shr ube. . spoken in this way since David had tile heau of Me Xdirn IsaN or. ,i hay . . � In thelature. of 9L '�urgloal operation. "I am the wire of Daniel M. carting In a variety ,of grass .-Aterds, I will See to that thamselvea. 'ClaY-Colorel Sparrows rwembld the bc('(5me hl� son-In4aw, but Saul had Laiied to strike anything there. how- .and�-`M6 opening of the Illy-, 16 not �' Bedell. `tX stuck to him In ad- bark and softer things for nest can- S,ince the central Area of the garden ChIPPY in elzO. but are lighter and taken his wife from him (I Sarn. 25: ever. and so tjiey crossed too passes -1 I . And lent a beak %y- lord, 0 kift-,Drovid. ad,lrcq,;- !nto the 1NIaj4ve Deeert to try their . ,AlikiLY6 anticipatail v4th plea�are oil 1, strwation. Her busb Is small It 18 not to be em.pected that lack the brown crown. They lnii'�bft 44),, ItedbuXit of' the risk of receiving Varsity, �ut wbon prosperity now and then, he also brought an odd tnany ground -loving birds w6uld maks low shrubs and usuWly build close to cd Simill in ulopt respeetful tertils. 18- LUCIC there, ou.y to I . again be undu(,. stfilo& 1et, on Many-,tarms, the bees came, he Sought others." I morsel of food In tha form of a tater. their homes within. Nevertheless wo the ground. The nest Is cOnGtr1scta4 20- 14n wat; not slow In issurinf,, the cas5ru., 'Iken they went to Arizona. hafe"botri found to imy better than I I pillar or grasshopper, but as a rule lie '�ra, king Oat he ind done notbl- anilr,i. waxilig their way to we sourc�a ot t4e . anything else constdering the have lxgd two.speciez do so. Of these of coamo w -stents with a rather I amount,of Capital L 'Small **40#6*00 +4 -+-*+-#4-++4-4-+ seemed to feel that his duty lay in none were more welle-mile than a pair Sparse lining of finer grosG or Ijair. He hid In no way InIumd Sant. Ho Little %jolorado Alver. flare tney wel and labor -40ende& . singing and driving away intruders, The eggs', like those or tile Cllippy,,* gaVe'-flon! to understand thOt lie IvILU fair succeves, out in-% Apachad � --------.* " � rather, ilian In neat building. He a re, a orne( jarm. ese r a, . . T,be.-principal danger to aiold at this t � � ', as Is wall known are, first to orave- our , courn waa altogether un-, v� are on the warpath And torcea tuell) � - are blue with a ring of puTpllsh thought lit!, . w4d,* of yet -r Is starvatilip. It .each t proved ail adopt as a sentry, And, as- mark:ngs arowid the wider end. Wnirttl� (it a king. to fly to tile imarest, fort, from iviletnee coI64* went luto the wi4ter strong, tonishing as It may veow, was as Suc- wintcr weather �and move up froin the IX. Sgulls' ContesAlon "Ars. 21-2-5). , they reachod 14ardyville. . . vjt� % ood fertile queen h.nd 6, plain- ARM Y' COUNCIL .i cessful. at driving away house SPar- South to announef' 'tile comfug spring. Wo ge-tierally- have blit orio pa-ir of 1, havo, Mrined-David's 'torbear- They started again without Coin- . I I LOUto ply of stor6p In the�coixibd, thol. "C � . Thfo 'Clay -colors in the garden, du6 In part, "l , 1] I , I rows as he was With lqai pugnacious prairle Iforned Lark lit it very fIrOt 4Xamthation of the hIY0 had bet- early arrival lit Manitoba rind can be I bel!ove. to their not getting Gil with � 1;�L e, t,6iVarit Saul sepmed again tc, pass. way. or trail to gulde them * I . . .1 Rki N I offenders. Blucbtrd!� while they of- Awaken In him for the time being e acrosa the 200 miles at scorching - ter be deferred until the ,A,eathar to ' ., ONE IVOR'S NO tell breed in the vicinity of human looked for, on an Pverago, about the t�e Chippic.4. - The b eong is graeshov- sense of -his gin and folly and brought desert, for Owen'$ Lake, Ill tnair 'watih-a4d. nectar la.,belng ght1*9d.131it 11 I " m ecalled by the I I habitation, are, nevertheless, of a nat� "Oth of February. By the end of March ayllableo-zoo-tee, often repeated pev. frOln lifin thfg humble confes-don, futile Search for vmter the proal w-. ,*. if the, t1toVes - are running short, a' ' . , urally Shy disposition. It is well, rumbers are nesting and slightly more Oral tinies The bird is double. Comt)aro I.Saw. 24,10-19. 1 will na Lora 'wandered along tile southern elge cake ot btd candy or"a comb of honey London. July, -An ar therefore, not to disturb them more than a month later, nearly mature . - 10.14 over the combe If the bees aft '0 ray council. brooded. morir'do thee harni-Once more Saul Of Death Valley. The)V Muro die([, Stilt In'the celhi�, or,, It spring Is after having oonaldbred a report of than Is necessary, otherwise they may young call be foillid, There -ate Car'. We have had KIngbirl'a nesting AttAMP1,04 to assure David that he and the ne%t-dav one *t the Men died. llt� y ope,ntnoi a auperficia,l',eial-Alhatloft of this Hunter Investigation committee desert the nest as well As the vicin " I tainly three broods in a Season, an , a with us twice and they prDvod useful would- 'Ct.'tWe him no further distrOS& and the other bAcame %&IIII; mad aIll the, hivee on -tht firbf; fixorable day, rind' a long statement submitted by � It was notlong before a clutch . of tinies. probably a fourth. ,Til allies in driv%ig &way a camial hawk n6cguqq l -ay lire ,Was precious In thine fled into the desert, Roes. quite mad, i eowbx of boney from haa,* hiveg Im- [BrIgadler-General It, E. H, Dyer, con. ' ' 11 . or crow, but It they thus conferred an MIS (A, V.)-ftiddlo ' mercy had r. Wandered on until he fell unconscious. Ing-thpit givft to these thtt,,are light, (ler-ninK Dyer',S Action In Ordering ' .1.1 .1, �, I I - _­__.-i-_t__ ---,-- I - - __ I unintentloned benefit on the rest ot wboicsonin effect upon th6 king, Ire Indlans n rsed him back to life, Msy 4ttve. W6 logs of cclonlOh and it,- troops to_`,firo Intp it crowd of Indiana , ­ ­,". , ,­ .. , I � _7 ___ __ �. . the fmthered inhabitanK they were realtzed the larsteriew; of David'shtart and guided Tin' to the San Joaquin " '�..' * � ` � I " ­.. 4. . er " , - I . I litt-lallpr,a. Ile appr8c,lated Valley. pointed out the way to (,,ivllj- I b 1'��-.,Ojho value of ,the hojiey Oro . 0 at' Amritgar In the Puhjaly, uphold ' .. �, , .1 ,,�­. ... -, � . 1, equally tyrannical to those they bad and his own zation, Nvithin an hour of leaving,bla y 414, y dollAys, . the commander-in-chiat in India for : . . 11P the 0o,gervatton ot Wis life through I r(i ;,,�� t protected, and the el tzt, after A Chip- guidee Roan found hirneelf !n the bei A Aitilletin on",liweare o.t bold MlAy Moving Dyer as commander in the �. . , Dy a-�emad' to afford them ae much David's torbearance. .02-25. ,David as. of a rocky Stream. Ile walked halt . Punjab wo from holding any- fUrther "I Saul that he would not put forth Afeation to the CO. , be obttlooa On am amusement as rl.d!nr, upon the back stired , 10MY POSUID11 in India, according to of a crow. Thu,j I aonletinlea fe6l hl.q blind against the Lbrd'g anointed. way through the toy watora Whan,ho tral. t1foortmentil Farm, OttaIVA. . in tile pressed his hands to his eyes, droad- W. � L.. Sliden, Apiarist, B:Xperlment�l an announcement fitade -by Winston that a Xingli'rd h�, not Ulf Most ft- and oxpressed his confidence Spene vitroa'. OttAwl, ont. � 'of Churchill, Secretary for War, �. '. -1 � fA,re�.i tonant, mough we makn no2 ex- Lord's priDtoetton. Saul exprisssed Ing that his rettison Was again giving , I � . In tho House of Commahs to-dity, , .1 1�1 ceptiens In oil)* welcome to all. gr,mt Interost In David and prophesied wAv, HA looked again, "Gold!" lie The d6uneil also uphold the command. , � I., ahout(4 And It was. Half the hands onm NPD.W I I I One (,f tlio lrrtgular summer rmt- that he would do great things. After ` . ,� A,14D VIEWS. 4 er-in-ohlot In declining to grant I)ycr " I I : dpnt� ,-.f the gardmi In tile Cedat-bird this David, went oil his way and Saul tit his feet were gold. Withai tw6 - %%'O' �'4*st Unit 06 cut grass for hay further Prordotion and in Ills reduc- : � I � or Cberry-waltiving. A beautiful fawn- - - returned homd. David did not have moritha ho batl irlade $300.000, ant lip " - th6 lbulk4a tht, grasees are iii U011 Of th.0 �ay to one halL rolore I bird with ft woffl-markotl Pre4t,.. enough confidence I arrived back in Ghiteow, oomil week.g 11 S"'u"A flxp4rieas before tht, e-fiffing ship from which 19 * In hi's he had deserted. 1142:Ntad �tho A49NAS for this are "!)Ytr�-�MnOt bO aNllditted'on ,ttp - � � I I t 1. 1. . TberQ are few that can vlo *vIth tho of purpose to trust himself . ..,.;� � � -that the biggest weight It obtained. error ot Jadgment,,, observed Mr. I .1,�, 11 .. "I I NVixiving Ill ,s,)ft bo,tilty at pi'timage, bantlB. )David and Saul parted naVer -A,* -.e_ . the littedtAtnoubt Of aeeil Is fetalned Churchill I ;,�, � but tl,)Pv ztjr�n 1,ol. o,rngers. and their to ineet.again. 'HoRTioULTUAIST8 AT 0'-'*rAWA whor6ln' lies much of the 1.'"dIng %� 1. ­ vililspery .. I � . only utte-rallcm. are coft. citteastionc-'Where' did David go to NEXT. talua,of',hay and the dueculent stalkA Sty0t;t4 httildred PergonS lftre kill, 11, � I . . - vmto.%, which. howevor. are unlike atir escape Saul? How, did David feel to. , -At tile blt-ve� toti h1td time to get- Woody -and . ,ad whet the troops fired ott the in. I;".,._,- " � �, , � " otht,r caimmer bird. The rpmles vaugl. witrd Saul? Who told Saul wherp. Minneapolis, Minn., July 0 !,.�:--:. . , -s, !,�.� . . closing se Start of the Official llortl- dolli6llieftft fire 04411Y' tUttled 111tO. dialls tit Amritsar last April, and I I I ,, . ­ ly camol In flocki rind, grAdwilly,paIr David W;xs? Itow Many nien did David digWIble stilifthem Whith have A' ,� . I . (41 WA tbA SmIRP-1`1 'V1vWlPtq. Mir gar- have with him and who wt-'ro, they? eulturlstAl Association of ,the Ortat iWing v4lue and do Alafty hun.411eds were Wounded, . � Mr TInw large nix Army had Saullt Doo. Plains Convention held here last fftl fe, not merely' �� -------4-*-*— . 1. ". � . � 1, (JAn v!ez!t,qrs geloeteti e*rtte6 troon � MOIL 010wit was thosoll as the 19211 ptlMy. Ulk. .- - ,"The man you ,-ep yollder Is it high. , I Owl- 11(istina inittiA And 111"V%(t the L crIbe D1vid's Visit to Saul's tanip. 3eting place. ' � I In. .n*ny littem of pigs sLrb otie 4 Aynijin." '%flOdUms graelouti! Sue,jr 11 I 11 I � I I I., , �­ " I M"ittfitro W011 I)MI, Rl"M f1hA How did Saul feel when Jieulnrned in' ' A litt . - Professor W. 1. Dormty, of tht'Unt- rdom runta, 4e extra feed SUC &'gentle manly-lookft m,%11 a rob. I 1 . �­ . I 11ralloliON, 80MA six fe0 from the' what David bad (Iona? What 01 .r , (,Are� will briiis theft Moog Profitably. b,hr?" "NO, not at all, An avi t ,,-. " . ... . I .. . , _ ,� I " I ai-ound. 11pro thAv reared their voung not vs�rslty of Minnesota. was Mected , It I*At, to take pot 141ok With thair URWIMOro American, a O"! to -0-,, ',I. llft� I � "I 0--L, w _ . .., .--. , . Saul say to David? Why did pregident: Professor William Xacowk, I I 1"�Amo 01 lip gal 0 W uPon Ingfofe and small frnitA without 1)kvId rawaln with Saul? Dominion Horticulturist, Ottawa, YleeA grbl it ,lbrotherg and 611terd they fare Aft 0XI)JOrdot at the Woodstock 11y. I A COUPLE, Or PRIZE WINININO BULLDOGS, ir Ari" way Interforing with the othaV PRACTICAL 8VItVnV etldAn4 and W. It. Leslie, rort Wil. y(%Ad provo an unprofitable prop. I dro�. FtAdOft, Caused b . l bir4o.' __.. . or Y ths brasking *.— Tople-Tr6atment Ot *rOng-do6rol, Haul, Oftt., ZteretlLry- odltio,� down of 'An Oil owitchs b" Atoomal'o Thtst two SP16fidId tpoclrftna of the aMrAXI whl6h holds what fie hAs Tba mnthor-ln-law Jolvi to ontty I.--80,0118 Dersidoution. The 19oard ot Directors itcluds Nor- ' A *%*Il Mid of ral* will tome in tatod the bringing in of power IrOM ~4 shown jkt th# eghlbitloh by th# Lodiok$ KannOt Asiociation iAt , tl"P.10"t. Nit 0 hiw q rats It o0trilt, b4 It.-Mvid's forbeirAnob. mift X Am, Indian Hftd,, Sask.,*rkil vo"*Vadity f4t V496 ightop or dattle.141(doill ,Whllfi r0l%frl lire being Ma4o, Riknol*13li Club, LandOft- too., � I tramd back to Adam, I. sturo por4scutfou. The soll-tor. V. W. Zrodorick, WilitilDoe. I . . � I I . I � �. i� I I .1 1. I . .. 11 �. � ,4"(&1. I*_ I . 1, 4 .1 I . � I " ", t, �,. _, 2,&�&_ , ,� , P, , L' �, I I" " , , I I I . I . I ". 11 L_ , .. il, , % 1111 � �",O& � 4,.,_�,, . �.. __ 4 t I � pfiq I I , � I M",ff � � ,��i I I I I I �it�� I ,.' F `,�. ;, , 1'r il. A _ 0 k� , V 111111s, 101, INUIC, E , -I' k -0-.-1.W--- . ... I Slua Yela $ourw Was U% ii I I I MAN. � � . 11 I [� comtAble's 46140'ad to � I Obey Ofders. I I � . I � Dublin, July %-4 Ow fte rti,a ' : : publication, the IrlaIx, DulleM% josu�*4 I to-niglit, IS a story of alleptl insub. ordination Amolig the. IrW e0notsb. ulary, and the reported Impendl1w bw . portAtIon of Engl � lob Pollco, Whose ;4- � vent Is to be acc)wpaiiloif br exttem I Mellouran. . . According to the I statements. con- firmatI00, of Which cannot be obtain. ed, the Itoral Irish Constabularr, %t Llatowel, County Kerry, were orderfA oil Julie 17 to band. over ,their bar- raelm to the Soldiers. Tito coustaba. lary refused and 14 membere roxioneill, 4 but the resIgnotlQuit were not Accept. ad. Dr. Smyth, Divisional Cominlosion- Or for Munster, arrived the next fty.. . the statement contlAues, �aud address- ed the men, telling them among other things that marital law In tho whole of Ireland was to be. Proclaimed Im, I me(110017, that as Many troops 44 were required would come, be4ldes the 7,000 EngliBli police,' and that thee* were to be given the Power to shoot: treaty all suspected persons and would . .1 ,not be punished for It. Hunger strikers, the-stattment, sales I would be allowed to die In Jall. . . 11 it is asserted by the Bulletin that some Smyth heafers ratur,ed to. vom- ply with Ufa orders, but that ther ' I were not arrested. T14 Story as Ptint- 11 : ad WAS hinted At 9, low days ago, Taut � when Inquiry WAS 19 ' U0, at Dublin . Castle the authorities theta said thaT* � imew nothing of It. , i Guns and troops ar;' ioing north from Dublin to-ulght,' litWuOth,1119 un- usual Is happening, here. - +W-0---:-- _�, I . � i " M I I TEACH ES �� 0 . . . N. 4 . ' , � I TO OBLI,"r. ��1.00.,., I 11 " " . I Canada Will Tir X ' urderer , in Frozen,­�#�t" L , . . , ' '.—I ., , " *' ' Ao An Example*':to His Fello . �� 1, - . _ P - � , �, Ottawa, July '.—'An -a stdip-over , on their long jourhay'�jck-4'to,tbe land- . , , I of endlew lee andl'sno*, I Sergeant � . � . bouglas. of the IWW' Varlad!tlu 11 "e . .-L. . Mounted Police, and.%outlagwak, ­wn . � 'A .Eskimo murderer Rom -the regions I around the North Vole.. tarijvel 14 Ottawa vesterdaY, gh:4,aj . � � 4ulrterad . at the "Mountles" haadquarters at 1 120 Vittoria street, OugilgwoLX can-' , - net be said to be a foreigner, as his forced Journey to Ottawa. its the re- , " - I sult of his being a Brit'sh suliJiet. ' After'lifs long journey from, the I northland to Winn�p.eg, Ilia native I garments were In a�soLd state of dis- . repair, And substittites hOLd ' to - be .. , o i . obtained, Such clothing as he pre- I ferred Were not to be bad,: So that he � 7 - � � comes to Ottawa In, the W.Melit of a I I white man. Ile JSL In the'neighbor- � J� hood of from 20 to 27 Years Of age. � � aii,$ has been noticeably failing Since I .. 1 he left h!3* native sno'AS. - I 11 . I The Eskimo is chafted with having murdered a brother, native In ordfir� to obtain the latte0a wife, whom be, I wanted for hie own. Several other I cases, of murder have been reported to the 11ourited Police froaf the regtoKk L�, around Chesterfield Inlet. Aild UuanX- ' wak Is going back to stand trial !if . I his own country as A reminder to bl$ 1 vrother natives that the law Of the I White man must be respected. even , \. _ in those remote reglorie. I I . ..He will be the first native who has .' � I ever been tried jA his Ow . it countrs. I I Next year the Diepartment of Ju4tlte ­� will send a judge on the, !on.- Jour- ney to Chesterfield,, and a court Will be hold there for the edification of �. . the Eskimos. This �W'111 be the Brat time that a judge has ever Penetrated . , into that part of tlit nortliWe'st torrl- I tortes. Another Murder � case ,has be'Dn reported to- '.he Police from thiV sapie reglon Title will be Investi- gated by Sergeant Douglaq during the coming winter, and, !f possible, the . - I Perpetrator of the second crime will I Stand trial with the r1sklino Who Is .now fq Ottawa. . I- I KO Ottawa the groattr Dart or .,�j; tbo jour�ey to ChOsteRield will bt, on one of the cow,for'able Mudsoii Bay Company's traflng attamers, which - sails from Montreal July 14 or 16. Chosterrif0d, by the sea, Toute. !a .almost 4,000 mile train , Montreal. — . io oti, - ..; - ANOTHER, REV-OLT � 111"' OLD MEXICO . Satj Antonlo. Texas. J1111 .-Gen. Pablo ConVale,4. ant Of the Strongest' political figures lit UP11CO. in tll* latest to revolt agamst thA/ nO IR Huerta, Gnverompnt. according to an Intercepted maesage to Mexico Cttv, Signed by (�Ijen. Lila., Calloo, a envy W which rolelled horp Illig aftorritinn. ' (;Onzales, whn hasl boott OvIng In Montarov sifieg hN rotirttmotit from Lbo arniv. 10 thAt ('Itv vP�ztOrIAT? 0 thn head of 500 men, atcotdingtoths message. ALAR I MED BY . .1UTINY IN INDIA .­� Londcli, July -The mutiny of this Connaught liftligera In India hila ex- cited considorablo ftl&rM here. Ev-er sinipe the Armistice the War Office policy haa Wall to isend Irish rer.- menta to distmilt 4tittlolls. 944 thtrt to ,4 an unue.uaity large Proportion of them at pr,�i.t(!nt In India, ftyPt A114 Mesopotamia. The public is wkiting tor 4OWIs Of thn Ind!an trouble, aN 00 far 0111Y lin Official account bas bo!e& published togisther With s despatch from tk.6 Reuter,g Agency. which W virtually 61flelfilly. coutroliol. The proloaW delay about Awritoox by the 1*41as aoiterrinient makow tUt P01% lftt* seeptiest 0out 111fta Ott'.014ki VAUtt% MIA% 11