HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-07, Page 2I 1.1-1 . 44r, "T411111111W 1% , , I - -T I - . - "IrMINR wMerlim— , ,,i . , "I'll - 1 P!117-4117 . ) ,,, ,:, I , I I b! -- ­ ==Z;.;A" . ': *Jjpo 1 :, . . I . . ===== 1:1=1!111:1:1-_ Z=9— - -- 1-11-- = !i !, , 1 4' ` ­­ - . . - -­ - ,, --1-1.1. ­ .." ­ . - - ­— — - I .­­ ­ I—. -----I- . . ­ --- =­ .1 - =. - -­ - 1* '!-,!!!; !! ! 1 -- -, , - - '! i It."! ! ! .'-!! ! ; ; !!I 1 = !, :; i i " i ! i I- I I --o'-.0 I ­­­­ .1mil 111"ll ,. W " ---V --- "++"+++414 ++ 0 4, 0 41,+ 1-4 4 + 0, 0 V IN -------"W(—. — —.1. . I lz =l If OV4 114VO Patch of rot I I they to 5" tho &Q a ; ­ ,,­ w "I" -y , I I r. I 't 14.*A LA Matin" , I 4 TXU%JVA% W, e- I 1111tht V c out from the window a 11 I -­ --- ­­ I 1, I —­," . - 11 11 , requires MWA food for tho d*y*1%P- - ­ ­ ­ . I ­­ ----. , 10VA No'. 41, INA " o , 0 Isitolm bidding them litirry in tc I I I I I M#70 heavy body, but I Her J =*at Ct iA 0111 I F '. It winlia"gly suppiemeats its meal. 11 I - - , 1- , tit and Ujght Wide. 1. ­ . ­­ ­ - I I I ­ I The daylight only lAxted tholA Row I ; tLexot, by roving. A fl,009 040 attend *4 I -- 1 I 1 I - -- - -------- ' * , '" 4 4 4 4 + 0 4 + + 0, 4 l. f 1, 4, #,+++i Your aaeoud is the name , , 4 ..... 111 I . , , Not a 000 In the house IV h I train ton to. two, and for throe Uoury .. j to its own tralitij 'quite capably in 11 4 I . I VW WAOM . hsi the MOA worked out-of-doors. During 1 islkn)Ul#4,;kAd OVOA roar & later 14Q40A I . 0'o`00%A M W4" 'MM-ft*ft - A-VdhW turswid ,%way from tile box . 'D : thtlr absence the, girt went out 04 : r .1" -QX 10449 04"4 1 IV 40" XU414 XWO I I " , V 0,0V*VAI 9004 SW Oak* 404 Avent out spin Into the heat " . 1. . shooting expeditions of Jae rowo. 04# . VArlous,1*0thoda with POU144 pre. , r i #r #T , to-sixPorwisel- P" "A ." 44 thill 'Aumittor afternoon, jvjllRja,g Alin. I i L% 4114* r4quiro. . Iris r1r . had Invented a mo4ifled okkow oljoo, vAll- 40 with otbor pvultry. It$ Amon- 0 r .. broad And short, with slightly c4rved. able alspoo,tIon "Our 1*by was two woos am ItW14#. Xl,*ry &s$Lj$%a=1s" , . Uftly (nr a bloc - Qr so w1kile fie ulade ­ .... ronflors Ita $004 jowl ,W 100 booau* Vor arA go*4 wa,irsw WAA i I- Up 0448, And with those strap 4Thero J# 040re =sroy gor pens, 'With or Without tAufo. One - y "d 04 - '' k UP hlit mind how to put la the four It . ped 04 to . W4147, h0hy, *#4 be till4whip. VV9r.lc*r* 1% Otla- 1, I her lithe feet, her fur coal, fastened up Ot ItO #tar characteristics Is the . %*f jW . W41V0* stud gro I" hours ba istill b;14 on his hatuls before . I I . I to ber - chin, and ber fur cap drAwu in ft potia of 0964, 1 1 V" wbo, "My * "UPI 0 0; W4010, = 15T20 : X11401,)Idity 1v):lI which It 444 bo foroed. . i Ig 1W Vill to '80VOMI F1004 %1W the boat left. I . I Over her Cars PLU(I to her brows, sup "110 XQWI calk "Milatol sucilL U0104 =rNo '*of ..... 'There was a play ,)It at breaA mb* hil tho * W tol tegallyMn. spoolall C04814 ~ V-101 Imperial he *45 particularly anxious This is t,L ­ g,m oo V dolled the fall at the mercury, and . quaUtItloo at toga 140 successfully, " b14 He C"14 not r she" rto'tauilly of workoris. -AOT* A% co—nume 10A of all teas a Skimmed over the snow as Silently home with Royal yeast And tralkomit it witiz such aveed W9 "r I cost of Ilving roaiwna NOM r 11ftV, #-Ad 414 "b 1rovIng experts" sld V weight as th& Pekin, Large numbers , , 07 Ceemm ',* see. xenworthy bad written him It you do $lot 44.4 swjftl, r aa A shadow moving. butcry. kufs tu* = 41411les artil beilsoln, 4'' -0404 . about it I usO 501"as send us a post card -for a tree She aikj4yed ,,,,,r 1040, lonely ex. cakes than in 0. povad I - . .. . Jack, 6 r . of W04t Of ducklings May be confined 14 a 04 th-014h bO W& be 41ofiguW 4rringei& ruit v sample stating. the 6rice you now Pay and it 11 , 4itiou srs. f rat-shaldl "'Tito hero Is V, marker $or U44 Proy- I$ - reew- orMixo4T40.%. A4,4 r yo" use cursious, With her bourt kept warm by no. I OP0111119 from .the brooder house. elle . ftei %'"t.$,r . . Brvk4 maki "Th Or life, , , , 0 Deus Should, include a pond with run. 11 11 rr 4471UuMnir 00 !,,`krttr, jai"Ito , Z tQr4,* he had 441d, "bfg.bqarted but Int, r ress Sa1ac1a.TQr0At0 tile hope of discov"IlAg something *,he As a, simple operation .I that I -=-- ! . . IV I VVW4 gl" C it . - -- tot and , intmoilt A trial. found .. . ­--- ­­­. . ' ' r I— ­ ­ ­ . ning water It Possible. The standard P41101ve, and bls,awli, worst enemy," --. I -"—' kid bring dovi *1th her pistal Or I and roquiros no p1re. , ration is soft mash of bra " Me 021000 00 9094 Q t I bought --=r W"TZV—rX I . T'oor Urglyto"t Ile had been Audley'a .000- -0""""1-11111.111-.." . . . ­ ;oo.' ` her shot-gananA carry back 4 , n and meal, :3 - I — 0 a our- eXperloanoe. ytAll separator milk and quantities of . grit I -, 1001Wmato at ft Orange, was one ot Pri6e and a treat for the men for sup, , . . r moreandtwqcakCsofCUtjqjM4 " ­ . . I III [III VIOUS . I , And eand. In ten Weeks t1loy are, ready 0-M4 *=Cerik tox 5* CUkk "It .W*0144 GOIDD GIMMU" VOR SMAZoL JIAX- 19 !I - 1 1 I We*. Il;V* no wa4h1% waro's, 00 'A the ploat rOullsin members of the I r . I . I ­ ­., ver. There was not much lndee(Lto hilstruotions in a.QYAI ter market. This method reduces Ia, Men% r 4 blEa.,11 (SIP04) MS. , Month. Mrs. 000. Carsos.114 3, lif .Art* I I . ­ — olass, and thel'), Ili its juirlor Year, Catue S be found; but a, small breed of onow- bar 404 hastens marlteting,jut In- Lillan Al. Toy1m, VQZ 99, vr000'. dun, Ave., HalmIltono ont. 1. the ugly scrapa -willo.ii, cau0i Z 1"k bird waA prevalent, and q ,Yeast Bake Boo k, Ovitably torcts Gto feed -bill o. . Inulailil from colle r 4 his ex- .. = , ulte a fjoel,z bri0go,. Muokokal, ont,, M M36, ,3% 1.1 ) fe, Other luen would = V" IF or tho$4 ivould Yet$r oftdu Asilow or iled free on t4quept" c Ift contrast;4 other varieties of ducks . I (;Iwcur* 00a to dft"40 442 u I , 140 To Do rt,&w Olt r Ml ~ proWe a tubw-gtojib, .Atka whenever ­ uIre more exercise 4u4 roughage, rIf , , y, C I;, men CA" 4vo wormed themselves out of tile pre, 'a ,pukjcW%. 9 i% t to go Ught sewing at hQmok wbolp oe dble%n a, lvltll MIArrylp't tile woman, Cl = KsI keen eye caught sight of tile 'rV r . ut, a . - T ey can handle Just so Much feed. . SU4 opothe, a . re time; good Pa ar .W.G1l4LZTTCO.LT0 - amd Cudcur* Tshwu .r. work aout ar A ytoll '109. -not of that aarti, = A JEVV VYL IN No" - ' ' d otance; charges. Faid. send stompror - — ad Ile = little darli; patch that 4 cluster of It choice were; to be made, they would Pow ( . = . 11 TORONTO - 40, and perfume *r* 14A4 .0 had droned him down to hot shooting expeditious of 7 fare better with 4 subnormal amount. day toilet puivolma I art - $At oulal UtIr" Cil UQA" . , 1, o6o1' I her own. she P I . " 1: I Over -feed -flax to apt to clop: - troatula'" ! ,!!;!!!!,. " , )Orel, .­ W would glide swiftly over in that direc- . . their 41- Soto Intme 11 =1 I'= VII: . .. "I should likv to MW VM . . throOot 9 om12 1 as and 300 som 4 , have seen Lite am V00, slid have eight or ten of lhean 90sti:vO 004ratue, and retard gr ut eD Ill on; Cinadlanbepo * "s J,ImlloiL 3t, Paul'St., Mon"vilk, AM"$$ 09ANOZO. thing," Au4leY thought, -as lie turned = owtb. I. = swinging at her belt to take ho . The Pekin's *ability to purmandize t . Into, the llar = THE R(D U G H Moo . They were small, but c me, . — .1 Continuously Is the secret of iluok- WT1T1",­s*W 4%V6i*4*M1Muk- o"""1%1",1'1o9oA'"­o--", L Of Broadway, "but I'll be an f000' . r I lil 011 T,EASJK A, rVr,X,y Z9tjjppVat 14R111904 14 111'standthreo boursaiid = r, . - knew how to cook them, they were a ---- ­ t4rm'poselbilitloo, where 500 to jo,000 F AtOgln Mundry, running ever pay a dollar 'for tile privileme. 1,ve = ­­,­ looN' are raised in Comparatively small - rent low. , y days, — delicacy beyond price to the men who I -- H ­ ­ Plytryear leaae, with rlerlew , two minds to trot straight O e4r to tile I . I - I I . r - , for months had tasted little but beaus , ar . . . Al. Locatea In wino4oro Qptiirlo. About boat. t ought 'to be 'Poole 11 I ca, VALUIR OF SILENO tell thousand dollars r6quirod. to ­ Bad .hard bacon, Xatrjuc I ­ PVKINS'HVAI-tTU CHART . E. river -side, . 'Y I "11111 - felt quite . 1 I$' $- TIY0113, 1041 ATIOW-Td Aven0o, WWfn'dt'-' - a, cor, . . . I . I I happy If she Could return, through thd I Few fowls 14Y claim with wore jus- ,$-or. oat . . - , Ile took down town suddenly tailing gloom of tile after, Poultry W-0 tifleatiolk to thriftlue I Too Much Talking as the Cause of , - ,and was Talbot was greatly struck. The marriage, Xatrine vias in , , . se and bardibOOC . , I . =d,ng ,I,,,, wAy" through the narrow ore than Up- noon and cross the darkened thresh I I . at , to Q, MILlIzAtIOU other beauty came home to PY, and it Seemed . than the Peklujt is not Intinuile to, Fallurot. WSM&LIAMOV8 ­ .1. ­ , ­----­-­ - I IL gong startl )Vll"rf when the clang of I him very forcibly % this coij, envious Illg$ , sheltered fro to those lonely bi,- old Just as the men came back, half I ­ I . , ; djaease, blit has apparently'sreAt, n-' I ­ -------- --- 4,1^000 0. 4 - I ligh in the savage siege , Mapy SIstance. Pekin *a4dlers, with ' _ of the failures. In NION 113XPREOS ATOXXV "Tito patrol'od t,of open da.y. "Stephen's not such frozen, from the creek, and Show her P41"N IYUCKS a- prof , business and for give dollars, costs tbrgb ­ t - ltonl 0 One iihout0d, And ' 4 fool, after all," wa Of Nature only by those frail little cluster of victims swinging by their soliable care, - after first few wereeks C00101tal as -well as social life Are I the great. free show Of the neighborhood I tuent As he went a his"award cam- c4lill's built by their owit, hands On 1049-neoUed heads from her waist*. BY Myra Kelsey Cox When, tbQY,XaY easily be 4rowilod, are due to injudicious talking, A young W9 0 1 d lightfully Judopondq . ­ -- . I . 1, - fy&l on vj w . forward to MOOt the edge of the S11OW-filled guleb# that fte thought Of them, planned for , t of anything Man, Qf apparently ver `)ioderato OR. I them.. As he lifted her from her pony, Practical Poultrywoman, y ,KxrTTING -rARNS-L0VVpy,C0WPA , Audley Iva; $)sWd andshoveil out of and bid her weloom to tile cabins and R new life bad INOROmed for them . %t a regul4rly-appe' ity. has recently astonished his fellow S Pu'ra wool, but very moderate priceii, tile wA7, fol.' h4, . 0 their comfort and worked f aring bucket at . had no thought of suddenly -a Pdrfect spring (a winter, The White Pekin Is the ,,general mash.. NeWly-Up,to4ed 4Ucks are qkkj - workers .. . , by his not amPlO shades free, Geol-gotown Wor. the West gulch, or them , '"ANO success AD ]On 2KIPS, Georgetown, Ontario I 4juiekening Ilia BIAQ smiled down upon TI1% 411 day; While to her husband she was. utility" breed among ducks. it is a . a I e stePs.for %117 sue)) On- him, What 0, Mysterious, magic thing , $Irlls Wonderful -health and Uzi- absolutely devoted, and I One would I ceptible to rain, and con quen chill,- 'business, "Pure luck" it has been called, . - tettalum lit- ftly.Was dragging hini.qelf , f4ili g spirits Were In themselves a de- thin O'D Ill ­ - - They Aooxt become Impervious as they but a policy or natural habit of silence I . . , I ­ 77­­""'!1o*,o- ,. ---- . 6111; of tile Be*. n I k It devotion 14 few ' 'Supplement the first .down with . 0 . .. 1. I . tYi g o6wd, whan human beauty is, a d the that for sue 4 grow 8 --gr "' eits" I I othe smile,, It fteme to human , light, and tgh 4 'syer a' :11th valuab .a4 Is the Aweal Cause, . - ", . I . ­ . wall of a child; light the dreariest I She Was Possessed at such smiles; a kiss, and some kind'words oillor,coat, No'gavest, and .olds but lit his first position he succeeded I— . I . I .14440 him PAUS sky, people the loneliest a sweet to r"'Y rftP' 9 its 41.' d t 'Only 4 1 0 I (1, and even temper, thUt it athe re a - I ..., Audley was.'- landscape. was li, small price to pay, Yet after the seldom trouble their Young lives,, man 9f jonk experienco and excellent Was fond f00d'-bf children as he Where there is a human smile to ro. seemed to smooth out and round oft first few weeks, and even during them its no re. T and 0 It or appetite. 11 , ielne4s Zdy Of dpp,,'-, und borses, nn,ti fleet 046% own, not 0,Ven I. I , Their chief concern is plenty, of water JudV11011t, o circumi4tance, that made his I 1 i - *;,O -e, any Of tile thr(le a dosor" fortlegg existence. Moth dom Stephen, who worked all day to so- -Among hens, I I . youth,and inexperioage conspicuous by eould not b6r to q tile hard edges of their rough, isoffer. Veems desolate, not even a prisoll cell lu. seemed . - - ?, , - =-==m!& — breed MAY be 5 I -42 'I " I= ."o ( Ma , ) ,,,, fellow who hnd-lj pn kjjockcd down by I stronglY In Talbot felt tals Ver ntl`44. Ile made no apologies and " . V. -I , , . The eXIV§'Otme' from I% little I seems cO14. 0 -, , 1, aid to be the Barred I - V to -have the power to disturb ber,,tho I . . .1 . . . I d ­ , asked little advice. lie was courteous to . I - I - J I . ace en among . , 11^1 - 'lliq Suoriors, considerate of his busWss ., , - j)) 11 j I 11 - man?" Aildlev , 11 0 AAM -1 ;,Inferiors, but absolutely deaf to all the 1 WHUM I.&,* "I'A. '.,6.* a . "t , , , , W.r.111t4b44k,W,S.#,,.,r4V , "Are you burt?YOung ful f dCht never even brought a frown to 7719 Great Foolish Preparation. geese, and the Mamma , I 1411141 gossiOlau,4 Irresponsible talk A ,preval- le . . 401manded, as be' looked into his, the- Sun Seemed to. her face; it filled her with cousterna. 11 11, To"m and invigor.1tes the, Whol th Brqnze , I bent over thechild.. lie 1. cc, turkeys have "an R' ' '- ' . the rush of tile mo#Vjd throng, that MOMOut. Ae the 11140t Irritating and annoying 'Inel- I Rock, or perhaps the Rhode I* warm* bright, laughlug, Youth 00' PH0SPH0DI"F..*-' Red. The White Embd . I I 1, V"g. 11 . I . I mo , our'.ve4rs of age, I . , "a every large business of 0 ZV= ,zclo- " — . W , R desire to smooth It over for tWem, it . . old Velas. sed for & A '50, : -ent I I re rho . W413 ft boy of 40 , have suddenly bur$+, out upon that tion for the men, and an Immedlats . orvous S,vatngket similar qualifications, OOF I who kept rubbing ,,(#w of Ills le dreary snowy plain, and as the two I- s liew B'Qo' The CIUIMAnt to the same c % , Ace. = It., . a 11 . , I'S in A Men escorted her over the threshold, ruffled . NWas 04,11 ; '-fto WA 0 possible, to'prevent their being Debfilty, Magill alld jorain jM the duck tribe Is Surely ItabseEl amlointge . Ire had held -Ills position for a year; ,&,,,It MISS -- Uws k.fi'momwam J:M, o .1mkSpivoi eny, .44ss q Erte . p4tp I WAY to 811990ilt thWit had been train. !t seemed to both a . r I I Itatibit b,f Pekin. . ,WV%4!W'--';.04W.T-5* MUM ri( I .I. . that they were by it, Fwr herself, she seemed the rt, hilinellremory TICC62 . gossipi, had It that he had failed, for =." I .1, pled upon.- , . , above -. weir box, 3 . to lit ... A fw fW &.w ,I.w *0 , I circumstances to dis, 'a ­ . throwing, open the door not only to for SS; - Sold by all druggists, or wav ed in plain - - In th4t time I ested a "4l-.ft­Pd.`lo--", :tj r'.0,WAtX9Aj"(Wgtj41',V "Makawal mamt"4) WOO All the re, tile reach of any The Points of likeness. between the , . lie, had not sugg 4"-, ,O - .11 her Concrete self but to tb I White Embdon goose and the Pekin 1. I single innovation or enlarged his de- WZ...Al ,.Ilk..,',.'.= "*"'"""*- - , pIY that could be' olk" I d I e abstracts, 001100rt- Ono morning the men h ftZo4r.0M*PtOfPdM Nei0pamphiAmaile4t - . W .Irl",).r- . ad fr,- iTilr W"D MXplCI are jocularly a0parent Not aloije in 4 i 1 1.00 . . AU(Itey looked ne , 108irever, warmth and light, and gayety and an instance of this. They were. all . . ., . . - . I ,pArtm ut in any wa *, I I . Me 044tokONT0.0"r. I . th y 0. to &d M, X W.9 ft 0.0,ft too %..&&,. ,01 I 'it not One Of tile laughter, and that those all flOW04 In thV06 living together in . I Caine il )But soon it b W W -;Q` 11(i numberless fem , V ­ the color scheme, which they obvious- j ,;; pell' . *uowu at bad prQppsea a I. ; 007-IiOtids thrust eager- with bar into the Simple rough Interior, cabln 'low. Stephen's ---- - iron ;thangq that would result in an aurtual ft== - F That Is'to sa ly .9hare, but in habits, carriage dispo- 11-0*VoJ-ftWWoA.Wft . , d6*0 over him made .trausto y, Talbot cUre his mining gains, would not even Sithm and dependable qualities, these ;, .. . 1. I Proxiapt saving, of $2,000. Gradually his step be- ' ' any pretense Of clahning kinship with migg Ind illumi4ing it, took -all his meals there, and used it exert 'himself to that degree to retunx breeds of two tribes are'.Oaralial. - . THE WALIOR , ' .p6ij " Sjjj$M6nt !,came Ormar, his manner more assured, SE I I V 41., # .......... . Tito youngster; . !.­ KaWne Was dolighted'with her new as his. own home In every way, except the afffaction that was worth all his To ,the Pekin belongs the credit for ,and -he no longer outstayed .the ja,nj,, . YORON'... — 7 , . askred. I ... . "C' home; she walked about* exam',ning that lie still went back to his cabin to 01 ims put together. One kiss given 'the Impetus given to.ducl -ralslng 112 t )r, at: night. Slowly but surely he gain. '" . . . 6 I CAPAP4 . . "Where is YOU amm, n every detail and showing her Joy and hleep4 li a Q 11 w nt Out to his work In the this country. r I . 'ea the confidence of the generil man, I I Q r, in 't? A diy I I I - It had seemed cheerless to , of re e e , . , pleasure In each llttke' IrIfle tlint hg d Katrine and Stephen for Talbot to be moral 9 would have 'made Katrine 0 . ' . ehe criq cpaoed (Or an instant, and been Prepared for "her, She bad a n ARE NOT SPECTACTMAR I - M, , .. agor and the healls of Other depart. I I . 1. I .. .. 11 I - - .." ,,, 1-1. haPpi., all day, one tender Inquiry on TM ALW IN: M BOX. I , two warm arms-'* Te stretched ouf to -very soft voice and lbanner when s e I ­ 1; h14 return would have amply roward- The pekin spectacular, f m -, I 6 I , ­J_ A,, N, , mentsi and it soon became their ba'bit I . - do' chose­ehe was too Young Yet for her Is not a Selies. to come to him for Advice. At theend.. .1 tile 6'x-fOOtQr, rlvbi), bhd ii6t Intend0d 11 Its qualities are not I - ed'her for all her labors, Yet he In- 40"04 4!kYU .1 V -1f ' *= IUI)' . ' Of five Years, when his former assee . lug more thalf 6 102 1 tliv child to the gambling, 'drinking, and rough aeso- RELIEf-2 A] LA vArlal;l went out to the claims with_ -nor pre-eminently a, table fowl, norlat . j- -Startled but Did Not''Vortemo dooritt'l) ot'the"Oush. Alit titers Was clates to have spoiled -and Stephen I ST - 'Y , US , , evfdeijtl somethiliffY I want to help you it y are out bestowing the one, and returned showbIrd, though Its white plumag , ates were wondering if they could afford ' 410 Expregs Par Xoggenger. ­ , . .66119 Whit the leg, stood Inthe centre of the room, flusli- 04 - 0, We te.h.i%t: a0pvoyal to any station, ,to get marriQ, he was admitted to 1, I ­ . Ap Audrey, atoopitily, #Athered th eeding, Itching, blia itifforiliff wltaoiilt making the other. Yellow shanks and oringe bill might where r . The messenger was a ., .,: . I th" a little ad and silent with the fullness of his from bl d or bra- an agent. 'We move you m6mbership .in the firm, I .. . I " Under' 6no, arth, 4nd repeated, Hard well Put It In thl last-named class. I lcne In, the Cit- . ,;gore Is womins?o.. . 7 Pleasure, follow.'na her eagerly with trudIng PlIles, I can tell you how,'ju woikf privationsi loneliness. and even It is 500 to $1.40 a roll on Read , :7 Roolings, ' In 6very, establishment where a num- .,press car, and the 'train was makinli ' simply a dependable breed of 1. of guarantee qq I por reply W his eyes. After all, -III this world of Your own homa And without anyOAG'$ ,',he, absence of all tlio amusements she honest laying habits, valuable for Its' , . ality, ber of. pemons is employed there is al, fast' time about 06 miles outside at I boy,$oIntea to asidstance, Yo,A cau apply the best of . had delighted in. would 0 U go n under, Inelit doatvrsy cj o$e lit hand a a tenet oI ,everything stando in such close not have large 'white eggs, ASE I .,3,ourself to be th , d , current of go3sip. A dis- Sau.' raucisco. A. rro, I - -4a '? ' I I proceeded, to srugg,L ,,J,s to; nd then relatton,to Its $u unding objocts and al! treatments. . broken. her spirit; she would have ac- The test with nd its feathers. "ER I ah*'r i1UPOCting tha Roof- .. 10 t the last Stop the -- . I stenographer talks her trou- illesi ger had beou very s6rry., to I I %.*lose to ,Audley Zled bead circumstaileelothat there Is no. absoluto- cepted'them'all cheerfully, if her hus- out challenge: Is its value 64jjWj,0PLr =g at our rIsL Samples . . 5 r . at bookkeepe r'. The 1pook- I en I fS TREATED AT In market -and Peklits alive or dress. free by mail. also hab ' - . ... ls, immaculate Cellar. ness left. Or you may consider It the HUME ed always overtop other ducks by two , , - '13eofl OX . "'low f0i"UP" : titteriW PIL inand had only thrown over r1nift, Or confid to the telephone oper ,4 Ordinary rough b 10440d. roa I . 84filftrit".11, after,,, tile modern other way, that the feelings are abso. ' little light and or three cents a pound. it r.4valls the logue with prices and full wo s expects to get an Increase the A * ' ­ . I . first , ...­ Ile. 'had ascended the lute and always the act I promise to send you a FREE trial of , warmth Of his 0feet on that she long- i . Send letter or, p .5 in salar tuck . The experience was cou,4 .. 11 . 11. .oat card. . ' a . y, The elevator boy explains that 171011 enough, but it always, depressed flight. .. it 0. A milljo tile new absorption treatme' Muscovy, not because It Is considered Me f"a samples and price If, 01Y be- , 9,01P9. to'leave soon for a. better , * itt, and re. led for. Each day she hoped It might as fine a table fowl buf because Of Roofi him 4L llttle I He wasn't at', a re bridegfoom could not receive niore , . . I fill 1,flemed with tile pleasurefrotit the pleasure of his bride g and 'particulars of , Fie a. I I 0111015pherie­ '0)j4jtjouj. . Tile sanded ,will but write and ask, I assure yo S, In some see- 0 jobl"These bitil of news are c,cchanged Having set thing$. terences from your own locality Ifyou be 'different: but no, he grow 14ore its soft white feather' livery offer." When mansion he had pre. U, And more absorbed by the gold- fever tions where Pekins are raised In numm, . V 1 uiliil they become common pr,opey.ty, , I to MOAB. 4r, '10419 . I floor, thO *ht -that *as dim, it not pare viewing the at Immediate relief. Send no Aualiie.y, that was eating away his heart and bers, they are picked at regular in- - 4 for her, than Sfthft did n. THE HALLIDAY COMPANY. g -S. -j , The, . . 0,11glous, the elvg%lnerate odors from from Xatrine's RPPrOV41 of his I., ow but tell others of this offer. employer, learning tfiat the stez),,- ; . ---p ogra I . ;- 1. rival ste,y pots jjlj. this but, Address brain,' and tile girt grew more and tervals, as geese. Whon'dr7 picked ? FAcl`0 7 Diattibutoveo . P40; I's diosatisfied, tells her that * . I flon tfy tile club W0A a. revela. and her thanks and &miles were as . more del) ssed and resentful. I HAMILTON. she luay leave . I m4ft­ Ile didn't like it MRS. M. SUMMERS, BOX $0, - re "It the fathers command a price almost' - CANADA. at her pleasure. The I I . Out% bit, be -vrjjd'i;-, I , Sweet over a little wooden shelf tacked would bo get his increase in I . I be no trouble to him," she mitil equal to that of the best goose foa, . - .- - . - r With Ills 11, .114" generous enough against the wall, As if 9, twO-thousend. Windsor, Ont. . mured to herself, over and over again, thers. i q I - -- .11.11.. salary slid the elevator boy doe.,; not getI ­ -1- .- . nio"01 1 I)ttt-,tO give himself, I 1 1 ...--- . ., OIVCII , . . 04 dollar chandelier had called them forth. --=­ — . as She stood at the wash -tub, wring- Beginning about Fbbruary, the Ple, for drinking and bithing, and much his '1 ew j6b.11 Especially if you are dis- V, 1 - I . C hP was doing noW; well, A this were "O" 'SiNcz I . -1 charily .the Virtoo Then Stephen . I - I 'i. took her arm and a few yards from them- Ing out his shirts, or knelt on thw klu lays prolifically till late In Sum;- Soft feed. The mistake of giving. them satisfied Should. you refrain from dia. 1 I (, cortainly de erved drew her Into the'liext room, and here eating alone . P of the cabin scrubbing th ater in sha 'is V14" at tile ?lead of tile `jj$t, 4 ' and though It'gave the girl more floor mer In favorable environment. The W .Ilow pans should be cils8ing your position. . . Tir . , The boy, bovve Was r4 shy and nervolm she could not work -and for that reason Talbot *as board$ ---"Just a kiss or a smile." eggs, large and pinkish white, grade guarded against. Duckq of any lifeed' *1-&------"- I A low Vet, still pointed, up. look about .at all, . StOihen took off should have water, of atifflefent depth Mtnard's Linlrito I %Aft ORO , I ward, and Avilley kept on mountjnrr un- her cloak , low aTQVa I I 0 . and her"Outer wraps, and herself f ggs, and constitute one of to Plunge their bills in to their eyes. S i jr I wh - heathed the to . taell Made They , . , direeted lintil, be bird slow to accept the arrangement ---she She did not In the meo-utime relax higer lit maTkat than the dark Fud- nt For Dandr!uff. Ire bp'wii I i Wrected to turn Ili coaxed him into it. guy A) her attention to him. Her 410-duek e reason, - - I . - . - r L ' This Js backed by hygienic h 0, 9=--- -- . - - I o . a , p' her come and see her re. came in late from the claims to lunch, smile for him was always as sweet the Pekin's points of superiority. Their ,C inOsO §601ar on Marilag . I 'n 4 little square and found... her bending over the fire when he returned. her efforts to A standard ffock! for the ordinary . Wn: near h I oPert do6t*ay. - ­. , tin flectiOn , looking- . Atoattils become gummed gad do . is little writing desk and . , I glass that lit had btaiiied for her at . sealed so that breathing through them ' Sir ,Robert 114rt, tPeAxiig of ma,r. dropped Into a doze, A. stolpen lurch, . 1,he 0140 Whig with flushed cheeft and happy eyes. Plbuse him as untiring, 'but In her farm lot way consist of ten. ducks and is impossible, , uld tt stiflingly l'Ot;,- Jim boy had begun not face the mirr6 and hid her h ,and doatil Obatoms in the Par .of the train roused him, and, as Vo 4J 'd hil Alyfill 'disorder quite n. high price., but Katrini cc She was stirring a great saucepan of two drakes. The layers are good for lmttly, responsible Is not certain, but F,as strete4ed himself awake, wkstl,*,as hill ; . an heart her thoughts turned more and Whether soft feed 18 Tiago "letly tO fky` 4gai'll' ,ard to, clutel, ,t blushing checks and r' -Inviting looking and smelling Stew more constantly day by day to the two or t ree years. The flock should they Must be able to wash their bills t. 1016 8 8t0T,y Of a great Chinese . his IP9, -Th4 in,, , I . downcast eyes On that She had spent the whole moriki Idea, of leaving him, of returning to n elng ba, 60 It f . hal e Its' duck house with nests and to their hjDartg, content. Young ducks the tough box was lifted about- thr" . 11 *131; fain to drop him -- ,c li,,:a,- and high official who said that 0onStVru%UOn 'tt e ' t 40 I . on the rinkle ,6f,r , in preparing. The large handle at her own Itteo where.at leadt she had . be penned each night. The next day alternately shovel a maut'hful of to our Weign Way of letting the youl3g, I . ed it bed, and -proc ap. by Courtesy term. the pan protected from the stove 'It . Oen tormented by this perpetual at 10 or 11 - O'clock, by which time ad Inches I , ­%- aminn " ef,do& to make An ex. . then, rush to the drinking -cup, People fall in love and choose and the "I -1 , L UOR for aiinj TORM I I somd' distftee, and as hope and the daily laying is over, they may be not . E xPkIes i messengers live jj 4tily 4*9 Middle ot the: , ilr Ages- . Ile was In tile - OaDOORS Stephen threw . expectation and disappoint- go much to drink as to cloonso Chinese way of first marrying and . I Voices from atrog ocess, lvllen women*s 11 .51ZIES to sok your off his overcoat he managed In some Ineut. * , - turned out for the day. ManY 0998 bills, I ' tbeir then making acquaintance temin wpoctatIlOn Of trWA r0bbsrs,, and thisl I ! ' ,as ont are lost by neglecting to hold the . ded thought flashed'through his toind' i ear. Two like a, file ball reached ])is I "WLN% Fined Way to UP UP the saucepan with a One evening,whon Stephen V flock each morning. ARE GREAT QIJACIXERS him of two* kettles of Witter, the first th ' t*inkliu& of an eye tbat,,okke 6f .1 Me", 'Vito find, been bling. W0,21a". Sale j- sudden Jerk that swit the contents "%. I I have seen I -the foreign -was talrert at the boiI4 thaso gentry 'Was In the bo - - I I"Rbalf-clad ojtj:, ;f tile wind w I halt into the fire, half over the girl's ­! ­ - ''I'll "' sea eg Of eggs lost on creek.shor6, Pokins to the number at six or eight ire by 4isetvAsing, t.)y# Ritili I were - -1 11-7 ,"Ift.t.4. Ing point from the fi - marri I' I x I ' due to, negligence on the part of owu­ are. good bavkyard fowls If Itunning .and then grew 'Pooler c age - " As e got up from his ch'A"Ir,hp. 1# 0jono'. .: rho for Nice List bare arm, from which the sleeve wa.(4 codori C4" and ooler, .# 'Yis. VA.. kaffertv.) on, 0 t CIT Cut down luo , ROOt (;OMPO" ers On the other hand detentlon water is accessible and one's neighbors whereas the secohd-the Chiness . L relieved to see the lld quietl I *##I 0ovl`jji;' 4 , I ( thom a I& I rras rolled to the elbow. She,did Act ut. .. I A n4a.fe, r1jablairej zatig I . wa e -was F drop I f6 obr W ---" - ; bit * . wi-, -r , ,u of th flock too long Shortens their are sufficiently Mmoved not te bg dis- a kettle of cold ter . - — ge "'. . Ing' ,U)ls day,wake R I,. ter a sound as,the scalding liquid ran old In, hm a. *9 day and cut . ; I ,I ,,, , trj . work Put On the fire ! I I tell' Tim,16-4 I wit 5. I ­, I li 5 the regular tUrbed by. their quacking.' . 71 , ­­ . I it comis to tlds. The HALL ,Now of streasth-No. I $I- Pokins are by wedlock and ever afterward- grow. . AW4.V lit. the"t . Took kDAY COMPANY, Limited I burning over her flesh, but Talbot # . ' '. LLi . . I I of "401ILYPH _ rAcTony Dli?*Vvurarts Q. X ; ,80 5 per$;;., quota of eggs. The seasou's first firm belieVeIrs ilk voice culture, and Ing *armer and warmer. "so that, ' i ,:' ,,, - ." L i 1wh 11411". i0ril save "a 6,FfAnAl saw he rfAce grow deathly pale - ,4th I sold I drug seat eggs should be sold unless one has give- votes regardless of place and hour, -Pj't;LS-'.' j L. '.' --- , If I .900(j'e"tyt1j(ji lOOk 0 1t,­(Or- 00! 'iVov? Th ' I I the sickening pain. After a second I I Ve on recolp They Ow, be raised with jdas cost on said his friend, "after 60 or 60 years ,OWMARTEL"S .., I.. . -"- - I 1.0 0 " 0 S AILUMS L htt'V fo'take film. Th n - of agony, When she found her voice, I . 10 AcT ""' facilities for protecting the young we afO madlY in love with each -FOR WOMEN milliv t'11'11(yie iln tir me ffift, n1r;" ""' his shoulder instea , THE COOK M IN , froni unseasonable cold snap, Duck- creek and river shores. They have a other I" , he T,,ord. joiolj; .fllc ,for bov - d. Stephen Put. bi and Stephen was remorsefully spread- 100-i . very, good Idea of locality, and In their -010.0 ------- i. , , 1. in, it. Adv aXmL round her, "You don't re st . 10"RON010, oNt. I Illigs flare Ill if cii flkted togo' closely . ability to return nightly are real I I 11 thmgaodaofvrom*nUvotmtL4edfri,.thol* )',Rrllh a n1jrj:V Ij61 Ati(i regardint-th6, li-sal;jill - I.& Pak L " *I gre Ing tat over the blistered, I -- --- In one place. '. - r, 9xidluos of Im - God rebt 'Q8 * v Pieter Of what 8 L "Homers'll Numerous enemies 41.e. presArto remedy -for, dalk"A And, pon-VU& crockin. ' k, ! his 00, ` you have done?" he asked, in flesh) the first thing she aid, with The ducks maY be Permitted to In. 9A"W*M!4.A?HA1,ALVPIL . Scleutliles.W . Sowlf" P L - P,QtTALITY. I alarm, Pressing her close to'hini, her eyes full of disappointed toars, In the shed at tte back of the cabin. oublate, hatch. and rear their youn plete th;r numbers. Hawks find a genattuation. Q4"94 hf*v a ri% OoAftfs . . I he InOtAcowr Box. ;At -your 13"val.st., or iilRa Ith "NO, Oh, no, dear Steve; only It% was, "Oh, dear, how uuIueky!,-%.Now stacking'up Some wood by the 1!,;It but most raisers prefer the More ,elf., , Yellow fluff ball of & iia'-kilng quite as Lworld Is,gettIng irorol dem6drat,00, 9 mall, vrioo fta Knitkerhotker xq3nwv at., Tb ""m4% "Of"Iff-k- -Ai0pv, Willis: "Tben you really think t ., _ 01froillon 'fit-A11141tv . L . w, ,j . n,r L'If a. ,,,,,,.,. 111'04,e , thp eer. 411 60 strat'90; let's 'go back to the You Won't get auY,thlng hof f Satisfactory as a baby chluic or turicey. . Gillis: "'Surely V*4t 81 Fuld Toronto. CoinsdA. I 11411ar tn1vot "t, k, ­ Ori Of a Caudle BI in a chink of the ficlent Plan of using hens or incu. , do, Start a convor -k#Ld not.' -he pt,A dage IOI Talbot and the girl were Sitting batora. Th s ttirlis the ducks out as . WILL BRING GOOD PRICES any bootblack or garbage. L . 11" dish rAg ji,,dley ree T) n other room." lunch." And as soon as a b ­ I . I satIon With . . . L 5 ;.- , OfOdod to p0lj,qh,jhg , p _ They returned, aa, she wished, and, was twisted roiind her scaidedauarm, . Idle on each aide et the stov egg machines. The Sturdiness and collector and You'll find thRy have $ 1 1 ,rjf"k% frnm fl", found e, and, 09 I . I Y41l1".1At(-r1 'oojjnf,,, . that Talbot had laid the dinner $Ile was over at the.ouiliboar open. L Despite the general dependable nad shares' of the same stock that Its Place Ifowever,, be d collect, somehow, thou.b. Talbot seldom Independence Of tl g­little ones makes likable qualities at Pekins, It is qiltt, YOU know that thl -anti g"yo "an"o"Old"# stood off for thenii-a dinner lie had spent eldom . have.?0 bandit was no doubt watelit" hiS 4 fit fl e rometif - all Ing All the best of her cold supplies c4 his llps..6u, such inatters, s It very easy to raise them in houses sure that less will be raised this,ye,tr . rot the, m-me"t.he- ' the Morning in prepgring-an4 they and laying them out on tita table, Is his life offered opinion or advice or cool ! ! W6,; trP*it,nnj-fs,,j sat down to it w , . s, in small or large necks. then -formerly. It Is undeniable that - J every movement from,a, hole bored In .. 16 "'O"I"" f1v1p 1'"Tol l4ek to hiq rnnn, Made a ith a gayety that Her one Idea, the sole tjjought that to otherso illey had now btan $peak. HMS VOR INCUBATORS with Pekins. It Is a case of "spare the I I t L '2 the side of the box and that what Illi I't At'l Ovyviom Tf shortness of supplies. occupied her, Wag to Make theS61.,two Ing of her marri. ,;c, and, Stephen's did ht must do cautiously. I showin . I NVA.4 they drew in close Men happy at any -attitude to ar cr. The Pekin. Is a gross feeder, a fact feed, spoll the product." T , Canada I.. - cloge'round the . cost to horgelf,.All W d It Indicated 'by Its shovel -like bill. it ageous ones continuing In the bust- . MOV136 Out of the hiddea Mateo - him Vie"PictureI.6f 4 Cliobbi 4 After up . year-ol(t. .114 rnotn 0101i, d In'ur etrh firs And Prolonged the L day she Studied how she could in There Were tears In her great eyes, _,.. — ---- I hose aoar. W en of ftge- at Vision, I roasting an ake ­ - -- ==== ness ivill. find good PrIcea. , ra, he got hlu bands oV "Yet. INA", - ho heArd Dra d eating of chestnuts and their life, so hard and rough" smoath- and her under lip quivereC md turn . -- ' - — Whether Who Testify 1 14*6j(40 &RI., fit'l,ftfog, Ytoiils drinking whiskey throughout the at. or for them, Will ONANVS they warrant them In rearing largo a, J!OW halls stud a haMmer.. Then he 701ir 0111irn 48 n bAI)v. could alleviate numbers IS hard to prognosticate. Tnlso nburg, Obt.: "Ever, Mace I ;An alowl Worked his way I through, the I%Rvlq ter'10011-for whiskey was ther the labor and monotony of jt ' She "He is very WMDped up In all til a , I a' how she I ed downward like,q w4 rose leaf. ' THIS w lofty TIIO'Of Packages, which he pre, 'Vv" el`44'ed. Grent see rose In the morning long before olther fit to our nati(in's . in our family at home t6nded to be remrtallglng . wAddenly t1onlar *eleve .'.tUfrfjT"8;T'j'f 'f W111011 Oils P11T'- strblngly us Stephen objected to I Just A few hero And there will make ftmember, Dr. Pidroo g medicines wer.a need .11f# digging business. why Cid he want to , it .valued aecrume . ­ .­ M.'roterts thill growth, hor dritilt It,, still it Wag their Wed. Wal awake, and had the fires blazing, marry me at 411*?" She said In. a sort I food resources, every Vound lot which -11. and the.y never failed threW a beavy trunk on the- lid of the ,ffir4n to "vo, fhjft ', PbO+1)9rApk for illy ItA4 o I— must be conserved for this needs of the .to --- ell' ol(l li""? I ding-dayj'and he let, it pass. As dark. Wood brought in, water ,me ut. of heltlets Childish Wonder. . -to give 049*4 2"ultal on. it over T, , . a wb,rl I - rough box, Jumped 4140 It and nalle4 ' . I hm-6 oito's, hoss came dosvii, Ing snow- and the coffee made by thei tjmq,they Talbot was silent, looking at her RECOVERY world, . I ­ I" , , . "T e 'Gowen medical down. the lid Securely, The I ( Avidley, gar od q storm swept th c hey came Into the sitting-rooing, johking 44d then, Instead of answering h;; - . ­ . DiscOV07'Vils used ImprIson4 ,pd at ;tile Atom sr ,(,, could ses the thlia sharp I . ;As a tonic and blood ed robber poared and Struggled, but to 1 ,%aiworic . 0'"'t "011" Anti lomr1ing. It flakes fly White and SleeVY in the flare of the Question; said : SfLLY HYMNS. " . "iriffer and for b - "t Od quite natural 01 him thlit () vast the window on, the cutting wind. common candles. "Why do4 you make him notice Sho,WS Rel"arkable CUrati,ro 1 1) . blo ,4 ib no avail. ' pt"Itt And lidat the whistling fOar of the Otoohask,er Rerald.) jW owal I Th* memsenger rushed to Of l. they had formerly found hard, when him ?Pl, . The '*Beautiful Isle of Sonlowivaret , V proved exec&iit, X 7 of +he bent ,Ind th"'.t"I'll and thl* All tile housework YO -41 Mare? Why esalt you .ppeal to - the rear , 1041410111fig ItIlint ',4jjj$V1.l hav- 0016, ima song is not tile, -only offOlider against . nave ne k- ,the 09ir and looked back through thh i . Istorm " It struck and beat upon the counted in addition to thelf Outside Power of Witt E. Pink- .. I . I coa0bics. He could vie the maik,4 cont. , "Pli"A Of hN bov,hood's, frien(j, . It# cabin. They only flung More logs labor, she took entirely upon herself, "Appeal t, him," she repeato.d; "It'S. Od taste. The tlhurthes,'wo are giaa On I olden 11 I 11"t,or for ft MOM *t (10111444 tile truth Into the AtOVO, Alld gave a baekward and insensibly th(w both folt the re, no use. Why, Le Is gold-I)letted-eyes, 16aln s Vageable N, learn, are wbedfrig out the do derel , Discov r., brou- I feder4teg "going through', the li" , trom their hyban boolts. It is cor Altly I 1 4 1 , - 1 - Owal trouble, tind SeAgets* Who h -their hands- &loft the f very great. There was no cam. th-te tbeV did. Iragine rnest and wo- the % I , 0 tig RIIATI*1011, but lmk(lid rtrou.1ha 91111169 over their shoUlders from time lie cars, touch, everything all plated over. - If I eld Pavorl While a member.of the Pug "Covero4" T""41, Willis ,Olt the . proof lie knew was tO time toward the Window. you can't reae!4 him tkrougli It.,, compound. men, presumably 0 aver 6 intel4ence teriptloW f4 build .. them., The express car 4,arrIed #. Valli. thtte. By nine lug hOMO 11OW, Worn, Out and ffNeu, , I I I . In the evening, wheli Talbot was 1104V;. 1114vo Men nothing like I isling & thWIlke "O Vlo Be Irothing: t 11 Aborp -flip, Ttod, Itj ft little ro*P,wotjd' 149 th6M to 90 to his Own cabin, to a cheerless cabin, and being ob. In , thenl?,, affection Not Ingy, Jn tbein JA ot M.d.-, me up wh u 1 Was I abl& 9111OM43nt, And the Messenger that " , she said, after a minute. to School, and tref *.a send Our children M-dowa slid t6y both wow , It liged to chOV wood and light fires 4ind ChesleT., Ont- "116ford using Lydiag her Wave, fictlal., Moilelt, always used ., tree& termiged t6 Save it, I so tbat they jh.AY ,be sornet"11M, ,And -Extract of Smar ,,, COMPbeAd, "Onve they, nothing between the!k mad t"llikhaM a Vegetable CoIngund I was ir tvwv turn out t C All. for .. % I'Drig A 11004 photograph tile had Calmed down a little, though the split jeo before they could get *Arr4 I 0 be 110thw9s At GragpIng the lever that Operatod th,o ; fra" - , I . _ I , ra, , laid bursts of Paeglon. and a, colallacivil,'tr? a total wreek. 3 had tert le pain$ in we do not thank the Almighty foi. I , bu, P&IM, It A186 was v good. so(6 Ili I'lltOMAtic epupler, he put every OU44q, I ro,oln tleft yeltrg 11(f. What do t1ey do with all tne charming M very salty., fouft. I t fte6uritnen4ing all r. -Pic id 11116togrilph Part 1) vto" had A610" '%"I'd 'it'll tuOSUOd in tho hollows Of And rested. I 'A glowing hearth, a - y Sides and was not regular. Finally Another hill I him in their eolio# the gulch. table, a face always Awaited wi(Ya they havo before they possess o, I $dt fie weak I cotild not go up s it Ow"heiddh folko Used to $1119. before it 'ra, 'knowEa thou to tr I . of drength Ile possessed into one ter '. f"Ns. Ite loanod fmvArd, 4*1 fook it Stephen said Xattino stood at the them. smillng . ta a I "vs. : . C - 'rifid Jerk. The 4rawheads parted, jtU4 dow1j. tlj#'bOyy# breat I)II)o often toml 9 UP from strtkon. out Ot the hygnaftleii ran as fat. VORD VITCHE 6, I wl1JdOW a Second after he had gone, dump at ill(' Woman? Stephen ,Was to gentle, so Vithout siaTpIng to rest half way up lows., V,O,k follow. n "I Im? h, , the lower ond,ot the claim, n106, so Inte.-Oted. When lie used to steps. tried tWo doctors but they "Lord. resaird my oarnest crZ Cauttil Bette . sl"ry mo4milit. oft Ae baok looking; out into the curious t it gap Almost Instantly 6pencil botwoiW. I I misty .W*-­6W.bA.W.. 4 , j.w- i.d,. j I visit me down -town, and now you se4 dit Me no lood. I SaW yokit medi6inel A %)otsb6rd of the earth,- I Saak-'-"I hAV6 Used M the OXPreas ear and the tokoholt, 11114;- i he oky llst"4 of a whit6negs and blaekness Commtng,,. Viefte's MOdii-Al Diwavety for it flu r f1villir U1411 11poin qAtA,Wlpd.- 3(1,04. tea(.11 Of the night. bow rude and hateful he is very often. Adv"tise in the ZkOwspapera aid A, voor, AV.11t,y worm LG 1. of Yeirs and -am plolit1ed tdr6com mbv 1fting ba4k throlligh, his. tar. barring tho . . I I . ! A Canstanite by birth.-* I T"t1d, it my NOD $t bettft life than I haV4 known WhY did they chanl;6? AP a blood,purillor. I know it ftss 120 eq door as he went"the mellsetiStr rftea "t am ROtrY there sbould be such a I I havo not thou t I Would -give it A trial. I took And there used to, be aftothtr Which be- #A I used it j6p. ual -IrAti I)tWojj. ' I fou Vottles of the Vegotable CoMpound . MY bbY tot, tubercailmis of ed the front door,, and shoutod to 'tho ! Audl#y &lip storm the first daY you tire here, darl. .; changed. I am still as attentive, as gat, It We tatn6mber ri t htlye 110 what & the knod joint, RY bOighbOtt ,Ind friends engineer to open 11113 throttle, The 104. pea'-jIm photograph into Ing," said Stephen, gottly, put his arm eager to Please him, Mere so than and was restored to health. I alit mair. wrotebedlan4 is this. w lch rieldo us no *Oft aarPriftdvith the retull.s; hi Ise; I da hill PkwkOt and tt%ed PArl. J L rr.4 ls,Ughibg round her iied am the Mothor of tWO ehften, 8001`11.`," In tb6, first t"Wilt(i Ve singer$ 91116 find the express car looped forr Vhe!a he (lamo - ,o my cabin. I ,*jkT erowt Ili) 10 khoulder. In. the nor. waist. 11 I I . Ob," ,ihe sind do sit my 1:1008owark, milk Aglip blasiv WMed against Man, la t so zotthifik he would 156 &live today had it ndt Ward, but 'hot & minute. too soon. "WhF, what does that Matter,,y I , , adde4l, after L valnute "I'm getting. so I a ) I 6 eart n Uft $or the 'Medical r)lsecvery., I Also tow. dirf't Allway ushed do tired of it all, I feet I cows, and do a hired man's work and It I ON er . o are not a to keeP It oA hand for r6ughd its jt,dhT6ft!0* Tile boamilits, emerging *from t4t "t - the pair Was er tot mind, I have you to Drotoet ionjoy the beat of h6alth. I also found tit t * 0 of or , not also blaup e 6 fr6m otbpr cough intilicinvA Ia%tAjd of up. I like I'd like to IntO Tito Vbmer by (nisr men e,jrry me, You Will always nowo Steve, throw I it all up And go back to my VogetAblo Cam und A great al 0 el 006cling Warta o Ili'% "ettin . , ing a A p thettlointah 0 rood w0gh tyrtips cokchei, Ware Insane with r4g6 w1l"li: a , pt"tehot. 7`h(% g jlg bott) bpert tho IvIarm O%Vlt I fd itud freedom. Alt tho men bell) for `sult 0 a , It its he CAD 6r do it a good tot t 0.1ftinae.b. I 0 thOY is&w tlidulselvea foiled and poured I $1 the amMilstnop. Notof th'o. won't you, from ev6kything? I don't . iny weak back Moto My babies *era 116 Itio I 9 Upon buft. I W known about Vr. Pietrogs' ,rg=. voller after valley froAk thoir titloil Plt"01 wa- want 0tr to go back to that gambling to lire 80 civil an so .nifl,s and So devot- Urn. I -recommend it toall y frion -. , 41A 444 1*0'* a I On. Nnd fttle IWI was 4 real orphaft lift q M dis . 466110.1,161riwRe. ft, ROY 1110 the fast fleeing ear. , how. , gaill.ri l6d As long Its ,It Woluilln does nothing Who are In rited of medidne, ; nd , Millard's LIMMisAt Pot Wrjl% 1tc6 W 1). 1 N M* hoetti'd flift two Ag tbt%v . 116 drew her Into his arras. it . I -1 for thom," the said aftuDlY, not fully may print this letter if you Wjs! .V.! I - 111- % I 10, Al . Wh64 you tako 160160 "Modooll )Frft flit next r'lation % toich litO 1. pw q. A M4111/1119, Perhamq, the terrible Ironical Mrs, t)k, engine with's posg# Ariiw to, the tooth . I 111tor'"t As thpre was for the peopleOf "Of crourse, ,of tourso I will,,, ho . I ruth the waq half unconsciously ut-i 1p MMY JANICN, R. R. No. 4, Choit. BlItGUT niuvNNIT tov6%, y6u Am rttista the belleat 11"'Arwl"ll vrolqftf 0#00red In tho ;e , "I will Always tako . t ,y, (jutaric. t It Now," said I I of t`114 , *OntlAek to the rell6f of the stalIO4 : tho Mid hisbing her. , .or ttrins, it hatdly #"ms p tr tho proto,,-sor of ollemIS. OIKPOTI" Of 4 (10--tOt whOft rfVut^V64 " U4111, frow which the bandit .. POW. Ittiff thing M" tke, st"j6*V, UP. . a of you." 0 , 48ible that there, Is I -s 1%4 10I ;k , , I . - I jTo, be continued.) it I ulider what o mbinatloik Is gold in atouu& " fttth. &ill mom . I . woman irk this Country who will c . M t6M*ftbft m6dIdA6 .f#hkt dfi b; YOU 04 t 1111i0% tied. Th6 *XDrms ftr &Wj,."glikej t I X . - 5 " :: ` 4 , , I I Iq IncFZ1140T. "'to`%WUM4, in I I ' ; I I I lug `11*4 OW40%z 1 ' woo*- leIV6. boo Awo 4wfsp 110. fzom,17 14 SAII All, nitm.t ti- 1"r I lags 4114 th5h 11 and forif I 114bl at tion I I I 1 V104111 5 I 11 I to I *Ir f 0 1 i '180M E =14. M .;- I ME, I .-- I '00's I I ib4i" V o idlslm 144V arms were Ifitorlaced about his I . . Oyt1it"quickly, relesred,pl I in$ tA it nfider , I Pot, Asliky thp" *6A. no Uetk. they looked Into each 1" with Ut iving L ,, ht & hftyy P006 gtfitrdo prog&444 , I wo hokod M,t th#'Volle# Illation, , , , ­­ -;Vilrywhoro- tPi1iftnUk8hta6m#1UAffVeerg 0 Fraild". The bandit witt Intigor Any othor's , , Mitlard"t Willms"t tot saig, I The student roi;M,red * molh#ftt. drop of slooW or h000W Of QW kW. to S&n - . and 0 ctitblo C%un , trial q kgo ikir,,, Ale . ",# , -V*t = tho *V, ho had fflow-d. "" neither knew VAY more il , 1. ­40+ . tfter All the 4Mdoviee that lit etm Ual rjago.,10 , '1:18wered. ,,R6A,* tong *0. Dr. VW" cotnbW64 m1kah Itild at "' PH I R(ItfIr of a mw ore, wo,nderful Whitht,r It wait 1% f1torm Or a efilm IV , I , , "What's th# troubler. fr. Dibbs?" being publixhc-d, provin Ylond - -* *Q*U­A.;,-. "bWA* , "40MM ifiVedi6fitt-Withoat 1191Y-160king tattomitr hp pro"d to 1* .. , I '%fit. DibbK hits a stilgle-traek mind.', diction that this 411W 1011 of "1161-f* that 14 rstn"* He Sat a hentoace of twenty ye&ft 14 , 'I"rim NI Movwltd 4dos* to his broost thkl Ilill" It outside, , "i vaAd old meiticint haw 111101h, In the 41991IM196 of st duty it I In the songkI&O. 7 THEIP,j) , For -I0' first f#* Weeks After thall, I I 1 11MV, "It's boon running On a Mo. reli6y6d r1joret Flu firing Among WOM06 Is ju4t O's well to IrlLtiory, yourself thItt boft Woo U&pomo th6 pftjtAtjUW, -­ ­ I tor -oar for thr*4 yetrit.,,-131rMingham tbhn "y otb#r W"Idd# II, th# W4ta . It ,#A laallp 41ft" hAft *t ,4 , 16"Oh" I " - I *10000 Cin,t OkM'rolit,*,V;t S'Ntor*i#I ' 1, a,: 11dat- A Aah I , . 1* . ` -1 ,,,,,, * k * , m ,