HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-10-07, Page 1Z I ­­ ­ I "' 11 ." 1 I 1 , 11" , bkl.w 1 . I 1. " . . 11 I 1 I I . ., I A; I A alk I '. , ". * - I 11 la ,, --A , " - I i W gilt I I .1 : I - , , - , - - I I I I ­ I... I _ , , , " _- ', . I 11 . . ... .. I . I . -.4" - ,. i q 11 I ,., , 41, . , , . ... . ! ,0 ­ , I',- . , I . ,, :. I I ! , I i ,. I - . . . I I , . I .. . ,i_* _1'.." '1 11 . , 1, 11 I" V : ! i , ­ . I , , , , : I j .. .,P, . 11--li,," WN -l'', _ .1 -, , -;. , . _t 1, kt , :1 I ." 1. I I . . , . * i- ' .I A'k W " . t . . .. "'14. .. t . . I . .. . . 'A I .1 . 1% . I . . I , I . ­ p -1 , , " , IT., ;I:. , :1 I ­ ? ., . - - . , A11L, e- . I , , I , , ­ - . . k 1. . .." ', ,",.. -, . ll . ,;1 0-,­ : , - . " - 4 1 , - ,, , ,. 4. I 11 !irp, - - " " , - 6'0 - ,, , t 1, 1 ,' f , . . I , I * . J " .. ", . , . ., , - ; ,, . I . . . I . I i. 1. , c . " , , v --.t- , , I , . I 4, ,, , I 9, I . . I . - " I 'A 1 I .11 - , J , - ) . I . , ,f 4 "V . . .,! - . I I . , - . I I 11 , I . : . . . . ,., . I . `l,, . I ., . ti I . . I I . I I . I', L I . I Ahd 11 I , , — . , I I . , 11 f I , MWOMM6. A&,A, .&.a 'L I 6, - , I - C . .. I . . . . .. I . . . .... : _ , . . I "i . I I&, .4.w,o "111111 4 -b I . 11 I .. .,; I ,M;`1W - 'V W17W . . . . . . . I I 4' .. .. . I I I I 11 I .1 11, .. % 11 .1 1,*i : ":= 11t I . ,!" ,,%, 4 .,, , I I I -_ I I I I ",I .1 17 ___ i l'T'lir I I" I ft b b ". . .1 . . I : V , I . ! ; I - W a I ; , " . . 41 I J i -1 sw P . I 1. % . I . I . , jobbAm I . f . I 4 , ?N I . . . I I 11 . 44 & . I t . ., . 4 .- . . . I L I 4: ** . . .1 I . I . qV1 I I . 6 "I . . , . 5"i . ., , . , . I I I . . . '.4. 1 . . . . le , ",:, ' - . I , , . , . I I I C 1 I .M _ k . , , " . nft == I - , .% I 01 or " Mrn "M , ,. ____,..___ I .. I I p , , , , 'I. 1. , '...Ngg IVI. p"ploglit P11 11 I P11 I , . , '' 1p ., 0 'I I'' 11,0109,Plll"l .. .... .., "ll— "11, . =T! . . - ­­ - t _ , . . . ___ - __ I _ _____... .-,-- W! . I --,.I .J.J_1,­,:%'g. I " - I _= I ­­­­ ''I ' .. . . . I & . . . .POSTPONED WINGHAM "k LL PAIR, THANKSGIVI I A. .., r4i, . . VA .4 *-; NG DAY, OCTOBER 18tho ' . ''. .,., k.l . I . I . , I—-, , . _ I . 10.!-_ . I'LL ­ —.. ..--.-. ..--. .--ft ---".!t.-. —.-,-.— ,. ----.—.—.— ...... , "..,—,-,-- --" ---" -- ---- -- - - ,-.----.. —"'"'"'I' :,Ill,:." ,,'11''1—.--------------,--, .. -----------.-----.,---...' ,--..---,--.— . —". ,-..- ---.—.- ----, ------.. ---..,. -- . ...., I . , , I " ­_­­­,_­ - I . Single Copies - Poor Cents . I WINURAM, ONT, T"URSDAY. OCTOBER 7th, 1920 . Subscriptions: $2.00 pe'r year . . !! _, '. , I I - __ _... OR I— I I - _. - ____ I ­ I= 111111 M - _­_ I -M _____ . !: - ___ I . ,,,, ll.,!''I,!Ill.11lllll,,ii,i,, . ,I- ! I I I., ­ I . ___ I I 111. _. - ­ -.-- I I ­­.,__-vN~V,*,.-0S,l,,— ^ r I TOWN POUNCIL - , , - j`----`—--—"-- ""Creonals , I , WINGHAM FALL FAIR . MTRICT NEWS _­ _^_.,_.__.___1 r -initial 1 NJ , I L ai 10c, - lfrelw , 0 The regular monthly council, meeting . : L --4 Lost J)i4y's Exhibitign Postponed Until . . , A public meeting was held in Walker- . L_ __"___,__, , _ , Papet I was ,held on Mondviy evening and ,there .%_.00.__^^ , ----0-111' 04tober 113th. ton on Tuesday evening, when the form- ,_,, - Leries i was no absentees. A communication Mr Ed. Lockeridge returned to Detroit ers of the district and citizens of the W. C. T. U. Tag Day in Wingba ni on . this week, Wingliam Poll Fair is certainly having town were in attendance. This once Saturday, October 9th. Help a most (full size) , from the Witightun. Creamery Was read in. I Mrs. J. G. Stewart is visiting w;th, her its' .'sbare of hard luck. Last year the . famous institution In the county town worthy cause by buying tags - . Worth 50C. which they requested a rebate of the . . daughter in Auburn,. . fair was 4 failure financially, because of . will be tried out once more next year, ---Y-Teeswater Fair on Wednesday after- , To clear at 25e. l I $39Z 62 overch3rged .thern for power. The matter was referred tb the electric, light * Miss Olga ColQugh of Blytb, sp . nt Sun- wet weather, ,but at that the weather was . a, great-dea.1 bettelt than they were favor. Mr. A. W. McEwing, owner of ­Mtiple . wood lierd", disposed of nine pure bred noon. and Dungannon Fair on Friday afternoon of this week. Bluevale School . . Pollowling inkiabq only-- 0 I committee. day at Chas, Ellicitt's. . 1, ed -with this year. On Thursday, al- . females on Thursday, to Mr. Smith Mc Fair will also, be held .04 F ri ernoon , dayaft 'Temple- Mr. J. H. Stevenson wrote the council Mr. and Mrs, Geo. C. Olver, spent . . I though, the weather was cold and wet, Lean for shipment to Alberta, Mr. Mc- The many frLiends of Mrs. C. . D, F, q, U1, 1, J, .-K, N) 0, asking for a refund in taxes as his prop, , Sunday with friends in Clinton. the exhibitors turned out very well and I Ewing has one, of the best herd of Aber- I - man will be pleased to learn that she is . I p, ( R, rr, U, V, y. I 1 i erty assessment was raised $1, 100 and he 'made Miss Elizabeth Mcpkague of 'Toronto, is . the entrle4i irt ladies work, and fruit were deell Angus cattle in the province and doing fine after a very serious operation 'I, % ., . had no improvements since last 0 visiting at her hole in Turnberry. equal to other years. The fine art13, China paintingi dairy and li ovWcins and flowers this breed of cattle is becoming more and mor in demand. at the Wingliam hospital two weeks ago, . GEO, MASON & SON year. I Petitions .were read asking for water- mains to be laid on -McIntosh, Leopold Mr J. A. Nicholson has returned after spending a couple of months in the West. were not up t6 the average, .and what be. . came of the school ebildr , ell's exhibits? no The exhibit of horses at Ford(vich Fair on Saturday last was particularly good as Mr. and Mr§, Win. Chandler, Wingliam announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Miss E. Edna, to Mr. W, Roy Calla I one ,seemed to know, Surely it cannot - . Stationery, Patent Medicines, and Alfred streets. On motion of Coun- cillors B nnett and. Cunningham said iiet. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Turnerof Winnipeg, . I are guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Greer. be .attributed to -the fact that the ques- also were the cattle and sheep. The indoor showing was good in ladies, work, way, Elora,. the marriage to take place , I early in October. Books, School, Supplies, Wall , Pap'er, Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. LN' __~ 'I, itions were referred to the . waterworks committee, I Mr. Jag, McDonald and family of tions were changed for this year, after running along the same for several years . , but the roots and fruit were not so. plenti- ful as in i former years owing no doubt to Teacherto little boy-I'Jimmie, can you . I ,,j . . Gode.rich, spent Sundayat Chas.,Elliott's, ' The Armouries were kindly loaned to . see the blackboard?" Little boy -"No ' . ­ , l.--,-- ,___.- --..7--.----. r-,-- . . . The Mayor reported that the execut ive . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E Iliott of Hamilton, . 'the Agricultural Society for their 1920 the weather being so bad the day pre- -vioustothe'fair. The exhibit of potatoes ma'rn." Teacher-I'Ask your mother to . I A.T ' VCKM THE commi e tt e favored an extra grant of $150. to the band but are visiting at Mr, Chas, Elllottts, Blue. inside . eybibits and the interior of the at all the fairs, held in this district this take you to McKibbon's Drug Store they 11 fix . . ad's I RE '11 e Sigivest Little, ,howlt' . . . I wished the matter of an extra $2& to the Wingliatil Fall Fait to'be . . vale Rosd.* I large building was well filled and present, ed a most pleasing appearance. Besides fall has surpassed' anything in former . - wi youreges." Mr. Thomas J, Baker has bought the . . rltoo--AAN - . I - . . . . . ,consld. brought before the council for the . eration. Reeve Tipling, Councillois Cun- . Mist Estella Elliott has returned home I after spending her holidays in Hamilton the usual exhibits there were displays by years. We nod ,ced a roast chicken in one of the working man's suppers, Thos of farm on the 4tb, con, of Turnberrv, own- To,night (WED.,) Last 'Dine l ' ningliam,'Bentititt and Mitchell favoured - aild Brantford. Walker's F rniture Store, Flanigan's Music Store, Willis' Shoe Store, The Aero us who have to buy the chicken could not e d by Mr. John Martin, for the sum of 40,000. We are sorry to lose Mr, Baker The Stupendous Screen Sensat ion . J. ParkerRead Jr's Presentation of the grant to the Agricultural- §oclety. I , wigs. T. J. McLean and daughter, Miss Cushiob Inner Tire & Rubber Co. 'Ltd,, afford anything so tempting. , and his family from our town. . D . Loixise'Glaum' Coun, Veils flatly opposed it add, COun. Currie wanted a couple of questions ans- gleanor, have returned from spefiding a . mouth with relatives in Orillia, . and Ave ofthe new Gunn's, Son o1a Phono- graphs which v. ill be manufactured in Maurice Wilkinson, son of ,the late . Reeve Wilkinson, is known in this- vicin, I Assist the, work, of the W. C. T. U. by -on October . . I I , in '. wered before he would vote, real business. ' Mrs, Win. Render I son of Lucknow, Wingliam in the very near future. The ity as a child wda,der. For over 20 rqon- purchasing tags Saturday, The 'proceeds go to the Frances . ; Is'Sahar, a" . like questions they were. One addressed to the secretary of the fair was "why he . I spent i day last week witli M, )and Mrs. . I .. ' ' . Government Flax Ehibit wa resting and attracted p. great deal of at- I the he has been strapped to a board to. strengthen a diseased weak spot in the , I .9th. 'Willard Home for girls in Toronto. I , , . . "The . I The Furcire of tile Films. - Don't. miss this last chance to see the . . . t It (Currie) bad not received a prize lis . I . His answer was that if be had not receiv- Harvey Nivins of town. I., I . ­ , I of 61i to , is via 6, Mite Annie Allision n n,: I I I . tention. In the evening,the building was , to the filled . spine. Never a murmur nor complaint. isl I I heard frodi him. but o n the, contrary be ' " Road Called Straight" leads straight to fame and fortune! See Louis greatest screen spectacle since "The . Birth of a Nation. It ed ore he might have been man enough , . I ngwith,her aunti, Miss I Eu0ice Pugsle , . .open public and was well with 'Spec I lators. The Wingfiam Citizens Band . , is proverbial, for his ch I eerful, big humor Bennison, the King of Westerners in his, new Goldwyn Picture, "The Road Called . . , . I , I I 1. . . . '. I I I to have asked for one and be would glad- and other relatives.,irl this. vichity , . !' -", - * .1 And the,musical instruments on, display and contentedness. He is never idle, His hands Straight, " A story of -hard fighting and . . .. i. . . _ THURS.', F'RI:'and SAT. this week ' ly have been given it. The other.was . "Shouldn't Turnberry pay more , than I , , . .. Mr. and Mrs, Jack .btivi[ris'and Er.fiest, Nivins . of Teeswgter, spent Sunday k t up a good arnouut, of music. cep I . . . The baby show, at 8.30 proved most in. are busy making models'and big large colle6tion at the fair was the . bold loving, I . I ' Louis 111enjuson Wingbarn to the Fair for,it was called t he Turnberry Agriculturai Society?" To this .with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nivilis of toWti. ' - ' " teresting,,nin6 darting babies were in the , centreofacrowdalitheday. Illaddition. to.a special,prize from the society be re- The services in the Methodist church next Sunday will be as usual. Thepastor . A true son of . the West ' I Mr. Greer quickly, replied that if he had 1*6-r W. M. Scott,,Dlyth, returnedhome . . I . I Saturday after spending a.few 44 s. witK. competition and just why they all didn't . get first prize is more than we can explain - . ceived from admiring friends $35. -Ripley I News. v)ill preach, His morning subject will be "Chr ist, the Impossible", and in the I I .. ". I in - . I 'I'The..Road Called - read day of the advertising he would see. that it .had always been ,advertised as her sister, Mrs. J., F lls, Diagonal.. Road. . - I - . altho gh we have been , told that the, judges wer6t nd had 1. I I I I ­.. .._._--_1___ . . evening, "The man who was big enough . I . . . , I I I . I . . Straight" I ' Wingbarn Vall Fair and it was Wingbarn I thatderived. the benefit of advertising. Mr, nd Mrs.'W: F. Burgman and sont. Jack, left on Monday afternoon for a . . . . their subject well in -control, Messrs. Jag. Swan of Brucefield and W. B, Screat- I I . Wedded At Kfacardine to give in." . . I . The Annual Meeting of the Ladies' A drarh'a"6f stout 'hearts and On motion of Reeve Tipling and Coun. month's trip to, Saskatchewan and.-AI7 I . on of Listowel, accepted the difficult posi- A wedding of' interest to many Wing. ' Auxiliaryof'the Wingham General Hos " 2 fighting fists, in addition * Mitchell both grants were jiven, one to . berta. - I I . . . . .. I I tion I of - . judging after much pursuasion, and hamites took place at the home of Mrs. pital will be held in the Town Hall * Charlie Chaplin . 4! bind and the other to the Agricultur- t' . . I Mr. 4. J. Helm, a former Wingham . I . I . awardod first prize to 'Vel6a Stookley, M. Armstrong, Kincardine, on Tue ay, ,ad October 5th. at 12.30, her daughter, Wingham, on Friday afternoon at 4 . I al Society'. , boy , is Visiti!ig with his brother, Mr. John, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. EA Stoakley when, o'clock for the election of officers for the . in - . I Bylaws 838 and 839 providing fo the Helm..., Arthur is now a resident Of. . of Wingham, and second prize to George. Ella Isabell, was united in marriage to ensuing year, All the ladies' of the town , .,.,4. 1 . . "The Immigrant" . securing of ritoney for the la ymg -of, the London,' ... I I . . I . FaIr-orier, sort of Mr.' and Mrs. John Val- Mr Francis Lockeridge, son of Mr. and and vicinity are cordially invited. -- Mri, . . ... .I1 *.".. I -, . . . watermains and the construction of , cer- I I . Mr I .. a rid 4rs. James Lockeridge, Loiver ' I cyneri Culross, The other babies entered Mrs. Robert Lockeridge of Wingliam. Rev. Mr. Overend pastor of Kincardine Richard Clegg, Secretary Treasurer. . I Coming -MON., TUES., WED., tain , sewers were read three times d nd Wingham, have gone. to spend the winter . ' were Bert Vansickle Beulah L5-Vvis,'Max- Presbyterian church tied the nuptial knot TH'n Arlvi.wcE is now $2.00 per year NORMA TALMADGE passed. I I I . with their daughter, Mrs. Win. Woods in ' . ine VanNess, Henrietta Roberson, Lloyd in the presence of a few immediate rela. if paid in advance" in Canada. Our sub - . with Eugene, O'Brien Mayor Gurney brought up the ,matter of the watch fund and the soldier's -mem.' . Alberta . . * I - Miss Oneida Irwin' left on Thursday for Ritchie and Edith Coling. Reeve Amos. - A Tipling of Wingham, donated the first . tives of the bride and groom. scribers are very reasonable and pay the . new subscription price willing. Two men I I . -,11-1 in - .", '' . . 'Ghostiol Yesterday' ' . orial fund. He very earnestly requested . that something be done at once to secure I Toronto to resume herduties at Toronto University, ented I rig on her second year . $ . 5.0 1 0 and Mr. W. F. VanStone the second prize S2,50. Mr. Tipling alsopresentied The happy young couple will spend a short honeymoon in Detroit, Pontiac a nd have kicked ab I out the increase and tried. . togetinont,heoldpri'ceafterOct.l. No I I I I Adapt0d'froin' Rupert Hughes' . I funds for these. ,two important matters In 1 -16 Moderns. - - - each baby in the contest with. a dollar other points after which they Will take up housekeeping in Kincardine subscribers havestopped the paper and . .. I , ., I Drama'17wOWOmenl'. . wilich shofild have be6n cleaned up before -nor . , I Mr. Duncan Robertson 'of Montreal, bill - , . . ' I I two new ones have been added since the . . I I I . .. .. !­_ I .1 . . —1 : . .this. Several soldiers were overlooked , visited with his friend, Mr. William Nie- . ORAIN AND SuRDS Serious Fire In Grey new price became effective, and a I l, , . I I I _ 'when the watc * hes were, purchased.and . Pherson last week. It is forty years since D irector in charge -J. J. Moffatt. David Sanders of the 10th concession 'I . ,any have sent in their renewals at the I I I I 'A' these should be treated as.those to whom I they parted in Cassiar,.B. C. Timothy, quarter bushel, Jag. Alton. of Grey Township, suffered a severe loss 82.00 rate, some with very nice little . AUG"kTION S LE the watches were presented. . ' . , . - Oil rhotion.of Councillors Benriett and ' . . Mrs. Jag Munsbaw of Detroit is renew- ing in Andrew Schmidt. - ! Bushel of Each on Wednesday from fire. Threshing'had , I been ill progress, and while tne workmen letters saying that Trru Al),VANCIA, their home paper was still cheap at $2.00. - I , != Elliott the Mayor, Reeve and Coun. acquaintances town this week. Some yerars a I I go Mr, Munshaw kept a jewel- Fall Wheat, white, Andrew Schmidt, I were enjoying- dinner it is supposed:a I .­ - _.._-.___.__-7 I . I I . . I I I . . I., - -L L;urrrie were appointed representatives of , . lery store where Dominion Bank now Jag Alton; Small White Peas, Jag Alton; , I SP2 rk from the machine caused the I MARRIED I The will be &old by public aucti= at the, council to act on, a 'citizens committee stands. I I . I I Peas, any other, Jag. Alton; White Oats, trouble. The fire bad gained such' head- I I . I to arrange for a balance of money for Mr. and.Mrs. Robert Rae, -Mrs. Win. Andrew Schmidt, Jae. Alton; Black Oats way that very few of the implements were STENtHNsO'-,i-BUTCHAtvr-At the Manse ' . . . I -k . Lot 4,1 Con. 6.. Howic watches and a suitable memorial to fallen heroes. ' . - Rae and Miss, Helen Rae of St. Pauls, Jag. Alton, Andrew Schmidt; Barley, any variety, Andrew Schmidt, Jag. Alton; taken out. The modern barn, driveshed, pig house and season's crop were all con- Fordwich, on Wednesday, September, by Rev. Laing. B. A., . I I 411- . 1W_ One mile south of Gorrie. . . Another little bit of "Peanut politics" is Ont., and Mrs. Jean Skinner of Stratford, * ' were gue6ts of Mr. Donald Rae and Mrs. Field Corn. Dent, 6 e'ars, Andrew Schmidt;. , sumed together with the separator, which 15tb, 1920, A. Miss Barbara. only daughter of Mr. I - ' . . shown in the motion of Ccuncillors Veils O. Thompson this week. , I ' Sheaf of White Oats. 8 inches in diameter, open to Field Crop Competitors, R. Wilt- belonged to John McNabb reeve of Grey Township. It is a serious loss, especially and Mrs. R. H. Butcha rt to James C. Stevenson, all of the ninth con. of . Sale commences ,at :k o'clock sharp, and Mitchell that the Sports committee be ordered to remove seats and ,stand off Mrs. Geo'Green ofToronto, is visiting on, W, J. Curde, Chas. Carter; Sheaf of I so as Mr. Sanders has been confined tO I Howicic. on , , I the park. ­ We have no doubt but that. with her neice,-Mts. T. J.. McLean and Barley, 8 inches in diameter, open to the house during the past six months from . LYNN-Pyicn-At the Methodist Parson- I , ' 0% ! Tuess Utz 1 2th, the property committeeof the Dominion . Day committee purposed removing them other friends. The late Mr. Green con- ducted a general store in the building now occupied by H, E. Isard & Co. FWd Crop Competitors only, V. Wilton, Chas. Carter; Best Collection of Crain in bottle, blood poisoning. . 7 - -------.---- .age on Monday, Sept. 27th, by Rev. A. ..Mexibbin, Finlay ,R, Lynn, of Ford - . Y' i as soon as possible. The seats were to . I several and Seeils pint open to boys . one, 0. Campbell, R. A. Graham; Sun * with, to Miss Bertha Py.ke of Gorrie. . I I ,have been used at the Agricultural Park I I . . . ===-- under I 6 years no entrance fee, Jag. Alton, Andrew Schmidt; Beat Collection of flowers, Mrs. S. Young4 Squash or Ma 0 T- ' moth Pumpkin, John Gray; Collection of ELLIOTT-WILsON-At the Methodist . . 43 head Thoroughbred I . on Fair Day and there was still a possib- iiit'y of an exhibition ball game 'at Wing' - I I _ The New Minister Musical Cornedv Weed Seeds in half oz. bottles, properly Garden Produce, A. Schmidt.' . . parsonage.. Wingham, on Monday even- ing, Oct. 4th, by Rev. E. V. Armstrong. I Hereford' Cattle ham this year. just nineteen days be-. fore this resolution was, passed, the last . I . I When the curtain goes up on Thiursday nar'ned, open to boys and girls under 16 years of age, no entrance fee, Pat. Gib- FRui,r Direetor- W. A. McGill. Cecil Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. , 0 schedule game of ball was played in the and Friday, Oct. 21st. and 22nd., for the production of The Musical Comedy, ,,The bons, Ahdrew Schmidt, Best Collection 6f pressed injurious Weed Plants, properly Five of each variety to be shown on plates. I I Samuel Elliott, formerly of Wingham and now .,pf Hamilton, to Miss Marg- , . . .., 1 park here and the grandstand was crowd- ed. The property committee who have NewMinister." Those in attendance will ilarned,opento boyagnd girlsunder 16 Alexander, Wm. McGill, 0. Campbell. I I , aret Wilson QkHamilton. I MITC14-ELL BROS, Prop. . charge of the plank in question are not see and bear one of the most humorous years of age. no entrance fee, Mae Perdue, . A. 0. V,, red, Writ. McGill, Jag, Alton; I _ .11 . ­ ..I.... .. ­­ 1. I . . I G. W. WALKER, Auct, ' men who would carelessly leave it -out to laughable, true-to-life plays that has been " Viola Vyfe. I , A. 0. V., green or yellow, Win. McGill, . I BORN I I - . I_ be warped by frost and snow, The coun- our priviledge to witness here in a 16pg I I RooTs AND VEGIVIIA13LUS John T. Strong; Baldwin, Pat Gibbons, . I - - . . .. 11 cillneed not worry' it will be piled' and time. . . ' ' Director in charge -R. Wiltom . . ' W. J. Currie; Ben Davis, John Gray, Jag.' JEvvitA y - In Turnberry, on Monday, __­­­ _.- -, I ___ . , EVERYBODY'S COLUMN ' stored carefully away as soon as possible. . The caste consists of 60 of Winghamps best dramatic Beans, small white, one quart, Andrew Alton; Blenheim, Pat Gibbons, H. T., Octobery 4th. to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. . Moved by Coun. Bennett and Mitchell musical .and talent in a I y describing the troublesome task, pa Schmidt, John Gfay; Beans, large white, Perdue; Cayuga or 21) ounce, Jag, Alton-, 'T. J. Jeffra3 a son. AVOTIO14SALE-At Lot 7, Con. 10, Turr- . barry. oh-ThutFiday. Oat. 14th. Horses. Cattle. Orain, that the clerk be instructed and authoriz. ed to present and collect 911 accounts due of all old time - church choosing a prtacber one quart, Andrew Schmidt, Thomas Taylor; Beans, any other', one quart, Crab, imy variety, Win. McGill, John Strong; Fallawater, Thos Taylor ; Fameuse &P -E ,Z ST L TO. -In Turnberry, a n Sunday, Oct. 3rd. to Mr. and Mrs, Jag. S. Stap- I Hay . ,, Implements, etc. Every- thing must be sold. . I .. for work at cemetery -Carried. . . f or their pulpit. Andrew Schmidt, John Gray- . or Snow, Mrs. S. Young,, John Gray; leton, a daughter. Vrm. BRnoxn"roGE, Prop, Jdw Funvis. Auctioneer. . The Finance Committee recommended I I , Every member in the church knows . beat the qualities a man needs to be suc- . Five of Each ' Beets, long red, And. Schmidt; Beets, Golden Russett, Jag. Alton, W. J. Currie, Gramensteln,, Jae, Alton, Pat Gibbons-, 1. I lo- iyone who. co . conveniently ve board and lodging ea hors attend- the payment of the following accounts. ' ces$ful in their church and their ideas are any ' other, And. Schmidt, W. R. Farrier, Holland Pippen, Jae. Alton, Xing, Wilkinson -Buchanan Nuptials In the st r I onve tion w it W'I meet in Ing I etc or 14t John F. Groves, salary and pbstage' a's far apart as Charlie Chaplin is from a Carrots, fielcl, And. Scbmidt; Carrots, O. Campbell, Jag. Alton-, Maiden The marriage took place quietly Tues" . a, d 15th Wili 1, lodly"cormau 'th . SUPY ood, rats, - .. H. $06.16; Geo. Allen, salary 46.66; B. Lewis salar 58.33; R. Thomson, salary 91.00; y . soky part in Grand Opera. . However four long -coated, silk -hatted individuals known table short, W. A, McGill, And, Schmidt; Carrots, table intermediate, W. A.'Mc- Blush, Jag. Alton, Pat Gibbons; Northern Spy. Win. McGill, W. J. Currie; Ribston, day, Oct. 5th.'o'f Hilda Muriel, daughter , of the late Mr. Frank Buchanan and Mrs. . I . ' - ' ­ .1idora. tvwg 'y 6 for'SALV- - Public School Board, advance on levy ' 2000.00; Bank, of 'Hamilton; coupons as "The Music Committee" have the , fill- al say, now these self satisfied creatures Gill, Oliver Campbell; Marigold Wurtzel, Pat Gibbons; R. 1. Greening, John Gray. Buchanan, Wingham, to Elmer Lewis, I T;,tA AV.P1.a.V!=. _._..___ LOST -A jet blaolt two-ydar-old steor,:7eight . . 135.00; Bank of Commerce, deb. 1883. 18-, I ' of ' wonderful wisdom (so they think) pomp- long, by weight and quality, A. Schmidt; Mn d Wurtzel, intermediate, by John T. Strong; Tolman Sweet, 0. Camp- bell, John Gray; Wagner, Jag. Alton', Me 13 son of Mr. and r . C, . Wilkinson, Belgrave, in the presence of the immed- betweeii elghtatid nine hundred. lutorto., , Ild *. ation will be gratefully roeel!e by. High S hool Board, 16ari 1000,00; Muni. World, , ous and glorious, why the Hague Tribur- - .0901 weight and quality, A. Schmidt; Paranips, Wealthy, Jag. Alton, Win. McGill; Jate relatives and friends. Rev. Mr. JAS P1, owu I 'N Phone 11-617 con, 6, WaWaAoSlir- 1. . I I cipal election supplies 4.06; A. Fleming, sbarpong moWer,. 60c; J. W, ial or the Peace Commission has nothing on them, sim'ply inform the' rest of the A, Schmidt, John Grey, Radishes, winter, 1-1. T. Perdue, 'A. Schmidt,, Sugar, Man. OTHER FRUIT -Five of each Pears, any other Fall Variety, W. J. Armstrong' officiated, and the wedding march was played by Miss Mae Lloyd. LOST -On toseplilhe Street, between Qneen% hotel and B. Line, about five wookA ago. Ud Dodd, inspecting 40.00, W. H. Rititoul, rep. town ball 09.10; Prov. Treas., Lic- church that they know best and will please -themselves. The old is gold, weight and quality) A. Schmidt . I Currie; Pears, Duchess D'Anguoleme, Jag. Tlie bride, who was given away by her a Andor Will be r,wa4:dbrowa sable fur. by leaving at. I I n . TimLsDovion. onse and war tax 121.00; W., Sheridan, . sexton sure heknowsbeat because he used.to do a Turnips, Swede, A. Schilildt, A. .A. Gra- ham, Turnips, any other, A. Schmidt. Alton; Pears, any other Winter Variety. Pat Gibbons, Jag. Alton, Plums, any, brother, Mr. G. E. Buchanan, Toronto, wore a smart travelling suit of navy blue ' ­­­­_ ­­.. 11RED SCOTCH SHORTROAX SALV cleaning park, 3.00; Rae & Thompson, bit of hoss shoeing and auctioneering, Potatoes -Half ]Bushel of Each other. Win. McGill; Grapes, blue or with hat to match and corsage b uet of 04 PURE 50 head Of Well bred Scotch Sho CaFtlo It, Commercial Hotel Barris ClIntrotthoornn glass etc, 178.90; Howson & Howson h6rse iced 14.00,, Piro Brigade, 'salaries But when the minister arrives and Early, properly named, John T. Strong, black, open air, 8 bunclies. R. A Grahatil; roses, Miss Norah Smith acted as brides- Tuesday, Oct. 12th, at I o'clock sharp, There are 25 cows with calves at toot, and the bal- 0,1100 of fomaleff of breeding We 75-00; W Guest, sidewalk 403.62; A. San- prove a to be young and unmarried, old maids, designing mothers soliotiotis A Schmidt, Late, correctly named, A. Schmidt; Best Collection of Potatoes, five - * COLLECTION OPPRUrr 5 varieties of Apples, correctly named, maid, while the groom was supported by his brother, Howard. After the buffet age. also haveofew weilbred cotohbnllq. This breed Is net fitted for show.8but are In good breeding derson, teaming 171.42; It. Leggatt, work 62,40,; T. I. , McLean and CO, SeWer$p fathers all start in and they lead the.po6r preacher a Merry Hie. But to keep of each, correctly named A. Schmidt. Twelve Each ' Most valuable for export, 5 of each, Jae. luncheon the happy couple left by motor LAispe. Termu cash or six montlig. With 61 1 Irr atinuto added. It weather be unfavora le cat,tle will be.v,Old . t 383.00; G. Allen, galary and pumping . all rderribers in harmony is tome task when of Onions, Yellow, from wed in 1920, R., Alton; 5 varieties of Apples, rv-rrectly named, desert, 5 of each, Jae. Alton, Dis- for Toronto and other points. We join with their many friends in wriler cover. J. J. Mmm,xv.n, Seaforth. , ---- 111 - "..... ­ 1-- 59,46; J. R. Allen, pumping 13.20; J. J. Brooks, salary 20.83; T. J, McLean & Co, he is told by one to play baseball and A. Graham, A. Schmidt; Onions, red, from play of Apples, any variety, to be display* wishi ng them many years of happy' wed- ' SAW, OF CATTLX­Lott & McDonald win holdaswo of cows and young cattle at Services 02.88; J. McDonald, work 3.00,,' another not too, to preach Temperance and not to preach Temperance, to go seed ia 1020; A. A. Graham, A. Schmidt; Onions, white, from seed in 1020, A. A. ed in cone .shape with circular base 17 inches in diameter, Jae. Alton. ded life, I LuoUnmv on Sati irday, October Oth. Jolts Punvis, Auctioneer Bank of Commerce, dab. 786.70 T. - 3. 0 here and not to go there. Mrs. Wind Graham; Onions, Dutch or Top Sets, one DAIRY AND PROVISIONS 1 - __­ . -,-,---,- _ ... __ ... . ... ____._7 -.-. , cabb . a , ge . A. Gra. McLean & CO. Maine, 350.00; J. I. Brooks, salary 67,60; 1. Walker, -salary tells him the Peculiarite§ Of eVie*one. else in the -church. Just imagine the trials of gallon, R. A, Graham, A. Schmidt; Onions, grown from dutch or Top Sets. A. Schmidt, Directort-Mrs. Brandon, Mrs. Robert- son, 0. Campbell and John Gillespie. EaSt WOLWSnosh Mrs. W. Ferguson of Toronto, is visit. r the 10th roots ilud 120.00; J. Radford, salary 120-00; 1 the preacher. To attend thi 's production John T. Strong; Onions, any other, Bread, one loaf, baked by girl under 10, ing with ber friends in Belgr&ve, - oll C M"Xr' Lockridgt, salary 42.00; J. Finley, work; will be a lesson to all of us sia in the one gallon, John Gray, Mrs. Win, Farr- A. Schmidt, Pat Gibbons, Winnifred Wo regret to learn of the deatli of',N1r,% . . a ro,tell of, an We. 81.00;R.Walker,w6rke.00; C. Brooks, work 18.00; John F. Groves,'pootage 3.75,1 rd *0 8 of Bobby Burns (We'll see oursells I ier; Tomatoes, large red, scarlet or pink, Varrier; Bread, one loaf brown, Mrs. Win Skeinn in St. Louis,slio was an old'neigh. I . the told , . (Am' Ikll Telephone Co., Orvicts and tOlIS as' others 8ft us). To say nothing of the pretty Music of John Gray, We., Win. Farrier; Tomatoes, tiny other, A. Schmidt, John T. Strong. Farrier, B W. Orvis; Bread, one loaf, home-made, Andrew Schmidt, Mrs. Wm. bour of thi-4 vicinity. The snow on Friday provented tic .— 0 ftAll"- _ --A-_ __ DRAIN TZN0k&_W­AW_M­_D 4 7.93--Clintoo.Knitting Co-, waste 2,28; , 'Rae:& thompootij. SuPPlift 4-81; 'Call- chorouseg, solos and duets, will surely compansatebur efforts Ill attending. . ' Three of Each I Celerg, white plume, R. A. Graham; Cel- Parrier, Win. McGill; Nall - dozen home- made buns, H. W. Orv!3, Mrs. Win Far- people of this vicinity in attending 11110 Witighain Fall Fair. _____ Heated teriderm will T)o ilmaived by th# uyk- dorpigned up tilt noon an October 26tti, for tho Furn. Mim, coal 802,46,; R. J. ClIntelbAt coal, 2210.20; W. H. Rintoul, cogging The proceeds are for bmveleat put. poses so th&t we can,do and at the try, any othet, R, A. Graham; Cabbage, mly, A. Schmidt, R. A Graham, Cab. rier; 11alf domi hom-made Tea Biscuits, Mrs. Wm. Farrier, Wm. Wellings; Home- T111-ashing is the order of the tiay oil 7 , tlik. and totith vaticossion, construction of the Jermyn DrAin, I-olo,no and m"11(*tIonirn be soon at My "Adeneo. Coll. 71 rnborry. A mark. ,,, wheel 11.00; H. Davis, duty 113.22; G. 'r. good same time lave a full eming of Am and bage, winter, R. A. Graham, A. Se-linfidt. ' made Scons Mrs S Ycuilg- lAyer Cake, light, Mrs. S. Youni. Win. & ninth N , - the Many Tw, ple intimid attending, I v4d rhoilixelo, , rV116 POP (*nt MO. fmompolay the R., freight 86.61; Dminion Bank laughter, Look for posters lmd pro. Ctibbage pickling, A. Schmidt; Ca.liflowe r, , Cake, dark, Mrs. S. Young, I itellool fair ,at Ite'l9r,mv. Wo hope the r Lo*lor. TholoAf0torany toridernotrim,*artly dw. oflow. coupons 9247. The Padua with the "a of charticters. R. A. Graham; Ctxcumbisrs, green or rip*% E. Orvk; Ple, AApple. Mrs. 8 Young; Pie, pumpkin, i '91; f0tir ., 11 he -tilret-SNItil. I , , 1% Povral I.. k I'mm1wry cotaidl admalmd URL11 MoWky Roowwad *at* 76 motsi I 0. Canp,1*14 W. T" com, rU Pie, lemoon, Wm Wm, e Milt% Motty Pont- ill lakin hv inK t 1,114"I . 1, it, K 36%, I ftWb*A6 G" I "Wftl 000bar am I 118011 NttA N Ml;:L " X A,l Gralislow John Groy; PMPION (Continued oA pp 4.) ! 'ity oftfoo tu Clio! on C,A.18i. 1'. I , 61b : . I g ­ .L. ,.'.Aet2w ",**Aiiilllt . ,, - - ­ ­­ .AA.& - ­ M., . , L_., . t.lAkl& ,J C , ,-, .Ah6iA,_,,. I , I I ­ , , , %Z. , *, _-:1,k ,1­ -'11d 'lLi.x_ ,&..&&r`K ', ­, .1 _r_ _ . ,­ : """ . 1. _­­, , I . . . . . . "A&A I I .-biol".%, _.". . ,,o.t - -1 11;. ,,, . I .. .: I 'i , -110 I I L I "I 1 I .. .11 I , . . . I L. . 61, 16 I., 11 ... I , I f iitkft U4*U B, !. a & 1 ! i-,Frj , I . - . I '. ,4 A .1 11 , . . . ,V , , 7..'l 1-01 I , , . , I . . I . I . I I I I : I I i . 14 I . -11 I I Does your bead ache? ' I 11 I .1 i . . I -.o " . . . I .I '_ 1.1 . Do you'r eyes tire easily? .. I..... I I .1 .,1 I -i ' . i` . I.. . I.., i I I * ."'fl, : . '' Do they get sore when reading? " ­ V I I ., ''Ill. I I ,,- , t.. 1, I I . . .1, , - :;'.. ... . I I 11 ­ I I , Ii. .tli,::.S l ,, . . 14ave you any reason to' believe ,that - your eyes . . I 0 14, . I 'I, I . , '. I .i . . I are catising trotible. If ,so our ,graduate Opticians .., I I ., .. . . . . I . . . . I . . - . . . . k.. . ­ I . . . I . I I . . will correct it, We only recommend glasses N hen. .., ,:i. , . . , I I 4 . I .. I thl. . I : -., . .1 . I I..,., I . necessary, if we tell ,you that your eyes require ern, I ."..­. . . - I I . . . !1.1.1 . I . . 4 . I.. I i . there is no doubt but what your trouble is lodated - - - '- *`*`l%' . :. '. I _ I I -.I, '-. .. .1j, , 1. . I I and ve (itlar-antee ever , correction tobe ,perfect.- 11 . . A _q, I., Cl . I ­'­ I : 1. ; . ; . I . - I I.. . . I . ­:,,.. . : ,, ­ I I . I I....,.:.. , . , I . I I . Our metbods are up-to-Aate.."' 1 ".11, I., I ­ I . . '.. . . 1 1. I I .. I I... . 1. . .''. .. . . .1 I...,. I . I i ''4 .-, .. ­. .! . . * .... -­ . I .. I.;— I _J); :_1 .1. I , . .:.. I 9 f% 11, 1',, 1 1 ''j, .­.: , 1- . , '.._ ­ , . U V ln-T .­ ,­ . ;i, 1, 1. : 1 . ­;... DRUC r -1.1. I ;.; .­ ­!", " ­:. -...,: I I I 1. ­ ­ McKIBB^N 0 a I ORE.:. '' 4 - .1 11 - ­ I . , _ . ,;-,,­ : . '­:., , ''I'll .. , . I ; i..q,",;... 11-!-;..'-.: , ,'-' Drugs ancl Statio ' nery , --'t - ".: , : 11 I . , Edison Phonographs Phone 53, . ' C, ?f4-..TiCk0tSr I I 0 .1. . ... .,..:;. I :.1 .1 .. . , ' . . .. I .. I .1 ,.. : . . ­ . ­ . . . I . . '. ,:,.. ,, I I . . I '. . . _____ I __ . . . .. I I ... - ­ I ... -t .,-, . I I I . . . . - .; I ;Mac-m-wre"M . . . I . . I . I . . . .; , . . - . . .. _ , . ... . . I " _ - ___ qMR=N"WW1**"1,; "" ­ , . 1. . , i . . . . , , . I .__-.-__-____-__.__.111 ___­___­__- ­ , --i.- ­ -, ',;. J,,-,-- . I . I I I . ,it l". -, ,.. . . ., I Back Again I 6MftVM00ui1WWG WMMWMMW"W I ,.,i ...; V . , .''. .. . 'I I ­ 11 .1 . ..; I . . . .. . . ,.. .. L . . I . . . . Bert W. A. Johnston, the master magic- " I... w. .!' - - ... I I .. !an, and his clever company of artiste will C H T­61STIV ' . : -,. .. 1N, '45 ;. . .11 . be with us again on Thuruday, October . I I . . - S .., ** *"N . . , I " , . ?. . . ' - 7th, giving one performance only in the . PHONE 50., .. -. P.... , . ;.. I :... 'I Town Hall, this being the only open time '. I I . . I . . : . . . , . . I . . ­ .. . . I n .. . . .. — . . ".il; . . .. .. they have before going to Northern Ont- I . . I . ........ , : 11. . . ,... : ario. Mr. Johnston has been busy all . . , , -.. ZW . " , " * _. . ... , , , summer arranging an entirely new show .." . ­.. 1. .. . . . . . Groceries and . ' , . ,_;.: - . .. ..... for this seison and many are the tricks I , I . . . .. . . l­ . .. I . . and startling revelations he has to offex us , . . . . - - . . I ;. .1 . . . . I on Thursday night. Mr. A. J. Smith the I Provisions . ".. i - . i ­ . 11.1. ..:. .1 I I I noted violinist is again with the company . _X_ .. . " . , , .... , . .. , . . . I . I I . r . , . :, . _ . .1 I . .. this season and a real treat is in store for . i . . I I . I - . t ­ -1. . . I lovers of violin music as his past perform- ., . .. . . ances has proved, him an exceptional art- Tea and 'Coffee., ..- . :,!..! , .. I ., . . -4, 1 , . - . . .. I ist in this line. The Ventriloquism figures I - . r . . , I . ! . .. r. I I I . . I . I . I . . . I , : I I have all entirely new line of talk that Qdm­­00_14 onm­_ AM_ 404r. , . I.. . I . f . I . I keeps the audience in an uproar. I ­_­ . -----. ---- . l- ­ I " ,, * L. , , . . I .1 . . , 11 .. . L . . I I I Gunn Bylaw Carried Now Inspector Appointed .. , - 'Q . I I % 1. , . , . - ' . 1. I Thepeople of Wingham showed their Mr.,Fellswho was recently app6hited , - P I I .... I . I I . . I I . I . faith in the Gunn proposition, when they inspector of the work on, the, bridge and .. ­ I I . .11 1. 1. .1 I :". i I ....., . ... .. carried the bylaw by a splendid vote on dam has resigned and the committee- met . . . . Monday, Mr. Gunn's answer to a query I .. ' 4 "'. ' ,"' , L, ,, , ., on Tu stiay morning ac*c'epted -hisxe%ig*na;, . - I :, .1 I : .... -:1 -­ ' . . 1. 11 . . I from The Advance as to how he liked the tion and appointed as his successor oil the . I . . . . . . I . . . . vote taken explains very clearly his views, job Mr. V. R. VanNorman. Mr. Van 2 .. I I , .. . .:, I .1 .. I., . I . .. ;. . 'V : .1 ...... I . . I be said "The good people have done their Norman has had cofisiderable experience . .... .; I I I I . I . .. I I part and I'll waste no Whe in getting busy In this line 6f work and we miss our guess: . I . I , . I i. . I.r 4", : . 11 ,. . , ,:! : I . : . . . i'... -.:. .., .. on my end of the agreement," Mr. and if the appointmedt is not'a wise one. . " I I . : :. ". Mrs. Gunn are getting seftled in their I . . , , , '.. . . I 1; . I .. I., I I . ,. I , I I . I I . - I .. 1. new home corner Patrick',aid Frances Vioulas Totten Dead. . .., ... .1 I.. .1 . ."... ­' I Streets. . ' I I .1 , . ,, . . : .1 -11..., 0, . Anotherof the old pioneer$ of Turn- - . ; I .'­ -, . I I , Thevote polled was, ' ' ' I " ' . berry crossed the Great Divide whea ! : , ". , .'! - 'i. For Against . .. . I I . . ' Thomas Totten passed away on Mbnday " ' I . I . . Wards I and 2 ... _ 91 5 morning in, his 75th. year. Dec6sed ' " : - - Wards 4 ad'd 5 ...... 81 , 4 1 I . 1. '', 'a . ;.' .1. I . . Ward 3 ............. 54 3 lived continuously on the farm ort which,: , ,.... , .- .. ,'' . . , . I I I I . _. _ he settled in the Queens bush sixty t wo , . .. . . ..r .. -_ 1. 1 I .. ,... Total ...... 226 . 12 years ago. He came from, Cartwright , - . . . "... I I I... ­.% 1, . One spoiled ballot was thrown out, with -his parents when twelveyears of age, I . I . . ­_. , . . I . I . I I I . — and naturally endured the bard'hips- of . I ,.. . -----. _ 8 __.. , . , . , " I . I pioneer life. His son, David,. who lives on . : ­.­ ". . . . I BeIgrave , , the homestead on the I . Oth. concession of - 1, ­ . I I., 1.1" , 111.111, 1. I I I I I , . I . . , I I I ., I The School Fair held at Belgra e on Turnberry survives. . I "I I 11 .. I'll i ' , Tuesday, Oct. 5th, was a grand success in The funeral was held to Wroxeter ofte. . _­ . ' - I . ., . . ; I - I I everyway, A full account of . the affair I tery oil. -Tuesday afternoon. Rev, Mr. ". I , , . . . . . .,;. I I I . I I ... . . '. will be given. in our next issue. i Tate conducted the servlces, . . . ., I . , :. * . I . . . . I I . 9 . - , I . . . . ,---,----------------.-. —,----..---- '. .. . 1 4 11 . . . . I . - — . I . I I ... 6 I . . . . , .. . I : 1W. XIXXI V.Xlxxl-v.xl,v.xl,v. X XXXIMIXXXXX Xyl I , *_ J IM, I I X I I X4 X * . . . X L - I" . I . . . . X I , I -., , , I. , *41 ew a ,s. I , . X1. I.. . . I .. " . X . I I I . I . . . Z ftJft0%ft4%%d%%'r40W*A0*0404 .1. . I I X I I I I X Prettier and more desirable than ever.. k;- .t - _.11h in the desired shades of Fawas Grey, I I , . I %LT Taupe and Brown. I , - ft -401" I Every pair underglung,, ,giving 'the appearance of regularly boot tops. I I "W40"i I 10,, 12 and 14 Hutton iengthso with special patterns for slinik or stout an1des, . . . " UAWO" , . . . ^ Prices $2.50., 3.00o 4.00 and 4XV, . ""Vios . See our Tweedle Hoots Tops at $4.50 a pair. " ­­­­ I'> 11 - . , ; :!> I .. . 10 A A_ . I I— . . - ..._ I . -_, I 1. I . -Jit, . ,", t , . I I , , - ,,l . I &.A—,."L / , =