HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-30, Page 6hats with the Doctor —, , , - THE NURSING, MOTHER, Whatever be tho military ending of this terrible war, no Intelligent Person can well doubt that It will result 14. changes, social, political, economic, of the utmost Importance to the world at large; and to mankind considered apart from racial groupi4g or environ - meat. Society as a whole Ili tailing to pieces; and We can only hope tha,t in, better will arise, like the Phoenix. from Ito dead Ashes, Ili Tenayson's significant phrasem-- I I , "The old order changeth, yielding place to now, And God fUlfile Himself In maX Y ways." I 10AI The rinest 1 , , P�: ,�. 11 , " I., 't, � 1 �$ ; , - "L"t, 11 '' , , �, , 'I . ,,,, , I ,; , !� � . I '' , I "� I I �L� 'I � ", � .�, . �� I., � t , . , , �� . I �, ., .- � . � 11 ir. � . I � 11 _ "I. ,; I ) '. : � � 'I , . . I ­ , , - ,,:,, ".� , ,,`r4�MNVTV _!_, � , ,e,lg " J, 4: �1 - � � I r7 . . 17.2 I , 1, , , 14i I I � � . 1. . ­ I _. - - ___ 11 - � — . ­­­ - _­­ ­­ _,, � .- - , , ", _. . I ­ 1. I I- i .... .. I ­ 11 ­ I 11 — __ , - ­­­ -11 ­ I � . I . - ___­___ - - � him boioL hosts, "$bell$ Aw"lly hAnd- I I J -1 ­­­­ � .1-111.1.11 ISSUE NO, 40. IM i4owls, bou'L sAelt ,bay, lo�,v Istrolase W I I %%a 010"ir omp. 001141111,1111 11"Joll 111111111pli i I , .. � 1. ___._ , Purest Tea Sold, vwufo tv a note like wui UU4 jueo;, �lifo e ... 1, 11 � I ... ''"I'll, I ___ I I I The Steeply Ship's ready to still Away, - I I I -1 RXLP WAN%= liautwvjuest girl You've ever aeoill" Thk I I - I I I ------ - 6A , ,, , ,4,0 � 0 0140,," 4400110d, I Manned by her willing crew; 11 __1 ­ _111.__-___ I I I � I W H I T 110- ILIGHT , i 1 4+4 +41 I I )) "I I OOIj-,zX X0. I L XXXXR 17APT-49--t � -410 � � . XNpo;, Oltping UNDWA -py 08 SsOV0 UU%A �� I V __ — Her cawta a P ym _R "You I? . W9 have Be I Pod 04A tit& tot , Vera - ... I I = �� ao�retouiug oul; uis trozen foot WorO . . I I bridge, � ftporlon%led sod ,a -ox rie MW sm ,� . 1, .04i 0 "r Vow, ; 4. .tis, woA in I i romal.0 hol , , tao, QtAor room, but . . Ready, my d 9 rm to i 4.7, �� . , .ear, for you, o rae'. ory ON 40*40 15- � - i 41050 to We open 440or leading into � on to learners, and rood Wag" V&ld ur* It I 11 I I I . soon down the river called rook -a& I 11 I it tao bedroom, and ,%ac ng 'RePAGn 40 I , . . - � I ! I I I I Ing ap-roatice4hip. Workers In this Uno he sat. on the itoor with the screw ot 11�1 � h (j bye -oh, 041,4 vocy h Wages, And stre 01w0l , . I tacks by )lie olde that had been Paid I I _ , , MA(�T . , �, ! . in demand. 18aly & oftlito, Of w"Itle Wag - � . for in gold. ,.�:� I : � . . � i Gently our craft will glide ' noce4sary tQ'Iearn. Several rood $04, � I - , , 111111101 I , hen out on the shin slumber Ing", far steady room Opocl*t 00rultdcrIk" "And good, too, eb? Good at heart, � - I . ;�� � . Powil I , . T . imering I I tiln hown, to family of workers. ants $ULL 11D , i � j 1, . 1 �2 i . sea, 11 ­ 1 mm M 81111111= 111111� � don't you thinic'.1 Only not exactly re- . 1 � 1.�': , ILI ��� "I "I and gost of living rowton"lo ,In Pli&; .1ig ou. of course," he cont'nued. � � 11.1 . . .4 I 4 11 33orno by the evening tide, I ford . Moving oxpeui44 advoceit , " . I I 4 I [table famill" -and housinir 4000W . I 1,111, I � The Sleepy Ship's ready to sall, away, I I � P St. , eable *LNo,-olle'a not very religlous," re- I I I . . t , " Her hold with 'stories stored; . I tion Arroage4, ruji p4rticulam furnigh44. . There is genuine and untnistak n ith the ary, hard,, � "b. ,1: . I � . , I I � . , I : : 'I ,, � RP iso'y � Her crew is waiting to break them ,Qn. rxaquest,g Write us, The $Ill pleasure In its daily use. . I tone in hie voice tliat tile subordinates 11 I �, � 1, �� , . C , � ,. out Me Lauxeturin Co.,, Wd., 121rantford, 047 - know and hated, � v � L I Know "" JOY Of __;�_—., w� � I I � 11 AG. � : When onae you are aboard, OR I I � . , Black .. Green Try a ]packet from your grocer, "But. it's not every one who l5ayes . I ;, �:, . .. 11 . , � Furry folk? Fairy folk'.? Which oball , . I ' 'Lord, Lord, that ehall enter ,the king- I .� I 1. ,�� 4.. � ': � I . � A Beaufiful "on, ' "'F'"04 r� , I but be sure it"s 645aladW' ID516L dGm ot Aeayen,'" quoted Stop . hen. � * bL "I".., i it be? B or AUxed I . . i � )wnie, or Iiillf? ]FOR 4ALZ-IX G "You remember Chnot tiaid, tlial;," lie I : � �. Goblin, Br( ;)Istrlat. a _r� OUR ; I : it The Sleepy Ship's cargo is large, my 9* And HaWs mostolywIllumtil;lunlll,YOUO"lltluI � rtles In 1 pursued in an Anxious tone, peering I tQd prope � � . . — . I' .� -� . �, .1 � -teen largo, � -, , KI I I frome residence; boathouse, barns, I Ill) at ,the ot4er for encouragement. � - �.,Pa . NO I dear, . dtstriat; tout acres Ooun4; ...... W__-___".ee____­`* . . . 1, I 1j, , 1� _. I And you may choose Yourself. They mag be yours it you make sheds; stream wata- running throuo to . , , f, -_ , Talbot gave his slight;, quiet laugh. I I � IV. � ,,:',�� , . I Cuticura oa r V "You've goc tile nanasomeal: girl in � I tv ,,, 4�.4 ,; 'r'.� The Sleepy Ship's re4dy to sall away; . .p and Ointment you centre Aishinic. hunti, . 000. � "'. ICA, I The . 11111111111111 In it, � , I &I a XT A - ­ never trod every -day toilet preparations. &Y...", Bicknell Ran Gore Bay. Gat, A lady corrgspondent as'ks me to say . . I eq�_ = the ace, I lie altid, ,,arid a 'very nice, VX ­ Soap cleariscai and purifies, the Oint. I ., ==_� an- . 0- charming one, too. I don't see what By Any but you, as a passenger, Something about the food suitable to . . N - ment soothes, and heals redness 10M I I = more You want." — Bound for the Land of Nod, FARMS FOR SALE. the mother Who 114B a baby at tile . er roughness, pimples, and dandruff, ­ """ To his stron at Where rAlVery sands of the Slumb , 11001 0'eNe g, determined chara 11 breast, The request Is particularly We" elmel ref. oap C, -GOOD SOIL -13ANX PARN Ileeel this perpetual attaining after a a Sea Ointment Wend 0 ... 98ACRES air � I t; 0. suitable to the moment; 1.�ecause of = 0 t rougl. a I on, ana la and buildings: tile at 0, sprl water. = ligloa that was out to, tne winds Arst Shine In the inoo,as bright beams- natural gas and U., felell � VA ri S i * ;,s , P44 At., qu 4141. well aram ; near what has just been stated; And be,. = A J E WVV 1 E"L IN WNTA . sailing to -night mug. , Ime'e, r, IMeee . school, church and cheese factor eeeel eeeel at the temptation of gold, and then The Sleepy Ship's . .1— � So& aveswitho easy ,cause so much mc -re ,than has ever = .. at a saloon -keeper's daughter'a smile, . Wee Maid, � terms, Apply 343 ,maltiand.St., andon, . been tht:6 case Previously In the worl4's . = was rather contemptible Bound for the Port o' Dreams, I — I , eeeel lir ir W" ~ -,---.-- I history will depend on the bodily and eeeed "And 'there's niore Joy in heaven — __ -----=V I The Sleepy Ship's daddy's old'rock-, , '�,, mental vigor of the coming generation. = � ==;.;�_____ BUOINESS CH"VES01 a" b�l over one B.'urwr -that reponteth,' etc.," - I Ing chair, , The topic J$ also pne which specialty AM ra P" I IeN,11 TAIL L , ROUGH Stephen continued, anxious to per- Daddy, the willing crew. — I- , ~ OR LEASE -A FULLY EQUIPPED invites comment from the lie- tive I leeeI Now suade himself Into A comfortable The captain that's waiting upon the F .P. a" "" ,steam laundry, running every day. I low frame of mind, I . bridge FIELD CROP rent'low. Five-year lease, with point of view; be64use women In -such = - - Poultry ! at Lee& . =" a condition make particularly absurd - � - .__ . "Has Miss Ponlatovoky repeated!" . I' is daddy's love for you. ,, I ed In Windsor, Ontario t Arid harmful mistakes, very Injurious � _*M�_ 1111111111 - asked Talbot, still more dryly. And daddy's fond heart iso your cabin ten thousand dollars requIred. -Wri Zffl I I S. ,T,oLyons, 1043 Howard Avenue, WIUAO. I � ,41 illiillI " I at � 0 to theft, offspring ml� - ­ . I Why, yes; I told You all she said. Air I Bnug- . OF DOMINION 80'r, .t - I i I hardly think'I have ever met a She won't gamble any� more." W%AFAL I Your kiss,'on his bristly lip, I I" mother -outside teetotal circles, of "Stephen," she said, -very slowly and Stephen, you don't know, I haven't Talbot was stlent; ,through his mind The ticket thaVs good for your Pas- 13USINESS, A -?PLY ' ,4it ivas selfish told you but T love the t �,bles, I can - DRlyrouG00""s course -who was not under the delu- tently, after -it m1nute, Wag runW.ng a line of Latin to the sige fare, . . London. glian &,Co,, 1,014 Dundas. St., I . . , -th the effect that wool ,once dyed scarlet can SAFE] AND SANE BREEDING. On board the SleeDy Ship. _-t:=� , . . alon that It was absolutely necessary of me to ask you to leave your claims. sit up all ni�ht and play w, e . � Yield and Condition at End . � for her to drink stout lit some quan. i've been thinking of It all day. I boys. I love the excit�ment, 1 10V never recover its former tint; but he . I I the wjnnln,� and raking In the gold I . �J. Harry Wolsieffer, In Philadelphia � � I_- BUSUELLANEOUS, - I � , tity day by day. There could be no lvorft do it, and I will comeand help dust. I spend all my nights ' said nothing. . Record.) — 11 - of August � I--------- ____ I I revimen more mischievous and more ,tou work them." I playlng' It did nottake Katrine long to pre, I . S END I A I . ) . 6MINION, EXPRESS - It's what I live for In tll s awful .pare for her wedding. There was no These are the poultry keepers' dull - noxious In Its Immediate effects on the Stephen ielt the room whirl round place." Money Order. Five dollars' cots ( Infant. Stout Is u naso him as he heard. Was he not In some There was silence. then Katrinci's Buell thing as -buying altrousseau lift days. By that one means that hatch- Compared With Record for three cents., � - . . Dawson. She gathered together Yor . TO WOMEN' . the supply of breast -milk, In virtue ot ,,Ich, warm dream that would dissolve v6ico broke'ja again: I I Be woolen underclothes, hdr siout Ing and rearing chicks are at an end ­ ITTING YARNS -LOVELY COLORS, i n malt extract It tall leave him suddenly? ':Iis claims, but the words foil on h!s ears dully; coAr except In rure cases and for.special Ten Years. KNpuro wool, but very modqrate prices, contains. Perhaps It, does -1 do I 'hose I; lolon. claims! and Katrinetoo short dresses and thick boots. and purposes and that npw is t%e time on Sample shades free. � Georgetown N . bet -you. don't want to marry me now.", . Vol- � � � think t4e Point has ever been testac,ti I.' -he seemed to see hi r dressed in gold, There was a halt laugh with a sad packed them In two flat cases. such the well regulated plant ,for watclwul, It OF MIDDLE 'AGE Wn Mills, Georgetown, Ontarlp. scientifically. But there can be no trained �n gold, gold In, her eyes and ring . In It as she looked up to his as ban be strapped to a burro's side, ,Waiting.. The,00ckerels are being _&17 - I I I The Dominion Bureau of St ... - , question that the quality of the millt I hair. Her movement, as sh covered face. Now Stephen heard, ag,d these were to be all she would posed of an the open rokket, and thse Issue the following report on the yield .. I M. Is materially deteriorated. ,That you to look at him, brought hint back to b.,t d li ears dully*, take up to the cabin in the gulch be- pullets making their 'usual growth. This Woman!s Letter Tells and condition of field crops In Can- . _0 , -401% -1 I �11' I �sldes her wealth of natural beauty. During this period there is much time 4 -.1 11 know at once by the effect on the re 'ItleQ. %,is was, waiting in strained, painful go . to many Of the stores ada, as compared fro chrd-emfw cmfw A _+1 =1 r 11 � , . ng She did for reflection; tot, in a very larga You How To PAss The ada, as compiled from the returns of . I child, which suffers from flatulence Do YOU T1101111 It?" h(, said, s;oopI tension for what 'Was to come. It nd. 'buying trifles su�h as might - - "I V : 1�� "� , and indigestion, and is always cr�lng. �,ver her wid eal chit a her .aards al- was true he loathed gambling as a Aron here and measure ot making a successful start crop correspondents at the end of . . to find theniselvee -t . : 0:.Ost roug�jly in Iiis. She met his fev, hated vice, and but for the apprehen- h"IyVen in another year, Some poultry raisers Crisis Siifoly. August: 111� , i Whenever these symptoms come on, swt-a -glass here, a I . � 1. slon that gripped his mind her small looking � The first reports. eoer; .. I.... : - Drish ey a with a bright, tianquil are feeding,and caring for these grow- made by cro, I ... tile nursing mother may be reasonab l "' "'- flpbon or a piece of lace -there, and aps . ..;. � IT sure she has taken Improper food, ginile. He looked at ncr keency for an - "'!!==!== .60-ehe leaned across the rough trestle Ing chicks under the so-called forced respondents on the average yiel, . I .k The nursing mother should,rigidly ab Instant, -and Involumprily an exclam- �- � . method, that they will come into lay- Lascelles,P.Q. I'Durin theChange acre of wheat, 'oats, barley, rye and . . � - I 6oititer she generally remarked to the, . ' - r, ust VE Nighl aniX.kornlngo ' - Ing early and when once producing of Life I felt so weak a run down 1, flaxseed show that tor the wools of � When you ihin . stain as a rule, from ,all alcoholic Ktion, broke from his lips : , 1 �Rh BO�e-keoper "I'm &ng to be mar I _. - . , I � Katrine, it's too much happiness ,/ Have Clean, Haalt)b� 11 be kept at a high, pressure could hardly do ray wor . The -per- Canada, the yields per acre are for ton),70dIf drinks. Only III rtirb and'exc6ptional rlod," She �ald it In the Bbyest, hap- Wi . alwys 1 , � I for any man!" fo ��' Eyes. Ifthey Tire, Itch, plost tone Imaginable, and a little throughout the winter and spring. 8 iration would pour spring wheat 16 1-2 bushels, as com- I cases may she partake In small quag- I " who eye y__ �_ Smart or Burn. if Sor4 th cheeks. In many Instances atificial lights t9at I couldn't see what I was doing. THE titles of sound Vine; though even I Perhaps the gods above, 1. blush stole over her smoo be used to is lots to do, pared with 9 1-2 bushels last year, and . WA . ; I ritated, Mame4, or will increase the egg We live on a farm, so there with 16 1-2 bushels the decennial aver- C)H,1,9 wp.. ...k.bl. W. _.W.. No then unfermented, grape-jul6e will be j jealously the lives t f mortals, here rrn In this Way ttie news got round to ".. z.h,l I. '. ' = 1d--hI­IWP1y.-.i0.IS�._ � I made a note of this remark in . their YOUR EYES,'G amilated,useMuflne T�atrine's old friends and asso'clates. yield during the winter months. How but many who felt as I did would have age for the period 1910-19; for oats O.Mlet %.- . ,I. x4nd It bAnx, ­tbq ­* In � found its nutritious, and Probably - been in bed. I took.Lydia & Pinkbam's —1 ..d..d ,eith . -44 I. Ih- k� Tbt- — I pocketbooks. often. Soothes, Relf(IShilse, Safe for 1131falit, a6 would have liked to have told far can the breeder go in this direa 36 1-2 bushels, compared with 2G 1-4 0—.." .( -91e. 6, Wed. .M I%. UMI.d IIU� safer. � Katrine knit her brows angrily. or Adult. At all Druggists and 9i;iUclans. ih�m herself, but the old hunting tion of forced egg production without Vegetable Compound and it did me a bushels last year and 33 1-4 bushels wM. J ­&at.* they thisk 4 Twonte, atee d" *9 do Nature's rules for a healthy life wi.'.l I "You write for Free Eye Book. Ruin 4v RoWy Q. (liko grounds were forbidden to her now, harming the fowls, as far as breeding worldof good. -1 tried other remedies the ten-year average; for barley 25 1-2 . WALIKIM HOUSIL be found under these circurnstane'as, as I "I don't think so," she said. are concerned has for but I put Vegetable Compound ahead of bushels, compared with 21 1-4 bushels It h t6 Persond SaTim t6t pleas" '. bad better hea:: What sort of g!rl I and Stephen's wishes made a barrier quallfacations them all, and I tell everg, one I know V4%i4V4 Why the WALItElt 110IJ02M, H ­(P") � , ..­ , -, u,AdQr.,mO$cQ.oWo,,, always permost in the last year and and 25 8-4 bushels, ill-- I.Zpk—.4.Ul..dl.U.,.iV...I.—It..�..&M 1�,&,_tll,r, best., " between her and the entrance of all BoXne time been up The ni�ffiing theMit I wng . . how mruch good it has done me,"- , mo have am- s) — e been hor- 'ed to make -minds of those poultry experts of years . - ten year average, for rye 17 3-4 bush- Is ."L.WyIh_SM.(e.I­ _t,._.i,e.i.& , ii,� .,.!� �d leaned iession so far would hav the saloons. He had tr, , *scelles,Prov. == .I.h­I1y.t_ Itlkiteg,.4 . _ J�R=4,_pale, .P,r Mrs. DuNcAN BROWN, I ple supply of nutritious. food, indicated I down over her as slli'�- sat on t* els, compared with 13 1-2 bushels last .r .je ri ill it was as a Christ- her give him a solemn promise. never of experience, and in no sense of be- I . - ;P.M,y is., .a -$,A —fthu by her normal appetite and . t'asteB. ian that he abhorred tLese things. to enter one again,'but this Katrine littling the good progress than has Quebec -year aver- h, IN aaedm d ­ _d .bu&.. V ... kul ..6....& , 1 hearth, her head against his knees. Such,warning symptoms as sense ot year, and 16 bushels the ten That does not meari that she should What he expected to hear he would would not do -been made to improve the hens laying suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, age; and for flaxseed D 1-4 bushels 9 C, 1�.".tW0.1.44.yet rhe cabin was full of the warm, red PLE'N' r cram. Nature always- guides aright, have abhorred as a man and a lover; iled down like qualities; there Is, however, a time to evfi, compared with 5 bushels labt year, Ana 11 Me HOUSE Of T) it , both In quantity and quality. Milk, fire -light that leaped overthe walls � former abhorrence I "I can't be � that," she stop, look and listen, ere the li%rni is backaches, dread of iffipendin 3i 9.40 bushels the ten-year average.. . Ay I and the 5 cOu- had said. "Something might Occur to Itimidity,gounds in the ear, palp tAtj0n -,---- . oatmeal porridge, - eggs, are i and up to the rough, blackened raf- siderably milder than the latter. accomplished that way take a number , These figures indicate, theretwe, .___ I — ,cocoa, ters above then. It glistened on the make it necessary for me to go into of the eart, f1parke before the eYes, at equal to � �� food which ordinarily suggest them- silky -dark hair beneath h n "Go on," he said at last in a stlfled one of those places; and if I had prom- iot years to repair. Every poultry kolep- . rregqlailties, constipation, variable ap- for wheat the yield is Ju WORLD AM TOURS, stilves ag'specially suitable. But it Is voice. t. You er knows that this ,year's fertility, )e�jte . I I . should the decennial average, chat for oats --- � fell ruddily over the smooth,ovalface ised you :n this way, I could no was none ., .weakness AM di.Wnasa not what yqu.eat, but what y9a digest, � Stephen looked "There is nothing more," returned I ==== -,hatchability and liveability e e h0ded b . Middle, ed women, and the yield Is 2 1-4 bushels above aver- � . tering 4v- Xhgm,jj "OtAble Com,, age, that for barley and rye it is 1-4 J)n Schedule Basis is British Com - that nourl$heE. � And a rather fre- turned up to him. KLatrine, dejectedly. I -too good, nor was it at a flat et L ,!a E,T%l I 41111V I . , down at hF, and felt coiAent, - she was being con- erage the year before; and from go � ,yd thorn safety through this bushel below average and that for party's Plan. Illuent mistake is the swallowifig of too "never She thought O'd jound carry - I ­ . o the aver- A much milk, or more than the stom- "No, no," he said ha5tily; demned and despised, and to none is In MaMenhood, , ,reports comes the lowest figures frorp ­jB_ig%it aid Alre, Brown, %s flax it Is practically equal t . =4 can deal with. Then follows con.. I mind anything In the past; we will that a cheerful feeling. Stephen sat I ,the so-called utility poultry keepers �­ age, A-pplying the aver -ages for 1920 to I . � efface It all; we make a fresh start ub suddenly, and tfi�en b wbose sole aim Is to obtain the largest areas sown I .. Tfou are invited to write f9i free advica the latest estimates of , It Is reported that a responsible stiPatlon from the Undigested excess. from to -night." clasping his hands around her, waist, Womanhood egg yield possible. (these areas being shortly subject to British company proposm to put ixIto Fruit in moderation is Advisable; He would have stooped and silenced I rough ' .. No other medicine has been Ito suc- final revision), Aire get .is the prellmin- execution a world -embracing plan for Ithe and supple even In her I The successful poultry farm of to- I I grapes especially Vegetables should i her with a hiss, but an arrogantlook clothing, and drew her up to him. I ,cessful in relieving woman I Olt er ng be well -cooked. Tea should not ber and Motherhood 'd y must not only obtain a fair per- nkharn's ta le ary estimate for the whole of Canada passenger airship transportation, .a as has Lydia E. Pi total yield as follows: Wheat, 289,- Route, have been planned, so that no I � taken more than once a day. Ther . i I "Is there nothing?" He whispered C'elitAge of eggs from the flock, but at Compound. Women may receive free 0 'sh possi . __ eagerly in her ear. "Have you noth- London; Ont,�-"For many years Dr, liatching time a good number of. fer- and helpful advice by writing the Lydia 498,000 bushels, as against 193 26Q 4 0 important city will be more than 10 � . cold be as much exercise as blee PILLS' irg more to confess to me"" 'tile eggs that will hatch strong chicks bushels last . year; Oats, 55q:710:000 days' air journey trom London, 'the DEL MARTEVS1, Pier M ushels; I without undue fatigue -in the open air. ce's F avorite Prose ' tion has been my I Be Pimkharn Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. bushels, as against 394,387,011 b following being the chief main lines , Early going to bed s;nd the avoidance ,' FOR WOMENS AILMENTS Katr.-3 gave herself up to his era- most favorite inedi- Which, after being hatched, w 11 live ainst st 26 brace, a delicious sense of peace and cine. I have tAken and thrive under fair care and treat- — bar -ley, 64,257,OQQ IIABIAQIB� 4B 49 and tlme� w,oupled W making flights of heated rooms, of late hours, of un- d of women have testilled in the to ailmentA I . 4e,ls; Tjq. 12,�15,000 bush- I . shape, regardinir the herding qujaities of Dr. protection and warm comfort steal- , it for the ment without a heavy Ilaath rate, or - 56,38Q,,400, bus,] - LQ,,20'7 . ,400 bushels, and from 14044ork" . due excitement in any L, are Im- Cully Ing over her such as she had never pertaining to wom, els, qs ?jg-eiinst I I Miles Days FZMA" PILLS. A Scientill an excessive number of culls. , More TArtaric Aoid From 'Coal T47, , LQRdQA tQ perative, Any harmful food or practice anhood and befor# tlA*s'�W, jj,0Q0,000 bushels, as against - - remedy for delayed azd "inful known. .04-10-11, and after mother. is Itnown to-d,ly than over about t4A I . 1. Now York .. .. .. .. .. 3000 2% . Ily In a Patented Tinee . . .." M .11, - �,472,80(l bushels. or pastime must be Bqdulously avoided, "Nothing," che murmured, with her . .0" ho0a, a and care of poultry, HojAs, $,an Francisco .. .. .. - 6200 41/2 avall , nd it always feeding . I lor the sake of the 6 ir Druggist, or Ill . . Thp ayer,ige condition qu Aug. al ... 2050 1% . ,AbYo 70terbackeir Rfkeft "P Soft lips Close to his ear and her OG, ;)­ proved excellent. I an 4 by fi. ri�wly dlscbv@reo . .. - , ek CXU%4C6 ,g conditions, are beter. 1. oro per, - � prol�egs, tgr- I I Cairo ., ­ .. .. .. - J would add A word of advice whiall Ato. neck. she 1 40 have also recom, -fe6t incubators and brooders are at the ib acid i§* made f - �a�o4l tqr, for Of lat@ POWn gield and t4dder crops, C0,10albo _ .. .. .. .. .. 6450 4 11A � I I I ,silky curls touching his �, �_ mended 'Favorit , o - . � 1. .. � IT9 . I � exliresBi�d TiumerlQ,ally Jil percentages. 8600 7 . ----i felt Steph .­ poultry raisers "hich pyggess Johift X WOP, 44d C, of t1io q . tor tho Nairobi _. .. .. .. .. 4150 21/1 IS Important to some of the ladies oon- ___ . ell grasp her close to him disposal, yet, withall, v s Pe.rtjj (Australia) ,. .. .. cerned-though I,hope to a very few. -_ And a tremor run through his whole �� Presc:iption' A4 .verage yield per acre came over her Palo face, and she . . . many friends who the percentage of chicks hatched and R. Downs, two wpllrknown nianufaqI t.OA y�aj� j#jo_.j§, was reported as fol� That is, "Never'let,yourselt get Into a � . . z _ ared, and the number of culls result- � I � _ � 1 capetOwn .. .. .. .. .. 050 6% , pushed him bacli. with her hand, frame. I I .. hg�v4� taken it wit.4 TE turing chemists @�Tt� responsible. T4r� ' tigures, within brackets re,� - passion." The Milk then secreted "Have you never lain like this In 11 �1111 good redults. � It is dng fr6m those that live are far too . . I I ) hlth�rt6 1�e'ta' p)(10 low o er'given the eon- I The Wp from London to Capetown .has been known to kill the baby "No, I don't like that idea, We must a man's arms before? never felt a "I .. tke best medicine great in numbers. in the face of 4.11 'taric 4014 N" found in prelrittllng in the Ord I Vill taoftd,a a 12 -hour stop at Nairobi. - . -­ ,�T.clnl qreim bi tartar, a %q114 20, and on Aug. straight off, kiss on your lips?" he persisted, . * ' dition on july 31, 1� - the " 1` ' * Peas, 90 (102, 87)j bearin, 99 - have things cleared ap and tidy be � I know of today the modern Improvements. Tlleiet ­i!i th6 boftoin of win�*611,skls ax.14,@.inp oyw . Cairo &ad Usbort are to be two of the. . Also You mubt realize that milk is fore we marry. You mUst XnOW - holding her to him with a fierce III- for women or girls who am weak and sill- us, the former, whir;a ' * you will . 1$ s,mething" wro.ng-and the lea4inq d princi ally in ilig making gf bA, " , buckwheat, 99; (101, K)i' tvu"Ac 3urict'o rom London b ` . ­­ ­ formed alwaye through the impulse truth from me, 'And 01011 tensity of growing passion. f0=9 -MRS, WM. STE94 179 R�04.� 'I'Oult. . . P � . (10�-14), know how to meet Any one Me$ � Ty experts know that It comes In powder. The Ui . ,9(�,t�s befo,dq I will be reached f Y V-fuy from the nerve centrm Therefore, in Who co, . "Never never," Katrine answered, M19124 Pt, " _' trom failing to follow safe and sane' .jited eigiilf`�tj "pie mixed grains-, 104 (105, 87); oorn top unts. for the southern rollW to I to you with talk about me afteyward; the I . husking, 98 (95, 89); Potatoes, 109 of T ' opening her calm, dark eyes a for -ve ' , , 91 Capetown by way of Nairobi, ano for 9a ""' ., I comparison with yolir nerves and , Ad 10our breeding rules In the mad ruah � . tvin '� re wiKe,grapeg . prohlb their maintenance ,In a health anid they may come, for I am known int; r,traight up to his. SAVED HER LIFE I OYArds w 6 46 �'41s� '(104 91); turnfPs, njangelds, ete., route to Sydney b.$1vay y condi- more eggs. P 0,000 Pounds Q� (95 ' 99)t fodder eorn, 100. (98-, 97)" the eastern tion, Your d1lot , in all the saloons in Dawson,." Stephen, met their gaze for one long St. Catharines, Ont.�­III was in a very , Irp obtain as many eggs from the ,cream of tartar a,ye,ar and about 1,,-. , ets, 96 (99, 93)1 pas .) " 11 . is quite a Secondary Steplien shuddered. , .1 ,second, a fproud, tranquil, fearless h ' ­ suglar' be , tura, 02 -of Aden, Colombo and Per ' %14� West , Inatter. Above all things lead a quiet miserable pondition when I first started ens as is possible Is a laudable thine, 000,000 pounds of tartaric "14. A� (89 Aug. 31, 1915). of London the first StDp 100 be at "If they keep to the truth AbOutme, look that sunk deep Into his soul alld _ . , . . talcipi Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis' tor the poultry -keeper to aim for, But the cream of tartir'cinndt 1A obtain- __ - Lisbon, whence the trip t4,11NOW Vorlu . life, and take CaVe of your nerves. ,you must just accept It', It they tell pourea balm into every wound silo covery . =nd Dr. MroeVr,avorite, Pr"crip- 2'r-qr Pandruff. � �, - -it Is doubtful it anything Is gatnoO ed except through the fermentation Mlklard,s �:jqlm..vjt lies, yoU,jl just Bhoot them," ha4 ever made Mere. T4e next mo� tion six years 0 I suftred and waa .. I I .e . and San FranclseQ wilt,proceed by ULCERS ON THE' LV(1.9. I Again % cold thrill passed over her 7n'ent pji3 . felt 4 . hot kisses extromel� emaoiat:1 ;ad weak. Alth(yugh , when the producing of a dozen more ior the wine, tbe grape juice, 10144TY , _______4101� way of the Azores, and to Rio Janeiro � � o things count tirst Ili , 1 WA3 toe fhought I riment of Is unable to supply the ttowiOlqlq by -%vay of Sierra Leone. - t,aflh ,of 010oting-Mkiag A �pn b'er fac,e, a hat pftapst . Ayourig 6 A , gf Ra'djIlM 9, Maga of . while the I "10e)0119 LO lover, To . '"sn' O' , woman my M stage of life, future breeding possibilitiei. One takes _ Wt�p that Tvy I " e - eggs by the hen is to the det " It is pointed out : - press r a inu I I was 4o , 11 'i�j uiro this very vre,valwit Inalauy uiaon. ji -" thgUgh It Ifl,ll he' ,r =east,t rmur _Ing. through the criti� Want hitherto filled f . . �4t vat� q� I . human lifo-ni .rder - ist � � .. r on 4 - b# . 4fterusm heffor,emodiesmystrongth long chances in trying to beat dame the vinter. _. . Mq,teria,L speed of alrshlpa Is less than thit of . * .fDarling, � my 44rling," and knew retur'noa, ano or tue Working ciazwels., Tilay are rest au,A were no more Wz-, a snapping of the or , I . I . It cMd came and fr nature, and the more artificial the me- -___.W._*� orplanes, it is five timss greater,than 1-'joper bandaging'of tile whole 109. fingeral His mind fis)w on a sudden nothing Very cl�arly any more except tirrIe on my*health w Otaodthat I ,T. Perfec' a" my thods used ,the more care should be Minard's UnIment Fpr. gur"s, Etc. that ofthe average ocean lincir, 4ud a Tho second Is moro,egaeatial thau toc bound of remembrance back to tile that she NVas, loved and very happy. weight increased. I rea y belie -m. that Dr. exercised. Artificial lighting during the . -_ . - - � A tube of radlum. ganerA119 made non-stop flight Up to 10,000 miles La Lj%t. You can oft beal a surt) in little school teacho � I r and early spring months should . C,or 'Many, Virtues. possible. . he, proposed Zen _.r in the village of C11AP-MR V. Pierce's kemedies saved my life and I shall ,Oan Tr fares -from peopie *who cannot, or will not, lie up Arden, who could � . hen Stephen always prom &&a ve."- winte Ut eiPs' ,use of by physicians Is ?,bout a shade T . . liot, bear the sight The next afternoon, w I .4 long 4,s I Ii e to be w York $234; - of a rabbit's blood 0 MRS. ELIZA OV - OLT, 43 f3ea0h St. not be used oil the fowls that ar The cocoanut Is one of -the most use- under an int�h in, longtIA and about LondoA ,wkll be: To We V141 A; though or,courso, When Llwy , p. the trap, and returned to the west gulch and Talbot kept for breeding purposes, and It used ful of all trees to the natives of the ,an eighth ln oliameter. It contains to. C,Apeto%vA, $876, and to Australia � win consent to xemAln In bed, aeallng I whose quiet days Were spent between heard hie news, .be, Isaid ho wu6 glad, ,. pavorite 3�rcsorlption should have the I should be handled with extreme care. ,jpp . $696 T)k1s Is ap Is ever so much the quickor. And meant ft. Life at the gulch was -regions iv -here the cocoanut grows. , ;pijjlgFams of radium bromide. proximately bighi the' village school -room %n4 the vlj� . I full cor&40" Of OvOPY w0m'm 'n Canada I Fowls for breeding should be handle4 �ut a " ri ood ,,_tn4 q 'mipute quantity is the PT900 �ent's a mile. Mall w �rlek IThe Quip BGJZ A I . T-IRk Thhi The first Wing. tobo done is,to pro- lage church; Yet he knew ho nover Voty flesolp,te and dreary, and such a b�tause it 60,teias no alcohol and. no in a different manner than those in q� *twel�e tons, ot ore, tlwoe tong of V.t as ' he bright, gl4d preseneB a& the gIrl's . and the mak-'6fihe itit may be i�adii . six cents art ounce. . ture some lint, and," cut It Into small had loved that ]Tttle teacher , y 44d 4 Dr. Plerce know, when he Arst ty Into an intoxicant where, that Is de- jA ---------- ,e.� , ;­' . I pieces of exactly the size of the illcer. loved Katrine, that she could ,Is ,14 a . te thp 'A � Is, nareotio. the commercial Pens, whoue sole du . yqrqchjOT-Ie, ?,Od, 11YO tfifis of carbon- ,.� 4 .Vey yvo4 ljev1A monoto .., . _ � u - sire . � .jedc d. its fibre' is used for making 'ate pf c � , � rouse hip, as this woma ho believed pQrse the gIDojqa. � t*�o4pioaTd medicine, that whiskey Ih tile eyes of their keeper Is to pro �q4j;, qne ton of sulphurto acid, DEne Myths. .. I I � -kou. often see a huga plece of lint or a ., VQ ,the jpIl,oWj,qg FqpJI; both men a,*kd morphine were injurious, and so he has duce as many eggs as possible, nor n tons of Ipooll, burned In the oper- Underground workers in cov) anor � linen rag applied. Tbis Is a great to be an epitome of evil, who, jas silo .r i lie growing pullets now on the Topes, rugs and matting and the huslt 0: ; 3u1stake. lay now In the fire -light by his feet, woro 1�16y preparing Stephen's cabin always kept them out of his iemodlw. should t unduly forced lor fuel. The wood is Very aurabid ation of p9dUp,tjQn. plore than a month other mines are full o� superst0lons, i - for her receptlogi and tryinito impart Send 1(.)o to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, range, or in yards, be ' und in the hands of the ttatives It �q 91 wPl* and fivo bundrea successive some of which are "tremely ,Weird. � Before you set lip in tile mOrIlIDg ___,.___.._ . .1 . . .. - . ' — - , an�e. q,he liqlade p, V., for trial package Tablets. " for growth. , ,� to it a, bridal j%ppear, - � _WqQ, N. used for many purposps. IcTyA1411gj4ioiP& 11 I I I ____ Darkness meant mystery, and Imar OpPly One Of these pleces ,f lint 'left to do the work on the . -_ I I The best future breeders will be —_ i�­_ __1_::.; 1::I::l = Ination. has created various hobgr,o" I I thickly spread with Ointment of *no � . . were t====!t=_ cuba- monly believed to claims, and Talbot and Stephen were thoqe that have grown from in I I.-Weee-_ lina that are catil part of Peru balsarp. to seven parts ,if too 'busy -indoors to even oversee have said You dontt wish me to go; I tion to full maturity without a check . 00"- I lurk in such a,"bterranean. places,,, I 'then you must ban. ,__ _ " I theih, The cabin was large and well have said I w net. Isn't that enough?" under what one wo(fid call natural � � For inatance, there is the "4adder I ,a had looked Into the ; benzoated laird. And Stepli 0 draft, not a forced one. This class of hunchback dtmor� 'with a dage the log, WindIng It around and 04CC 1870 . . built. It stood looking "ross the dwart," a axound from the toes to Just below the . gulch, and half -way down It, Over tho clear, dark 4Yes and had said, "Quite." birds will produce many eggs when , P Th@ day of Stephen's marriage, tho, lz�atured. and when at the prq- , .. 0 91. . large head and euormousjy, long 4UCI � kuee. At tight you take off the ban. tope of the dark -green Pines and fuc� day wliell Xatrine Was to arrive as a fully . . powerful arms, His favc,tlte trick lei 'a,fresh DI"e of lint smear . Will be able to produce fertile . idage, apply � ingtoward them western fiorizon, where -briole tit the west gulch, was calm a4ad Der ago . � 1.1 . - - to climb the ladders In mines and, as � at -will hatch ohicks wit4 kick them Out r ed with the 6intMent, and k3ep It oo'n' 30"R,,.,PSC0UCyM the pink lights played and the little s th , tj � the rungs, to .Z,14 -he passes '� � still. There Was no wind and no snow 099 " . N &L` I one by one. STOPS gun-dogg gamboled in ,the fall of tho kla to them, The other ciass VnftY - . � . . I tili moming With a handkerchief only, - -_ I ste. falling, The sky stretched black and be called Utility birds Dun ..nd simple, I 0: - 11 .1 � In Germany the mines are hatinted � xPor very, small, shallow ulcers Zino � I L -==, ==== — , sh ort ' gray. snowy afteriloops. gloomy above th.o,;Plaini of Snow; :t 0 I : .. by two s called ; ointment maly be substituted for that rerninded hint of th� embieni of sill Dhen was down In to,wil Once In the a day of -the Alaskan winter, but and to this line the poultry -keepers I 1 %upervatural being For u1cera of a Week, and eamo back With .hie pony Wa's .- can use his so-qallo,d forced mothott . I a :,, Nickel jknd Kobold-the former 'being - Yet It d k of Peru balsAin. that crept into man's 141d6n rious packages, and still a good day1for that. $tOplleg had -, t! A-, tires, benevolently disposed, and the latter , .tmont 61 red oxide of Ivag a pleasure�wliat -leasure to be laden With 1117ste of producing egrs to t1le linjit and .. like, goo or.eelal olass olu I when Talbot catno In In the evening gone down tjh,,w i , I . I . tb% , p,r,o:, al tie 11pbuildiog roads, always pay f are a �1048 day, and slept . 119'ri .. � A( big 0 ; evilly mischievous, They ul-ercury mgLy be used with advant.ago. j�Lcar her, to touch that smooth s4lill the nig4t gt Tgjbot Wfp Wait- still not s / tbernselves inany tiM00%9 � lie found Stephen on his knees, tack. , flock, for in his breeding clas other gnomes � � Take to stimulant . Whatever, Havo Titit wbat Wag this pleasure? Was it g at the cabin to receive , them on 0, , . _ Who till or empty the 100,4. a8sion ? Ing down ,strips of carpLA by the bed .*111 ethods are used which one may call / over, . Njq%el, it properly propitlatedo Vr#1 In a I � plenty of vogetables stud fruit, And Ila itiso evil? What was this V in the !nner room. Narrow curtains their return, As h6 stood at the little "safe arid sun with the Idea of not - a I/ � . Partridge Tires hava poprodUce motal-bearing ores as. bait silly, a, el" 1 as long as you Can In bed. (f there, be Ills thoughts flow onward feverl t as they are removed, � had aia6 been nailed -up begido the window that overlooked the trail, w It- e go alone, bu stamina, and vigor, and I I /5 I / si, suprorne hand -built hig for the Erst 91114PBO of them, and t id upbuilding of the future flock in- Ill the ther hand, W11 severe Pain IiAttr the dirwing, Iceep said theft :7attlne'A Voice struckaeross window, and altogether the cabin F, " 1: depeftdabilit-*t W h I 4 11 Xobold, ( ?I stea'a . you foot on the mantelpleca for half thent and brought hlia back to outer pre-4ented a luxurious appmrance. staring Across the dismal waste that s,ead of tearing it down. ke I 7 makes thern savdrg ot away the m0al from the lodes. HIR at- hour aftorward% And after the consciousness again. "This IB 01to m"nificent," re- ran into gray arid dreary m.'st In the The total egg yield of any plant is a I dollars, ttM§ Vind Itto Q blows out the rajn6rol lamps and. IE "Listen," she Wag saying, "while, I strolling About with distance, a great revolt stirred In his - 'a � he Witches R man Mollie ho triny dral" , i ulon has heated, wear your 1,49 '.)an- tat �'. marked Talbot, tict the sign of success, but the num � plivenlo 0,04 Thoy are � ! daKad as before, ulftil oR daAger of a I yon till, and then we emit star, An namIrIngair. I usually calm And philosophic breast- her of chicks hatched and reared to I I I 4gi f, a tread ta him about by the !pase, or hair. If ho say.of u : A4110f, tip ro:JgDoa has vatilshM. urresh, as you ,,D,ye ,think Sol', replied Steplion In a sudden longing swept Over him for maturity Without An excessive num- iL I 11 eclAl viroueh against �= Indf- I ., i - . , 1,# " ,­_ ., his hand over his eyes, A. pleased Une, lifting a tlu6hed' face the blue skim and Warm air of the ber of culls, and then followed by a I �, , Lo itiRlde of th* eaditl1r, has a 9D row Mal down I., 0 ­ Stephen put . I , - I vidual Mj*e*l� be Will th , ('. �� Vogatsoble Amps or Purees, %ud Waited Ili slience, 110 olreaded from his taoks tand g1tring ba(�k on lands he was accustomed to, arid 0 fair egg yield. When any Poultry- , .. i, 1, g,I,e­.jm,.e a lAoder or Iftrush nim h4neath a aown- , . .Wlil_!�eeee�,'Le!�!!�, I 'Ider logging still for a 91IMP30 Of keeper is compelled to place a large . 't ----,,��,,, , * I �, t ado from unigpeakably wYat ho thOM,"t he WAS t!��_ - __!!!!�_, I I I , we ,; 1� -f :; I ;ali or rock. , - oftp is not necoa,larily in going to hear$ and with a man's more the sunlight hold in two,eyes that were number of eggq under lions or in loan- .. I " To gain tne goo6-vitil of theaO for .1 woRt stock. Vocortable soupll; or . _ I shut his bators and have but a small percent- I I . 1. -1 I a � . . . nl minern leave I purl," gro inado by boiling PotAtOOS. I at cowardice would have deferred her fairer thin any sky. Ito � . I . Idable gobltnm the I b"nS. P4" Or oth*r vogetablell Until confessionf Plurred over and . I � � tooth hard, And hia h6nd closed tightly ago hatched, and those hatched do not I . * bread, 4(kito and even Money In odd guol forget her wrong-doln ipli'the window fratne, "Only a little grow as they should, they are on t4' it!, .rather thftn I � ,q / plaolw� And, 4& 4 spoclat theariA of ,- . . 00t, mashmt through a itiorra liquid hear and forgive They had I longer"' fi6 muttered tq himself, mild lo,qing M4 wt �, .. metals, ulakell then heatiat with it lIttla � 'Ig lb� 4tatinee came q soft � 0 of tile INIkef, 'IQ I " tter, Ora q . �­ ; " noptasing them, two - %r � what t e'0gg'yjejd in th� faturn m4y, . .. atilki dobalt, have We-& 11 ., � kwoter, WIM *"P 040k Or W1106yer changed lita j,aces oftles he had askel , I � th6n '11.1 'd' to 46, 11 je #p-to_'qajo, �ommerdal nqjjI-, 44 . named tftosy ; VA#M0 111441ftililt fAd fty"Ing. 112ing ! her that morning In his cabin to oon- 'lp of bells. Reeallp L -11,11111 I tholt,, stlyery tigg , �1 ,,"I'll, .1---______-.- .11 I I— - �11 _,...,*.d.4e­___ . hirrigalf, ho ipl? - � P ____ -, '64 for jl�ioll purposes tide In him �� . txod hip face Ital ,1611' try-�ei�o s' haye the �Rad�:Vpj�-, I - ­-­- ­­­, . . 11 rd's UnIffierit for 111*16 Y3VO4y*hdle* - �td went '(A'the 00 -111, wrtovat, yoget"l -91 pftetica. Milk wol. to beg0n, with," went on her I tant smile, i � r arid Ing on To 'wall Ana til�y Are 'Com- . Mina ..*%_*4*� . Is It* V, OpetlB4 tt, lit a saddild or two they mencing to pay inore, attention to t4a 60"10thic ,,,�,_Lie, �yii,.t yolce, ,,I drlr,h�-I like I � ,Mny AILTJ Alftlo. Ill"". %fttek ji.tes reMly inilk thick- t1rhIkIng, You think It wrong to .0 I '014 In iight, Wing IfiII910 Moll UP the breeding pmblenia rather than to kpe6 IIA ow And flity" W1* $me y4go- drink* a,,y1,,1jjng but Water; like . narroW trgil, the zi. w q A he IMYS she 11" Alt idftl hloi- flav . � rl firat 0114 Stiph(In on 1-4proasing the egg YI(14' 41 1i I balid.3p � Isbu, 114h or Other took to Elio - . I following. f4hp Worit i'lirge gkl4 vo4t mao flofts' h4s tuade satisfokctpry I " , GE,,. � cyluo avtd �.31)irlt%-anythlng that ox � or oAd UttlA aW opoe *tQ* bmd- VALMA Intl -A.11,1 I cayi. drink w'th any I . L Of IlloIto, gb�ggy f4r WUIA'06004144 jrnprpvpm�ijt and hug giv(m the"OW4- PART'R ID I I'llow long hays* t)lkty. bten mar- V4tk a ! But I have never been ried?" - r .1van tn twvn- . I I her More, though not ltx splandIld qp* oir$ good retlirrim . XKK ProdU0104 41 lmd appe . Thr" worb,kr"4 *461-1 t1rank. 4tp � , oxf, Ar the exportso of Aiture ImproveM.orit ermbf, gre botk wMWON .I,h��!n, you un4erstand that. 11 right p .4 on her head *40'6 , 09 %%ft. Tb*7 farbi" $60 An 6 Titou t liko all kinds of 900Y, Pnd ... ''I � � WhIto TIRKS ,, 118huaks, 01 Itueb"do aro'law ft"- '� *a "at d van t1i dds m4lk. . ,,,-A . j li,)(Intl All yny timo ,�Ilaneln ; OmI31 for cap of 40M6 light 0140, # floy sLs 14r nks 'vigor #nd stAtA141% I 'the firz� t1irts weeks." "L - I to b"" dw" tb,6 r. I fur or r4bbit. Beaftth show#4 b*r 4ro poncorned, In thn long ruft, $X4 6,41#V.44t Me '" IV � ­ Me 0 . . TkW4 WUQ WIA sL414 *sAiching. find w1vitt your frieN dark Itloey h1dr curling allwArd over poraisted In, will only lead to (`!)M- ,lr A_ �r L esa of to" stqw rwMabw tust, Im Ifooltrig.1 And I - I I I __ 110 IlIff MOO ( I" mtoft baA amttlutift =A% a foot,; I 2 1H. d ]l I I I!, 40tX1011 IIA T 0Z Ive t r"! . I I I .�*.*" tko brim, and ker glowing fact r1011 plete fatlure_- 4, Marry Wolmleff6r. ­­­_­__­ � ­ 1-1-- I I- .... ­ Uut ill, *o%40Mb Is *AW&A of a �;" "I � jt%*4W2,k, 4 so of Wki K-t,.,jjLA*.11 WAIrIns pselF.ed & want I" ­ - - ..... ­ ­.­.­.__-_._­­ _­­­­­­ _ _A6ft"A a 021 it,"" IPM, - "M mad tmh sA it Ditmwss rot#- ­_ _1-11 , "go POW � X1 t ,fol, jilid ImI4 the doolst" VtOrd% lot C01112041.1 Mtnardl* Unitnota Ftallovoll Noul'111914*6 . ", "M MA19C - 1111101111 "ft" 40 Do (To I �4" .. .10 - — 1,64 * "" � .. tun 44 to I P". %% taddllld� I . . � 11 ., I � � r— I , I �, I . , I , (h I i . 11 L 11 . `II I I I � I . - 11 I - , ) . , It 1. iill� ,I , I I . "' "� : . I I 11 - I � � ��: I . ' 6 L,' ) � � W � 1P I t. I , , - jjjAijj�o I I IL i_.hili �1, - - ­­­ . .. 1 4 : � �� , r, I I . � ;i��ikj , % �j N � , f ilji6o . I I 0 i _ ' I "I , L. aaam. , I ,. � 'I I ,� , I " ., _. M,i�;.,j ..�­­ t_'� �'�A.W�a, :', _k, i".. �,_ �4!1,&-t� , .�,it"—, _.Al­�. ,,, - . - - _­ � . - nv��� .=--,= ,=— ,� � �� � KI . - * I e V"'t, I , 91