HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-30, Page 4vagevoul
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� h! I I 1". � ..- __1 - - _....''.1 I I o ante - � 11 toil -1 Review this week,deels faitbt�lly with twice- I H`e 'is a "ItimiriOul Qeakwl ran OR SPLI'"T LAMENESS No'ed Inventions I � I
1, it�e NUUgbaux Abb I Mr. Pritchard. Its editor's rem4l,ke .0 talk more a ad Say low thon any ;pellblnd, F n, An obto tl*t will run witbout fuel.
& 0 SMITH. Ildhor and PrIop. 1. feel, I�ave nothing more to be paid.t,jhey er north off tho Great LaUes, When on � A woman's hat that will never so out
I the farm tboy sa� h4 Iiised to climb up on .
� i , , , � _ ". __' _ __--r .-.,,.-. - i are appended hereto, in all their w4alth of [low to Deal Witl� fbis Trooble of style- I
, I . . . I ' t.-�_,,it is apparent on the femning mill and talk the chicken$ � � A pair of �Iioes that will not run over at 0
A profit$ Eta. L I metaphor and Smile. to tleep. No wind c9pld tangle up bia I ilt yollag Horse,$, the hie), I . I Ill
� ----- I that the London, rtree Press taUO Mr.
(London Free Press) . I John Pritchard .almost as serious as Mr. remarks , any . worse than fie tangles ' . A calendar that will not tell a woman I
. himself, while hereAbOutO, them broself, He knows 'nothing of a A Bone Alrection - Y01109 AnIv.4410 how�old she is getting. d
In coramenting a few davo ,ago' upon � Pritchird takes corrupt press -likely heard somebody else Njost Conimonly Affeeted-symp.
aIlegutions by Mr. John Pritchard of, that otherwise rathbr worthy citizens Is 4 furnace fire that will not make any V
- make that break-tf perfectly safe gener- tows Deserlbed4�avd Treatment ashes. " d
- ,
Ilarriston. speaker at a farmer's picnic, i taken a$ a joke politically. He is bug 01
I house on politics an I d yearns for a nomin- ality. He never 'corruptea, any pr4a - offered., . A 4ollar's worth of street. car tickets t,
to the ellect that the press of this prov.. A maid yearn's for a propos- himself, because, next to the sound of his tcontribaited by Ont o Department of that will lost a month. , ., 11
ince is "biased, corrupt and unr4llablef," ' ation as an ol 1W
I of marriage. He has CQYIY coquetted own voice, the rustle of bank note4 is the I Agriculture. oronto�') \ Aneighbor's lawr)mower thatwill not 9
the London Free Press expressed a feeling � a ' sweete eak. ag. e
of interest in the viewpoint of t he h .st,muolc to his , , PLINT lameness is a common run before 9 o'cloc,k in tho moraii
be press � withall: parties in v4in, though as, . .
in the speakers home town. The Hards. been. 'mentioned in. despatches' once. or . I I � A dishpan under the icebox that will t
V:�___. - complaint in young horses,
I . . . . and'oecasionally seen in'horses not run over, no matter how full it gets. f
. , ��; . - - r. � . � - _.... F 1. 7,17V_ '. .4; =7'7771� �M=M t1i CA AE S of any agb. It Is rarely noticed A dinner that will do for seven when I
. � .
- - ---- --— _ � til the haiid limbs, . three of .these have 1,4ropped in" urtex-
. 'o-, - . . cted., '.1'" . I.
- I The scene was a New York theatre. the , in order to understand and appre- pe 9
''I I 0 �1, characters in the ploy that did not figure ciate thd trouble it is necessary to -_ I . .1
. I
in the program were a Susceptible man in have an Intelligent Idea of tbe bony � � I (
. . ,"AN 0 Invelstinc r)rries t row: and on the other side of the anatomy of the horse from the knee I . - I
. mt W, the fron _Yik 12
, N& 1. Off -i � J (
footlights a painte(I and bedizened actress to the fetlock, This part Is usdallY ' 11h
� 101!,Fo,��urteext Years 1
41, �, . . wb � lured th�. other toble doom. Coming called the cannon. It cousip'ts'of i-hree TABL - g%V , I 1
_411 . . to the very edge of the platform and- gaz- bones: one lkrge cannon bone extend- I " I
� IYU, Maturity Victory Loan Bonds, at 93 Ing down at our hero, the sister sang Ing the whole distance, from the knee I
, est, assure the �urchaser of an in- .1
. .,,�� ,And inter , "Corni to My Armi and Kiss Me." The in the. 'fore limb, and from the lioz.k 6 I I
'.4.1. /,� for fourteen years, I I invitat a' I . .
" terest return of 6Y4.0 IQ proved. too much for the young In the. hind limb Lo� their respective I
� � . regardless o ges that may occur . I 'This bone has . a Droad .------ ---- --- ----..----
.. I . man. Tbrowin discretion to t fetlock joints. ___ 1
� , g he, wind Q
I �- marl�.et ,in years 'to 00140, . ,_ -
I AF .^ 11, �, - , I
. ,
1- . - - n " .
. . ". in the money he was "over the top" like a flash.,' He. and somewhqt flat posterior Surface, y tn .1" , � �
, �,�,�� "-.1
_i .1
. 40ir
*hht surface Is at- , ��,
,��5 rest is prompt and clasped the singer in a half Nelso - - 4., -- L - .
k �1' , During this period, inte . I - , v, chang- To each edge of '. � .. __,,/, -, -
I . "; � sure, and is payable at any branch of any ing almoQt at once to a strangle hold, Of tacired (by ligamentous attachnient) 'r )tiA,
. � I . � "
I al' , is nee- course thig was a rare diversion he a small somewhat triangular-shaped Ai , I I I
,* I chartered bank in Ganada, All tliat I . tor t .
1_�_ I to clip the coupons and pretient audience and almost broke up the, show, bone, of considerable 06 aboire. k . .1,;, - I I
* I where it articulates with the bones I, I ;
111.164ry 18 . � I * .1
1. . . them for payment each.six niontlis. But stage hands are as a rule unromantic. of the ItUee Joint, and gradually ile- �: Sell
� . � . Their intimacy with what goes on 'behind creases In size as it extends doA(a-
. . . Those with substantial , the scenes robs them of anything like wards, .becoming qvite " Small. aild Your Farm
I �. '
I . �
. � . . . incomes, who ara ma- . . sentiw�nt�. As soon as they recovered terminating in a small rwrae)VIV We I -lave Sold Over 2o,000 Farins t6 Date
I , ,
� , I . . Afail your terially affected by the, We deliver - froratheir surprise'lhey fornied a flying pea-sbaped nodule, u little move than Nolistins fe�. end no withdrawal charizes, Vov�y
t! . income tax, will 11�d ,in bonds to -two-thirds down the large b(im., ti� our comininton trily after Pate to our oustonter. . rite
order or in ent, our local wedge and attempted to cleave the twain These nodulds can )-,. readily, relt, ont, Qr telephone, 11
� write for attractive invest tank free apart, but the hypnotised young man on each side of the pos,t.eriol- asbect E, A. Strout Farm Agericy .
r . I . par- in the 193:1 maturity of expense clungto the singer with all hi,4,p)i&b0, of the large bone, a fov Inclies abova
� . (tax free) at 96Y2 and to��uu. �� , 14't thq fetloq�kr, Box 312; Wingham, 0111it.
� ticulars, . interest, which yieldg a .. . and if required the entire house stdff to A splint consists in a, bony union , ,. I ,-
I . ,. net return of 5.87%. - � . . . get him away. Of coume he landed in the between the large mid ar4all boll0s. � I . .
I � . policecourt and -paid a fine. But 'didn't Inflammatlofi is -set 0, usuMiY -by - � GEO. I WRIkGHT
I � the singer get just about what wds com' concussion during travelling, epe- .1 I
' Ing to her? No woman on or off the cially on hard roads. As a result Ot DA)V2)MASTF,'R
. & Compariy I an exudate 1.9 I '
I . Wood, Gaudy U stage,cart make a Lorlie of herself without ;- this Inflammation nitot!s ktt- —Experlenced Piano Tuner—
. . :. 1, . I � , ,� I I thrown out, and the ligaim 1 Teacher of Rudiments ,of Music,. liar- I
. .. . . � Canadian Pacific Railway Building . att;acting an occasional mariner on� life's tgehment is destroyed, The e.mmate, I t,
. . . .. mony, Couri,er oint %and Compost ion
. , -30071 . T
troubledsea. If actresses insist on sing- is, of course, soft at. first., but � -. 1
. . .. - , - . Toronto . � � ling put young men in. the audience and becom6 converted into bone an(I Leave orders at THE Aj)VANCE office I
� I
.. I , unites the large and viiiall boiips by . All brass and re'ed instruments
. . . . � I I carrying on open flirtation with them - f , .. and violin. I
. . � I L ___ _____ . r bony union, ' An eulargemprit 01
. " . � mzwt mllrl'�Wljim I 11V___e1R= let theirs be the consequences. Still the greater or less size can tisnally twu % I
, .aM=M12:0a"W_1V10ZZ__T
I .
I .
" . . I I ------- - -1 �: It I, .
. . "I'll, "I'll, -_ susceptible young man is.,not likely to seen, which, in m.)St cl ses, 9"Ad -
I , . ,1 � I %n J
I . . . . . -V..,-. � � �___.___ rnuch sympathy. ApY snain Who ally, disappears, by a sorpLion SICIAN
� � - :����.__ . . . . . . . . ��!__._� __ ;,
. . . ... . . . I - - .
. - - . nothing,can b�� noticed, aud in nmay
. . . _ . = easily for a complexion purcbaied " 110 1.�.,
I I I � � pv--'
� . ;�. . ' eases cannot be *.1z!Lvcted ,�,,f �1`� "-,
ce, Ini&n1pulat - ,
. , "�,' ,
I ,
I . . . . I i� in the , drug store at So much an oun n; at the sai'm ttim � g , 4 �, . ,
� .. . . , � . 'M , and he toi It betWeen � the "�
i . - , U niver, t p dressing df hair piit 'on and ossifle" ( .i ny) union ,
. . I 1. � , -1 I I,,; 11 R. Wd , ,
� � , . . ) - 6 %;e M
. . %1.0.L , Q601191-41111 �0`` a
I , Vw sity . anent, Hence a MIM0 -
t. I . . .. I . off with the scaut stage. attire, is not to bones is perm. a1*,v,,6,Fb . , .
1. I .. I . . . . . . . I put too fine a point . on it,.too eaiy.-7Ren- that once pn . r% ,eN " T-h
I �� _,� .. .. . London, Ontario . frew'Mercury. . I y . have it, although .tit visible sy it,,) CHIKUMACTIC
,� * ....., F..11 I toms may have. disappeared. � I
. *_111 ., e._� e�...,,-- "' , ,� � . . . 1. -xie a, e to
. 0" .!J � horse over s 'c u'U 'ySyS_
11 . I I ,I,, �- I We often hear peo- aY that "A , Practice is confined excl to
I ... . .. ars old rtevt�r Iwo �rigina
. ' ' even ye. Cbiropractic, the only and
� I � � "I � � BE GREAT OF HEART - , �spllnts." This arises frow the fact tern of 3pinal Adjustment.
� � . I -enlaig .ias xi- -ent of all cases,
. ft – --d — . that the visible geiiinn�` 95 pe. e E
. . I . ffective in
41 F�1� ebAjt� an 3ctelnces . , �
. . J�l ie&g!f,_ -A . .1 ually disappeared, bul tbe ullion of "Chiropractic locate$ and Removes
� 0, 0 I . I Be great of heart! No fairer greatness �jie bones remains. rh s absorpOwl
. . , )Y,I, - the. Cause.of Dis-ease.- Nature Heals."
I . ; :; - lies, . . 11 . does not always occur. it 0; ni-I tin- If
. . . .. . . . � , - I I . common to Observe well inar's-ta ; T. A. FOX, D. C.,.. D. Q.
- � %';�. htj I : , (:�Wedicine In skill's domain 6r any golden prize, , splints in horses of aay wt�,4. In :40-11e C
% I I .
. . . . I . I . I - 10 . - . Fame bath no wortk, on Mortals' to be- cases the splint ii, doublcitluut ia;, Also fully qualified graduate in Osteo-
, I I " . .. . -, ;..., � � i -Stow . . 0 %n enlargement Is ii�,tiwt`�)Ie oil %-ch Pathy� Phone 191. Hours 2 to 5, and 7
. .. I , to 8 P, in. I .
. .
. 'I", I . i Fall Terl,pl Opens October 4th ' Like that which true and gentle .people side ofthe limb. In aucil �
. � . � I . . I . know I . I I I is usually a bony dejioisit ext-an(liw, �____ , __._ - __
. . I .
I I I . Vo F, I INriORMATION AND CALENDAR'NVRITE _ I . 11 across the posterior surface I)' Q10
I I . I I Be great of heartl Too big for petty �Iarge bone, from Ong splint to tile .DR. �G. Mr. ROSS
� . . I a ' '� - Royal College of Dental
. X�X. R, T�EVILLE, Regristrar . : . hite, . _ � , - other. This often causes an irrit,-110" Graduate Surgeons
. . . . I.. . . 2 to th esuspensory ligament (which I
. I I For narrow purpose or restricted state, passes down this surface) e ;Ld ealisys �
- . -_ -
� I L_ "___ I I . - -_ I _ I . Graduate Uuiversity of Toronto Faculty
I . . I I . — Welcome the stranger, and be fair to foe, permanent lameness, -Splints sel&otil
. . I
. . . � . . __ � —.— Skill bath nagreater splendor to, best9w. cause persistent or Vern"raierri. 1.atli-.v- - . of Dentistry .
. . M7.- _� , ==_ . __.
I . . . I I � . I I ---, - . ' I ness. ,� . . Office over H. E. Isard's store.
I I M -M _ ,p..qTA Be great of heart! Neighbor - and � friend cases no �_ —
- 1. - �
R�ffi � Z,LJS1fE1) 872 Symptoms,�In many
. . *R, r ArAul
- I ..�4=__,.'.,1 _ . . .
, ..�____ I in all, % 1� lameness is caused. The first inthria-
. , '_ _,_ : �
I .,
. � I C'. I f. � " splint is*,tiiq,. Say
. 1 I 11� It With- Floweps
. I I ` I . 1!�.. �, I � Stand by the weaker brother lest he fall, tion of the presence of
. � I , , appear the enlargement,
. I _,,:�, �. -
. ,� _-, � ance. of F
I ._ Give to the poorer, soothe the.; adder _= -T,--�-�,
I � I � , I . ., , L,_, .. . t �,_ -
I _.,
. � . I f, . wnien usually gradually disap1w rs. I
,.I �:, 1�� 11 !N It - �_.. -J
_e , Y'.11 I . . breast, . . . ,',;. . P -1. - - J � I
. liwl ��- ? . In other 6ases lamet.ess is Well mark- - '' , .. � � �, I � I /
. V.mo, -1-111
�7, I I 1\
. - 1.1 This is ��ue greatness living io its best.
. � ed, and is usually characterls ;:."'.
. .�Ic. A, ,�"..,.�',
I . � � ,;O� , , ,'�
: . � . . Vt 11. ,
. i lle -
. ,�,I-T, r"s __ , HE owner of a' bank account in - h m lint will'usually �.-,--�L,---�,,,�- �y I ;: " � .
.% �;, , .
. v�MW il�l � . Be greaf of heart 1 One who men's wotth ,� �,� ,; x? .
�z I—-
. . ,.,� . 1. g C, �-J Y, t . . joys the respect of his acquaint- . I I Stand and walk -sound, but if asked (.,,I 4� , .�.
, . . . . , . I 'k � &J ',.I . I I . � E.�
.. ...." 1. � . .. I n g,'. 51 1 T ances. Opportunity .comes to' . exalts I . I . to jag or trot will show well marked T- I I -�,-n�- , - ,
.. . , . I - -_ , * -
. . .� � . 11-11 .,. 311- aike ad- And scorns to.mark their trivals sins, and lameness, the head dropping decided :.
i.w, the man , ;,
. 1� . - - . . who is prepared to t ./ . � ''I ly when the foot of the sound leg . � , 1��, :0 1*�,�,V__Z�._
. . . 11 , 1aults, , - 1, � �--z-��", I
- , I V rtm I J I vctulageofit. Ifyou are thuught to . . - ' Ill" � � � , 6 I "', - .e
. . . �. 0 Lny vis- 414. _�_ ,3� F,
. There is no.greater office t life's epd. tonches the ground. The lameness. is ;�K,-.,,�, , , I
. . . . ". . I � I I I � -41dve a good balance in the bank, op- , . . often noticed before there is ,, . e-1 - �,,
., . . 1: . , - I s will be brought,to yoit � Vitii- more rewards,thall that Qr just ible enlargerp�ont. .The .kameness. its � ... I I �, ", L .,
1 ..44 , - ,,, �
. . . . 1. I pQrtunitie I ' . . I ked when the horse'trot� � . `
. , " . L � � . I . . a. . friend. . � - I , - . � I more mar ,�
. . . . . . .1 �- ` -- which would otherwise pass you by. the 0.1 k" J
.1 -
. � . � , -H.E..'n - jF�f�i � - . . .. I I .: .. . I '. .� I '. � . - I I down, grade, and the Intensity of . . . - -'-... -
. ` * .. I . I . . I . .1 1. .. . — , ... �� '' I I . lam -
. 0, � H.. I I L�To N . , I . . . I . . . I eness usually increases as exer- L
.1 —
I .. . � I .. - 11 . .. . . � . � - � � . . else Is continued, Manipulation Will ,
� . . �. . . Tp,ry C6r.n6rs..'. . _1 .11 1. .
. . . = - - I I . . usually reveal the seat of the trouble. ,:. i., I
I . I � I P .
. . .. 11 I .1 � .1 I . . , I a . � Mr, Stewart Finlay has recei2tly By pressing between the thumb and I FUNERALS,, WEDDINGS, ETC.
I I I I . ' , � 1� I finger the line of attachment between
__� I I
I Z;�
NMI I T 6111h 0 changed horses with Mr. M. Bell. . the
, I � � the large and small bones from Potted Plariti and.Cut Flowers
I . . .. 2ANK Ot , IIAMIswi UN .: Glad to. hear, � of Mr. &. Zimmerman knee downwards, the seat can be lo- a Speoi . alty I , .
. �. ��4 . I . .. . r I picking tip money ai the nearby Fairs cated by the horse flinching when the 11t, .
0 � " . t of the trouble is press6d, And, if Catalogues shown on requq,
. . WINGHAWBRANCH C. P. Smith,. Manag � I:. sea ,
I . I � . . I. I .1 � with Billy D . irect. I � . evere pressure -be applied lie will M -A-V. WN. J�,'EA TH
. ,
_ . I . I I S
. I
. . I f " . � I _ . I .- ,,� " __ . Mr. I Ge�rge Da�ne purchased s:;*Ford often rear on his hind legs. Th- .
�=� � I .
i -_ car Phone 142, Wingliar
�. I . .4 - 11 from Mr. H. D � ane of Chealey, one usual seat of splint Is on the inner I . .
.� . . . - . I . I A� 1.64.,t.,A.1', � *1 I .. .. surface of the fore cannen, or it may
. . . - - _. Jr . .. - both,,and
. . - . � I I . I ''. — I be on the outer surface, ol .
. I I I . " . - Marfy"frow here attended the arim;A1
.� . . � � . is usually one to three Inches below
R, , "I" , ft-�,r �;�, , Fall Pair, Mildmay. the knee, but may be either higher
.�L.M.4i .1 -, .
I.. .. .. , . '
: .. . '11 - ,:. rE i it, , r � .
. .. ,n -A r lower. The hi im
, rqbr,�, nd I* b Is seldom
,,MVC`0W"'-4 9 A 32 r
k . . . i,:$7 � ... _ 01, - ' A' Harris motored to
... . .. -:-�i:.�is.:�;:;:::;:::;:.,,:.:.:.:.:.;.,..;:%;;.;;:.:.:.t.�',;�-�,�i;..'. -.-..�,.-.;.;..-. �....,.,:.,..-.-:-:;.-f:;:.:t.::.;I.i:!�::�;!::�:itj:i:j:� 0
. ...
I .. . .. F.... ,
. ... i��i::i�-:-�:.:.�:.;.;.;.;.,i..:.t.�:,:- Mr. and Mrs. . .
...::::.�.:;:...:.:,�%:.:!;:::;!�.;:-:.;,:.:.:::: . ...., �..":::-�..-.:.:.."�.:;;�:�:.:;:,.�.:.;,.�-.-�,.:;::.�;:�;:�.,.: ......... ........ .. . �.,;..-' ...... 1- aff Sated, but when, It Is tb e Seat Is
� .. -t��.:'.!�,.:::::�::"iii�f.-.�ii�l-".I ..�'. ... �._ ... ....... ;-i:;...
'r.�:N ..
. � . .. ............ � � I ' ' I I
. . . - .. 1. ...,
. . . ... I 11 14 . .W..... . ;.;.;,... ' I
M ;:;:;;�:: usually on thQ'outer ourface.
`,�.��*,�:�; ;!i .TN;;,:1:1!1;':1 vi.qit Mrs.
. .*4i�141._-1._-1__.-_.5 .. , "Mg , iR�l;.,.,�.;".,�����i�...�::I�i-..� I
. 0§*1.*K�i.: �T-*.-%:;.1; :40 -"- Etii:l. ,4i - i� .,..' """ , Loft n one day last week to
` `
` , *
, ... - -
g... -i '.i� i::.*
I.Jy.-� _ . . * *
.... i :. , ! " i:�$i$-.::..--- Ill in the hospital. Treat - a
I ... ;; �:!i!�Ii'.� ,-i-1�N*:_*NV,!.*i'i 'CA:: .. -� - .. .0 ��� - . Harris' brother who ig 2 ment.—Lanieness Is usu. IIY
i, ..
, I
. .. ...
. iiii�f��i�r ., 12�i:- - .1-1.1 I ... _ ., ... , .iii -Y
. . ,. ..., . do
" � , .. "E.J., .1s: li:if:ii��'.'.,.
. . :::-::*�;::'%'-, - Rt . ,
.. ,,,,�, ,.��, �::::,
. , - I - -,
. I.... !:1:j:j:j:ji, . .
. .:;:&.$, ;. !;:::� � ......... ...;.i:..:.:.:.:.:.::::i:.....,....,.:.i�l: I . ..
.. . r _� ..... ..., I I I present only
..5 � 0 11.0
, _. .N
:.. .i:iN�-'.�Ii-. .. ..
. . , 0�-,;,".*. �:��*Ai;�,?��* *;1�1'19 .." 1*1 `-'.;i:.
i I � . - - I , "' !:::;.;�.!:...:.*.;.;:�:;,..:.::;!:::::;�!::;:;:.:; ........... 11.1.............., $j:j%:;- . . . during the inflaiiiiiiatoi
.- gil�ij� I bocoine.
,,, ;;:,.,.*i: 1%1e.___ P`l "i!:��:i:i:i1.:-.,:i;:: I S
. _. �-, , """, ... . ... "';,"'. 11�1: --:i, ij�jiji§;
: ��:.:,;_. - _f iiiii U:.i...*I'�-, ..,�*.i�.f.........�..,',�....... .1-1 0.��. -.i�;jlji�i�i-.i�i�ij tage. 'When the exudat,V
. : Mh I' - . , r K . - __�.
.. .:.:+;.3;1 .�:,:;�.�,-:�:*.-..�,i:��f.,t.l�ii . . -
.*;�.. .... . F11U,i-�& , I
. � , . �i� ::::j:j1j:j:j:j, ... ossified (converte,4 into bone) the in
. _. . ..., IQ' I I,
!�.*Kii:i ... 'A ..;... . .... . �,
', . -
1. . . . , I
. .
, I
,:.:.:.":.!,��.:,:J�".:��.:.:"� ..J, __.1. .
��,Xiiii-.-.� '. , �i� - � �::.T,Nj;�;..._.. ,"..._'....., ........ : - �
. . �, .., - ... . . I
. " ...'1!.::i:...........,..1_..; ....... "'"""'�.;.;.;...:.;....:.i;!:I:i:iz�,.j:j:: Mysterious Pire flammatory action? ceases and lanie-
I.;.,.. ... ,0'_ , , i . � . I
. , , " " . - , " -
. . : - , " - " - �' R5 .. , -.,.,- -il-ll -nlarge
`:024.� - 0'' ',IE,,�c-".Ktll!�44L�lb':"i;'��,'-�-'.��-'�--i�l'-'..,.'..i N. _ , .., 0.10'.....; il , 'S" exc6p
. I ;m.�'.�Ii.� ,
*.-... 11 &;,.�'..� .%:!I . OR t 'the e
.z-.: ,, -1. . V, ;.:,4 � 714.0 .. I, .1 .. myst6tiously in sappeal
, �:-,-U:�.:!i.:.:;:;:;:::i:ili�.:::.::�iI I
- ij.'......., .. ...... 1-1. T 11V V . _�: ,:� _ - I .
I , :i;i�.�% , �,_,�, ,,� - 'i . . nierit be of
. . t. - . .-,.��.-";.,Z:�..:.:�..,..,..,.,-.�.:.,. .,..,..' ...;..-.��,.�::���*�:".,;j:�i;��::��:.,�.:::!.�.�,4;.,:; Fire broke Out rather ness di
, -
;-- � ,.:,::, 't Olil:i�. 'Ehd .
.. �i -, ��" ' ��d 1. tosiderice of Mr. Geo. Kieffer on the , Sufficient sl�
,� 'e, or so sit,
i .i;:�;�.1:�t:�::r...I.!:�L�'.i��,!]f'.Ip-.:I '::�:: --.;;. - Rates the 'suspensory
�iii� . �:Z.:.�.i�i.-KIP�xV.?t;:%,.!J:i;,Mi.*.�..i .
11 . .� _..
". .
k1:,;:!;".�,!..: '.
, , r� � "l, , , _ - .-
. .., .: , -1. 11 "A .1 `�*` �illl.'.-.*�K� - and a uated that it'lii
[ ".... . .�,!� ���I�l,'�"*�*09;.,.*t.i...�........--.,.��i�:�� ;i�i:
. .�,.:,;.-,�Ii��, L' 0 , ... .. . .�.� CgkKrick" CpIross townline, a milt . joint. Hence
, I iii:� . ... �� I , i .. ............. � .. ...... . .. �,i�i��iil� ..t ligament or Involves tile
. .. -- --: �N1.1� _:o'�:::,:,j.;:::.!..�:':�:: : .;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;..:.:.::.:.:.;...:.;.;.;.;.;....,....: half%north of Belmore shoiZd be direateil to -�llaY
I . P_�.-� " ,X: �� ,, aboui two OOCIOCk tICUL-ent,
� ; .. � -.:.: ", V
. . ii�i�: , ` ��:��'�::,;.�,:.�.;:,;:;�.:.:.!.,... 11f., VMIX'163, W" wily ag possible.
. , , . 1;,j.:.-'- 11,111 - - - - - - - - - .. ... - oo. Monday - morning, and burned the Inflammation as pron
ix . �-,
I ,�.,'g*i �4 *
I ,....*..� -;".."O.k'*A""*'i,"".-...��l� structure to the ground, The flames ,had' ,
I . . . ', 11 Kil.� --��i�i,:�.:�ii::::,::�: : i:,.*�.,-.:".iii�i��.�� -Splint lameness usu-� ly appears very
;.��- . I �
-;-:11;1:`;,-, � A-1. '1�
.: _. ...w . ,
1 �*����!!""!".;�.,,,,�4""..I F., . ,. 1 -.1"'U.- '.... -IV
I %::..� . I.
1� � w: i: ....... - �i$ . . .of-f
, I I., . .,;.: .1 11:;;,:;1;.,:3 � . ,.;.;.;.;.., sudde y. ,x ,norse, .-w b v
4 - I &,��,,;,. I - ;!:�� ,�,;,;:�i�*!,..�ii�i...,.:i�*.:,.�l:i::
. :-- ".!� 1 :�..-�.',:�?1',� . gainedconsiderable'headway before they ". riabld --- �
I I � ...� ,,, -..* -.�*i:,. . sound and after a rest of a
I Z 11 '. 4 � I'll _:�.:.,�.L: �:*.:*i�l*i:, veri discovered so it is itripossible. to duration whdn taken out to drive � - � , , ,
L;.4, '-, I _�
'�l_;r.,'-"'.,�i�,:i:i:..�"�.�i.,��:!� � 41"R - """' "',
11 a I...'.. X te the exact" ain, may show thc cbaracterlstI6 4 I -_w4v. F-1
I kl� Qca place the fire broke out, ag. ,5 -, ,
. ;' .:.:,:.;1:;-: .;�,�';.: ,.'. ff-J. M.Ti'vly, ION -5
�f,.;'�;_� . , ..,. ,*
,;.',;"�'., �, J but is thought that it c6mmonced u stairs Symptoms noted. I
I . . �
- : .,. L.X..1.11. -1 -'�- ...'.'.. . p
1� .
I _ ,% 1, ) 1"..: Tb .
. - ..
X'1V .1,v:�:,�!,,� ,i,f�i, in the summer Ititchen in the rear of the
: I 1. �_." . """' ��;..:...;,,;,", � LO patient shoald be given per
I I . ��x;::;%S.:�,,,;,.V::,�; Lj'.':;�.�: .1
�� .", ,..�K I., I., .1, I . 1: f est rest, aii'd. the seat of' the stflint I no Double Track Route
, � � ,.::. f", - A . house. At all eve ts, when Mr. Kieffer
I ,�,:,�*�,��.*.'��::�;:�::i.",..��:'�i:..:�.;l:,..,.W�p�
�. ., � . n should be showerod with cold Witter
1 ." ,:. ...'..I.I: ,, , .:, ...;�:g .
I I .�X� .:. .,.,,._ .
. >.,, ..!..; �
*..."..".... � -W,--:i.1-Z4 -awakened, the upstairs Was so uhdofofottm - pounded lee kept to It, Between .
- .. .. .:.�� ��:� I frequen
I . .._._.' , �'.. . ., ( ..."', able that it Was �all he and b1s; fa �iy, ot
�� _ mily for a few days. This will often be all
��� �.,;�:-,�..;.,:;.::.,4.7:���.;41.�,�, I � ...... .
. . . . . j.:.:
�,�"4- , - ;'..., ;�� ��i�i:..V
.,a , ' Ir casL9 monitpeal
I I .. _.__.,_.'X..-.-- 41'. �$ VAW n their night that is necessary. In othe -. .
I F1::,A'.!.-;.:1::._: .
.�:;%!.:,:",.�j:!!:�,79�4 :vl.,�:; �t,,,_ aild I
?�:;,!,�-,�::,.�:-:,�,. �� . ;! : 111-9 Iwo H clothes. Mr. Xiefferbadn't time to get lameness is mcre, persistent, It s Toponto
. � .7. � . : � " - . Ev. I even a pair,of trousers out of the hoUge, necessary to ar)plk a blister. A blister Detpoit and � I
,� . 4& ALI� mado of one drarif each of biniodide
.,; ..�',� �,,�,',:���:.-:���,,",,.�,��;;"�.:�:��:i;��!,:,..,� I -:'a pair of i - mixed I
I . �� i. ��'--�' '.I',-. 11;�,�i'VO--;��;.:... C W V 61LO . but managed to get clothed in'.. I ercury and cantliaridw Chicago
.,:.?_!J. ,�.:..:_,_�.�`
. , , �.�! ...:;.j.'%,i�:,�:. -::.,,.
.. X"' ...':."..... It The 0 ftin
:.::., : , � : .: ", , overalls which were left in he ,car. w h one oz. vdselflle, and CIPPIled in
4.1 ., ::_ .. ��:,.:,.:� I 1-11-01Y effOct Uti-excelled Dining Cat,
. ;15,.:-.`.� �:..-. .:...�,: � general alarm wag given in the ,phone, the ordinary N,v.iY Will U. ,
" . . . : but ' qqary
. - ... 1. o: ,01-10 �*"(*" It i�-.' nec(" Service.
.. ,. .. .�.:,..::.-..;��;..�,
I : . :..' 6666 it was iw�ossible to save any ,of the a c"re. IA
: :. � ,;..:,. ��-_. ::: I 1. to ,blister *th�, aeevwl 01110 �iu about � —
. t �. � ".:.". ,�. i::`*... children's clothin . The house was a I V�
.: :.: , I ,.,!' �, - � I 10 -aro eases all o1wration ,, .
� 1: _1 ... ...: , a nionth). In i
� . ".., gidure r brick and plaster atrvcture, and. was ohe by a veterinarian I:% ncce,,,:arY-' .. Sleeq)ing cars on Niglittrair.
Zolic ,
^f i � I of the best residences on the line, The When lanieness is not tihown ,it is
e y mat atid Parlor cart-, on prin.
%O Wrt* Al-,% I I wind at the time was blowing directly Seldom considured n ecsoal to , ,
, . � Ill towards the bath, and it looked �for a .Splint, its the 0111u.1-goinvat Usaally, ciple Day traitis.
� � -,.&.,At %,�Z-Jlful VWV vea � , gradually dinam-a",1 wid-Wift trMlt-
I . q- the .t� , time that, bull d Ing would be iinited,- by in ont'-3. 11. Iteeit, � �8.' o. A. 'Cel. 14,111 inforination front auy Grand Trni
orloont the burning embers, The neighbors, loge, GuetD11. Ticket Agent or C. V' ,. Horning, Distri
.*^/- ond ihe Husboods however, ave splendid assistance and ... 1, . i V, :V Ilassenger Agent, Toronto,
I Yets* GAP60 . were successful in confining the tonflagrg- ' ' � W, 1,1. Burgman, Agent, Phone ,io,
I .� P I tion to the cause. Mr Kieffer's "a will Drs, Kennedy., ,C a I d e r it V. R ,Iliott, Town Ticket Agent, Pho
I I I � *0 will baye , e be in the neighborhood of $4500, against ZVvingliall).
I . � I �� e � A&- & Kennedy .------, __
� ��, w li� I which will be aMlled the Prodeeds of the .
#0 & � ,� --- - - insurance policy In tile Formon Fire In- --tvatrick and Centre Sts.
,, I Offices
. . M - surance Co, arnounting to $1,50. How 11hones-Officm 43; Residence of Drs. I SELL
� Lyceum Theatre the fire otarted is a coMPIate,,r11y1(frY, Its Kennedy 143; Re& of Dr. Calder 15 A. .y, Town and Farm properties. Call a,
I .0 thme had been no fir* in t,ht rmmtr I)r. J. P. Kennedy vWlalim in Surgel we my list arKI get my prk*m I ho
kitchen on SunftY, Sind the u" care Dr. Irlmn Kennedy xtvtm special sdte6don
� SPECtAL-Mono, ftea,o Well,sr OCL 4o So 6 illdren and I wAym excelirrit values.
% h*d been exerrised to remove f1l posdMe ' to, diseawks of Watri,en and Q I
* I I caiind an eatbresik. Mr. I<k-fTtr will . N*Tvous Diovgt
I � - -' - 4md 2& .dtr devitm vpwiol attention to I G. STEWAR.'
I 1P .kdm*m I.x i rebv,144 Q* susimer if he rut -A seftre, 0111- t)r. Col
. % . . I VOC"t to do ** VW1br- 00*t - Dwaft of- the Eye Be, NM via I I WINIGNAM.
, . . . I . I. 27ft tio�-T tat". rAm
1. : -1 _---k,—� —----No" .. � ft , : 11 �' � .11 11 11 y ftw, . .rllel�. , 11 ?Vft* M, ciao I* I I
11,W_.-_-_---. I I , � J tl � � . '"
"I , --1- , .�, 0 irll I ,_ I I I . 1. A� �111 .�, 7. , ( . _ -
- 11 I
9 , 0 , 7A� . 4. ,,, 1 ,_4 4, "
I . � I � _ " , " ta ,� ,I ��-' %X . . 11 � . I
; ,. � I , I * #t , , � 'i . ;� - . , . " !1� �. .
I �i .. - I'L 11 I . - I ,�; \ ,. "I . " I . , &.,pt 4, �
� 111111111,� 11, ,I 1, I I i"'t �, . � , . �._ . o .� I L - * '..3 � � _ �1:1 � �" 11Z '' L,q�.,*, ,:I .
� . `� 46' , , . , � � , ,� .. , At6 � g A"416 it, i, �' . � , � iia 11 I
114 i4ia 4��-_*441LL, !1-1", , Wiihilill .1, �!, -_ t� __ 11 %
amaww"&i= I N& wassim
f�� -. - -W -,. , , -q-, "': ��O",V ^� k, W, . I 11F
I . . iK. , 1� I - 'I ) 11 I yk 7. 1� * � ! �,� '�:1,11 "W", - W114
- . . . �, .,,:�,,�, ,.� , ., � . I I i, 111, 1 ., I , �
. ., .. . 3�, �. , 1. � I ''I .,� 's '. '14 , F�j W I
� t , " _ "
�". - -1: ,i , " ]w I X".Mi'14FM fi.,
� , ��` ;7 , � . t 7 �
..�4., . . . e I �, f . 11. . � - 11,11,4, . , : I , I I � , 'I �. � " , . " '. "I - , .
I , 7174, , t' F ,
� '317 . , �
: 0 ;, �, k . , . �, 11.1 I I , _
,� ; ., , � , . , p I . . . .1
, lilou ,
, I . 0 1 , I � , . , '. I � , , I , I #1 I � I �. 'i . i. ,
N . : � .. 1.
. I % . T ' 3* )
I , W*Aq. i 9,*V� " 1 " VOW'
- I . .. .� � . 1 -- �_ � .., 11 . � . .,
. � ;Ar - �. ___11 -1 - � 11 � _ _ � �
- - A" - - __________._________ h - . . . . I I
1". .0M
A, I .11 , I �, - �
MIX4111111191 — — 0 — .1 Igim"gil"I.11111'.1 11111i,Rw -- ---- --- ---- --- -
110SHINQ DAYS IN 00010 ' - I ".-_._--_0__,.- F" I 0 0 0-- - - __
1. . I W . _. - -W-w-', , I
. I
" I . '- . ,
I 1. ..:4. ". - I
� -n ,
. (London Advertiser). ,J I" Ve 1 ,,; . I . 4 1.
The beauty o I f spring and, the -promise . I I . . '.
r summer are being given their fulgIment INt . ! , 1. . . � I . I
NA. "o � i. I I
ieseautumn days through rural Ontario. / � , I . , . . .
i�!,._111. Ii. , , , ..
begroy wood smokQ of the engine ihat I . ".: . -, .. �'111* ..
/I � . � i"" , I . 'a. D 10"%
- " �, � 111. "
.1 �, " _�
� /. ,X , -S�� - X , 0
. .
rives the whirring thresher is a part of //,�. I ".,. -i a, ., C:!�Z
,; -, O.. , � .
ie landscape almost always seen in some � 1/1 -' . * �
'.. X., I . ,'�� I
, '/. � I
, ,,, W�.; . -I � ..
, ,!, ;1 , I. "i
. ,,, 1;
,., is, . I 'i -�v
irection. Marx's ingenuity has added ;.,.. .., N* A . X.5w C� cl/� I
11 ". ,; 3 ,"�� , ,
'emendously to the efficiency of the , � ", , it . I 1; `� - 1. ...." . 4 , .
, ti. I It , , ''. ,1, , ,
,�, " * , -_.- .!�,,'- !,�-".,t _00 1
. , "� I
'J ". '4_,-Z - I V.1 , " '_.
4�,� � " , . - * , , - ,
il . � , , �- - Z ;��,t-!;� ey! I
iachinery, so that a t I !i � '�:, "k, %6 � ''Mc. , " ,
bresbing that oiice . ,
I . , ,5� I
,ould have taken two days will now be i / 4'. .!�;. .,�� 1�0 ",
, . I ,-
F-.1 . , .; " ,.,t.. . ; .,a. �f)
I ,
one in one, but there are hunian sides to - -�,,, - 1, 4. �. . __ ",
. , 0 1
11_,�:W,...� 451x,,�:� ...., , 1;�,� ;, I I �
. CI �. 1, .. �... ..; ,
, '.
I ,,, 9,-;,-,,,t
/illo, W
he operation that have persisted from the .it I ..;
1� ill,:N ��: . 11 i,.'Q
. I '..., V�,- . ., - " -�� 1�� I 1 J I ,I ,
ast, and that will probably long con, .. -'I ,,, - ),�, � �� . 'I
I -,Z----, .
. i!;jtj .4�1;1 �2:1.-, N", I
inue. i I il I , - 1. .1 � �
.;;�V _;0 - - . I " ,
. y
.�J,y ,
I jg',,� ,Y, .. 11, -
Threshingismore than a mere mech- - � *" !� R!i ( ,
:.11.t__ S (" � - ,
. ,;,�:,.�_-,,- , I- � k �
I , 4 � N 11 Z-;��!.,,,� I
nical or business operation. It has very I 1, -, 4 - , - , I . tf,-� 11
I 1. ?, 1� ..., )�:1.71 ,.".1 ; ., ov� -� I �, - 1: .. , .
. � . A .1.
=an aspects. It ia one of the occasions .1 rr � , k ,�'�,,j' �
'i I . I � , .
,F .
I . ,:11 , C N - '[1-- "
. , , � ilv�l ',.�'�,
�. "T",� ,,�,, ".4. I.. ,
- i- -�., I � I - .. t " q; f�l " `�
- I k . I ', . 11 I " ii:,r , 1WSJ __ .. __ I . ..
We feels catled upon to show her prow , � "; ,
, ,Y�
,f the year qn every farm when the house . V �1, . . , gb �:_� I ,
%'�",! � 1, .."4k,\ 11, I ffi%,_,��,
t a A, I �, ri� .
ss in setting a good table for, the men . , iW�,.#�, I .W -
. j;,�J N I qw(j -�F " , 11"k- " I lit , , I 11, I
I � "' I . ��,t,\,N�\ . � .1 i
vho toll all day in the dust and aweai of � . ��e!;��.�--!,%v . , f -J11.4 __ , , � , �, '41" , I " ,
-� �:,,JK2,�\,\\,,N�, i
%k N
.., 21 .
he barns 'and stacki. Not that the - � ., j, _1�1 rAW "I . J!
, 11) " 1111i. , I J� i
It"'1111 - I- -0 " . �y
. ^ I—
.. � �
hreshers 'give any very outspoken ex- . - , , ,,, '111 .�
11.� i ... -5,0"', !;!ol�_�4'q 1/6114 NI
. � ; , IL4' f, - J, ; I
)ression of their apCiteclation. Time is too , � 4D ��,l ls,,"�� �.;�Lp�l .-),, I
,.'. .kf,'i< I
, R . .,..P,. - ,._., eyl, I I I
A F.- F --Irl Ir \ 1, .�
� , , "" M. -'-" t �
01 M ". _
. i 1� �/., r ,? , ,,�, � - �'
- -1, , , - -- "I
r - .11 . & . - - _�-, �
wecious to be� spent in any lingering ove �a � r"111, t"';i, -
, _�
I I � ,,� , I
he delicacies- indeed, it swras to be a 11" J�,' t �\�' ,;01111'�,,T�.J; `V=__..,.. , . � ,
- - .
. .. I . I -, '. - _
tonal honor to stay no , Ill 1�_ . -
- 11111 A r-- 7 - " ,;,� 'N
. -, , ollkjN�
V ,,,
)oint of profess' i ,�` "k ,/// _;�, I
onger at the table than 1% barely needed . ,;-, , /� , ;1: !
11 . ;k .* ,.1% - ` ///1 I
- 1-1 % zfix�,
I . - .- �,;-.N , X�I,A�� - ( I I I I
:O satisfy the appetite, then back to the .., , ,_. �
. �._ � �
14 1 11� " '. VIP
- . . 1* I - ��// ,
. ,
. ,
Ag job while there daylight to' carry on. � 't .. I - ;op .
. , : -1. *1� I .
The past mingles with the present - . ... . .. .1 .. . I I
i �
R r-.'! a k I I � A
around the big traction engine. A big 0 I ;, 1. i I
. I I 0 . -U W'
pile of old rails, conveniently placed for . M�XC t'_*;e ,7 1i . I �
use, disappears into the big mouth of the _, I � �
engine, One might reflect that it is more . I 'A' I I fa L Wear 11 1 k, e I r o - ni - ,I
fitting that these old rails, split fifty or . I . I r
. I � �
sixty yearg'ago by the fathers E(pd grand- C-4_0-1 � 1-N!"S fc-z b,.y._- 0.-_-_1,;-w,-�x like itoan, yet hqve .
-;L,st st'ylc and fini -
fatheis�f the present generation, should %,_j' the cl,,ja� 9 sh * at prices. 'no - .
supply the ene�rgy for harvesting the � - high&.th-An tfl'�_ lordinark hind. . . � I " .
graii! of the fields than be 'put to more I
domestic use. These old rails, rock -elm f Dressy "clothes for "regular" red-blooded boyq who
and oaU, cedar and black ash, show a sur- . run; jurnp, wrestle and ride their "L&L,s," as all
prising length of life. After half. a cen- boys should to build body,,brawry and brain ,into
tury they are often still firm and tough. � . �
Today the rail fende gradually gives. way perfer,,t health. 11 , ., I . I � .
before the more up-to-date wire fefice, I . . BP sure to see tliese siths, Allit-r�,*"Ic I I I
.but it will be a long, long time before the I . -cr* v 1�i fior r ins�
. 7 .,,.--- is ,. ,(id , �mv f2ection. . .
younger generation of Western Ontario ' ' . �, I
will be without this -object lesson of the I - . I . 11
toil that their forefathers went through'in 11. E. ISARD &' coo I I ,�
the big job of clearing this country and , I I .
making t t e ruit Istrict t is . �
,,, ..
I . �
to -day. k .01 . I - I
Inside'the big", barns an artist might ' _� I I
find subject for a picture in the whirr �nd - ------- I
dust of the machinery, and in the con- 0 0103111MED I I .
stant regular movement ol ' the men whose % � , . I �,
jobs are to toss down tile sheaves propeny I 11 . ........ ;14; ...... ......". I * * THE * *
and regularly into the separator while I i �_ - _ I I I .
their fellows below place the spout, fill I :, I ,-t .... 001 RN 5 E. 'JIV.—,
* . n It" 'M PH IT'.
tifem, with the grain# and carry it off to I I . - 0*4
the bins. A steady stream' of grain flows , -GU
from the spout,, now to this side, no* to I—— 'L I . .1 . .
I I .
that, with a regularity that isk caught by It -_ ".;__ I .. "
the carriers, whose actions become al&ost - . ,
automatig. During these coming months M-V. ". 9 Stronger , and lle�- .1
, ter than e'vqr,k . ". , f". ,-.
millions of bushels of the grain will move I I ii I 111111 Ill . I... -�.: "
to the elevators and mills, Ontario*s,. big - ? Ill i I 11 i
sbarein the production of thi nation's . I till -,a i See this ideal stotie - t. i
. 0 _ �. I
food supply. , . � I - ��i ill , that burns' either I . i �
� .- - . . .
There is no time lost in the threshing - � I I . , . . .
e days. The last sheaf has scarcely been Ill . � coal or wood, be- 11
fed into the separator before the outfit is 1, fore you out up1he� � I . . .
�reparing to move on to another farm, I ".. .-- ..... old one again ihis, . ... � I
There is almost a touch of the. gypsy in I � .
the process . ion that winds along the coun- I . I fall. . I I - * I . .. . -
. ... I . . .1
try road, tractor, separator and water . . . . 11
wagons in order, pulling in at some gate- . � - A range and lieater . .�
way, past -the farmhouse and on to the . I . comblued. D o e s 1. i
barns, -there to be set up and'§tarted go- . �
. !
Ing, as it will cont1hue going till probably . the work of b.othll' . . �,
November. Out 6n the western prairies talkes I e S S space . . . � .
the same operation is going on from the - I � I � . . i
Red Ri . ver to the Rocky Mountains, but and fuel. I � : i
� . :
- .
. I .11
there it is so big, so purely mechanical in q , � . I 11
its rush, that it is shorn of much of the <1 :�zl� 1111- I I . Call and exaudn��' ;
. I . 11
'human side that seems still t6� stay with I � iti . I I
the Ontario threshing. . . � . I . t � I . I .� I � �
, , I I I
- � I ,&_%� I&"#& . I
I . T% I
. FAULTY CONSTRUCTION . , , 5-dF k1ff ) U � I . �
Ro 1-%,* M NEY, . ;
. � .
. . . i
. . � I . .
. I . i
. I I
Uncontrolled fire is no respecter. 9f I I .. . I I . � .;
persons, places or surroundings. Fire is a anslamm ____ 1_1 I a lil'illl:lllllllll) 4a �
i . . �
good servant *t a bad. master. Having 1
to cope with such an agent the subject of �- 'When Wintry skies are sullen, hanging . i
fire prevention necessarily c � overs almost I T basten on, and m6ve my lips in pray- 1,
. I I % ,
illimitable grounds; as we must study it er, : " - low, '. . . ; k"'a I
1 from as many angles as produce the And press my pace, for Happiness is It may be I shall then be Westward 71k I I
.. I I . - there. � . ., : borne, . I . i
menace. . I , 1, I . I . *_ 1_ It !
. . when earthis in, a w d wtheet v snow, ,
Defective flues, broken and crooked Some Autumn, when the sunset f1dods . - And passing wbes are wailing a;d for- I
, I
chimilleys or those surrounded with wood- the trees. I IQrn; ' - 1.� . I � ;,., e
work are dangerous and frequently C�use , With royal splendor,, erk, the -flowers die, , � . i
I'll- bid Death hasiew f0i, beneath the ' �
fire. , I When vesper-bqlls are drifted on thql ,, .7 d . . .. P I I
.. . � breeze, � . . 1; '90 . . . . I SSL Thy,' I
Your. life is in jeopardy from such � con, , 1111 --rest, and kittel to ki -leet, 0
' ` A6d cloudsi grown darkened, dritpe the - - . i
11 ,,, I � .110 l- I .
ditiofis, especially at night. . ... � .. ed sky . I . I N"..". pd! ". .
. .
Sbingle roofs are the cause of most con, . MUM , I .
I .�half 1 be called away frorn haunts of It.roatters not. wheb Death, shall beckon .
flagrations. A spark from a chimney on, , men, . I . I .1 I . .,me, I . . .
i I
a shingle roof, if it is curled, moss covered And -yet,-Ah, me! it does not'matter Vorlo, there beams the Star of Galilee. .
and dry will quickly cause a fire. �vhen. . I . - . I . -AileeaVard.
,Out where you have no real way'to . .. . . I.M. W I I � . I' I . . . 1� - j
fight a fire and where a fire usually means I", " ��__ — I . , i
� I
I a total loss, take no unnecessary chances. . :
With the existing tendency toward ('-:��e',�i�j$tte7SO4fl,&,n4?h.,c,r-Aie,t.,ds .` . �
.. " tp I I .
� ;1111'.T
. " ,a. "I 1.t
,� ,
- careless and Inefficient workmanship in -ree,10-- 7 1
VI'Mor ,"",;:�11 -2 "'YON671 .
, ,
g3heral. the observance of close super- . &17?1411 .� 7..kls,:�,��Xr, __
vision in all building work is imperative, %I .�l . .).�,�, �
' ' - C�,�ek� ,",.'-,.'ii,.,�",IIY�-,.""6)1; �
Contractors, architects and builders ' cyez 1� -k 17 - )
,.� Rml!,��_r'
, 7, jA
I , .11 - IA',- 111,� , �
,.� -�_� " � . u
should use their influence to compel effir I 02,2cyle � .4 , �7 5"
i , 'Ll ., 1 4`�`�,_, - � I
- �` �- '! ,-
. .1 AV � . ,,1k,"I ,_ , , _; , , 7
..�� - pxp; "ftTI.."', �i,_,
,cient and careful inspection during con. I � -��_' - 7,�t,z .'.."�t�,,, " , i .
I."", , - ,
struction, riot only as a safeguard for the I I -, *�r;!�. ,- �, - kgr; . ,�Z-,. .., V � I
A , ,,,
4'.. OT I
owne . rand the occupants, but for their . I I , '.... �- - , , 6 " , t:v, t '1� � . 1-1 A
� .1 �q. " 1111 A : : �, ; - . - . ;,,,-,
own business reputation. - , �, , � , I.,
. . - -
.� I : . , , � - 1',�, -1,
, I -) .. .. f
�,.#A,..9_.q___, I .. "L I I .. ,J. . .-% ,,,
. I I . :; � IV, " - , . I—` , ,,
� I. ,� � .;Ll
I .; i
REVERIE _.- _m_., C.- - " _ � : 0
I I wonder when the pill4ted gates of 'gold . I HAT inaid or tnatron's heart does
Shall swing apart, and I shall eilter in? , not lotig for the proper silver
And with the Lord enjoy the Blessed W Rervice with which to conifol"t ;
Vold I'll
.8 Of Peace eternal, far from care and , their own fanifty and entertain their
. I
tin. I guosts. And what fam ly in town , &es,:
Shall it be in the 'Springtime when the 0 . not know that this is t ie Jewelry storc -
� sold -at a
earth where quality Merchan 4�e is ,,,
ik ' I . � if
et Is vondrous fair, and radiint flowers, , I I price Consistent wifil your ilicome. 1, I I I
. Smile; ' ... I �
11 . ..
or When winds play like glad children, in We will fit the brid�e betwem your 11 �r
le their mirth, - . eyes with an adjuttineritthat won't " .
And, golden sunl*sms all tho hours be- I let your nw know your eyes I I .
- guilt, . are using glaws.
It does not matter, for beneath the Wd I I � . . - . �
I shall have isisting rat with thee, 0 Q)d 1 , 0 �
I . � R. W McKAY 9 -
Id or, shall it be some beauteous .Summer I I � ' . ' '
Ve day, i � 1 4'Je lei, " a
L I I atid Optician Wingh ill , I
Wim, tireath of row. rents Ow careless , I I
wir d, � I . � -
r , Wb -m dasmy tm"lc 50a,ts from hir alway. . I 0 4 i
TI*ti I %I% ,0ffr d"rm-lisumW d* ' I 4 % 4 I
I � I
� � I I
, "dw bc . . i 14, , �
*J ,,�- ,,, I I 11 ., . I 1,
, ,
� . I 1. : : 11 � ,
11 . A k, t " I . ; ". � I I `
" . 4,.".. ... �, .1 , V , � .,, - � � 12
I AAlk CA' � 0. ,,`�
I _ . �`, � 0�1 .I
1� g� ,4 � IL ___LA�i
&Awaiwl I n