HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-30, Page 3� 11 I '! � I , - . ": -7.
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_w I Wo Th" that I love the tb$up of I
earth, -
01104 IrWf* $Md laughter, WUS down I
. W 10106p, I
. ____ : lr,iA,- _1 ---- 410 N . I � I '. . I
ix ______ � . . - ____ -.--. __ _ - . - - - � , � . _ -,---- � __ � I ==.1. I �_ M,!*;;1 � jg� 1 I .. � - . - - 1. .N.111 . ,III t _ -, _ - I— -
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1940M.0 I . . I I 1- � .. I . i- ! I � Of" Mo. I �&44444*+#4+0 to # �04 """�_ , � F" MOM . - .": 41
I UGAR 5 1 00-L , , FAd CHEEKS, � S1, I
I" 1,
I I I , 4LUe Butler's I I vo�*.Jmiv,w, 0 - ...., ,I�,
. � � . I Vn4t 0 , . " !r
I ,
. �
. I It" � . � 4;11
= = Buryind 6rouad 11 , ..N "I
, to I I -1
- I 11 I I MEAN ANAIENIA Should Do to XmW Vv" , � k" .
S .. I I I I C , le =, " .1 ; ,
ROCIOM410ti Of An f4lotorl,o i I I Nobody litc-.; to'be oulky""d ft�, . � �`i
. Nfavorol olimotqry. N19W 1HRAI.TH oAsi fig 00TAINIgp, and nearly every *s suft4mg t4oig . .,. t�;
. a � 1-1
I VVE HAVE a limited a a lity of the rrpn 610' *+ fty ,Jrth1zzue*L1,1K1,ft yu I obtAity A williag W "Wwt to !W444, �
74WO NNAD of 118bited towns� tAs Mver M1 I .1 ,'"I'v=11i, =, ,,, � ,.---,. 1 1 .111:1 1:10 0410 -MITAO . I The XlagAra.-on.th . I. - I. I- I , 01 AP111"Wo mext to rediwo tile weight. We b4" I ,�.
� Iworm . . Brown West lad,;Ainz enno Sugar, wWch . e-T4akg oorrespoa. I
lot boatisw human b9orts Mat laugh deued brother bear Ufa load, ta cheer Brovm . - dent of , , 610PPLY. .heard. it L;Aw. tfule of mind, tW O -W .V.
, the Of. Catharines "Staudard" �
ad .to ease a grievious Sugar * we will dispose, of in the oriZinal aacks of 200 has fur0181104 his Paper with When A girl In lier toons, -as Orelse" i� we gr#)4tftt of all rwasdim 1�
I , all 14� becom, .
"11" lbf. eachat 15, cents per, pound, W1 charges Iterosting, a000u .. � #It, ji _t What one Allood'
I th0ak Th2e; that so yet I zeed not pain T A bright And happy 1116POSRIOA . '.
knowo can 40 411 of this and fix helping otli-' . _.At of the ToCl4m4t$OA POOVIS4, 1444004 Awl f4 404 WtA* for oin,44j,y. jus di
8"M0 to MtorQllt her And daWt* and 401Y 41A ,should 49 It Is a,bly # I
Oro become$ a continual blessing to Its paid to your stAtion . 11101411 ,jA,4
'Yet ineed not tear, 0A Mystery of :Possessor. & werU 400 at Butler's 13urlI49 40 ,�
� the end, ,This Item ogea Appeared. I Ground, Until verY recently tU4 not tempt her Appetite you by Pir. �, lixi=, )jrS I
I . ,dy,la tue. Joustu'.
. t MAY be qorta,14 gilst she uo%w wOrq , .
, "The 447 . hism, , . � ad World (Chicago, Oct
ftt More than all, qnd tb9UX.0 all In 4 Boston newspaper. This Z,o a, rare oppvtunitY fOr holas0keepers, bakers, torte spot, oa,ore4 to good C404 tbAU her ayatem is pro� 09r)" iid .
. those should go, I was dark and glooiny, but Phillips, MAAY, ramille - W&,YO: **A, Y-Vl?Jkf Ujr4:
: . 200-1 0 VIU04 wlta. Uate
-4; Brooks$ walked b. lumber operators, etc, It iS -the real old-fasli r* IOUg her pailld 100 NW4� W4Wf �:
I down through, N - , lono4 which bore a worthy part In the, War Cheeks, trequ . lor two .
, OW , Lot _, this, Olt My - 1-1 . awo � . ant , hea4alzboo A" , ro4sous: uW ur4t 10 toftj
'�, t Paper. Row, and. all was bright." Christ St. Xitto Sug,sr-better than reftuo4 for bakingr ot 1812-14, was badly nogleQ , I .
I 11 41", Th" for my friend, � , Sacka I � t,04, The breathlessness eat WO W1104 VAd 4oxoroAse too AlKits,
frequen P, .1 and, heart Palpitation
; at ... � (ly said: "Be of good Cheer. brown broad, iaiwmezt, bake4 boetns, darix pro. grave stones were displaced, And, the WAII confirm' that , she Is anag , *
: -4ull Wilbor Tomainflo I . Delivered to SWVes and picklos. '410 'V114 "0110, 1YU40A 10 More 141VOrt4*
. � q not a gloomy Christian an 4UOM- , .r ,� I
I ' MA4y mothers as t4a result is that thera is sonle ge - � I
"no I . V44ft containing Many of the remains , or their . . fooL 1A ,X*10 .
. - rM THAT P90MISED. MY? 14 It not a sin not to have the I A- OW4*14400d exporleaco can promptly ()444tloil app4rAttw, gome tallure .-of
"JOY of the Lord?" It Christianity Your Ststiou SmPles Will be sent to 4U ilaterested, '?�'��';Ikg' bad caved In and was ope4, to the, doOct the early'sigus 9 . certain Of
VM7 promise of Ocripture to. a means Anything, It weans that,ito de- - ,f 4naemla lue 4uottega gl4rWg, 'IA& I
_ I we4therand to any vandal who mIgIlt the Wi0o Mother does, 46t w . . and . I
Of God which may be pleaded 'Vote" shall a WaITE FOR ZAMPIX AT 0X0,u, OR WIAZ YOUR ORDIM. I - , 9a ,g"
W . I cotter the bright aun� I . Aft for the �'Quug POrli(Ma tubesit,y Is Ott -
bel2iblia with this reasonable re- obina, of choertalneso, and happy lives I . come Along. The Whole place trouble to develop, further, but At once . trIllutabAe to U04claut secretion in lilika�
, , was I
." L The This is a spot Own With Weeds �4 41swal daughter 4-,courfie with Dr Pit'410YY 91411d. Nuoh persoas 44yol
t., '7)0 as thoa bast said 04 thO Pathway of others. '.'L overgr 6"""' a her
roator Will not olkeat Ufa area practical Application of one 'phase of a Which by Its ver a' - eialk I ing' Pink F100, which reuo;; 412 ab4orwals,pp to for ,'Sweet,$ ,,, bot
"n" Cane Mola� Co., of C nada, Limited . 7 xioWne.o se WTI etj
to rebuke an uAgrAt the b
fto depends upon hl , ture the gospel. The idea . I . , t before 004 Supply And b4alsh anaomia reducing thA 90934mPtion of 4.0 1Z.
444, far . $s Imbedded in 9d , eful conia It
I I '4 .:- . ]BUI has obtalAO4, a. hold on the will not cur6 Uw 94ogIty � - r. .
. ,a truth; 1706 Notre Dame Street Bast, Xontreal. ,14 , - ' %.:3� Telephone Lasalle system, - '. " . .. I
11400. .the heavenly � Father 0111 Act the very Word Itself -good uews--aud . 2361 tler'S Burying Ground. Wag, so: ror no
brOAk bla Word to his own child. 1111o. recalls the ancient proverb: 'Spavl- . I 1 CAIIQ4 atter that Colonel Butler who 1. . Mat tudIvidualA" 1) .
I 11 -A- W I W*" -*W -1`111N11111 I - ____ I r. -brady ,Says. �4- 1
MOmber the Word unto - thy servant, liess In the bear wAkoth It to I . Adso.4, "Butler's Rangers," one of th Out Of their XPOV10000, thousa do of gar Is 4 good, dt4fatible food, ana,4 I
. t stoop, 11, I I— ____ . I I , a- Mothers knoWe that L.,44aem 4
, � . I � la 10 the 114turAl tend
01 L thou bast Caused me .to but a good word maketh It 9144111 i.. - ------ �__�,___ . ___ most famous regiments On the Brit- , uW3 ror It, as in 01ilIO&A,
. -, --_________� 11. - sure road to worsa�Illa,, _
I h00%" IS Most prevalent ploadlz$�� Since 06 Simple a thing as a cheerful talk side hi the hundred year old. war the dIfference I I They- know doognoteausela estibik-Alorobowit,y.
I . I th#9004 red -blood He goes oa, ,, Ile moot � Vow
. word,wilt thou not keel) it? lyt word or a pleasant smile will help , . rill , ,
h4b another carry his load, surely every U ty 0 of b sity, ..
is th 0 United States. Time after Makes 14 the daveloppt � 4,OU
I I % then spokeli of it if thou wlit . I -time the Niagara Historical S"jeiy, of ly health. - , 1� t Of woman" 0 Q a is merifty., -:�,.`A .
- 'Lovel , Spots 'in Pontiac County, Quebec �' wl"'th , Every ;. headacho, I .
Aft Make It good? T) a linot caused one ought to, be anxious to have some , y . W1110h Miss Jan Car4och%n to the ffna I overy water of excessive [,+ 1� , � 11�
_. I t, 1�
- � � � .1
� -_ I IV r broatIt tUat follows the fuel coupled with Plain 14z. " , , I
Ai -010 to, hope It; WIX thou disappoint Part In easing the Way for otliefs. It — I Aea e44eavored to Procure action. Slightest ex -, '�
Wthe hope which tl4oA hast thyself In this life We are permitted to (16 On Tke P4rX of the Government, . look.I , ortion by, tb,e 4naemic girl, laos% W 1
411� 1110, to the restoration of the bur, Pala she AUffeVg;._1a her back us hastCll to add iviiat laziness meq
. 'or , and , , as * '
I I J, begotten me? .. nothing greater than smooth the path : ving 'J'1'mbya In. the .Indictment, I -afts ", I
I . ror some other person, "to dwo I art reproacho . a* Of real . - f
� � , 11 in a &OU44s. A 10,19 You have not elso; as A rule, the u4 �
. . 0 1, hOuse by the side of the road 11 as it feNV years ago the Queen taken t4o befit stqpj-. to - give 1. your not know how to, play, . " fortunate 11-11
I NINIsTRY OF CHEERFT,TLNNSS. ,, .�, . Victoria Niagara Falls park Commia- weak girl .. 1p'" I .
were ; new 1blqOd,. and tile only Ao - . �
. form, We lisveyet tile privilege of per- , Sion Went so tar as to Inclose tile sure way to do r $'As long as a tat man Or WOM#% � I 1
14� What IS MOT40 attractive than a I 9 ser- I'... I graves With a tones. ,O 1b,through the use is , ) 1.
I 1�4
. . 4ofirty laugh cr more delightful than vice. lig for humanity a wondrou �!�_ ;. I 0 . About a year of I)r, Williams, JpAnk-pllls, still ready to. play, oven, $1 lie fools � 4 :1
. I ago(the Commission, of which mr, p. NOW, I'lob. re 'is infused. into that he is . '' I
t4LO ,Association of bright and happy I , .d bloOd making a Monkey Of h�aj,, � . '44
- _;F: ...... -�� � self, there johope . . I'F
People? The joyous, ro ,jug, laugh- ; .;.r� W�Nlllfj 1.4 the vigorous and aggres- the system by ovg�y 4000 Of these ,, Wnen Ae raacAft I
�lliok X � Pive. chairman, do to take this Pills. From this lnqw _
tat Of the genuinely happy soul In- , WHEN BABY IS SICK " - 1. ancle,ut cemetery in hand 444 , rich the POIat where he liasitatels to *4
, _
. ,00freft and In. the presence of these . I.:— ;: �A � put it Springs good healtho, An Inere ,blood 4own and roll, to turn sowarsawgo, i
; " -�� -
11-1 L ! .0 : Aged hp ..
I I . 4hoice spirits frowns f%de And, glogm, - I ., . N.". �. " .: In. docent condition, Captain James PetlCo, , now on or at least try valiantly jo, Act �,jbb "
. ,
. , ergy,�.'hlgh 'Spirits and I , I
9 . . . . . . . . 5"I., ..;, .. I P. Bond, assistant .0perluteadant Of Perfect womanly daVelopmen Ar 0 . .
:. .'.. "' ... . '. 0 part of undlgnity� he I a fat MUA r .
� 111,41spolled. from the heart as cloade When the baby IS stek—whon he Is I I ����� , : I! . 1. ptUo,ilVark Commission, visited the Your daaghter t. Gi . . . I
.... '. mat pink keeps, (]jet or no diet. I I I .
tb APO I ".some: ob � I .
T"Lolk after an April raln, HaIPPY Cross and poevish, cries a great deal I Owe and laid Out Ufa plana for the 11110, and take I .% 'Willia 11�1'1
110440, and cheerful dispositions carry and IS 9, constant worry to tha'mQthor . work of reclamation. . � Z. urself and note age Individuals are, .Aqp- 11 . .
I 914dueos and sunshine wherever ther 1. how promptly thelr�,Jfiftence. 18'relt lute, short of blood, while otas , I �. �
I rq. ua, - � . ..
� —he needs Babylg Own Tablets. Tile I .*' � L When the "Standard" correspondent In better health, � ,I ,'It., .r Plethoric, ,damned With too X. --h . � I I
90; for a happy heart is more than a (rablets are on 4deal mediclaa for lit- I : Visited tho scene the other day he Yo . I . 10 I 1.
303* to Its possessor; It to a bez % IT can get these .Ila through any blood. AuaOmle obesity devejos; .11 . .
. tedIction Us ones. They are a gentle but thor- I f6und,that It had undergone a remark- dealer in medicine, frequently, during �
to -All fortunate enough to come under . : let I .
, ough laxatlye which regulate the bow- - ���� - . - - - - !,Pft mail Postpa d perlods of eal!Or�od ' - 11 .
. able transformation, , With the skill At 00 Cents A bO 0 S �
*- Influence. The ability tO'10014 On els, sweeten the Stomach, banish COU- - . - � . 'i 'OP�slx boxes for r at, a after operations, IyphO14 �4 . I
. . .
I I .
— Or A landscape gardener, Captain Bond $2.50 from The Ili. 11fams' Med4clue ver, fraetures or other confling, 410411 , , � I I � ,
the bright aide, to realize that every 8tipation and Indigestion, break up (1) The Harbour at i�rt Wil- kl... has converted the little oemetery into CO,, Brockville, �Ont,v. . . I � . . .
. � " f, a Pretty, well -kept park, vi I th smooth . bility, 'Victims of jacIplent-tubeedn- . I
I . 401oild, however doxk and lowering, has colds and simple fevers and make liam, P.Q. � I ;r_�.__, 11 I losis sometimes ,develop AUaemic .
40,01lVer lining, Is to be sought as one toothing easy, Concerning thein Mrs, I � _ '_ ,
Of Iffe's cholgesit blessings. I . -greensward, neatly gravelled lidths, I . b;6a .. . . I 1.
i There is Philippe Payen, St. Flavlon, Oue., 11,1 ... , ' , � .
.�2) Water Falls at.Des bach- .... 1920 App��10.:,qroop sity from rost And forced reading car- .1
aU eVer-wMenjng,field'for those wba wrl 1. ;: CoAcrete seats for the use of visitors, � � I . �
.,.. I I � . I t .
Ord" with them, tea: '-'Baby's Own Tablets have ms, along the Ottawa R-iVer. , ; I . I - . 1 And a fine road leading from the lake I I I I ' . ried to extremes, . .1 .. . . . .1
e4rry. the "joy of the L been a, wonderful halp. to me in the (3) On the beautiful $andy z I _. . '' the sublep
'at . .shdte highway. The!.huclent, vault has ' "In plethoric 'Obesity .t is, ., 11 I
. ,
. I Id. by their ministry at good cheer goes of my baby and I can strongly beach at Fort William, p.Q., - ,..-,! ;, �. I 1.0 been restored and the slabs from _ Less Than Last generally over N years of 4 . � . ,. .,
. 1XAU0b of the world's misery and heart- recommend them to other mothers," .. Year in �he , . go, An
" - . d, for. , . . �
! . I , I
40he la mitigated. there are hundreds of log sdats. ;,�...;";:."�.11 .... 1, old, tombs laid In o6mly rows. Time . a time, rather progd. of his hearty . I .. ..
...?7 �
.�", , - Don 6. z .01,14 _,_ , %;,,,:.,, good health. � S&AgU6W we pletharlo .1 1,
. �
. . The Tablets fire sold by medicine deal- and neglect have badly damaged some ' - T , . � . .
�. �, �
I ) -It Is- Passing - -strange that 80 Often erg or by Mail at 25 cents a box from, The Province of QUeb is dotted �, .4 , . ��41 _ " . I
AbOse who should be cheerful and hiP- The Dr. Williams, dscape. and :,.,& of the stones,� erasing in part several I 1, " ". � . American IniaglUe' 8, small "bay Wi - . . ., I
: Medicine, Co., 'Witb many beautiful lanec -!�,: of the Inscriptions. The "Standard I ,,,-,V,_-,4 1.f, �,� 11 . -do*" aud a couple I of thiAl g - 4 . I . .
I ., : .. I , 0 Very - .�..
.i:., 1.
Vy'a* morose, and gloomy And even Brockville, Ont. . water scenes. Some of these are -.1 I . Ottawa, Sept. ,% __:,Th'j comma well with the florid Cheeks of ple,Utho� .
out, while on the Othe ,; .... I ;�,?g,��Pgj.. correspondent says:— .
, r hand - .0-4m 1 . Well known, but many of them have . 'il'�:..�-�, tf!�;`.'X,'�'
I . 1� V., i I rela .
lives of Many in which there to � .... .I.I.-Kr , '. "Ong reads that In one grav Apple crop Of the- JPOminlon, despite ric obesity, the Uititute, dila,
',. , a resla . ted. - blood - ,
. -
ev Irish Wit. . been little heard of. ;�.-,� ..", g.',,V-�� ...i::�>-*'. the large Increase ,�4 ontp
reason fpt,. despair mdIate sun- ,1"4-'-`1,* _-'t,��: ,rjo Ovep vessels of the face that should gerv,,& as
' & - the remains of "Marla Carolina. tho � �.
-4 '1�:,..."', 4
.� *::,.. I
m -souled Wife of Of AProachtne artor. "
n": �
, I I... . generous hearted, high .
, , 01. .�� I . .
I ,
For years Quyon a "' " ." :, _
_ud Campbell's V .. last year, now indicates A,,decraase OX a wAraing signal
I ...., I., I X.
. . rdppn,a� X, .,
r . _,", . . I ..
. . . . . . . . .. Z..Ril:dIT1111 .
- - ____ ______ il .....i-."..... .�;::ff%, .. .�� I
.". TA', .:" .; .
� , __ . '.."... -%,; . I... ""':'.......... X `�1T"�`-I_1-,.,;>w -quarter of A wJI4,,4,n 13aftels "over .
,� . a. tt:<;St%��-T,111
I a and happiness. , In many a home I At a luncheon a bishop, resident in May, Fort Coulonge, and Bryson Uave . .; 11::�/! Ono
" 9_�__ the West of England, told the follow. , .. t ."..."l, .;,.r."T;; . " 4, P, ... .., Major Richardson," who died In May. tosQlero%IB (arterial hardening.) . 11
, .. ;I 11. I " --1.",- .I .,.;;" -.,--.,4,'- -v ,.__.�1v'1.,;�-1;.;';'X- N I i"',
I � I...., , �::,.�,!�: _ '_,�-_:;
�;;';; , __.- ` 0.1-1. , "%-�-
'1� .N., ., -,--- r- "" 1 ,�,X ...
, amen have . . . . . ;R, 0�g "-rx., �:� � , � ',.'�',,' Z'.- :.z,.:.:.0;� , ce companies - r -
) "I' � .- r: ", '. of the native wit been known to lumbermen . and "", 11 ".......NZON."... . -__, !Z � I ! 1843� and In another the remains or. 1919, according to_-pzjA�Sep ..',%Z�,h jA#uraA
. sportsmen. These sport r."'."!".,��11.*,�": tember,re. r
-of the Irishman: Two English tour�_ 115, , - "; ,:� . . .:.'��;�i;,�,��,,�.,�*,;i:.;��.*:.'-..:�l�.�*.-','�..-','.�."":"",.��;�*�,'.'.*�,, .,.�,*�;�� aoltg�,11�,�" 'r .
. " S 111ey are, ra. , -
wit-ce-ft Rot C . . ..", _� . -.1.11-111. :,:-�.:.,�_ ... - "*.:: Deborah Freel, who died In 1816; to t ,.,CowmIssIO1ier_$ . 't F -
,),, . W a.. - & "';:, ..... -.-..;..1.-!...; Port of the-, pt%l mantle corpaff
T: , ' .,,g.,�, ow.
. A ...�,�."�.,...;.."."�:;.'.'r"l. _,'.!�....� ... : ..,., , "
� CoMpont ists, In the hope of "taking a rise,, fished and hunted, and have kept 1. .. . I .1 _ . offi..;,�.� - -others the remalns�of Butler Muir- branct. The 9dk!!#-4!Ltha crop mar. . � I . I
. re,qulat � .. : - "...., ,.:�-�Fk.'�.'��4 � ther sm... _p... �v 14.0 2Q.. per tout,. , ..
I In tlkrqo . , " - . head, who died In 1894. of James Muir- d atter than overweight In Young persons, but �'old_' ,
A is!aqfe, 1(able 'Out Of Pat, who- was leaning over a n their exploits. 11 > ........ . . . . . . .* .. . . . .,*-;,.-, --;.."",�.;"",.,.".�'.,:.,,,.�,...,�.,,,�r....�.., ketp, to date is decidedly b , W
.P I , ,, zero ely still about I , I .. I I., " "�`
1 7W4 44. tit But that saudy be - -.,,-,I .... .." ,ei .
*as of atrenips V. a 1; '90e, got Into conversation with him. .ach at Campbell's . . 1�� I __ ...-ti, . head, of Eliza, wife of Charles Rich- last year. In -British Columbla the ly do they receive a'u applicant 6ier. I � .
. �. . C .h ,W ; 0 O., . r :F, As they parted they remarked: "Have Day, and that new camping ,.--- �...............1.1.1'1':,7 � ardson, who died In 1833. of Colonel crop b now estimated at from 50 to 30 who boasts of more tissue ttkali:�be �, �
. � Q044 Me"& I - ,or I I
. , I -you heard, Pat, that the devil is at Davidson fairly cry out for visit- , ,..: -, .;,..:. Ralfe Clench (one of Butler's Ran 56 per coat, Of 1019. �. Ontario's exports I ought to be ._ . . I .
, of OrIL! !.'�0:"R, �,i:�*;-:-:,W.,-,:,.,.. .%,. � - - carrying around,
on re 0 r I erg, and If we know the signs, it can pack up the family and fare. forth It to the United Kingdom thl "Musoular exercise is the . � "- '
I = paraphl . A ream: dead?" This news excited no com- of faml- gerg), afterwards Judge, and member s� season nAbArAl
� 'T"It COOK MEDICINIM CO, mient, but the tourists had not pro- won't be long before doienb to one of these quiet Villages, eonfl- df,Parltameut, who died in 1828, of will show A sub9t4litial'Iner se over draft for the oxidation process, the I
.. 1-:r�;:; �.
. Ill" , , , dent that the children will grow � �:;IkT�;P".;:::" 11.11 ...... ,. - ea
Ill' . TORONTO. OXT. :fiwmadi Wwar.) teed�d far when they were called back � lies follow the 'example of the few � ., 1.1c�%" r .0 Jal�e, wife of Robert Rist, ,the. sister the 1919 season, and this, with the Dbysiclogleal'Apoelerator of, e, y1till
. I '' 111. 11.1 . Montrealers who have kept this, poll. brown and tat, and that ey t m- i�.'��Kii�iiKi-:��i ---:.�..:.,-,.;,:-%-:-�, ,. I - must'b, Se I . I
I 1111 and solemnly presented each with a th he \ .:.1... of harles Richardson. who died In established markets 14 the West and fire which a kepthur us I �
11� .11.1".........., i's%,,�.ii?,,�:001-11-0 froo'.
. N
, .
. I % , penny. On Inquiring the cause of this tiac country a ',carefully -guarded solves will have no worry over _" .....0 1831, Ann Butler, wife of Thomas But Western Quebec; wil 4 to prevent or remgvfa L �
I , .-.",,-.-.,--� - I absorb the bal- .
whe* everything In a material Way unexpected generosity they 'Were met secret. household problems. WV -1 �:jk�x?-, � Auto of the cro, . I
� . ". Jqr who died In 1836. Anoth p.at satisfactory prices. PlIed,-up Nei. P or the avorooe - Indj�
MN- er stone
�;41 , ." -
tb04, So essentially necessary for con- with the -answer: "It's the custhom. of I In spite of Its comparatively ex- It Is t country ot low groan hills, ..'X*.1 : , t(ills that Samuel Cox, who was bor Quebec will havia only 50, vidUal four miles a day-�Tain, '�, *�.
I . ", .." .
. n per cent, .
. t84twOut and happiness can be found, the coun hr elusive appeal, the Waltham of Pon- of many sparkling lakes, of silvery : ...1w, : I
t We always help the or- . �'. ka �
... ;,-`�,��: -,.:I On the ocean between Germany an roast or shIver—should be the
- Y0 , - of a normal crop, 'while the expor$-
I 1glOoiiiy discontent and fretful dissatis- phans," ttae -co.unty is easily Accessible, The rivers, the Ottawa and the Coulonge �".::::: � . -.�;. . 4 8!I-Ine,
I ., �%,,�,X able surplus from New Br - I I r
�'.X . 1, Wow York in 1759 rmo In a quiet uuswtck will 4, .4' If there Is Any heart troii�% I
946tion reign . supreme. . � 'j, grave in this cemetery." I fife walks must be carefully grjd�at, I
The better ' . - 040 train serviceon the Canadian Pacific —there are Steamers an4 ferries to �,,� .1
I . 11 be small.
;;S ...
. I .
PRIWAes of Ufa are subverted, and t1x.9 �� '!Colonel John Butler, commander Coda the Commercial. as. ad by the medical attendaut, aced,rd, . �
� I I Do not allow worms -t1D $ap the Vi- nailway, from Ottawals excellent. -carry one vrons the river—steamers If.' g In Nova S
. idlapbaltibn to complain drives away tality of your children, If not at- The whole Hne is eighty miles long, to Pembroke and ferries to C, `XiN ; .1 k� of -the famous regiment known as But- tIm8te co"nues at'900,000 barrels, as Ing to the heart's efficiency. U4*1jj
. %lunict .."
044: higher and nobler Ira u1ses. In tended to, wormis may work $rvepar or just half the distance from Moat- and ReafroV. Beyond Waltham, at .. . ��:,5g;t�p�-;;
P \� X.-
, � I lee -a Rangers, sleeps his last sleep compared with 1,600,000 last year, of gymilastics are more pa
another place a suffer may be found able harm to the constitution o real to the end of the Laureatian the end of the line. is the well-known ,,,-x-�,,, ,_�,
f the . I I " ".:,: . -- somewhere In this little burying 'whlbh 475,000 were exported. to the adapted to the reduction or r1.1.J= I I
I ou a bed of pain. Persistent disease Iniant, , T.be little sufferers Cannot line. Almost all the Way it skirts resort of Fort VVIlliam, Quebec, Just ��... - -� and 164,864 to the �
May haVo'had him In its grip for days voice their ailment,' ,but there are the Ottawa River, which furnishes across the river from Potew4wa, On- _ :��.;. - I ground but there has as yet been , tJnited Kingdom, fat de.�m,iits abolit *the h1ps,. bAck find
I � I , .
fQ14nd no trace of his grave. Nor are United States. � .. abdoniw-.�. I . I
----�Yvk even months and years --yet pike, pickerel, and bass and delight- tarlo.' Near Fort William Is De,i .. _.W#_.A*�_#_ .. 17". : I .
marw signs (by which mothers are - .f . ,� �, I
., ,." - there any stones to show where mom ,0- ...-.,r efficacious measuro I
410 preftlifugspirit will be bright and made aware that a dose of Miller's ful buthins pools, and it will be a Joachims, where there Is a pretty .- . - . _ '" Are .
.- . .... !, � � hero of the Claus- family are burle� THE AGONIES, or HADES is fag - * -. .t.,.,,r all, 4 three, or f4ur. . .
000vtUl. WO woAdcr at It; We Marvel Worm Pow4er Is necessary. These message of cheer to the suffering waterfall. The swaggering lumber- t -i Is likely th�y were Placed In the . I., . day fL; ls 'no great strain .
thit It is Possible. And i yet are we. powders act quickly and will expel scratchers to loam that there are no men and the picturesque hunter have I .,Vault which It is known WAS built for Pp
I � :1. . I Aren't su osed to be worse than Upon 00
UOt '411 AW4re Of the fact that Cheer- worms. tiom the system Without any Mosquitoes bere. largely vanished from the villuges. .V.1 I tUe Interment of the Claus family. a bad, torn. For years the standard fat man; for he Is Ifterallysturfed I ,*hl 1. r � I
fulhess; Is a ministry we all owe to hu- inconvenience to the child. . I good nourishment Which Will tide, , 'Im, .
I Port Coulon" and Campbell's Bay F rom Quoyou to Waltham Is a edun- ,;::�, . 13ut no Matter In what part Of the �iremedy has been Putnam's Corn Ex- 4,
� .
imaulty? Ordinarily we acknowledge ' PIP. — __ - __ : I __ .. I little plot the remains of the Claus . tractor. It 'palnleWsly removes the over safely, Th I
have good hotels, Indeed "CoUlOnge tvy Ideal for, summering, now in this I.. __ I from hate main thing Is to get
I our obligation and recognize that none The CripPled ftd. . House Is A model -of oleanflaeab and capacity, =i taking all the pleasure Putnam!$ a -way t tool -notlo a4 "it �
� ,are more Indebted than those upo I )Butler, Clench, Freel, Mufrhead. Rich ' worst corn ln�24 hours; try IS A, th " , I I I 11
Whom. fortune, to smiling. n A very remarkablq Instance of the homelike atmosphere — so mothers in its new character that, an expert- t details of an unfamillar play. gr4son and other pioneer families may Extractors, 26c,4t 11 dealers. dangerous to skip a weal. or savo,al. . . I I
. who are weary of bounekeeDing cares enced actor taltes In wasterine thel J. 1. T ' irast, they are now secure from me- 4. I melals now and then, The bu , I �
To be sour� raprose, gloomy, or dib- sympathetic kindness of one bird to .1 . an. I
. another to given by a lady who wit- -1 I __ lostation and their memories will be The Kagg Rat,& Puzzle. . stomach - I a most other useful Pieces I
. griintled when Providence has poured of Mh0h;*_*e1r1y, Is noile the worse f�r
. I 110h blessings. into the life is a Bill, nessed- the incident In her garden. I ,Vreserved for all time. They rest in Now that war has been declared In a rest once fir a while; in fact$ the . . I
the. odlus sin of Ingratitude. Con- Upon the lawn there was a basin, BIZITAIN'S WAR DUMPS, en of the guns of WhIch A14 ANCIENT RELIC. peace in this Quiet spot, far from the. deadly earnest on tho most voz:aclous whole metobollsm gets a better M�lp , "' " , ,
I triirlwise, to be clad and �oyous amid which was kept supplied with water . I large num�ers of all calibres, from klidden In an old New England mill . noise of the bustling crowds, with the of ,aIt Pests, rats, uo�doubt thr.ro will on duty aft(a a brletLrafit, of CQ14190 I
Lewis guns to the biggest siege artil- is an object older titan beautiful old trees to shade their rest-, come to light more.examples ,
th6 sufferings, and soIrrows, that -fall to for the birds to drink. Among the London Times Tells of Wmte of ory. These are receiving preper at. of the I place and wave requiem over IV' . peculiar phanomenoli, the King ?at. 40)�N � + I
- the oldest W16 Of that this Is a matter of medical. $upervi
� 4TU?t Is an indication of real -faith birds coming to t4e garden was a crip- I English peerage, - an object UO ----__-*..P.4._ — too. , . . &* I
, I -A � U III 1, 1,.A I 4- I 1, wa+&.4.1 ten,tiOn, and a considerable anvouni, rph tr4 . I
tau be A&V&US vou. Truly T'nose who
cheerful in the midst of test
JV .W , IT . .0 U.,tv .is ,"
together -and had no foot upon the
repair work Is In progress.
Made before the English 11arilament
was formed. It JS a bell, still In daily
*Ud -trW have learned the Supporting
1),*Wer of the "everlasting . -when
other, so that it was very helpless
It rested on the ground. One ,was
No more palpable eiAmple of the
1;,410'spult"all money, ;says the Lou-
The N.11 (ammonja nitrate)
mill Is full Of scientific Instruments
use in a rActory at Saylesville, R. 1.
Around the bell,
. , 'Ch"dulness is a good ministiz a
mi.alstvy� fraught
day when this triziple wag upon the
lawn three other rooks came fag
don sP#clkl Article attack-
the Government, could be found
for ,wireless .and other Installations,
and the labor!atory Is a giga ntia mu-
about four Inches
from the crown, Is this Superscription,
. With the richest ra-
i.e.ft.h.., a �. w-. , ,
drank, Two of them flow away � at
WwhOre at the -present time than
seum of Watches and clocks 1310YOlds
Secest Amsterdam, Ann 1269, �
. I
Me -ecit."
w �
- .
, .
once, but the third, seeing the crip-#
111, became Interested and went up to
that offered by the',Army Ordnance
Depot ,at Chilwell, near Nottingham.
are also .to be found b� the
many Of them quite new.
T�e date, together with Other well-
. I "112H0.1 Sp".0DtN1tA
e ot"t English Pf#&r4#40ffl-
have 9. look at him. The Inquisiftve
During the war Chilwell became
known as lqbo, V. 0. fkotory,,� Here
The Quantity of bit -bed Wire Id in.
creditable. There is
authenticated facts, leads tcr the belief
that the bell was long used In A ton-
... 46, hat AHd 1"vlganOs the whole
rook gazed at the cripple for a little
while, plat his head down to the. ,were
filed 193< million sheAg or 60,8
more thati
enough to fence the whole coast of
Arent belfry In England and wits taken
11 . 1189100 sYst&a. tuaket twir Blood
� 1. 414
per cent. of all the hh,-h .xrAA.i,,-
England. Why this gho"IA %,
therefrom for public use during the
a ng rixt. is no(, as may be sup.
posed, a monstet of Its kind, but sev�
; I
Since cold water increases. the seers. I .
tion of gastric juice When faken%',
oral rats Inextirldably tied together by
0161r,talls. 'How,thoy. get the elves
at ., . . .
Mealtime, the Obese, With aA abnorl�a I
In such an unhappy Position naturally
Puzzles the lay mind.
appetite,. .ahould deny blaitsoif tbig .
bOOU Of'the dyspeptic, A. small. drink I
This is the exPlao4tion, When a
of hot water, half an hour before tjite - , ,
mother rat has a litter, it IS 'her oue-
tom to roll and inove*her young about
Meal Is Preferable. If fluftl Must"be, I I
taken; � Anaemle obesity t
soon after their, birih. It Is during
made woise by much water drinki4g.-
this proeess':th%t the tiny tails may
plethoric obesity way be Improved."by, , , I
become matted togOther by the dirt
� ". A ,_
water drinking." I �
10- .n —4 A I ..
An VC " ,- Aw U* 45 W44uu StRura Map, ais it he yy Oro w re- . '. 11 A. 6 tiaules, using too - v. an Persons in pbor
I --y- .,--.-. " _.. - trying to mAkj out what was wrong, Shells used by the British army, A, tained Ot a time when ba,A)ed wire reformation. But the connection link eeiallsts who have devoted weak to movq their ottle appendages, hoaltli, Dr. Brady does. not advise lib -
o'" i 2, W lor " I--,
. . . taffoh And walked round the helpless bird, task which cost 134 or the -employees Is fetching three guineas a hundred between Its life nod the old world and SP their lie In a tangle. The tails, growing stinence ftoin mixed foods, althoUgtl
# . .6 their lives in'the tirrble explosion of pounds and Is so badly needed on Its advent to America Is the famous lives to the treatment of stomach all- very rapidly, tig .
ilotis. 'Idb'y it ruggis ,or in -0- puzzled perhaps for a Moment what to July, 1919. . I the land Posses comprehension. naval battle between the Guerriore zlents now tell US that Many people hteAx and Complicate he does advocate hftItbY oboso,par. .
do ipt a , 04 a ,,P,,'7'e'd" do, Then suddenly he 'made up his The who complain about their Stomachs tho'k-uot beyond UTOAVelllng before the sons eatind but one land: bf food ';A �
Ow. E I N 0.5 "T. Mind And Putting life wing underthe Itisnowallddrap,11 "O'eltecom. thousands upon thousands of tents, and the Constitution. Young tats-haVe sutbelent strength to m6al.'14a, says that by tak_f�g at
" I prItes 18 acres and a , The Guerriere, a helpless wreck, have no stomach ailment at all. a littlo
...W- cripiDie's ;;Ing, he partly dragged And eml�bulldings camp kitchens (Many uncovered), You may suffer,from bloating, gas, help themselVei aut of the difficulty, tat 16-od 1)atients Will find it easiet'jo
I I I cover 10 acres under a Single root, And hose pipes, and Miles upon ,miles was rolling in the trough of the sea; It can easllybe iiao,it that the tlilt.q get diogg"With a minimum of at
ISUlts. The privilege and dut ly Supported him to the water, Soon after the million or of tull of rope, hemp and other while* her braye, but defeated com4. sourness and other unpleasant symp. which compoge,tho Arab%
Y of overly ,,a,r,t,l,, ,,, an extra tug to lift his so .'Oref; are I 1"'Ing rat can only and sugais. Ila retommonag
, Porson, IS to live and preath the gospel head to the edge of the basin, That shells lying hero when the armistice also to bo seen. tit addition, there Mand6r, Captain Dacas, of the royal t0ftm It so your best course Is to look After AxOM80103 to a very limited . con asono (it the most crisp ba. �
,4 gobd cheer. Certainly this IS a mis- his friend In used was seen to fill his Was declared were removed, the Gov- Are lying Idle boilers, engines and navy, on the deck of the American frl- ton6 up the bowels with a reliable degree, tar When -one tries to move It Isfying forms of fat I digestible, akt.
oftment beg vegetable remedy like Dr. Hamilton's 0 eat. All fresh,
on which God ea ech oo th Water an drop some of It an to brIP9 trainloads ot dynamos of enormous capaelty. The gate, the Constitution, was offering pillo. Is held by Jts ta,11 tO the others', and great. *egetables which grow abol'VA
, '
� children, and nowliaro can they Into the cripple's mouth. After bein 'War material trow the various thea� switchlibard is " feet 10139, the larg� his swor4 to gallant Capt.,14ull This old-time fainfly medicifto concerted aetIOU ls'practleally Impga- ground, excepting beans# Deal! aud
9 4. orreattve of all diges- siblo. N . - .
I shown in this kindly way where the of est Of the engines has 1,080 U.p. I'll not take Your sword, Dacres," tiVe and stomah lentils, are necessary In tho diet, fmd
it greater field for their activitido tres of War until to�day millions Is a wonderful
� An the tealm. of everyday affairs, �water was the malmed rook was able pounds' Worth of ,stores lie rotting I -1 - — said he. "KeeP it." There Is no Mystery about the quick But the 4rkngest Part of A Is that bread, with very little butter. Loan I
I Alt tire great; not every one has to help himself to it, . and rusting. Vast as the buildings In the meantime, the boats of the they Ate nover deserted by other rats. Meat May be taken once or tw1ce's.
! ability to be Intellectually pro- , I I I I , . " ...6 � I 1, ,, Are- they cannot ucommodate Anore Constitution wore busily engaged In effect YOU got from Dr. Hamilton',% which regule,rly supply them w(1h food .
than a portion of the gtuff that has V! Pills. They simply supply the addition- during their life.) day when,other Items are limited, �ft.
d of Profoundly Intellectual,# few ? AS Kinest Thind Ever transporting the crew of the defeated al aid required by the system to On" 'son's Weqkl Ong CaPtIvItY.-PeAt. pectlelly by the anaemia chase, 14ft
04h. roason subtly and accurat,ely; only been accumulated and Is- still being, Im. = the deck of the victor, A able It to do its woru correctly. Y. further says and warns lito readark-_ I
tAtely does one appear who ci%a to- piled up. Much of the ing,terial *ias ir or Chrouic Catarrhl Vaan reported to the first lfft- You'll enjoy Your meals, d1gelit ____*44*�
. t6im, the praotida, and habits of boon lying in the oP(M for Months. t . I tenant that the ship's bell had beeg e,irerything you eat, look better, feel . "There are many cases of Obo4ty .
an . The 131aliki PUX1319IUed. In which brilliant results ate ObtiLl
is$'#,, but everyorte can live and Pro. It Is stated that, Ir Irlar broke out carried away bY a grapeshot from the - .n-
ultlara's Liftimant �ao., Limudd. I better, bo free from headaches, con. A strange phenomenon was observ. od by administering 'thyroid extrict,
fcUfm. the gospel of cheerfulness, Who- o9RIU tO-MOCrOW there,, are stores 4aft AwaY Fr6m the Medicine Guermere, - and that there was no stipattoil and Indigestion, all these ad when These chaos differ from other klad'of �
lev6r does this blesses the rate, � Dtar Sir� -1 cali r000rnmorid eylb,Ugh At thllwell to equip 4n army H,&bltg Carea ,gy (Novel way of Announcing the time to the taking DOM& excoptioUally
Such a -one memory now recalls, JTe benefits cowe to all that use Dr. Ham. rAPld Pictures In NeW Jersey recently; eXOcss weight as honey does from X401. .
AUD'S LINMONT *,or nbermatiarnU'N' Imost as large as thAt which we Method. pillp's company. iltoit's Pilla. Every man or woman ovary third film was -found to,,be bla k asses., yet the UnItod StAteg. puWi#
or and a
. ftmino, as I hava used it With had In. the field When hostilities , At that moment the Guoirrler6 gave with a stomach Ill Is advised to spend And On Inquiring Into the cause it .
*6d In an obscure village tar Itiom. both It
tho railroads and the daily excello'ht results. . COAsed, As an dilustratloft, the Cloth- 19, health authorities found it ueeog"ry
216WApeodr. a, succession of heavy plungea and the 2go on a box Of this WOhilerful veget- WAS discovered that ItOPnating otir-' recently to Issue A 'Warning to the p0b.
" �
ftfa life Was n00090arilY spent to a re� Tours truly, ! -* . tng stao,'W here Includes loppoo,000 With the Many romedics You have clear tones of A. fine bell rang over the '016 remedy. I rent had been used a
I Pairs of socks, 6,000,000 tit -my shirts, for Iliquiloatiou lie against tile Many alleged iautf-fat�
Mttlet0d, sphere, but his Influence was " 110, 13, LAV&O, tried YOU surely know that nO liquid water - , I - ,
1004t WCOX00 to was 'a Veritable , , I s thousands of bales of Cardigan jack- MedIcInO can =0 Your throat or nose , ,,.Go got the V nglishman's bell," sald And that the 40vagraph hail actually nostrums gold to the public 'br iggil.
'' Jopoodo of cheerfulness to the Com- t. Johm ets., trousers, blankets, Scotch tweed Evett A gargldbnly bathes the entrano� the lieutenant to the Midshipman. Pipe .8plinkling BYAOM for 0, Photographed the ulteragtions of the orde'r concernn, because of the thyrol(I
imunity. They sold of hfM* "He is a (much, -of which has hover been uti- Of the throat -it cftn�t really get in. "Thore will be to further use for It on 33rido. oUrrouto Which Aro too rapid to be extiaot pirtsdat In the "perfectly barm-
'Ifte tallow; he Can laugh picked), thoussakda Of Podndsl worth perceived by th
YOU out of 0. side, nor can It reach the inflamed board that cmit," . �t�yp, _ . less" forMulas. AdMIllistattil by 7%
i0ell of 'tl* blues In three mlautes,,, of word for breaches, ,find miles of bronchial tubes. ,rha, Guorricto aurrondoc%d At I .1 Per the purpose of protection ----I— P1481clan in appropriate owe thyrow
�Ali4 It was so. JRIN joyous, happy na- cloth an Ithaki, blue, and Stotch 401ftfit fire 111d ItIso to ke091tha 4uAt To hAve the elilldren sound abd extract MO Prove Wonderfully Whitt- �
, he around I �__ -- --1 plaid. � . . With Catarrhozona, it's so different 6`01001t In the *eV0nIft9 Of August % ,down, a 1,000 foot bridge Across thal healthy Is -the first eare Of a m6tber, olal, but b6 who monkey$ With such a
�r,turo Overflowed ana overyo t— I from tuddicine-taking-yon simply 1812, and At 8 o'clock the game even Mlaslsslppl g, They cannot be healt,hy it trouble,1
m: Was -anxalw In theoutflowing of The most Wanton form of traSte, breathe Its healing vapor, inhale its ing Poter Secest's bell, In sonorous vor between -St. 1,0111% with worms. Potent polson on his o,wu re)aponalw1j.
0 board I ,Xt., land Venfoo',1,111,, has been oqiup. Worm L,xt. Use Mother OraVes' ay tourto worse evils than he dr"md I
XOOd tolloWship. His laughter wag shy On 3*01'Ats, lIOW0V16rf concerns the Vehlel6s, in balsamic fumes, which carry cure, an tones, raU9 Out the hour n Inator.
,116vor hurtful, tot he knew when to, d oral
Dr. C. Z Oddle, reports to, the At, sorried rows are rangdd, relief to the minutest Air ellg in the oi I I 'Pea With a novel Pipe sprinklijkg Sys. '"'
* thousands d Ironoldes. of, .L,�
i Mush; it 'W98 over helpful for it never ohlVel; of Radiology and Eleetrother. Upon 4hougalift of Wheelig Ior use, not lungs, nose, throat, With the lapse of time, the boll, tom, This sprinkling system to oper 11-,-----4,'1N-, - 11 �
Jout support to conversation bordering apy (London) the case of a boy of Mi�rely on gun ,carriages, but on tubea. ailde bronchial teaby a watchman Who sees that the� May'Airlpatte Luffings, "Alcohol to had Mai tuo
I amid the confusion and debris com. door is kept Dr000rly moistened wh obea6 oubjeet, because it aepre"es, th.%
011 the vulgar Or encouragement to fourteen Whose fingeiri; have only ons vehicles Of All descriptions. Soaked. In this scientifit,. way the soreness men to a great navy yard, become ith TO tile AOVICO, One Of the Unpleasant physiological, activity of the ductlo" 3
1 IthAt which Was Obscene, ,Yet that Joint. His mother bad similar, hands, br the spring rains, they are now out- aa(k InflarAMM1011 Is rapidly allayed, WISP10,04 lost Its IdeutItY, and was orovidos th6- best wearing eobdItJOA features of an Airplane (light is 4 �
0016441d follow Was carrying a happy, as have four of her ferIng oven more daliio,ga from tho relaxed cords are tonod up, the tor the ro4db6d an well A# aprotec. shook of landing the glan 0, aud because It Is Itself to & CO-
# nine childreti, entire wtutit carelossly to one side. It At the befit thera tala, extent oxid120, instead of the I
011nUftwo AboVe Aft auxtous heart, th,e fin erg. of the 0 sUn, And Are deteriorating lion against flirse. The ayftew cost gto,alwayg a few,rather Aev,s-re bump, Atored-up tisou6, 1huo tondisit to In* ..
I * that five bolat At all Mueous membrane Pavigoratc,d. rgvery found Its way to the scrapheaPt wag about the same as thid use of #star. As
1, fouings 'of the white plagua ,aOrmal. Alarming rate. Yet farmers and trme Or catarrh dis ,a dig. afterward gold by the United *tea the maehins c6inea ound serve the fat alsesidy pnNont. .
. I blift from big southern home i 6io APPORrS, tb ,�
� — tradesmen and wheo1wrighto Would agreeable dropping or mucus in the and finally 40ame to rest In Ito present Ing carts but the retAilts are More mat. 'slid an effort to overcomo this ba?l $t
JUIto. the littts out-of-th,o-wsky villag4i in 1rh6 Man wltb afifft0t0irY In many W4Y& The CArts teaulted In the Itwtntj Massage find vArlsvil ba,ths 0* .
' A*thmo, almo6t, 91adly par a fair -price for Some of throat, hawking, spitting, and stopped. quarterge.-New York TrIbune. an of 'it idavteil Ova'dtimes of value In th* troatmout of �,
,-0# Vwt, *bar# ho bctot that, a1dod tftts for death 40 thete 4 *11 the ,,vehiel ihave always bean obje3o0d to on the whioh conalstg of four a ':
.. eft'd his fluffering. I*rk 0 p4re,wheels. . a � Up nogtrils-all the" sure signs of 0 � 0i I
tbr light Work And A d0budid eftata, He sees ahead .only ye.grs of endless ground that they Intatfarredwith tr4f. . ]US foUt separ Wheel$ PrOyld- Patient$ WhO ate 00* not to reftft�
) As this PAft Of the site 18 ,PAtittrh 9*1 bronchitis areporultmo,%at. Mild 0411 for 0411"to Wora6n.- Co. WhI ate Points 'Of 0"UtM welglit, but to mtst otUor "qut* I
'tU ftttltl Of VlOt"A health Would WTV16nt With intervals of mt which icalled, are tans j�j thousands of four- ly eured by Catarrhozone, IArp out. The most delicate woman can under- L. v. *,, _ ow, ch will always dlztttbut* th# 11106k ,lonta of the Jn(livIdualla tatow
*6 ftftlftd. AN DO Wftt along lifolS ar# th4wselveg *aught with AeVat WhO614 Witgons and two -Wheel ftrts, fit IsAts twO M011ths, 00sts $1.00.; small 9* a tourse of ftrmnleels Vegetable of 106n loss, - mxp. �
WIM hawO,Vefs 110 W" r0d"tug his c"Ift f6v of ren owed attacks. IAt wbiph will be ruined if they are not � POr tpfithld ario 4ru1*o&_-v,.T.h6I* IS -11-1111 -11 I'll 11 taboll5m. Any mathed or Nyito* of
� size so tents, trial Size 25 cents, fit vills without fear of unploagant con. nothing Iietter for spitains 4ind toA. Rolla il 7FUI,o ti keg ,be troMment for Obesity which doft� V"
4 Vat NwYk0--tba "ityloo bim turn to Dr. j, Xj6l1WN Adth- Soon Vocued, dealers everywhere, enCO& ThOir ACtl0n, *41 i_�dorit 0
wh it
au"Ittalboss. Those who w*t hIrA ma, Remedy and know whm complete To loor. at th6 twoeshooA, one � . -,..- Ile tutlons than Dr. Thoniis, ,goltttrlo corn ou y th6 root*. Try it %wl 4t the same ttmd IWWWO 0 *rt 16M
him but uts Would think that the wholo� British muggin " - Muly *ffectivo, Is wild and agree- oil, It WIll,tadues I.h6.S*All1ng thst prove jt� virps .
ftftOT W*ft 611,*W6d bY bit ft# tsptlr4 reltel it PA V 01 try4s tit oneral hWth IN bad sa4
t 0--Nn't onvy he rich. Ilov- able. No evident pains or pargingst JOJW*8a fiPftin, Will cool 'th$ ItIMM_ r 1� 1, I - 31 , * � di_-� thould ba Avoided."
ft,- th"# Who ko*W bim Intlin*ttly it ftithf,upfuydo. hollwill Cud kis ILMY Was mounted, That$ Aro orty to no crime, l3usiIins-Still, no follow their as#% as thoupAtidis of wow ad flesh aM drAw the , in OX. r._-_ 4 �,_ i
"M Put It taft with bettor $ad "thm,a 4% & of the rAwt. 110MOW29 like six =11IM'hormeshoes man acquires pollith by keepint J* 41 it by ft ( r
0044" � - � 'P.- rWU19 At Chilwall. Thsta are YaNt A044 down to the 91riudatons, his mft who have used them can tosti- =001C. It will take the *char out ,Of (14diabargh Scotsman.) Pedestria to Inot � I I ��� .s,
I AAw U1117- , , a - I ry, Tht%y, xrLo, thorefore, atronly rea- A *M440 A14' Plr*YGRt the flagli frM XMIly-Did y�otj notf UOW d
l wIW Is btuar tli*4 t4 9" , - 66i# iati"M I Q4*%t�tWW of j6d'dj'a.1, tM b'At thrCA& -0 _ � looking bewildered ,qt ft
I na Man who dftwndt upon a a J ommended io womell, who are mor* dfwoloftar� It 0"Mi As If there W*A fully th'tt PlAto nood*d tuning? i -1. fftv"m-) .
Of YM 11aft iif� 14*0 A" vow"L tr0A C M4 Lmt smythin Aw ,�ftbw� �� , ,
go 1** Of #wow, t4 W * vir* ZUNI* I � 9-0-y' ir"M 1* 4t Au's WN ft notudat . of tkoubt doom't alivoi pt tkors i prms,to dixorders ot the aft*nIve *I%- it 1%, to aptedtly dolt W16 i4r SWUMS—WhY, go, dor. I th, it 1W A*. I ;�
I ,- 10 . va "Wovy, QrWA "M It Wft 04o. : ft go* I pu fAAA =*U, I 4MSU 4 "Yes.11 redostrmfjx� I I
... � I ....... 11 _"', �r. - , I I I 'Aftww amov trwgu'sat, kaftIft*W owf#N4 VIU r4w VVM bwkt--1,My t1ri. . �. ,
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