HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-30, Page 2"I" I � , V FLOUR SLUMP AT CHICAGO I - Lower Vrioes on Wheat, Corn, Hogs, Cattle . and Sheep. I INQUIRY ON, WASTE _. I "I , ­- _­ ;� , � , I I ., 1, 11 F14 : . 14 . . '5� I.. Drop of 5 to 7 Cents in - _ I '... 11 , � -1 . � 1 I � � . ,., 1. � � - . , .; ", - . I � . - I , 11 � 1� I 9 , T, ,�T I., Wheat On Winnipeg , � " "I . I i .. , . I _. . ,,,",, r , 11 .. ... 1. '­!P� ... � . I e 9xchan e. , . . 1: ,, �. , p.. I 19 ­'. , �� , ,!: 11�. . . L � � 19 .1 . I i . .. " JK _`­ . I .0 - . . , .1 ,. ... A ik_ �4 - , -..-- I I'll . - 1. I 1.11, � " ' ' .. �; I - 1''.. : . - �. . I . ­ . I * . . . . . �,'� . I:., r � 11�1. . .... .. .. I" , ` -` . �_, 1. � . � . �� _�;,­, I.. 1. � - ­ .. . , �,liiiiii..:,-­..... ... �' . . .., � : ,�. , , _ .. ii ..., ... g,�! .1 .."...... . .... .. . , ..;... r I . ... .. .�.. 1. I I I I I ......., � , . 1. . . � �. :, Chicago, Sept, .-T�Qour fell Into I " .. ;; .. ­ �'.,1�-'i`:.,.:_, ,��_..-,�...�'* . .. !. �..., . .. 1. , -',f, " . . � . .. 11 11 i'' - , . . . '. �, I I '. . : �..�. .. I ,.: .1i"... .. ,, _.�-- ..�,;"�l'.11,�,�."�.�".'�.-�i,i.�.,�.....,.-..,.', :.. ,� �.:. ., �: � '�.' ,. .1. . ::. ::- . L' ,�..'..'...Q.,1 'O. 1:11 � : : - ", . , �� I ... I �. step with the general- decline in prices , , . . ,�. , .. - - . _'_, --�­ :�.: .; - ..... . , �.. I.. �.,:.,:! . � - -_�;,.��,:,!. � � . , . . . I. `� . .1 - Z�. ::: .�%.., ..., .,;�..,.�, : - � . ,�: : '.. 1. . - . . I I ..... 1. I � " - a­ �:, ; . ,,, . . , - - - -.I. :. . . . I .� 1,4 ,I � !-;, � 4_1 .... . . �i .:, . . . to-day'wlth a drop of $2 a barrel, This . I . . I , follow's a decrease in the price of � TH.01JSAN Pa VISIT ,-PBLE EpI No STATUES" ,IN IRELAND, "`�, wheat which declined 11 con I ts on Do- - Thousands of ppople.from all parts of Ireland and Great Britain flocked to Tempiernora, Tipperary County, Ire- comber and 12 1-2 cents on March, Iiindl to visit. the stattles and holy pictures which were said to have b led miraculously. The statues ,and This Is a, drop of 17 1.2 c � ents and �, � pictures wore in the house of Thos, Dw.in, a news agent of Templemore. Blood. Is said to hove oozed 22 1-2 cents. lit a week, an , I I from mouths and. hearts of the statues -one of the Blessed Virgin, another of the crucifixion, and the cents in the last MOID-th. . I . I I I _*1 - . slessed Virgin and the Child. M r. Dwin states that the statues blee d periodically. The lame, the blind, U s�idd the halt are visiting the statues, which are 01aced on a table In Mr. Dwan's yard. All tile Chicago mall order houses � ­ " - I . � I - . I I ."" announce reductions of 10 to 30 per - ___ - - ; - � '. I , I � . I . I I . � Cent. from their July Prices, covering I - � I I a wide range of goods, The 'Jarges . In Windsor police court so far this miles of public lands hi the Province of t # - gonr I 1% year. of Santiago del 11steri, in central Ar- - ' these houses states Whas already , � I gentine, by a foreign capitalist, has refunded $5,000,000, the difference be - I � - All. ',._� IT -EMS - A. M. Dymond, Law Clerk of the Leg- been Prevqnted by Minister of the tween the July catalogue Prices And , I , I I . � I islative Asombly, has been appointed reductions that have been made since I Chief Election Officer for the Pro. Interior Gomez. This territory Is 'r L YR . Vince, nearly half of the proviltoe, . then,, N � OF THE NEWS I Corn, hogs, cattle and sheo.9ware all r I I The Japanese railway authorities Never stoic a day In his life, Adam lower, There Are reports In steel trade . � � a I � have decided to substitute electricity Blake, pioneer farmer of Beverley oircleg that buyers are obtaining coa. l � I for stearn on all lines within the Rm� Township, passed away at the QaIt cosslotis over prices prevailing a few ' . .." . pire, hospital as the result OVA broken leg Weel�s ago, and that there is less dif- � � . . � I The adverse foreign- trade balance sustained three week9 ago, when he ficulty in getting quick delivery. , , I of P rance during the last eight months fell from a ladder In the barn, In Chicago the drive against high I � r;urses, In Brantford have raised shows a decrease of over 5,846,000,000 With thQ registration. or students Prices Just now is centred upon the francs, compared with the same period almost completed and the .regular lec- restaurants and hotels, Alderman � their fees, - . . of 3 919. tures In all years commencing, � the Adamowski, who Iww-lleading .this I Potatoes are. solling"at Kingston at Former Premier Clemenceau. em- .1990-1931 term at the O.A.C, got off -fight, says he has been promised po� I . . $1 'a bushel. . barked from Marseilles oil the steamer to a good start, with'a student body sitive evidence of an organization of . Alberta 1�43rslctanjl. bave adopted a, Cordilliere for India, He will spend of nearly 500, which nearly equals the restaurant men which has for its chief , several weeks hunting in the Hima- record number of last year. . object the regulation of prices-al- ,Qewaeal� of�fem. - I . 1 7 layas. - That no blame attal,liad to anYolle Ways fipward.* City Prosecutor Miller I . A well-reeorded Velstale disturbance The damage caused by the tire which concerned was. the verillet rendered in believes lie will be able to send some took place - . at V�ztorla. B.C. destroyed the warehouse of the Doon the Dominion Wreck Commissio, Of the profiteering restaurant men to . I � ner's . , .1 . .A Windsor bootlegger.is reported to Twines, Limited, ])con, Ont., and the Court after enquiry into the circum- Jail. Several of the restaurants to -day . I . have made a fortune 'Of $139,000. -1". .Floratdale Flax Mills is estimated at stances attending the grounding of announced a teftling of Prices One I � I Quebec -*111.,u.ge, uillnittted photo- $30,000. I the Canadian Pacific's Oceaft $team-, restaurant, evidently not I� iiie COM- graphy to le�ch �61eutitlq agrlcultu.re.. Pred. Wildeman was Instantly killed ships liner , Metagama. blue, is showing up the others by . I I serving box lunches for 20 cents, con- ., . Triplets, all girls, were born to a on Saturday last by being struck on E. J. ZavItz, director of rorestry, taining precisely the same food.that 'Brampt he head by a falling -limb whilst lit the Department of Lands and For- ti� '* . 014 *Oman in Guelph hospitaL t e others charge from 50 to 75 cents . . � I '*-�-Ts. Lena Sassak, Russian, Is in working' in the bush In Harcourt ests, Is to ble given, it is understood, for. . I r . Township. . � I I Windsor Jail facing a murder charge. an important new post In connection � City officials are also investigating : . Failing to appear to aftswer a with the Government's'forestr3t pol- the dumping into the lake of nearly l Thirty 'thousand baskets of fruit charge of violating the Ontario Tem- icy. Mr. Zav4tz Is to become super- one hundred carloads of Michigan 4, reached,-. Toronto .. from. Niagara, by perance Act, Elitier Orton, manager Intendent of woods and forests. peaches last Sunday and Monday . � boat. . or the Chappel Elouse, Sandwich, for- � ' Managers, of the piers deny . , Two grocery stores were, burglarized nights. .- John ;D. Rbeketeller's estate at felted his cash bail of $4,000. in Bess, street, Barrie, Friday night the fruit was rotting, and Intimate it � Tarryto�n Is once more under heavy Two soldlers,were killed and ten and a big haul made. In the store of was destroyed by speculators in order I . - I guard. 'I ners one of . the . new On- wounded In a sensational dispute at Wisdom & Co., a sledge hammer w,_U to keep up prices. Inferior peaches . The 'ge t the Porto.Belfbi Scotland, Barracks, used to smash in the ,safe, and Over are selling here at $3.50'a bushel. In � . tarlo C!lt!e of Art -Was laid in To- according to Information at London. .$500 in cash was ta4eu. PothWo i's the Michigan fruit belt, four hours ' . ' . I . ranto, r;1 Incial , Clonq ,r I V41ve conven- Tho,detalls (A the fight are ,with- l3tore also was entered 2.,nd $15 se- .distant by rail and motor, much.bet- I 'A' P e hold, cured. ter fruit can be had at 75 cents a, tion 'ii­�jllo&fori December I � I ,�qb bee � . 11 4 Charged Vith shipping more t4gan A.Commission, whiclinwill include bushel. I I 1 anit 2. � representatives of the Un - iversities of Comparative prices, showing record . �,?aqllae :Fontaine, two years old, $200,000 worth of automobiles, stolen level of war -time and those of to -day: . 7is 'jitally i641dod �.'by gravy near in Detroit, through eastern ports to Toronto, Queen's aAd Western, is to, � _ I Scandinavian countries, six Detroit be appointed by the Ontario Govern- Sept. 24, War . � . � .. � ,bluntreal. I . I persons, one of them a woman, have ment to report upolt. the- basis far .. � 1920. levels. . ­."*­,V� ,­*. 1. I`/ 00,000 Ill been arrested. future financial aid by the Province Spring wheat flour, bbl..$13.60 $17,150 . ._ Another . . . � I gold has reached Now, York from to the three universities, It will also Wheat , per bushel ...... 2.45 3.46 I . . France. . ', , ,:. .. I During tliq season of closed naviga- consider professors' salarlbs. � Corn., per bushel ....... 1.26 2.32 . 1. . . . � London -j , �111 have -a special election tion on the Yukon River, -which ex- "" per bushel ........ 57. 1,29 1 . &) deal with the.street railway issue tends approximately from October 6 to The police Commissioners of Belle- ORae,' er bushel ........ 2.03 2.95 . Ville have from a number of applicants M y ss PP � � I In October. � June 1, the mail service beyond White e Ork, per barrel ... 25.40 55.75 . . . Horse will be restricted so as to ex- selected Captain Kidd, of Port Perry, .Lard, per 100 lbs . ...... 19.95 30.00 . A German syndleitte Is being formed elude parcel �000t. as chief of police Ion place of Chief Short ribs, per 100 lbs. �.. 17.00 30.00 I I to loan money..'*4t, long terms to the yatican officials r%,plyiiig to reports Newton, who has resigned after many Live hogs, -per 100 lbs. .. 11-65 23.60 Baltic States' I * ,*i; 7 from Constantinople declare that tic., years at faithful service. � Cattle, per 100 lbs . ...... 18.00 21.50 N4 . e ' 22.10 � The IV *Ydkk_p0 fee are still at sea communication has been rec ived from An overturned lantern started a firP Lambs, per 100 lbg . ..... 13.50 regarding th6 Orligin ,at the explosion tile ottoman. L*overfinuent witIt refer-. in the drive shed 'on the farm of, RUSH TO MONTREAL AIARKET. . In Wall street. ": -.. . I ence to the establishment 'of a Tur- Thomas Burge, 7th Concession at, Montreal Sept, -The 'mark I ets at Th� P"ce.C.OtfarOtieo between-thg Icish legation at Rome. Dereham, and before It was extinguish- Bonsecours and Champ de Mars were , I I Poles and tile. .' , Bolsheviki has been The British Secretary for I -Tome At- ed the drive shed, a large barn, a hen-, ,rowded*to-day with both citizens ond � ., . I opened &t,Afga,.-,-". .. fairs has rejected the application of house and an automolille were des- farjaers, the citizens realizing' now . I China ' will reliew., trade relations Thomas Casement fol, permission to troyed.. � th1t they can obtain their foodstuffs : ,with Itussla �Jf*'ho attempts made at transfer the, body of his biother, Sir A,proclamation gazetted at Ottawa,: much cheaper titan at city stores, aud I Red prbpagkailo�', Roger, from the burial groufid lit fixes Monday, July 11, 1921, A§-tbe day the farmers rushing In their Jiroduce . Mrs. John Simpson .aged over 3.00, Pentonville prison to the family burial on -which polling will take place In to sell direct to the consumers. .1 . has gol(i ,iter,.66-acke',farm In Sandwich plot In Ireland. the Yukon Territory under the Canada' Potatoes were sold. at prices rang- . , I West for $93,06.* . Miss Rubino. Naven, a young girl Tempprance Act provisions o -a 'the Ing fiorn $1,35 to $1.75 for an 80 -pound ' The druj--,4yi1 -in Canada Is being from Magog, Quo.. who disappeared qt . testion at Importation of liquor.. �� bag, -according to size and quality. ' very greatly�'i , Wueed. by the Federal last Friday afternoon, after leaving The levet,,of the River St. Lawrence' WfIEAT BREAKS AT WINNIPEG. . , .Department -of Health., her home, telling her folks 8110'WoUld Which has been exceptionally low p.li Winnipeg, Sept. ,1' -Wheat broke 5 return in &* few minutes, was found pents to 7 cents a bushel'ort the Win- . A despatch from Helsingfora 1101713 L summer, reached the lowest level ,Ifi� e L eonllagmtlolls; ArO raging all over the dead in the well owned by a neighbor. four years, Thursday, The 33400C n1peg Grain Exchange to -day, 'follow- , . . Northe I ra,Uusslan Governments. channel gauge Indicated a dooth of 28,,' Ing' a drop of 10 to 11 cents on the � The A46ny!Aizemblv.hAs expelled According to re�ports reliabirk Van- feet 11 Inches, a drop of 4 .'sit 1 inch. Chicago market. The close for Oc- . I - couver, it is estimated that nea,717 11* Mrs, Helyer, 30 years old, of 'Aion-* tober delivery at Winnipeg was three of the five -fe-!eleeted Socialists million dollars' damage has been mber,$2.49 1-8, and I The other, two-hav,6 resigned. caused to the oat crop by the heavy treal, Point St. Charles, was f oun-l- 1�- $2.64 34; for Novo . I . I for December $2.35 1-2. ' . A Conspiracy. against the German rains of the past week on the lower i-tig dead across her bet]. Her pet dog Government, with the former Crown all . a oat were also found dead. Det-th , Although coarse grains declined on - mainland. was duo to asP,ivx.fIt14)u,, tile American market they held theft . Price as noniltial head, has been dis- Dr. Roy 1. Farmer was remoV64 to . t In Own at Winnipeg, The break,in wheat � covered, . I _ the gag escaping from an oper. 1C I ' I St. Josepif's Hospital, London, suffer- tile kitchen stove� hur at Wirint. Alike Izanoff, a Bulgarian, was so ing from two bullet wounds above ' I peg, and was said to Ile due to a var- Injured while at Work'on the Hydra the beaxt, sustained when a pistol he Professor E. R. Prince, DOmln On iety at causes. Stacking of exp&I canal at Chippawa that he dlea as IL Nvas handling exploded. Little hope Comakissioner at Fisheries, was Unan- bookfng, due to the threatened coal result of his Itiluries'.. for his recovery Is entertained. imously elected vice-president of the strike In Britain, and favorable re - .Right Itev. Nicetas )3udka, bishop - American Fisheries Society at their ports on the Argentine crop were sal.4 of the ItUthenian toman Catholic The price of granulated sugar has concluding session in the House of to be- the two main causes, but . onc Church,'Ju W6'iterlt,Canada, made Ap- been reduced the Vancouver Re- Parliament, Mr, Nathan R. Butler, wheat dealer to -night declared that lic plication, for na6tr4_T%4tIc!l- finery, The P�ITIA to the retailer is of Harrisburg, Pa., was chosen to fill believed the falling In prices of com. . . now $19.50 per hundred pounds, a de- the presidentle,chair. I n the United States haO t Mrs. Win, Boyle, of Newmanville, crease of 50 cents. other grades of � . modities I . succumb.0 tO.Anjurhs_ received when sugar are down in proportion. The au.thorities in Loncon, Eng.,Vre gobd deal.to do With It. "It prices oi . the horst glie"�-was driving ran away taking precaution against 'bomb cut- commodities are to come down wheal . I and threw ber,from a buggy. Evidence that ce4rtaln pomers and rages pinillar to those at Ne%i' York must,come down," he said. � . news agents on Canadian railways are and Getioa. The stock exchange Is- ,'. The drop Is of tremendous Cause. Goveruor Co':es 't'rafli was wrecked implicated In the carrying of drugs fitied a notice that parcels must not quenee to Western farmers, as thi Itear Peoria, Arizona. The Govern- across Ckmada, has reached the Ped" be delivered at tbi exchange but'do- marketing of the wheat of the prair . or wall I.- ' eported as UninjUredi but the eral health officials, and Immediate, Posited at a nearby cloak room. one ies is just well uAder way. inspec, . engillao'of tire train was badly hurt, action. It is stated, will be taken. of the exchange exits Also has been tiOns At, Winnipeg to-dak totalle( 11lie r4eulty �f Medicine of the TIM- Dr. Roy Partner, M.D., who wa-, ric- closed. 1,004 cars, As compared ,with 583 1 1 1 Tonity or Montreal haSr put In A re.- oidentally shot at his father's resid- Nine stokers of the 111orwnglan year ago. qwst t& the ProvitidAl Government ence In London, Is resting fai.,J)r ooyn- The Canadian price of wheat Is stil I to founa.an ,qnstitute for radium." tortably at St. Joseph's Hos.)Aal thi- freighter 0 S. Gilbert, -while thw" veO' higher than the American. Decembe, . I �,jc sel was In tile Montreal harbor this d) DrIe X, WIlMa6ri, a Tarmet, near _4 CompiloatJoins develop, hi3 phy- week, decided to emulate the Sinn wheat closed bere to -day at $2.35 I-2 Waldeek, Sask., wits killed by A Pro- 8101AILS bVI10VO th4t be hag t good At Chicago the price was W6. � vtnoial Pollct(, loobAtAble. He waft chance for recovery. Dr, Farmer told Fein orlsoners and refused to eat for I ,---.^.*, I two days. Captain Ericson, of the G.. - � eau4ing ttadbw in his* mother's . scians attending MITI 01114 nu WAS I ;, refused to give the men -all : tig h.s revolver whon the weapon HIGH HEELS BLAMED More tban.400 outside cases, a ma- cleaiii I 11;,�Z;5� duo them, benause he tested . jority of t4j�l. IJ4Uor preserlptions, exploded. they weie planning to desert, but off- � ,- . Purchase -of more than 6,400 square ored them ten dollars each. . � .have boon heard by Magistrate Mlers, . 11 � I ­ � .. . � � I I 00".1'.1, 0'' I Ill . � I With, Freak Dressingp fo: � � � . I ­ . ­ I . � I., ,i ., ­­ I I � - . _ .. 1 .1.7. *:,-`� ",-..,-, -:.: Many Diseases. . � I I I �, , � 0 � - "'' . " ,.. .1 .1": � 0! ,_ ...... Z. . I I'. . ', . '1­1.�!� . 15 .1 "� ­ .. _.� , ,�, . .�%:,.�:.. .1 . . ,..:, .: - -`.� Sept. Z. i-1119 I, : �.. I 1.1 ,:�*. - . I �, 1, � .­ I .;, , .. . . ; ,.: � ., I � .�.:�.., , �:!��- �'.. ..;, � ; :,J, . � :_ V4moitan, Alta, . I I ,:.. � "4-. ­*,'.�­, . - � ,., ;, 1_k, - � _ � - 0 . %­ , * :.1 I I I .: ; �... . 11 I 1, � 6. I � � I . . � : �i'�.�'.--.'�:." .� '. .", I :,k .,� 1. .. .-�,,-'­_ ,!%. . I I ...':., ..�d V ,� ,* ,1.0 . - .. 1. .. ­ I I 1�1 I . ... heels .and abnormal dressing by wc - . � I . I . �X:i:­., cages brought foi �Y.11 , I., ,�11. ". . 1� ... I I I � -Qf�-,Tr4 �, 11 I *1 men were among .,f� ,, - - " .� �, . � I I �. 1. I ,, ­ . , . ..; ! ward by Dr. 1. P. Lelilliftnit. of Winn 11 ,� , I " 4;..r* - . . : . -,-... ,��.­ 1. , _* 7 .. , , peg, resulting In Various physical at ;1..'1f*1#­41 4.. .- 4W. '!. 1: vl� �. , _It ,.�,:K ,.�,:K I I � I ­;� I � - - 1..A�. �3,, �-: ­ ......., I nervatis diseases, at a meeting of tI, . . � �� * , .If:. -.1 , ,& , ­� . - . . _ - I Alberta Mediftl Association yestel ?", - " .1; 1. ,, 1, ---"'..-I I I I .. - .. �1_ day afterno,lb. Ilia paper on "Poi .1. 1� I . . .. . ahk. tural Defects" was Illuntrtited by d1i .. - 11 .. 11'.....� ,;, � f- ;.. , .11 . I I � 1. � I "t M V* . t". 014 , I 1# gramov, by whidli the doctor sought I .1 . I ,. , t Many ftbdOnIfill , I - - 1, Operations wero lying down. 110 AIP . 1, 010ilmed that faulty posture reduced e ; ficlency, and stated that ten luen W1 I � , � sat at their work measured an In( ; Z� ";W.. 7i � " shorter in the evening than In tl . morning. I Thirdebutante's slouch was only cot doned oil the ground that the bad e . . feeta from the high heols Would I I worse it the wearer tries to walk wit ... .. .. . : straight 'knees. " _. L W ­ . - - There are Only a few Of the thOX � I As,ads of motorists who are vviling I I . 11 � �. I I ­ I .. endanger other "Ople's 11VOS by VeOl I 0 'EM 11 ... ��' *4., , I It to therefore propi . , .... 11 ; 1 1� 4 , , I losm driv ng. � , , " --,-,-----, - --- - W that t,hey should be severely dealt wit �NNW HOMK OF NATIONS LKAOUX IN GENEVA. � I Lqi&MA0h,404lb­­1_1 _._w by the law. A fine In most rages doi I 11 not ger" lk an adeqviate warning I i "" ft*W0,p^ 46"Vs4 S Witgorjaadl hal bton totsurad as hoxd qvA.rt#r# fOr thil 1.001OW4 of MR06 i"""" atkom . I "a ! V 10 1011 go" I � . I � I I . I q . � () . A* I � . __ � - - __ .�_, .__,.,i,. �- - - , �, _,­4�_ _ - ___ - . I I - , ... - A ___ - __ - __ , i�__ __ - - 0 ..----- � ­ _. 7- 1. - ,� wr­m�,rm_Wqr;��4. �;;,,��--r- I , I , ",." � _,:,7� J , I, , �0� . . I I , � . . �, I % \ I- I � '. , '4, . - , ,,, . '11,�41 , . 11� 7 " , . . woubmt1m It**" \ . I I . . I . k . 0 I" 0314 � 01111111116111111" 0^ XW* 000% OVPWK "M X" 04010 =1 40W =. " "O" - lIIIIIM01"_ 10"0= ""Now 1111*_ I Arro"111111111,40111= . I � A I 1111,11411`111110 I � . . D14410W HOW". ., *A,*r*rrw14 soksonvW4 M 4110111110111111 a" ""k 1000004 1- � - --11-- I . 4lo, No I , L Vwwtovo I I., $411111111111ar"111111111 #J" 11110&41"Tw.� I ow.w .4 % oil iiiam " , � 0,0 bow a ._ ��.# . 19WINIGIP"In" I . I - - ____ - - . Arthur J. IrWin q.D.S,, L.D.G. . 1h Docto tiate Mill oyIv.rn10,f CRooll"2V s'!TTIL"Celonof , VIYO'41 tai sursory Pf Ontoiq. Cl000d ever); Wedpoodgy Adtotnoolk. qMlee, In Mackorak Block, V-".---,9 VV T1 Mamhlff v -0 0 �_ FUNERAL 0,17 8.1,NIN FEIN VICTIM OF DUSLIN.0 URFEW LAW- . 6.84, mjx� ax . . I Photograph shows Sinn Felners and Labor Mon marching In the,funeral procession of an Irishman who was speow 16tentlon Paid to. dbsAs" I . .14c, . shot dead for disregarding the, Curfew ordinance In Dublin. .1 4d �W""n i" Mdl*A bArlins I , � t4*111, tgr"nato 4 is *vp J ; . % 11:1 : I., , , 1, I aq, ft'Aarloloo ,W4 _-M,, I " � I I - _. I I '': , ___ __ WM__ I . ' . X*41019^ . . ith using a partially forged subscrip. . ` thne Kerr mideon bo, , RJ �. tion list to raise funds, which, she I 1�6 I h GEN"ER"'AL SLASHILaRG said, were to be usd(t for , 4�ft . �e-queen!81toW W explosion . .. _ , , I I ­U,11W I[;* . sufferers. V qw& . 11 . N OF' 1� An official effort to raise f unds for An Viiplilsoft Ot" ;&& "t"411% I ' L the dependents of explosion victims Pboa,," llp..Ak� 3= us, . I % I had been started earlier In the day I , , w I � . I _ . ! A I by Mayor Hylan, who appointed a ' :b,r,,._ I I . ia, I I P R I C E vo) I N" - T Ho E SITUATES committee of financial district bust- , kobt. C. edmond , ness men to carry on the work. X.10.1111111. I I Late this afternoon Edwin P, Pis- Ei;dx I M. - * , a Cher, tennis player, who sent warn- "tY*10IAN,A*0'�V0'Q*W(*, , - , - " ings of the expl.sion from Toronto, . W Mbtak,iIi &A Aso).' I Signs Everywhere Manifest of a Cut in the was recommitted to Bellevue Uospl- , . . _,__ � tal for further psychopathic examina- __ ation, after tile legal period for detaln- 0 ... � I Ing him there had expired. Ile was I Re - L ".ST[WA#T - High Cost of Living ' recommitted on complaint of hts sis- D-81,11 , . ter, . Fischer protesteJ. . � .. ,� . 1: � . . . � ot Graduate of lljfilvorst� of �Tol,r)o t�, g � me Now York, Sept. ..'. - There were Company and Montgomery Ward rnmoty of Moloine*1;oOntlate , signs to -day of a genuine and sub- & Company, the two larWest mail OW"10 Gollege of Krakcians. , almd stantial lowering, Of the pr�ces of lines order houses in the country, listed re- EXCISE STAMPS Eh%rgP9V8, . I ductigns of from 10 to 25 per cent. . 0MCE ENTRANCE, . I I of :merchandise representing a wide The -products coveied , are shoes. SECOND DOOR,NORTH OF � I . field, following Henry Ford's reduc- ready'to wear clothing, muslin and , ZURBRIGGIS PHOTO 13TQDIQ, , tion of the prices of all the Ford other standard dress goods and furni- AFTER NOV, I 1. 11 touring cars .and runabouts, 31 Per ture, . . JOSPPHINE ST. P.119NE 49 1 cent, and the prices of trucks 14 p on thb Chicago Board of Trade, 1. . . 11 - er corn went below $1-.00 pdr bushel for ' -1 ­, . . � I cent. ' the first time since 1917. The - New -New Method of ,Collecting .1 ,_', 11. � . ,i:4irough all of the announced ptice York cotton exchange reflected tile reductions runs the same keynote- action of the Amoskeag Company Luxury Taxes. goods stacking up on -the shelves and with a substantial drop. The spot, - CANADIAN, HELD In. warehouses, men being laid off be- was off .$5 per bale, late In the after- . -Tax, ' ' . I cause of lack of orders and lastly, but noon. $6,000,000 From'These - I ., ­ I , of greatest importance, a conviction I In Pittsburg, Chicago and Boston, ) k � on the part at the sellers that the -in - e.!- Last Month , BY, SINN. FEIKERS ' public Is settled down to a point the restaur. t luncheon prices, res - � a thing ponding to a some�v�at united refu __ where it will not purchase sal to purchase, have been on the de- %, unless it is itl6ces,,ary. cline. Persons who several days ago Ottawa, Sept. . .-Stamps will be Accused of Knowledlyp of The public determination not to were eating, lunches on which tile used after Nov. I in the"collection of I � I 0 purchase Is founded apparently on the price of food had been Marked up the exise taxes imposed oil sales of Balbriggan Sacking., � I widespread belief that high prices several hundred per cent. to cover the were more than a combination of leg- service cost, are now bringing their luxuries by the budget legislation of � , ' itimate costs of prod uction-that the lunches to work with them. the last session of the Dominion Par- T'6wn is. Stillin Panic Aftex high prices actually were a combina- Under this pressure on their pock- liament, Arrangements for the Intro- -11�1 � . � I I tion of increased costs to the sellers etbooks the restaurant proprietors duction of the new method'of collec- Raid. I ' plus an absolutely unjust margin of have learned that they can get along -tion.are being completed by the Mus- � -_ I � � profits. er to ' with reduced prices . toms and Inland Revenue Depart- - Londo%, Sept. -'.-Re 1 4 The failure of the qonsum .buy A Syracuse despatch says: Price n publican vol - the 'goods from the jetail stgres; re- reductions ranging from 17 1.2 to ments. Stamps are being printed and unteers have arrested a Canadian ex% sulted In the stores cancelling orders 21 1-2 per cent, In all models of perforating machines for their canbel- soldier, ,kho is stated to have knowl- . to jobbers and,,froni then .on it went Franklin automobiles, effective at lation are being prepared for distrl-' edge of the sacking of Balbriggan. Im- I back to the manufacturers and from - -day by H. 11-1 bution free of charge to merchants portant 5tatements have been made , there beyond to the growers, the once, were announced to ' , minerg and the fabricators of the Franklin, president of the company, 6ealing in taxable Commodities*. - . by him. " I raw materials. manufacturing these cars. From a. From the luxury taxes the Domin" The public funeral arranged ior two I But Although the surface Indica- ninlinum of $3,060 and a maximum Ion derived a revenue of $6,000,000 last tions are that prices are being gen- of $4,360, prices are cut to $2.400 to month, Still larger returns are ex- meii.killed at Balbriggan was aban- I ulnely out the niove -wiii undoubtedly $3,600, under the new schedule. Wages pected in months to come. Investiga- doned to -day on a. warning coaVeyed be watched with a more critical gen- Will not be reduced, the Announce- tions by Inland Revenue officers have to friends from the GormanstOWn. eral Interest than heiZetofore, as price I ment, said. - I disclosed cases of deliberate evasion headquarters of the "Black and Tons,", � cutting moves in the, past seven or - � , of the tax law and cases of none-com- that It a public funeral was held ,de- . I . -eight months, have been identified in I - %I . pliance due to,_,tgnorance of the pro- struction of the town would ne corn- . part at least as schemes to stimulate 'D.R E T ' visions of the statute. In a score of Pleted to-niglit and several others a I lagging public to buying' without, 1P 1 H'AOR I cases a, deliberate evasion, I, ,,, un- making any real concessions. der stood, prosecutions are being in- shot, The message was conveyed . itiated. Thirty auditors were recently. thro' None of the present announcenA611tS ugh the local police. As a result . of reduced prices.have indicated that I ' � -OF COLLISiON. appoftlte�i to check returns of tax col- comparatively few persons attein"ded .1 wageg will be disturbed -the reduc- ­ lections In varlO-.1L sections of the� the hineral, and Immediately Ii, ieft tions apparently are to come entirely .- country. ___-41,_,&-.-- I town most of the remalnil6g Inhabi- from the margins.of profit. Wall Street Explosion Still tants went into the country. So . oreo I - FRANKLIN CARS DROP a Mystery. . � of faiiiilles have made � arrangbm . elite ' P ord stands In the enviable position I AT � to sleep In the fields and by hedges, of leader. Tire first automobile con- - , . and Improvised tents have been fixed cern to follow. him Is the P ranklin. Fischer Re -committed to up. Owipg to the general panic no� ar- Announcement was made by 11. 11. raligements for'houslUg can be made. Franklin, president, that the cars Relle�ue. VALUES LOWER Dublin Castle to stated to havi or- � . would be sold at a reductiont of from dered a military enquiry Into the' ' Bat. � 17 to 20 per cent. He said the riduc- New York, Sept. %_-The cause of ' briggaii police Veprisals, having pro. - I I tion was necessary to eliminate un- the Wall Street explosion to-nlght was Chicago, Sept. I .-RecelPts Of hibited the i6oroher from, proceeding L* Z, .. as unknown to the pollee and iOederal employment, which Is Increasing. The over a thousand cars at wheat In with the public inquest on the -Awo, - company -will endeavor In part at aukporities as it was when it occarrt,d Winnipeg turned the trend of wh6a,t' civilians. The Daily Chylontele,.Pre- . least to recoup the loss It will suffer nine days ago. values downward to -day, .s the tfade Inter Lloyd George's organ, whteh hasi . by getting raw materials more cheap- The theory that an accident -pro- was Inclined to look for Increased hitherto preserved silence on such oc- ly. . bably a coldslon-eaused the explo- pressure Lom Canada. Deceased Currences, says editorially towday: ( The Franklin plant ordlaRrIly em- closed at $2.32 to $2.32!ej, and March' � I slon was reported lo -day to hive been $9.26,!.'; 7Y, to 814 coiltS net lower. "The Police or military reprisals, of ,.,- Im Plays more than 5,000 persons, It cast aside by the- September Grand 11 - was this kind are, of course, lit rin I ., he export demand for aheat V 01p, a ." has laid off more than 2,000 In the jury. Hereafter the jurors will con- T I last few weeks, � centrate their attention on the bontb slow, and a weak ZiAture. in the sit- utterly Indefensible, no matter what I ' itation is tile fact that leading im- the *provocation, and the Irish Gov- � , The Amosiceag Manufacturing plot theory, it was'said, In this tlidy rting countries abroad Supplied thd ernnient ought to diert Itself to end Company, of Manchester, N. H-# follow the lead of William J. Flynn, PO them. One or two of the gifialout- I which employs 10,000 cotton opera- chief of the Burcaii at IT -vestigation 'of most urgent requirements early in the orl , f season In tile United States markets, breaks may e n e In � tives and makes about 4,000,000 yards the Department of Justice. who rOm ,ana w en the C - so.far as they were the 14pontaneous I of cotton cloth per week. announced the start has thought the blast of sin- and now at the time h . dian crop Is beginning to move the And an .almost Inevitable,, �utcome of �, a straight 'reduction of 33 1-3 per cent. Ister origin. The police as yet have the intolerable tension Inflicted on,the �The positive knowledge that ie not announced abandonment of any of demand is less acute, could not keep Ifs mills open at pre- their many theories. -40.0-0- Police. But to take a lenient view of I . I ,d two Wito's the Ikero of this drayna?" said, them would allow them to become s'ys- I vallIng prices was the cause of the Police Department men arreste tile ninnager at a first rehearsal. tematized, and for any Government � reduction. Orders had been cancelled persons whom they thought were pro - from every section of the country. fiting Illegally from the public's in- ,,I am,,, S11611ted a inan from an ob- to do that would be suicidal," I � ,, est in the disaster. A Reddler was scure corner of tile theatre. ­rm tile The Manchester Guardian editor - The lower price, it is expented, will ter th sellinK fake explosion fellow who is I"Itting 11p tile money for tally says: "These crimes and 611,f- 11 . , I help to move the stored up goods I charged wl breaks' are certainly not approved 'by I I At Chicago, -Sears, Roebuck,,,. & souvenirs, slid ,% woman was charged the production." I � I . the -Castle authorities. ' Of coUrse. � - I . __ - � � 1. I ____ I e!TNIN1111 i I _____!n-_-_OV_N���W_�_l -_ 0 ­­ ­ . or, there has been horrible proVoeation. c I . .-1 - __ I � ___ . �.� - I ___ ___ I - ; , I , . . � . I . .. .,r ,:, I . I �. t,,�-­ 1'.411 But reprisal In kind Is not, 'a tolerablo - __ -, r . � . . - " � � ., '. !�.t�'.r -­W� , , 1 7 , . . : : ...., I � ��.:: I . . I r r : r ' ' �:; 1-..: ., :!.��::.',� �� - � � � � , ��.,.. n111, ., L- ' r': ,, .,' . . . . . I ' r � I - , form of action on the part of any GOV. . !,. ��­ m . , , � .� I %. . I I '. I : 11, : I .11 ... . .. . � ,... . , � . . . � � I ,... �... : Ir � . , I �.� � I . I .­; , . �, : , I I � �, . . , - . I '� r 1, . �: ­ * .1 'r . 'I,..; I . . I � . ernment calling Itself civilized. It Is � �­�:.'- 31 :� .1,.:.::,1:,,,�.-:,r';­ .1.. r -r .. ;,,, m. L .r. I ". . .., � . r I. . I I . . . . , ­ ........ .:... �. r .,.r... . .. :. : , � ,;;." , I I L:.. . ,�, : . . ., t. :._�.. . , ,, :-.�. . � �,., I , I . ."� 1 � , . r I the method of the Corsican vendetta I . I., a .1 .I. , , �, ;, ,. r� . , I ­ I .11.1 _� ,%:. ,. � . �. , . . I . � . I r . . I I �.. or tho Indian scalp hunt, These, things r _��.,', .i.... .r , - . ..;� I .... ��. , .�-,.": ......._ �..., ,:, r : .. ;, : � I � � � :,�: � . "I �'%j �L�.''�'­ � r, , ". . L I r . � . I l� �%::!,'.;­ ,.:.:-..� ; � ,._ �....::, I. V I L � . . r r . I I I I have got to stop. Th6y stink In this � r I . .1 I ....'I...", .,.,..,., , , _; 'r" � ' r 0 .. I., . � t X ., . r., ,�:, r . - I . . 11 , . � r: ;,., ,,� � ,�...",'r,',/. � . I � �, . r .�. "�' .�,� , ' r,� �, .11 � I . , I nostrils of the British people. Then �.. :, , . :ti,,�,., ��_ . . r, � .. I 11 '. . � .I ,* 7. - ' ` r . I r i�­:,. ... ., I �';, , r - � � - . 'r . I . !­' : . . . . . . L :r . . make Us, with perfectly IrrefiAtalile, i . I . �­,d 1:,,.I'r!,�,%', 1,'�.':jr,;�ft .r - � , I L I � L, � : . p_ :'�.�r , . . 'proach of tile, � It : .:: -r , ,�' L ,.�,;.. L r . 'r � � �.­ . I r I , I I I justice, the mook and'rL . � .' .., 11 1. ;�. t , � �. ". � . . I � , . . . . ! , .- �' .,. 'r %I �!,�.:� r� .1 ... . I ., - - - �� ..' I � .':'r.. , r - world.� They are the negatIon'ot koy. � .1 , M ,r . .: r ' 11 , � '.. '.. �'._ � _. � , . � - I _.. ;. '' , ...�� ­ I � I I I , " 1_ I , -r '. I . 'I" � ..,. . �:: , ' - :1 11 1� rr . . - �M'. I R� �''. . l, .1: -e ernnient, and the orgaulZatio*a, In. Ir . . . I - , r .. . � , 1! ._ ,r.... 'r. 1. - " -1 ... � ,. . . .. , 'T., U . . I I . � , rrr r ... , � : .. .1-:1 4,.I. .1 . , r .. I , "�s stead of anarchy. For what Is it but .. I ,� , �111 ... ." � � .� J .. , I " , , I ".. , 1) :, , , I . . � , - r, " . ". ,. .. �:: 4 I: �, . . k . r I :�.,��,.:, � , . anarchy when a Government Is not so I r . a r'. � L . ­ I 1. �. i . . ", K i: . r I- !"...*... 11 1. , . , , ". �. 1;,� impotent that It dave not Punish a I IL � ,�.. I .. :11 , , 1.� ., 1. . � ­�W­ . � ,� , , , , d ,.. L .. ., � " �. .: " 1"'I: .I, . Inisdeed done by Its o,Wn nominal �. e !`,� ��. �,� �. .-----, that It has become the puDp6t .� � 'q :. :� I....:, .. 6 r � : .;;� .� and plaything of those agents Who 1. .� ,­ . I ��; � r.- are able to stalk the land of Pleasure L. '!�. ". .; , � I . � � and wreek vengean"s It seems te,, 1-1 .. ' .1� ---.- them fit, on whom they will.- I 0 :",,, ­ � " � IW -w--- . I . 'r a . -.­�....:::, � I I .1 I - .�:.'�',�L,_.�:,_',�� UN� * I _.. . q� . : r,��,'4W� . 0 . 1W. 11 , I., 1- . � .1 - 1, r ,�. 1 PA rb ,1:1.�: . I . , :,*.�_­ t- ­,�� _ 't� . � I ; I.. �., , , -IP V I I . I � , , � i . . . � I �� -�7­-R" 1 .., . . 1: ; r' .� ­:-::. a, . 1 ;.7:1 , . 7 1 , . - r I. . 0 . .. ,_ -­';�:.�.; . i_!�.... �� APPLES -1 , -,:. I . .., L%N * '' . I !: : .. ..., ­­ z 1. 1: ­.. MINIM - Y ), I _:,j.�­�,;%. , I ... �.-� � 1: I 1...�, . I � ­­ r - ........ ­. .. r . . I L' I r h r .. .r. . ::,;. . . I I ,� 4 � , '. .Z ­L , r.. �e ,..� ...".. . - . � - I � . - 1, I �. I.... L.: .�!...�'� L , I I—' ... . . . I. 1. � � i .L., . X I 1� , , .., _. , : - SCOTC S E i. I:..,- �­ . � 9 f- " , ��I,� . ' � ,e 1. . .1 I'll mik ltontro,al, Sept. .-flow, Vltfk : L �'-�% ,4 . '. , fresh apples and dried lirkines us I* - [1 � I ­ - 1'� ... I � 11111 IL 'L, �� ­, 11 -11 ;,�*. , gredlents, a New DrUnswiek far*W. : I i! -_ - at St. Isidore toneoeted it ml*yAre. I - ���������� 1 1 [. � � 11 -11 which It, ar0nia tesenibled Scotcht I I I ' , () , L J, ' , ,,tA , ' � whiskey, Is told by J. Alfred Iftagonl. I � . , -," L I i r -.-------­.­- �. I I , IN 11 � chirf preventative b1fiver Of the in.. 1 IRIW4 ,FACTIONS "ASH IN UL&Ts R. land revenutI., who bm Just rot,urnodi It frora an impedition,tbroallik oliawim- I" 0 Furniture of Sinn Fein vympthlzoet burnIfie In the sto4ata of Lisburn during the recont riatin in Belfast and ter tounty, N. IN., IA lexich at JMWL , I 111111111. IN I. neighboring towns. . . � .­. . 41 �_* I 4 "t . I ) ,,I 't- * . I 11 . ____ _L___4M,_ I , . -11 - , AL . . __ __ _____ ________ __ - - _____-.L - 11, __ __ I " , I �,­ I . ". - �', , ,V , I �,­ 11 -1 - I 11 . -, - , .- . . I _.1 � . � 11 , 1 I . I . I �� , :., �: .�, � �, , I ,� . �- - . I I � .. "I I I . I 1 ,- � . � . , , . �. ".. � � I "I - I 1Z...., 11 . � I I � I I , �� I. �t., I - "', " " . �- �,� I '­- 'Y',.�.�.,V'- ­ I I . . . I . I .- I , I I , '.1 . __ . '.'-'� . - :.1--l' 'i i � . V, ..I .., 'I,' I i. - � . # I .�, I �, ..... t , I I - '-I , , 11 .. "I *`� ,� i:1 I � , . 1, e . I ;, . t t I I I � � ;1, "�, I, . � I U1. . ,I �� I'll � � 11 �� �� ,!; �­ . ; ii,.� I � , . "I '1 . . JA)e - . � -A . . � �; .� , .' ��, . 1. �, :�a­ 1�. � - _. �� � I ... �i 1 1 ,. . ­ �,� el�- - . 11 - - . - _,� ., I ", . . ,�,, ;, ;�*f __ 0 , 7 . , �: li� I I , � ;.141 . ,,,'-,�%_ ..�.. " �i,N . . I J N �� 0 , _ - - - - . I .. � V FLOUR SLUMP AT CHICAGO I - Lower Vrioes on Wheat, Corn, Hogs, Cattle . and Sheep. I INQUIRY ON, WASTE _. I "I , ­- _­ ;� , � , I I ., 1, 11 F14 : . 14 . . '5� I.. Drop of 5 to 7 Cents in - _ I '... 11 , � -1 . � 1 I � � . ,., 1. � � - . , .; ", - . I � . - I , 11 � 1� I 9 , T, ,�T I., Wheat On Winnipeg , � " "I . I i .. , . I _. . ,,,",, r , 11 .. ... 1. '­!P� ... � . I e 9xchan e. , . . 1: ,, �. , p.. I 19 ­'. , �� , ,!: 11�. . . L � � 19 .1 . I i . .. " JK _`­ . I .0 - . . , .1 ,. ... A ik_ �4 - , -..-- I I'll . - 1. I 1.11, � " ' ' .. �; I - 1''.. : . - �. . I . ­ . I * . . . . . �,'� . I:., r � 11�1. . .... .. .. I" , ` -` . �_, 1. � . � . �� _�;,­, I.. 1. � - ­ .. . , �,liiiiii..:,-­..... ... �' . . .., � : ,�. , , _ .. ii ..., ... g,�! .1 .."...... . .... .. . , ..;... r I . ... .. .�.. 1. I I I I I ......., � , . 1. . . � �. :, Chicago, Sept, .-T�Qour fell Into I " .. ;; .. ­ �'.,1�-'i`:.,.:_, ,��_..-,�...�'* . .. !. �..., . .. 1. , -',f, " . . � . .. 11 11 i'' - , . . . '. �, I I '. . : �..�. .. I ,.: .1i"... .. ,, _.�-- ..�,;"�l'.11,�,�."�.�".'�.-�i,i.�.,�.....,.-..,.', :.. ,� �.:. ., �: � '�.' ,. .1. . ::. ::- . L' ,�..'..'...Q.,1 'O. 1:11 � : : - ", . , �� I ... I �. step with the general- decline in prices , , . . ,�. , .. - - . _'_, --�­ :�.: .; - ..... . , �.. I.. �.,:.,:! . � - -_�;,.��,:,!. � � . , . . . I. `� . .1 - Z�. ::: .�%.., ..., .,;�..,.�, : - � . ,�: : '.. 1. . - . . I I ..... 1. I � " - a­ �:, ; . ,,, . . , - - - -.I. :. . . . I .� 1,4 ,I � !-;, � 4_1 .... . . �i .:, . . . to-day'wlth a drop of $2 a barrel, This . I . . I , follow's a decrease in the price of � TH.01JSAN Pa VISIT ,-PBLE EpI No STATUES" ,IN IRELAND, "`�, wheat which declined 11 con I ts on Do- - Thousands of ppople.from all parts of Ireland and Great Britain flocked to Tempiernora, Tipperary County, Ire- comber and 12 1-2 cents on March, Iiindl to visit. the stattles and holy pictures which were said to have b led miraculously. The statues ,and This Is a, drop of 17 1.2 c � ents and �, � pictures wore in the house of Thos, Dw.in, a news agent of Templemore. Blood. Is said to hove oozed 22 1-2 cents. lit a week, an , I I from mouths and. hearts of the statues -one of the Blessed Virgin, another of the crucifixion, and the cents in the last MOID-th. . I . I I I _*1 - . slessed Virgin and the Child. M r. Dwin states that the statues blee d periodically. The lame, the blind, U s�idd the halt are visiting the statues, which are 01aced on a table In Mr. Dwan's yard. All tile Chicago mall order houses � ­ " - I . � I - . I I ."" announce reductions of 10 to 30 per - ___ - - ; - � '. I , I � . I . I I . � Cent. from their July Prices, covering I - � I I a wide range of goods, The 'Jarges . In Windsor police court so far this miles of public lands hi the Province of t # - gonr I 1% year. of Santiago del 11steri, in central Ar- - ' these houses states Whas already , � I gentine, by a foreign capitalist, has refunded $5,000,000, the difference be - I � - All. ',._� IT -EMS - A. M. Dymond, Law Clerk of the Leg- been Prevqnted by Minister of the tween the July catalogue Prices And , I , I I . � I islative Asombly, has been appointed reductions that have been made since I Chief Election Officer for the Pro. Interior Gomez. This territory Is 'r L YR . Vince, nearly half of the proviltoe, . then,, N � OF THE NEWS I Corn, hogs, cattle and sheo.9ware all r I I The Japanese railway authorities Never stoic a day In his life, Adam lower, There Are reports In steel trade . � � a I � have decided to substitute electricity Blake, pioneer farmer of Beverley oircleg that buyers are obtaining coa. l � I for stearn on all lines within the Rm� Township, passed away at the QaIt cosslotis over prices prevailing a few ' . .." . pire, hospital as the result OVA broken leg Weel�s ago, and that there is less dif- � � . . � I The adverse foreign- trade balance sustained three week9 ago, when he ficulty in getting quick delivery. , , I of P rance during the last eight months fell from a ladder In the barn, In Chicago the drive against high I � r;urses, In Brantford have raised shows a decrease of over 5,846,000,000 With thQ registration. or students Prices Just now is centred upon the francs, compared with the same period almost completed and the .regular lec- restaurants and hotels, Alderman � their fees, - . . of 3 919. tures In all years commencing, � the Adamowski, who Iww-lleading .this I Potatoes are. solling"at Kingston at Former Premier Clemenceau. em- .1990-1931 term at the O.A.C, got off -fight, says he has been promised po� I . . $1 'a bushel. . barked from Marseilles oil the steamer to a good start, with'a student body sitive evidence of an organization of . Alberta 1�43rslctanjl. bave adopted a, Cordilliere for India, He will spend of nearly 500, which nearly equals the restaurant men which has for its chief , several weeks hunting in the Hima- record number of last year. . object the regulation of prices-al- ,Qewaeal� of�fem. - I . 1 7 layas. - That no blame attal,liad to anYolle Ways fipward.* City Prosecutor Miller I . A well-reeorded Velstale disturbance The damage caused by the tire which concerned was. the verillet rendered in believes lie will be able to send some took place - . at V�ztorla. B.C. destroyed the warehouse of the Doon the Dominion Wreck Commissio, Of the profiteering restaurant men to . I � ner's . , .1 . .A Windsor bootlegger.is reported to Twines, Limited, ])con, Ont., and the Court after enquiry into the circum- Jail. Several of the restaurants to -day . I . have made a fortune 'Of $139,000. -1". .Floratdale Flax Mills is estimated at stances attending the grounding of announced a teftling of Prices One I � I Quebec -*111.,u.ge, uillnittted photo- $30,000. I the Canadian Pacific's Oceaft $team-, restaurant, evidently not I� iiie COM- graphy to le�ch �61eutitlq agrlcultu.re.. Pred. Wildeman was Instantly killed ships liner , Metagama. blue, is showing up the others by . I I serving box lunches for 20 cents, con- ., . Triplets, all girls, were born to a on Saturday last by being struck on E. J. ZavItz, director of rorestry, taining precisely the same food.that 'Brampt he head by a falling -limb whilst lit the Department of Lands and For- ti� '* . 014 *Oman in Guelph hospitaL t e others charge from 50 to 75 cents . . � I '*-�-Ts. Lena Sassak, Russian, Is in working' in the bush In Harcourt ests, Is to ble given, it is understood, for. . I r . Township. . � I I Windsor Jail facing a murder charge. an important new post In connection � City officials are also investigating : . Failing to appear to aftswer a with the Government's'forestr3t pol- the dumping into the lake of nearly l Thirty 'thousand baskets of fruit charge of violating the Ontario Tem- icy. Mr. Zav4tz Is to become super- one hundred carloads of Michigan 4, reached,-. Toronto .. from. Niagara, by perance Act, Elitier Orton, manager Intendent of woods and forests. peaches last Sunday and Monday . � boat. . or the Chappel Elouse, Sandwich, for- � ' Managers, of the piers deny . , Two grocery stores were, burglarized nights. .- John ;D. Rbeketeller's estate at felted his cash bail of $4,000. in Bess, street, Barrie, Friday night the fruit was rotting, and Intimate it � Tarryto�n Is once more under heavy Two soldlers,were killed and ten and a big haul made. In the store of was destroyed by speculators in order I . - I guard. 'I ners one of . the . new On- wounded In a sensational dispute at Wisdom & Co., a sledge hammer w,_U to keep up prices. Inferior peaches . The 'ge t the Porto.Belfbi Scotland, Barracks, used to smash in the ,safe, and Over are selling here at $3.50'a bushel. In � . tarlo C!lt!e of Art -Was laid in To- according to Information at London. .$500 in cash was ta4eu. PothWo i's the Michigan fruit belt, four hours ' . ' . I . ranto, r;1 Incial , Clonq ,r I V41ve conven- Tho,detalls (A the fight are ,with- l3tore also was entered 2.,nd $15 se- .distant by rail and motor, much.bet- I 'A' P e hold, cured. ter fruit can be had at 75 cents a, tion 'ii­�jllo&fori December I � I ,�qb bee � . 11 4 Charged Vith shipping more t4gan A.Commission, whiclinwill include bushel. I I 1 anit 2. � representatives of the Un - iversities of Comparative prices, showing record . �,?aqllae :Fontaine, two years old, $200,000 worth of automobiles, stolen level of war -time and those of to -day: . 7is 'jitally i641dod �.'by gravy near in Detroit, through eastern ports to Toronto, Queen's aAd Western, is to, � _ I Scandinavian countries, six Detroit be appointed by the Ontario Govern- Sept. 24, War . � . � .. � ,bluntreal. I . I persons, one of them a woman, have ment to report upolt. the- basis far .. � 1920. levels. . ­."*­,V� ,­*. 1. I`/ 00,000 Ill been arrested. future financial aid by the Province Spring wheat flour, bbl..$13.60 $17,150 . ._ Another . . . � I gold has reached Now, York from to the three universities, It will also Wheat , per bushel ...... 2.45 3.46 I . . France. . ', , ,:. .. I During tliq season of closed naviga- consider professors' salarlbs. � Corn., per bushel ....... 1.26 2.32 . 1. . . . � London -j , �111 have -a special election tion on the Yukon River, -which ex- "" per bushel ........ 57. 1,29 1 . &) deal with the.street railway issue tends approximately from October 6 to The police Commissioners of Belle- ORae,' er bushel ........ 2.03 2.95 . Ville have from a number of applicants M y ss PP � � I In October. � June 1, the mail service beyond White e Ork, per barrel ... 25.40 55.75 . . . Horse will be restricted so as to ex- selected Captain Kidd, of Port Perry, .Lard, per 100 lbs . ...... 19.95 30.00 . A German syndleitte Is being formed elude parcel �000t. as chief of police Ion place of Chief Short ribs, per 100 lbs. �.. 17.00 30.00 I I to loan money..'*4t, long terms to the yatican officials r%,plyiiig to reports Newton, who has resigned after many Live hogs, -per 100 lbs. .. 11-65 23.60 Baltic States' I * ,*i; 7 from Constantinople declare that tic., years at faithful service. � Cattle, per 100 lbs . ...... 18.00 21.50 N4 . e ' 22.10 � The IV *Ydkk_p0 fee are still at sea communication has been rec ived from An overturned lantern started a firP Lambs, per 100 lbg . ..... 13.50 regarding th6 Orligin ,at the explosion tile ottoman. L*overfinuent witIt refer-. in the drive shed 'on the farm of, RUSH TO MONTREAL AIARKET. . In Wall street. ": -.. . I ence to the establishment 'of a Tur- Thomas Burge, 7th Concession at, Montreal Sept, -The 'mark I ets at Th� P"ce.C.OtfarOtieo between-thg Icish legation at Rome. Dereham, and before It was extinguish- Bonsecours and Champ de Mars were , I I Poles and tile. .' , Bolsheviki has been The British Secretary for I -Tome At- ed the drive shed, a large barn, a hen-, ,rowded*to-day with both citizens ond � ., . I opened &t,Afga,.-,-". .. fairs has rejected the application of house and an automolille were des- farjaers, the citizens realizing' now . I China ' will reliew., trade relations Thomas Casement fol, permission to troyed.. � th1t they can obtain their foodstuffs : ,with Itussla �Jf*'ho attempts made at transfer the, body of his biother, Sir A,proclamation gazetted at Ottawa,: much cheaper titan at city stores, aud I Red prbpagkailo�', Roger, from the burial groufid lit fixes Monday, July 11, 1921, A§-tbe day the farmers rushing In their Jiroduce . Mrs. John Simpson .aged over 3.00, Pentonville prison to the family burial on -which polling will take place In to sell direct to the consumers. .1 . has gol(i ,iter,.66-acke',farm In Sandwich plot In Ireland. the Yukon Territory under the Canada' Potatoes were sold. at prices rang- . , I West for $93,06.* . Miss Rubino. Naven, a young girl Tempprance Act provisions o -a 'the Ing fiorn $1,35 to $1.75 for an 80 -pound ' The druj--,4yi1 -in Canada Is being from Magog, Quo.. who disappeared qt . testion at Importation of liquor.. �� bag, -according to size and quality. ' very greatly�'i , Wueed. by the Federal last Friday afternoon, after leaving The levet,,of the River St. Lawrence' WfIEAT BREAKS AT WINNIPEG. . , .Department -of Health., her home, telling her folks 8110'WoUld Which has been exceptionally low p.li Winnipeg, Sept. ,1' -Wheat broke 5 return in &* few minutes, was found pents to 7 cents a bushel'ort the Win- . A despatch from Helsingfora 1101713 L summer, reached the lowest level ,Ifi� e L eonllagmtlolls; ArO raging all over the dead in the well owned by a neighbor. four years, Thursday, The 33400C n1peg Grain Exchange to -day, 'follow- , . . Northe I ra,Uusslan Governments. channel gauge Indicated a dooth of 28,,' Ing' a drop of 10 to 11 cents on the � The A46ny!Aizemblv.hAs expelled According to re�ports reliabirk Van- feet 11 Inches, a drop of 4 .'sit 1 inch. Chicago market. The close for Oc- . I - couver, it is estimated that nea,717 11* Mrs, Helyer, 30 years old, of 'Aion-* tober delivery at Winnipeg was three of the five -fe-!eleeted Socialists million dollars' damage has been mber,$2.49 1-8, and I The other, two-hav,6 resigned. caused to the oat crop by the heavy treal, Point St. Charles, was f oun-l- 1�- $2.64 34; for Novo . I . I for December $2.35 1-2. ' . A Conspiracy. against the German rains of the past week on the lower i-tig dead across her bet]. Her pet dog Government, with the former Crown all . a oat were also found dead. Det-th , Although coarse grains declined on - mainland. was duo to asP,ivx.fIt14)u,, tile American market they held theft . Price as noniltial head, has been dis- Dr. Roy 1. Farmer was remoV64 to . t In Own at Winnipeg, The break,in wheat � covered, . I _ the gag escaping from an oper. 1C I ' I St. Josepif's Hospital, London, suffer- tile kitchen stove� hur at Wirint. Alike Izanoff, a Bulgarian, was so ing from two bullet wounds above ' I peg, and was said to Ile due to a var- Injured while at Work'on the Hydra the beaxt, sustained when a pistol he Professor E. R. Prince, DOmln On iety at causes. Stacking of exp&I canal at Chippawa that he dlea as IL Nvas handling exploded. Little hope Comakissioner at Fisheries, was Unan- bookfng, due to the threatened coal result of his Itiluries'.. for his recovery Is entertained. imously elected vice-president of the strike In Britain, and favorable re - .Right Itev. Nicetas )3udka, bishop - American Fisheries Society at their ports on the Argentine crop were sal.4 of the ItUthenian toman Catholic The price of granulated sugar has concluding session in the House of to be- the two main causes, but . onc Church,'Ju W6'iterlt,Canada, made Ap- been reduced the Vancouver Re- Parliament, Mr, Nathan R. Butler, wheat dealer to -night declared that lic plication, for na6tr4_T%4tIc!l- finery, The P�ITIA to the retailer is of Harrisburg, Pa., was chosen to fill believed the falling In prices of com. . . now $19.50 per hundred pounds, a de- the presidentle,chair. I n the United States haO t Mrs. Win, Boyle, of Newmanville, crease of 50 cents. other grades of � . modities I . succumb.0 tO.Anjurhs_ received when sugar are down in proportion. The au.thorities in Loncon, Eng.,Vre gobd deal.to do With It. "It prices oi . the horst glie"�-was driving ran away taking precaution against 'bomb cut- commodities are to come down wheal . I and threw ber,from a buggy. Evidence that ce4rtaln pomers and rages pinillar to those at Ne%i' York must,come down," he said. � . news agents on Canadian railways are and Getioa. The stock exchange Is- ,'. The drop Is of tremendous Cause. Goveruor Co':es 't'rafli was wrecked implicated In the carrying of drugs fitied a notice that parcels must not quenee to Western farmers, as thi Itear Peoria, Arizona. The Govern- across Ckmada, has reached the Ped" be delivered at tbi exchange but'do- marketing of the wheat of the prair . or wall I.- ' eported as UninjUredi but the eral health officials, and Immediate, Posited at a nearby cloak room. one ies is just well uAder way. inspec, . engillao'of tire train was badly hurt, action. It is stated, will be taken. of the exchange exits Also has been tiOns At, Winnipeg to-dak totalle( 11lie r4eulty �f Medicine of the TIM- Dr. Roy Partner, M.D., who wa-, ric- closed. 1,004 cars, As compared ,with 583 1 1 1 Tonity or Montreal haSr put In A re.- oidentally shot at his father's resid- Nine stokers of the 111orwnglan year ago. qwst t& the ProvitidAl Government ence In London, Is resting fai.,J)r ooyn- The Canadian price of wheat Is stil I to founa.an ,qnstitute for radium." tortably at St. Joseph's Hos.)Aal thi- freighter 0 S. Gilbert, -while thw" veO' higher than the American. Decembe, . I �,jc sel was In tile Montreal harbor this d) DrIe X, WIlMa6ri, a Tarmet, near _4 CompiloatJoins develop, hi3 phy- week, decided to emulate the Sinn wheat closed bere to -day at $2.35 I-2 Waldeek, Sask., wits killed by A Pro- 8101AILS bVI10VO th4t be hag t good At Chicago the price was W6. � vtnoial Pollct(, loobAtAble. He waft chance for recovery. Dr, Farmer told Fein orlsoners and refused to eat for I ,---.^.*, I two days. Captain Ericson, of the G.. - � eau4ing ttadbw in his* mother's . scians attending MITI 01114 nu WAS I ;, refused to give the men -all : tig h.s revolver whon the weapon HIGH HEELS BLAMED More tban.400 outside cases, a ma- cleaiii I 11;,�Z;5� duo them, benause he tested . jority of t4j�l. IJ4Uor preserlptions, exploded. they weie planning to desert, but off- � ,- . Purchase -of more than 6,400 square ored them ten dollars each. . � .have boon heard by Magistrate Mlers, . 11 � I ­ � .. . � � I I 00".1'.1, 0'' I Ill . � I With, Freak Dressingp fo: � � � . I ­ . ­ I . � I., ,i ., ­­ I I � - . _ .. 1 .1.7. *:,-`� ",-..,-, -:.: Many Diseases. . � I I I �, , � 0 � - "'' . " ,.. .1 .1": � 0! ,_ ...... Z. . I I'. . ', . '1­1.�!� . 15 .1 "� ­ .. _.� , ,�, . .�%:,.�:.. .1 . . ,..:, .: - -`.� Sept. Z. i-1119 I, : �.. I 1.1 ,:�*. - . I �, 1, � .­ I .;, , .. . . ; ,.: � ., I � .�.:�.., , �:!��- �'.. ..;, � ; :,J, . � :_ V4moitan, Alta, . I I ,:.. � "4-. ­*,'.�­, . - � ,., ;, 1_k, - � _ � - 0 . %­ , * :.1 I I I .: ; �... . 11 I 1, � 6. I � � I . . � : �i'�.�'.--.'�:." .� '. .", I :,k .,� 1. .. .-�,,-'­_ ,!%. . I I ...':., ..�d V ,� ,* ,1.0 . - .. 1. .. ­ I I 1�1 I . ... heels .and abnormal dressing by wc - . � I . I . �X:i:­., cages brought foi �Y.11 , I., ,�11. ". . 1� ... I I I � -Qf�-,Tr4 �, 11 I *1 men were among .,f� ,, - - " .� �, . � I I �. 1. I ,, ­ . , . ..; ! ward by Dr. 1. P. Lelilliftnit. of Winn 11 ,� , I " 4;..r* - . . : . -,-... ,��.­ 1. , _* 7 .. , , peg, resulting In Various physical at ;1..'1f*1#­41 4.. .- 4W. '!. 1: vl� �. , _It ,.�,:K ,.�,:K I I � I ­;� I � - - 1..A�. �3,, �-: ­ ......., I nervatis diseases, at a meeting of tI, . . � �� * , .If:. -.1 , ,& , ­� . - . . _ - I Alberta Mediftl Association yestel ?", - " .1; 1. ,, 1, ---"'..-I I I I .. - .. �1_ day afterno,lb. Ilia paper on "Poi .1. 1� I . . .. . ahk. tural Defects" was Illuntrtited by d1i .. - 11 .. 11'.....� ,;, � f- ;.. , .11 . I I � 1. � I "t M V* . t". 014 , I 1# gramov, by whidli the doctor sought I .1 . I ,. , t Many ftbdOnIfill , I - - 1, Operations wero lying down. 110 AIP . 1, 010ilmed that faulty posture reduced e ; ficlency, and stated that ten luen W1 I � , � sat at their work measured an In( ; Z� ";W.. 7i � " shorter in the evening than In tl . morning. I Thirdebutante's slouch was only cot doned oil the ground that the bad e . . feeta from the high heols Would I I worse it the wearer tries to walk wit ... .. .. . : straight 'knees. " _. L W ­ . - - There are Only a few Of the thOX � I As,ads of motorists who are vviling I I . 11 � �. I I ­ I .. endanger other "Ople's 11VOS by VeOl I 0 'EM 11 ... ��' *4., , I It to therefore propi . , .... 11 ; 1 1� 4 , , I losm driv ng. � , , " --,-,-----, - --- - W that t,hey should be severely dealt wit �NNW HOMK OF NATIONS LKAOUX IN GENEVA. � I Lqi&MA0h,404lb­­1_1 _._w by the law. A fine In most rages doi I 11 not ger" lk an adeqviate warning I i "" ft*W0,p^ 46"Vs4 S Witgorjaadl hal bton totsurad as hoxd qvA.rt#r# fOr thil 1.001OW4 of MR06 i"""" atkom . I "a ! V 10 1011 go" I � . I � I I . I q . � () . A* I � . __ � - - __ .�_, .__,.,i,. �- - - , �, _,­4�_ _ - ___ - . I I - , ... - A ___ - __ - __ , i�__ __ - - 0 ..----- � ­ _. 7- 1. - ,� wr­m�,rm_Wqr;��4. �;;,,��--r- I , I , ",." � _,:,7� J , I, , �0� . . I I , � . . �, I % \ I- I � '. , '4, . - , ,,, . '11,�41 , . 11� 7 " , . . woubmt1m It**" \ . I I . . I . k . 0 I" 0314 � 01111111116111111" 0^ XW* 000% OVPWK "M X" 04010 =1 40W =. " "O" - lIIIIIM01"_ 10"0= ""Now 1111*_ I Arro"111111111,40111= . I � A I 1111,11411`111110 I � . . D14410W HOW". ., *A,*r*rrw14 soksonvW4 M 4110111110111111 a" ""k 1000004 1- � - --11-- I . 4lo, No I , L Vwwtovo I I., $411111111111ar"111111111 #J" 11110&41"Tw.� I ow.w .4 % oil iiiam " , � 0,0 bow a ._ ��.# . 19WINIGIP"In" I . I - - ____ - - . Arthur J. IrWin q.D.S,, L.D.G. . 1h Docto tiate Mill oyIv.rn10,f CRooll"2V s'!TTIL"Celonof , VIYO'41 tai sursory Pf Ontoiq. Cl000d ever); Wedpoodgy Adtotnoolk. qMlee, In Mackorak Block, V-".---,9 VV T1 Mamhlff v -0 0 �_ FUNERAL 0,17 8.1,NIN FEIN VICTIM OF DUSLIN.0 URFEW LAW- . 6.84, mjx� ax . . I Photograph shows Sinn Felners and Labor Mon marching In the,funeral procession of an Irishman who was speow 16tentlon Paid to. dbsAs" I . .14c, . shot dead for disregarding the, Curfew ordinance In Dublin. .1 4d �W""n i" Mdl*A bArlins I , � t4*111, tgr"nato 4 is *vp J ; . % 11:1 : I., , , 1, I aq, ft'Aarloloo ,W4 _-M,, I " � I I - _. I I '': , ___ __ WM__ I . ' . X*41019^ . . ith using a partially forged subscrip. . ` thne Kerr mideon bo, , RJ �. tion list to raise funds, which, she I 1�6 I h GEN"ER"'AL SLASHILaRG said, were to be usd(t for , 4�ft . �e-queen!81toW W explosion . .. _ , , I I ­U,11W I[;* . sufferers. V qw& . 11 . N OF' 1� An official effort to raise f unds for An Viiplilsoft Ot" ;&& "t"411% I ' L the dependents of explosion victims Pboa,," llp..Ak� 3= us, . I % I had been started earlier In the day I , , w I � . I _ . ! A I by Mayor Hylan, who appointed a ' :b,r,,._ I I . ia, I I P R I C E vo) I N" - T Ho E SITUATES committee of financial district bust- , kobt. C. edmond , ness men to carry on the work. X.10.1111111. I I Late this afternoon Edwin P, Pis- Ei;dx I M. - * , a Cher, tennis player, who sent warn- "tY*10IAN,A*0'�V0'Q*W(*, , - , - " ings of the expl.sion from Toronto, . W Mbtak,iIi &A Aso).' I Signs Everywhere Manifest of a Cut in the was recommitted to Bellevue Uospl- , . . _,__ � tal for further psychopathic examina- __ ation, after tile legal period for detaln- 0 ... � I Ing him there had expired. Ile was I Re - L ".ST[WA#T - High Cost of Living ' recommitted on complaint of hts sis- D-81,11 , . ter, . Fischer protesteJ. . � .. ,� . 1: � . . . � ot Graduate of lljfilvorst� of �Tol,r)o t�, g � me Now York, Sept. ..'. - There were Company and Montgomery Ward rnmoty of Moloine*1;oOntlate , signs to -day of a genuine and sub- & Company, the two larWest mail OW"10 Gollege of Krakcians. , almd stantial lowering, Of the pr�ces of lines order houses in the country, listed re- EXCISE STAMPS Eh%rgP9V8, . I ductigns of from 10 to 25 per cent. . 0MCE ENTRANCE, . I I of :merchandise representing a wide The -products coveied , are shoes. SECOND DOOR,NORTH OF � I . field, following Henry Ford's reduc- ready'to wear clothing, muslin and , ZURBRIGGIS PHOTO 13TQDIQ, , tion of the prices of all the Ford other standard dress goods and furni- AFTER NOV, I 1. 11 touring cars .and runabouts, 31 Per ture, . . JOSPPHINE ST. P.119NE 49 1 cent, and the prices of trucks 14 p on thb Chicago Board of Trade, 1. . . 11 - er corn went below $1-.00 pdr bushel for ' -1 ­, . . � I cent. ' the first time since 1917. The - New -New Method of ,Collecting .1 ,_', 11. � . ,i:4irough all of the announced ptice York cotton exchange reflected tile reductions runs the same keynote- action of the Amoskeag Company Luxury Taxes. goods stacking up on -the shelves and with a substantial drop. The spot, - CANADIAN, HELD In. warehouses, men being laid off be- was off .$5 per bale, late In the after- . -Tax, ' ' . I cause of lack of orders and lastly, but noon. $6,000,000 From'These - I ., ­ I , of greatest importance, a conviction I In Pittsburg, Chicago and Boston, ) k � on the part at the sellers that the -in - e.!- Last Month , BY, SINN. FEIKERS ' public Is settled down to a point the restaur. t luncheon prices, res - � a thing ponding to a some�v�at united refu __ where it will not purchase sal to purchase, have been on the de- %, unless it is itl6ces,,ary. cline. Persons who several days ago Ottawa, Sept. . .-Stamps will be Accused of Knowledlyp of The public determination not to were eating, lunches on which tile used after Nov. I in the"collection of I � I 0 purchase Is founded apparently on the price of food had been Marked up the exise taxes imposed oil sales of Balbriggan Sacking., � I widespread belief that high prices several hundred per cent. to cover the were more than a combination of leg- service cost, are now bringing their luxuries by the budget legislation of � , ' itimate costs of prod uction-that the lunches to work with them. the last session of the Dominion Par- T'6wn is. Stillin Panic Aftex high prices actually were a combina- Under this pressure on their pock- liament, Arrangements for the Intro- -11�1 � . � I I tion of increased costs to the sellers etbooks the restaurant proprietors duction of the new method'of collec- Raid. I ' plus an absolutely unjust margin of have learned that they can get along -tion.are being completed by the Mus- � -_ I � � profits. er to ' with reduced prices . toms and Inland Revenue Depart- - Londo%, Sept. -'.-Re 1 4 The failure of the qonsum .buy A Syracuse despatch says: Price n publican vol - the 'goods from the jetail stgres; re- reductions ranging from 17 1.2 to ments. Stamps are being printed and unteers have arrested a Canadian ex% sulted In the stores cancelling orders 21 1-2 per cent, In all models of perforating machines for their canbel- soldier, ,kho is stated to have knowl- . to jobbers and,,froni then .on it went Franklin automobiles, effective at lation are being prepared for distrl-' edge of the sacking of Balbriggan. Im- I back to the manufacturers and from - -day by H. 11-1 bution free of charge to merchants portant 5tatements have been made , there beyond to the growers, the once, were announced to ' , minerg and the fabricators of the Franklin, president of the company, 6ealing in taxable Commodities*. - . by him. " I raw materials. manufacturing these cars. From a. From the luxury taxes the Domin" The public funeral arranged ior two I But Although the surface Indica- ninlinum of $3,060 and a maximum Ion derived a revenue of $6,000,000 last tions are that prices are being gen- of $4,360, prices are cut to $2.400 to month, Still larger returns are ex- meii.killed at Balbriggan was aban- I ulnely out the niove -wiii undoubtedly $3,600, under the new schedule. Wages pected in months to come. Investiga- doned to -day on a. warning coaVeyed be watched with a more critical gen- Will not be reduced, the Announce- tions by Inland Revenue officers have to friends from the GormanstOWn. eral Interest than heiZetofore, as price I ment, said. - I disclosed cases of deliberate evasion headquarters of the "Black and Tons,", � cutting moves in the, past seven or - � , of the tax law and cases of none-com- that It a public funeral was held ,de- . I . -eight months, have been identified in I - %I . pliance due to,_,tgnorance of the pro- struction of the town would ne corn- . part at least as schemes to stimulate 'D.R E T ' visions of the statute. In a score of Pleted to-niglit and several others a I lagging public to buying' without, 1P 1 H'AOR I cases a, deliberate evasion, I, ,,, un- making any real concessions. der stood, prosecutions are being in- shot, The message was conveyed . itiated. Thirty auditors were recently. thro' None of the present announcenA611tS ugh the local police. As a result . of reduced prices.have indicated that I ' � -OF COLLISiON. appoftlte�i to check returns of tax col- comparatively few persons attein"ded .1 wageg will be disturbed -the reduc- ­ lections In varlO-.1L sections of the� the hineral, and Immediately Ii, ieft tions apparently are to come entirely .- country. ___-41,_,&-.-- I town most of the remalnil6g Inhabi- from the margins.of profit. Wall Street Explosion Still tants went into the country. So . oreo I - FRANKLIN CARS DROP a Mystery. . � of faiiiilles have made � arrangbm . elite ' P ord stands In the enviable position I AT � to sleep In the fields and by hedges, of leader. Tire first automobile con- - , . and Improvised tents have been fixed cern to follow. him Is the P ranklin. Fischer Re -committed to up. Owipg to the general panic no� ar- Announcement was made by 11. 11. raligements for'houslUg can be made. Franklin, president, that the cars Relle�ue. VALUES LOWER Dublin Castle to stated to havi or- � . would be sold at a reductiont of from dered a military enquiry Into the' ' Bat. � 17 to 20 per cent. He said the riduc- New York, Sept. %_-The cause of ' briggaii police Veprisals, having pro. - I I tion was necessary to eliminate un- the Wall Street explosion to-nlght was Chicago, Sept. I .-RecelPts Of hibited the i6oroher from, proceeding L* Z, .. as unknown to the pollee and iOederal employment, which Is Increasing. The over a thousand cars at wheat In with the public inquest on the -Awo, - company -will endeavor In part at aukporities as it was when it occarrt,d Winnipeg turned the trend of wh6a,t' civilians. The Daily Chylontele,.Pre- . least to recoup the loss It will suffer nine days ago. values downward to -day, .s the tfade Inter Lloyd George's organ, whteh hasi . by getting raw materials more cheap- The theory that an accident -pro- was Inclined to look for Increased hitherto preserved silence on such oc- ly. . bably a coldslon-eaused the explo- pressure Lom Canada. Deceased Currences, says editorially towday: ( The Franklin plant ordlaRrIly em- closed at $2.32 to $2.32!ej, and March' � I slon was reported lo -day to hive been $9.26,!.'; 7Y, to 814 coiltS net lower. "The Police or military reprisals, of ,.,- Im Plays more than 5,000 persons, It cast aside by the- September Grand 11 - was this kind are, of course, lit rin I ., he export demand for aheat V 01p, a ." has laid off more than 2,000 In the jury. Hereafter the jurors will con- T I last few weeks, � centrate their attention on the bontb slow, and a weak ZiAture. in the sit- utterly Indefensible, no matter what I ' itation is tile fact that leading im- the *provocation, and the Irish Gov- � , The Amosiceag Manufacturing plot theory, it was'said, In this tlidy rting countries abroad Supplied thd ernnient ought to diert Itself to end Company, of Manchester, N. H-# follow the lead of William J. Flynn, PO them. One or two of the gifialout- I which employs 10,000 cotton opera- chief of the Burcaii at IT -vestigation 'of most urgent requirements early in the orl , f season In tile United States markets, breaks may e n e In � tives and makes about 4,000,000 yards the Department of Justice. who rOm ,ana w en the C - so.far as they were the 14pontaneous I of cotton cloth per week. announced the start has thought the blast of sin- and now at the time h . dian crop Is beginning to move the And an .almost Inevitable,, �utcome of �, a straight 'reduction of 33 1-3 per cent. Ister origin. The police as yet have the intolerable tension Inflicted on,the �The positive knowledge that ie not announced abandonment of any of demand is less acute, could not keep Ifs mills open at pre- their many theories. -40.0-0- Police. But to take a lenient view of I . I ,d two Wito's the Ikero of this drayna?" said, them would allow them to become s'ys- I vallIng prices was the cause of the Police Department men arreste tile ninnager at a first rehearsal. tematized, and for any Government � reduction. Orders had been cancelled persons whom they thought were pro - from every section of the country. fiting Illegally from the public's in- ,,I am,,, S11611ted a inan from an ob- to do that would be suicidal," I � ,, est in the disaster. A Reddler was scure corner of tile theatre. ­rm tile The Manchester Guardian editor - The lower price, it is expented, will ter th sellinK fake explosion fellow who is I"Itting 11p tile money for tally says: "These crimes and 611,f- 11 . , I help to move the stored up goods I charged wl breaks' are certainly not approved 'by I I At Chicago, -Sears, Roebuck,,,. & souvenirs, slid ,% woman was charged the production." I � I . the -Castle authorities. ' Of coUrse. � - I . __ - � � 1. I ____ I e!TNIN1111 i I _____!n-_-_OV_N���W_�_l -_ 0 ­­ ­ . or, there has been horrible proVoeation. c I . .-1 - __ I � ___ . �.� - I ___ ___ I - ; , I , . . � . I . .. .,r ,:, I . I �. t,,�-­ 1'.411 But reprisal In kind Is not, 'a tolerablo - __ -, r . � . . - " � � ., '. !�.t�'.r -­W� , , 1 7 , . . : : ...., I � ��.:: I . . I r r : r ' ' �:; 1-..: ., :!.��::.',� �� - � � � � , ��.,.. n111, ., L- ' r': ,, .,' . . . . . I ' r � I - , form of action on the part of any GOV. . !,. ��­ m . , , � .� I %. . I I '. I : 11, : I .11 ... . .. . � ,... . , � . . . � � I ,... �... : Ir � . , I �.� � I . I .­; , . �, : , I I � �, . . , - . I '� r 1, . �: ­ * .1 'r . 'I,..; I . . I � . ernment calling Itself civilized. It Is � �­�:.'- 31 :� .1,.:.::,1:,,,�.-:,r';­ .1.. r -r .. ;,,, m. L .r. I ". . .., � . r I. . I I . . . . , ­ ........ .:... �. r .,.r... . .. :. : , � ,;;." , I I L:.. . ,�, : . . ., t. :._�.. . , ,, :-.�. . � �,., I , I . ."� 1 � , . r I the method of the Corsican vendetta I . I., a .1 .I. , , �, ;, ,. r� . , I ­ I .11.1 _� ,%:. ,. � . �. , . . I . � . I r . . I I �.. or tho Indian scalp hunt, These, things r _��.,', .i.... .r , - . ..;� I .... ��. , .�-,.": ......._ �..., ,:, r : .. ;, : � I � � � :,�: � . "I �'%j �L�.''�'­ � r, , ". . L I r . � . I l� �%::!,'.;­ ,.:.:-..� ; � ,._ �....::, I. V I L � . . r r . I I I I have got to stop. Th6y stink In this � r I . .1 I ....'I...", .,.,..,., , , _; 'r" � ' r 0 .. I., . � t X ., . r., ,�:, r . - I . . 11 , . � r: ;,., ,,� � ,�...",'r,',/. � . I � �, . r .�. "�' .�,� , ' r,� �, .11 � I . , I nostrils of the British people. Then �.. :, , . :ti,,�,., ��_ . . r, � .. I 11 '. . � .I ,* 7. - ' ` r . I r i�­:,. ... ., I �';, , r - � � - . 'r . I . !­' : . . . . . . L :r . . make Us, with perfectly IrrefiAtalile, i . I . �­,d 1:,,.I'r!,�,%', 1,'�.':jr,;�ft .r - � , I L I � L, � : . p_ :'�.�r , . . 'proach of tile, � It : .:: -r , ,�' L ,.�,;.. L r . 'r � � �.­ . I r I , I I I justice, the mook and'rL . � .' .., 11 1. ;�. t , � �. ". � . . I � , . . . . ! , .- �' .,. 'r %I �!,�.:� r� .1 ... . I ., - - - �� ..' I � .':'r.. , r - world.� They are the negatIon'ot koy. � .1 , M ,r . .: r ' 11 , � '.. '.. �'._ � _. � , . � - I _.. ;. '' , ...�� ­ I � I I I , " 1_ I , -r '. I . 'I" � ..,. . �:: , ' - :1 11 1� rr . . - �M'. I R� �''. . l, .1: -e ernnient, and the orgaulZatio*a, In. Ir . . . I - , r .. . � , 1! ._ ,r.... 'r. 1. - " -1 ... � ,. . . .. , 'T., U . . I I . � , rrr r ... , � : .. .1-:1 4,.I. .1 . , r .. I , "�s stead of anarchy. For what Is it but .. I ,� , �111 ... ." � � .� J .. , I " , , I ".. , 1) :, , , I . . � , - r, " . ". ,. .. �:: 4 I: �, . . k . r I :�.,��,.:, � , . anarchy when a Government Is not so I r . a r'. � L . ­ I 1. �. i . . ", K i: . r I- !"...*... 11 1. , . , , ". �. 1;,� impotent that It dave not Punish a I IL � ,�.. I .. :11 , , 1.� ., 1. . � ­�W­ . � ,� , , , , d ,.. L .. ., � " �. .: " 1"'I: .I, . Inisdeed done by Its o,Wn nominal �. e !`,� ��. �,� �. .-----, that It has become the puDp6t .� � 'q :. :� I....:, .. 6 r � : .;;� .� and plaything of those agents Who 1. .� ,­ . I ��; � r.- are able to stalk the land of Pleasure L. '!�. ". .; , � I . � � and wreek vengean"s It seems te,, 1-1 .. ' .1� ---.- them fit, on whom they will.- I 0 :",,, ­ � " � IW -w--- . I . 'r a . -.­�....:::, � I I .1 I - .�:.'�',�L,_.�:,_',�� UN� * I _.. . q� . : r,��,'4W� . 0 . 1W. 11 , I., 1- . � .1 - 1, r ,�. 1 PA rb ,1:1.�: . I . , :,*.�_­ t- ­,�� _ 't� . � I ; I.. �., , , -IP V I I . I � , , � i . . . � I �� -�7­-R" 1 .., . . 1: ; r' .� ­:-::. a, . 1 ;.7:1 , . 7 1 , . - r I. . 0 . .. ,_ -­';�:.�.; . i_!�.... �� APPLES -1 , -,:. I . .., L%N * '' . I !: : .. ..., ­­ z 1. 1: ­.. MINIM - Y ), I _:,j.�­�,;%. , I ... �.-� � 1: I 1...�, . I � ­­ r - ........ ­. .. r . . I L' I r h r .. .r. . ::,;. . . I I ,� 4 � , '. .Z ­L , r.. �e ,..� ...".. . - . � - I � . - 1, I �. I.... L.: .�!...�'� L , I I—' ... . . . I. 1. � � i .L., . X I 1� , , .., _. , : - SCOTC S E i. I:..,- �­ . � 9 f- " , ��I,� . ' � ,e 1. . .1 I'll mik ltontro,al, Sept. .-flow, Vltfk : L �'-�% ,4 . '. , fresh apples and dried lirkines us I* - [1 � I ­ - 1'� ... I � 11111 IL 'L, �� ­, 11 -11 ;,�*. , gredlents, a New DrUnswiek far*W. : I i! -_ - at St. Isidore toneoeted it ml*yAre. I - ���������� 1 1 [. � � 11 -11 which It, ar0nia tesenibled Scotcht I I I ' , () , L J, ' , ,,tA , ' � whiskey, Is told by J. Alfred Iftagonl. I � . , -," L I i r -.-------­.­- �. I I , IN 11 � chirf preventative b1fiver Of the in.. 1 IRIW4 ,FACTIONS "ASH IN UL&Ts R. land revenutI., who bm Just rot,urnodi It frora an impedition,tbroallik oliawim- I" 0 Furniture of Sinn Fein vympthlzoet burnIfie In the sto4ata of Lisburn during the recont riatin in Belfast and ter tounty, N. IN., IA lexich at JMWL , I 111111111. IN I. neighboring towns. . . � .­. . 41 �_* I 4 "t . I ) ,,I 't- * . I 11 . ____ _L___4M,_ I , . -11 - , AL . . __ __ _____ ________ __ - - _____-.L - 11, __ __