HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-30, Page 1-
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'Sing16 Copies - Tfiree Cents 1� I I WINGRAM, ONT., THURSDAY� SEPTEMBER 30th, 1920 �". 1. '. 1. Subscriptions-. $1.50 per year .'
. .
I ,
. _ - ---. .______.__..____ - --.-.--.- �
% We stock all the leading lines of �
I You will find our prices RIGHT
Specials for Friday
I � . And - Saturday. I
i I
., . Stationery, Patent Medicine.,;; I
I �13ooks, School Supplies, Wall Paper, I
t-�Zancy Goods, Toys, etc,
N ----------- %^.e��
-------,-. . -_ -_ __ .
"Tho Higirest Little Show"
. 23'ItOGItAM
THURS., FRI. arid SAT. this week
- A Feature f u'll ot
� - Red Blood.
� "When Bearcat
.I went Dry.10 *
It's a thriller in every sense of
the word. You will be held as ,
thoulb. in the grip of a vice. You
will can forward, never taking
11 your eye off the screen for fear of
losing a thrill when you see this
. I stirring tale of life in the mount-
ains of 1�astern Kentucky. �
Open afternoon and evening
Fall Fair pay. .
___ -
. Coming --Special
..MON., TUES. and WFED.
) (
_ I . � -,.Parker Read Jr's presentation
Louise Glaum
I "Sahara"
I � Vascinating P a r i s-lvlysterious
Cairo -A Beautiful W o in a ii -A
Crafty Tempter.
% Admission i5'a and 25C.
Purchases Grocery
I Mr. C. R. Copeland has purchased the
grocery business from Mr. Robt. Brooks �
andwe understand he will get possession
. about October 1st. We wish 'Mr. Cope-
land success in his new business venture.
______, _ _________.______._=
FOR SALE -Second hand organ (oak case) in
first class condition. I 0
1 I I !s1wwART,
- Wingham,
FORSALEORRENT-A sixroom houseto
sell or rent In village of 13luorale for futh-
or information. Apply to. .
� .
.., Br�evale. ' '
I POR SA _E-A,quan.1,1,t I —second -Gin -a
.�,, � ,�
,x or
lumber goodfikohala two inch. Also a
(inantity oj 2 x 5 x 14 feet long One steel
t1red road cart for Sale cheap. One Hereford
Bull, 2 year old. reg. , A �
Nplq� to
11.1 ................. .. ___ .................... . ............. .... I ................ -
FRR�11 QOW WANTED -Apply to
. I
. _.. -
LOST -A string of gold beads on Wednesday
evening, somewhere in the x1cinity of the
Methodist church. F inder will leave same at
,L� I TaL AnvANoH
]C(7J,,;T_,Somewhoro la or near Wingliani a
Presto Ligbt Tank offautomobile, Finder
will be rewarded by leaving same at.
r L'STEN-Vve caAyeeharge your Ford Arag-
note while you wait al;
I . -----..---- MF.RX1,F,y1S Garage.
'%' j___ —
wANTED-A girl to work In restaurant.
Apply to.
4, J. H. MOXAY.
— _' - -_
- . 'i OF L
MAS6 iiii'S SAILE " " �&D
By virtite of a warrant issued under the
hands of the Mayor and Clerk of the town of
Winghain and having the seat of the maid Cor.
poration attached thereto. bearing date .
I the Oth day of August A. D. 1020, commanding
� me to levy uron the lands enumetalod here-
I under for Olt' . rrears of taxes respectively due
t,liereon, tog,,- L! with costs. notice is hereby
� 'I've" in accc., . kneewith the Assessment Act,
IM I shall i . ,- �ed to sell by public auction
� the said lam', - ov So ninch thereof as maybe
guflioient for tne payment of the taxes and
I costs thereon. unless the same be sooner paid.
� The sale will commence at the Town Hall in
the said 'town of Witi!boau on Monday the
: . 13th day of December A 1). 420, at the hour of
r two Welock in the afternoon
I Lof� No. 6, Centro Street, !Faxes $L35.80, Costs
� $13, Total $1509. Patented.
I Jonx F. Gnovms.
� " Treasurer of the Town of Winghiain
� - __ -
� Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
� held, pur8uant to the Ontario Voters'Wt Act,
I , by His Honer the Judge of the County Court
� or the County of Ruron, h6
1 t the Town Rall,
" in on Monday the 18th day of October,
. lv%,".T�1�111111.e o'eloek p. in. to hear and deter-
� mine coinplaint.9 of orroro and amissions In the
� Voters, List of the Municipality of wingbam
for 19,A).
I)atedatWingliam this 29th. day of Sopt.
A. 1), 1920. .Toxv V. (4pto-vt,s,
Clerk,Town of Wingliam.
. ____ I - .. � _.
Ripley Citizen Still Liveii In
1pereonat :1
Supports R"v. W. J. Knox Fi
' HtIffallo
Religious Instsuction At Knox College
Mr. T. L. Jobb has returned from
' ____ ' I
Fifteen years ago, relatives and Ripley
Detroit. .
The Presbytery of Maitland met on
citizens, mourned the death of Miss
Mr. William Ardell of Allendale, has
Tue2day in St. Andriew's church, 'Wing-'
Margaret Campbell, sister of Mr. Dan
accepted a position at the Union factory.
hall). I
Campbell, carpenter of Ripley village,
A call from Scuthampton to Rev A.
also sister of Mrs, John Fowler, formerly
Mrs. John Black of Ripley, is a guest
M. Boyle, of Belgrave ;and Calvin. was
of Huron Township. In the Spring of
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Guest.
sustained and Mr. Boyle will severed his
1005 a message was received from Boffalo,
Mr, William Maxwell of Leamington,
connection with his charge here on. Sun -
stating that death had taken lidiss Camp-
renewed acquaintances in town last week.
- - ---
day next, Rev, R. A. Lundy �f Walton,
bell to the world beyond and f dys
was appointed interim moderator of the
afterwards her clothing and treasurers
Miss Lottie Madison left for Toronto,
were received by her friends to be shared
on Friday where she has secured a situa-
Dr. Perrie of Wingham, and his elder
as keepsakes as a last fond remembrance
tion. .
were appointed auditors for the ensuing
of the departed one, and for all these
Miss Margaret Perrie left this week for
year. k
years Margaret Campbell has been mourn-
Toronto, where she will train as a Dea.
The Presbytery nominated the follow-,
ed as dead.
in& ministers for the vacancies in the col -
Her brothers and sisters and many
Miss Edith Fryfogle of TorQnto, attend.
lege'and church offices. For professor of
friends of the supposed departed one are
apologetics and homiletics in Knox Col -
rejoicing to know that Miss Margaret is
ed the funeral of her uncle, the late Rob,
lege, Toronto, Rev, Robert Johnston D.
alive. A letter to her sister, Mrs, John
ert Davidson.
D.,of Montreal; for the chair of System -
Fowler advises that Miss Campbell is at
Miss Jean Currie has returned a(ter
atic theology in Robertson College, Ed -
the pres�nt time in the General Hospital
visiting with her sister, Mrs, E. C. Cross,
monton, Rev. Geo, C. Pigeon, D. D of
in Buffalo and somewhat indisposed, but
Brooklyn, Ont. .
Toronto; for the new chair in the Presby -
anxious and longing to learn something of
Miss Coiling and Mr. Payne of London
terian Theological College, Saskatoon.
her own people, whom for so long she
has had neither direct nor indirect com-
spent a few days at the home of Mr.
Rev. H. A. Berlis, Toronto; for the vac -
ant chair in Westminister College, Van'
munication. That such news should in-
Win. Guest, Pleasant Valley.
couver, B. C.. Rev. S. E. Becket, M. A.',
deed be puzzling the somewhat myster.
Mr. Chas. McLean of the Dominion
B, D., Moose Jaw, Sask; for the chair of
ious to the recipient, we are not surprised.
Bank staff at Wa)kervillle, is spending
religious instruction, Knox College, Tor -
That one whom they had mourned as
his vacation at his home here.
onto, Rev. W. J. Knox, M. A., of Lon -
dead; should be alive was hard indeed to
Mrs. Allan Babcock of Sault Ste. Marie '
don, Ont., for editor of The Presbyterian
believe, possibility some slight error
visited for a few days with her 41int,
and Westminster, Toronto,, Rev. G. S.
may have been the cause, b t not
Mrs. T, S. Brandon, Frances St.
Carson, D. D., Halifax, editor of the
Mr% Spence Currie and son, Bruce, of
Halifax Presbyterian; for business man -
Mr. Dan Campbell, in order to secure
Ohio, spent last -week with her sister,
ager of the Presbyterian publications,
first hand information, phoned the Gener-
Mrs,Jas. V, Breen, Turnberry.
Toronto, Rev. Jas. Rollins, B. A., Peter -
al Hospital and was assured that his sister
born, Ont.
was there but unable to be removed for
Mrs. A. G. Smith arid cnildren returned
on the matter of the recomendation of
at Jeast a period often days or more,
home after spending the past, couple of
the general assembly re the minimun sti-
With mind resting easier after such a
months with relatives in Saskatchewan.
pend of $1,800, the clerk was ordered to
verification, decided to make I arrange-
Mrs. John Weiler and daughter, Miss
procure a sufficient number of the pam.
ments to visit the city of Buffalo and
Nettie, have returned to their home in
phlet "The Minimum Stipend" so that
locate his sister and see that everything
Toronto after spending a week with
one copy could be sent to every family in
,that could be done to add to her comfort,
friends in town.
the presbytery.
could and would be done, I
Mr, and Mrs. Issac Davidson of Tor-
Messrs. Gilmore and Tate were appolnt-
This is indeed an age of mysterious
onto, were in Wingharn attending the
ed to represent the Presbytery on the ex -
happenings, We rejoice with the friends
funeral of the former's brother, the late
ecutive of the Young People's Societies.
of the sick to know that she still lives,
Robert Davidson.
, I
arid hope she may have a very
Many friends were glad to welcome Dr.
Card Of Thanks
speedy' recovery and once more enjoy
health and happiness of this great age.
Thomas Agnew of Vancouver, to the old
familiar scenes at Wingbam. The speed-
Mr. Win. Findlater and -relatives wish.
ing years are using the doctor kindly. ',
10 thank their neighbors and friends for
_.__.. -,-
their many acts of kindness and sympathy
lloirses Are Still Used
Mrs. Armour and her brother, Mr.
Levi Wall, of Niles, Kansas, spent a few
shown them during the illness of his
On Saturday night a citizen, who wa&
days with his cousin, Mr. John Morgan.
daughter, the late Mrs. John Clegg.
curious toknow just bow many horses
It is over thitty-nine years since they
Olver-Nicbolson Nuptials
and buggieg came to Wingham on a Sat-
last met.
A pretty wedding,was solemnized at
urday evening, and being told several
Mr. Walley who a number of years ago
the Danforth avenue Methodist parson.
times that the autonlible was quickly
conducted a drug store in the store now
age, Toronto, at 3.30 qp Tuesday' Sept
renlacinji the horse as a method of con-
. .. - � I . __ _____ -,-I-
9.10_ wh,,n TV— A-- NT: -&-1___
I ht to the Anglican, Metho-
veyance, we I
dist and Baptist church sheds and Lep-
ard's shed, and how many single .horses
and buggies do you suppose he found in
these four only 125 by actual count.
A Misunderstanding
A sailor man he left the sea -he thought I
it would be grand . I
To start a little poultry farm upon a bit
I of land, . . .
He went and bought a lovely hen . and
then he brought htr home, , '
She was a very tidy hen, she didn't need
. .
I a comb, I � I
He said u6to th6 hen, "Lay two", bili till
the day was, done,
Although she did her very best, she only
I could lay onel
I .
. I . ". -�The Khan.
A Long Distance Layer I
As a rule hens lay two or three eggs and
then miss a day. Some good hens will
lay more before they take a day off and
, '
we have known . individuat'hens to lay
five and six dozen eggs and not miss a
day, but a record in long distance laying
without a miss has, as far as we know,
been established by the Experimental
Farm Poultry Division at their Kentville,
N. S. Station, where Barred Plymouth
Rock pullett )aid 104 eggs in 104 days.
This Barred Rock who leg band No. is
63, did not start to lay very early. In
fact her first egg was laid on the 26th of
January. She laid two,eggs and missed a
day, laid live eggs and missed a day, four
eggs and missed a day,
miss, then two eggs, but on the 13th of
F ebruary she got down to biusiness and
laid every day for the rest of the month,
every day in March, every day in April.
and every day in May to the 27th when
she took two days off, After this time
she took an occasional day off until the
20th of June when she became broody.
When she went broody her total record
was 136 eggs in 147 days.
Itish Meet In Secret
A secret provincial convention of the
&If -Determination in Toronto on Satur-
day, according to information supplied to
the local press by a delegation from
the said convention which they said was
attended by 500 delegates.
Delegations to the national convention
of the league, which is to be held in Ott-
awa on October 16 and 17, were appointed
at the meeting here and according to the
"official" information about the gather*
, %lutima were passed pledging
Ul�t,LIJJMU Vy AA. ..a- — — 11 — ------
ing hands with old friends this week. He
is now located in St. Thomas. �.
_ _. __. . _.�v--I-
Wingham Methodist's Hold Financial
� District Meeting
� The F inancial. District Meeting of the
Wingham District was held in the
Methodist church, Ripley, an T�es. Sept.
' '
14th. I
At the morning session the allotments
for the various circuits for the Connexion -
al funds were assigned. Thereportsfrom
the circuits upon the District re Minist-
erial support were very gratifying. A
very large percentage having decided to
to pay at least the Minimum of $1500
(exclusive oi Horse keep $150).
An, inspiring feature which revealed the
strong appeal which the church and the
preaching of the Gospel still makes to
young men of ambition, lay in the fact
that Albert Lott, sought admission into
the Ministry. Although blind from birth
his aim has been to preach the Gospel
and by consecrated effort lie has already
taken his 3rd year in Arts at McGill Uni-
versity. The district took no direct ac-
tion but with the expressed hope that
some form of Christian service would
open up to him, . encouraged Mr. Lott to
continue his studies.
At the afternoon session Mr. Geo. J.
Trueman, Principal of Stanstead Wesley-
an College, Stanstead Que,, presented the
work of the Education Department, the
also represented the otfier Connexional
Departments. The committee appointed
to confer with Mr. Truernan recommend
that the various Connexional field days
be left to Jocal arrangements.
Rev. F. I. Hosking of Bethel, gave im
address upon Intercession, showing the
vital need and importance of prayer in
the extension arid work of the Xingdom.
of God.
Rev. F. S. O'kell gave a lucid and
thoughtful address upon Christian
Stewardship might be Summed up in two
words 1114'aithful Service".
At tbe� evening session under the aus.
piceg of the Religious Education Depart-
ment addresses were given by Mr. Geo.
I Trueman and Rev. Dunc4n McTavish.
In both addresses emphasis wag laid
upon the importance of practical efforts
to win and to hold the young men and
women to the thurch and the Xingdorn
k IL Al
--- - � ---------- I
daughter of Mr. and lvirs. John McCal.
lum of WinRham, was united in marriage
to Mr. George C. Olver. Rev. John J.
Coulter performed the ceremony. The
happy couple spent a few days visiting in
St. Thomas, London, Toronto and Spring -
bank, �eforexeturning to their home in
Wingham. They have taken up resid-
ence in the home formerly occupied by
Urias Sherk on Victoria St Their many.
friends wish them every happiness and
prosperity. I
Canada's Population .
Arrim9ements for the taking of the de-
cennial census of Canada in June 'of next
year are almost completed. Iu. the col-
lection of the information -respecting the
population of the Dominion more than
1,200 enumerators will be employed,
The results of their labor will be compil.
ed and published.
The Census Department upon the basis
of the average increases in population in
the past 20 Years estimates the number
of the count . ry's inhabitant at about
eight and three-quarter millions. That
method of computation however, is not
considered infallible particularly with re.
SPect to the Western Provinces. At the
last quinquenial census of the Prairie Pro.
vinces Saskatchewan showed an increase
much greater than the normal or than
had been estimated by the Census De-
Change To 0. T. A.
Petitions are being circulated through.
out Huron County asking the Dominion
Government to suspend the Canada
Temperance Act, a federal measure to
permit of the Ontario Temperance Act,
which is considered more effective, being
put into effect in the county: .
It is necessary to have the petitions
signed by 25 per cent of the electors of
the county before the Dominion Cabinet
can act in the matter. The petitions are
being very largely signed and will be
forwarded to Ottawa in a few days. It is
excepted that the change will be readily
granted and that the 0, T. A. will come
into effect in Huron during next month.
With the 0. T. A. in force in Huron
the authorities would have the machinery
of the Ontario License Commission at its
command in securing rigid enforcement
of the act Should the 0. T. A. cease to
exist at any time, it is pointed out, the
suspension of the Canada Temperance
Act could be lifted and the federal mea-g-
ure would again become operative.
11) the Estate of Robert Davidson, Deceased. 50 0 "ou, A 6010 10JUINCU Vy 88 A -We- ---,-. -_ -
Not ice is 110WbY given 1=6uant to the pro- support tothe Irish in Ireland in their lene Mooney was greatly appreciated.
i,fqns of th6 ,yru.gtee Act, that till Pul"Ons self-demenstratioll campaign and coft, Special mention, should be made of the MARRIED
fIng any claink or demand agidtist ltoberf�
viagon Ate of the town of Winghain, in the demning Mayor Church � of Toronto; the -splendid entertainment provided by the
"'Lity (it lluvon, find provinec, of Ontario wl�o McNuit-Ho.prnit-At the residence of
e�lj on or nbout tho 24th day of $aptcnibdr, Toronto polim the Orange Ordor and the ladies for dinner and supper.
ift2oateretinit*d to m6nd b aid or the bride's mother, Mrs. J. McNeito
11 post lirep Meighen 6ovemment for "brute force" Rev.- Copeland, Secretary,
timilk t-rect I o S%dib 73. DaVI Pon at Winghan ' with � ,. ,tat Wawanogh, on Wednesday, Skpi,
11 I . i I � ; I Rik I I and ,,intolerance" in connection
or . Vro,Lt 01.10, of etobe , I . th6i - �, - � __ I- .. - __ 20th., E dna Marjorie, to Mr. William
"Anies nil V`i_ . a I'd full particul r,f ill their attitude toward Ahe Shm Fein in
%riiin oftheirel ni andtit3tcationt4 11keir Cant& I The New Minister . D. Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs, John
, lin Andt 0UA r6luf thOr simufitie,�, if Hopper, ath, lint Of Morris. Rev. E.
an 'holdlirthem, A few days ago anpounceinent was A local talent concat Is being prepitred
ad t�tke notica R.At, sdt6r 1he said F. Armstrong officiattd.
mantionm day, the lodid. Wie 14. Davldr,.t made that the Toronto police commiodon- gAd will be giyen in the Wingt= Town -_ I
will d1*1 ribute the A,mtlt x of the �,Ald dftmo*d enho,ddeddedtopro-hibit he holdingof 1W _ __ ___
amn" the p*vmous prititled tbmip, Novi M , Ion Tburadwf =d Friday, October
, 'ne
d mlyiettlisel4inis of 1whiob. she ObsAwn rn*din&s by the Irif*, .Sel t m0fttMti`ori 14th. and Mth. The promda will be U*W BORN .
hA4 imolk* Ar4 OlAt the to a.
R-Immu vrilt ant be liabla tw 401�r, Iftaut in Toronte. N vkK% an- jar ben,"OLtnt RM-POOft Th# TAMS Of the OWMAW), --In Wingham (�eneral 1104pit- I
W Alt"til 1i
*%r ibm to permm or who -3 nimagmt Of, th I - provir,
, I I*al nol %h"WV&r"*IvM "Kk1k I CMVfttM" , *y Is -rk* 14ir* Xbftbw ". No pdm donWednWay, Sept. 22nd, to Mr. �
, W&I. Witigllaffl, Onf^do tho to 9t 4" of Vft muft, ad apparently pa" "Mi to ill&$ aft # om foe:- 09 um COCH OmhshL a
flopr,tlalN r, In% Pt 1, : we be spww defth W-, �
,, *ADM A PATITOU,4. saffam 1 m *wM W L I J . 11 11
� * vigginiWAWN'u. 1, V06W aw"K.
i I I I !
I �,�, , � �4 ,. �, �
, .
1_. pukh. " L&',� � . , .
I f 11-11.11 �� I 11 . , , - : .1", ��, , I
� . .. ...
, _', __ ���� � �e. gkiim� � ., ", � I .
11 . �2� .41ibi 1, - � - � I .4i,i_d, . 1.
� For the Gunn Ily-Uw on Monday)
October 4th I
! .------.
Not for a long time has Wingbarn been
privileged to vote on a by-law which will
be the means of bringing a more beneficial
industry to our town than the one which
will be voted on next Monday. If the by-
law carries Gunns' Sonola phonographs
will be manufactured in Wingbam. before
the end of the year. I
All that is asked for is a loan of $10,000
for a period of seven years and a fixed as-
sessment of $10,000 for a period of ten
years, with no exemption in taxes. I
We have yet to hear of any good reason
why any ratepayer should vote against
the bylaw, '- By supporting it you willbe
helping to make a greater Wingharn for,
in Mr. Gunn's own words he made it clear
that it would be foolishness for him to
have bought'the Walker & Clegg factory
unless he could supply at least one hun-
dred men in the next twelve months.
When more families come to Wingham
to reside, property will naturally be in
greater demand and will increase -in value.
Other towns would gladly welcome an
industry which looks as good as this does,
It is a patrotic duty for every ratepayer
to turn out and vote for this bylaw
on Monday, Oct. 4th. See their exhibit-
ion of grafonolas at the Armouries on
Fair Days, Thursday and Fri Jay of this
. . -1 1. ..
The annual convention of the Deanery
of Huron was held in St. Paul's 'church,
Wingham, on Tuesday, September 28th.
The following programme was successfully
carried out, '
Morning Session -10 a. in. -Holy Com-
munion: Celebrant, Trie Rural Dean As-
sistant, Rev. W. B Hawkins. 11
a. in. -Meeting of Chapter (The Rect-
ory)general business. 11 a. m. -Meet -
of Deanery Women's Auxiliary (Sunday
School). 12 noon -Prayers, Rev. '�. H.
Brown, Rev. D. D. Douglas, 12.30 p. in.
I . I
Afternoon Session -2.30 p. m. -Open-
ing Prayers, Rev. R. S. Jones, B. A.
general business. 3 p. m. -"The Young
People and the Church," Rev. S. E. Mc*
Kegney. Discussion led b� Rev. S. S.
Hardy and Rev. R. D, Mess. 3.30 p. in.
7-17he Advent Mission," Rev. A. L. G.
Clark, London. Discussion led by Rev,
A. A. Tramper and Rev T. H. Brown
4. 10 p. in.—Work in the Far North,"
Rev. W. G. Blackwell, Dundalk. For
seven yeaas Missionary at White Horse,
Yukon. 5 p. m. -Adjournment.
Evening Session7-�.30 p. m. -Opening
Prayers. Address, -"The Mission of
Healing," Rev. R. C. Blagrave, D. D.,
Toronto. .
- '. � � --.---- -
Merchant As -Fireman .
While the strike on the lakes of the sea-
man, firemen and* cooks is said to be
broken, considerable difficulty is being
.felt in getting capable crews for the boats.
The steamer Glenmount which cleared
for Fort William, bad a mixed crew, the
majority of them from Toronto. She,
came down with no deckhands and three
acting firemen, and would not have had
these only they, bid from the strikers who
boarded the boat at Fort William and
took off the nonunion crew. One of the
three was a haadware merchant at Port
Albert who stood his watch as fireman for
the novelty of it.' another was a book-
keeper in the Canada Steamsnip Lines'
office in Fort William.
The Late Robert Davidson Y ,
There passed away at the residence of
his brother, Mr John Davidson, Leopold
St.,,,Wingham, on Friday night, Robert
Davidson, aged 68 years. Deceased has
been in poor health for some time and
prior to coming to Wingharn for treat-
ment he resided at Sault Ste Marie. His
wife predeceasel him about thirteen years
ago and he is survived by three daughters,
Mr. Frank Christie, Mrs. Walter Christie
both of Sault Ste Marie, and Mrs. Jack
Winfield of Detroit, and two son$ Arthur
of the Soo and 17,rgnlc in the American
Army at Okahorna. Mrs. John Davidson
arid Mr. William Davidson of Wingliam
are brothers of the deceased.
The funeral was held to Wingham ceme.
tery on Monday afternoon. - Rev. Mr.
Armstrong, pastor the Methodist Church
conducted the services.
� .
Shy At Home
Do you patronize the town you live in or
are you disposed to follow a gipsy plan of
running all over? Every dollar you
spend in outside places when it could
have supplied your needs possibly as well
at home is giving the local business man a
genuine black eye. Talk about loyality,
such a line of procedure will never spell it.
flow many of the outsiders you support 1
spend a dollar on you or your commun-
ity? Did you ever hear of them. contri-,
buting to the tax rate or donating to some
good local cause? Never in a lifetime
The drying up or dying out of the towns
and villages would be jone of the worst
things that could happen to any country-
side ond would place the public in the
bonds and power of folk who could arid
likely would make them settle for every-
thing they bad to buy. X"p the home
fires burning but don't try to do it on tho
ch*ff of Words, it neu% sterling de"Is
soda coatimmica of them- ll,%*t y=
mm Comm ; Aq. � �
'A ''
, Llki4 ,
A-W& �, ,IL�,:�Alk
. A& �1, I
? local VC1118 I
Don't fail to see Walker's furaltur
exhibit at the Armouries. -
See the Picture House Advertisemen
on Page 8 of this issue,
W. C. T. U. Tag Day in Wingliam o!
Friday, October Ist, Help a most wQrth:
cause by buying tags,
Harvest Thanksgiving Services will b
held in St. Paul's church; Wingbani, oi
Sunday, October 3rd, 1020. Rev. Johi
Morris of London, will preach. I
The seats for The Great 1020 Fall Faii
Concert are going fast. Have you secure(
yours yeO I
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Walker announc(
the engagement of their daughter, Annil
Maye, to Mr. Alexander Adams of Tor
onto. The marriage to take place thi
early part of October.
The, regular monthly meeting of th(
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingliam Gen
eral Hospital will be held in the Wing.
ham Councd Chamber at 3.15 p. ro. or
Monday, October 4th.
Once more we appeal to friends of Till
ADvANC1: to send us in the news. If yot
have visitors at your home or if any mem,
bers of your family are away, ring up 3�
and give us the news. .
Don't fail' to get a Singer Drawint
Book at Walker's exhibit in the Armouries
Once more we would appeal to our cor
respondents to speed up a little and senc
in your budgets on Monday. It is E
great hAp in the printing office and save
a rush on Tuesday afternoon and Wed
nesday morning,
The Fall Fair Concert this year will bi
the greatest and best in the history o
many Fall Fair Concerts in Wingbam. �.
few seats still available at McKibbon'!
Rexall Store. 0
After the Tuesday evening choir prac
tise last week the members presentec
Miss Margaret Perrie with a wrist watcl.
as a small r6membrance prior to her de
parture to train as a deaconess. Mis
Perrie was taken completely by surprisi
but thanked her friends warmly for thi
.-Assist the work of the W. C. T. U. bi
purchasing tags on Friday, October 1st
The proceeds go to the Frances Willian
Home for girls in Toronto.
Templetoc's Rheumatic Capsules anc
RAZ -MAH for Asthma are sold here b�
J. W. McKibbon, local agent. Call it
for a sample. .
Next Sunday Oct. 3rd Rev. D J. W
Graham the Educational Secretary of th(
Methodist church will preach in thi
Wingbam. Methodist church morning anc
evening. Don't fail to heat one of th(
most eloquent preachers in Canada! Yot
will be ,madd welcome. Bring yoni
friends., .,,!
Mr. D. jag. Dixon and his daughter hav(
conducted a two and one half weeki
Evangelistic Mission in the Winghan
". � .
Method,i�f,�churcb. A very. fine impres
sion, has been made by these .culturec
Irish Evangelists. Mr. Dixon has de
livered messages'of a high order and, hai
deapen . ed the spiritual life ' of the church
Miss, Dixon has sung sweetly. The�
leave with the good will of the whole cod
gregation. We wish they could have re
mained longer but their engagement
urge them 1orward to other fields.
Don't be mistaken about the Wingharr
Fair. It will be held two days, Sept. 30
and October 1. The inside exhibit wil
be held in the Armouries on Thursda�
and Friday and the outside exh . ibits anc
races will be held at the Fair Grounds. -
Be sure an& see Walker's exhibit o
Sewing Machines in the Armouries, an(
get a bird card,
_ -_ _ __ ,-
Pined For Blocking Roads :, -
John Watson was fined two dollars with
out costs at the Police Court Tuesda3
morning for blocking the road. Watsor
had stopped on a narrow piece of roac
to have a talk with a friend in a motoi
truck which he met. A motorist camc
along and wanted past, but it was onl�
after considerable tooting that Watsor
moved his horses and wagon. The
practise of blocking the road, both bV
stopping to talk and by heavi. wagonE
that refuse to give an inch of road to a
motorist that wants by, is an all toc
frequent one, and the fine of two dollars
in this case is just a nominal one to serve
as a warning.
Witigham's Pall Pair
We are greatly surprised to find that a
story is being circulated to the effect that
Wingliani Fall F air will be held only one
day this year, Tbis is absolutely false as
the fail- will be for two days and every-
thing points to a - great success, if the
weather is favorable.
The fir�� day exhibits will be in the
Wingbarn Armouries, and the second days
exhibition will b3 in the armouries and at
the exhibition grounds, The armouries
will be open on Thursday evening and all
of Friday tifternoon. A great many of
the entries have already been made.
The races oil the afternoon of the last
day, Oetobtr Ist. are going to draw a
large crowd of people,
The I)urK,s given are as follows:
2.30 Trot or pact ......... � � __41,50S)0
Ftte for all ...................... 150.00
Farmer's Race. � ................. 50.00
Wingharn Citireni Band vrill furniih
music on the arternoon of (ktober lat. at
the V*oun& and on the tvtning of Sept.
M. at the arxtowkm Tht niblic
sc%� will morft to the growidt
At 1.
. 1.01, '',
, .�
"I 11 , �,�,Iq "
I . . ,. 1,
I .1 I I 1, �'
I I -1 � � ... ��� . , -
....... , �, 1, %WLI�"f_-
. -
� * , 10 144� , � 4� .�, f" I , - ", �
!" ., I k7, I,#&!, � ' vC, * I -1 lk4 � � � .
I "� I" ,
� __ IF �
) - 111101111010VINNAW, I . ". " 1
) I C . � �:,
4 01
) . 11 I I ". "'�l
I Description of Model 30.1 ,1' .
� , PRICE $62.00 . �
Here is the neatest, most compact little phonograph that has ever licen �
placed on the market. It is finished in Goldon Oak only. It contains all the I
. mechanical featqyes that are in the larger models. It has the same genuine I
I Diamond Point reproducer and plays the same Blue Amberola Records. It .
is the most remarkable instrument for its price Mr. Edison has ever put out. . . I
Have you ever called to see our Phonograph department. We have the I I .
machine in stock that you want. I '. I
, I
. . Drugs and Stationery ' . I I . � , , � I I
Edison Phonographs Phone 53 'C. P. R Tickets . . �
_ - __ - - 1. � 9----- __ 12011 21 aim - I 11 11 I I I . . I I
. I � .
�� _._______ —..----.- - . � I I I
. . I
vdw�oioi000i ______ __1=11�6 � � /( ,��
He Was Half -Shot . I I . �
A Clinton gentlemen recently returned I 105 I 11 .1�1'. I
from a visit to Ireland, was asked; "But, CHAR, 11 S � T . . - I
were you not afraid of being shot or PHONE ,59 � � '.I I I
something while in Ireland? Were you - I �'.
- � ; .
ever in danger of your life?" "Well, I I . 1. �,J . �i
gentlemen", Was the ready retort, "all I I ,
� ....".1111
can say is that several times I was half- Groceries 4nd ".1111t., I
shot". And, curiously enough, there was � I .� �. 11 , I I
little sympathy felt for him amongst �iis I P 6 6 � � �
listeners. -Clinton News Record. rovisions,11 ,,,, �\' *-. I I
. Wonder why they didn't tell us if it _X_ . '. "I,.", I"", � . ,.,,. --4
was Sam Cooper? . . .
The Late Mrs. Clegg . I Tea and Coffee I �. '' , .�". I
Many sympathizing friends attended I . - 1. . I I
the funeral of the late Mrs. John Clegg to 06111111111011110C�Olftc I , 1
Brandon cemetery on Saturday afternoon, .1 , � . �
I .
Deceased whose maiden name was Jean- An Important Newpaper Post , -, . � I I I I . . �
". * ' "I..
I .
ette Findlater had been ailing for some , Mr. Arthur R. Ford, son of Rev. J. E. . . . �
time and underwent treatment in the Ford, Goderich, has been. appointed man.,, I '. ..
� . I
Wingbam General Hospital as well as in aging editor of London Fire Piess, sue". 11, Ill. I
I .
Toronto. She was beloved by a large ceeding the late Alfred E. Miller.-, Mr. -, i : I
. circle of friends, and besides her husband; Ford has bad an extensive and vitried .
she is survived by two daug4ters, RubY. . newpaper experience. For s6m6 I time he .. ... �
-and Irene and one son, Joseph, on the old was on the staff of The Wir��i�eg'-Tele-'.' ." ' ; f - - .
I Before moving to gram, later lie ' btiaw* " ' d ' ' �
hoftlest;ead in Morris. was a corvespon e,nt. ' ' *1 .. I
' As in � I I
their home in Belgrave, .where the de- of The London (Epg.) Timesa , o�-, " �' -
ceased lady passed away on 'i'llursday. aging editor of The Free Press, he will, - � I
the, family resided"in Wingham for a cOu- have a responsibility, but his friends are' ' � . . ..'
ple of years. The funeral services were quite confident of his ability tolhold'the ,
conducted by Rev. Mr. Peters assisted position with credit both to' himseii, and - , .*
by Rev. A, M. Boyle. to his paper. . I . 1. .
. . �
___ . _ - __.— I I -t* ,
� I . I
lk? . .
V4 . .. " X , '_
1, I -
X . . _1 I-
% 1 NT 'ooe . I I .
X 1. � .
X .� . I I
'9"", 0 PER CE � . _,.''
', a '4
0.0 ON . . %,
Big Intere"A - -Isn't. It. _____,_,___'__.,___
IL Z, J -
Well It's just exactly what you can
make by Investing In. sho'es at Greer .
Shoe Store. .
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Sept. 30th, October Ist and 2nd',
We shall offer a uniform discount of
. I
On any pair of S4oes in our store.
Men'so Women's and ChlldreWs—no-
thingreperved. �
,8ee our 'Bargain Tables of Shoes*
. ... COME EARLY . '. .
( .
Reinernber-4his special offer Is for
Wingham Fall Fair Dayl,,,q and Sal-
urdayo October 2nd, only ,
I,---- ...'-011-
I" ,
VV J. Grefer
, . I I � _.
�� , I
� �� 116stliL,1111k� '.�,�,., ,
&16,11 - , ,
� .
- �
I I I I .