HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-23, Page 6r
PIP”- I I 1----_1 1MRKlowwarm _ - - ^ I -0V4_. - .1
Pure an, , I rlwserved & sold only 14
__._�, cle...
4a 4 . somed or-tipt
PIN n., Now Race = , , PAQk6to
. , . *
� 0 1 a^% 0 to Preserve Its vAtive
for Mankind I I _,____==== I goodness. ,,, .0 4
� I .
,, _4010111*01*011 -1 _... ,
00404ttsta are 6w turn. -as uteir ut. . . I
tftUon to the brooding of,% ,new type
. I
at =An. ' Dr. X A. - Schul4o, an j4ax i - ", I . . " I 1�
PEI an, I DR�
� - a .
, N for I a ind
S, ,
"O"""W"0001100PNO� � i .1 "
Ushmen, has Alr,oady made a start, I -IQ . ;., I I qA
1140 44opted 0, 1, I A— . -ADA
AU010414 of six children, I
a Swede, an ln,d4#A Wil Ita N109115h � S. , � , ,
boy. A nogm W), a Japanese" and an , L I .
mskAmo babr, He intends addI11%, to I , _ . � I t K
-i . . , I
this littlA tamur A .014411 Gqral4n� A I
, .
Chinese girl, g,k,A .
. s,Uvs,jja,%%t%a boy, a.
Spj'44h clim, . ect in Millions Of Teavpo
I and a Porto Rican, Ac. � 91= , ts Da I
e0r(11"A. to 4010AUSt0i thwo children �, I -1. . _. 1. 1.11 . I
are u<) -be the rar00%r . - 4 " 10-0
. , . 0 of a pertlict raoo. goift , ,, ! . l "!! PlO '! 14P_ 1.11 11.7-11",
A Mom$ that recent disooYarlem at .1� , . .. ; ,; . p,; :, 11 ,"":: �,_.*,!"
11111401140 ftniDpita, or mj1rkAV-9&1 '4�nfl 1"A � __ .- I - . - _ I .
_. — I..
Wheel Dozes," The crowd hire wao
even larger, and 1194to were fixed out.
0140, VOTIAg merrily 14 the froety air,
atephork walked OUR past the otorea,
awl warshousee, ;Part the AOj*y#
crowded o%looas, p"t the -brilliant
dstce, halig AU�l the, Variety jibow
tento, it ways to, tilla a ')I 0 A14SOUot
t0,wdt;r# #14r1bg Jilotlietj 04 morvir.
111044 ILU4 on the other $Ids bf him
W44 t115 oulft blacktitse bf the frozeii
ilv6r. HO Walked on until hblis,40UO
Walked the town front, outwallted the
L -
4401% When he 'glanced round he aAw
4 notilliig but the river aa4 A
waste of darkness beside Im. There
woo an old log In his lath; he sat
down Upon It and leake back to the
10,11, O` light that hung over tho
town on lite gaze w4iiderOd back
414astoblately ana rested *4 the too -
I—— . .
. v41 =1F__ _,___11�
I 0
L . I
. . M"
Poul , T, ly
01,0010 CUMINQ ) . 0AIM4 $110 �
0, suff * ololeMr, $u Ahf).04=11?b 14
- , AeoDrdo,..,
�_ This la�'tba time oi ftft *4011111
�fobesg Of oldlivil t#6 floq)g. jjjr*136�holj�t 1
tile country 16 15 iproorWi h4d It to A ,
, ...
far more Ivaportant 4* than th,e, major;
At ol�!Vouj . -
, #7 keepers Seen& I
y . ta. realize
To properly cull the tjolpk veotgos,
� , .
norve, an4 plenty at it, anil the oultry
1000PPr who realizes this, and o9lis his
flooll each year close and bard, Js the
Q40 that will be placing the balance ont
`t% __ - ;
I , I
I— 11
. —
. I
' 5&(81, fdoal
-11A OQM anct futlatoode Initated
olzaaw.bluff 1144*4441811gura,
014 not �ftlt god =do fW
I, I . I � !, i .1 . , - . I . .1. - ' ___ -
,* the proper side of the lodger. Every
t4blo wea,ltli�, -where climatAo -And other � b110 Of the �4160n4i illrbligi-d-L-VA-6 It ''' i I'!'!: I " 2:' ' . - __ -, � , � _ ft- . vmt was oo=�Idcly boalc&
�� ltillitillifiliillitolI thbou, but the Old 1100k,'44V Wkter- lfQW Oilf%l the breed- - stAtment Qf Mlvk,
eft4tuous 14QXO� It Impossible. for the , , tosortq 4eembd tt ftm plptd
havh lost thbit oliarm. Tile old �i& XT 00,ST p
- __ __-__._."."i;_ - , ." 4.6k, 1149 It$ per0eiltage of poor obickpils. QIP4yo Woabg. R-8-SPOM8060011C,
� w0to men to -develop theta, makc, it � . . � I I ;;;. PRUM
� I I - " A" 64 &44 tit# 10sq alclillul the poultr
� *Ocessary to c0at0luplate seriously tile I . . I X__ hr6 had gone, 4nd, the Stimulus wQuld. � ,y Ueeper C*lcum $04p, 01=04n% aZ4 vau
I �
� 'breeding: of 4 new rate )�Jljclj will if, I .3 not come bag .1 The carits, .looked IaELLIXG -PRICE -is 01 the art of raising ellickeng tile oum pronKft sod qWntaln oUlp
: . I am �,Wm AL t,,�elj§ _� l4roer the 1perdentap 04 toot f0wIQ I I`
combine (410 a "" " *i. and Atilk, Bind j4iolt% boil 1, 3"j, " bw*
. pqclAl 0vautagev ("', Ilia am A �. , "! ; I the Ildek *W �o foug 0 Ilia$ "
� � I '. I*,* . 03? 110" '*" !a p4ty; ==111 V..
whitaWK11 the p S U 0ift kembd to. U, - . ooww
i .eculls.kr abjIttlo, of the , � ra cai;- .
� 1 22 � 4 gwiddl the Via �
. . InativOl 4UOtheVpto4r of its usoogsity =.I, lbolM U he" mouth. ,%o- lett'at juatR -�, ,,H'A�q.; wn 26emd Me rAd
A JEW"'L I ' ' 3' (I . , uIred Ogg, ro�okd in Ito 0110494f, Is "It I& 0 am
� Is altown, , thd. "growing 8 h N �� oft 44 Went 1.0me to her lonely on in � (-,)\' . q too, .b t �.T = .
. by carott,y af 2 . is required,, but #411ing (110 . I
, � I . = and flung herself down In the dark When 0, mail states that there Is no Qot all that ft OL
00PAl and of varIaU#'#%I4 W&WA
� ,j � yj4w - Oka a 409909 I
tiou faces � _ orglit, vA ,a I W" . Ininey corner and tried to money in hogs he bases his contention lowls"that do not como up,, to standard
� . a future ft4ilue at many 9%_ = , W-111 AV 11, . . ,roquireiii I .-.-.
I Aft � else largely �on more or less accurbte re. , eats us to Color applies,
� ,:� ,,,p; but horrible faces danced be- ' well; obape must be tigured
. I I 1104atial, things. , --' . e I ,.
. I ,%,hat man to %ttleippting'te, do is Ao a ; I her, and women with gray hair cords of teedIng costs,,,and feeding ... on, weight -_
. "a . 1""HE R" V" UGH" "O a"U'd"W"rinkles, with her own, face, costs only. It the marUet hog cannot also being considered.- :�'
. plays tba4 What -nature has been 4eigg I T = nerve to Properly cull h
tor y%ro in the,'* ,4 = i " It, . * Stared at hey from the wails. even pay for his feed, what thell of Mail Poultry keepers dAtter In'their than one poultry farm tocease opera.
9" j . lla 'I.' � - I ._ - She WAO still lying face downward Interest On oitment. labor, risk, � ,
. aWaijau Islands. m" ."tJ480".......— -, �0.41,.. 1 Inv metholl at culling. Th6 �msjority of tious, and there to no more lmp&tant
These Islaitas forN, it. �,Amllol to wliat . i � . - , . . on the skins, halt dozing now after lOsSes,'marketlng expenses, etc., etc.? so-called utlltty�pciultry kq4ers retain essential to Success in poultry than that
0XISta In tile tr9ploo `Vart4 �0 i that. Ion confliot with horrible The teed cost to produce, one hun- , , * of proper culling, the tiock at the r)gbt
. � at Afrjo,% I ( 6 1111t a,'. lots for pgg produo, cm, regard- ,
4nd Sontli Amodta,'aiid in the polar. ] I � . _. ViAlig W16 A fight and very timid dked p4unda of Park may be �calctl- loas"(1),ii color, sli-aps or weig,t1t. Another timp,
'. rMlovo. That* - babo resources, I � . � I . . � atallis all females hatched, with,
, C live tAtin " a � �aP, eilille Oil thl door outsift Abe l4ted by Including the cost, of main- class r ' The fanciers are the o4o class of
I � '% 0 Up I and -Wbh, ht�a 10. tenance of -the breeding stock respon-2 poultry raisers who praotIce clood cull-
."�14ut the mple"W,0Ctoo lazy tO (Is- . Gradually for the last six motitho hUtI .1 , ,I XQ(JPtioil they. must- be bate -lied �
� hird; " , , - - .. t "I
. 010D than. T 6vek him, #6 Obernad, td faca WAG huslied and tear-oafned, aUd sible for the market hogs 11tome oggs 131 good *o4urplag fowls,
narest , - A
I heiTt"*110U, thO .%Od6rn thelust for gold had been Gatilig ilito telftd bo dXP40,0111k dohe waldr . I)Plyln$ Then tltorO IS a sfaall c1944iof breeders Aug, and In this one can thank the
� . . -began "'.-pA4 other races bla spirituality and destre3likig it., yon t1616- , her�halr ruffled and In disorder, but -4his method, one hundreds pounds of "American Standard of Perfection," the
� � . 04, 1904 h0Vb6i Wealibned by, the 141101 , :, � " that 14 careful to retain ,
I heRs" to' 00ttle A nature began can not seryb God afid Mablin(611-hact 11% he � � y I .�..�1.1. 1.4- Doric ,Would require about 600 pound%- I I Only PullOts breeder'k guide and judge's law. ThIs
116ir Pldi,, The vMki Man $00a W- he not onter,04 th�d th,6 sttvice -of bad been.jivin for the past' ,of,meal. American farm survey ft - hat are up to ths �ropr *bfght, The . � all fowls
, � I . 9 , St and smallpst . cla%L oi oullers, are class of breeders knows thw
01ble eftervatQ, fair Abe clintate had U mouths, add 'exliaivateg by the Sleep. ' . Its standard wei&t, gad
. I AMM431k, dftd been heIA W00 by the less hour I � ures Indicate 4_wen a htghqr meal cost, j must ba up to
ftpped Atli hla energies. ftt now a rich rewards ? 5 of the previous night, kept min ithoso poultry keepers who.oull ull.from, ' - arm to a certain exci a to the
. ' _ tin I -615 pounds. Valuing mefil and g -the flo cent
Uew raC6 has I%Poe0dd, act0e, golden- Igh ana he Ua4 Presell 9 Picture after picture at 'pos- : - ,jMEN,j, is at $70.QQ per ton which. is conservative i ck that are:not up. to standard standard shape and ool�r, and To ae-
J! believe MXNARDIS LIN weight sho -taln*eX-
� haired, peopif _ -tly Re thou t of the r*ch 14 'Sible f11% 110 looked over both' his b this close culling ma.41; be
,� *110 �Aft P01`10t la been igetting but, Th�re. wpa no claim I est,_ ouough,-the herd feeding charges. per tent ' �pe and c lot to%a. cer
eUvIronme revolvers to make suit th I Icko came, Min C=, to enable them ba obtsin a
110,r'40147 With thelrj , at. .e 11joe his I;ft %o camp. Them wa$ no -ey Were in 3, hundred P I , and wUose-. et I V
I I 1� 'Job of the, most, vQuable-disooverica goq� order f thise Poley, Oil Cl,ti* Or*. .ounds a Doric Would amount *
�' I . maA Mrs envied or considered mom -or defence it ho'werb at. 'a *,, em nn �nq vh. a +. i 1,t,af. Eve 2=-_-. . 11 I fair percentage of fowls that t4ey c id
. Jand the one Which was tile mail, rea,
. I Wm for urging upon,'fl
. 01entisto the
.Wtyrg lucky th&n be. yes, Maninieft
had -paid him Well In the
I taolted that night. Theii he d143* hW
fut CAP tI41It1Y- UNh b,'4 hig. iordlibad
Iftrabil ftlioi?; Rqrwasr. Mo.
Chartes Whooton, 'Mulgr%ve,
I . -
thid. obs� not covet all farm costs, -
. . '10
. 'necesak* thr some r6di,cal action is the
I ..". I
I I , ImMonse deposits Of dOAI 000 Valuable
SK Months
he had served it, Showered upon him
More than God. had done Ilk Mx4hd-
and �v�at Wt. Th6 Ailluggs, St hid
O*ft gabih and the bifp
X. &
RbV� jj. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N, 6,
Frig roe avidlabio f?Om h8rds ba
the l perimentdi VM�m gystdnt COM4
bl x
�, . , I taln'eMIR which exIA ill the krotics.
. . 4CIv1IIzRtIG1X IIAGUC--�jo- sedc thenj
twenty years; and AbrO wag 06W%
clamor Oi 0 n
thdRifitfi Were unbearable. The,
Pierre Lenders, Sen., Pokemouche. &B.
Pare very closely witir those obtabI04 Z
In, farm survey reports i.e. that a0-
. out
. . . .. '��, Bitlortly, But thftejs thei qUestj , oil of
i ,.i� labor, Tho. Epictmb�t W�hq,
gift, a humar, 00111, A *West h4man
lite, 116 00414 b0e and hib.ke hkowu
night was Still and starlight, the -air
keen and- thin as a knife -blade.
. *
proxiniateW 70 per edut. � of the -Cost
of pork production I$ for feeds and,
can endure
.1 the cola iDt! th�% climate,,, Is �. ilat.
.. . vtocUs-
_6114 SttPheft 4teaned again, tar he
felt th&t the gold was dearer to him.
Stephen strode along the narrow
frosty path, and took the road down
the roniatn$n Derr. cent. to cover
farm "exlellu I n
I . t0meA to the labor."Which would be
. I
: 1, . I AftWary to d.evel9j) tile. deposits,
How coulA h chave ,00 changed, he
wohd0tod. A Yeat ago he,wouI4 have
Into the town, On his way lie )ASS-
I—-, __ �
lice 0
charges. To 'prods & Pounds Of
. I �11 � .
. 1.
06 h0er thought to go first to, the �j
- 1, 'WhIle tile white M04.00111d,wit, stand
I 'the hardships Qf-tho,lw r.
.��6 It Is
IMIghed at the Idea of a Inillou dollars
r a brIhA far -him 4-1 -1
being T -t.
ed Talbot's cabin. It was lighted iap.-
The little window niade a sqe
.pork under average Canadian COUdi -
tions requires from -450 � to 500 poUnds ,
both Show to an advantage -,--- - -
The sp�oalled utility breeder had this.
Same guide, but thelarge maJority Ig-
nored -It, and retained only fowls that
� they figured would produce eggs, with
the. result that In some histhnoes eggs
were obtained in goodly numbers, but
I shape and 'color, as well as size, was
lasj�� 11appily
, there Is a class �14` I
jr4ejr,inl�poiiltN raisers who'did not
� lose eight of the fact that a standaTd-
I bred fowl -could produce as,well as
-those not so thoroughly bred, and to
, L . ' _. yellow light In the darkness, ,the blind little square mirror that hung In the of grain or the equivalent, I At, ; Mu . . I . . . I I -
I !Plain, therefore, ,that, there must be a looked into hAs heart now and found j .1 �. I I I these leaders one can look for improv
� I over It Wka drawn billy . hftlf."y bather � to lulprbva h#f A-bpearatiod bo- per ton for meal this- -would represent I ed,,breed work In tile future, and It
y I u0w, race Vhtch' lvlll� 9,quibilie the qual- there was nothing there but a, 12. A b f�,* , t . 1. 0 41311 P9 I. . .A.- 41,- -� DeA I
. . I , :5717 -;3
4. . 'T. ., 1, -�f,!V!
� I -,
I , - ,�,l!,, 1? � "
. 4 0 ",
� I..- � I I . " 14,
- 1i
I- - - - - - - - - _-___-1
I , I....
All , r Ali,
_ �. � , I 1, . ... -, -
. I
I hove a ittoOy morkotV.0r: fifto
*TRAW,j. *AT$, POTATO-N4,'k00R.*-
wool), %Aas, gualNes 11"A#Vio
I I .
i , ,
wrilto or Phone app'"t :201,A, I ,
� , . 4
chap, UN Brown
,f ,
Room 109 Q100 MO.." Hat"IRON,000
_. �
� , no wAshi Mts
I. r V, Mrs. Qeo,n&ro`cal=n, A ell �
d'U'VAhve.. Hamilton, Ont., =P_�
[01-NF--q,%P1*,.0o -I----- N �
PA0ft1tT1ES rO'S, 8AZZ. " 4
� -------------- ..... - - - -
FbA. SA�,E-IX GOBE B41C C0_T.j;jT I
own womitoulin 'Distria, tie,-.�. I . �
most beautt4ully situated #ro .X1 � I_ .
IstrIot. fourteen . .� lAr 1. ,
I acres r
frame 'residence; boa on �� . 13"
I shIds * wat- ru I X . ... 'AQ
Oshlng., . . I',,., , 4
t I
Bey I I I ,tu 4 ,
DMI'llf 14'tn1Z11. Zen., 00 - v., U ,,.
., I . `
I i RARMS FOR, SAIM. � ' , If.
llft�___ __ .* .1
"114� j34RM
. 98 WOff ES -GOOD SQUA�--113A'j'q" I 1 . 1 .
an bulldings;'tIle silo, sprIng-water,
natural gas and 'well dmIneO. near
school. church ,and cheese factor 0 �
terms, Apply 44S1 , j6';Xdbn� , .
� I
. . , . .. �
. ,
� I 1. _^ftft0�-0%.W.A* �.
cause of 411 -health. consisting .
. .
bake ,shop fully c it)ed end mod rn, � -
I delivery outfit in flrot-olms( c9V#1Qn. Z N
1�uolness exogeda .43;000-m 4)� r� 4190t r PjA�l - .
. -0 .
. ARM QX tile ,WskI1n*,.' w .WAL, Expueu OttippSci Vp CV -dr tud 0 W-14. "Ing Visitorg, As sue tnr&,W 1& Leeu cost per owt.. or vo, 0 . k. b5 R`4 .0 W. . . is this combination flock at wIll I , chaser 'ran spend a week In shop '
1. . . I . Ith the Stamina slon for gold, goldt It,tvas 0, yefl opeil tll� d0or the streaM of hot light which figure represeiits. 0111Y 78 Der COU1101124tiOn breedersi- w4o have. both 0 closing deal to verify volutne of I I
..i I il�i% coargy of tjA*.,ftjto; , I aw bnalt of frosted *A6W 110 looked Ill; the end prov the winner. .
I r4st that had Gmtell hit Christians . I uh6wed Step� - bloi.111101.ess� Will be sold to quick buyer
( It is thonglit t1laf an �.W',,qjIlp I . en upon the thredlibld cent, of the total cost. one hundred good-looking fowls, as *ell as �good I I
. ,, . I I � 0 and a sword, — ,'W W 1-14-m., , ,,,,,;- willtb as 6 spectre; thilled almost to teat. at the feed plus th , farm layers, ind It � Is this sludiller clasd at __ at cost of equipment and stook ou han4. �-
I ,
�. SWIle 4r 40010 Othet m6mber of the Theh his thoughts Strayed to the Wtth, by his vigil at the rAter, *Ah r9a Would a.woUxit to ,*21, 9 Per breeder,� that will Itrat reach.'thq top . ". No bonus asked. Address. BOX - W11. .
IlOrthem '%v1TIt0,',rNd6. *,duid. create, a girl he had just left, rh1l 1,11 Midland. I -i
L . and her brlg�t) CUMJ h', strained smile oa hio ll�s gad d cwt, I Pro I . ,.
� White riNte Whi0b woUld ON40 Spanking b000nit � � at the ladder of poultry fame aud. I - . I I � I � I � �_Is
. tjy1jill,the fresh face seemed to sway bQfO1% Mal ?. . 1* . � � i � GOODS I�TJS1XZSS,' A � '
' , .
� conolftiq th tile ATcao, j I . '41 gftat'bilngef lh his ey-W. HW toftz The above figure may appear start. tits. - -1 k � I I `- - I . Dr-ayou - PMY �
ts, , - ,as he walked. HN extittd fality %M think Z (_ . , ghan & Co,. 1,014 Vitnftv St., .
pro i uldred efift 6 iateA of 6d. scle'u6o reproached him; he knew he ling. There are hundreds, Of, Small UtIliti flocks 48 fta in, the Pasthave lqm I . %
1870 � . ..... ' ( ��
I . . I vitested that as so0a, js this, Is d6jid 'Painted At upon the Aftow-banIm at hig "I'l ft lx�' k m. 'The trotible is coA_ had not come bravely, with his hands feeders ,wild can feed u, littdr or ao of about oonie to the endlug � , I . �ell , , a I - ,f,.. , London. L I I - "' '' � L ...
, I " -I i � W li�l I IQ F a
. . I the. %rogt'. corportigions .of th Side. She Wall fjo yo,dag, �he ,36oMe,d r-g'U'll,diib,l,ipul":"Irlgt.h.ol'OthelPIL 1willoend fullsof the sacrilice, baying conquered Other- In the lold daye�.aaythl�g , I .
. � c next ,
,'9eU0Mt1OA ,Will b , , I t4.t look- .
. ..e - REE to any mother my "Ot"'Ofut home himself, and ready to Jay d,jwn all ittle pork ed like a pullet was retained for egg , I WSCELLANRO
to exploit tile so"froAh and lovely, It wa�3 Impoksible * F pigs on a much cheaper basis.
. ,coal and fron OU4:26elix go,ahoad on a to thhik -of hbr as talutea hlready with prt treatwent� witb frilftl Instructions wise there would.bo: very I � I I Us' - I .
(o , " � yoorebildren tro b f his wj%Y, , for her Sake; but like a coward, still be Proft,otion, regardless,of Ships, size I I — - - � 14 - -j..— 0
send produced. Why can a few hogs , 4* �
largt��scale- breedlak'their Special =_ Vita and, sin, It was only If She were 120 moncV, butv,rite fty treat In the 'thrall of big InGney-just. He � � To -day, witli hfg4- feed costs N04% DROPS ,,,
utout Ic ,; � UC H_S. WA11T_11_J1 -- MACTXCAP TJ�MZM
, I
V1oY*e% manag.40TSAWd work6ra alike. kept in this snow -bound prison, this tollighly recom1bended tondul new raised Comparatively cheaply on the or color. &W STQp* ( M�tn saw -will -t A tAke 6ft;bush
I to troubled with aJl this, aad stood timtdl.5r as of the feel and equipment, tl�e poultry, ke�per is and anufacture same .
� Ttfti In 'the ,salrAd ,WAY Other still UU� mournful land of darkness an tirine difficulties by'day or wSrbi. W4to fors"s the fri farm? ,Simply because into lumber, For
. i endless dogs will gaze. thrOugli that a considerable proportion of tile forced to obtain ==T___1__==.
I discovered .deposit$, will be oiPlolted, BuffOrlfig, where, as she said, she had I a fair'pere,entage of . --e ticulars, apply H. H. a,, P.,O. I.
:1 - - . an Open hut -door, wistfully, expecting eggs oil a loss Is bound1wresult, . ar d 13AX I 11ton, 01�-' , I '.
'for, as in the Arctics, there. are' rich 40 Dlace or aim, that she would fall Mrs. M. Summers � . feed is In the nature of a by -pro _t �
. I due , .1 . ...
.. 1. .1 BOX & to be driven away with blows; but or perhaps home-grown, Multiply the this means that the utility*p6ultry � _____� '!
t. �. - I � 11 'e,91041� In the trc)PIW Where JlMr (Md -as those bright meteors were falling WI�Nd& din" Kdtfilia thot him with neither harsh I
� dis , " . swine activities, on the farm and it keeper who hopes to make C06d must THE SAFE WAY TO SEND MOMM '
I . by mair is by Dominion Exprg%%
� I I .0414 soon. end the,activiW bt the now far In the distant darkness. 116 -.--- -_ Words ildr looks, iiho just aimply put ser.culling than l4s. Money, Order, I .
I _�__ -_,_�_—___.__ —
I 1. whIt*- 'While, like thO. VultIM0, the na- coY&ld be her deliverer, her Savior, . I a=" is necessary fo purchase more i3ae I . . been � I I I . . ,
I I.- if- I her warm hands st prhotice,d In the'Phst. ,
, I ,Oilt b6th , and drew and grain at market, prices. The coa . '. I I . ITTING YARXS_L0yE7,y C 4 1 1
� . UvV6 are lazy, ludlff�Teat and -untrain- If be could.- . I The great f1r@ lighted Up tha *h6le 0 him in'�over the thrloahold. The wel- So The advantage Of proper�'tulllng win . Baking Quality of the Lower KN ' _ OLORS,
� pure wool, but very moder4totprices.
�_ . v - � , ed. For 00011, Sfti,' must be taken In the lay cold of that arotle night, tfid. small Ifitet'lot'dlid threw itd r4ft 00 614110. the warm touch to produce mounts alarmingly. soon be seen although IVIany appear Sample' shades fr I
,� 14 � to propagate the rubber tree Aha roof. him. I � with the farm floblE of poultKy,. discard gro ; I es, . Ge6ri"to*A Wol.
I �. - 11 � � I I f sweat broke out hotly light %A to thd 0,rdss logs bi b Grades of Floun , , len Mills. Georzet
�. "I I � 'Congo and ta Sguth".Amerfea. ., on Stephen's forehead as his bratil hi the eetitto of the t9om, at a tabid, JO." he muttered, Suddenly, What shall we feed ,hogs? drain, wasteful at rst tO . eo wins IF . k. Ontario, , -1 .
� . The tull frul as will feeds and by product feeds are puliets 4ind sell them ai)� th , pen mar- —_ I I
Pert fe" Of 1)r� Se"Ut'A'" ex- Was wronchtd to and tro Ju the strliz� Talbot sot woAthig, There *ere JBOMO 10h 'd beed the door and' b4r'red it. becoming scarcer than ever. Wheat kot at a time when privost.ars generally I I � I �, .
. . - I __ .. .1 I 11. -V:
. meat will not obf;course, be real- sheot$ of paper bet - '. ' ' (Experimental ri arms Note. --- . _. -_ . - -
I .
I - the Work IVIII be 11 . — — _ - . : With. the ever Increasing cost of IIv`_ .", t,
fted In hN day, but are Min, and be T�if—i gave-up;'l ,tnd then the )
r-" h'eld a pin In his hand wJth which lie by-products are 'practically off the low. The first culIIn9,sbpiil4,4)e of all
— malea and fem4oi that af wd�or%three ;�=_.= &
continued by selentlets Who are watch- 7fli Wkva GottM p market. The feed markets of the fu. . t I � 11 M I
, I "0q C
� _)?INC ji - WhOMSOme, CleasIS1119, was checking off boble figili,bo. 1118 ,QMPOUtld ture are most dis,eduraging in pros- mouths are lagging vehind the'rest of Ing, � It 'has become necessary to. find. 11 ) A 'I; 1,
� Ing the work with the -greatest Interest. Relresb1110 00d 11taling face was turned to the willdoW,- It the flock 'in weight. Thdse chickens corresponding means of saving, The I , � . , -144 1 �
. Dr. Schultz $tit ' ends..,,fo collect types of , , .A a ", Veiiab?e reflulattV pect. The ivholesale price of hogs has , .. " " . _ . . ",
thr� ( 4ousewife Is the person on .. . a :,".1
� .. . ��Z,,��, Loflon-Murine for Red- looked pale aild tfildd. btit thod was a MMUVI. vv:ll never make gooa, aaO 1 �%
le. bold In - It Is money whom ,_ , � �.
� . about thirty diff6rept, races. Raoh ness, reneas, 11208 of mtrenath-Nro, I *1: not aprpeciated correspondingly. The d 'r to the most at the responsibility of econom- 1�
� r. . . F __ _� I SO ' 0r2nula- r2kifiblig expression of extraine -trAn. V.. saved when 1'"' , , %
I child will be MWILk"tho bent training ".. -, tionAchingand Hunfing No, 3. fo per �0;.* man who �an food hogs profitably to- markets. The sea fl-ts, can come fling 1,0sts. The use of some of the . 11 I V .. ,
11 .1 a . '�y "t it 4 , I
- ,nd taught a t�a&� -they will be of the R�is or )s elids; quility upon it -:-A settled, serous pati- flold lyoa;dl dy-ulg $0, ot dent day must have a. comparatively cheap hen the toWIF; r cheapezi grades of flour, Instead of the � - .. 1.
'r . I bR enm that struck the ouloolier. He on rre pt of pride. W are th&6 'and four & llll,, If �
� 1 .� . r : r r . taught that -.111 uktIons of the earth '12 Dropoll After the Movito motozin or golf I'amph Ct. Ad(reoa -product to replace meal �) � : I � �
�� : andr 'be one famlly,,so i,Q,My&Ur Confiftnee. Kok Your ruffalet. sat thero Workbig Ott steadlly,motloti�. ylr_,,�,P-01 I product or by month& Again the polilt& keeper can, highly. expensive flrst patent, ls,ar.-
. r r should morge U % . � THE COOK MEDICINE as largely as possible. Such are I 'J.14 :� Vlierg is. not'
� that'utider Ott& an.educati u e when your Eye3tTeed CaM f less, C&IM its it 119dr@ ift stone, ft'd . r it:61 find a .number of.birds at. 4re still other.means of saving that may be
. I r . , On the doo- liTlursue By* Remedy Go-tChIca" . . TORONTO. ON?. (f9rawdy Wjsiw.) searee. Milk products form thei great., below, the,standard-Vttight,. off1a; c6lor added to the already long list. During
� . � tar beltevtg nf�for,tl6n will 1>0 fostered � ,poor Mpheh, t6tji In the strnggW of ... AAA — - -.-- -1 ___ __� tot of all. My and hotel refuse is and shape, the remaining . c(mloarels the'Wr. all membersof the commun- $iCr%ce 0 * �, .
. . and that ,,;.vIlen tho. tinle comes the " , , hig degitet, slipping Into III& cold Green feed intelligently' , ' .. I 1� r
d6i6itod :� _" r ! 1- - _____ ..vA soul, I glbugh,of solf-condamilat! another. that are being retained" f6r- futuro ity. were forced to use government I " 1;Ah & ow lw** -d-ft .
� . � ebildron � wiff ,bt! Y c0atiact . -1111 � . on 'alid burn- words died, strangled In his throat. used, soiled or under the right coudl breeders, or eiile blrds,;,�aii now be standard flour which was of a lower 1WWAt=R0M�W-%-W*A%%1ft%m%m.p
. I " Zatrip.onlat relatifts4 gle. 116 tried to bribe even himself, ed with the fever of greed, groaned Katrine held up her hand. -
. 2 . . .*-*-e—_- tions, pastured,-ts a thi I'mr mo!nr Vf*P1rNry" - , .
I .. to let Ills thofthts dwell on h '"Don't begin to. talk about anything. is one of the best of Canadian hog picked as far as color, sha;Vo and grade than most people had been ac- :r_mj,t,==_ 7*-&-A*b_.6,..-
. � — tried is iloud as h,c stood outside. -Then he like that," she Enid, gently PuAing welght'are concorndd, ' If,the,poultry customeil Ao. Nevertheless. most of t= .
� .' ONE OF GILSER PaS81011 Of, the girl, tried to think of turned from the window and plunged[ feeds -too little appreciated. Elevator keeper has nerve tho',66� - k the first the %aktrs succeeded in tarnishing m, , -,;;lr& o, c ,w �
,at. T. 'l'=.&..&.*_*, 6-A.
I 11 11, T'3S0NQr.' �Llrd down on tho chair by the hearth, screenings, If of standard quality, year will be culled 60 a r " t . - � bread -so good that few Deep w*.A.m�f"Q* ... Ajv.Pd"4"qq",*. 1
I I � . the Mere human sweetness that would back thr ugh; the 8110w to the Patti "till YOU are worm again. Whore have je � ,, ft Is would _*,.� I
la a. letter to the Now .York Tribune, go hand in 0 A - bvA",A.vdN.# AO-r-Mlf "..w 10" ..
I 4all. klAivis-L. u1ses the;text, oL olke Q� hand with his victory over that led to the tdWil. He wanted to you boil freezing younelf like this?" must be utilized wherever, available. 'OdAvill �'b ' . nsidered it distindtly Inferior _. # 0~'44 a 6
� . f111�b08lLLuF.L.Iyrjo5 eV44V ��rat 11 by the . evil. If he won that bright, Clean tod Xdtfitid, and yet he hatdd The man who is rilsing young pigs, But every bir-d rbial� e up to,' have co I � ,
1�4ls bw %N. 6, t;l,fb 8 the AS WAS busy lighting th6 lanip and Wba plans to Weight,, a 41110k matu I jrjuo* fp�wl, that had it not been for the difference In ; I -
UU6,never.surls, Ot ililr1l; 1�hich, lie ULLYS, soul for God, would he not algo will thought Of filcing her after the part- setiffIg her little old blackened . coffee- feed them almostentire- will produce eggs a mo4tA � ob,tller than color. Too much attention has. how- � - #-% ".
�� , '04"CAT, th"911 that loved huratin form for himuelf? Ing of last night. What tuttit she ly on a grain ration, wh aid to color in I " lketv-1
I vaq ot ,,1uiaMhe%',, because Lite inuZe I Pot over the flima�,.. S ' 0 has little thos,6 that will t ke a lil�k, time In do- ever, always been p �
. . tilt; 'nut leuvivu ,t Isuiliv, platio as We But even the voice at passion was think of him? With her quick, Ineft- h b4s n tephen told or no milk or grOon J!"d available, a tured Will flour and brezd. Broad that Is really � .- 1�1 -1
� squ ., � . et.ot long; lo elY tramp by the veloping an I , I 40^1�
I will, almost certainly ble foroe4, to By , very Palo Is not so'bealthful as bread
a tal pordeptions bhe would b ve n rl r, and watched her v,, -11i keen, omg- . not -be a? to to Standard .*V$ht. � . A
dilownext in the clamor of t N even waea.�n
De BEIVII10 was recarded �s the Crichton I ,he greater a See V9 V 1 1 rWP%A*-.. W ,
I greed. through and through hid miserable Or eyes as s made ' place a high valuation on manure an'd rigla cul(Ingi which Is ii�bt'uow,pracm mado of somewhat )ower grade of - - � .1 - .
f I I ot 1114'Age: � I he the coffee and get an ov � � - '
. 1. Mo trat;emes were riewined much too The next morning, as soon as it _. .- " I I .1. Dout-ed- him out a cup. experience It he 'is to ell ticed ,by the majority Of., doMmerotal' flour, and tne war -time bread was - I �
I1.1 vioughaul ful- U10 stage; a his' I &_ js break next fall. ---4. B. Itlothwell, DO* poultry, keepers, a betterf flock each really superior as a food to the ex- _ I � I I .
I was light, Stephen went out t I NOW I 11 she sald., I minion Animal Husbandman. .
I :. Uts Puelue, hould a ijobit, 1,L411j, alibuugh 'claims None of his Men had come DIL MARTEL'S PILLS I eratively handing him the boiling - . year will result. Every poultry keep. tremely white productIn use previous- -
, IV$ vaiv tlue I MD drink It all, quickt I . I __� I i '
That, -beinz very proper, they we - or knows that 'the hatdogt, �roblem Ott ly. Lower grades of flour Somewhat lidvantages In using them., � Th� clpjm#. t
,re read up to Work yet. Stephen stobd and ' FOR WOMENS AILMENTS InIxturs, from whicib the ft -mm wAme .1 0
'Y JeW, " " V he farm or plant Is to* 4 similar to the government Standard ,. ado for the whitest flours are, near�.._'
by VtL . I looked 0 or the stretch of ground be. furiously. each year- In -
He VMS a tAlnums Painter, too. and shone Tboutatiddotvror��onliavete'Xi-)Ie,iln tholowt ly always much exaggerated ind are
upull tile Illir 1101th which he believed his fortunes bear qup&tlea qf D* "Wo like the ordctl �'Ly fire," ans. The Grent English Pre ration, cubate and bread Successfully- a new flour can always be purchased but are ,sometimes quite absurd, and the pub.
� . ., 1� r. 0 Is PHOSPHODINE.�- t
lay. A light covering'ot snow had " 'In le . A Scientifically crop of chicks, and It Is h4rd for them not usually In much deman7d on ac-
Ar.0 tftll 4xr. ltusgin,came and worship- , IrAIRTAVE&LIC Ill . "r,red Stephen, meekly. taking the cu;).' Tones aud invigorates if� whole to dippose of Moos that'Alo ;lot attain count. of their inferior color. These lie would do well to Insist on,obtftfu-
Ded fit. his sbrille; fallen on it during the night,and,lask 11 With a heroic effort he Swallowed I nervous systeen. makq new Blood
ken enst --tion. - '. only !a a Paten . I I the toV standard, OBpedfally fiflemales Second and third grade flour&, how- Ing the M0,11Y Superior materials wilio.11
I Ilut, alahl! the schoul lie followed , was , a o u .1 st, or d Web Parts f It, and color began to in did VoThs, Used for ftn,ous
heroically )Ijgh4 n . I your 0 ok are sold as Inferior. - P.'Rijagell
114, Ulau ':ol art mon rave about, bui sheet) not even the mark of a bird's X 1, UIc'kk'er1DZ,=M f e come back io his Mee. � Debility Wneat an4 Brain Wor and �he result. Is thht year after yea�' ever, contain a higher Pereentag
. r
Vety rAldum buy, toot disturbed Its blank %Ve1ino2_*,_-- It Front " alronto. QM 1 1 Dejpo de , Loss a fP1f41f6ft. .1 they� A&e hatching �cbjok4l�.O,blclxs that protein and assimilable phosphates. Cowan, Cereallst. ..
. And 6VorYb,,dy fialtl,., � .- I ,=observed this, and sat down the � � aiting e kice cannot help blif.produQe'a large nual- These features are distinctly advan- � .-qP-6,*__ '. I 1.
- "liow can lie be.telsaid- the claims looked very cold had drear 1 � 11 11�� y on the floor In front of for . ber of underitzed fowls, 4p tageouS, Minard's Unimeett F6r' Dantirluff. :.u,l
' I � -Sol yat1drug's-tsa,ortntiledin * 6. . *jitterhow
'l I �� ,X!blo v"rY STeat, thlij very good, this In the'dull dusky gray light of -the gold beA got hold -tile ambitious are, ,hat seemed try- P !reCeiptbfPrkC. , wpa I veil tbtey are raise(! 4a.4- �Arcd for. While the lower grades of flour may .,, 4�1 .
the mind; seen that I �. � �
,;- ��, very gifteck ingiiZ � dawn. undbr that leiden sky. But , Ing to leap up the chimney . r W006 MEDICINE , '
I .Vut 11060ay cuuld hit upon. a practicable of him, hold him now, a -Ad that 'Ikls througk o 0 4. '
. . I I plan, ! I _ � Stephens, heart beat quickly as he boasted religion had no poWof agalust the 'roof. I - I I , , I I To A. certain oAtent J*,o. -begeto like, require some slight .modifications In Earning a Living. �1.
. . I I .� , gazed upon them. Wh4t did it mat- (To be continued.) ' . � " = and a fair Dorcenthge ot, good-�Izold lay- the baking mathod In order to pro- : U.ow would you ljl�,e to be #,. pAJ416,
. 14-t- was a great InvooLor, anu, discovered It. No, he thought, lie could -not face --.,.,,, - era cannot be expected wh � On the brted- duce the beat possible broad, these er's-tuadel? You 'oftett see and . d
I ALII alone, . , tor that -cold, dreary surface, when the hot -he was still. Some distance from _:t�� __ , Facts --Though Fislly. a ;�
A Plan for makInor vve,ybodyls xortune � told lay glowing underneath? L I Ing fowls are not -of the proper. quality. changes arenot serious and, as a rule mire the picture of a child, but.1%v6
I the town; then as he drew nearer, the � .— The sucoes iful poultry''tatin is not at- no difficulty vAatever will be exver. you ever thought how it Was Painted?
but 111ji owill, - Stephen felt as only a man Of his unappeasabl' - ' ' � hi'llandling such flours, When An artist must always have &., t46dol,
Vor In a desire to see her and W ways the one earrylig,,'F, thil lArgest lenedd
"t bublIless a" tnvq'�%t6 little bcttOr senstAve eftsclence could feel his do- iften The Dav Is Over ' ' � 11 wanted,
than 4 fool, _. hear her fresh bright voice. __ number of quality, birds is the One that we consider the lower Price of the who standS In the positio '
Awl lay 11161ily gjftt,4� friend itas no eit. teat of the previoirs night, His heart, op The world's annual catch ofAerring:
1, ceptlolA to the rule, catv�, over him. When lie I Is ,estimated at 3,000,000,000, or ap- shows a return for thd work: dlid In- cheaper grades of flour slid their high . dressed In tha very clothee, that app�sp
10i 0,11 his better nature wag crushed un- reached Good Luck Row he wetit 11 I 1 When the proximately 'half that number bT Vestment. Look of JcAdj.ledge and nutritive valuO, we see two distinet , in the pie ,
� puoms�_P"010 .j�c" left' In tile six' der a sickening load ot"mortifloation, . h I . _ I I ture. And, of course'; it thi
ponor rtwoWs. L . Straight to No. 13. Re might have .1 t � a u sk h o I d poundi, . . 4. "I - I I - , . —1 pie re Is of a child the model has to
.1 I caros and the 41
1-119 Plotutei-tbey -angraved lem In "Ttie � and be sought desperately to find re- maved himself the trouble at 11 The,proliffeacy of the procreation 'of � -be a child. Think how trying it
PlUstrilttd News— Ildf and Justification for himself worries of I ,
1110 InVekxt1ons_th73erhd'V6 InIght have In his doeWons, RatrIne had decided .. I - I . sea creatures may be surprising to. . . : _- I V � must be for EL title Ono te, Stand or
,� everyday lite
But 4nVief0d. him sy degk-ees, Colatemplotting the treasure for whose tar hhA Whether he should See ,her ( ,%, have dragged many, A herring, for example, do- � `4N �'. Ill I I sit In one po$ItjoaR7porhapg '.1boking
fill his little Inconle went in patent sake he had accepted It. As In other that night or not. The Window was ' I livers an average yield of 30,000 eggs. , ," I . _
office jees. . Circumstances a man would Solace . You down with a maximum of 55,004). I � . - I . . Cord or ovef his shoulder, or holding 4ip bla
bO evttfbody said, .darlt; he tr4ed the door -it *as hist- I mado you un-' � lt�l jW . . . arias, or laughing or,,crying, -. Pretty
� �H � ),a
- .
* he be repaid- himself for all 43acrifices by On l oned; she was evidently not there.'A 14 happy" a I SiAering weight, the Ood fishery children are alwayst much in - rbquc�t
� This very grent, this yt;,.y gootj, jills the face Of a re. 5 68 94 - there it no h-, ,is the most productive In Canada, b -at 40 . I
very Warneti ,man - I tre for W11=9 110 '6111 ran over Stephen froln head to - Ing in I . Alhrke as inodels, ,and they can oarA_ quito
Lilt hob0dY,'eoul dhit upon a practicable had relinquished worldly ambitions. fbot,, tind then he recognized how k, - - , htidde ttok. he mon-fishery Is by far the most . I I . a n106 sum of labileY. As a r010-Ahey
plan, , and find excuses for himself in her Much he had really wfttod to'coe her. I � valuable from a, monetary viewpoint. *- . I like the work; and most of ,,the 4r:7
� beauty, telling himself a hundred He etood ,outside the door � a long ......... 11 itollb On_ I I . The Standard packing of pickled I
At loet the polifttll�lall xNen up -4n abso- l(mos she was worth it all; so Stephen d "I'll aura co The x7gh kerel, alewives, salmou. a . � I tfstii who employ then.2 stre, viik kind
lute doopnir, ', UM6; the row 'W" cr let, wad there prefseriptloji, herrings, Mac a . I .1. . I qud do. not keep them too long, In tiny
11�� Whe 61!6 gotten up by Dr. Norco fifty years ko. r ---,e necessary by recent legislation. .I= . M, lo
I n a didtant cousin died, alid lie be, now gazed upon. his claims, for which were few passers. Ile walted, hop1h,4 " should increase the pr4cia of these � . I 6 . . . . . . . - I ,,,, ..... : i� Position. It takes 0, great Acal. "Ot
Came 0, milllongire. I lie had gl*en' up his scruplats, his to see her 001110 UP tath "Milluto,' per- L4vorythfbg growing out of the ground � patience to Paint children's p4tralts,
With I ftuhtY teat In parlialtiont And it . � articles lit foreign markets. . � . GaodcorApany on ajourney
thoor or two of groume, : conscience, and his God, and tried to haps dhe had only gone out on soA�o *" Intended for tolmo (too ift establish- beoAuso they afa not to woll'�j%bje to
Ant, a talsto for , ftkins Inconvenient bus to himself the comfort that they orrand; but the minutes passed and . A mackerel was rWentlY C411ght, In a makes'tht way seem shorter. � keep still as grdwft-itp peoplo. ,- I
opeech#8 In t1lbliouse, were worth It. After a tow s6condg )is grw cold- standing there; still she Of trap at West Uead, Shelburne County.' 6 I 10 e. . .
Tht 90VIlrarnent conrerr#4 on him the Buffalo, V. Y., long since fowid out wbXt Novo. AcOtla, With an 018SUP, blind .11 � -
Ifilphest of rewarda he trainpod, acro,00 the trolen ant)w to did o At It e Is M19DITATING RI0V0XGJ0,.
not, 10 me. tat at phea inoved b. pitturAlly b6a tot wom#D*e dkesm. arount ft. The fish meazured about I I
They took hhj fropi Re =11W and the line marked out by the banks bf aifty from the "� and .vraotlored le � I .1 !:�epetidahle Partridge tfired 8"Ah," exclaimed thor brisk , Caller,
ths.V put 11m In tile disconsolately down the row.'Ho Went H41oAmed It kN through treating "u. 18 Ine a, and the, band, had embedded . , : ahoutc! be yoUr cdnApOtOns On , Mhaving a day dream?" ' 11 I
An6 ,Who No tit to -sit in jt_dt,jjy It it gravel where they had been at work Itself iglut P. quarter at aft inch In '01.
roll can- . the Previous day, on mechanically, not heeding where I teekk ol caw. Tits result of his studied the flesh. 1 1 , I �, � iall ywr tnotor trips. Theyahor- "You might call it that," said : . Mr.
Ar thin very At. tffl$ Very Mod and That evening he could not stay In h1s footsteps took him, and found sud. " & medlcln6 called IN. Pierces Pavoritt I I 16 A & � . . . tan the Jouriley, by allowj'ng you Dubwatte, sourly. I I �
- vtrr 91fiel"n"tt? donly that he had reached tile w4ja r ! . 11 ! . 1. I "Yost" .
Thouph I'm mnre 111ftfi 11A)f afr4ld his 'eabin; bb felt restle 8 and Ill at street down by the river. There w4o Preoeription. This inedloino b msde ot Mt"rd?4 Llfilfh6nt for auto avetywhope I - � . to Uavel iu comfort—free from "I waa just thinking Up a, few cold .
That it mometimes may Go isoid 04so. A nervous Sens of anxI v6pt" g�owihs Mt lAturt,00oly in. , .- I r .. 4F ll a .— 0
Ot no darkness nor quiet here; all the heMS&O, wea]ct l�p tho WM0yGA,4e80, deletyls and ,
111,-1 11 ______._.-111 I I y torm had lillng I 4TPj`F NOT .4 '
That Wd nPrer Ohould brw" revelled in i jw.j, j, , - toodoa for backatho, 11PL , 4 I and Sarcastic remarks to mnW& to. my
thl't sourre of propor T)rldp, -_ sto their WilidoWe Wido <)pen, W-ANTE6.
I 116wover r(kAt hi(I M0,rlt$, It his cousin and tbo light from them pouref 0448, frrogularitAta, and for the many dis. to . . a . 1� . . expetises 's ,caused by tire ' r Iandlar4 It I over pass by him ja my
hadoilt, 40�tl. I but - orde" wratnon to Womeii in on ages ot Iffe. Mr. and Mrs. Grtibater 001,ebrato . tto'hbles* fllvver wNeft his motor car is lit a
. � . . I upon thp black, Slippery 'mass of tee their silver wedding to-thorrow, doWt ditch."
- and rAOItc1d 646W that lay Over the they?" 18 i PartrIdge 11rdb, like loyrol 1 *�.-64p, .— .
WOMUN, MA-SON4 IN FRANOM I froian ground. The e%loona wore, lu 04114, OnL111 suffered ftm a bad o"s "They do. And what Is more, the r% � 11% 4L4v"t11t btrve you faithfully A BIT SHY. .1 I
,. I I � full blast. brilliantly lightedand filled 0(*om&*'attouble*lthb&c1mehn, nervolw card we rocelved from them request. P rP . � *1_ always. "Your bair," Said. the aggftvati L ug
Paris, flopt. %—rroneh 1froo Ma. with noSsY Crowds of minete, The tke_ipi� dlebrdewd ftestion, irtegulaity and 04 the, boner of our pregence at tholi 11 � I r 1.1 i barber," to coming out on top,"
I I Was have 3USt had 4 v1prous. ftht In dance halls, of which there were torao I I" �"t 06th 09 the th*46; 60016thn" I 'sterling silver WtddIn0,'.11 - � 11066dl" dtled ther sensitive ilotlin.
a convention hero over the question of * IN dozen Mom tbO street. seemed doing would tsbt *t uryfootit, I h(id onc Phyi. _..*_41.�_ � . . . "I know It was In me. Now, for good.
. �, .1 - A fl, 11,RV�� , - 1� . r to Ito or It'llorAW,
0, good bus nose. k Ishooting gallery 6*0 thier another but they did tob 46 86od. Movir"Pt DIDN'T. __ I I I . .1 -
admitting women w mombership, in .) tiesw sake don't talk
. that had boen, fixed uD In a, tent w" I jbw t4wk, t*. piVees v .
i Masonic lodgen. rtw6rit6 praftelp. ' back 4gaftl." , id . *,�
I hot &ly filled Int1do. but a ,orowd of Nion md Atitadmouo Arlaht, I lookutuch Wif&--Our daughter to how twenty I - - 11 . I
The principle was ad bd: finally by . m6h ud aoino womom vvro gathered and she ought to N marrIed. t _. Mirtord"t 40A Pot but'"t"Itto,
11 to moditi. round the tent eatrance. Pushing und botta* 1A " doA, I *91 Y&-orbrnend tho . � Unir
a tnftgre ra,.Ajority sub& � prWi,figr ofiell other III their effort$ to nusband-Oh! she has plenty, of I . _*4W400-**� .
cation when delftates of the Grand I .. 1twWotiote to ill oult6rl,ng es r did,"— �.
MRS. MA,TSZjA& 13. Gn&TUM ,IS tIme. Let bjr wait till the right sort . I IKNPIW 11IN,
rAdge Attmw the Mamie world can. r get 1n; the Slowe from the f1wiltag , !
A of man eomft along. I --- I Th# ar0bittet remarked to A 10i
I 1� , ,a I I I
� )
pl�� 13
I i
f(IT"co thm Winter, 1. . lights Inside, fell on their f%coft, and AlboA SL Wife- -Not at all. I didn't watt for - i thu he had been to see the p6at rtl%yo
I � . o, #j I I Rephen x1aneed eagerly over them to the right sort of Iftan! . I .
Mmall kindnofts". tomll ennrt#%1#,,4 606 It Hatrive, was am4mg them, no wrho Dt. Niloola 19"Me 00A), .1 ...... ...... di- , , ". � � I in th-b new chiirch. The lady toolled-
Wnall eadderattirso, btlAtIally VrAc- I Pawd Ono, dtiftliolntod, Thora wft 130#gl*, V. y,, to 6ftddftjj4tt *Ayjft #Led - Milms I . *'Don't Mention nalft"; I k1W* the
. rd's UnImota Relieve* NeursIgIt. 11
I theed In our *MW fvt*rwer", tt" � ftnotiier tAft a littlib ftrther on, wheft ,l-. ,*�_ � I I I I rahn to vlvotn you rotor." �
you *ill ft"00 the medival 4ttentio" of a : T1 ..__-Z-#,41^-___
ametvwr th4n I . 06 � Attiong speak louder than words.
it M*ftt#r tbtrra to tk,* _&4!tp tand Wit$ Playing, And! r
I ., THr , .-.-----* .- __ .-& rrrrrrrrrrr wo"1614% , , Sotne pooDlo tift Incamtift slintily
tk* 4WAY Of Ubuts 07 AOOV441sh- - 4�1 . i wholl"'UM6 ("—A* di" blat 6111ch J)OOPIO don't Make Much 419 9 ift
I I _ictijwtf�i 'W 0 *kuww. I 10. Ill i .11 I ,, 'r ,,,, r , , " " , _,,,,_,,, , ,,,,, i, 1_ � I to disgul3o th(j f&ot th%t tko lkay*
11 1"j1t&_X*itM � I actf�r* tw , - I 10 noInNith either. . , I I ___ 111 _ ii " _ bothint to IW* . ,,___,,_;__j
I I 1.