HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-23, Page 4_2 I -'— - -11 __ " ,
. ` . -1111" 11
7' - i
1, I ' I
. ... bd WINGRAS' "",Asot, -
r4r--vabstiout - - . . I I . " , 4, 1.) y . ,:.V .1
. ---.-- I
- __1 -1 I I 0007AN00019
- - - __ -_
- - 6M I
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- ._____.__ I - _11- 1. ______.___,_ __ ____________
, I for -the PW two or threa wodki, one I
0ortlit .
, , wowd. natwvIly expect that tte 4nwuwe-
o0lit0am J
issc4m C14bb Is visiting 3%h lier,
Alrs. Wm; hobertson of clitiLid, is
, . . ! ment of his daith will got here. prwr to
. 1
. - I .
. . Q, SMIT-u, $4tor " P!PP Chrlotilsas at least.
brothern In St- MlRrYll.
Scale of Vancouver and Miss plollets
. I spending
Having Tuberculosis Are carson
a, 1`6W days whh Mrs. R *
and Mrs. c. Oteer.
-, --! -- -- ---- - - '-.--Z.. - -
I I I . .
' I- i I I. . . 117 - -1 I
.. - - ` 4)kiv 'Mard,040 UW'.
EminaRicoof Winnipeg are vielting4t i
. I :
Cotomon in Ontar.`%
Mr. and Mrs. F. weir Of Giew
, i '' . I I I , itb
i -, I 801more
h f Mr. and Mrs. Rice.
' 0
0 romWaltcr
the guests of Mr/ and Mrs. R. 11.
: - .---- _
I I ,i, I . ,
, , I
' ' ; t ere ought to be but one tusrriage Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Toronto, arc I
I , . ,
Paterson - Isrid grand child, rilio
Au:rey of Wingbam, visited at the home
, r Than Car=
Disease 01hroule Ratile .
Aerite - Symptlims neNcribed-
On Sunday,
. I
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowyer of Quelph,
" at the manso,
,law for the whole Dominion and tile visitors
of r. and Mrs. Hutchison, Sr.. and Miss
,.Vbo Birds Shoinid lie Killed, off are
spending a couple of wee) s wit
; b
,!egalit,y of the marriage ceremony should Miss ifowArd, Orapso Hili 'lc' the
bepl4ced on such ,t basis that no common I Mrs.
Ving, who Arc moving to London this
aud Destroyed. . friends
, .
in and around Gorrie.
5 guest of Jas, Dougl4e,
- purt judte in Qtleb c or any other Pr0- hag i Como to the
A little
week. (lCoixt4buted
Miss Maggie Gillies of Toronto, is at
Outarto L)orutrtmont ot
A&;rl " Lula
.Mrs. J. A. Darling and daughter, Miss I
of Poet Higia are the guest.,; ot M.". I
1. j L right to pro 40Y ,
:n nc a marriage invalid that has been, I home Of -9r, F red Johann,
. .
I. by a.ardaitied minister of tile! fron-,*%heso: at-'
present at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott, Nellie and
Ripley Sunday,
UU.,11CULOSIS In chlcl ens L.
is very common In Ontario,
B. Shier -at pr sent, I I I
. . . ..
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Uanning and Me
performed 9mle a number parts
I ,of annulling a I ' ' week, All
The hardship . Wrided the London Fair last`
Fro4die visited at over A
'Mr, and Mrs, Middleton, Gortle an d I
There Is nota county In the and
Mrs. S. Willig-anct fAmily otLlstowet,
I , "" mini4ge betwemi a I.,rotestant and V 11 I I
, -A '( i 01, or Vice ver§a, rests onif report a good time, . 0
- , tb ic
re. Ho611hs on Sun-
,ar,k, visited with M Lave
day. Middleton is In the;
Province from which we spent
not received for examination.
Sunday at It. It. -Carsows.
Ilarvestin, I leted
kl apprationg;,are cognp
, j ,.:'R', . it Mrs. J. Neilof LaUo)ot, fs- visiting at the
- 1: _ 'ren
ily Oq t ie paiflits, it's'the chilo
V!Z * . ' - home of her son, Ira. ' :
- "T '. ,
. . 'r -the. of
Mrs. staying
village for a few days. hens
either dead of, or suffering and
this disease'. Almost invariably heard
the noke of the stegm. thresher is
fia the land, Grain 14 turning out
, X
# -, , stigma )Ach a ,
, ' Ui*164xp , , , ". .. r. Win. Irwin is In Toronto this week.
1' 4Z'ugj& " 'divorce
Rev. Mr. Wilson of Auburn,; o ccuple4
accompanies such bird0stat- A,
. 'I
1. I .,
& r as , o
should aot, hay( p I on, Friday last the Annual School
, D,
the pulpit in the Methodist C rch bo.xe
. ld P ing,
that deaths 'are occurring in the
. t *
Miss myrtle Short is filling tile position
jNv. for all, ,4(d privileges. 1 Fair of the neighbou ing school, was held
..,,pQoe1Pur.r,iqe), . .
on Sunday I _. I floe%
Rev. Mr. Henderson bas 9011c'.to
at irregular Intervals, the birds of
telephone girl tbis week in the. absence
. -,, -for none, Should be Canaill's motto, and on S. S. No. 12 School grounds, and was
I '!11 , Much credit is given
. -
Toronto, and Rev, Mr. Irwin of Luckm uOttally
getting thin and lame before of
The following is a sample let-
. I
rdis-i 'P.- 1. T' Ing, who is . enjoying a
I a splendid success
*d updri to,the, lip
V151 19F
-1 , 1
now. will take the services In the Meth.
holiday thi v ek 11
. ,Jt% , .AF - ,:, . ' t;v, to teachers and pupils. A splendid time
h.,- 1, - . 1. -e iol, Is, .
i .
odist church1here. 0 ter,Tecelved,
"Jan. 12, 1920.
Western Falr,.London. is having its
I -.1 11 . was enjoyed all. , .
, I
TooAce Mawe,exiey Mrs. Goo. Nichol and Mra Law, Tor-
Mr. John Greer, Mr. Ken. ,Pater on. .,,
Me, and 'Mra, William Purdon, Mable
Dear Sir,—Will youltindly hives, lnning,
iowl let me know
, this week, Many a sightseer -Will
go by tbe automobile route as, roads are
., , iv , I . . I . onto, spent the wook.e d with friends
, r. A .
J" _ ' _J ' ' ' ' '
I tigate
and T hn, Mr. Joe Xermith ,,arid George what
this and
is the matter and how to treat
good and cars 'plentiful to say nothing
, ,T AireU, one lbing at le6t that Is quite here .
.Walker, were London fair visitors this them-
Out of 150 birds I have lately
about arranging your own time of going
I *1 , Connq tjoii Nvith Terence;
` Mrr'-Harry,Goway Is on the sick list,
week. b I lost
over a dozen. Soule of them, ,
and coming.
I % , .*- ,,ltst,andi,njJn
. y,
- 4 4, ja, SWjj , , LorU . Mayor -of Cork, now, but hope to see him better,scion,
Itle. and Mrs, j. D. Beecroftf. Mrs, foot
lame on the start, some in righ t
and some In left, and some Just
Mrs. R. A, Spotton -is attending the
.. _ at tile p oint of death from the results of a
I,--, " ! Me. A. R"Coopor of Clinton,, pres!c,hed
l3rixtion jail, London,
Falconer, Wr, and Mrs. Andrew Kirk of moped
- .
around without being lame.
bedside of her -mother, Mrs. S. Hioks at
;" . '. hunger stftle'Ur in Knox Chur& Sunday afternoon, ,on
, , , motored to London arid Sarnia, I have
sold all my old hens and have tile
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hicks. The
. " ,EpgjAacl, and that, is that be, seems to . ,
, t.!. 4 . . . , behalf of tho:0anada Temperance Art.'
records all'to himself 4or lower-. I . r
t1tis week. Mrs. Falconer visited ,relat- now
120 p ullets and fhirty last year's
They started thJ4 in early
old lady is wall -advanced in years and has
.i -(-' .,havetb* . . -
.. , . ,. I One day the Wedding bells were ringinglaet wegk,
Ives in Tharnesford. I fall.
Mowbray, Mrs.
Thanking you in advance,
not4been in very good. health for some
,!!,.,,.i g-co diiibn..]?bysically.
1 I , . . . Miss Lizzie Willie and Mr. J. Kennedy,
Tdispiitfta,stati,that poor McSweeney is i
Mrs, Goo sialer of
Yours respectfully.,.
time. We hope fory a early improvement.
, .: ,
I .. . couple
,. Con-
, Teeswatcr, were the happy
I I ,.-Just,at-deatlx'% door-41most a matMr of i
Goo. Cottle, arrived from Edmonton on
Friday night.
11. .1 .... I . I . . I . . $?
.== __ —
, . I .
. ,hom*gd then a v.eel or sojater will 1 gratulations.
. , , t
" " ` I to Anniversary Sprvf;:;s a
Mr. F. McKenzie Paterson, White, it
P4,xamination oi this pullet showed
to have b6en suff ering from ad-
. I - ce .. that his condid""n is ,much lower. owing.
.v - ,,, L
, . . _4 '
.. It To'ence .continues. to become weaker 1 Salem tbere was no Endeavor Meeting on
church, announces the engagement of vanced
his sister, Ellen Matilda of Niagara Falls, stpleen.
tuberculosis.. The liver,
and intestines were,all badly
The three -'year-old son ol Mr. and Mrs.
. lul;.., k , . . 1
'.,,,,,.a4d'weak r.aslie,is'and,b4s been doing' Sunday evening last.
N. Y., aNd daughter of the, late Mr. and lVabercular.
The Immediate cause of
Andrew Patteison, 10th . concession,
. . . . , .1.1 . I 11,111 I
I . r __ I .1 .11-11
,% * , __ . :. , ,
.. .!I -
1. death
Mrs. Frank Paterson, Wingbarn, Ont,.i blood
bad been the rupture of a large
vessel In the liver due to the
Huron, was, kicked in the head by a colt
last thursday and is in 4 critical, cond .
,!, :. .4 1 %A
.- * . Q
R - 0 %& - I I
to Rev, John A. Mundell Detroit. Mich.,
0 development
r Wr A wr A A A 11
of tubercles.
M 11 ,0 4 . 1+ i consider-
- .
tion. . , I
- , A son
.; V" . 1111"'n. -I , 0 r. an n rew un e . . wx .. . . .. Q
. k,: a I , .
. .J., i, ..i , , : 9 I able financial losses to the poultry-
i 1 1 , Stratford, Qnt., the wed1ding to take place
4,1, .,
", !, $ t.`, I I man, due to decrease in egg produc-
. , , I "' W zl_ _I Wll._;, - 11 - 1
- ,,js,,p . I the latter part of September.
.,W. I "- .. tion and heavy mortality in the flocks
I , I W
.1 ;-
- - ; X y . _ 4 ',. . _ - The death'of Mr. Issac Conn, occurred
. . 1. _T '.. . , I I where it is present. I
- . '.
." -
. - I .,
... . - ;. , 4 I
. .11'. 7 ... . . . . I . . . - ; on Thursday, 9ept. 16, at I the home of his The disease is chronic rather than
- . . . I'll - - ..",. 11 I I 4 I . im! ____ , __ i brother, Mr. Will, Conn, 4th Con. of acute. That Is, it does not cause
. 1. V — .
. I - -
I . .. .:,!.! : , I i Kinloss, The .funeral was conducted by death suddenly, but takes time to de
. '111 i Inter- velop, usually causing the bird to
I ... ,,, . . -
. . I . . , ." . . ; , , . 11 ",I 1. ., I . I Rev. Mr. Scobie, Wbitechurch. ' gradually lose flesh, turn pale
, !' . ,
. ,, ment was made it. Wingbam cemeter on
. . .. _ " , y around head, become listless, mbpy,
.. . . . 11 I .. 4 . Saturday. Deceased
I . . . . I . bad bien Ill for and frequently lame, while eggAay-
. '. , . 1. I ::. .some time. A brother and two sisters Ing Is reduced to a minimum.
I , 11 ` I
- ". W..! .Co be sure, however, that such a
. 01. .4; " I are left to mourn his death. -
,. `1 1-1
. . .1 t .", 1 . condition of birds in a flock Is due
. - -,,
. ,
. - , -_
. I . I . . 4 - r - ! -_ __ -,---.- - to tuberculosis it is necessary to hold
- I
I . "I I .. a on one of
.. I I ! . . : " " ".. I t post-mortem examination
. .. I .. -1 :111.1 . I , Howick Council I them. The bird should be killed and
. . . . -; . - L I ope'led tip. If tuberculosis is present,
. .. - . ,,. : ;. F ,, . ,
" t :. - V., 11 I the liver and spleen will be s'potted
. I.. :. . . ' Fordwich,,Sept. 15, I920.
* . . , ,
. -
. I .! . I I. .t... . . . . ... . 0 AAC Council met to -day in. Beswithericies with white or"'cream-colored spots
.. 11 - varying In size from a small pin. head
.. - . ., , .1 , , . ", 7t 51" rooms, pursuant. to adjournment. all to a pea or bean, and in number from
. . ":
., , , ': 7
lv , , ,.: .,;, , ;, 1. e., __
. . . M . " members present except Reeve Doig. a few to thousands, These are the ..
. . : I . , 4r. -`.,* I it mass oi
. . . . - M',;', 'The Deputy Reeve in the chair. Minutes called tubercles, eacb: one
.. . Uql 04N 1, - ... killed by
.. I
. . . -:'- . OR
. I I I . dead tissue that has, been
. .1 - I . ', , _ ,0, , V, I oflast meeting were read andon motion the actloil of the poison seer
. . ; . . - !26L- L, I I - _40; eted by
. -t , 11; . of Bryans and Hubbard were adopted. the tuberculosis bacteria which have
. :, , . . , f f . , . i .. 1 f` ___ I----- , ___1 Applications for collector of taxes were developed there. These tuli5weles are
. . r I , considered. Moved by Spc.tton and frequently found on fl;te, intestines
. ". w., q.: . — ___ . ; , ?..I. R I s as *ell as
. -4 " 1. . , " _ I Hubbard that Walter Simson be appoint- and in the lungs and bone,
0 . - . .: ,, I 11 I 0.01% In the liver and spleen. A microscopic
. . 1_19 ed for the Western Division, and Win.
;.r: ; !. . I 1. oxamination of a portion of one of
1 . W_ -
I . . r."", . . I , I - Jamieson for the Eastern Division.- these tubercles will show large num-
. , ?. I 11. V , - : - ,I . -ele bacteria present.
.- V*1 , , .. - / Carried. I . bars of tubei
.. I . . P"
. . . . . I - 'F , ., . . I Th6se tubercle bacteria are the
. . '. , , :. . h
I : 0 * ': . 54N/ Moved by Inglis and Bryan that the
. I . . . . I .".1., . I 'li- . q . I . . I Reevebe appointed Road Inspector for cause of tile disease. They are so
.1 .. I ,4- . 11_1 , . . . I - I ISILLUII as to be altogether invisible
. .
. . . I .1i , 'It., I I . . 1) the Township of Howick, motion carried.
. I .- .
. . ; ," A 1 '. I , , . . without the use of a high power
:. . . .4 j 1. . 1- 1 1 10 11% I Moved' by Hubbard and Bryans that By- microscope. They are not the same
. ,::." I .. I t .
. : . ,. , /
. .
,w . I /I 'Law No. 9, for the year 1020 to b ose which causb tub6r-
. . '' t '. : ...* - . e ,I orrow variety as th
. .
I . . . 1. k 1. ? I i money to buy a public park in the village culosis in human beings. .
,.!. .. . . I '/ Dirds suffering from the disease
. . I . I of Fordwich be read the third* time and give off large numbers of the bacteria
. _ _,-." ,\ passed. -Carried. Ili their droppings. Other birds in
. . " -
. , ,
. . .. . I . _ 't , Moved by Bryan's and Inglis that the atching aro4nd and feed-
! . .. %. . ,,tW A the flock ser.
., - . , , I I - * 0 , :!,, , ; Ing with such birds pick up the bac-
.... . 7 4 _,T .-:---- , I following accounts be paid: Fred Irwin,
7 :
.. "Z -, ,4
t- - ...., . 1, . .... . . \: " Culvert Lot I Con. B, $10.00; J, Dickson, ter.la with their feed and grit and so
. 1 .1 .. . . _ got infected. The bacteria are ab-
. _.. % I . I . . 4" two culverts Lcits 1 and 2, H. and C. sorbed into the system with the food
. . There isn't evep a tiny
. I .. 'r .1 . . . . . -See ? . bdy,* 21.00; Walter Renwick, work on and get circulated In the blood and
I .
A. , ". I . . -
. , bit, of Lantic left at the bottom road, 1.00; George Hyslop,' gravel, 40c; lymph streams until they jot located
.. . . . , , . . . . .,. , . - Frank Wright, gravel, 3.20; John Holt, in the tissues, more particularly the
. . .. . I . . ... 6f'.the.cup! P,,very crystal dis I . gravel, 8 90; Wm. Brears, gravel, 5.00' liver and spleen, where they rapidly
I . . . 7' solved immediately—So OF Sebastian Zurbrigg, iravel, 8.60; C. E.' multiply. and secrete their poison.
. . ". .. . . I . . ,, This acts on,the tlesue immediately
I I , . , I . I C,01JRSE it takes less!" ' ilalker, work on Day municipal drain, around them,' causin,; it to die and
. . 11 , ' I t, . . . , Lantic $$Fine", Sugar 6rings I 5.00; Joseph Doust, stationary, 18 86. turn white and thus ' become a, char-
. ' Moved by Inglis and Hubbard that the geteristie tubercle.
I I . . . .concentrated -sweetness to council adjourn to meet in the Townabip When this disease is found in a
I . , .
. . flock it is advisable to kill off all the
. I all beverages (hot or cold)— , Hall, Gorrie, on the third Wednesday I in birds. Then those birds which on
. . I I . . Octobei.-CArried. . examination do not show evidence of
. . I
.. I . V . food.
. " I C. E. Walker, Clerk. the disease may be used as
. . I 1. I Those,that show the disease shoul.
. .. I I - iSe its I
. becav _ - I - be destroyed by burning or by burlk-
I 0 41MAOINk 1d9FW%k I Squirrels Have A Friend Ing deeply in quicklime. Which the
. I AMh The entire premises in
. . 4 I . I " and - - -then be
JG else birds ha-ve been kept should
... i AM 4J, The squirrels are safe here '
. ., I wherein the province atleast until 1923. well scraped, cleaned" and,thoroughly
. I . - .
. An order, province -wide, has. been issued disinfected by the application of a
. . ., disinfectant -wash or spray, as quielt-
, Aft that probibli the shooting of squirrels.
. .. I .. . . I I IV lime,"zonolettin, cresol, etc. The runs
.. .1 V , . I This is contrary to f be opinion of local -
. .... . I .V should be well covered with' ditick
. 0:11:1
I . ** I - sportsmen who have been taking It for lime and then'ploughed fix deeply.
. . - bIll:yLauvic it, nal packages'.26-,51b.,cartons,
! I . . , I . , . %.f 4 - such treatment it would
. , . :, granted that this is the open season for Uven after . '
: . I . 4, , .. . 10,20&ioolb. bVI& squirrels. be preferable to establi
. I- I
.. . -'. - ., i : . " , . . . I I on fresh ground --nd then re -stock
. .- I
. -
I . . 1. " I __ __ . .i __' from flocks that qre known to be
1. ,MM _!i m! T_____ __ _ _-_________1_1. 1- _ .____ _--___
I ; . . healthy.
— .. I I .
I ..,--- . I ,- I ( I . Anyone suspecting the df: mise In a
. . I . . I I , _,__ . .7n, . I .1..,.:.%:.;<..' ,;,;:...;. flock and wishing to litive the case
- : ,
. 1. I I
. . .4-M.."x. aid a -suspected
I . ,. , _` determined, should sc
L "?. 0`5111
, 01-: .`:&.1. : -.- bird, either alive or dead, express
- -
i . . . . ., . . . I I 1;1;. . . prepaid, to the Bacteriological De-
. l-, ... I M._ '..'z'
,.,, - partment, 0. A. C., Guelph, When an
. .. ,.., , , . R l I
t - I
" _-,
, i, examination and reporl will be.made
11 _ '_ -Y ,
. . iV1
I ..- at once. An Illustrated bulletin deal-
,. tl.- 4 ,,
- ;,.I- .
! . ;, i*, I..".- - . I ay be had on.
. - , , _ ,, . ."Ii:i Ing with this dis0aso nu
. -1 . . I 11 I.'- i 15`.* 1 i, ": i application to tile Department of
N; '". .. ,
gi. 'i.l."': i. .:,.
. , '....Alf I
I " I . . ,LA .- -%*;,\' Z-t- ":"":: :: .:.;..,....:: .::%:; ':
. - ., - — _ _______ , - -
4 W.04, 1. ,, t *V.,,.7: , : & ,:,: — '17, 1 1
I :. '" !P1,!M_'1. I
. i 1:. .''
. . I
. ,
11 .,
.41 .,, .; *4 '. I I I
, " 1",r7
1: , 'K -, _7 . M I " '' -
:, . .,N, , IN "14, I
. , ; , . I
. I rl :l . , , . . . . . , ,
41 _!, I" I 4 , . , ? " , 1. . ; !;:. , , ; I'll, ,
, . :14 , 11, - , ,,.,i , A 1. ", ,, I .1, . " - ,
I I ... ".. f
7 . , ''I ,
. , -.6 , li, " - .
. o - . , , " ..'' 1
Pit , . i_., 11, , , ., I.
- , . I., . I . V, , X I 1, 1 ,
, I I . -1 .q 4. I I 1 .11,11 I
1 , I.. 1 9"
N 1, . 9 . " .. .1 . . 11 - 1 1 1 1 1 10, , . .14. t , , "
, . 1. ,_ I— . - 1_".4:, .1 e.-4.4 . " . I
I \ . . . I , , 1. , i, I I r 0 '. 9 " ". .
. - I . . , I , 0 .
, . ..: . I '. . , I * 1*61 , 1'. I t N
- , i . ,
-_"_ w ._-_.& __JL_L_. _,._____ -..." .... .. ..'. '__ . __ __.,
04 , BOA No 1 0 04-. ,.
I I Lucknow I
- I I -: , _: .1 - , ".
, I #' ".9" 11: 11 . "
%UWAV-4 , , —_ — -
W9'%X*t _1;F;1 1T7_
Winkhao6i Bask# Ball toarft (in i#hWh
I . . V0. - " . -
I I k.1. ..
Luckilow ha's on Ititare.9t) Won tbo North
" I
M C a , s. : , ,,,,, ISARDYS ,1 Wa aw" n I IS
Wellington tqgpe and the Clark Trophy ,
`vVear - ... I .. , -Weap
1q1-_---:1- I 11-1!
by defeating §tratforct both at home and
. I . . . ,
; . . .
'; .
in Stratford, All Who could possibly, get
11. , ., , "., , I -i ." 11 , . . '.. .. 0
, . . '. , . I i - _.
" ' ' ' ,
1' ,
away ware in Wingliam to see the decid.
Ing game last Tuesday, and '4'11 came
I . ' ' ` .' ' - L I
_. O'd -
Appivals" . 'of 'Nil.1, 'Fall ".-G, o 81
home well pleased, bat not so with the
111w, I - , ,
game on We4uesday, when . 11amilton
I I .
Plow4e team literally
I . .1 . I
NE 'L . -00011no Wh;ilid
. I W FA Lq GOODS are
. . ' '
played rings around
the Winghamboy4;o, Of course there are
- .__
daily. YOU Will find otir Rantie. ot'. 600"
, I ..
In departments Large PrIces@ -L9, , ^
severalvoey g9od reasons for theover-
all and wo
wbelmingdefa4t. which Winglu.xm suffered.
Weareatyour servicewlth laroe ' *044ekis
playing three games in as many ci .ys,
In both stokes,. Ladies.", Wear - and " lftn!s.
and the ilayers being too tired to put
Wear. I : -
X -
forth their best efforts, but every one will
that Hamilton had by far. better
. I I "' * - '
I . ' - I ". ' -
* FALL COATS. 1. - I. .
agree, the
I team and would likely have beaten Wing-
, -NEW ". 1'r.. ;
. : . "
ham, in any wo6t, but if Wingbam bad
. we bandle. the. garment of' Meirff'_'
. Brand" 0.
a few days rest, the game would.uot have
Ladies'Coats, and Suits, It will. be to yogr, interest.
'of ' ' ' .
been so one sided., However they are, at
to inspect our-larae stock Ladies', Xis'ses'
t, " and
the top of a leaktio composed of 28 teams
'. L I . .
. ,
Children's ready to wear garments. ' ..
' ' .
X ,
and although defeated for the Amature
Championship of Ontario, they were at
I . .
Top Slkirts—Aft the new styles . are.'. fi'oe,
least the runners up and T.qe swater fans
comprising best weaves in silks, serges and poplins.
and players will be satisfied now that the
Walsts—oig range and big. value: in Georg*%
have at last seen Wingham defeated.
ette Crepe, Silk Crepe and plain arid. fancy. sit -Its'
A wedding of interest i; many in town
and Voiles. See ottr spe6ial silk waist at $5.00,
was solemnized in Chalmers church,
Sweaters—Are in. stock in -all colors and-
Delbi, on Wednesday last, when Anna
styles"' tnade of * the best. of Wool." See them.
Belle, daughter of Mr, an& Mrs. Jopeph
. ., . " . .. .
Prices the,16west., . . I
BiarklizIrt ofDelhi, was united in marriage'
I . . I .1.
. . I ..: I
. . . . ; ,
to Mr. Win, Ji. Moise of Coatsworth
" I
New Dress Go'o#s- -Silks and Ve'I P,ts*, Hag '
I I "
I only son of Me, and Mrs. J, W. Moii. of
- ,
- iei , Gloves, Underwear and (A the best
Lucknow. The- ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. S. D. Jamieson, - The -groom
. ., . I ; ".. I 1,
makes, values unsurpassed. - ... . I., _ ..
is well knoWn. here and a large "ciroe, of
. '
. "
' , ' 'r - . . . .1 I ,. .." 11._ `.,
I., - Men's'&6
- . I . re
I friends wish the young couple a Icing and
.. - ._ , ,..''..,
' L'.
I - .. - ... ' -
happy.wedded UP,
. -What about your new. Fall Suit.-. on.. -Overcoat",
. 4 I
, o
Another Luckaq w Old Boy joined the
Shipments of., Men's nd toys,'61othiiig aie. . ow id
ranks of the boinedicts When Eldon R.
I . I . .
Talva '-A look- .-it our "Fite Rite" BacWkit Sul "
`- *
Siddal, only sop df Mr.- and Mrs. G. A.
. . I '. 'j..
DAJV2)MASTE1t ', ,
—Experienced Piano Tuner— ' C
Teacher of Rudiments of Music, Har- P
molay, Counterpoint and Composition,' t
Leave orders at TIRE ADVANCE Office
All brass and reed instruments
and violin, . le .! I
I . . , s
. I U
I I . I t P I
'Itio ! ,
. h
. .
I/ . s
. I
fNUC . t
C " Ell I R OP R A %. 11 I I p
Practice is confined e lIve ly t c
Chiropractic, the -only and orig-ma Sys 9
tem of 3pinal Adjustment. Effeaive in
95 pe - cent of all. cases. . t
"Chiropractic locates and R moves r
the Cause of Dis-ease: Nature Heals,"
.J. A. FOX, D. C." P. 0. "
Also fully qualified graduate in Osteo-
pathy. Phone 191. Hours 2 to 5 , and 7
to 8 P. M. I .
__ , ____ j
Graduate, Roygul Coil.ege of Dental ,
Graduate Vuiviirsity of Toronto Faculty—
of Dentistry I .
Office over H. E. Isard's store.
Say It W 1 t h Floweps
N . I
.7, — .
" . -
. , ,! ,.' ,, ,
v\i, 1. I
* ",, ,_ 1,
1 ', " . _Z
"I I 111;91
Z_nk I , ,A.
, 1. , 1, , , I
I -1 N, X I " , ,,, -/,; ,
I a! -3 1114 A!
_ ,*'A lk _ I I 11 ;,
- ; , _; . . . . . , ' ,.' E
., .. . 1.
- .
I -
t - V . - - `,
;1 - I ,
"I 'I I -, ":!2 i
;. !k -q . I I - '. ,
...:. lv ---,A. t, , , ..
,I. 'r - .: - .
-. , w : 0"" I . !I
- - , I
I .": 4 " _J i 4
- 14 `
:11 , 1 ,.'-
14 1 .
.1 . 4
21: "ot , U
_-,.,e1'A.k.,,::";:, j, ' ";!L .*
, jY IILLL** I. -
Potted Plants and Cut Flowers "
a Specialty .
Catalogues shown on request.
I Phone'142, Wingham
- —
I . I
. Purely.Mutual .
Purely C.Anadian
. I
Fifty- Years JEstablished
-'l.'he Policy Holders' Company ---w
Wingliam, District Agent I Ontario
. I , . -, I . ..
. . .
iddal, waS-Unit . ds , of m Ow, oe* styles, are winners, - _ 1:11 .1. ., It,
ed In the bon I .. . - I . V` I -I. , - A
s I'Uan R. Brown X I ` , ,. - - 1 . , .1 , 1 X
atrimony to Mis - Li of 11argaltig F or The Boys ",ill
Vinnipeg.The ceremony took place in tile X, I. "' d , ` - ' , , X
, . I I . You -1 --nay nee a ) -,ew school suit. We WAi
entral Cong,reg4tibnal chLirc , windl- 4 . X
eg. Thq, young couple are spending . givek10 per.cent-.disc6unt off Boy's Suits - for twq
,. I , , ,
. ''I . I I , . I .
heir honeymoon hera. , wee S. .111. .. . . t -_ ,.,. —
11 . . 11 4 ., 1 . , W1
I . . . I v K
Geo. Lockhart of the 4tb. 6 -on. of Kin- . . . . .
o0I ", . I . - . . . . 1 X -
oss, decided, that hatching was too . I . . ................... 1-1 ..... "I
, ' " - . ,
trenuous and . on Wednesday last, took 11 . . li, X
nto himselfa. wi I fe it I i th I e person of Ro W_1% ics '. . V
. , . "..,
erta N.. McGuire, daughter of IN11% SAm It" I I Nk . C , g
I -1 H,o 15L_4, O'i- Isard %jXk 00. V
vlcGuire of Lucknow. The ceremodY "%t I .1 ,,
, om , '.
vas performed 6y ReV. Fulton Irwiii 'at X , , il.,: X
ome of the bride's fatber, in the pre- 416 ,
out of only the immediate relatives of Xxxxxxxxxxtraic xx xkxx vix xg xS40,61%
he bride and -groom, After wbicti all -- - I __ - . I
. - . .. I
re,ent sat down to a dainity wedding a 9100NOW 49MMEM" 40MINEM -
inner, The yoting couple left on the - i I ". I C,
fternoon train for a qhort honeymo6n' 1 I I I , .
rip to London,. and on their, return will 4F 0 THE .,. ".
eside on the groom's farm on the 4th. I i__ I I i
if Kinloss. I I ( .. - I PZ01 1 rt It 0%
I I UU8 , .
Avery quiei wedding'was solemniied com I ITE
o Thursday last At .12 o'clock at the 11 - I . I
home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. -MacDonald . I I '. .
I . . W - I I . :
when their dafighter. Etta Belle, wis I'll 41 14 Silronger and Bet-,
oined in wedlock to Mr. Brown Mallougb , ' '' ' ,'
I . ter than ever.
of'Hamilton, oungest son of Mr. ant 11 .
Mrs. D. Mallough of Lucknow. Th,'1 1 I 111,11 . I
nuptialknotwas tied by Rev.. . R.. Mac- "I , I . I I - lil I See this Ideal stove
in the presenc' .... - :I . 1141en,_N 11 i'
Callum e of only, the irn ... I - - that burns either..
mediate relatives of. the contracting E_ I . ,
parties. The pariorwas prettily decorat. I ,Ill. 1. . Coal or. . wo.64,,' U61
I I .
ed with asters and Aveet,pea's. Aftee a . 'fore you -p the
awedding dinner the young couple left .1.1 - _ .=Z __= !>_\A__,kX I . , putu 1.
I ... --7-M-,-b old one again this
on the afternoon:train for a short honey- - . I ., .
moon. After which they will take up . fall. . . .. " .
housekeeping .in Hamliton, The bride . I . . I , I ' , i '. I I
and groom are -both very popular here, . I A range and heater
and all jol . n in, w . ishing them a smo.otb , - - Combined. ' D e's
voyage over the matrimonial sea. , \ . I t
. 0
One by . one the pioneers of this section . - % the work of, b, !0
are passing onand one more joined the I - talces I e s s space
great majority last week when Pilrs. Alex- . 11 L n, " and fuel. . ..
a6der ' Kennedy - answered the last call. n . 14 1 L
' '
She was for ni-iny years a resident of , "I--- . . ...... I Call and examWe
Whitechurch and vicinity.' but for some 'It. .
time pist had resided With her daughter, -
' . - . -
Mrs. Jas. Purvis neark St. Helens. She I . .
was 94 years of age and death was due lffll, L
to the natural infirmities of old . .1gei - The
, . .
funeral was held last Wednes(TELY to Kin- K. R. M 0 0 NE 'Y' .1
m, , . w . . . . I . t . . 1. I . . I . ., . . I
. I . , I ,.' . _____ - - __ __ __ Do
. L, -
. The Young Peciii.le's Guild; of the Pres- a-swealow. ME I 1.
bytetianelturch e . -opened for the fat . I and I Q . - ====Z:
winter last Monda with the teachers and - . . I I I I ., 4 , .
' .. L Lees and Jean Donglas were in .Ttwonto Cameron spent the bm-nmer assisting in a
students of the Ifigh School as guests. . I .
" I 'Dental office in'Gode:rtcb. * *
i i k. of' Mis's. , . .
A very Jarge aninber wore' present ind all last week, attand'Ing the weddin. . . . I I . . I
' .
spent a very ocij.oyible . evening Which' Bennett, danglitor of Mr. and M r.4. J -no. ; .-Mrs. Jno.' Clarke, of Sontliamptan, is
came to a close -,Vtth the s6rving of lunch. Bennett formerly of Lucknow. ` visiting*her parents, M r.'and Md. , D. R.
' .
Rev.R. MacCallum occupied the chair, , . '. McIntosh.' I ; .1 . . . ..
'. I I
Ana a splendid programi 451 music, recit- Miss Lil I a Little of . Listowel, is v . isiti . tig - Mr. Cliff; D y of:Tilbu . ry, visited Air,
tations, and a hand shaking; con.test - :in in town- I I . ano Mrs. Thos. Alfelicsou last Veek,
which the majority heartilk joined, were Mr. Alvin Cameron .spent a -week -at his . I I I :
enjoyed by all and a speech by R. D- home here before r turuhik to complete Mrs. R. Mullin vi4ifed in Lbridou last
. . . .
Cameron in which'he gave much good bi s cours Dental college. Mr.. I w0rli.. , ' , _..'-, . . ,. .
.e at tile , . ,
' - .
coonsel to the yOung visitors. Meetings . . I . .
will be hold each Mondayevennig. I —, , . , 1. . _ _______.__ _.
. I I . I I
. Many from hem took in Kincardine . -C Licvtf(7, 6eelami .O
Fall Vair last week. I . . - lie'rax ; ..
'14, ' 11 r$ Toronto.-Fror. D. El. - thd past few days makes
.W.- ,04*k ,, ;,- "-.'.P l.,.-'. ,11,' ;;:;...:,: ;.,:,....: : :.:: Agriculturet
.1 i , .,..;:, '..L:':'...:':'.:.. . . N t C969CCUL C ' '" 'r. ' _ ',
,.: . . ' .,,'%.;;:.:.!, L;'.,X-;--0... Weather of ,,7,7t7 # `Alot* T I -W I . 1111;1
I I ... ; :;!%..
.. _., .W, ,i Jones, 0. A. College, '.Ixuelph. - . . , ". .
- IN"."
1. :4, 'V1 .1'. - one root around for last winter's under- . - 0,
I I , " 111,;*:.. "". C5.e_" ,-V , , -,"'M-1, ,
. ,eiN:-f , i0p`:K; I _ :. ... . . . 't ;P 'u".1,
. L ` f - :.., _, . .... . . - 14n
. I I . ..', V". it, 1, '- ,' -,',.I ,
L , , - - ", . . malffmlx Is, -ame-10 wear. . -1 "Ll 'p""""A' L 11
I T-1; ..".1 ; .Z r :, ., ... .,L' Avallop the Weeds, . . ' , ,;, ,"_J`:
'4 -, _:., ,;:,.;:
" I _
" ... . .,.-r . U ..... . IF.?,,& ; "! - - . ,,W4
1 t' .%"! , , '. , I . 10, L ,_ -
L ,. ,"f1 , .::.;. . 6, 1 C442 - -7, . ,
" ; *' ':`:.0:,T.1.,4p -;*,; '- - . on ev. A. E. Millson of Auburn, preached 1 . qqk . IZ;'A ,i-1 I I
.. I I _ ;L " _ -,V,A- --
.. I ,',-' -?. , Z . .... ,* ` : 0 not nqglect to cut weeds The Double Tpack Route I 11 .0,0 I .:, ,F ", I e _
_ ., , ", "
. . ,-. ., , . L ... :1.1'.; 0 -
. . . . - ,
. . '' , . , W,'.. ,` ,',;; .; I .
, , - 314'VA*"..&:: : ,,P " 11 ,
. . W., ,&y-.";- .". in fence corners and wasto T 7 '. - X , .;1 -, e 14. .. ,
. , ify, ,i, . :: L- '. .-L".;. ....7 ."', ,.. M -,w , '. I ,...;; -A 77 -_s'i` - I
7,'. , ".41", - , roadsides, in the Methodist church here oil Sunday kt,
. .., - . ,; . - place s to go .. I .. . . . . I T" , , , ? , 7 . 1 I...
` ; 4,; .! ;.'f Ikam Between evening. , .
; 'O.'4 " -:!'1_.,... !e,-i*,.- . ,"'. F .. Im
I ..:: _ . , " ". 4. - 0
, . , -A -, "," ' . 'itl' . , And do not allow weed. :i- . .
! ..? . , 61.i, ` -cared. . , I ' ` - V i .!" ',` .' t*17:;,, , . ,t . - i" t.. I
_ ' ' ,, ,, n 1 - .1 " 11A i
.. , "... , ,
,7 _ .. W.I.! , , I ; to seed Ili hoed crops. A well . . ---
I . .
, , , .. - ,
I I ',Z V 0 A 1", j,0'., _N,1.11 1 . ., ,'6 1 i - i 4 ,
"t.. I, -,,,-,.,,, , ,
i ; " . ..... " .-L " ' .',.; - ,! ', : I lrj ., , - " , , Metho. . . ".? r I . , " .
I I , I ., . V I,,: 4111,14" for hoed crop will rid the field of V Arneetingof dolegate-di Of .tlid' . L, 4 .. -
, P
. ,.Zf ,,, % 1. montpeal I . . - j, g.
1. 'rW, #:,, .", .. , . , _1 'i
. .'..0,1V: ..:... ,,..... I _ :, ,.., Inarty wee , I "I . - . % Zv
. . , - - -,; , ,% _ , I . "..
: - -, .Z-
, . . .".L-.;1. ,., . ,-:- , , , " lected hoed -
71 .41 . , .. , . ". , Z" , ,V ' !,.: I '.
- ..
, dist ,churches Of tile wiligham District :,k,L..ki ,":' 2.0 I - , . ,
, -
I ', , I '.); _;'_ . .". " ., - - . . . . . . I croD Is a nursery for woods and a . '. . "'e- X
, I".. -
, - -,:. . ast week. Dr. - , r :21L.
I .? li:".,; ;-;;:-:,,,... - ; ,' -'',' '%, .',,,X , .. source was held in Ripley 1. -- , " _. __... L I
: !., . "I ._; , , ,r, A .,. lar', I of contamination for every Detroit and . , 141.
, .. ,jr... , Spenceand Wesley Ilenderson were re- L . I
i , ., 'CR L ; ;44,1"'.1v .11 d on the faxin. # . , . I
. .- .. a .
"; ., ;, I I;E :11 1. fiel . .
I -'-- , ; . 'A, I Varly after harvest cultivation L . Chicago I . . .. I .. I
! . m' ptesentatives from Lucknow church, at .
#` " e: ".'..., .. I
fl . , . . .-
I 11.1 , will destroy ninny annual and winter Unexcelled Dining Cat, that meeting Rev, Mr. lewiti pastor ot HAT maid or matron's heart does I
, - -1, :, ...
I . . . " . : i,,- V i, . . I :;,..-. annual wovd,.4, .,alch as 141alge, Plax, I I . ,
.1 I - ,
"I . .. lllil, ;., ',?,' Corn Cockle and Worniseed MustaiM. ' Service., Lucknow church was requested tp take no't long for* the. proper silver
. . If y?,..,., ., , e: '- I . r-harge of the aorvices in WhiteclitirCh . service .,,vvith which ta Comfort
.. 1, I 4 -N Plough, shallow immediately after W
0or I -1 11
K I s
. . I .. I I ; :. ,;_
'. , , I . , ; I 'L I .
.. : - o I gv . I L , ". harvest and harrow and cultivate . 'each Sunday aft6moon owing to tile re- 9J
L .: L .:..:,.
1 .. .11.'i .., I . I their oyn ` family and entertain their
.,.- 4.4 : "'.
.), -'f ; , . . ins :
. I I-_ - :.._L :., . .
. . .
..114 11' L'. .. ' .; ::" .` . signation cif thl ' stir there. ,
, '16 -:, O, 11 . ... , , _ .,.. , kel)t liPav the Oil , . And what fam does
. L frequently. l3v shallow ploughing tlio SleepingL Cars on Night tra
1, 1. , .,. 1. ; . .1 1. . . L : i weed sends aw, rfaea 'Ind Parlor cars, on prin- ' , ly in town
. . L .. I guests.
- 1-1 ', , I . .. I .:
. I . I . . L. . L I I., . I L L -L, L 11 . and by the frequent stirring of the ay r The regular meeting of the W. X. S. 0 not,know that this iss t 016WL-Iry, Istbro , -
' ..
I -f L . : i, 1. L
. . .1; , ;,! , L L . .. goll tbey are made to sproute, and . ains. I
" 1 L - I .. ,. , I L of the Presbyterian church %as hold a rr ,.
, . 1 I I .1 I I ... I .1 11 . I :.L . . 1 1 ,)k III
. I 1, I . I having sprouted they ,are easily de. wherc quality pier(Aian ise is- sold ,.at a, .
, L I I I . L i , ,.
I . I ".."i .. . . . , L , '' cted ilic . .
^,_ , L . I , 5, a , I . I
. ... . . . : : . vation, ,ull information from any G ,rand Trunk week ago Mrs, MCC Ilum condu
, .: 1. ., ,
I 91 I , . .. . . ; i I 11 I . . . L . I stroyed by further culti 1, . , 0 your ilic,onle.-
.. .. 1-1. . _ I ., I L ad by .. price'.consisteftt with .., .1
L , ; %, _ I . . I . .. 11 L. I . I ( . 11 lorning, District Opening e%drci9eq Papers were re, . .
.:, X ._ , , . L '. I , , I .
.: , ; % ._ ', ,:. LL 11 ., .. .L . . , 11 I . .
, . Ticket Ag,ent or
..". . 11 . . I I . . I I . I . .
... . 'w 1 ___ i4m -.1 11 .. ., . Pa,ssengpr Agent,Torouto. and M14S JiVall McKenzie Oil I . . .
: . .. . ;"4, Me,% 8tulbs - . I
'L .. __ , . I W, F. nurginaii, Agent, Phone ,qo, or AtitiOng ilf L1113, Jews, We vift fit the brid p, between your
,, , ..
I I . '. :-,; . ." " - __ I tiniott, Town Ticket Agent, Phone the customs afl kstlper. I
,* Al .1 - . eyes wfth an adjustmeritthat woft'lL '. , ,
, .., -1 I ,; . - Drs. Rennedyo C a I der - the part their ,Vgmen *ake in tile educa- , , .
. f, r ;,1 I'Vinglialit. . I
. . . . . . . . , " .,.-. . , -- -=, W.' 1, : T 11 , let your tioge Wow your eyes , . % I
, ... I 1 ,,, . . . tion of their son .and tile mi-ision work .
. _", _;0;61 ` .1 & KennedV __ — , are t1shig, g1h8ses. - - , , "
I I .- .11 '. . : il, _4F , I
i , "' L'... . . . - I L . . I . 1.
I , . ;, , I , I .r . I ' ri i among them, MI,4% Carrie L . . I I ... . '.
, .. Offices -Patrick and Centre,Stt. 1, I . . G ,eddes 8ang a *Al. . I . I . - - - 11 . ,?- .. - I . .. ?) .
I I Phone I ?
i . _ ___ - ____ ii pp us-Oflicm 43; Residence of Drs. I I SELL I - 1 . . i A." M. MAAY I ... "I", ,,,, 6
; Xtrititcly 143, Res, of Dr. Calder 151. ' Tt'wn 'and Farm properties, Caltand Many stre getting their house -t wired L I
. . Dr. J. 11. Xennedy speriallses In Surgery. ) for hydro. i'.; , I , . .
. . . Dr. ItImIL Kennedy glvtii special Attention oft my list and get my prtcm I have Mveler .1 opticiah" . 1. Whilglia-m
- I
. to di*ea*R of Women and Children aW wme ekeellent val*ft. Ulan Mary C"".11 tia"t bt-en temollinx I . I I L .1 . . , - , .1 I P
. -f s tia4i,g at the' !kcbes,il he4 in 1, I I . ,.
Thig great hand-written Bible is tl Ner"us Diasm. I , r ' the MtrAn" I I 1 I M ..
is Mb'dm from, tha hith"t to the lowut Dr, Celder devotn PpKftl attentiol I * 0 S thP, AhftMC'f' Or Mf"- W0011'q Wll* 1% al h4 -r 4
piled of written testimonials frain 12,000 wn J, G' TEWART 10, I
i rank. The King and Queen of an 1W no fit to eonmr,-- 1XVm" of the Hyf FAt, 1400 SW h,n,m.* MV104 to I+fw#M, .. 0 1 1 1 4 *,.
'i I tnae attentkn &*fWh UPOIA thS vma" Vwm U- AdOw *I = Aaft" A" Titeml. sy" t6;Qg7 tvaw. GLW WINGHAK I . I I
1. , & 1p, 1
16 Ufa &&_Ikkaga I - I - 0h.db._ - * PMW17 ftvad . I W% . I I I I . I
. . . . . ,;,,, , - I I
, Aj ) ,-I - 111010 I I r. 11, rw" Mir 00" 1W TWWAW , I xw wov" 20" .. .
i 4 **** ,%* *4 Jd QW -AWN, __ I . __ I . I I - . I I I ", - 9 I.C. 11 , 11 L I - .. ( 4
- 1. 11 1 I , k , . . . . 1; . I . k
. . . 11 A.'i' ,., L I , I L k i I I
I .. 10 I I 1. . . 4 : L' -4, ", L -, I . . . L . . , ,,,I. , " ., f . L ._ . ,
i ' .. . , I * , ,"t 4L , .1 I 1, & %A11 - I I -1 I I . .f, 1 . I
I - - I L 11 I f
all j& , I I . 4' 4 1
11 I& - , , , , '. i '^ F, .. , I 1.
, , A 11 4 I .
. Aim, .&, 'a ( ' L 11 I , . L ie k I I
I ==", ` Ai"1141fm i " Amo,-, 1"; "Aii,114, - I L I M % ,!;
* - 0,4", , I "6 & # __ & .:%X. ) . I 't . I I
. ,L , .." ` . ! -
) k v . .
- I